PUB. 116





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The aids to navigation depicted on charts comprise a system consisting of fixed and floating aids with varying degrees of reliability. Therefore, prudent mariners will not rely solely on any single aid to navigation, particularly a floating aid. The buoy symbol is used to indicate the approximate position of the buoy body and the sinker which secures the buoy to the seabed. The approximate position is used because of practical limitations in positioning and maintaining buoys and their sinkers in precise geographical locations. These limitations include, but are not limited to, inherent imprecisions in position fixing methods, prevailing atmospheric and sea conditions, the slope of and the material making up the seabed, the fact that buoys are moored to sinkers by varying lengths of chain, and the fact that buoy and/or sinker positions are not under continuous surveillance but are normally checked only during periodic maintenance visits which often occur more than a year apart. The position of the buoy body can be expected to shift inside and outside the charting symbol due to the forces of nature. The mariner is also cautioned that buoys are liable to be carried away, shifted, capsized, sunk, etc. Lighted buoys may be extinguished or sound signals may not function as the result of ice or other natural causes, collisions, or other accidents. For the foregoing reasons, a prudent mariner must not rely completely upon the position or operation of floating aids to navigation, but will also utilize bearings from fixed objects and aids to navigation on shore. Further, a vessel attempting to pass close aboard always risks collision with a yawing buoy or with the obstruction the buoy marks.

PREFACE The 2007 edition of Pub. 116, List of Lights, Radio Aids and Fog Signals for Baltic Sea with Kattegat, Belts and Sound and Gulf of Bothnia, cancels the previous edition of Pub. 116. This edition contains information available to the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) up to 28 July 2007, including Notice to Mariners No. 30 of 2007. A summary of corrections subsequent to the above date will be in Section II of the Notice to Mariners which announced the issuance of this publication. In the interval between new editions, corrective information affecting this publication will be published in the Notice to Mariners and must be applied in order to keep this publication current. Nothing in the manner of presentation of information in this publication or in the arrangement of material implies endorsem*nt or acceptance by NGA in matters affecting the status and boundaries of States and Territories.


YEAR 2008










































































































TABLE OF CONTENTS Index Chartlet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Back of front cover Preface and Record of Corrections Published in Weekly Notice to Mariners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V IALA Buoyage System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VI Maritime Division Web site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VII Description (Lights, Buoys, RACONs, RAMARKs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IX Characteristics of Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X Nomenclature of Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XII Lightships, Superbuoys, and Offshore Light Stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XIV Fog Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .XVII Visibility Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XVIII Conversion Table — Feet to Whole Meters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XIX Radiobeacons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XX Description (Radiobeacons) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .XXV Table of Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XXVI Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XXIX Description (Differential GPA Stations) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .XXX List of Lights for:

Section 1 West Coast of Sweden Sweden-West Coast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Sweden-Kattegat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Section 2 East Coast of Denmark and Flensburger Forde Including Lillebaelt Denmark-Kattegat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Denmark-Kattegat and Belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Denmark and Germany-Flensborg Fjord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Section 3 Northeast Coast of Germany, Storegaelt, Sjaelland, Lolland and Falster Including Kieler Bucht and Mecklenburger Bucht Germany-Kiel Bay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Germany-Mecklenburger Bucht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Denmark-Store Baelt (Great Belt) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Denmark-Smaalands Farvandet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Denmark-Baltic Sea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Section 4 The Sound and Bornholm Denmark-the Sound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Sweden-the Sound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Denmark-Bornholm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

Section 5 Germany, Poland, Russia and South Coast of Sweden Germany-Baltic Sea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Poland-Baltic Sea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Poland-Germany-Baltic Sea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Poland-Baltic Sea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Russia-Baltic Sea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Sweden-Southeast Coast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98


Section 6 Baltic Sea - East Coast of Sweden and Gotland Including Oland Sweden-Baltic Sea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Sweden-Gotland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

Section 7 Gulf of Bothnia - East Coast of Sweden Including Alands Sea Sweden-Ahvenan Meri (Alands Sea) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 Sweden-Gulf of Bothnia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141

Section 8 Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Russia Including Gulf of Riga Lithuania-Baltic Sea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Latvia-Baltic Sea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Latvia-Gulf of Riga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Estonia-Gulf of Riga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Estonia-Baltic Sea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Estonia-Gulf of Finland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Russia-Gulf of Finland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

172 172 175 180 184 185 188

Section 9 South Coast of Finland and Aland Islands Finland-Gulf of Finland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195, 199 Russia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 Finland-Ahvenanmaa (Aland Islands) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211

Section 10 Gulf of Bothnia - West Coast of Finland Finland-Gulf of Bothnia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214

Section 11 Radiobeacons Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Poland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Russia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Latvia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Russia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Finland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

238 238 238 238 239 239

Section 12 Differential GPS Stations Denmark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Poland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Finland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sweden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

241 241 241 241

Index-Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Index-Radiobeacons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Index-Differential GPS Beacons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cross Reference-International vs. U.S. Light Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

243 255 257 259


INTRODUCTION The date to which this publication has been corrected can be found in the Preface. In the interval between new editions, corrective information affecting this publication will be published in Section II of Notice to Mariners, and must be applied to keep this publication current. All of these corrections should be applied in the appropriate places and their insertion noted in the “Record of Corrections.” Mariners and other users are requested to forward new or corrective information useful in the correction of this publication to:

The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency publishes a List of Lights, Radio Aids and Fog Signals in seven volumes divided geographically as shown on the index chartlet on the inside front cover of this book. Major fixed and outermost floating aids to navigation, such as sea buoys, safety fairway buoys, traffic separation buoys, etc., are listed. Other floating aids are not generally listed. Storm signals, signal stations, radio direction finders, radiobeacons, RACONs and RAMARKs located at or near lights are found in this List. Radiobeacons are listed in a separate section in the back of this publication.





THE NATIONAL GEOSPATIAL-INTELLIGENCE AGENCY MARITIME DIVISION WEB SITE The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Marine Navigation Web site provides worldwide remote query access to extensive menus of maritime safety information 24 hours a day. Databases made available for access, query and download include Notice to Mariners, Publications, Broadcast Warnings, Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) Reports, Anti-Shipping Activity Messages (ASAMs), Arctic Maritime Safety Information (AMSI) Reports, Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODUs), Product Catalog and Miscellaneous Products. Publications that are also made available as PDF files include the U.S. Notice to Mariners, U.S. Chart No. 1, The American Practical Navigator (Bowditch), International Code of Signals, Radio Navigational Aids, World Port Index, Distances Between Ports, Sight Reduction Tables for Marine and Air Navigation, Radar Navigation and Maneuvering Board Manual. The Maritime Division Web site can be accessed via the NGA Homepage ( under the Products and Services link or directly at Any questions concerning the Maritime Division Web site should be directed to: MARITIME DIVISION ATTN: NSS STAFF ST D 44 NATIONAL GEOSPATIAL-INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 4600 SANGAMORE ROAD BETHESDA, MD 20816-5003 Telephone: (1) 301-227-3296 or DSN 287-3296 Fax: (1) 301-227-4211 E-mail: [emailprotected]



Geographic names or their spellings do not necessarily reflect recognition of the political status of an area by the United States Government. The names of lights may differ from geographic names on charts.

Information is tabulated in eight columns as follows: Column 1: The number assigned to each light, RACON or RAMARK by this Agency. International numbers are listed below this number in italic type and in a cross reference in the back of the book. RACONs and RAMARKs located at a light are listed with the light. Those not located at a light are assigned separate numbers. Column 2: Name and descriptive location of the light or buoy, RACON or RAMARK. A dash (-) or dashes (--) in this column is used to reduce repetition of principal geographic names. This column is intended to describe the location of the navigational aid and to distinguish it from others in proximity. Differences in type indicate the following: Bold-faced: Lights intended for landfall or having a visibility (range) of 15 miles or more. Italics: Floating aids. ITALICS CAPITALS: Lightships and LANBYs. Roman: All other lights not mentioned above. Column 3: Approximate latitude and longitude of a navigational aid to the nearest tenth of a minute, intended to facilitate chart orientation (use column 2 and the appropriate chart for precise positioning). Column 4: Light, buoy, RACON or RAMARK characteristic (see Characteristics of Lights chart for explanation of lights). Column 5: Height of light in feet (Roman type) equivalent measurement (below) given in meters (Bold-faced type). Column 6: Range. The distance, expressed in nautical miles, that a light can be seen in clear weather or that a RACON or RAMARK can be received. Column 7: Description of the structure and its height in feet. Note–Stripes are vertical. Bands are horizontal. The use of the term “diagonal stripes” is the exception. Column 8: Remarks–sectors, fog signals, radar reflectors, minor lights close by, radiobeacons, storm signals, signal stations, radio direction finders, and other pertinent information.

ABBREVIATIONS Where the lights of different countries intermingle in the list they are distinguished by the following letters: (D.) (F.) (G.)

Denmark Finland Germany

(P.) (R.) (S.)

Poland Russia Sweden

Other abbreviations: Al.—alternating bl.—blast Bu.—blue Dir.—directional ec.—eclipsed ev.—every F.—fixed Fl.—flashing fl.—flash G.—green horiz.—horizontal intens.—intensified I.Q.— interrupted quick flashing Iso.—isophase I.V.Q.—interrupted very quick flashing Km.— kilometer (0.62137 mile) L.Fl.—long flashing


lt.—lit Mo.—Morse code min.—minute obsc.—obscured Oc.—occulting Or.—orange Q.—quick flashing R.—red s.—seconds si.—silent U.Q.—ultra quick flashing unintens.—unintensified vert.—vertical Vi.—violet vis.—visible V.Q.— very quick flashing W.—white Y.—yellow








The total duration of light in a period is longer than the total duration of darkness and the intervals of darkness (eclipses) are usually of equal duration. Eclipse regularly repeated.

Group occulting


An occulting light for which a group of eclipses, specified in number, is regularly repeated.

Composite group occulting


A light similar to a group occulting light except that successive groups in a period have different numbers of eclipses.



A light for which all durations of light and darkness are clearly equal.



A light for which the total duration of light in a period is shorter than the total duration of darkness and the appearances of light (flashes) are usually of equal duration (at a rate of less than 50 flashes per minute).

Long flashing


A single flashing light for which an appearance of light of not less than 2 sec. duration (long flash) is regularly repeated.

Group flashing


A flashing light for which a group of flashes, specified in number, is regularly repeated.

Composite group flashing


A light similar to a group flashing light except that successive groups in a period have different numbers of flashes.

Quick flashing


A light for which a flash is regularly repeated at a rate of not less than 50 flashes per minute but less than 80 flashes per minute.

Group quick flashing


A light for which a specified group of flashes is regularly repeated; flashes are repeated at a rate of not less than 50 flashes per minute but less than 80 flashes per minute.

A continuous and steady light.








Interrupted quick flashing


A light for which the sequence of quick flashes is interrupted by regularly repeated eclipses of constant and long duration.

Very quick flashing


A light for which a flash is regularly repeated at a rate of not less than 80 flashes per minute but less than 160 flashes per minute.

Group very quick flashing


A light for which a specified group of very quick flashes is regularly repeated.




Interrupted very quick flashing


A light for which the sequence of very quick flashes is interrupted by regularly repeated eclipses of constant and long duration.

Ultra quick flashing


A light for which a flash is regularly repeated at a rate of not less than 160 flashes per minute.

Interrupted ultra quick flashing


A light for which the sequence of ultra quick flashes is interrupted by regularly repeated eclipses of constant and long duration.

Morse code


A light for which appearances of light of two clearly different durations are grouped to represent a character or characters in Morse Code.

Fixed and flashing


A light for which a fixed light is combined with a flashing light of greater luminous intensity.

Alternating light


A light showing alternately.



NOTE - Alternating lights may be used in combined form with most of the previous types of lights.


NOMENCLATURE OF LIGHTS (a) Tidal light—shown at the entrance of a harbor, to indicate tide and tidal current conditions within the harbor. (b) Fishing light—for the use of fishermen and shown when required. (c) Private light—maintained by a private authority for its own purposes. The mariner should exercise special caution when using a private light for general navigation. Seasonal lights—usually shown only during the navigation season or for a lesser time period within that season. Articulated lights—offshore aids to navigation consisting of a length of pipe attached directly to a sinker by means of a pivot or such other device employing the principle of the universal joint. The positional integrity is intermediary between that of a buoy and a fixed aid. Aeronautical lights—lights of high intensity which may be the first lights observed at night from vessels approaching the coast. Those lights situated near the coast are listed in the List of Lights in order that the navigator may be able to obtain more information concerning their description. These lights are not designed or maintained for marine navigation and they are subject to change without prompt notification. These lights are indicated in this List by the designation AVIATION LIGHT and are placed in geographical sequence in the body of the text along with lights for surface navigation. Aeromarine lights—marine-type lights for which part of the beam is deflected to an angle of 10 to 15 degrees above the horizon to facilitate use by aircraft. Sector limits and arcs of visibility—these are arranged clockwise and are given from seaward toward the light. Thus, in the diagram, the sectors of the light are defined as: obscured from shore to 302°, red to 358°, green to 052°, white to shore. These are bearings of the light as seen from a vessel crossing the sector lines. Under some conditions of the atmosphere, white lights may have a reddish hue. The mariner should not judge solely by color where there are sectors but should verify this position by taking a bearing of the light. On either side of the line of demarcation between white and red there is always a small sector of uncertain color, as the edges of a sector of visibility cannot be clearly defined. When a light is obscured by adjoining land and the arc of visibility is given, the bearing on which the light disappears may vary with the distance from which it is observed. When the light is cut off by a sloping point of land or hill, the light may be seen over a wider arc by a ship farther off than by one closer. Bearings—all bearings are true, measured clockwise from 000°, and given in degrees or degrees and minutes.

Lights exhibit a distinctive appearance by which they are recognized, e.g. Fixed, Flashing, Group Flashing, etc. The properties of their appearance, by which they are distinguished, are referred to as the characteristics of the light. The principal characteristics are generally the sequence of intervals of light and darkness, and, in some cases, the sequence of colors of light exhibited. Fixed lights—those which exhibit a continuous steady light. Rhythmic lights—those which exhibit a sequence of intervals of light and eclipse (repeated at regular intervals) in a manner described in Chart No. 1 and this volume. Alternating lights—rhythmic lights which exhibit different colors during each sequence. Period of a light—the time occupied by an entire cycle of intervals of light(s) and eclipse(s). Range: Meteorological visibility—the greatest distance at which a black object of suitable dimensions can be seen and recognized against the horizon sky or, in the case of night observations, could be seen and recognized if the general illumination were raised to the normal daylight level. Luminous range of a light—the greatest distance at which a light can be seen merely as a function of its luminous intensity, the meteorological visibility, and the sensitivity of the observer’s eyes. Nominal range of the light—the luminous range of a light in a hom*ogeneous atmosphere in which the meteorological visibility is 10 nautical miles. Geographical range of a light—the greatest distance at which a light can be seen as a function of the curvature of the earth, the height of the light source and the height of the observer. The visibility of a light is usually the distance that it can be seen in clear weather and is expressed in nautical miles. Visibilities listed are values received from foreign sources. Range lights—two or more lights at different elevations, so situated to form a range (leading line) when brought into transit. The light nearest the observer is the front light and the one farthest from the observer is the rear light. The front light is normally at a lower elevation than the rear light. Directional lights—lights illuminating a sector of very narrow angle and intended to mark a direction to be followed. Vertical lights—Two or more lights disposed vertically or geometrically to form a triangle, square, or other figure. If the individual lights serve different purposes, those of lesser importance are called Auxiliary lights. Occasional lights—lights exhibited only when specially needed:



LIGHTSHIPS, SUPERBUOYS, AND OFFSHORE LIGHT STATIONS Courses should be set to pass all floating aids to navigation with sufficient clearance to avoid the possibility of collision from any cause. Experience shows that floating aids to navigation cannot be safely used as leading marks to be passed close aboard, but should always be left broad off the course, whenever searoom permits. When approaching a lightship, superbuoy, or a station on a submarine site on radio bearings, the risk of collision will be avoided by insuring that the radio bearing does not remain constant. Most lightships and large buoys are anchored with a very long scope of chain and, as a result, the radius of their swinging circle is considerable. The charted position is the location of the anchor. Furthermore, under certain conditions of wind and current, they are subject to sudden and unexpected sheers which are certain to hazard a vessel attempting to pass close aboard. During extremely heavy weather and due to their exposed locations, lightships may be carried off station. The mariner should, therefore, not implicitly rely on a lightship maintaining its precisely charted position during and immediately following severe storms. A lightship known to be off station will secure her light, fog signal, and radiobeacon and fly the International Code signal “LO” signifying “I am not in my correct position.” In the Baltic Sea, when lights with sectors of differing colors are encountered, the fairway is usually covered by a white sector to a vessel approaching the light, a green sector to starboard and a red sector to port. The white navigational sector may be very narrow and special care should be taken to keep on its center line. In winter, most of the lighthouses and their surroundings are covered with snow and are difficult to distinguish. Due to frequent “snow bursts” one light may be showing at its full brilliancy while another in the same vicinity may be completely obscured even though the visibility may appear to be exceptional; for the same reason a light showing at full brilliancy may suddenly become obscured. Russian lights are shown throughout the winter when icebreakers are working. The latest Russian charts and publications give only sufficient details for navigation to the ports open to international trade. Thus, in this volume, only those lights along the routes to such ports can be assumed to be correct. Elsewhere, the latest available information, often not recent, is listed. Radio navigational aids and certain lights on the Russian Arctic coast and adjacent islands north of the Arctic Circle, from Novaya Zemlya east to the Bering Strait, have been omitted due to the lack of reliable information. Russian lightships are on their station during periods of navigation. They leave their stations only when forced to do so because of ice and are then replaced as soon as pos-

sible. Lightships, by day, show a ball over a yellow flag with a blue St. George’s cross. If a vessel is seen standing into danger the signal “NF” of the International Code of Signals is hoisted, and if not immediately seen, rockets with two explosions and bright stars may be fired every minute; by night the rockets only are used. When not on their proper stations, the lightships discontinue their characteristic lights and fog signals and if possible lower their daymarks. They will show, instead, two black balls, one forward and one aft, or two red lights, one forward and one aft. In addition they will hoist the International Code Signal “LO”, or will show a red and white flare-up light or flash simultaneously at least every 15 minutes. Red flags may be displayed in place of the black balls and red and white lights shown simultaneously may be used in place of the flare-up light or flash. A lightship under way shows the same lights and makes the same sound signals as other vessels underway, and if proceeding under its own power, hoists two black balls, one forward and one aft. Relief lightships are painted red and equipped with two masts. By day they show a red ball at each mast, and by night exhibit a fixed red light from the same positions. Fog signals are sounded and warning signals described above are employed. Fog bells at Russian lighthouses and lightships are sounded, unless otherwise stated, in the following uniform manner: At lighthouses: In groups of double strokes, the interval between the groups being not more than 3 minutes. On board lightships: In groups of triple strokes, the interval between the groups being not more than 2 minutes. When the fog signal of an approaching vessel is heard, the interval between the double or triple strokes in the groups is reduced and the bell is sounded continuously in double or triple strokes until the vessel is past the light or clear of danger. Swedish lights are exhibited 15 minutes after sunset and extinguished at sunrise. Unless otherwise stated, they are shown throughout the year except when navigation in their vicinity is blocked by ice. Many of the smaller lights in Sweden are private lights, which are not constantly maintained. Swedish lightships only leave their stations when forced to because of ice and are then replaced as soon as circ*mstances allow. Should a vessel be observed standing into danger, guns may be fired. Reserve lightships are painted red with “RESERV” in white on both sides. Swedish lightships, when out of position, discontinue their characteristic lights and fog signals and, if possible, will lower their daymarks. The following signals are


Lightships, when out of position either because they have drifted or are on passage to their station or harbor, discontinue their characteristic lights and fog signals. If they have drifted out of position they will show: By day—two black balls, one forward and one aft, and hoist the International Code Signal “LO”. By night—two red lights will be shown, one forward and one aft; also one red and one white light will be shown simultaneously over the gunwale at least every 15 minutes. A lightship under way shows the same lights, and makes the same sound signals as other vessels under way, and if proceeding under its own power, hoists two black balls, one forward and one aft. They are kept on their stations as long as ice permits and, when forced to leave, return as soon as circ*mstances allow. Fog signals are sounded when visibility is 3 miles or less. Should the mechanical fog signal be disabled, a hand horn is used. Should a vessel be observed to be running into danger, the Morse letter “U” will be made by siren or flashing light, the International Code flag “U” hoisted. When pilots are available, a flag is displayed at the masthead of the lightship, upper half white, lower half red. By night, pilot signals are answered by burning a flare.

shown: By day—(a) Two black balls, one forward and one aft. Red flags may be substituted for the balls. (b) The International Code Signal “LO”. By night—(a) Two red lights, one forward and one aft. (b) Two flare-ups (one white and one red) or flashes shown simultaneously every 15 minutes. A red and white light may be used in place of the flare-ups. A lightship underway shows the same lights and makes the same sound as other vessels underway. All principal Finnish lights are exhibited from sunset to sunrise and are shown when navigation is open. Lights southward of 62° N. are extinguished from June 15th to July 1st; lights northward of 62° N. are extinguished from May 25th to July 20th. Finnish lightships carry a riding light on the forestay. When not on their proper stations, the regular lights will be extinguished, no fog signals sounded, the daymarks removed if possible, and the following signals shown: By day—(a) Two black balls, one forward and one aft. (b) The International Code Signal “LO”. By night—Two red lights, one forward and one aft; also one red and white light will be shown simultaneously over the gunwale at least every 15 minutes. Lightships are kept on their stations as long as ice conditions permit and, if forced to leave, return as soon as circ*mstances allow. If the mechanical fog signal is disabled, a bell will be rung. When a pilot is stationed on board and is available, the International Code Flag “H” will be flown by day and a blue flare exhibited at night. If the pilot is absent or unable to leave the vessel, the International Code Flag “H” will be hoisted and lowered immediately. Explanation will be given by International Code Signal, or at night by Morse code. A lightship under way shows the same lights and makes the same sound signals as other vessels under way and, if proceeding under its own power, will hoist two black balls, one forward and one aft. German lightships may be driven from their stations by ice, but are replaced as soon as circ*mstances allow. When out of position by day they hoist the International Code Signal “LO”, two red flags, one forward and one aft, and the distinguishing masthead mark is lowered. By night two red lights are shown, one forward and one aft. In addition, at intervals of less than 15 minutes, one white and one red light are displayed horizontally 9 feet apart from the deck for a period of one minute. In fog, only the bell fog signals prescribed in the navigation regulations are sounded. If a vessel is seen standing into danger a gun will be fired (groups of 2 reports at intervals of 3 minutes), the bell will be rung and signals made in accordance with the International Code of Signals. Danish lights are exhibited 15 minutes after sunset and extinguqished 15 minutes before sunrise. Danish lightships carry a riding light on the forestay.

WRECKING-MARKING VESSELS A vessel marking a wreck in Danish or Swedish waters can be either a lightship or some other vessel fitted as such, but the hull is usually of some color other than red and will be distinguished as follows: By day—Three green balls displayed from a yard; one ball on the yardarm nearest the wreck, and two balls vertically disposed on the other yardarm. By night—A bell is sounded for about 10 seconds at intervals of not more than two minutes. During fog—A bell is sounded for about 10 seconds at intervals of not more than 2 minutes. When the vessel is anchored in a direction between north and east from the wreck, a bell sounds a series of double strokes. When a vessel is anchored in a direction between south and west from the wreck, a bell sounds a series of single strokes. Wreck-marking lighted buoys, which are painted green, exhibit a green group flashing light, giving two flashes when moored in a direction between N and E of the wreck, and a green flashing light when moored in a direction S and W of the wreck. Wreck-marking spar buoys, which are painted green, have two green flags when moored in a direction between N and E of the wreck, and one green flag when moored in the direction S and W of the wreck; reflectors, when fitted, are green. Wreck mark are always placed in the northeast or south-


west quadrants from the wreck and between the latter and the main traffic route. In open water they are placed as nearly as possible northeastward or southwestward from the wreck; the narrow channels they are placed as nearly as possible on a line from the wreck at right angles to the direction of the channel, so that it may be necessary to place the marking on one side or the other of appropriate quadrant. In Danish waters, a wreck, or other obstruction which shows above water, may be marked by a quick flashing light displayed on the wreck or obstruction itself. This light will be white when an inbound vessel is to keep the wreck to her starboard hand, and red when she is to keep it on her port hand. When another vessel is considered to be approaching too closely, one or more warning shots will be fired if possible from the wreck-marking vessel. A vessel marking a wreck in German waters shall be painted green and may be marked “WRACK” or “W” in white. Temporary wreckmarking vessels may be painted some color other than green, but shall display a green board with the word “WRACK” in white letters on each side. The following lights and shapes are displayed: To be passed on the mariner's starboard hand: By day—A green cone point up above two green balls, arranged vertically.

By night—Three fixed green lights arranged vertically. Fog signal—Three strokes in succession on a bell, at intervals of not more than 30 seconds, or the rapid ringing of a bell for 5 seconds followed by 5 single strokes. To be passed on the mariner's port hand: By day—A green cylinder above a green ball, disposed vertically. By night—Two fixed green lights, disposed vertically. Fog signal—Two strokes in succession on a bell, at intervals of not more than 30 seconds, or the rapid ringing of a bell for 5 seconds followed by 5 double strokes. To be passed on either hand: By day—Two green balls, disposed vertically, at either end of a crossyard. By night—Two fixed green lights, disposed vertically, at either end of a crossyard. Fog signal—Four strokes in succession on a bell, at intervals of not more than 30 seconds, or the rapid ringing of a bell for 5 seconds followed by 2 groups of 4 single strokes. Note—The ordinary riding light for a vessel at anchor is not exhibited. If a vessel is seen to be running into danger, a gun will be fired (groups of 2 reports at intervals of 3 minutes), the bell will be rung and signals made in accordance with the International Code of Signals.


FOG SIGNALS The function of a fog signal in the system of aids to navigation is to warn of danger and to provide the mariner with an audible means of approximating his position relative to the fog signal when the station, or any visual signal which it displays, is obscured from view by atmospheric conditions. Fog signals depend upon the transmission of sound through air. As aids to navigation, they have certain inherent defects that should be considered. Sound travels through the air in a variable and frequently unpredictable manner. It has been established that: fog signals are heard at greatly varying distances and that the distance at which a fog signal can be heard may vary with the bearing of the signal and may be different on different occasions; under certain conditions of atmosphere, when a fog signal has a combination of high and low tones, it is not unusual for one of the tones to be inaudible. In the case of sirens, which produce a varying tone, portions of the blast may not be heard; there are occasionally areas close to the signal in which it is wholly inaudible. This is particularly true when the fog signal is screened by intervening land or other obstructions; fog may exist a short distance from a station and not be observable from it, so that the signal may not be in operation; even though a fog signal may not be heard from the deck or bridge of a ship when the engines are in motion, it may be heard when the ship is stopped, or from a quiet position. Sometimes it may be heard from aloft though not on deck; the intensity of the sound emitted by a fog signal may be greater at a distance than in immediate proximity. All these considerations point to the necessity for the utmost caution when navigating near land in fog. Particular attention should be given to placing lookouts in positions in which the noises in the ship are least likely to interfere with hearing a fog signal. Fog signals are valuable as warnings, but the mariner should not place implicit reliance upon them in navigating his vessel. They should be considered solely as warning devices. Among the devices in common use as fog signals are: Radiobeacons which broadcast simple dot-and-dash combinations by means of a transmitter emitting modulated continuous waves; Diaphones which produce sound by means of a slotted reciprocating piston actuated by compressed air. Blasts

may consist of two tones of different pitch, in which case the first part of the blast is high and the last of a low pitch. These alternate pitch signals are called “two-tone;” Diaphragm horns which produce sound by means of a diaphragm vibrated by compressed air, steam, or electricity. Duplex or triplex horn units of differing pitch produce a chime signal; Nautophones, electrically operated instruments, each comprising a vibrating diaphragm, fitted with a horn, which emits a high note similar in power and tone to that of the reed; Reed horns which produce sound by means of a steel reed vibrator by compressed air; Sirens which produce sound by means of either a disk or a cup-shaped rotor actuated by compressed air or electricity; Whistles which produce sound by compressed air emitted through a circumferential slot into a cylindrical bell chamber; Bells which are sounded by means of a hammer actuated by hand, wave motion, by a descending weight, compressed gas, or electricity; Guns and explosive signals which are produced by firing of explosive charges, the former being discharged from a gun, and the latter being exploded in midair; Fog Detector Lights—certain light stations, in addition to the main light, are equipped with fog detector lights for automatic detection of fog. These lights sweep back and forth through an area over which the fog watch is necessary, showing a powerful bluish-white flash of about 1 second in duration. The interval between successive flashes will vary with the position of the vessel within the sector. At the limits of the sector the duration of the flash may be considerably longer than 1 second. Fog detector lights operate continuously. Standby fog signals are sounded at some of the light and fog signal stations when the main fog signal is inoperative. Some of these standby fog signals are of a different type and characteristic than the main fog signal. Radiobeacons, RACONs, RAMARKs, and radio direction-finders are mentioned in the List of Lights, but for detailed information, including the synchronization of radio signals and sound signals for distance finding, the navigator should consult Pub. 117, Radio Navigational Aids. Note—use Chart No. 1 for the complete list of symbols and abbreviations commonly used in presenting the essential characteristics of lights, fog signals, and radio aids found on charts.


VISIBILITY TABLE Table of distances at which objects can be seen at sea according to their respective elevations and the elevation of the eye of the observer. Height in Feet

Distance in geographic or nautical miles

Height in feet

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

1.2 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.6 2.9 3.1 3.3 3.5 3.7 3.9 4.1 4.2 4.4 4.5 4.7 4.8 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.4 5.5

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

Distance in geographic or nautical miles

5.6 5.7 5.9 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8

Height in feet

45 46 47 48 49 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130

Distance in geographic or nautical miles

Height in feet

7.8 7.9 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.7 9.1 9.4 9.8 10.1 10.5 10.8 11.1 11.4 11.7 12.0 12.3 12.5 12.8 13.1 13.3

Explanation.—The line of sight connecting the observer and a distant object is at maximum length tangent with the spherical surface of the sea. It is from this point of tangency that the tabular distances are calculated. The table must accordingly be entered twice to obtain the actual geographic visibility of the object—first with the height of the object, and second with the height of the observer’s eye—and the two figures so obtained must be added. Thus, if it is desired to find the maximum distance

135 140 145 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330

Distance in geographic or nautical miles

13.6 13.8 14.1 14.3 14.8 15.3 15.7 16.1 16.5 17.0 17.4 17.7 18.1 18.5 18.9 19.2 19.6 19.9 20.3 20.6 20.9 21.3

Height in feet

340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 520 540 560 580

Distance in geographic or nautical miles

21.6 21.9 22.2 22.5 22.8 23.1 23.4 23.7 24.0 24.3 24.5 24.8 25.1 25.4 25.6 25.9 26.2 26.7 27.2 27.7 28.2

Height in feet

600 620 640 660 680 700 720 740 760 780 800 820 840 860 880 900 920 940 960 980 1000

Distance in geographic or nautical miles

28.7 29.1 29.5 30.1 30.5 31.0 31.4 31.8 32.3 32.7 33.1 33.5 33.9 34.3 34.7 35.1 35.5 35.9 36.3 36.6 37.0

at which a powerful light may be seen from the bridge of a vessel where the height of eye of the observer is 55 feet above the sea, from the table:

Nautical Miles 55 feet height of observer(visible) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.7 200 feet height of light(visible) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.5 Distance visible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.2














1 2 3 4

0 1 1 1

40 41 42 43 44

12 12 13 13 13

80 81 82 83 84

24 25 25 25 26

120 121 122 123 124

37 37 37 37 38

160 161 162 163 164

49 49 49 50 50

200 300 400 500 600

61 91 122 152 183

5 6 7 8 9

2 2 2 2 3

45 46 47 48 49

14 14 14 15 15

85 86 87 88 89

26 26 27 27 27

125 126 127 128 129

38 38 39 39 39

165 166 167 168 169

50 51 51 51 52

700 800 900 1000

213 244 274 305

10 11 12 13 14

3 3 4 4 4

50 51 52 53 54

15 16 16 16 16

90 91 92 93 94

27 28 28 28 29

130 131 132 133 134

40 40 40 41 41

170 171 172 173 174

52 52 52 53 53

15 16 17 18 19

5 5 5 5 6

55 56 57 58 59

17 17 17 18 18

95 96 97 98 99

29 29 30 30 30

135 136 137 138 139

41 41 42 42 42

175 176 177 178 179

53 54 54 54 55

20 21 22 23 24

6 6 7 7 7

60 61 62 63 64

18 19 19 19 20

100 101 102 103 104

30 31 31 31 32

140 141 142 143 144

43 43 43 44 44

180 181 182 183 184

55 55 55 56 56

25 26 27 28 29

8 8 8 9 9

65 66 67 68 69

20 20 20 21 21

105 106 107 108 109

32 32 33 33 33

145 146 147 148 149

44 45 45 45 45

185 186 187 188 189

56 57 57 57 58

30 31 32 33 34

9 9 10 10 10

70 71 72 73 74

21 22 22 22 23

110 111 112 113 114

34 34 34 34 35

150 151 152 153 154

46 46 46 47 47

190 191 192 193 194

58 58 59 59 59

35 36 37 38 39

11 11 11 12 12

75 76 77 78 79

23 23 23 24 24

115 116 117 118 119

35 35 36 36 36

155 156 157 158 159

47 48 48 48 48

195 196 197 198 199

59 60 60 60 61


RADIOBEACONS radiobeacons located on the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts, and Great Lakes at any time in their assigned sequence.


Aeronautical Radio Aids

Radio direction-finder sets on board ship enable bearings to be taken of transmissions from other ships, aircraft, shore stations, marine radiobeacons, and the coastal stations of the radio communication network. When located in the pilothouse or on the navigating bridge, the direction-finder enables the navigating officer to obtain bearings himself without reference to others and without delay. Due to the great value of radio bearings, particularly when visibility is poor and when celestial observations cannot be obtained, the radio direction-finder on board ship deserves the same consideration and care as are given to the sextant and compass. It has the following characteristics in common with the two latter navigational instruments: the readings are subject to certain errors; these errors may be reduced by skillful and intelligent operation; the dangers of using erroneous readings may be greatly reduced by the intelligence and good judgment of the mariner. In order to acquire experienced judgment in the operation of the instrument, it is essential that the mariner use it as much as practicable. Troubles from interference and weak signals are greatly reduced by the use of direction-finders of proper selectivity. The bearings must be corrected for radio deviation as shown by the calibration curve of the set.

Aeronautical radiobeacons and radio ranges are often used by navigators of marine craft in the same manner as marine radiobeacons are used for determining lines of positions. They are particularly useful along coasts where marine broadcast coverage is inadequate. Aeronautical aids situated inland become less trustworthy, so far as ships are concerned, when high land intervenes between them and the coast. They are established to be of primary usefulness to aircraft, and surface craft should use these aids with caution. Only those aeronautical radiobeacons considered to be of use to the mariner have been selected for inclusion in this publication. AERONAUTICAL RADIOBEACONS. Like marine radiobeacons, these aids broadcast a characteristic signal on a fixed frequency. NOTE: The assigned frequency of aeronautical radiobeacons is normally from 200 to 415 kHz while the frequency of marine radiobeacons is normally from 285 to 325 kHz. Aeronautical radiobeacons not within the marine radiobeacon band will not normally be listed in this publication. The range signals are interrupted at intervals to permit broadcast of the identification signal. In aviation publications the range leg bearings are most often given as magnetic bearings toward the station; in this publication they are given as true bearings toward the station. Unless otherwise stated in the station details, aeronautical radio aids mentioned in this publication transmit continuously. NOTE: Mariners are advised that changes to and deficiencies in aeronautical radio facilities are not always immediately available to maritime interests and the positions are approximate and listed to the nearest minute only.

Types of Radiobeacons 1. Directional radiobeacons which transmit radio waves in beams along fixed bearings. 2. Rotating radiobeacons by which a beam of radio waves is resolved in azimuth in a manner similar to the beam of light sent out by rotating lights. 3. Circular radiobeacons which send out waves of approximately uniform strength in all directions so that ships may take radio bearings of them by means of the ship’s radio direction-finder sets. This is the most common type of radiobeacon. To extend the usefulness of marine radiobeacons to ships and aircraft employing automatic radio direction finders, U.S. marine radiobeacons on the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts and Great Lakes have been modified to transmit a continuous carrier signal during the entire radiobeacon operating period with keyed modulation providing the characteristic signal. Unless a beat frequency oscillator is installed, the continuous carrier signals are not audible to the operator of an aural null direction finder. A ten second dash has been included in the characteristic of these radiobeacons, to enable the navigator using a conventional aural null direction finder to refine his bearing. Vessels with direction finders will be able to use the United States

Obligations of Administrations Operating Radiobeacons The obligations of nations and other administrations operating radiobeacons are given in Article 43 of the Radio Regulations of the International Telecommunication Union, Geneva. Accuracy of Bearings Taken Aboard Ship No exact rules can be given as to the accuracy to be expected in radio bearings taken by a ship as the accuracy depends to a large extent upon the skill of the ship’s operator, the condition of the ship’s equipment, and the accu-


racy of the ship’s calibration curve. Mariners are urged to obtain this information by taking frequent radio bearings when their ship’s position is accurately known and by recording the results. Normally, United States radiobeacons are operated in a group of six, each station in a group using the same frequency and transmitting for one minute in its proper sequence, and operate during all periods, either sequenced or continuously, regardless of weather conditions. SKILL OF OPERATOR: Skill in the operation of the radio direction-finder can be obtained only by practice and by observing the technical instructions for the set in question. For these reasons the operator should carefully study the instructions issued with the set and should practice taking bearings frequently. OPERATOR’S ERROR: As the operator obtains bearings by revolving the direction-finder coil until the signal disappears or becomes a minimum, the operator can tell by the size of the arc of silence or of minimum strength approximately how accurately the bearing has been taken. For instance, if the minimum is broad and the residual signal covers about 10° with equal strength, it is doubtful if the bearing can be accurately estimated. On the other hand, if a sharp minimum can be obtained, the operator can determine the bearing to within a half of a degree. In this connection it should be noted that a properly operating and correctly adjusted direction-finder should in no case produce other than a point or arc of absolute silence. That is, there should be no “residual” signal at the point or arc of observation. The sharpness and completeness of the arc of silence are the best indications of a properly operating direction-finder, and their absence is the best indication of the presence of “night effect.” SUNRISE, SUNSET, OR NIGHT EFFECT: Bearings obtained from about half an hour before sunset to about half an hour after sunrise may be subject to errors due to night effect. On some nights this effect is more pronounced than on others and effect is usually greatest during the hours of twilight. Night effect may be detected by a broadening of the arc of minimum signals and by a fluctuation in the strength of the signals. It may also be indicated by difficulty in obtaining a minimum or by a rapidly shifting minimum. It is sometimes accompanied by an actual shift in the direction of the bearings. If it is essential to obtain a bearing when the night effect is pronounced, several bearings should be taken over a short period of time and an average taken of them. RADIO DIRECTION FINDER WITHOUT GYRO REPEATERS: The ship’s compass must be read as the bearing is taken or an error may be introduced equal to the amount that the ship has yawed in the interval between taking the bearing and reading the compass. Any error in the ship’s compass must be applied to the bearing.

RECIPROCAL BEARINGS: In some direction-finder sets, the operator cannot tell from which side of the ship the signals are coming. With these sets the operator shall correct both bearings for their respective deviations and give both corrected bearings to the person who is plotting the bearings on the chart. If the mariner is in doubt as to the side of the ship from which the bearings are coming, this difficulty can usually be solved by having another bearing taken after the ship has steamed a short distance and noting in which direction the bearing is changing. CALIBRATION: It is essential that the radio direction-finder be accurately calibrated in order that the bearings may be corrected for deviation. While the bearings are being taken, other radio antennas on board must be in the same condition as they were when the calibration was made; movable parts of the ship’s superstructure such as booms, davits, wire rigging, etc., must be secured in the positions which they occupied when the direction-finder was calibrated. Unusual cargoes such as large quantities of metals and extraordinary conditions of loading may cause errors. The direction-finder should be recalibrated after any changes have been made in the set or its surroundings (this includes alterations to or changes in position of antennas, wire rigging, boat davits, booms, etc.) whenever there is reason to believe that the previous calibration has become inaccurate, and also at periodic intervals. The calibration must be made on approximately the same frequency or frequencies as will be used to take bearings because the deviation for several frequencies is not likely to be the same. It is believed that one calibration curve is satisfactory for the normal radiobeacon frequency (285 to 325 kHz), but the instructions issued by the manufacturer of the particular direction-finder in question should be studied in this connection. To facilitate the calibration of ship’s direction-finders, special arrangements have been made by some services for operation of their radiobeacons at times other than their published schedules. Information as to the arrangements made by the United States stations in this respect is as follows: Sequenced radiobeacons cannot broadcast at any time other than on their assigned operating minute for the purpose of enabling vessels to calibrate their radio direction finders without causing interference. Special radio direction finder calibration transmitters of short range are operated at certain localities to provide continuous calibration service. The position given for the antenna is the point from which the radiobeacon signal is emitted. If it is not practicable to determine the time of calibration sufficiently in advance to contact the district commander, request may be made directly to the stations by means of telephone, telegraph, or a whistle signal consisting of three long blasts; followed by three short blasts.


This whistle signal is to be repeated until it is acknowledged by the station through the starting of the transmitter. The same group of signals should be sounded at the termination of calibration. The work of the station personnel is not confined to standing watch and there may be times when the whistle request for calibration is not immediately heard, due to the noise from operating station machinery, etc. Usually, a repeated signal not too far from the station will attract attention. “COMPENSATED” RADIO DIRECTION-FINDERS: Many radio direction-finders are “compensated” and no calibration chart or curve is used. Attention is invited to the fact that such compensation is just as vulnerable as the calibration data due to changes made in the set or its surroundings. CHECK THE CALIBRATION: The calibration of compensation should be checked frequently by taking bearings when the ship’s position is accurately known and the results should be recorded for future reference. CALIBRATION RADIOBEACONS: In the United States and certain other areas special radiobeacons, primarily for calibrating shipboard direction-finders are in operation. These radiobeacons transmit either continuously during scheduled hours or upon request, as indicated in station details. COASTAL REFRACTION (OR LAND EFFECT): Errors may occur in bearings taken by ships so located that the line of observation to the radiobeacon passes over land or along the shore line. However, many observations seem to indicate that such errors are negligible when the observing vessel is well out from the shore. Bearings secured entirely over water areas are to be preferred since “land effect” is thus eliminated. Bearings taken at sunset and sunrise are likely to be erratic, and observations taken at these hours should therefore be repeated and checked as may be feasible. PROGRAM BROADCASTING STATIONS: Before taking bearings on a station broadcasting entertainment programs a mariner should consider that frequency may differ widely from the frequency for which the set is calibrated, that the published location of the station may be that of its studio and not that of its transmitting antenna, that if the station is synchronized with other stations it may be impossible to tell on which station the bearing was taken, and that as the majority of these stations are inland, the coastal refraction may be excessive. Station Details FREQUENCY: The frequency listed is that used by the station in transmitting its “Characteristic Signal.” Calling frequencies, if any, will be given under “remarks.” RANGE: In this book the range of radiobeacons is only approximate and is given merely to assist mariners in

planning their voyages and to inform them of several radiobeacons they will probably hear first. Frequently, when conditions for radio reception are good, radiobeacons may be heard at greater distances than indicated. The mariner who is at a greater distance than the range indicated should attempt to obtain bearings when necessary, and not assume that the radiobeacon will be unheard beyond its indicated range. GROUP SEQUENCE: Selected radiobeacons are grouped together on the same operating frequency and are assigned a specific sequence of transmission within this group. This reduces station interference and unnecessary returning. ANTENNA LEAD-IN: Included in the details of many radiobeacons located at or near light stations is a statement of the distance and bearing of the radiobeacon transmitting antenna from the light tower. Use should be made of this information when calibrating the ship’s direction-finding equipment by means of simultaneous visual and radio bearings. Plotting Radio Bearings The procedure for converting radio (great circle) bearings as received by direction-finder equipment aboard ship is identical with that used in converting radio bearings supplied by direction-finder stations on shore and is described in section 100E “Plotting Radio Bearings” of Pub. 117, Radio Navigational Aids. Synchronization for Distance Finding At some radiobeacon stations, sound signals, either submarine or air or both, are synchronized with the radiobeacon signals for distance finding. Ordinarily, the sound signals do not operate during the transmission period of the radio signal in clear weather. The methods in use employ, as a rule, distinctive signals to indicate the point of synchronization, and make use, for determining distance, of the lag of signals traveling through air or water as compared to the practically instantaneous travel of the radio signals. In the case of some sound signals, a series of short radio dashes is transmitted at intervals following the synchronizing point, so that by counting the number of such short dashes heard after the distinctive radio signal and before hearing the corresponding distinctive sound signal, the observer obtains the distance, in miles equal to the number of dashes counted, from the sound signal apparatus unless stated otherwise. In the case of other signals, the observer notes the number of seconds intervening between the reception of the distinctive radio signal and the corresponding sound signal and uses a factor to determine distances in miles as follows:


Submarine signals–multiply the observed numbers of seconds by 0.8 or divide by 1.25 distance in nautical miles. Air signals–multipy the observed number of seconds by 0.18 or divide by 5.5. For more approximate results or for statute miles, multiply the observed number of seconds by 0.2 or divide by 5.

the transmission. In the case of obtaining distance from a radiobeacon station which is synchronized with a submarine sound signal, the ship must also be equipped with a device for picking up submarine sound signals.

Tables for finding distance

MODE OF OPERATION: (1) The radiobeacon consists of a rotating loop transmitter having directional properties by which an observer in a ship can obtain his bearing from the beacon without the use of a direction-finder. Any ordinary receiving set capable of being tuned to the radiobeacon’s frequency may be used. The only other equipment required is a reliable stop watch or chronograph with a sweep second hand. Stop watches and clocks with dials graduated in degrees may be used, from which bearings may be read directly without any mathematical calculation. (2) During each revolution of the beacon, the signals received by the observer will rise and fall in intensity, passing through a maximum and a minimum twice each minute. The positions of minimum intensity, which occur at intervals of thirty seconds from one another, are very sharp and can be accurately observed. These are, therefore, used for navigation purposes. The beacon may be regarded as having a line or beam of minimum intensity which rotates at a uniform speed of 360° in 1 minute (i.e. 6° in 1 second) based on the true meridian as starting point. Therefore, if the observer can (a) identify the beacon and (b) measure the number of seconds which this minimum beam takes to reach their position starting from the true meridian, this number multiplied by six will give their true bearing from the beacon or its reciprocal. The signals which enable the beacon to be identified and the bearing to be calculated are described in the following paragraphs: Signals transmitted by the beacon: Each transmission from the beacon lasts for 4 minutes; the beacon is then silent for 8 minutes, and automatically starts again at the end of the silent period. Each transmission consists of two parts: (a) the identification signal of the station set at a slow speed for the first minute, commencing when the minimum beam is true east and west and followed by a long dash of about 12 seconds duration; (b) the signal group commencing when the minimum beam is approaching the true meridian, and consisting of (i) the north starting signal, which is the letter V followed by two dots (••• – ••); (ii) a long dash of about 12 seconds duration; (iii) the east starting signal, which is the letter B followed by two dots (– ••• ••); and (iv) a long dash for about 42 seconds. The navigation signals are repeated during the remainder of the transmission and signals cease when the minimum beam is in the east and west position.

Interval in seconds

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 60

Distances in nautical miles from sound signal source Air


0.18 0.36 0.54 0.72 0.90 1.08 1.26 1.44 1.62 1.80 3.60 5.40 7.20 9.00 10.80

0.8 1.6 2.4 3.2 4.0 4.8 5.6 6.4 7.2 8.0 16.0 24.0

REMARKS: Average speed of sound travel in water is 1 nautical mile in 11/4 seconds. The speed of sound travel is influenced by a number of conditions making it impracticable to state a factor that will give exact results under all conditions. The results obtained by the methods described may be accepted as being accurate to within 10 percent of the distance. Methods of synchronizing the signals vary and are described or illustrated in official announcements regarding them. It is essential to note carefully the point of synchronization used so that no error will be made through taking time on the wrong signal or the wrong part of it. In observing air signals it is usually sufficient to use a watch with second hand, although a stop watch is helpful. For submarine signals where the interval is shorter and a time error correspondingly more important, it is essential that a stop watch or other timing device be used. Where the radiobeacon and submarine signals are not received at the same point on the vessel, means of instant communication between two observers should be available or synchronized stop watches provided for each. Ships not equipped with a DF receiver can take advantage of the distance-finding feature of a radiobeacon station, if equipped with a radio receiver capable of receiving

Rotating Loop Radiobeacon



Set stop watch to zero. Listen for identification signal. When the first long dash begins (at A on diagram) get ready for the “north signal.” (iv) After the “north signal,” start stop watch exactly at beginning of long dash (see “00 seconds” on diagram) counting one-two with the two preceding dots, and 3 for the start of the stop watch. (v) Listen for minimum and note its exact time by stop watch. NOTE: If stop watch is graduated in degrees note exact angle, which is the bearing. (vi) Multiply number of seconds by 6° for bearing. (vii) Determine whether bearing is direct or reciprocal. (viii) If the “north signal” is faint, use the “east signal,” but add 090° to final bearing. Particular attention is directed to the following: (a) The stop watch must be started exactly at the beginning of the long dash for each series of observations. (b) The time of occurrence of the minimum must be read to the nearest fifth of a second. (c) The bearing obtained will be either the direct bearing or its reciprocal. (d) When using the east signal, add 090° to obtain bearings from true north. (e) The beacon is set up on the true meridian, and no correction is required for magnetic variation. (f) No quadrantal error arises, and no corrections are necessary except as in (c) and (d) above. (A correction must, of course, be made for convergency; this should be applied as if the beacon were a shore radio direction-finder station.) (g) A comparatively large error of bearing may occur due to inaccuracy in the stop watch, and to obviate this,

observers or navigators should check their stop watches on the beacon station before taking bearings. This can easily be done by checking the time by stop watch of the complete revolution of the beacon transmission. Any error found can then be allowed for. Caution Due to the many factors which enter into the transmission and reception of radio signals, a mariner cannot practically estimate its distance from a radiobeacon either by the strength of the signals received or by the time at which the signals were first heard. Mariners should give this fact careful consideration in approaching radiobeacons. A diagram showing the signals used is given below.



DESCRIPTION (Radiobeacons) Information is tabulated in eight columns as follows:

column 2: Name and/or descriptive location of the radiobeacon.

column 6: Group sequence. Selected radiobeacons are grouped together on the same operating frequency and are assigned a specific sequence of transmission within this group. This reduces station interference and unnecessary return.

column 3: Approximate latitude and longitude of the radiobeacon to the nearest tenth of a minute.

column 7: Frequency (given in kilohertz) and amplitude modulation (see Table Symbols).

column 4: Radiobeacon characteristics. Included in this column are the Morse code, period in seconds, length of transmission and silence time.

column 8: Remarks. Transmission synchronization, type of radiobeacon (marine, aero, etc.), calibration, antenna lead-in, calling frequencies, distance-finding information, service charges, hours of transmission, directional signals and other pertinent information.

column 1: The number assigned to each radiobeacon by this Agency.

column 5: Range (approximate) in nautical miles.

ABBREVIATIONS aero . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . aeronautical tr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . transmission si . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . silence s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . seconds (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 times Transmission is continuous unless otherwise stated.


TABLE OF SYMBOLS LEGEND (1) Type of modulation of the main carrier. (2) Nature of signal(s) modulating the main carrier. (3) Type of “information” to be transmitted. “Information” does not include information of a constant, unvarying nature such as provided by standard frequency emissions, continuous wave and pulse radars, etc.

AMPLITUDE MODULATION: N0N (1) Emission of an unmodulated carrier. (2) No modulating signal. (3) No information transmitted. A1A (1) Double-sideband. (2) Single channel containing quantized or digital information without the use of a modulating subcarrier. (3) Telegraphy (for aural reception). A2A (1) Double-sideband. (2) Single channel containing quantized or digital information with the use of a modulating subcarrier. (3) Telegraphy (for aural reception). A3E (1) Double-sideband. (2) Single channel containing analog information. (3) Telephony (including sound broadcasting). R3E (1) Single-sideband (reduced or variable level carrier). (2) Single channel containing analog information. (3) Telephony (including sound broadcasting). B8E (1) Independent sidebands. (2) Two or more channels containing analog information. (3) Telephony (including sound broadcasting). H2A (1) Single-sideband (full carrier). (2) Single channel containing quantized or digital information with the use of a modulating subcarrier. (3) Telegraphy (for aural reception).


H3E (1) Single-sideband (full carrier). (2) Single channel containing analog information. (3) Telephony (including sound broadcasting). J3E (1) Single-sideband (suppressed carrier). (2) Single channel containing analog information. (3) Telephony (including sound broadcasting). A3C (1) Double-sideband. (2) Single channel containing analog information. (3) Facsimile. A3F (1) Double-sideband. (2) Single channel containing analog information. (3) Television (video). B7D (1) Independent sidebands. (2) Two or more channels containing quantized or digital information. (3) Data transmissions, telemetry, telecommand. Note: With 6 kHz. EDW operation in the bands below 30 MHz allocated exclusively for Maritime Mobile Service (FC, MO). FREQUENCY (OR PHASE) MODULATION: F1B (1) Frequency modulation. (2) Single channel containing quantized or digital information without the use of a modulating subcarrier. (3) Telegraphy (for automatic reception). F2A (1) Frequency modulation. (2) Single channel containing quantized or digital information with the use of a modulating subcarrier. (3) Telegraphy (for aural reception). F3E (1) Frequency modulation. (2) Single channel containing analog information. (3) Telephony (including sound broadcasting).


F3C (1) Frequency modulation. (2) Single channel containing analog information. (3) Facsimile. F3F (1) Frequency modulation. (2) Single channel containing analog information. (3) Television (video). P1B (1) Sequence of unmodulated pulses. (2) Single channel containing quantized or digital information without the use of a modulating subcarrier. (3) Telegraphy (for automatic reception). Pulse Modulation: GHz = gigahertz kHz = kilohertz MHz = megahertz


DIFFERENTIAL GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (DGPS) Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) is a radio-based navigation system that eliminates errors in a GPS receiver that will allow the accuracy level to be significantly enhanced. DGPS accuracy can be 10 meters or better, compared with 100 meters or better with GPS. This is possible by placing a high-performance GPS receiver (reference station) at a known location. Because the receiver knows its exact location, it can determine the errors in the satellite signals. The satellite measures the ranges to each satellite using the signals received and comparing these measured ranges to the actual ranges calculated from its known position. The total error is the difference between the measured and calculated range. The error data for each tracked satellite is formatted into a correction message and transmitted to GPS users. The correction message format follows the standard established by the Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services, Special Committee 104 (RTCM-SC104). These differential corrections are then applied to the GPS calculations, thus removing most of the satellite signal error and improving accuracy.

Terms for understanding DGPS:

before the measurements are used to calculate position, corrections received from the DGPS receiver are applied to the measurements. The position is then calculated using the corrected range measurements providing vastly increased accuracy. Modulator Depending on the transmission format, the modulator encodes the data as necessary for transmission. Reference Station The refrence station GPS receiver knows exactly the position of its antenna, therefore it knows what each satellite range measurement should be. It measures the ranges to each satellite using the received signals just as if it was going to calculate position. The measured ranges are subtracted from the known ranges and the result is range error. The range error values for each satellite are formatted into messages in the RTCM SC104 format and transmitted continuously. Transmitter

DGPS Correction Receiver A DGPS correction receiver decodes the signals received from a reference site. Data is formatted into a serial RTCM SC104 data stream and provided to the remote GPS receiver. There are many types of DGPS correction receivers.

The transmitter is basically a power amplifier which is connected to an antenna system. The modulated carrier is amplified and driven to the antenna. In the United States Coast Guard system, the transmitter is 250-1000 Watts and operates in the 300Khz frequency range. The amplified signal is radiated via the antenna to remote DGPS receivers for real-time position correction.

GPS Receivers The GPS receiver measures ranges to each satellite, but


DESCRIPTION (Differential GPS Stations) Information is tabulated in eight columns as follows:

Column 1: The number assigned to each DGPS Station by this Agency.

Column 5: Range (approximate) in nautical miles. Column 6: Frequency in kHz.

Column 2: Name of the DGPS Station Column 3: Approximate latitude and longitude of the DGPS Transmitting Station to the nearest tenth of a minute. Column 4: Station ID which can be found in the IALA Master list. No two stations have the same ID. T dentoes the Transmitting Station, R denotes the Reference Station.

Column 7: Transfer Rate which equates to the baud rate and will be published as a whole number without any additional abbreviations such as “bps” (bits per second) Column 8: Remarks. This column contains information about the reference stations and messages types transmitted. GPS Message Type Numbers are 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 15 and 16. (Refer to message type descriptions below)


Differential GNSS corrections (full set of satellites) Reference stations parameters Datum used Constellation health Null frame (no information) Radiobeacons Almanacs Sub-set differential GNSS corrections Ionospheric corrections Special messages


Section 1 West Coast of Sweden

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


4 Kattholmen. B 2196

8 Tjurholmsknappen. B 2197

12 Klovningarna Range, front. C 0280


59° 03.6´ N Fl.W.R.G. 11° 09.5´ E period 3s

31 9

W. R. G.

6 White hut, black roof. 5 4

G. 178°-205°, W.-225°, R.297°, G.-023°, W.026°30′, R.-055°, G.083°.

58° 59.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 11° 06.0´ E period 6s

46 14

W. R. G.

7 White tower; 13. 5 4

G. 194°-236°, W.-323°, R.356°, G.-022°30′, W.028°, R.-066°, G.-074°, W.-107°, R.-117°.

58° 55.9´ N Iso.W.R.G. 10° 59.5´ E period 4s

36 11

W. 11 White tower; 20. R. 8 G. 7

G. 327°-051°, W.-059°, R.132°, G.-140°30′, W.145°, R.-216°, G.-242°, W.-255°30′, R.-327°.

K(– • –)


16 -Rear, Nord Hallso, about 6.4 kilometers 053° from front.

58° 58.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 11° 04.8´ E

125 38

20 Sodra Langon Range, front.

58° 56.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 11° 08.0´ E period 4s

24 -Rear, 500 meters 161°30′ from front.

W. 10 White lantern. W. 9 R. 6 G. 5

W. 049°-057°, G. 090°-115°, W.-122°, R.-137°30′, W. (unintensified)-203°. Intensified on range line.

16 5

W. W. R. G.

7 White lantern on pedestal. 5 3 2

W. shore-220°, G.-315°, W.321°, R.-340°.

58° 56.1´ N Q.W.R. 11° 07.9´ E

49 15

W. W. R.

7 White lantern on pedestal. 4 3

W. shore-180°, R.-200°, W.250°. Intensified on range line.

28 Stromstad (Killingsholmen), E. side of island.

58° 56.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 11° 09.0´ E period 3s

23 7

W. R. G.

6 White lantern. 4 3

G. 040°30′-051°, W.-053°, R. 078°, obsc.-222°, G. (unintensified)-233°, W. (unintensified)-242°, R. (unintensified)-251°, G. (unintensified)-262°, W. (unintensified)-272°, R. (unintensified)-353°, W. (unintensified)-040°30′.

32 Kristhallan.

58° 56.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 11° 07.7´ E period 9s

26 8

W. R. G.

9 White lantern on pedestal. 6 5

G. 285°-303°, W.-333°, R.033°, G.-096°, W.-100°, R.-107°.

58° 56.0´ N Fl.W. 11° 08.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.2s, ec. 2.8s

25 8

58° 55.4´ N Q.W.R.G. 11° 06.6´ E

27 8

W. R. G.

6 White lantern. 4 3

G. 197°-243°, W.-250°, R.324°, G.-034°, W.036°30′, R.-058°, G.069°, W.-075°, R.-197°.

58° 54.8´ N Fl.W.R.G. 11° 05.7´ E period 9s

16 5

W. R. G.

6 Red lantern. 4 3

R. 187°30′-202°, G.-035°, W.062°, R.-075°30′.

58° 54.0´ N F.G. 11° 03.0´ E

49 15

6 Post, white triangular daymark.

Fishing light.

52 -Rear, 165 meters 240° from front.

58° 53.8´ N F.G. 11° 02.5´ E

85 26

6 Post, white triangular daymark, point down.

Fishing light.

56 Ekenas Range, front.

58° 54.0´ N F.R. 11° 03.0´ E

12 4

3 Column.

Fishing light.

58° 53.7´ N F.R. 11° 02.8´ E

15 5

3 Column.

Fishing light.

C 0289.01

C 0281

C 0281.01

C 0282

C 0283

36 Halsorholmen. C 0284

40 Likholmen. C 0285

44 Kabblingarna, on S. islet. B 2181

48 Ekenas Range, front. C 0290

C 0291.1

C 0289

60 -Rear, about 165 meters 176° from front.

C 0289.01


2 White lantern on cairn.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


64 Sneholm, E. side of Stora Sneholm.

58° 53.5´ N Fl.W.R.G. 11° 03.9´ E period 3s

39 12

68 Kostersundet Sodra Range, front.

58° 53.0´ N F.R. 11° 00.0´ E

72 -Rear, about 95 meters 015° from front. 76 Vattenholmen.

B 2176

C 0298

C 0298.01

C 0293

84 Lilla Brattskar. C 0300

88 Rundegra. C 0301

92 Skareskar. C 0302

96 Ursholmen, Kosteroarna, SW. side.

C 0304

112 Svangen. C 0306

114 Bissen. C 0310

116 Ramskar. C 0308

RACON 120 Havstenssund Range, front.

8 White concrete tower, black 5 band; 36. 4

G. 123°-167°, W.-182°, R.191°, G.-248°, W.-250°, R.-292°, G.-335°, W.338°, R.-347°, G.-033°.

41 12

6 Post.

Fishing light.

58° 53.3´ N F.R. 11° 00.1´ E

61 18

6 Post.

Fishing light.

58° 52.5´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 11° 06.4´ E period 6s

33 10

W. R. G.

8 White lantern, red roof. 6 5

G. 337°-007°, W.-013°, R.017°30′, obsc.-038°, G.103°, W.-115°, R.-150°.

58° 51.9´ N Fl.W.R.G. 11° 04.2´ E period 3s

31 9

W. R. G.

5 Lantern on pole; 7. 3 2

G. 000°-028°30′, W.036°30′, R.-152°, G.211°, W.-230°, R.-250°.

58° 51.2´ N Fl.W.R.G. 11° 02.8´ E period 2s fl. 0.4s, ec. 1.6s

26 8

W. R. G.

5 White lantern on pedestal. 3 2

G. 197°-225°, W.-240°, R.288°, G.-015°, W.-020°, R.-037°. Fishing light.

58° 50.0´ N Fl.(4)W.R.G. 11° 03.0´ E period 12s

39 12

W. R. G.

5 White column, black band. 3 2

G. 264°-042°, W.-050°, R.106°, G.-188°, R.-264°. Fishing light.

W. 10 White round tower, black band; R. 8 42. G. 6

R. 349°-036°, W.-169°, R.174°, W.-337°, G.-341°, W.-349°.

58° 50.0´ N L.Fl.(2)W.R.G. 10° 59.4´ E period 15s

108 33

W. R. G.

58° 48.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 11° 07.2´ E period 3s

70 21

W. 16 White lantern. R. 13 G. 12

R. 302°-025°, G.-042°, W.047°, R.-076°, G.-107°, W.-108°30′, R.-136°, G.167°30′, W.-169°30′, R.204°, W.-238°.

58° 48.1´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 11° 09.3´ E period 6s

28 8

W. R. G.

6 White structure, red roof; 23. 4 4

G. shore-328°, W.-330°, R.346°, W. (unintensified)125°, G.-140°, W.-143°, R.-156°.

58° 45.4´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 10° 59.5´ E period 9s fl. 0.7s, ec. 1s fl. 0.7s, ec. 1s fl. 0.7s, ec. 4.9s

62 19

W. R. G.

9 White tower, black band; 63. 6 5

G. 346°30′ -002°, W.-046°, R.-078°, G.-108°, W.143°, R.-189°, G.-220°, W.-263°, G.-272°, R.279°, W.-338°, R.346°30′.

M(– –)


58° 45.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 11° 11.0´ E period 4s

36 11

W. 10 White structure, red roof. R. 7 Floodlit. G. 6

124 -Rear, about 1.2 km., 013° from front.

58° 46.0´ N Q.R. 11° 11.0´ E

71 22

12 White structure, red roof.

128 Vacker Rock.

58° 42.8´ N Fl.(4)W.R.G. 11° 09.7´ E period 12s

44 14

W. R. G.

8 White tower, red top, black band G. 344°30′-016°, W.-019°, R.6 on gray conical base; 44. 034°, G.-071°, W.5 085°30′, R.-099°, G.285°, R.-344°30′.

58° 39.6´ N Fl.W.R.G. 11° 11.6´ E period 3s

28 9

W. R. G.

9 White tower on black base; 24. 6 5

G. 154°30′-159°, W.-161°, R.243°, G.-269°30′, W.272°, R.-289°, G.-354°, W.-356°, R.-065°.

58° 39.3´ N Fl.W.R.G. 11° 09.5´ E period 6s

31 10

W. R. G.

8 White lantern. 6 5

G. 002°-010°, W.-015°, R.020°, G.-067°30′, W.097°, R.-118°, obsc.248°, G.-255°30′, W.258°, R.-272°, G.287°30′, W.-306°, R.328°.

C 0312

C 0312.01

C 0314

132 Stangeskar. C 0314

136 Bramskar. C 0324


G. shore-012°, R.-040°, W.179°, G.-187°, W.-189°, R.-195°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


GREBBESTAD: 140 -Ottero, NW. side.

58° 40.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 11° 13.0´ E period 6s

30 9

W. R. G.

6 White lantern. 5 4

G. 055°-087°, W.-093°, R.129°, G.-221°.

58° 40.6´ N Q.W.R.G. 11° 14.5´ E

18 5

W. R. G.

3 White square daymark, lantern 6 on pedestal. 2

R. (intensified) on range line. G. 235°-239°, W.-243°, R.257°, R. (unintensified)040°.

148 - -Rear, 250 meters 042° from front.

58° 40.7´ N Q.R. 11° 14.7´ E

27 8

5 White square daymark, lantern on pedestal.

Visible on range line only.

152 -Range, front.

58° 41.3´ N F.R. 11° 15.3´ E

16 5

6 White triangular daymark, point up, and lantern on pedestal.

58° 41.4´ N F.R. 11° 15.4´ E

29 9

6 White triangular daymark, point down, and lantern on pedestal.

58° 38.2´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 11° 11.8´ E period 9s fl. 0.7s, ec. 1.2s fl. 0.7s, ec. 1.2s fl. 0.7s, ec. 4.5s

29 9

W. R. G.

8 White tower, black band; 21. 5 4

G. 250°-339°, W.-341°30′, R.070°, G.-123°, W.-126°, R.-145°, G.-178°30′, W.181°, R.-250°.

58° 36.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 11° 09.0´ E period 6s

47 14

W. R. G.

6 White tower, black base; 30. 4 3

G. 320°-004°, W.-026°, R.039°, G.-048°, W.072°30′, R.085°, G.-117°, W.-162°, R.-219°, G.252°30′, W.-272° R.320°.

58° 36.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 11° 12.0´ E

56 17

W. R. G.

5 White structure; 22. 3 2

G. 251°30′-267°30′, W.-273°, R.-296°, W. (unintensified)- 050°30′, G.-093°, W.-097°, R.115°. Obscured from approximately 076°-083°.

58° 36.0´ N Oc.(2)W.R.G. 11° 13.0´ E period 9s

21 6

W. R. G.

5 White lantern. 3 2

G. 047°30′-063°, W.-072°, R.150°, G.-225°, W.-228°, R.-241°.

58° 36.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 11° 14.0´ E

16 5

W. R. G.

6 White lantern. 4 3

G. 140°-155°30′, W.-157°, R.213°, G.-316°30′, W.319°, R.-327°.

58° 35.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 11° 15.0´ E period 4s

13 4

W. R. G.

6 White lantern. 4 3

G. 000°-016°, W.-019°, R.068°, G.-133°, W.-138°, R.-149°.

58° 36.2´ N Fl.W.R.G. 11° 15.5´ E period 3s

35 11

W. R. G.

6 White lantern. 4 3

G. 302°-318°30′, W.-328°, R.340°, W. (unintensified)071°, G.-086°30′, W.092°, R.-114°, W. (unintensified)-150°, G.170°, W.-173°, R.-178°.

58° 32.5´ N L.Fl.W.R.G. 11° 01.9´ E period 8s

105 32

C 0319

144 -Svinnas Range, front. B 2146

B 2146.1

B 2147

156 - -Rear, about 105 meters 010°30′ from front.

B 2147.1

FJALLBACKA APPROACH: 160 -Djupskar. B 2140

164 -Sodra Syster. B 2131

168 -Brande Holmen, S. extremity. B 2132

172 -Trybergsholm. B 2133

176 -Testholmen. B 2134

180 -Kalvoskar. B 2124

184 -Lilla Kotto. B 2135

192 Vaderobod. B 2126

RACON 196 Skalholmen. B 2127

W. 10 Red tower; 62. R. 7 G. 6

C(– • – •) period 30s

R. 145°30′-190°, R. (unintensified)-229°, G.331°, W.-145°30′.


58° 32.5´ N Fl.W.R.G. 11° 05.6´ E period 6s

45 14


W. R. G.

8 White metal tower; 29. 6 5

G. 167°-184°, W.-187°, R.208°, G.-218°, W.-220°, R.-235°, G.-289°, W.292°, R.-315°, G.-324°, W.-328°, R.-353°, G.002°30′, W.-008°, R.032°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


200 Sandviksholmen, N. side.

58° 34.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 11° 15.0´ E period 6s

34 10

W. R. G.

6 White concrete tower; 22. 4 3

G. 014°-045°30′, W.-048°, R.122°, G.-190°30′, W.193°, R.-242°.

58° 33.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 11° 13.0´ E period 9s

24 7

W. R. G.

8 White tower; 20. 5 4

R. 350°-355°, G.-004°, W.018°30′, R.-036°30′, G.048°, W.-051°30′, R.063°, obsc.-172°30′, G.210°, W.-217°, R.-302°.

58° 31.9´ N Iso.W.R.G. 11° 13.5´ E period 4s

25 8

W. 11 White hut. R. 1 G. 1

212 - -Rear, Magholmen 901 meters 006° from front.

58° 32.4´ N Q.W. 11° 13.5´ E

56 17

220 -Soo (Ramsvik), N. Point Range, front.

58° 26.7´ N Q.W. 11° 15.6´ E

19 6

224 - -Rear, 1,019 meters 115°30′ from front.

58° 26.6´ N Iso.W.R.G. 11° 16.4´ E period 4s

46 14

240 -Mjolskar (Miolskar).

58° 25.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 11° 12.0´ E period 3s

B 2120

204 Sotens Svartskar. B 2118

SOTE FJORD: 208 -Langholmen Range, front. B 2116

B 2116.1

W. 164°30′-087°, G.-130°, W. (unintensified)-150°, R.164°30′. Intensified on range line.

10 White square daymark on hut. 4 White square concrete hut.

Intensified on range line.

W. R. G.

7 White tower, red lantern; 20. 5 4

G. 325°-356°30′, W.-000°, R.036°, G.-098°, W.-118°, R.-122°, G.-184°.

46 14

W. R. G.

7 White octagonal tower, black 5 band, gray base; 47. 4

G. 355°-022°, W.-025°, R.169°, G.-194°, W.-196°, R.-355°.

58° 21.8´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 11° 12.6´ E period 6s

46 14

W. R. G.

8 White tower, red lantern; 20. 5 4

G. (unintensified) 011°30′082°30′, R. (unintensified)- 148°, G.162°, W.-167°30′, R.176°, G.-183°.

244 -Tryggo (Evenskar) Range, front.

58° 23.0´ N Iso.R. 11° 13.0´ E period 4s

23 7

7 White post on square concrete hut.

Visible on range line only.

248 - -Rear, 1005 meters 016° from front.

58° 23.8´ N Q.R. 11° 13.4´ E

55 17

8 White post on white hut.

Visible on range line only.

252 Smogen Range, front.

58° 21.0´ N F.R. 11° 13.0´ E


Visible on range line only.

256 -Rear, about 150 meters 284° from front.

58° 21.2´ N F.R. 11° 12.9´ E


Visible on range line only.

260 Kolebadan.

58° 21.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 11° 15.0´ E period 3s

19 6

W. 10 White hut, white and black base. G. 004°30′-084°, W.-087°30′, R. 7 R.-179°, W.-004°30′. G. 6

58° 21.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 11° 13.0´ E

23 7

W. R. G.

5 White hut on black base. 3 2

G. 200°-234°, W.-238°30′, R.200°.

58° 21.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 11° 14.0´ E period 3s

21 6

W. R. G.

5 White hut on black stone base. 4 3

G. 038°-105°30′, W.-111°30′, R.-120°, W.-187°30′, W. (unintensified)-252°.

58° 20.2´ N Fl.W. 11° 13.2´ E period 12s

131 40

21 White round stone tower, red cupola; 66. Floodlit.

58° 21.2´ N Fl.R. 11° 14.4´ E period 3s

13 4

1 Concrete beacon, white top, black bottom.

58° 21.4´ N Iso.R. 11° 14.8´ E period 3s

49 15

8 On roof of sector light.

Iso.W.R.G. period 3s

49 15

58° 21.5´ N Iso.R. 11° 14.9´ E period 3s

92 28

C 0344

C 0344.1

C 0352

242 Skarvasatt, N. head. C 0353

C 0354

C 0354.1

C 0362

C 0362.1

C 0361

268 Pengeskarsbadan. C 0369

272 Hatteflu, on Ostra Hatteflu. C 0368

276 Hallo. C 0375

282 Byttelocket. C 0371

284 Gravarna Backevik Range, front.

C 0370

288 -Rear, 200 meters 023°30′ from front.

C 0370.1


W. R. G.

8 Red lantern. 6 5 12 Red Lantern.

Obscured by Salo 117°119°30′ when within 2.5 miles of light. Visible 183°-175°, (unintensified) 345°-175°.

G. 046°-055°, W.-058°, R.069°30'. Visible on range line only. Synchronized with front.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


292 -Fiskeham Range, front.

58° 22.0´ N F.G. 11° 14.0´ E

23 7

6 Post, white triangular daymark.

Fishing light.

296 - -Rear, about 115 meters 349°30′ from front.

58° 21.6´ N F.G. 11° 14.3´ E

39 12

6 Post, white triangular daymark.

Fishing light.

308 Fisketangen Range, front.

58° 22.0´ N F.R. 11° 16.0´ E

44 13

4 White cairn tower.

312 -Rear, 200 meters 297°30′ from front.

58° 21.5´ N F.R. 11° 15.7´ E

68 21

4 White cairn tower.

316 -Brandskarsflak.

58° 17.6´ N Oc.(2)W.R.G. 11° 18.7´ E period 8s

82 25

C 0372

C 0372.1

C 0364

C 0364.1

C 0376

-RACON 320 -Dynabrott.

B(– • • •) period 20s

R. 226°30′-311°, G.-352°, R.028°, G.-045°48', W.226°30′.


58° 18.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 11° 19.0´ E period 8s

82 25

324 -Lindholmen Mellersta Range, common front.

58° 19.0´ N Iso.W. 11° 23.0´ E period 8s

89 27

328 - -Fiskebacksvik, rear 2.6 kilometers 050°30′ from front.

58° 20.0´ N Iso.W. 11° 25.0´ E period 8s

207 63

329 - -Lindholmen Ostra.

58° 19.4´ N Iso.G. 11° 22.6´ E period 8s

C 0376.2

W. 16 White tower, green band, gray R. 14 base; 85. G. 12 Floodlit. Helicopter platform.

Range marks dredged channel.

W. 15 White tower, red band, gray R. 14 base; 85. G. 12 Floodlit. Helicopter platform.

R. 209°-216°, G.-226°30′, W.052°42′, R.-078°, G.209°. Partially obscured 060°-071°.

16 Red tower; 43.

Reserve light Iso R. 8s.

17 Orange pilot lookout tower; 26.

Reserve light Iso.R. 8s.

89 27

16 Red tower; 10.

In line 049°30′ with Fiskebacksvik light marking SE. limit of channel.

58° 19.5´ N Iso.R. 11° 22.6´ E period 8s

89 27

16 Red tower; 49.

In line 051°30′ with Fiskebacksvik light marking NW. limit of channel.

58° 21.0´ N Iso.W. 11° 25.0´ E period 4s

115 35

17 White tower, black band, white daymark; 13.

58° 21.0´ N Iso.W. 11° 26.0´ E period 4s

190 58

18 White tower, black band, white daymark; 52.

58° 17.9´ N Q.W.R.G. 11° 19.6´ E

38 12

W. R. G.

8 White tower; 26. 6 Floodlit. 5

R. 224°06'-259°, obsc.-002°, G.-037°30′, W.-224°06'.

58° 20.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 11° 24.0´ E

43 13

W. R. G.

7 White tower; 26. 5 4

R. 009°-099°, G.-118°, W.122°, R.-171°, G.-309°.

58° 21.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 11° 18.0´ E period 6s

26 8

W. R. G.

6 White lantern. 4 3

R. 254°-258°, G.-262°30′, W.288°, R.-335°, G.343°30′, W.-345°30′, R.358°30′, G.-046°, W.060°, R.-085°.

58° 22.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 11° 22.0´ E period 3s

26 8

W. 10 White lantern. R. 7 G. 6

360 -Rear, 275 meters 074° from front.

58° 21.9´ N Q.W. 11° 21.6´ E

82 25

364 Svensholmen.

58° 19.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 11° 22.0´ E period 9s

47 14

W. 13 White concrete tower; 23. R. 10 G. 9

G. 047°-085°30′, W.-088°30′, R.-098°30′, G.-152°, W.168°, R.-243°, G.-313°.

58° 20.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 11° 22.0´ E period 3s

33 10

W. R. G.

W. 234°-046°, R.-096°, G.149°, R.-170°, obsc.180°, G.-236°.

C 0376.4

C 0376.41

C 0376.42

330 - - -Vastra. C 0376.43

332 -Stretudden Range, front. C 0376.5

336 - -Rear, 1,700 meters 046° from front.

C 0376.51

FISTETAGEN: 340 -Tan. C 0378.2

344 -Tinnholmen. C 0378.6

348 Flattarna. C 0366

356 Breviksudde Range, front. C 0360

C 0360.1

C 0379

372 Kafra. C 0378.4


10 Lantern on white pedestal.

9 White tower, black base; 36. 6 Floodlit. 5

G. 336°-001°, W.-005°, R.037°, G.-065°30′, W.076°30′, R.-095°30′. Visible 028°-049°30′.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


376 Blackhall. C 0380

378 Stora Korno. C 0381

380 Hangdyn. C 0381.5

58° 19.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 11° 23.0´ E period 6s

31 9

58° 18.3´ N F.W.R.G. 11° 22.7´ E

10 3

58° 18.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 11° 24.0´ E

16 5

W. R. G.

W. R. G.

8 Red lantern. 6 5

G. 310°-322°30′, W.-327°30′, R.-020°, G.-113°, W.121°, R.-150°.

2 White hut on concrete base.

G. 103°-170°, W.-175°, R.190°, G.-213°, W.-222°, R.-260°, W.-103°.

5 Red lantern on base. 3 2

G. 264°-036°, W.-043°, R.090°, G.-143°, W.-146°, R.-264°.

384 Sorgrundsberg Buoy.

58° 17.0´ N Q.(6)+L.Fl.W. 11° 11.0´ E period 15s

388 Stangholmen, E. side.

58° 16.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 11° 25.0´ E period 4s

19 6

W. R. G.

6 White lantern. 4 3

58° 16.3´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 11° 21.0´ E period 9s

89 27

W. R. G.

8 Red lantern on white tower, black G. (unintensified) 234°-241°, 6 band; 31. W. (unintensified)-261°, 5 R. (unintensified)-311°, G. (unintensified)-002°30′, G.-024°, W.-030°, R.041°30′, G.-053°30′, W.088°, R.-110°, G.-122°.

58° 17.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 11° 24.0´ E period 6s

30 9

W. R. G.

7 White tower; 20. 5 4

58° 15.7´ N Fl.W.R.G. 11° 24.8´ E period 4s

33 10

W. 11 White lantern. R. 6 G. 5

58° 15.7´ N V.Q.G. 11° 23.2´ E

31 10

58° 16.0´ N L.Fl.W.R.G. 11° 26.0´ E period 8s fl. 2s, ec. 6s

22 7

58° 16.0´ N Q.W. 11° 27.0´ E

19 6

C 0388

392 Gaven. C 0384

396 Gulskaren, on Sodra Gulskar. C 0382

400 Flatholmen. C 0390

402 Byxeskaren. C 0390.5

404 Slaggabaden. C 0392

416 -Redd. C 0392.5

417 -Degausing Station W. dolphin. C 0392.7

418 - -E. Dolphin. C 0392.8

420 Fiskelbackskil Range, front.

S. CARDINAL YB, pillar, topmark.

58° 16.2´ N 2 F.R. (vert.) 11° 27.2´ E

2 Post on dolphin.

424 -Rear, about 389 meters 132° from front.

58° 14.9´ N F.R. 11° 28.2´ E

131 40

428 Brofjorden Angoring Buoy.

58° 15.0´ N L.Fl.W. 11° 13.5´ E period 10s


W. (unintensified) 237°-258°, R. (unintensified)-315°, R.-346°30′, G.-056°30′, W.-059°30′, R.-132°, G.141°, G. (unintensified)237°. G. 090°30′-094°48′, W.095°36′, R.-112°30′, G.129°, W. (unintensified)138°30′, R.-200°, G.257°, W. (unintensified)265°, R.-304°, G.-335°. Visible 070°-270°. Radar reflector. G. 195°-226°, R.-248°30′, G.261°30′, W.-273°, R.290°30′, G.-306°, W.316°, R.-352°30′, G.018°, W.-020°, R.-043°, G.-083°, W.-085°, R.195°.

8 Framework mast, white Visible on range line only. triangular daymark, point up, Marks water pipe. red border. 8 Framework mast, white triangular daymark, point down, red border. SAFE WATER RW, pillar, topmark.

G(– – •) period 30s

G. 155°-163°30′, W.-165°, R.245°, G.-293°, W.-328°, R.-011°.

4 White hut. 2 Post on dolphin.

59 18

C 0391.1

W. 10 White tower, gray base; 27. R. 7 Floodlit. G. 6

58° 16.0´ N 2 F.R. (vert.) 11° 27.0´ E

58° 15.0´ N F.R. 11° 28.0´ E

C 0391

3 White concrete tower; 16.

Radar reflector.

Visible on range line only. Synchronized. Radar reflector. (3 & 10 cm).


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


SKAFTO: 432 -Groto, SE. point. C 0394

436 -Grundsund pier, head. C 0398

440 -Islandsberg. C 0400

444 Hattan. C 0402

448 Fredagsholmen. C 0404

452 Ornekullen Range, front. C 0409

58° 13.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 11° 24.0´ E period 3s

13 4

W. R. G.

6 White lantern. 4 3

G. 173°30′-201°, W.-205°, R.236°30′, G.-295°, W.350°30′, R.-006°, G.036°.

58° 13.0´ N Oc.(2)W.R.G. 11° 25.0´ E period 8s

16 5

W. R. G.

6 Gray structure. 4 3

G. 100°-132°, W.-160°30′, R.171°30′.

58° 12.0´ N Fl.(4)W.R.G. 11° 24.0´ E period 12s

43 13

W. R. G.

7 Red tower; 23. 5 4

G. shore-031°30′, W.-034°, R.-038°30′, obsc.044°30′, R.-048°, G.085°30′, R.-125°30′, G.181°30′, W.-185°, R.shore.

58° 11.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 11° 23.0´ E period 6s

48 15

W. R. G.

8 White concrete tower, black 6 band; 29. 5 Floodlit.

G. 020°-036°, W.-051°30′, R.077°, G.-116°, W.-124°, R.-150°30′, G.-210°, W.216°, R.-226°.

58° 11.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 11° 25.0´ E period 3s

18 5

W. R. G.

5 Red lantern. 4 3

G. 286°30′-294°, W.-300°30′, R.-054°30′, G.-114°30′, W.-121°30′, R.-136°.

58° 12.0´ N Q.R. 11° 30.0´ E

65 20

9 White mast, white square daymark.

Visible on range line only. Synchronized.

9 White post on white hut, black and white square daymark.

Visible on range line only. Synchronized.

456 -Rear, 255 meters 059° from front.

58° 11.9´ N Iso.R. 11° 30.0´ E period 4s

460 Hallen Range, front.

58° 12.0´ N Q.G. 11° 29.0´ E

16 5

8 White pedestal.

464 -Rear, 210 meters 194° from front.

58° 11.6´ N Iso.G. 11° 29.2´ E period 4s

29 9

8 White pedestal.

Visible on range line only. Synchronized.

468 Tarneskar Range, front.

58° 12.0´ N Q.R. 11° 30.0´ E

18 5

8 White pedestal.

Visible on range line only. Synchronized.

472 -Rear, 80 meters 239°30′ from front.

58° 12.3´ N Iso.R. 11° 29.5´ E period 4s

24 7

8 White hut, with white triangular daymark, point down.


476 Flato.

58° 13.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 11° 31.0´ E period 3s

33 10

W. R. G.

6 White hut. 4 3

G. 282°-299°30′, W.-310°, R.010°.

58° 12.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 11° 32.0´ E period 6s

19 6

W. R. G.

6 White structure. 4 3

R. 133°-142°, G.-225°, W.228°, R.-280°.

58° 16.0´ N Iso.W. 11° 39.0´ E period 4s

46 14

10 White hut, white square daymark.

488 -Rear, 920 meters 047° from front.

58° 16.0´ N Q.W. 11° 39.1´ E

98 30

10 White post, white square daymark.

492 Rafsnas.

58° 15.5´ N Fl.W. 11° 38.6´ E period 3s

23 7

5 White pole; 7.

Visible 225°-113°.

58° 15.5´ N Fl.(2)G. 11° 39.1´ E period 6s

36 11

2 White pole, green band; 7.

Visible 053°-298°.

498 Kalvon.

58° 15.6´ N Fl.R. 11° 39.8´ E period 3s

30 9

3 White pole, red band; 7.

Visible 234°-125°.

500 Saten.

58° 16.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 11° 41.0´ E period 6s

22 7

W. R. G.

6 White lantern. 4 3

G. 357°-039°, W.-048°30′, R.091°, G.-175°30′, W.179°, R.-190°.

58° 18.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 11° 41.0´ E period 3s

19 6

W. R. G.

5 White tower. 3 3

G. shore-230°, W.-236°, R.324°, G.-042°, W.056°30′, R.-shore.

C 0409.1

C 0409.5

C 0409.6

C 0410

C 0410.1

C 0410.5

480 Morlanda. C 0411

484 Ravsnasudde Range, front. C 0411.4

C 0411.5

C 0411.7

496 Goden. C 0411.8

C 0412.5

504 Hogholmen, N. of channel. C 0412.7

105 32


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


508 Mattholm.

58° 18.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 11° 44.0´ E period 3s

18 5

58° 18.0´ N Q.R.G. 11° 43.0´ E

18 5

58° 18.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 11° 44.0´ E period 6s

18 5

W. 10 White lantern. R. 7 G. 6

G. shore-116°, W.-119°, R.205°, G.-246°30′, W.249°30′, R.-shore.

58° 11.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R. 11° 25.0´ E period 6s

16 5

W. R.

5 White square hut. 4

W. 324°30′-196°30′, R.203°30′.

58° 09.0´ N Q.W.G. 11° 24.0´ E

16 5

4 Black pedestal, white triangular daymark.

G. 283°-074°, W.-229°.

C 0427

544 -Rear, 1000 meters 004° from front; Rao Range, front.

58° 10.0´ N Iso.W.G. 11° 24.0´ E period 5s

25 8

W. G. G.

3 Red lantern. 8 3

G. 345°-010°, W.-198°30′. Intensified on range line.

544.1 - -Stromholmen, rear, 1100 meters 010°30′ from front.

58° 10.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 11° 24.0´ E period 3s

31 9

W. R. G.

6 Lantern on white pedestal. 4 4

G. 163°-186°30′, W.-014°, R.029°30′.

58° 08.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 11° 24.0´ E period 3s

15 5

W. R. G.

6 White lantern. 4 3

G. 028°-050°, W.-064°, R.095°, G.-139°30′, W.148°30′, R.-226°, W.277°.

58° 08.0´ N Iso.R. 11° 25.0´ E period 3s

37 11

6 Black hut, white gable, red band. Visible on range line only.

556 -Rear, 110 meters 093°30′ from front.

58° 08.0´ N Q.R. 11° 25.2´ E

69 21

6 Black hut, white gable, red band. Visible on range line only.

560 Sorhallsudde Range, front.

58° 08.0´ N Iso.W. 11° 25.0´ E period 4s

22 7

9 Black hut, white gable, red band. Visible on range line only.

564 -Rear, 140 meters 345° from front.

58° 08.2´ N Q.W. 11° 24.9´ E

26 8

8 Black hut, white gable, red band. Visible on range line only.

568 Porsnasudde.

58° 07.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 11° 26.0´ E period 6s

19 6

W. R. G.

5 White octagonal hut. 4 3

G. 315°30′-326°30′, W.-329°, R. 139°30′, W.-165°.

58° 07.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 11° 22.0´ E period 3s

31 9

W. R. G.

7 White beacon, black band on 5 lower part; 23. 4

W. 152°-173°30′, G.-209°30′, W.-212°, R.-237°, obsc.299°, G.-310°, W.-316°, R.-322°.

576 Karingo telephone cable Range, front.

58° 07.0´ N F.R. 11° 22.0´ E

25 8

7 White rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible on range line only.

580 -Rear, 75 meters 193° from front.

58° 06.7´ N F.R. 11° 22.3´ E

48 15

7 White rectangular daymark, red stripe.

584 Oxskar.

58° 07.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 11° 23.0´ E period 9s

22 7

W. R. G.

58° 06.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 11° 20.0´ E period 30s fl. 1.5s, ec. 3.5s fl. 1.5s, ec. 3.5s fl. 1.5s, ec. 18.5s

88 27

W. 16 White tower, red square R. 13 daymark; 43. G. 12

W. 012°-163°, R.-300°, G.012°.

58° 06.0´ N Fl.(4)W.R.G. 11° 27.0´ E period 12s

23 7

W. R. G.

5 Red lantern; 8. 4 3

G. 336°30′-350°, W.-355°, R.090°, G.-132°, W.-137°, R.-shore.

58° 05.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 11° 28.0´ E period 6s

23 7

W. R. G.

9 Red lantern; 8. 6 5

G. shore-314°, W.-319°30′, R.-018°, G.-119°30′, W.127°30′, R.-151°30′.

58° 04.0´ N Fl.(4)W.R.G. 11° 30.0´ E period 12s

16 5

W. R. G.

5 Red lantern. 4 3

G. 359°-009°30′, W.-014°30′, R.-021°, G.-072°, W.078°, R.-087°.

C 0413.3

512 Oso. C 0413

516 -Sandvikskullen. C 0413.5

528 Tvestjarten. C 0422

540 Rao Range, front. C 0428

C 0426

548 Jarnskar. C 0430

552 Koljebergskil Range, front. C 0434

C 0434.1

C 0438

C 0438.1

C 0444

572 Karingo Kummel. C 0446

C 0447

C 0447.1

C 0448

588 Maseskar. C 0456

592 Brato. C 0458

596 Mollosund. C 0460

600 Lyr, W. side. C 0462


W. R. G.

4 White hut. 2 2

G. 338°-089°30′, W.-092°30′, R.-182°30′.

2 White hut.

G. 107°-280°30′, R.-349°.

6 White lantern. 4 4

G. 326°30′-341°, W.-348°, R.054°30′, W.-063°, obsc.240°, G.-251°, R.-253°, G.-260°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


604 Kraksundsgap N.

58° 06.0´ N Q.W. 11° 27.0´ E

15 5

58° 06.1´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 11° 26.5´ E period 6s

42 13

W. R. G.

8 White tower, black conical base; R. shore-358°30′, G.-045°, 6 42. W.-050°, R.-078°, G.5 093°30′, W.-118°, obsc.140°, G.-195°30′, W.220°, R.-243°, G.-253°.

612 Otterholmen (Otterholm), NE. point.

58° 04.0´ N Q.R.G. 11° 30.0´ E

24 7

R. G.

2 White hut. 2

G. shore-183°30′, R.-shore.

616 Rabbehuvud.

58° 02.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 11° 29.0´ E period 6s

46 14

W. R. R. G. G.

8 Black and white tower, concrete 5 base; 31. 4 4 3

G. 009°-017°30′, W.-020°, R. (unintensified)-105°, G. (unintensified)-182°30′, W.-193°30′, R.-202°.

58° 02.0´ N Iso.R. 11° 31.0´ E period 4s

69 21

10 White square concrete hut.

Visible on range line only.

624 -Rear, 550 meters 002°30′ from front.

58° 02.1´ N Q.R. 11° 30.9´ E

98 30

10 White square concrete hut.

Visible on range line only.

628 Gasskar.

58° 02.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 11° 31.0´ E period 6s

14 4

58° 02.0´ N Iso.W. 11° 31.0´ E period 4s

16 5

58° 01.1´ N Q.W.R. 11° 31.1´ E

34 10

58° 00.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 11° 31.0´ E period 4s

25 8

652 - -Rear, 1.6 km., 006°30′ from front.

58° 00.8´ N Q.W. 11° 31.1´ E

83 25

13 Red lantern.

656 -Skarhamn Harbor Range, front.

57° 59.6´ N Iso.R. 11° 32.1´ E period 3s

23 7

11 Lantern on black pedestal, white Visible on range line only. bands and one blue band with white letters ′′B'''' and ′′N''''.

660 - -Rear, about 500 meters 050° from front.

57° 59.7´ N Oc.R. 11° 32.5´ E period 5s

95 29

11 Framework mast, white daymark; Visible on range line only. 30.

664 -Eggskar.

57° 57.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 11° 31.0´ E period 6s

25 8

57° 57.0´ N F.G. 11° 34.0´ E

13 4

2 Post, orange triangular daymark. Fishing light.

57° 56.7´ N F.G. 11° 33.9´ E

44 13

2 Post, orange triangular daymark. Fishing light.

57° 56.0´ N F.R. 11° 34.0´ E

23 7

8 White triangular daymark, point up, black border.

Visible on range line only.

C 0487

676.1 - -Rear, 40 meters 220°30′ from front.

57° 56.2´ N F.R. 11° 34.2´ E

39 12

8 White triangular daymark, point down, black border.

Visible on range line only.

C 0450

608 Kraksundsgap S. C 0452

C 0463

C 0464

620 Sodra Kyrkesund Range, front. C 0468

C 0468.1

C 0472

632 Norra Kyrkesund Range, front. C 0474

636 -Rear, about 1 km. 154° 30′ from front.

C 0474.1

4 White hut.

W. R. G.

6 White lantern. 4 3

G. 324°30′-334°, W.-340°, R.070°, W.-132°, R.148°30′.

6 White hut on black base.

Visible 135°-337°.

W. R.

8 Lantern on white pedestal. 6

W. 147°-160°, R.-173°30′.

W. R. G.

6 Red tower; 30. 4 3

W. 342°-049°, W. (unintensified)-119°, G.155°30′, W.-169°, R.178°, W. (unintensified)239°.

HJARTOFJORD (HIERTO FJORD): 648 -Sanct Olovs Range, front. C 0482

C 0482.1

C 0485

C 0485.1

C 0486

668 -Angholmen Range, front. C 0488

672 - -Rear, 110 meters 101° from front.

W. R. G.

6 White concrete tower; 25. 4 3

Visible on range line only.

G. 071°30′-117°, W.-120°, R.138°30′, G.-244°, R.266°30′, G.-295°, W.299°, R.-325°, G.-017°, R.-071°30′.

MARSTRANDSFJORDEN: 676 -Tjornekalv Power Cable Range, front.

C 0487.1


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


680 -Berlin Islet.

57° 56.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 11° 33.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.7s, ec. 2.3s

25 8

W. R. G.

57° 55.0´ N L.Fl.W.R.G. 11° 35.0´ E period 8s fl. 2s, ec. 6s

23 7

W. 12 Red lantern. R. 10 Floodlit. G. 8

688 -Norra Astol Power Cable Range, front.

57° 56.0´ N F.R. 11° 35.0´ E

23 7

8 White triangular daymark, point up, black border.

690 - -Rear, 100 meters 141° from front.

57° 55.4´ N F.R. 11° 35.4´ E

39 12

8 White triangular daymark, point down, black border.

692 -Astols Fishing Harbor Range, front.

57° 55.0´ N F.G. 11° 35.0´ E

18 5

2 Post, white triangular daymark.

Fishing light.

696 - -Rear, 60 meters 257° from front.

57° 55.5´ N F.G. 11° 35.1´ E

24 7

2 Post, white triangular daymark, point down.

Fishing light.

700 -Hamneskar.

57° 54.0´ N F.W. 11° 28.0´ E

49 15

9 Lattice mast; 26.

57° 51.8´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 11° 27.5´ E period 12s fl. 1.5s, ec. 2s fl. 1.5s, ec. 7s

85 26

C 0490

684 -Astol. C 0490.6

C 0491

C 0491.1

C 0491.4

C 0491.5

C 0489.5

708 -Hatteberget. C 0489

-RACON 712 -Skallen, on islet.

5 White round metal hut, red roof. G. 330°30′-338°30′, W.-343°, 3 R.-096°30′, G.-136°30', 3 W.-144°24', R.-155°, G.163°, W.-168°30′, R.191°.

W. 21 Black tower, red bands, gray R. 18 base; 85. G. 18 Helicopter platform.

G(– – •) period 30s

G. 249°-262°, W.-264°, R.271°30′, G.-281°30′, W.294°, R.-031°, G.042°30′, W.-062°30′, R.083°, G.-090°.

W. 008°-110°, R.-152°, G. (16M)-225°, W. (18M)260°, R. (15M)-346°, G.008°.


57° 53.5´ N Iso.W.R.G. 11° 33.6´ E period 4s

44 13

W. 14 White tower; 20. R. 11 G. 10

G. 034°-054°, W.-069°, R.086°, G.-132°, W.206°30′, R.-235°, G.shore.

57° 53.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 11° 35.0´ E period 3s

25 8

W. R. G.

G. 051°-052°30′, W.-054°, R.067°, G.-099°, W.-103°, R.-138°30′, G.-209°, W.223°, R.-234°30′.

57° 54.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 11° 35.0´ E period 9s

23 7

W. 10 White lantern. R. 7 G. 6

G. 053°-091°, R.-148°, G.160°30′, W.-163°30′, R.171°30′.

57° 55.5´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 11° 37.6´ E period 6s

26 8

W. R. G.

5 Lantern on white pedestal. 3 3

W. 073°-256°30′, R.-290°30′, G.-073°.

57° 56.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 11° 38.0´ E period 3s

36 11

W. R. G.

5 Lantern on white pedestal. 3 2

W. 266°30′-076°, R.-261°30′, G.-266°30′.

57° 54.6´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 11° 38.0´ E period 9s

16 5

W. R. G.

7 White tower on green base; 10. 5 4

R. 055°-071°, G.-111°, W.227°30′, R.-242°30′, G.256°30′.

57° 55.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 11° 37.7´ E period 3s

23 7

W. R. G.

7 Red hut, white roof, on base. 5 Floodlit. 4

R. 110°-236°30′, G.-242°30′, W.-110°.

57° 55.6´ N Q.W.R.G. 11° 40.3´ E

22 7

W. R. G.

6 White lantern. 4 3

G. 060°-081°30′, W.-083°30′, R.-200°30′, G.-212°30′, W.-216°, R.-252°30′.

58° 01.0´ N F.R. 11° 42.0´ E

89 27

10 Framework tower.

740 - -Rear, 520 meters 352°30′ from front.

58° 01.0´ N F.R. 11° 42.0´ E

118 36

10 Framework tower.

744 -Grona Range, front.

58° 01.0´ N F.G. 11° 42.0´ E

89 27

10 Framework tower.

C 0493

716 -Graberget. C 0494.8

720 -Marstrand Havn. C 0494

724 -Sodra Meholm. C 0496

728 -Norra Meholm. C 0498

730 -Nordholmarna. C 0499

731 -Backebadan. C 0500

6 White tower on black base; 20. 4 3

UDDEVALLA APPROACH: 732 -Algo (Elgo), island, W. head. C 0501

736 -Wallhamn Roda Range, front. C 0502.2

C 0502.21

C 0502.4


F.R. 3M by day.

F.R. 3M by day.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


748 - -Rear, 521 meters 352°30′ from front.

58° 01.0´ N F.G. 11° 42.1´ E

752 -Mitholmarna.

57° 58.0´ N Fl.(4)W.R.G. 11° 44.0´ E period 12s

24 7

W. R. G.

7 White lantern. 5 4

G. 027°-036°30′, W.-040°30′, R.-153°30′, G.-205°, W.207°, R.-219°30′.

58° 01.9´ N Fl.W.R.G. 11° 46.9´ E period 3s

36 11

W. R. G.

8 Metal framework tower. 5 4

W. 018°-021°30′, R.-189°, G.196°, W.-204°30′, R.335°, G.-018°.

58° 03.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 11° 48.0´ E period 6s

13 4

W. R. G.

6 White lantern. 4 3

G. 011°30′-017°30′, W.027°30′, R.-076°30′, G.137°, W.-143°30′, R.172°30′, G.-200°, R.240°30′.

760 -Brattogrundet, 1.5 kilometers 316° from Snoholmarna.

58° 03.2´ N Fl.W.R.G. 11° 46.9´ E period 3s

16 5

W. R. G.

6 White hut, gray base. 4 3

G. 040°-186°, W.-199°, R.236°, G.-283°, W.-313°, R.-040°.

768 -Havden Roda Range, front.

58° 05.0´ N F.R. 11° 48.0´ E

26 8

7 Beacon, yellow triangular daymark, point up, black border.

On request.

772 - -Rear, 80 meters 059° from front.

58° 05.0´ N F.R. 11° 48.4´ E

44 13

7 Beacon, yellow triangular daymark, point down, black border.

776 -Havden Grona Range, front.

58° 05.0´ N F.G. 11° 48.0´ E

19 6

6 Beacon, yellow triangular daymark, point up, black border.

780 - -Rear, 52 meters 059° from front.

58° 05.0´ N F.G. 11° 48.4´ E

29 9

6 Beacon, yellow triangular daymark, point down, black border.

784 -Stenung Range, front.

58° 05.0´ N F.G. 11° 49.0´ E

26 8

6 Post, white triangular daymark, point up, black border.

788 - -Rear, 112 meters 102°30′ from front.

58° 05.1´ N F.G. 11° 48.8´ E

37 11

6 Post, white triangular daymark, point down, black border.

792 -Hog Grona Range, front.

58° 05.0´ N F.G. 11° 49.0´ E

52 16

7 Yellow triangular daymark, point Range line marks side of up. entrance channel into Norra Harbor Basin. Visible on range line only. On request.

796 - -Rear, 90 meters 101°18′ from front.

58° 05.3´ N F.G. 11° 49.4´ E

75 23

7 Mast, yellow triangular daymark, Visible on range line only. point down. On request.

800 -Hog Roda Range, front.

58° 05.0´ N F.R. 11° 49.0´ E

43 13

7 Mast, yellow triangular daymark, Range line marks side of point up. entrance channel into Norra Harbor Basin. Visible on range line only. On request.

804 - -Rear, 75 meters 102°06′ from front.

58° 05.4´ N F.R. 11° 49.4´ E

59 18

7 Mast, yellow triangular daymark, Visiblie on range line only. point down. On request.

808 -Galteron.

58° 06.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 11° 48.0´ E period 6s

16 5

W. R. G.

58° 07.4´ N Q.W.R.G. 11° 49.8´ E

16 5

W. 10 White shed with red roof on red R. 7 base; 10. G. 6 Floodlit.

G. shore-192°, W.-040°, R.shore.

58° 08.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 11° 50.0´ E period 3s

16 5

W. 10 Red tower; 20. R. 7 G. 6

G. 191°-202°, W.-208°, R.225°30′, W. (unintensified)-312°, G.351°, W.-008°, R.-shore.

58° 08.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 11° 50.0´ E period 6s

16 5

W. R. G.

G. shore-000°, W.-188°, R.270°.

C 0502.41

C 0502

754 -Vinterholmen. C 0503

756 -Snoholmarna. C 0503.6

C 0503.4

C 0504.2

C 0504.21

C 0504.3

C 0504.31

C 0504.36

C 0504.37

C 0504.4

C 0504.41

C 0504.6

C 0504.61

C 0506

810 -Halse Nabb. C 0507

812 -Svanesund, at Orust. C 0510

816 -Sundholmen. C 0508

118 36


10 Framework tower.

9 White lantern. 7 Floodlit. 6

5 White hut. 3 Floodlit. 2

On request.

On request.

G. 009°30′-013°30′, W.015°30′, R.-028°30′, W. (unintensified)-178°, G.217°, W.-223°, R.-234°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


819 -Grota Holme. C 0511.4

820 -Djurnasudde. C 0511

824 -Strandanas. C 0512

826 Aspholmen. C 0419

828 Bjorningarna, S. island. C 0418

832 Kollholm. C 0417.5

836 -Stora Deje. C 0417

840 Stangen, on point. C 0414

848 Uddevalla Bridge, N. pylon.

58° 09.5´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 11° 51.5´ E period 6s

19 6

W. R. G.

7 Lantern on white pedestal. 5 4

G. 016°-034°30′, W.-047°30′, R.-090°, G.-170°, W.174°30′, R.-179°, G.208°.

58° 09.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 11° 51.0´ E

18 5

W. R. G.

5 White shed. 3 2

W. 023°-332°, R.-002°, G.023°.

58° 12.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 11° 51.0´ E period 3s

13 4

W. R. G.

6 Red lantern. 4 3

G. 175°-178°, W.-185°30′, R.242°, W. (unintensified)310°, G.-352°, W.-356°, R.-008°.

58° 15.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 11° 49.9´ E period 9s

16 5

W. R. G.

6 White lantern on red concrete 4 base. 3

G. 124°-149°, W.-154°, R.171°, G.-186°30′, W.316°, R.-332°, G.-350°.

58° 16.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 11° 50.0´ E period 3s

13 4

W. R. G.

6 Red lantern. 4 3

G. 138°30′-157°30′, W.-161°, R.-178°, W.-292°, G.331° 30′, W.-336°30′, R.353°.

58° 16.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 11° 49.0´ E period 4s

52 16

W. R. G.

6 White tower; 23. 4 3

G. 152°-160°, W.-165°30′, R.169°30′, G.-173°30′, W.176°, R.-198°, R. (unintensified)-254°, G. (unintensified)-308°30′, G.-328°, W.-332°30′, R.339°30′, R. (unintensified)-347°, G.152°.

58° 18.0´ N Q.W. 11° 48.0´ E

20 6

4 Lantern on white pedestal.

58° 19.0´ N Q.W. 11° 49.0´ E

22 7

4 Lantern on white structure.

58° 19.6´ N V.Q.W. 11° 50.5´ E

Top of pylon.

848.1 -N. fairway limit.

58° 19.5´ N F.R. 11° 50.6´ E

On bridge.

848.2 -S. fairway limit.

58° 19.5´ N F.G. 11° 50.7´ E

On bridge.

848.3 -S. pylon.

58° 19.5´ N V.Q.W. 11° 50.8´ E

Top of pylon.

C 0414.5

852 Uddevalla Range, front. C 0416

58° 20.9´ N Iso.R. 11° 55.2´ E period 4s

49 15

Visible 014°-257°. Pylons and wires marked by FR lights.

10 White pole.

856 -Rear, 970 meters 060°18′ from front.

58° 21.2´ N Q.R. 11° 56.2´ E

860 Ramholmen Range, front.

57° 52.0´ N Iso.W. 11° 33.0´ E period 4s

34 10

9 White pillar, rectangular daymark, white shed.

Visible on range line only.

864 -Rear, 350 meters 312°30′ from front.

57° 51.6´ N Q.W. 11° 33.0´ E

60 18

8 White pillar, black rectangular daymark, white shed.

Visible on range line only.

868 Stora Sillesund.

57° 52.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 11° 33.0´ E

26 8

W. R. G.

4 Black and white tower; 16. 3 2

G. shore-303°30′, W.-306°, R.-shore.

57° 51.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 11° 33.0´ E period 3s

38 12

W. R. G.

8 White round concrete tower, 6 black band, gray conical 5 base; 41.

R. 094°-119°, G.-147°, W.150°30′, R.-213°, W.259°, R.-308°30′.

57° 50.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 11° 36.0´ E period 6s

24 7

W. R. G.

6 White lantern. 4 3

G. 312°30′-322°, W.-332°30′, R.-349°, obsc.-009°, W.166°.

57° 49.6´ N Fl.(4)W.R.G. 11° 38.4´ E period 12s

23 7

W. R. G.

6 White tower, black base; 25. 4 3

G. 265°-012°, W.-019°, R.085°, G.-188°30′, W.191°, R.-265°.

C 0416.1

C 0514

C 0514.1

C 0517

872 Lonnbacken. C 0521

876 Lekskar. C 0520

880 Saloknapp. C 0524

112 34


10 Pole.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


884 Salo.

57° 49.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 11° 37.0´ E

26 8

W. R. G.

5 White tower. 3 3

G. 295°-333°30′, W.-339°30′, R.-025°, G.-150°30′, W.153°, R.-163°.

57° 46.8´ N Fl.W.R.G. 11° 43.7´ E period 3s

23 7

W. R. G.

6 White pile. 4 3

G. 235°-257°, W.-260°, R.275°, G.-299°30′, W.303°, R.-350°, G.-012°, W.-014°30′, R.-44°, G.103°, W.-107°, R.-145°. Shown Apr. 15-Oct. 30.

57° 46.0´ N L.Fl.W.R.G. 11° 32.0´ E period 8s fl. 2s, ec. 6s

59 18

W. W. R. R. G. G.

8 White tower, black band; 32. 7 6 5 5 4

G. 344°-350°30′, W.-152°30′, R.-208°, G.-275°, R.278°, G.-304°, W.-308°, R.-344°.

57° 46.0´ N F.R. 11° 37.0´ E

19 6

6 Post, white triangular daymark, point up.

Fishing light.

896 -Rear, 60 meters 098° from front.

57° 46.1´ N F.R. 11° 37.0´ E

37 11

6 Post, white triangular daymark, point down.

Fishing light.

900 Roro Range, front.

57° 46.0´ N F.G. 11° 37.0´ E

16 5

3 Tower, white triangular daymark. Fishing light.

904 -Rear, 195 meters 329°30′ from front.

57° 46.4´ N F.G. 11° 37.2´ E

50 15

5 Tower, white triangular daymark, Fishing light. point down.

916 Stora Oset, E. side of islet.

57° 45.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 11° 37.0´ E period 9s

41 12

57° 45.0´ N F.G. 11° 39.0´ E

20 6

Post, white triangular daymark.

Fishing light.

924 -Rear, 120 meters 334° from front.

57° 45.1´ N F.G. 11° 39.3´ E

41 12

Post, white triangular daymark.

Fishing light.

928 Bjorko Range, front.

57° 44.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 11° 40.0´ E period 3s

26 8

C 0525

886 Stora Kalven. C 0525.5

888 Stora Polsan. C 0523

892 Kakholmen Range, front. C 0526

C 0526.1

C 0527.4

C 0527.5

C 0528

920 Kallo Knipplan Range, front. C 0530

C 0530.1

C 0532

W. R. G.

8 White lantern. 5 4

W. 11 Red lantern. W. 7 R. 5 G. 4

57° 44.1´ N Q.W. 11° 40.2´ E

936 Hallso Range, front.

57° 44.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 11° 40.0´ E period 4s

23 7

940 -Rear, 750 meters 331°30′ from front.

57° 44.3´ N Q.W. 11° 39.4´ E

56 17

942 Foto.

57° 40.4´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 11° 40.1´ E period 6s

20 6

W. R. G.

9 Orange tower. 7 6

G. 236°-258°48', W.-262°12', R.-293°.

57° 40.6´ N Q.W.R. 11° 40.1´ E

13 4

W. R.

4 Lantern on white pedestal. 3

W. 228°-064°, R.-101°.

57° 41.1´ N Iso.R. 11° 40.4´ E period 3s

28 9

8 Post, white triangular daymark, point up; 22.

948 -Rear, 300 meters 172° from front.

57° 41.0´ N Iso.R. 11° 40.5´ E period 3s

44 13

8 Post, white triangular daymark, point down; 22.

958 Juthuvudets grund.

57° 42.2´ N Fl.G. 11° 41.6´ E period 3s

20 6

2 Lantern on black steel platform.

959 Bo.

57° 42.2´ N Q.W. 11° 41.1´ E

16 5


C 0536

C 0536.1

C 0573.5

943 Valskar. C 0574

944 Dannekroken Range, front. C 0557

C 0557.1

C 0556.3


11 White lantern.

G. (unintensified) 031°-100°, G.-112°, W.-119°, R.128°. W. (intensified) on range line.

932 -Rear, 740 meters 162°30′ from front.

C 0532.1

105 32

G. 345°-024°, W.-048°30′, R.062°, G.-089°, W.120°30′, R.-163°, W.228°, G.-254°, W.-261°, R.-280°, W.-345°. Sectors intensified 345°-163°.

W. 13 White tower; 23. W. 10 R. 7 G. 6

Visible on range line only. G. 168°-177°, W.-185°, R.210°, G. (unintensified)239°, W. (unintensified)257°, R. (unintensified)280°, W.-338°, G.-349°, W.-353°, R.-004°.

13 White lantern.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


960 Lilla Varholmen Range, front.

57° 42.0´ N Iso.W. 11° 42.0´ E period 3s

66 20

964 -Rear, 180 meters 314° from front.

57° 42.3´ N Iso.W.R.G. 11° 42.2´ E period 3s

95 29

W. 10 White lantern. R. 5 G. 4

W. visible on range line only. R. 062°-079°, G.-106°, R.116°. Synchronized with front.

968 Stora Varholmen.

57° 41.7´ N L.Fl.(2)W.R.G. 11° 42.0´ E period 12s fl. 2s, ec. 2s fl. 2s, ec. 6s

50 15

W. 14 Red lantern. R. 10 G. 9

G. 320°30′-327°06′, W.-340°, R.-352°, G.-005°24', W.007°48′, R.-036°30′, W. (unintensified)-170°.

57° 42.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 11° 40.0´ E period 3s

15 5

W. R. G.

7 White lantern. 5 4

G. 191°-306°, W.-309°30′, R.326°.

57° 42.4´ N F.R. 11° 39.5´ E

21 6

2 Post, white triangular daymark, point down.

Fishing light.

57° 42.4´ N F.R. 11° 39.4´ E

38 12

2 Post, white triangular daymark, point up.

Fishing light.

3 White tower, green band. Floodlit.

Radar reflector.

C 0552

C 0552.1

C 0556

972 Tangudden. C 0558

974 Ockero Range, front. C 0559

975 -Rear, 285° 30' from front. C 0559.1

980 Mavholmsbadan, RACON. C 0578.8

11 White hut on white post, rectangular daymark.

57° 40.3´ N M(– –) 11° 42.4´ E period 48s

Visible on range line only.

HONO ROD HARBOR: 984 -Hono Rod Range, front.

57° 42.0´ N F.R. 11° 39.0´ E

21 6

7 Orange triangular daymark, point up, black border.

988 - -Rear, 250 meters 128° from front.

57° 41.9´ N F.R. 11° 38.9´ E

39 12

7 Orange triangular daymark, point down, black border.

992 Hono Huvud.

57° 41.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 11° 36.0´ E period 6s

62 19

W. R. G.

8 White lantern. 6 5

G. 039°-062°, W.-148°, R.206°30′, W.-277°30′, G.312°, W.-318°, R.-333°.

57° 41.5´ N Q.W.R.G. 11° 36.7´ E

36 11

W. R. G.

6 Lantern on white pedestal. 4 3

G. 315°-104°30′, W.-117°30′, R.-315°.

57° 41.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 11° 38.0´ E period 3s

23 7

W. R. G.

6 Lantern on white pedestal, black R. 333°-036°, G.-121°30′, W.4 base. 124°, R.-153°, G.-333°. 3

57° 41.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 11° 39.0´ E period 4s

14 4

W. 10 White lantern. R. 8 G. 6

G. 277°30′-281°30′, W.-285°, R.-017°, G.-040°, W.043°30′, R.-056°30′, G.090°, R.-105°.

57° 41.0´ N Q.W.R. 11° 40.0´ E

14 4

W. R.

3 Lantern on white pedestal. 1

W. 228°-064°, R.-101°.

57° 40.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 11° 37.0´ E period 9s

33 10

W. R. G.

6 Lantern on white pedestal. 4 3

W. 050°-094°, R.-179°, G.050°.

C 0546

C 0546.1

C 0560

996 Artholmen. C 0561

1000 Tynneskar. C 0562.6

1004 Klava. C 0563

1008 Valskar. C 0574

1012 Benskar, SE. side of island. C 0562

1016 Vinga Western Approach Buoy.

57° 38.9´ N L.Fl.W. 11° 33.6´ E period 10s

SAFE WATER RW, pillar, topmark.

Radar reflector.


VINGA SAND: 1020 -Vinga. C 0565

57° 37.9´ N Fl.(2)W. 11° 36.2´ E period 30s fl. 1s, ec. 7.5s fl. 1s, ec. 20.5s

151 46


25 Square granite tower; 95.

Unintensified on westerly bearings. Traffic signals. Signal station.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


GOTEBORG APPROACH: 1024 -Trubaduren. C 0569

-RACON 1036 -Svarta Baden.

57° 35.7´ N L.Fl.(3)W.R.G. 11° 38.0´ E period 30s fl. 3s, ec. 3.5s fl. 3s, ec. 3.5s fl. 3s, ec. 14s

79 24

W. 20 Black tower, orange top on gray R. 18 base; 84. G. 17 Floodlit. Helicopter platform.

T(–) period 30s

W. 005°30-131°36′, R.163°30', G.-214°24', W.237°12', R.-247°30′, G.005°30'.


57° 37.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 11° 46.0´ E period 6s

21 6

W. R. G.

57° 38.1´ N Iso.W.R.G. 11° 37.2´ E period 6s

36 11

W. 11 White hut on white conical base; G. 250°-292°36′, W.-296°12′, R. 8 30. R.-307°, R. G. 7 Floodlit. (unintensified)-015°, G. (unintensified)-094°, G.105°06', W.-117°30′, R.126°30′, R. (unintensified)-132°.

57° 38.4´ N Fl.(2)R. 11° 36.8´ E period 6s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4s

30 9

1044 -Vinga Ungar, 732 meters NW. of Vinga.

57° 38.2´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 11° 35.5´ E period 8s fl. 0.7s, ec. 1s fl. 0.7s, ec. 1s fl. 0.7s, ec. 3.9s

49 15

1048 -E. Range, front.

57° 38.0´ N Oc.R. 11° 36.7´ E period 4s

31 9

14 White tower; 33.

Visible 176°-276°.

1052 - -Rear, 390 meters 253°54' from front.

57° 37.9´ N Oc.R. 11° 36.3´ E period 4s

62 19

14 Red house, black gable, white band on two sides.

Visible 186°-286°. Synchronized with front.

1056 -Stora Kanso.

57° 37.5´ N Iso.W.R.G. 11° 44.7´ E period 3s

36 11

57° 37.8´ N Fl.W. 11° 46.2´ E period 5s

10 3

57° 37.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 11° 48.0´ E

23 7

W. R. G.

4 White hut. 2 2

G. 277°-287°, W.-296°, R.020°, G.-103°, W.-106°, R.-112°. Fishing light.

57° 38.3´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 11° 41.0´ E period 9s

39 12

W. R. G.

8 Orange tower; 38. 5 Floodlit. 4

W. 013°12′-027°, R.-088°, G.182°, W.-193°, R.350°36′, G.-012°.

C 0620

1040 -Viten. C 0567

1042 -Kottstycket. C 0564.5

C 0564

C 0566

C 0566.1

C 0619

5 White hut. 3 3

G. from shore-237°, W.-243°, R.-315°, G.-046°30′, W.050°30′, R.-shore.

4 White concrete tower, red stripe; Radar reflector. 21.

W. R. G.

W. R. G.

7 Post. 5 4

5 White lantern on hut, red roof. 4 3

G. 198°30′-266°24′, W.269°12', R.-000°, G.099°, R.-198°30′.

G. 275°-281°, R.-295°, W. (unintensified)-024°30′, G. (unintensified)-096°, G.-104°, W.-107°, R.115°30′, R. (unintensified)-136°30′.

GOTEBORG APPROACH: 1058 -Svensholmen E. C 0618

2 Yellow post, white daymark.

GOTEBORG APPROACH: 1060 -Lilla Mosskullen. C 0640

1064 -Buskars Knote. C 0570


K(– • –) period 30s

1066 -Trinda Brunskar, RACON.

57° 38.7´ N T(–) 11° 43.4´ E

1068 -Tanneskar, E. point.

57° 39.5´ N Iso.W.R.G. 11° 39.5´ E period 3s

C 0577

1075 -Botto. C 0571

5 5 29 9

57° 39.0´ N L.Fl.W. 11° 43.2´ E period 10s


W. 10 White lantern. R. 7 G. 6

G. 227°-233°06′, W.-239°06', R.-249°30′, G.-256°42′, W.-260°54′, R.-285°, G.359°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


1080 -Vasskarsgrund. C 0571.6

-RACON 1088 -Gaveskar.

57° 39.2´ N I.V.Q.W.R. 11° 43.3´ E period 8s

36 11

W. 13 Red tower, white top, red roof, on W. 237°-090°, R.-097°. R. 10 gray structure; 20. Floodlit.

B(– • • •) period 20s


57° 39.7´ N Q.R. 11° 46.1´ E

33 10

57° 41.0´ N Q.W. 11° 45.0´ E

16 5

3 Lantern on white pedestal.

C 0575

1124.2 -Alvsborgshamnen Range, C 0583 front.

57° 41.4´ N F.R. 11° 49.7´ E

39 12

2 Mast, red triangular daymark.

1124.21 - -Rear, 168 meters 275° from C 0583.1 front.

57° 41.4´ N F.R. 11° 49.6´ E

49 15

2 Mast, red triangular daymark.

1124.5 -Alvshorashamnen Ro Ro Range in line 029°, front.

57° 41.7´ N F.R. 11° 50.8´ E

1124.6 - -Rear, 160 meters from front.

57° 41.7´ N F.R. 11° 50.8´ E 57° 40.0´ N Q.R. 11° 51.0´ E

16 5

6 Metal tower.

Shown from May 1 to Oct. 31. Occasional.

57° 41.4´ N Fl.(2)W. 11° 53.1´ E period 6s

17 5

7 Dolphin.

Shown from July 6 to June 6.

57° 42.0´ N Fl.(2)W. 11° 57.0´ E period 6s

17 5

6 Dolphin.

Shown from July 6 to June 6.

57° 35.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 11° 44.0´ E period 6s

36 11

W. R. G.

7 White hut. 5 4

G. 345°-043°, W.-143°30′, R.201°30′, G.-261°30′, W.266°, R.-345°.

57° 35.3´ N Fl.W.R.G. 11° 46.1´ E period 3s

26 8

W. R. G.

4 White shed. 3 2

G. 253°-086°, W.-090°, R.103°. Fishing light.

57° 30.6´ N L.Fl.(2)W.R. 11° 43.7´ E period 15s fl. 2s, ec. 3s fl. 2s, ec. 8s

75 23

W. 18 Yellow castellated building with R. 15 flat roof; 46.

R. 100°-351°, W.-100°.

57° 30.5´ N Q.W.R.G. 11° 44.7´ E

33 10

W. R. G.

5 White hut. 3 3

G. 214°-227°, W.-237°, R.310°, G.-003°, W.-016°, R.-045°. Fishing light.

57° 27.6´ N Iso.W.R.G. 11° 55.1´ E period 8s

16 5

W. R. G.

5 White quadrangular tower; 7. 3 2

G. 085°-093°, W.-098°, R.118°.

57° 26.9´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 11° 49.9´ E period 9s

41 12

W. R. G.

9 White concrete tower, black 6 band; 25. 5

G. 008°-065°, W.-113°30′, R.200°, G.-339°, W.-342°, R.-008°.

57° 22.5´ N Fl.W.R.G. 11° 51.2´ E period 3s

33 10

W. R. G.

9 White tower; 25. 6 5

G. 165°-174°, W.-179°, R.197°, R. (unintensified)260°, G. (unintensified)264°, W. (unintensified)266°, R. (unintensified)287°, R.-295°30′, G.324°, W.-328°, R.-340°, G.-353°, W.-000°, R.017°.

C 0573

1092 -Skadden Rock.

C 0583.5

C 0583.51

1132 -Langedrag. C 0656

1144 -Billingen. C 0589

White tower; 32. Floodlit.

GOTEBORG (GOTHEBURG): 1148 -Skeppsbron. C 0594

1152 -Donso, Svartskar, W. head. C 0624

1156 -Karholmeskar. C 0623

1160 Tistlarna. C 0625

1164 Matskar. C 0626

1166 Lerkils. C 0659

1168 Kungen. C 0658

1172 Hallands Svartskar. C 0660


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks



57° 33.0´ N L.Fl.W.R.G. 11° 48.1´ E period 8s

49 15

W. 10 White concrete tower, green R. 7 band; 34. G. 6

R. (unintensified) 170°-174°, R.-178°30′, G.-270°, W.271°30′, R.-291°30′, G.344°, W.-345°30′, R.354°30′, G.-001°30′, W.006°, R.-033°, G.-039°, obsc.-170°.

57° 35.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 11° 48.0´ E period 3s

16 5

W. R. G.

6 White hut on green base. 4 3

G. 205°-211°30′, W.-215°30′, R.-327°, G.-350°, W.357°30′, R.-034°.

57° 35.7´ N Fl.W.R.G. 11° 49.0´ E period 3s

16 5

W. R. G.

9 White lantern. 7 6

G. 185°30′-192°, W.-196°, R.315°, G.-023°, W.-025°, R.-037°30′, obsc.185°30′.

57° 37.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 11° 50.0´ E period 6s

13 4

W. 10 Red lantern. R. 7 Floodlit. G. 6

G. 000°-004°30′, W.-005°30′, R.-032°30′, W. (unintensified)-142°30′, G.-164°, W.-166°30′, R.173°, obsc.-000°.

57° 38.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 11° 49.0´ E period 3s

20 6

W. R. G.

4 White hut. 3 Floodlit. 2

Fishing lights. G. 204°-016°, R.-090°, G.171°30′, W.-188°30′, R. elsewhere.

57° 37.1´ N Fl.W.R.G. 11° 51.0´ E period 6s

19 6

W. R. G.

4 White storage shed. 2 2

Fishing light. R. 340°-007°, G.-059°, W.082°, R.-165°.

57° 38.0´ N Fl.R. 11° 53.0´ E period 3s

6 2

1 Dolphin.

Fishing light. Shown by day from Oct. 1 to Mar. 31.

57° 39.6´ N Fl.W.R.G. 11° 48.2´ E period 3s fl. 0.7s, ec. 2.3s

7 2

W. R. G.

6 White wooden hut. 4 3

G. 170°-172°, W.-178°, R.199°, W. (unintensified)326°30′, G.-340°, W.345°30′, R.-352°.

57° 39.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 11° 49.0´ E period 9s

26 8

W. R. G.

6 Lantern on orange tower. 4 3

G. 312°30′-356°30′, W.-097°, R.-175°, G.-217°, W.220°30′, R.-312°30′.

57° 39.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 11° 50.0´ E

16 5

W. R. G.

6 Lantern on white pedestal. 4 3

G. 001°-036°, W.-042°30′, R.107°30′, G.-204°, W.206°, R.-262°, G.311°30′, W.-319°, R.001°. Fishing light.

57° 39.0´ N F.G. 11° 50.9´ E

36 11

4 Post.

Fishing light.

C 0646

1220.1 - -Rear, 80 meters 043° from front.

57° 39.0´ N F.G. 11° 50.8´ E

56 17

4 Post.

Fishing light.

57° 18.0´ N Fl.(2+1)W.R. 11° 54.0´ E period 27s

83 25

W. 22 White tower, black band; 77. R. 18

R. 018°-039°, W.-018°. Light shown 24 hours from Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.

57° 18.4´ N Iso.W.R.G. 11° 55.9´ E period 3s

62 19

W. 10 Black tower, white band, white R. 7 lantern, gray base; 69. G. 6 Floodlit.

G. 235°-333°, W.-003°, R.125°, G.-159°30′, W.161°, R.-235°. Light shown 24 hours from Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.

57° 20.2´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 11° 57.7´ E period 9s fl. 0.3s, ec. 1.2s fl. 0.3s, ec. 1.2s fl. 0.3s, ec. 5.7s

32 10

W. R. G.

8 White concrete tower; 29. 6 5

G. 316°-341°, W.-019°, R.030°, G.-059°30', W.091°, R.-106°.

57° 21.5´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 11° 59.1´ E period 6s

16 5

W. R. G.

7 White lantern. 5 4

G. 342°-357°, W.-008°30′, R.029°, G.-095°, W.-135°, R.-shore. Occasional.

C 0628

1180 -Rattaren. C 0630

1184 -Donsohuvud. C 0632

1188 -Knarrholmen. C 0636

1192 -Smaskaren. C 0642

1196 -Lilla Sjoholmen. C 0634

1200 -Langholmen (Ganle bukten). C 0644

1208 -Rivo, E. extremity. C 0652

1212 -Skifteskar. C 0650

1216 -Smorbadan. C 0654

1220 -Fiskeback Range, front.

C 0646.1

1228 Nidingen. C 0670

1232 Lilleland Rev. C 0666

1236 Malo. C 0673

1240 -Hamn, E. side of Skallanas entrance.

C 0664


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


1244 Fjordskar, at entrance to Kungsbackafjorden.

57° 21.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 12° 01.0´ E period 3s

33 10

7 White lantern on gray stone 5 base. 4

G. (3M) 157°-194°30′, W. (6M)-201°, R. (4M)- 318°, G.-002°30′, W.-029°, R.038°30′.

1248 Gottskar Range, front.

57° 23.0´ N F.R. 12° 01.0´ E

26 8

3 Post, white triangular daymark, point up.

Fishing light.

1252 -Rear, 66 meters 313° from front.

57° 23.4´ N F.R. 12° 01.2´ E

39 12

3 Post, white triangular daymark, point down.

Fishing light.

1256 -Kungsbacka.

57° 27.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 12° 04.0´ E period 3s

20 6

3 Dolphin. 1 1

G. 270°-357°30′, W.-001°, R.090°, W.-270°. Shown May 1 through Nov. 30.

57° 17.0´ N F.R. 12° 08.0´ E

20 6

3 Post, white triangular daymark.

Fishing light.

1264 -Rear, 80 meters 145° from front.

57° 16.8´ N F.R. 12° 08.5´ E

30 9

3 Post, white triangular daymark, point down.

Fishing light.

1268 Krogstadsudde Batfjorden.

57° 15.0´ N Fl.(4)W.R.G. 12° 06.0´ E period 12s

49 15

5 White wooden tower; 23. 3 3

G. 039°-079°, W.-091°30′, R.180°, W. (unintensified)shore.

57° 15.0´ N Iso.G. 12° 07.0´ E period 3s

10 3

5 Stake, red triangular daymark, white border.

1276 -Rear, 175 meters 056°18′ from front.

57° 15.2´ N Iso.G. 12° 07.5´ E

21 6

5 Stake, red triangular daymark, white border.

1280 -Grona Range, front.

57° 15.1´ N Iso.R. 12° 07.5´ E period 3s

10 3

5 Stake, red triangular daymark, white border.

1284 - -Rear, 175 meters 056°18′ from front.

57° 15.2´ N Iso.R. 12° 07.5´ E period 3s

21 6

5 Stake, red triangular daymark, white border.

1285 -Ringhals Range, front.

57° 16.1´ N Iso.W. 12° 07.5´ E period 3s

16 5

10 Pile, red daymark, white border.

57° 15.2´ N Iso.W. 12° 07.9´ E period 3s

26 8

10 Pile, red daymark, white border. Range marks center of channel.

57° 14.0´ N F.R. 12° 07.0´ E

20 6

5 Post, triangular daymark, white with orange edge.

Fishing light.

1292 -Rear, 100 meters 127° from front.

57° 14.3´ N F.R. 12° 07.1´ E

33 10

5 Post, white triangular daymark, orange border.

Fishing light.

1294 -Olai Rose Roda Range front.

57° 14.8´ N F.G. 12° 06.2´ E

33 10

2 Post, white triangular daymark, orange border.

1295 - -Rear, 82 meters 307° from front.

57° 14.8´ N F.G. 12° 06.2´ E

43 13

2 Post, white triangular daymark, orange border.

1296 Fladen.

57° 12.9´ N L.Fl..W. 11° 49.7´ E period 8s

78 24

9 Black tower, red top, gray base; 84.

C 0674

C 0676

C 0676.1

C 0680

1260 Sallebecke Range, front. C 0683.4

C 0683.5

C 0682

1272 Ringhals Range, front. C 0682.6

C 0682.61

C 0682.7

C 0682.71

C 0682.5

1285.1 - -Rear, 170 meters 056°24′ from front.

C 0682.51

1288 Buahamn Range, front. C 0683

C 0683.1

C 0683.2

C 0683.21

C 0671

W. R. G.

W. R. G.

W. R. G.

Fl.Y. period 3s N(– •) period 30s

1300 Klaback.

57° 09.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 12° 07.0´ E period 6s

46 14


57° 07.3´ N Iso.W. 12° 14.6´ E period 2s

33 10

W. R. G.

7 White lantern. 5 4

VARBERG: 1304 -E. Range, No. 1, front. C 0692

Synchronized. Range marks S. edge of channel.

Security light.


C 0684

Synchronized. Range marks N. edge of channel.


10 Post, triangular daymark.

W. 333°30′-157°, R.-314°, G.333°30′.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


1308 - -Rear, No. 3, 340 meters 019°24′ from front.

57° 07.5´ N Iso.W. 12° 14.8´ E period 2s

46 14

10 Post, triangular daymark, point down.

1312 -W. Range, No. 2, front.

57° 07.3´ N Iso.W. 12° 14.5´ E period 2s

33 10

10 Post, triangular daymark.

1316 - -Rear, No. 4, 340 meters 019°18′ from front.

57° 07.6´ N Iso.W. 12° 14.7´ E period 2s

46 14

10 Post, triangular daymark, point down.

1320 -Red Range, front.

57° 06.9´ N Oc.R. 12° 14.8´ E period 4s

49 15

6 Mast, white triangular daymark.

1324 - -Rear, 100 meters 070°18′ from front.

57° 06.9´ N Oc.R. 12° 14.9´ E period 4s

66 20

6 Mast, white triangular daymark, point down.

1328 -Green Range, front.

57° 06.8´ N Oc.G. 12° 14.8´ E period 4s

49 15

6 Mast, white triangular daymark.

1332 - -Rear, 100 meters 065°42′ from front.

57° 06.9´ N Oc.G. 12° 06.9´ E period 4s

66 20

6 Mast, white triangular daymark.

1340 -Subberget.

57° 05.0´ N L.Fl.(2)W.R.G. 12° 14.0´ E period 30s fl. 5s, ec. 5s fl. 5s, ec. 15s

85 26

W. 17 White cylindrical concrete tower; G. 342°-016°30′, W.-106°30′, R. 14 45. R.-157°, W. G. 12 (unintensified)-shore. Shown by day Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.

57° 03.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 12° 16.0´ E period 9s

29 9

W. R. G.

57° 01.6´ N F.R. 12° 18.7´ E

1352 -Rear, 250 meters 084°30′ from front. 1356 Glommen.

C 0692.1

C 0693

C 0693.1

C 0698.4

C 0698.5

C 0698

C 0698.1

C 0704

1344 Traslov. C 0706

1348 Galtaback Range, front. C 0708

C 0708.1

C 0714

1360 Morups Tange. C 0716


Marks E. edge of outer channel. Synchronized.

Marks W. edge of outer channel. Synchronized.

Marks N. edge of inner channel. Synchronized.

Marks S. edge of inner channel. Synchronized.

9 Lantern on white pedestal. 7 Floodlit. 6

G. 351°-058°, W.-091°30′, R.119°.

16 5

7 Lantern on white pedestal.

Unintensified 155°-172°. Fishing light. Horn: (about 180 meters N.) 3 bl. ev. 30s.

57° 01.5´ N F.R. 12° 18.9´ E

42 13

7 White post, triangular daymark.

56° 55.6´ N Fl.W.R.G. 12° 21.0´ E period 3s

31 9

W. R. G.

56° 55.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 12° 22.0´ E period 8s

96 29

W. 18 White round stone tower, black R. 15 band; 91. G. 13

M(– –) period 30s

6 White structure on pierhead. 4 3

G. shore-021°, W.-028°, R.036°, G.-056°30′, W.075°, R.-shore. G. shore-326°, W.-148°30′, R.-shore.


FALKENBERGS HAMN: 1368 -W. breakwater, head.

56° 52.9´ N L.Fl.W.R.G. 12° 28.1´ E period 8s fl. 2s, ec. 6s

36 11

56° 53.0´ N Iso.W. 12° 29.0´ E period 3s

39 12

9 White post, triangular daymark, red border.

Marks western edge of channel.

1376 - -Rear, 360 meters 032°30′ from front.

56° 53.5´ N Iso.W. 12° 28.8´ E period 3s

59 18

9 White post, triangular daymark, red border.


1380 -Range, front, E. side.

56° 53.0´ N Iso.W. 12° 29.0´ E period 3s

39 12

9 White post, triangular daymark, red border.

Marks eastern edge of channel.

1384 - -Rear, 360 meters 032°30′ from front.

56° 53.5´ N Iso.W. 12° 28.9´ E period 3s

59 18

9 White post, triangular daymark, red border.


1396 -Inner harbor Range, front, S. side.

56° 53.5´ N F.G. 12° 29.4´ E

36 11

8 White triangular daymark, red border.

Marks southern edge of channel.

1400 - -Rear, 120 meters 061° from front.

56° 53.6´ N F.G. 12° 29.5´ E

49 15

8 White triangular daymark, red border.

Synchronized with front.

C 0722

1372 -Range, front, W. side. C 0724

C 0724.1

C 0726

C 0726.1

C 0728

C 0728.1


W. 11 White tower, red stripes; 26. R. 9 Floodlit. G. 8

W. 200°-257°, R.-352°, G.017°, W.-033°, R.-105°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


C 0734

1401 Skallkroken Roda Range, front.

56° 44.0´ N F.R. 12° 39.0´ E

13 4

4 Post, white triangular daymark, red border.

1401.1 -Rear, 200 meters 044° from front.

56° 44.2´ N F.R. 12° 38.8´ E

26 8

4 Post, white triangular daymark with red border, point down.

1403 Skallkrolken Grona Range, front.

56° 43.7´ N F.G. 12° 38.8´ E

10 3

2 Post, white triangular daymark, red border.

1403.1 -Rear, 40 meters 110° from front.

56° 43.7´ N F.G. 12° 38.8´ E

16 5

2 Post, white triangular daymark, red border, point down.

56° 38.2´ N L.Fl.(3)W.R.G. 12° 42.2´ E period 30s fl. 3s, ec. 3s fl. 3s, ec. 3s fl. 3s, ec. 15s

73 22

C 0734.1

C 0734.2

C 0734.21

1404 Tylogrund. C 0735

Fl.W. period 3s 1408 Grotvik.

W. 10 Red tower, white top, gray base; R. 141°-274°, G.-294°, W.R. 7 75. 141°. G. 6 Shown by day Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.

33 10


56° 38.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 12° 47.0´ E

20 6

1412 -Entrance Buoy.

56° 37.0´ N L.Fl.W. 12° 48.0´ E period 10s

13 4

1416 -Halmstad, breakwater.

56° 39.0´ N Fl.(2)W. 12° 50.0´ E period 6s

46 14

56° 39.0´ N F.G. 12° 52.0´ E

26 8

6 Post, orange triangular daymark. Floodlit.

1424 - -Rear, about 400 meters 073° from from front.

56° 39.4´ N F.G. 12° 51.9´ E

36 11

6 Post, orange triangular daymark, point down.

1426 -Vastra Rannkaten.

56° 39.2´ N Fl.(3)R. 12° 50.9´ E period 6s

1428 -Western Range.

56° 40.0´ N Iso.W. 12° 51.0´ E period 2s

26 8

13 Post, white triangular daymark.

1432 - -Rear, 320 meters 037° from front.

56° 40.0´ N Iso.W. 12° 51.0´ E period 2s

43 13

13 Post, white triangular daymark.

1436 -E. Range, front.

56° 40.0´ N Iso.W. 12° 51.0´ E period 2s

6 2

13 Post, white triangular daymark.

1440 - -Rear, 350 meters 037° from front.

56° 39.7´ N Iso.W. 12° 51.1´ E period 2s

26 8

13 Post, white triangular daymark, point down.

1441 -Inner Harbor Range, front.

56° 39.8´ N Iso.W. 12° 51.5´ E period 4s

16 5

7 Mast, red square daymark.

1442 - -Rear, 200 meters 030°24′ from front.

56° 39.9´ N Iso.W. 12° 51.5´ E period 4s

26 8

7 Mast, red square daymark.

1444 Bastad Range, front.

56° 26.1´ N F.R. 12° 50.5´ E

26 8

9 Wooden post, white diamond daymark.


39 12

9 Wooden post, white diamond daymark.

1448 -Rear, 60 meters 221°54′ from front.

56° 26.1´ N F.R. 12° 50.5´ E

39 12

9 Wooden post, white diamond daymark.

1452 Hallands Vadero.

56° 27.0´ N Iso.W. 12° 33.0´ E period 8s

68 21

16 White round metal tower; 42.

56° 25.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 12° 36.0´ E period 9s

34 10

C 0737

W. R. G.

8 Concrete hut. 6 5

G. shore-312°, W.-019°, G.043°, W.-077°, R.-shore.

5 Red and white buoy.

Radar reflector.


C 0738

1420 -Oil Harbor Range, front. C 0746

C 0746.1

C 0739

C 0739.1

C 0740

C 0740.1

C 0739.4

C 0739.5

C 0752

1448 -Rear, 60 meters 219° from front.

C 0752.1

C 0752.1

C 2242

1456 Vingaskar. C 2246

0° 00.0´ 0° 00.0´

13 White framework tower, red bands; 33. Floodlit.

3 Perch.


W. R. G.

6 White lantern. 4 3


Obscured 285°-335°. Shown by day from Nov. 1 to Mar. 31. G. 164°-195°, W.-218°30′, R.286°, G.-348°30′, W.046°, R.-060°30′.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


TOREKOV: 1460 -Telephone cable range, front.

56° 25.5´ N F.G. 12° 37.3´ E

49 15

4 Cable beacon.

1464 - -Rear, 700 meters 088° from front.

56° 25.6´ N F.G. 12° 38.0´ E

82 25

4 Cable beacon.

1468 -On rock in harbor, front.

56° 25.7´ N F.R. 12° 37.8´ E

27 8

6 Post, white triangular daymark.

1472 - -Rear, 40 meters 124°30′ from front.

56° 25.8´ N F.R. 12° 38.1´ E

33 10

6 Post, white triangular daymark.

Storm signals.

1476 Ramsjo Hamn Roda Range front.

56° 23.0´ N F.R. 12° 40.0´ E

16 5

2 Post, white triangular daymark, point up.

Fishing light.

1480 -Rear, 160 meters 355° from front.

56° 23.2´ N F.R. 12° 40.0´ E

33 10

2 Post, white triangular daymark, point down.

Fishing light.

1484 -Grona Range, front.

56° 23.1´ N F.G. 12° 39.8´ E

18 5

2 Post, white triangular daymark, point up.

Fishing light.

1488 - -Rear, 110 meters 326° from front.

56° 23.1´ N F.G. 12° 39.7´ E

36 11

2 Post, white triangular daymark, point down.

Fishing light.

1492 Angelholm, N. jetty.

56° 16.4´ N Fl.R. 12° 49.9´ E period 3s

10 3

5 Post.

56° 16.3´ N Fl.(2)G. 12° 49.9´ E period 6s

10 3

4 Post.

56° 16.3´ N F.G. 12° 50.5´ E

26 8

7 Post.

Visible on range line only.

1504 -Rear, 110 meters 099° from front.

56° 16.3´ N F.G. 12° 50.5´ E

36 11

7 Post.

Visible on range line only.

1508 Svanshall, on W. mole.

56° 15.0´ N F.W.R.G. 12° 40.0´ E

20 6

W. R. G.

7 White framework tower. 5 4

Fishing light, shown from July 15 to May 15. R. 129°-154°, G.-225°, W.270°, R.-300°.

56° 17.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 12° 35.0´ E period 4s

21 6

W. R. G.

9 White post. 6 5

Fishing light. G. shore-232°, W.-250°, R.shore.

C 2252

C 2252.1

C 2248

C 2248.1

C 2254

C 2254.1

C 2254.4

C 2254.5

C 2258.4

1496 -S. jetty. C 2258.6

1500 Angelholm Range, front. C 2258

C 2258.1

C 2259

1512 Arildslage, pierhead, fishing harbor.

C 2259.5


Section 2 East Coast of Denmark and Flensburger Forde Including Lillebaelt

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


1520 Skagen, W. C 0001

1524 Skagen. C 0002


57° 44.9´ N Fl.(3)W.R. 10° 35.7´ E period 10s fl. 1s, ec. 1s fl. 1s, ec. 1s fl. 1s, ec. 5s

102 31

W. 17 White round tower; 82. R. 12

57° 44.0´ N Fl.W. 10° 38.0´ E period 4s fl. 0.2s, ec. 3.8s

144 44

23 Gray round tower; 151.

G(– – •)

W. 053°-248°, R.-323°. DGPS Station.


SKAGEN HAVN: 1528 -Entrance Range, front.

57° 43.0´ N Iso.R. 10° 35.0´ E period 4s

42 13

8 Pipe mast.


1532 - -Rear, 262 meters 334°30′ from front.

57° 43.2´ N Iso.R. 10° 35.4´ E period 4s

72 22

8 Lattice mast.

F.R. and F.G. lights at head of W. and E. inner moles respectively.

1536 -W. breakwater, E. head.

57° 43.0´ N Fl.R. 10° 36.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.7s, ec. 2.3s

26 8

5 Red tower; 23.

1540 -E. breakwater, SW. head.

57° 42.9´ N Fl.G. 10° 35.7´ E period 3s fl. 0.7s, ec. 2.3s

26 8

5 Green tower; 23.

1544 - -NE. head.

57° 43.3´ N F.W. 10° 36.4´ E

20 6

6 Gray mast; 7.

57° 43.0´ N F.R. 10° 35.6´ E

16 5

2 Gray mast; 7.

1552 - -NE. mole, head.

57° 43.0´ N F.G. 10° 35.6´ E

16 5

2 Gray mast; 7.

1556 -Inner W. mole, head.

57° 43.1´ N F.R. 10° 35.6´ E

19 6


Visible only over the harbor.

57° 43.1´ N F.G. 10° 35.6´ E

19 6


Visible over the harbor.

1564 -Osthavn, SE. mole.

57° 43.0´ N F.G. 10° 36.0´ E

13 4

4 Gray pipe mast.

1568 -Oshavn, NW. mole.

57° 43.0´ N F.R. 10° 35.8´ E

13 4

4 Gray pipe mast.

57° 36.0´ N F.R. 10° 26.0´ E

19 6

2 Mast; 13.

57° 35.5´ N F.G. 10° 25.7´ E

19 6

2 Mast; 13.

57° 29.1´ N Fl.(3)W. 10° 37.4´ E period 30s fl. 1.2s, ec. 4.8s fl. 1.2s, ec. 4.8s fl. 1.2s, ec. 16.8s

98 30

C 0005

C 0005.1

C 0004

1548 -Forhavn, SW. mole, head. C 0006

C 0009

1560 -Inner E. mole, head. C 0010

Horn: 2 bl. ev. 30s.

AALBAEK HAVN: 1572 -S. mole, head. C 0017

1576 -N. mole, head. C 0016

1584 Hirsholm. C 0020


21 Round granite tower; 89.

W. 007°36′-013°30′, R.016°24′. Same structure.


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks

5 White square structure, green 3 band; 8. 3

W. 075°-093°, R.-180°, G.075°.


HIRSHOLM: 1588 -Havn, S. mole, head.

57° 29.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 10° 37.0´ E period 2s

16 5

57° 29.7´ N F.R. 10° 30.6´ E

23 7

4 Red framework tower; 16.

57° 29.7´ N Fl.R. 10° 30.4´ E period 5s fl. 1s, ec. 4s

33 10

5 Red framework tower; 26.

57° 29.6´ N F.G. 10° 30.5´ E

23 7

4 Green framework tower; 16.

57° 29.7´ N Fl.G. 10° 30.4´ E period 5s fl. 1s, ec. 4s

33 10

5 Green framework tower; 26.

C 0025

1598 - -Strandby Harbor Range, front.

57° 29.6´ N Iso.W. 10° 30.3´ E period 2s

26 8

6 Gray framework tower, green Visible 185°12′-320°12′. triangular daymark, point up; 26.

1598.1 - - -Rear, 268 meters 252°42′ from front.

57° 29.6´ N Iso.W. 10° 30.1´ E period 2s

36 11

6 Gray framework tower, green triangular daymark, point down; 52.

57° 26.0´ N Iso.R. 10° 33.0´ E period 2s

26 8

10 Red round tower; 23.

Unintensified 018°-108°.

1604 - -Rear, 405 meters 303°30′ from front, on S. inner mole.

57° 26.1´ N Iso.R. 10° 32.6´ E period 4s

98 30

11 Gray framework tower.

Visible 297°30′-306°30′.

1606 -Approach Buoy.

57° 25.1´ N Iso.W. 10° 35.7´ E period 4s

C 0024

1592 Strandby Havn, inner S. mole. C 0027

1593 -Mole, head. C 0027.3

1596 -Inner N. mole. C 0026

1597 - -Mole, head. C 0026.3

C 0025.1

W. R. G.

Siren: 1 bl. ev. 60s (bl. 15s, si. 45s).

Visible 185°12′-320°12′. Synchronized with front.

FREDERIKSHAVN: 1600 -Range, front. C 0030

C 0030.1

-RACON 1608 -NE. breakwater, head. C 0028

1612 -S. inner mole, head. C 0031

1616 -N. inner mole, head. C 0031.2

1628 -Fladehavn, E. mole, head. C 0032

1630 -Ronnerhavn. C 0027.6

1632 - -W. mole, head. C 0033

SAFE WATER RW, pillar, topmark.

T(–) 57° 26.0´ N Iso.W.G. 10° 33.0´ E period 2s

26 8

W. 13 Green tower; 23. G. 9

G. 302°-271°, W.-278°. Siren: 2 bl. ev. 30s. Reserve Reed.

57° 26.1´ N F.R. 10° 32.6´ E

20 6

1 Red framework tower, 3.

Shown 24 hours.

57° 26.2´ N F.G. 10° 32.7´ E

20 6

1 Green framework mast, 7.

Shown 24 hours.

57° 26.0´ N Fl.R. 10° 33.0´ E period 5s fl. 1s, ec. 4s

14 4

4 Red tower; 7.

Visible 006°-280°.

57° 28.0´ N Fl.G. 10° 32.6´ E period 3s fl. 0.8s, ec. 2.2s

14 4

4 Gray mast. Floodlit.

57° 26.1´ N Fl.G. 10° 32.6´ E period 5s fl. 1s, ec. 4s

14 4

4 Green tower; 7.

57° 20.0´ N Fl.G. 10° 32.0´ E period 3s fl. 1s, ec. 2s

19 6

Gray post.

57° 19.9´ N Fl.R. 10° 32.0´ E period 3s fl. 1s, ec. 2s

20 6

Gray post.

57° 20.0´ N F.G. 10° 32.0´ E

23 7

Gray post.

Visible 129°-069°.

SAEBY HAVN: 1636 -N. outer mole, head. C 0034

1640 -S. outer mole, head. C 0036

1644 -N. inner mole, head. C 0038


Siren: 1 bl. ev. 60s. Occasional.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


1646 Route T, buoy No. 3. RACON

57° 28.0´ N Iso.W. 11° 25.0´ E period 4s

SAFE WATER RW, pillar, topmark.

K(– • –)


LAESO: 1648 -Nordre Ronner, on Spirholm.

57° 21.7´ N Fl.W. 10° 55.3´ E period 15s fl. 0.2s, ec. 14.8s

53 16

57° 19.0´ N Fl.W.R. 11° 12.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.7s, ec. 2.3s

39 12

W. R.

8 Gray framework tower; 30. 5

R. 335°-011°, W. elsewhere.

57° 19.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 11° 08.0´ E period 5s lt. 4s, ec. 1s

33 10

W. R.

8 White post on white hut; 16. 5

W. 127°-191°, R.-090°, G.127°. Siren: 2 bl. ev. 60s. When vessels are expected.

57° 19.3´ N Fl.G. 11° 07.5´ E period 3s fl. 0.7s, ec. 2.3s

19 6

4 Post; 10.

57° 18.0´ N Fl.G. 10° 55.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.7s, ec. 2.3s

23 7

3 Round green tower; 16.

57° 17.9´ N Fl.W. 10° 55.3´ E period 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s

13 4

5 Gray column; 7.

57° 18.0´ N Iso.R. 10° 56.0´ E period 2s

23 7

3 Red lattice mast, red triangular daymark; 16.

1676 - -Rear, 347 meters 136° from front.

57° 17.8´ N Iso.R. 10° 55.7´ E period 4s

46 14

3 Lattice mast, red triangular daymark; 23.

1696 -Laeso Rende.

57° 13.2´ N L.Fl.(2)W.R.G. 10° 40.4´ E period 20s fl. 2s, ec. 2s fl. 2s, ec. 14s

82 25

C 0044

1652 -Syrodde. C 0057

1656 -Osterby Havn, E. mole, head. C 0054

1660 - -Outer mole, E. head. C 0055

1664 -Vestero Havn, W. mole, head. C 0048

1668 - -Sandtrap. C 0049

1672 -Vestero Havn Range, front. C 0050

C 0050.1

C 0061

-RACON 1716 Asaa, N. mole, W. head. C 0062

1720 -S. mole, head. C 0064

1724 -Svitringen Rende S. C 0066.8


Q(– – • –) period 60s

14 Round granite tower; 59.

W. 18 White tower, black base; 85. R. 14 Helicopter platform. G. 14 20

Horn: 1 bl. ev. 30s.

G. 105°30′-179°, W.-203°, R.252°, G.-329°30′, W.337°, R.-105°30′. Azimuth coverage 154°-056°.

57° 09.0´ N F.G. 10° 26.0´ E

13 4

1 Post; 13.

Shown from Sept. 1 to April 30. Siren: 1 bl. ev. 60s. When vessels are expected.

57° 08.7´ N F.R. 10° 25.8´ E

13 4

1 Post; 13.

Shown from Sept. 1 to Apr. 30.

56° 51.1´ N Fl.W. 10° 36.4´ E period 3s fl., ec. 2.3s

43 13

8 Metal mast; 49.

Pilot station.

G(– – •) period 120s


LIMFJORDEN ENTRANCE: 1732 -No. 8. C 0067

1736 -No. 13. C 0067.2

1740 -No. 12. C 0067.3

56° 53.0´ N Fl.R. 10° 33.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s

33 10

5 Red metal tower with platform; 33.

56° 54.0´ N Fl.G. 10° 31.0´ E period 5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

33 10

5 Green metal tower with platform; Located 30 meters inside 33. edge of channel. Radar reflector.

56° 57.0´ N Fl.R. 10° 28.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s

33 10

5 Red metal tower with platform; 33.


Located 30 meters inside edge of channel. Radar reflector.

Located 30 meters inside edge of channel. Radar reflector.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


1742 -Hou, N. mole. C 0065

1743 -Inner mole. C 0065.2

1744 -Hals Barre. C 0066

57° 03.4´ N Fl.G. 10° 23.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.7s, ec. 2.3s

10 3

4 Green post.

57° 03.4´ N F.G. 10° 22.9´ E

20 6

4 Green mast.

56° 57.3´ N Fl.W. 10° 25.5´ E period 10s fl. 0.2s, ec. 9.8s

59 18

Iso.W.R.G. period 2s -RACON 1748 -Hals Barre N.

49 15

B(– • •) period 40s

18 Red tower, white bands; 50.

W. 10 R. 6 G. 6

In line 272° with inner mole.

Pilot station.

G. 305°-313°, W.-319°, R.323°.


56° 58.0´ N Fl.(3)G. 10° 21.9´ E period 10s

42 13

5 Green tower; 42.

Radar reflector.

56° 57.9´ N Fl.(3)R. 10° 21.8´ E period 10s

42 13

5 Red tower; 42.

Radar reflector.

56° 58.4´ N Iso.G. 10° 20.0´ E period 2s

17 5

9 Red octagonal tower; 20.

Visible 290°18′-298°18′. Sector limits may be indistinct. Synchronized with 1764 and 1766.

Fl.R. period 3s

16 5


Visible 139°30′-290°30′.

1764 - -S. front, 9 meters 203° from N. front light, 2 km. 114°06′ from rear.

56° 58.4´ N Iso.R. 10° 20.0´ E period 2s

17 5

9 Red octagonal tower; 20.

Visible 290°18′-298°18′. Synchronized with 1760 and 1766.

1766 - - -Egensekloster, common rear.

56° 58.8´ N Iso.W. 10° 18.1´ E period 4s

66 20

1768 - -E. Light, Range, front.

56° 59.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 10° 18.0´ E period 5s lt. 4s, ec. 1s

13 4

1772 - - -Rear, 177 meters 315°24′ from front.

56° 59.5´ N Iso.W. 10° 18.3´ E period 4s

30 9

1776 - -E. pier.

56° 59.0´ N F.G. 10° 19.0´ E

13 4

5 White concrete pillar, green band.

1780 -Egensekloster Skov Range, front.

56° 59.0´ N Iso.R. 10° 15.0´ E period 2s

42 13

5 Red framework mast; 33.

Visible 076°18′-156°18′.

1784 - -Rear, 540 meters 116°18′ from front.

56° 58.6´ N Iso.R. 10° 15.1´ E period 4s

62 19

5 Red framework mast; 52.

Visible 076°18′-156°18′.

1788 -Frydenstrand, common front.

56° 59.0´ N Iso.W. 10° 12.0´ E period 2s

43 13

8 Red framework mast; 33.

Visible 131°-143°.


Visible 231°-311°.

C 0069

1752 -Hals Barre S. C 0069.5

-Egensekloster: 1760 - -Korsholm, N. Range,front, about 2 kilometers 114°18′ from rear.

C 0072

C 0072.1

C 0073

C 0076

C 0076.1

C 0078

C 0084

C 0084.1

C 0089

Iso.G. period 2s

15 Red framework mast, red triangular daymark, point down; 66

W. 14 White house, red band; 13. R. 10 G. 10

Synchronized with and midway between twin front lights. Visible 287°18′-301°18′, Intensified 292°18′296°18′. G. 311°30′-315°, W.-316°30′, R.-321°.

13 Gray mast; 23.

1792 - -Rear, about 916 meters 137° from front.

56° 58.7´ N Iso.W. 10° 12.8´ E period 4s

75 23

8 Red framework structure, red triangular daymark, point down, white stripe.

Visible 133°-141°.

1796 - -Rear, 340 meters 271° from common front.

56° 59.0´ N Iso.G. 10° 11.8´ E period 4s

59 18

5 Red framework mast; 49.

Visible 231°-311°.

1800 -S. Range, front.

57° 00.0´ N Iso.R. 10° 17.0´ E period 2s

42 13

8 Red framework structure, red triangular daymark, white stripe.

Visible 266°30′-306°30′.

C 0089.1

C 0088.9

C 0079.9


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


1804 - -Common rear, 240 meters 286° from range front, 270 meters 279°30′ from N. range, front.

56° 59.6´ N Iso.W. 10° 16.3´ E period 4s

59 18

8 Framework structure, red triangular daymark, white stripe.

Visible 243°-323°.

1808 -N. Range, front.

57° 00.0´ N Iso.G. 10° 17.0´ E period 2s

42 13

8 Red framework structure, red triangular daymark, white stripe.

Visible 259°30′-299°30′.

57° 00.0´ N Iso.W. 10° 18.0´ E period 2s

62 19

14 Red framework structure, red triangular daymark, white stripe.

Visible 066°30′-086°30′.

56° 59.5´ N Iso.W. 10° 18.7´ E period 4s

62 19

14 Red framework structure, red triangular daymark, white stripe.

Visible 066°30′-086°30′.

57° 04.0´ N Iso.W. 10° 02.0´ E period 2s

42 13

8 Red framework structure, red triangular daymark, white stripe.

Visible 299°-307°.

57° 03.9´ N Iso.W. 10° 01.6´ E period 4s

75 23

8 Red framework structure, red triangular daymark, white stripe, point down.

Visible 299°-307°.

57° 05.2´ N Iso.W. 10° 01.1´ E period 2s

36 11

12 Red framework mast, red triangular daymark, white stripe, point up.

Visible 307°-347°.

Iso.W. period 2s

33 10

1840 - - -E. Range, rear, 1100 meters 327°12′ from common front.

57° 05.7´ N Iso.W. 10° 00.5´ E period 4s

75 23

12 Red framework mast, red triangular daymark, white stripe, point down.

Visible 307°-347°.

1841 - - -ESE. Range, rear, 620 meters 083°36′ from common front.

57° 05.2´ N Iso.W. 10° 01.7´ E period 4s

59 18

8 Red framework mast, red triangular daymark, white stripe, point down.

Visible 044°-124°.

1844 - -S. Range, front.

57° 05.0´ N Iso.R. 10° 00.0´ E period 2s

43 13

4 Red framework structure, red triangular daymark, white stripe.

Visible 290°-312°.

1848 - - -Rear, 427 meters 301° from front.

57° 05.5´ N Iso.R. 9° 59.5´ E period 4s

59 18

5 Red framework structure, triangular daymark, white stripe, point down.

Visible 290°-312°.

1860 - -SE. Range, front.

57° 05.0´ N Iso.R. 10° 00.0´ E period 2s

43 13

5 Red framework structure, red triangular daymark, white stripe, point up; 33.

Visible 004°30′-084°30′.

1864 - - -Rear, 305 meters 044°30′ from front.

57° 05.5´ N Iso.R. 10° 00.2´ E period 4s

59 18

5 Red framework structure, red triangular daymark, white stripe, point down; 49.

Visible 004°30′-084°30′.

1868 -Skongaard Range, front.

57° 05.0´ N Iso.W. 9° 59.0´ E period 2s

42 13

12 Red framework structure, red triangular daymark, white stripe.

Visible 003°48′-043°48′.

57° 05.4´ N Iso.W. 9° 59.3´ E period 4s

59 18

12 Red framework structure, red triangular daymark, white stripe, point down.

Visible 003°48′-043°48′.

57° 03.4´ N Fl.G. 9° 52.5´ E period 3s fl. 0.7s, ec. 2.3s

16 5

3 Green pole; 11.

57° 03.4´ N Fl.R. 9° 52.5´ E period 3s fl. 0.7s, ec. 2.3s

16 5

3 Red pole; 11.

C 0080

C 0080.1

1812 Hals, W. front. C 0082

1816 - -Rear, 360 meters 076° 30′ from front.

C 0082.1

LIMFJORDEN: 1828 -Bredhage Range, front. C 0098

1832 - -Rear, 536 meters 303° from front.

C 0098.1

-Engholm: 1836 - -E. Range and ESE. Range, common front.

C 0101

C 0100.9

C 0101.1

C 0102

C 0102.1

C 0106

C 0106.1

C 0110

1872 - -Rear, 414 meters 024° from front.

C 0110.1


-Aalborg Havn: 1884 - -W. mole, head. C 0121.6

1888 - -E. mole, head. C 0121.7


Visible 044°-124°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


1904 Oster-Hurup, E. mole, head. C 0124

1908 -S. mole, head. C 0125

56° 48.3´ N F.G. 10° 17.0´ E

23 7

4 White mast; 16.

56° 48.3´ N F.R. 10° 17.0´ E

23 7

4 White mast; 16.

Siren: 1 bl. ev. 60s.


MARIAGER FJORD: -Als Odde: 1912 - -Range, front.

56° 42.7´ N Iso.W. 10° 20.8´ E period 2s

23 7

9 Gray lattice mast, red triangular daymark, point up; 23.

1916 - - -Rear, 1511 meters 261°54′ from front.

56° 42.5´ N Iso.W. 10° 19.3´ E period 4s

79 24

10 Gray lattice mast, red triangular daymark, point down; 62.

1920 - -Second Range, front.

56° 42.1´ N Iso.G. 10° 19.6´ E period 2s

16 5

3 Latticework mast, red triangular topmark, point up; 23.

1924 - - -Rear, 232 meters 236°18′ from front.

56° 42.1´ N Iso.G. 10° 19.4´ E period 4s

30 9

4 Latticework mast, red triangular daymark, point down; 33.

1928 - -Range, front.

56° 42.0´ N Iso.R. 10° 19.0´ E period 2s

19 6

3 Post, red triangular daymark, point up; 19.

56° 42.1´ N Iso.R. 10° 19.2´ E period 4s

33 10

3 Post, red triangular daymark, point down; 33.

C 0126

C 0126.1

C 0127

C 0127.1

C 0128

1932 - - -Rear, 200 meters 244° from front.

C 0128.1

RANDERS FJORD: 1936 -Udbyhoj.

108 33

W. 15 White round tower, red band; 15. G. 194°-228°, W.-232°, R.R. 12 254°, G.-276°, W.-279°, G. 12 R.- 289°.

56° 36.0´ N Iso.W. 10° 20.0´ E period 2s

13 4

14 Red pile, on concrete base, red Visible 250°30′-255°30′. triangular daymark, point up; 20.

1944 - -Rear, 794 meters 253°06′ from front.

56° 36.0´ N Iso.W. 10° 19.6´ E period 4s

46 14

14 Red latticework mast, red triangular daymark, point down; 40.

Visible 250°30′-255°30′.

1948 -Kirkegrund W. Range, front.

56° 36.0´ N Iso.R. 10° 19.0´ E period 2s

14 4

5 Red post, red triangular daymark, point up; 13.

Visible 269°30′-292°30′.

1952 - -Rear, 875 meters 281° from front.

56° 36.5´ N Iso.R. 10° 17.7´ E period 4s

29 9

7 Red post, red triangular daymark, point down; 26.

Visible 278°-284°.

1956 -Kirkegrund E. Range, front.

56° 36.0´ N Iso.R. 10° 21.0´ E period 2s

18 5

11 Latticework mast, red triangular daymark, point up; 13.

Visible 098°30′-103°30′.

1960 - -Rear, 350 meters 101° from front.

56° 36.0´ N Iso.R. 10° 22.0´ E period 4s

26 8

11 Latticework mast, red triangular daymark, point down; 23.

Visible 098°30′-103°30′.

1964 -Melbank.

56° 36.0´ N Fl.(2)R. 10° 21.0´ E period 5s fl. 0.7s, ec. 0.8s fl. 0.7s, ec. 2.8s

19 6

5 Red post on concrete base; 10.

56° 36.0´ N Fl.(2)G. 10° 19.0´ E period 5s fl. 0.7s, ec. 0.8s fl. 0.7s, ec. 2.8s

14 4

3 Green post on dolphin.

56° 37.0´ N Oc.(2)W.R.G. 10° 18.0´ E period 6s lt. 3s, ec. 1s lt. 1s, ec. 1s

14 4

2 Green post on dolphin; 7.

C 0176

1940 -Barren, Entrance Range, front. C 0178

C 0178.1

C 0182

C 0182.1

C 0184

C 0184.1

C 0186

1968 -Mellempolde. C 0188

1972 -Udbyhoi Fishing Harbor. C 0190

56° 35.4´ N Oc.W.R.G. 10° 19.2´ E period 5s lt. 4s, ec. 1s


G. 281°-296°, W.-297°, R.337°, G.-040°, W.-042°, R.-057°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


1976 Anholt, near E. point of island. C 0164

1980 -Outer N. mole, head. C 0166

1984 -Outer S. mole, head. C 0168

1988 -Inner S. mole, head. C 0172

1992 -Inner N. mole, head. C 0170

1996 Anholt Buoy 6. RACON

56° 44.2´ N Fl.W. 11° 39.0´ E period 15s fl. 0.2s, ec. 14.8s

131 40

14 White round tower, red top; 138. Obscured 053°-076°, except when bearing 057° and 063°.

56° 42.9´ N Iso.W.R.G. 11° 30.5´ E period 4s

26 8

W. 14 Red round metal tower. R. 10 G. 10

56° 42.9´ N F.G. 11° 30.6´ E

26 8

4 Green post.

Visible 345°-260°.

56° 43.0´ N F.G. 11° 30.6´ E

20 6

White post.

Visible 354°-302°.

56° 43.0´ N F.R. 11° 30.7´ E

20 6

White post.

Visible 254°-099°.

56° 45.4´ N Iso.W. 11° 53.0´ E period 8s

G. 038°-112°, W.-130°, R.135°, G.-160°, W.-164°, R.-038°. Sounded 0800-1600. Fog detector light.

SAFE WATER RW, pillar, topmark.

T(–) period 60s


(3 & 10 cm)

BONNERUP: 2000 -Outer E. mole, head. C 0195

2004 -Outer W. mole, head. C 0195.2

2008 Gerrild, Knudshoved. C 0200

2012 Fornaes. C 0204

56° 32.2´ N F.R. 10° 42.8´ E

16 5

4 Pyramid; 11.

56° 32.2´ N F.G. 10° 42.7´ E

16 5

4 Pyramid; 11.

56° 32.0´ N Fl.(4)W.G. 10° 50.0´ E period 20s fl. 1.5s, ec. 2s fl. 1.5s, ec. 2s fl. 1.5s, ec. 2s fl. 1.5s, ec. 8s

88 27

56° 26.5´ N Fl.W. 10° 57.5´ E period 20s

105 32

W. 14 White tower; 36. G. 11

23 Round granite tower; 89.

G. 106°30′-128°, W.-295°30′.

Obscured to the N. by Gjerrild Cliff, and the S. by Havknude.

GRENAO HAVN: 2020 -N. mole, head. C 0209

2024 -Cross mole, head. C 0210

2028 -Middle mole, head. C 0212

2032 -S. mole, head. C 0214

2034 -Lystbadehavn, N. breakwater, head.

C 0214.4

2034.1 - -S. breakwater, head. C 0214.6

2036 Sjaellands Rev, N. C 1478

RACON 2040 Lysegrund. C 0220

56° 24.6´ N Dir.Iso.W.R.G. 10° 55.5´ E period 4s

67 20

Gray mast; 61.

G. 212°30′-216°, W.-219°, R.222°30′.

56° 24.8´ N Fl.G. 10° 55.6´ E period 5s

16 5

Gray pipe mast.

Visible 270°-180°.

56° 24.6´ N F.G. 10° 55.7´ E

17 5


Visible 129°-069°.

56° 24.6´ N F.R. 10° 55.6´ E

16 5

3 Gray post; 10.

56° 24.2´ N Fl.G. 10° 55.6´ E period 3s

16 5

4 White pyramid, green top; 10. Floodlit.

Visible 028°-298°. Shown 24 hours.

56° 24.2´ N Fl.R. 10° 55.6´ E period 3s

16 5

4 White pyramid, red top; 10. Floodlit.

Shown 24 hours.

56° 06.1´ N Iso.W.R.G. 11° 12.2´ E period 2s

82 25

N(– •) period 40s

W. 22 Round white tower, red band, R. 17 black base; 85. G. 17 Floodlit. Helicopter platform.


56° 18.2´ N Q.(2)W. 11° 47.8´ E period 5s

33 10


5 Beacon, black and red stripes on concrete base; 33.

G. 025°-036°, W.-039°, R.062°, G.-074°, W.-077°, R.-105°, G.-118°, R.141°, G.-205°, W.-212°, R.-235°, G.-256°, W.283°, R.-317°, G.-350°, R.-025°. Azimuth coverage 020°-280°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


2044 Hesselo. C 0222

56° 11.8´ N Fl.W. 11° 42.6´ E period 15s fl. 0.2s, ec. 14.8s

131 40

14 White round tower; 79.

See Index for: Sjaellands Rev, other lights of Great Belt Hjaelm, other lights of Little Belt, Gilleleje Flak and other lights of the Sound

ISEFJORD: 2048 -Approach Whistle Buoy.

56° 00.0´ N L.Fl.W. 11° 51.0´ E period 10s

2052 -Spodsbjerg.

55° 58.7´ N Oc.W.R.G. 11° 51.7´ E period 5s lt. 4s, ec. 1s

C 0226

SAFE WATER RW, topmark. 131 40

W. 18 White square tower; 29. R. 11 G. 11

G. shore-095°, W.-098°, R.116°, G.-148°, W.-shore. Signal station.

55° 58.0´ N F.R. 11° 51.0´ E

19 6

Metal lantern; 6.

55° 57.9´ N F.G. 11° 50.6´ E

14 4

Gray pedestal; 6.

55° 58.0´ N Iso.R. 11° 50.7´ E period 2s

16 5

4 Mast; 16.

Visible about 067° each side of range line.

55° 58.0´ N Iso.R. 11° 50.7´ E period 4s

10 3

4 Framework tower; 19.

Visible about 067° each side of range line.

55° 57.0´ N F.R. 11° 52.0´ E

16 5

2 Red post; 6.

Not shown 0100-0500.

55° 56.0´ N Oc.(2)W.R.G. 11° 52.0´ E period 6s lt. 1s, ec. 1s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

16 5

6 Red octagonal house; 13. 4 4

W. 000°-042°, R.-050°, G.146°, R.-340°, G.-000°.

4 Pole.

F.Y. shown in fog.

-Hundested Havn: 2056 - -Outer harbor, W. mole, head. C 0228

2060 - - -E. mole, head. C 0230

2064 - -Range, front. C 0231

2068 - - -Rear, 017°18′ from front. C 0231.1

2072 -Lynaes Havn, W. mole, head. C 0238

2076 - -W. mole, head. C 0237

2080 - -Ferry Harbor, N. mole, head.

W. R. G.

F.Y. shown in fog.

55° 57.0´ N Fl.R. 11° 52.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.8s, ec. 2.2s

5 2

55° 57.0´ N Fl.G. 11° 52.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.8s, ec. 2.2s

16 5

4 Gray lantern on pile; 13.

55° 56.7´ N F.G. 11° 46.2´ E

15 5

3 Green mast; 8.

55° 51.0´ N F.R. 12° 03.0´ E

23 7

3 Lattice mast, red and white bands, triangular daymark.

55° 50.9´ N F.R. 12° 02.7´ E

33 10

3 Lattice mast, red and white bands, triangular daymark.

2104 - -North side of bridge leaf Range, front.

55° 51.0´ N Iso.G. 12° 03.0´ E period 2s

13 4

3 Red and white banded triangular daymark, point up.

2108 - - -Rear, 172°30′ from front.

55° 50.0´ N Iso.G. 12° 02.7´ E period 4s

39 12

3 Lattice mast, red and white triangular daymark, point down.

2116 -Roskilde Havn Range, front, W. mole, head.

55° 38.9´ N Iso.R. 12° 04.7´ E period 2s

26 8

6 Mast.

Visible 150°48′-180°48′. Synchronized with rear.

2120 - -Rear, 395 meters 165°48′ from front.

55° 39.1´ N Iso.R. 12° 04.6´ E period 2s

43 13

6 On building.

Visible 150°48′-180°48′. Synchronized with front.

2132 -Nykobing Havn, N. entrance to pleasure craft harbor.

55° 54.8´ N F.G. 11° 40.6´ E

10 3

4 Pole.

2136 - -S. entrance to pleasure craft harbor.

55° 54.8´ N F.R. 11° 40.5´ E

10 3

4 Pole.

C 0233

2084 - - -S. mole, head. C 0234

2088 -Rorvig, Yacht Harbor, N. mole, head.

F.R. light shown on S. mole head.

-Frederikssund: 2096 - -Range, front. C 0239.42

2100 - - -Rear, 160°42′ from front. C 0239.43

C 0239.44

C 0239.45

C 0239.7

C 0239.71

C 0260.5

C 0260.6


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


2138 - -S. mole, head.

55° 54.8´ N Fl.R. 11° 40.6´ E period 3s fl. 0.7s, ec. 2.3s

15 5

4 White structure, red top; 8.

2140 -Kyndbyvaerket Havn Range, front.

55° 49.0´ N Iso.R. 11° 53.0´ E period 2s

16 5

7 Gray post; 10.

Visible 161°30′-168°30′. Siren: 1 bl. ev. 30s.

2144 - -Rear, 1.2 km., 165° from front.

55° 48.1´ N Iso.R. 11° 52.9´ E period 4s

59 18

7 Framework mast; 20.

Visible 161°30′-168°30′.

2152 - -Range, front.

55° 45.1´ N Iso.R. 11° 48.7´ E period 2s

46 14

5 Lattice mast, red and white Visible 051°30′-071°30′. triangular daymark, point up; 31.

2156 - - -Rear, 800 meters 061°30′ from front.

55° 45.4´ N Iso.R. 11° 49.4´ E period 4s

85 26

5 Lattice mast, red and white triangular daymark, point down; 23.

Visible 051°30′-071°30′.

2164 -Loserup.

55° 47.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 11° 45.0´ E period 5s lt. 4s, ec. 1s

75 23

W. R. G.

6 Red round tower; 8. 4 4

G. 180°-207°, W.-216°, R.234°. Shown Aug. 1 through May 15.

55° 46.1´ N Iso.W.R.G. 11° 46.0´ E period 2s

16 5

W. R. G.

7 Green round tower, white band; 4 15. 4

G. 252°-338°30′, W.-343°30′, R.-065°, G.-165°, W.175°, R.-252°.

55° 43.5´ N Iso.W.R.G. 11° 45.7´ E period 2s

16 5

W. R. G.

6 Green post; 10. 4 Floodlit. 4

W. 105°-135°, R.-145°, G.105°. Fl.R. 3s 3M marks E. mole.

55° 44.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 11° 42.0´ E period 10s

13 4

W. R. G.

5 Pole, red and white striped; 8. 4 4

G. 309°30′-327°, W.-027°30′, R.-309°30′.

55° 43.4´ N Iso.R. 11° 42.9´ E period 2s

30 9

5 Framework tower, red triangular Visible 231°30′-251°30′. daymark, point up; 29.

2184 - - -Rear, 520 meters 241°30′ from front.

55° 43.2´ N Iso.R. 11° 42.4´ E period 4s

52 16

5 Framework tower, red triangular Visible 231°30′-251°30′. daymark, point down; 49. Synchronized with front.

2196 - -Boat harbor, W. mole.

55° 43.3´ N F.W.G. 11° 42.7´ E

13 4

3 Framework tower; 11.

55° 43.3´ N F.G. 11° 42.6´ E

16 5

3 Green round tower, white band on gray base; 13.

55° 42.0´ N F.R. 11° 50.0´ E

19 6

3 Black post.

C 0260.7

C 0242

C 0242.1

C 0255

C 0255.1

C 0257.5

2168 -Honsehalsen. C 0257

-Holbaek Havn: 2172 - -Holbaek Marina, W. mole. C 0253

2176 - -Horby yacht harbor. C 0254

2180 - -Channel Range, front. C 0248

C 0248.1

C 0244

2200 - -Ship harbor entrance. C 0246

2204 -Ejby Fishing Harbor. C 0243

2208 Hjelm.

56° 08.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 10° 48.0´ E period 8s

200 61

56° 09.2´ N Iso.W. 10° 40.1´ E period 2s

33 10

9 On building.

Visible 043°12′-075°12′.

2216 - -Rear, 256 meters 059°12' from front.

56° 09.3´ N Iso.W. 10° 40.3´ E period 4s

49 15

9 Gray lattice mast; 43.

Visible 043°12′-075°12′. Synchronized with front.

2218 - -N. breakwater, head.

56° 09.2´ N Fl.R. 10° 39.8´ E period 3s

16 5

5 Gray pedestal; 7.

56° 09.2´ N Fl.G. 10° 39.9´ E period 3s

16 5

5 Gray pedestal; 7.

56° 14.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 10° 36.0´ E period 5s lt. 4s, ec. 1s

43 13

56° 14.0´ N Fl.W. 10° 37.0´ E period 3s

30 9

C 0262

W. 18 White round tower; 59. R. 15 G. 15

W. 315°-045°, G.-315°.

G. 016°30′-043°, W.-051°, R.068°, G.-088°, W.-091°, R.-110°, W.-016°30′.

EBELTOFT VIG: 2212 -Ferry Harbor Range, front. C 0782

C 0782.1

C 0781

2218.1 - - -S. breakwater, head. C 0780.4

2220 -Bay, head. C 0772

2232 Lyngsbaek Bro, outer head. C 0773.4


W. 13 White wooden structure, red R. 10 bands; 20. G. 10 6 Pole mast; 26.

G. 355°-357°, W.-358°30′, R.005°, G.-008°, W.008°30′, R.-010°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


56° 11.9´ N F.G. 10° 40.2´ E

18 5

5 White mast; 8.

C O776

2233 -New entrance Range, front. 2233.1 - -Rear, 261 meters 091°42′ from front.

56° 11.9´ N F.G. 10° 40.5´ E

51 16

5 Steel mast; 39.

56° 11.6´ N F.R. 10° 40.1´ E

16 5

5 Concrete column, triangular daymark, red and white bands, point up; 7.

Visible 081°24′-126°24′.

C 0774

2234.1 - -Rear, 401 meters 103°54′ from front.

56° 11.6´ N F.R. 10° 40.5´ E

59 18

5 Framework mast, triangular daymark, red and white bands, point down; 33.

Visible 081°24′-126°24′.

56° 11.8´ N Fl.G. 10° 40.1´ E period 5s fl. 1s, ec. 4s

22 7

2 White structure, green band; 13.

56° 11.8´ N Fl.R. 10° 40.1´ E period 5s fl. 1s, ec. 4s

23 7

2 White structure, red band; 13.

56° 11.5´ N Fl.R. 10° 40.0´ E period 3s

11 3

2 White tower, red band; 7.

56° 05.7´ N Oc.W.R.G. 10° 30.8´ E period 10s lt. 7.5s, ec. 2.5s

56 17

56° 10.9´ N F.G. 10° 22.3´ E

16 5

C 0776.1

2234 -Ebeltoft Harbor Range, front.

C 0774.1

2244 -W. mole, head. C 0776.4

2248 -N. mole, head. C 0776.3

2250 -Skudehavn. C 0777

2252 Sletterhage. C 0786

2258 Skodshoved Harbor, S. mole, head.

C 0810

W. 16 White round tower; 52. R. 12 G. 12

Shown Apr. 1 to Nov. 15. R. 251°-275°, G.-297°, W.302°, R.-320°30′, G.006°, R.-060°, G.-088°, W.-117°, R.-125°.

4 Gray post; 10.

Shown Apr. 1 to Nov. 15.

2 Dolphin; 7.

Shown Apr. 1 to Nov. 15.

4 White concrete and metal post; 7.

Shown Apr. 1 to Nov. 15.

KALVO VIG: 2260 -Ronsten Grund SE. C 0819

2262 -Nappedam.

56° 15.7´ N Fl.(3)R. 10° 28.7´ E period 10s

7 2

56° 16.6´ N F.R. 10° 29.7´ E

13 4

2264 -Studstrupvaerkets Havn Range, front.

56° 15.1´ N F.R. 10° 20.9´ E

138 42

5 Framework mast, orange Visible 234°-014°. triangular daymark, point up; 125.

2268 - -Rear, 114 meters 304° from front.

56° 15.1´ N F.R. 10° 20.7´ E

161 49

5 House, orange triangular daymark, point down; 147.

2269 - -S. mole, head.

56° 14.6´ N F.R. 10° 20.7´ E

16 5

4 White round structure, red conical top; 10.

56° 14.6´ N F.G. 10° 20.6´ E

16 5

4 White round structure, green conical top; 10.

56° 12.6´ N F.R. 10° 17.7´ E

15 5

4 Red pile; 8.

56° 12.6´ N F.G. 10° 17.5´ E

15 5

4 Green pile; 8.

56° 09.8´ N Iso.W. 10° 13.8´ E period 2s

69 21

14 Gray framework tower; 74.

Visible 291°06′-299°06′. Shown 24 hours.

2276 - -Rear, 631 meters 295°06′ from front.

56° 10.0´ N Iso.W. 10° 13.2´ E period 2s

138 42

14 Gray framework mast; 161.

Visible 291°06′-299°06′. Shown 24 hours. Synchronized with front.

2278 -Pier No. 4 Range, front.

56° 09.9´ N F.W. 10° 13.8´ E

62 19

6 Gray framework tower; 52.

C 0802

Marks N. limit of dredged area. F.W. 1M also shown in reduced visibility.

2278.1 - -Rear, 98 meters 295°12′ from front.

56° 09.9´ N F.W. 10° 13.7´ E

72 22

6 Gray framework tower; 102.

F.W. 1M also shown in reduced visibility.

C 0818

C 0814

C 0814.1

C 0813

2270 - -N. mole, head. C 0813.2

2271 -Ega Marina, S. mole, head. C 0812

2271.1 - -N. mole, head. C 0812.5

Visible 007°-257°.

AARHUS: 2272 -Outer Range, front. C 0790

C 0790.1

C 0802.1


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


2280 -E. mole, head.

56° 09.7´ N Fl.R. 10° 13.9´ E period 5s fl. 1s, ec. 4s

52 16

9 Gray round tower, red band; 52. Shown 24 hours.

56° 09.7´ N Fl.G. 10° 13.8´ E period 5s fl. 1s, ec. 4s

26 8

7 Gray round tower, green band.

Shown 24 hours.

56° 09.5´ N F.R. 10° 13.6´ E

20 6

7 Gray round tower, red band.

Visible 026°-221°. Shown 24 hours.

56° 08.5´ N Iso.W. 10° 13.1´ E period 2s

82 25

6 Framework tower.

C 0796

Visible 210°-243°. By day Iso.W. 2s 2M, visible 217°30′-235°30′.

2286.1 - -Rear, 207 meters 220°12′ from front.

56° 08.4´ N Iso.W. 10° 12.9´ E period 2s

95 29

6 Framework tower.

Visible 210°-243°. By day Iso.W. 2s 2M, visible 217°30′-235°30′. Synchronized with front.

2288 -Basin No. 10, W. breakwater, head.

56° 09.0´ N Fl.G. 10° 13.7´ E period 5s

20 6

6 White tower, green band; 20.

Shown 24 hours.

2289 - -E. breakwater, head.

56° 08.9´ N Fl.R. 10° 13.9´ E period 5s

26 8

6 White tower, red band; 26.

Shown 24 hours.

56° 10.1´ N F.R. 10° 13.4´ E

23 7

5 Red tower; 15. Floodlit.

Shown 24 hours.

56° 08.3´ N F.G. 10° 13.0´ E

16 5

4 Green mast; 16.

56° 01.5´ N F.G. 10° 16.2´ E

10 3

4 Metal pole; 6.

C 0792

2282 -W. mole, head. C 0793

2284 -E. mole, head. C 0794

2286 -E. harbor Range, front.

C 0796.1

C 0794.3

C 0795

2292 -Yacht basin, E. mole, head. C 0808

2294 Marselisborg. C 0789.5

2296 Norsminde Marina. C 0821

TUNO: 2300 -E. side of island. C 0822

2304 -S. mole, head. C 0824

2306 Hov Harbor. C 0831

2308 -Elbow of N. mole. C 0830

2316 -Outer dolphin. C 0833

2320 -Inner dolphin. C 0833.5

55° 57.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 10° 27.0´ E period 5s lt. 4s, ec. 1s

102 31

W. 12 White church tower; 59. R. 8 G. 8 White lamppost; 7.

55° 57.0´ N F.R. 10° 27.0´ E

11 3

55° 54.7´ N Oc.(2)W.R.G. 10° 15.7´ E period 12s

16 5

W. R. G.

6 Metal mast; 13. 4 4

W. 199°-206°, R.-217, G.199°.

55° 54.6´ N Oc.W.R.G. 10° 15.4´ E period 5s

16 5

W. R. G.

9 White tower, red band; 16. 6 6

G. 318°-328°, W.-335°, R.345°.

55° 55.0´ N Fl.(3)G. 10° 16.0´ E period 10s

7 2

2 Dolphin.

55° 55.0´ N Fl.G. 10° 16.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s

7 2

2 Dolphin.

55° 51.9´ N F.G. 10° 33.0´ E

16 5

4 Mast; 13.

55° 48.0´ N Fl.R. 10° 32.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s

16 5

4 Red metal post.

55° 47.8´ N Fl.G. 10° 31.7´ E period 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s

16 5

3 Green metal post.

SAMSO: 2328 -Saelvig Pier, head. C 0837

-Kolby Kaas Havn: 2332 - -N. mole, head. C 0838

2336 - -S. mole, head. C 0839

G. 133°-157°, W.-160°, R.175°, G.-214°, W.-220°, R.-326°, G.-345°, W.350°, R.-045°.


Shown when vessels are expected between Sept. 1 and Apr. 1.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


2340 -Vesborg.

118 36

17 White round tower; 62.

55° 45.9´ N Fl.W. 10° 37.3´ E period 3s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2.5s

30 9

6 White lattice mast; 23.

Visible 204°-095°.

55° 44.0´ N Fl.(3)Y. 10° 35.0´ E period 10s fl. 1s, ec. 1s fl. 1s, ec. 1s fl. 1s, ec. 5s

23 7

5 Wind motor.

Other wind motors, some marked by lights, exist in area.

55° 49.0´ N F.G. 10° 38.5´ E

20 6

2 Gray post.

Visible 045°-225°.

55° 49.0´ N F.R. 10° 38.5´ E

20 6

4 Gray post.

55° 46.0´ N F.R. 10° 16.0´ E

20 6

5 Post; 16

Visible 045°-270°.

55° 45.6´ N F.R. 10° 15.8´ E

23 7

4 Wooden mast.

Visible 095°-235°.

55° 45.4´ N F.R. 10° 15.9´ E

42 13

4 Metal framework mast.

Visible 095°-235°.

55° 50.0´ N F.G. 10° 04.0´ E

19 6

10 White wooden house; 13.

2380 - -Rear, 703 meters 338°30′ from front.

55° 49.8´ N F.G. 10° 03.7´ E

59 18

12 Gray lattice mast, orange bands; Visible 334°30′-342°30′. 59.

2384 -Haldrup Range, front.

55° 53.0´ N F.R. 9° 58.0´ E

26 8

8 White house, orange band; 26.

Visible 316°-324°.

2388 - -Rear, 600 meters 320° from front.

55° 53.1´ N F.R. 9° 58.1´ E

60 18

8 White house, red band; 33.

Visible 316°-324°.

2392 Sejet Range, front.

55° 50.0´ N F.G. 9° 57.0´ E

10 3

5 White house; 11.

Visible 228°-248°.

55° 49.9´ N F.G. 9° 56.8´ E

33 10

5 White house; 16.

Visible 228°-248°.

55° 52.0´ N F.R. 9° 52.0´ E

41 12

10 White building.

Visible 191°-011°.

2404 - - -Rear, 690 meters 281° from front.

55° 51.6´ N F.R. 9° 51.0´ E

71 22

10 Brown framework mast orange triangular daymark; 85.

Visible 191°-011°.

2406 - -Yacht harbor.

55° 51.4´ N F.G. 9° 52.7´ E

10 3

2 Green post; 5.

55° 51.0´ N Fl.G. 9° 52.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.8s, ec. 2.2s

15 5

4 Green post on white hut; 11.

C 0842

2344 -Lushage, SE. point of Samso. C 0844

2345 - Paludans Flak, E. side. C 0846

55° 46.2´ N Oc.(2)W. 10° 33.2´ E period 12s lt. 2s, ec. 2s lt. 6s, ec. 2s

Visible 275°-149°, and in places to 169°.

-Ballen Havn: 2348 - -N. mole, head. C 0850

2352 - -S. mole, head. C 0848

ENDELAVE HAVN: 2364 -E. mole, head. C 0854

2368 -Range, front. C 0856

2372 - -Rear, 110 meters 165° from front.

C 0856.1

HORSENS FJORD: 2376 -Hjarno Range, front. C 0860

C 0860.1

C 0866

C 0866.1

C 0870

2396 - -Rear, 410 meters 238°12′ from front.

C 0870.1

Visible 334°30′-342°30′.

-Horsens: 2400 - -S. side of harbor Range, front. C 0876

C 0876.1

C 0877

HORSENS HAVN: 2408 -N. mole, head. C 0880


Shown April 1 through November 15.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


2412 -S. mole, head.

55° 51.0´ N Fl.R. 9° 52.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.8s, ec. 2.2s

15 5

4 Red post on white hut; 11.

55° 43.0´ N Fl.R. 10° 01.0´ E period 5s

18 5

4 Red metal mast.

55° 43.2´ N Fl.R. 10° 00.5´ E period 3s

13 4

4 Tripod.

55° 38.8´ N Fl.(3)W. 10° 09.8´ E period 15s fl. 0.3s, ec. 14.7s

66 20

55° 36.3´ N Oc.W.R.G. 10° 36.5´ E period 5s

13 4

W. R. G.

2440 Enebaerodde, W. side of Odense Fjord, at Hals.

55° 31.0´ N L.Fl.W.R.G. 10° 34.0´ E period 5s fl. 2s, ec. 3s

43 13

W. 11 White tower; 46. R. 8 G. 8

2442 Gabet Range, front.

55° 31.3´ N Iso.W. 10° 33.2´ E period 2s

33 10

6 Red mast, red trangular daymark; 26.

Visible 205°48′-235°48′. Shown 24 hours.

55° 31.2´ N Iso.W. 10° 33.1´ E period 4s

49 15

6 Red mast, red triangular daymark, point down; 43.

Visible 205°48′-235°48′. Synchronized with front. Shown 24 hours.

55° 32.0´ N Oc.(2)W.R.G. 10° 35.0´ E period 6s

66 20

5 Framework tower; 23. 3 3

G. 134°-144°, W.-154°, R.164°. Shown 24 hours.

55° 34.2´ N Oc.W.R.G. 10° 04.6´ E period 5s lt. 4s, ec. 1s

19 6

C 0882

2416 Juelsminde Havn. C 0884

2420 Sandbjerg Vig. C 0885

2432 Aebelo. C 0892

2436 Korshavn. C 0888

C 0890

C 0890.2

2442.1 -Rear, 140 meters 225°48′ from front.

C 0890.21

2444 Skoven. C 0890.4

14 Round granite tower; 60.

W. R. G.

7 White tower, red band; 10. 3 3

Visible 016°-263°.

R. 259°-292°, G.-053°, W.058°, R.-078°. G. 142°-164°, W.-173°30′, R.028°, G.-082°.

BOGENSE HAVN: 2448 -E. mole, head. C 0904

2452 -Entrance Range, front.

White tower; 10. Floodlit.

G. 160°30′-194°, W.-198°, R.160°30′.

55° 34.0´ N F.R. 10° 05.1´ E

7 2

55° 34.0´ N F.R. 10° 05.1´ E

33 10

2460 -Trelde Naes, S. side of entrance to fjord.

55° 38.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 9° 52.0´ E period 2s

85 26

2464 -Vejle Havn Range, front.

55° 42.4´ N Iso.R. 9° 33.0´ E period 2s

59 18

5 Gray framework mast, orange Visible 273°-303°. triangular daymark, point up; 62.

2468 - -Rear, 340 meters 288° from front.

55° 42.5´ N Iso.R. 9° 32.6´ E period 4s

82 25

5 Gray framework mast, orange triangular daymark, point down; 92.

2472 Strib.

55° 33.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 9° 46.0´ E period 5s lt. 4s, ec. 1s

69 21

W. 15 White square tower; 69. R. 12 G. 12

G. 351°-007°30′, W.-013°30′, R.-135°, G.-232°, W.238°, R.-shore.

55° 33.2´ N Fl.(2)R.G. 9° 46.4´ E period 5s fl. 0.8s, ec. 0.7s fl. 0.8s, ec. 2.7s

33 10

R. G.

R. 070°24′-220°24′, G.070°24′.

C 0908

2456 - -Rear, 130 meters 164°30′ from front.

C 0908.1

2 Post, white triangular daymark, point up; 7. 2 Warehouse, white triangular daymark, point down.


C 0900

C 0900.1

C 0922

W. R. G.

8 Metal framework tower; 69. 5 5

G. shore-124°, W.-129°, R.139°, W.-235°, R.-258°, G.-277°, W.-010°.

Visible 273°-303°.

FREDERICIA HAVN: 2480 -Skanseodde E. C 0912

-RACON 2484 -Shell Oil Pier. C 0911

T(–) period 120s

5 Green mast; 39. 5 Floodlit.


55° 33.0´ N F.G. 9° 46.0´ E

16 5


4 Dolphin.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


2486 -Floating drydock, SE. corner.

55° 33.5´ N V.Q.(6)+L.Fl.W. 9° 45.2´ E period 10s

41 12

4 Mast; 3.

2488 -Fiskerihavn.

55° 34.0´ N F.G. 9° 45.0´ E

16 5

2 Gray lattice mast; 59.

55° 33.0´ N Fl.G. 9° 45.0´ E period 3s

14 4

5 Green mast; 8.

55° 34.0´ N Fl.R. 9° 45.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.7s, ec. 2.3s

14 4

4 Red mast; 8.

55° 33.0´ N F.R. 9° 44.0´ E

13 4

2 Red post; 8.

55° 33.3´ N F.G. 9° 43.9´ E

16 5

2 Green post; 7.

55° 31.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 9° 45.6´ E period 5s lt. 4s, ec. 1s

31 9

55° 34.0´ N F.R. 9° 44.0´ E

16 5

5 Pillar; 20.

Visible 285°-325°.

2516 - -Rear, 120 meters 305° from front.

55° 33.5´ N F.R. 9° 44.1´ E

49 15

5 Gray mast; 43.

Visible 285°-325°.

2520 E. Lillebaeltsbro.

55° 31.0´ N Iso.W. 9° 45.0´ E period 4s

C 0917

2492 -E. mole, head. C 0918

2496 -W. mole, head. C 0919

2500 -Yacht Harbor. C 0920

2504 -Erritso. C 0920.2

2508 -Stavrby Skov. C 0924

2512 -Range, front. C 0919.4

C 0919.41

C 0925

2524 Lyngs Odde. C 0923

W. 10 White house, red band; 8. R. 7 G. 7

On columns.

Visible 323°-210°. G. 049°-068°, W.-079°, R.091°.

Iso.W. shown from each side of bridge at middle of center span. Nautophone: (on N. and S. side of center span) 2 bl. ev. 40s.

Fl.R. period 3s

Fl. light at each corner of three passages, arranged to

Fl.G. period 3s

show R. to port and G. to starboard of approaching vessels; N. passage lighted for eastbound traffic, middle passage for traffic in either direction.

55° 32.0´ N Fl.G. 9° 45.0´ E period 3s

16 5

4 Latticework structure; 6.

55° 30.0´ N F.G. 9° 44.0´ E

16 5

3 Green mast; 9.

55° 31.0´ N F.W., F.R., F.G. 9° 43.0´ E

16 5

55° 32.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 9° 42.0´ E period 5s lt. 4s, ec. 1s

20 6

Shown on NE. and SE. extremities of pier.

MIDDELFART: 2528 -W. inner mole. C 0928

2536 W. Lillebaeltsbro. C 0932

On piers.

F.W. shown from each side of bridge at middle of center span. Fixed light at each corner of three passages, so arranged as to show R. to port and G. to starboard of approaching vessels. N. passage lighted for westbound traffic, S. passage for eastbound traffic and middle passage for traffic in either direction. Horn: (Pier III) 1 bl. ev. 60s. Horn: (Pier II) 2 bl. ev. 60s.

BORUP: 2540 -Snoghoj. C 0936


W. 14 White hut, red band; 26. R. 9 G. 9

G. 056°-063°, W.-067°, R.074°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


2544 -N.

55° 32.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 9° 41.0´ E period 4s

31 9

W. 14 White structure, red band, white G. 012°-027°, W.-036°, R.R. 9 dwelling attached. 042°30′. G. 9

55° 31.7´ N Dir.Iso.W.R.G. 9° 40.4´ E period 2s

16 5

W. 14 White house, red band; 23. R. 9 G. 9

G. 290°-293°30′, W.-295°, R.302°. Shows direction 294°42′ between piers III and IV of Little Belt bridge.

55° 32.0´ N Dir.Oc.W.R.G. 9° 40.0´ E period 5s lt. 4s, ec. 1s

23 7

W. 14 White house, red band; 23. R. 9 G. 9

G. 290°-293°30′, W.-295°, R.311°. Shows direction 294°12′ between piers II and III of Little Belt bridge.

55° 31.0´ N F.G. 9° 38.0´ E

14 4

55° 30.8´ N Oc.(2)W.R.G. 9° 37.2´ E period 12s lt. 6s, ec. 2s lt. 2s, ec. 2s

39 12

55° 31.0´ N F.R. 9° 37.0´ E

30 9

4 Mast, orange triangular daymark, Visible 249°18′-059°18′. point up, on corner of Shown on request. building.

2568 - -Rear, 86 meters 329°18′ from front.

55° 30.7´ N F.R. 9° 37.1´ E

43 13

4 White structure, orange triangular daymark, point down; 40.

Visible 249°18′-059°18′. Shown on request.

2572 Drejensodde, S. side of point.

55° 30.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 9° 35.0´ E period 5s

14 4

8 Green wooden house; 13. 4 2

G. 243°-252°30′, W.-255°, R.260°30′, G.-276°.

55° 30.0´ N F.R. 9° 30.0´ E

29 9

13 Gray framework mast.

Shown 24 hours.

2580 - -Rear, 514 meters 267° from front.

55° 29.6´ N F.R. 9° 29.1´ E

49 15

13 Gray framework mast.

Shown 24 hours.

2584 -N. mole, head.

55° 29.6´ N Fl.G. 9° 30.2´ E period 3s

19 6

2 Green pyramidal cabinet; 13.

55° 29.5´ N Fl.R. 9° 30.1´ E period 3s

16 5

2 Red pyramidal cabinet; 13.

2592 Middlefart Yacht Harbor, jetty, head.

55° 30.0´ N F.G. 9° 44.0´ E

15 5

4 Metal post.

2596 Faeno.

55° 28.5´ N L.Fl.W.R.G. 9° 42.3´ E period 5s fl. 1s, ec. 4s

36 11

W. 11 Gable of white house; 26. R. 8 G. 8

G. 338°-342°, W.-346°, R.350°.

55° 17.8´ N Oc.(2)W.R.G. 9° 48.0´ E period 6s lt. 3s, ec. 1s lt. 1s, ec. 1s

39 12

W. 11 White square tower; 26. R. 7 G. 7

W. 081°-086°30′, R.-145°, G.158°, W.-166°, R.-179°, G.-265°, R.-288°, G.313°30′, W.-320°30′, R.357°30′, G.-081°. Obscured by Baago 195°201°.

55° 19.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 9° 54.0´ E period 5s lt. 3s, ec. 2s

39 12

W. 15 White house; 26. R. 11 G. 11

G. 117°-121°, W.-125°, R.129°.

55° 18.7´ N Iso.W.R.G 9° 53.6´ E period 2s

39 12

W. 12 Same structure as Tvingsberg N. G. 036°-041°, W.-043°, R.R. 8 048°. G. 8

55° 20.0´ N Iso.W. 9° 55.0´ E period 4s

92 28

C 0934

2548 -W. C 0938

2552 Damgaard. C 0944

2556 Skjaerbaek Fiskerihavn. C 0950

2560 Skjaerbaek. C 0948

2564 -Range, front. C 0949

C 0949.1

C 0956

Post. W. 14 Lantern on roof of building. R. 10 G. 10

W. R. G.

G. (unintensified) 035°30′042°30′, W. (unintensified)- 044°, R. (unintensified)- 049°, G. 309°30′-313°, W.-316°, R.-321°.

KOLDING HAVN: 2576 -Range, front. C 0958

C 0958.1

C 0960

2588 -S. mole, head. C 0959

C 0964

C 0962

2600 Baago. C 0972

2604 Tvingsbjerg. C 0967

2608 -SW. Range, front. C 0968

2612 -NE. rear, 2.2 km. 042° from front.

C 0968.1


14 White tower, red bands; 33.

Visible 036°-048°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


ASSENS: 2616 -Breakwater.

55° 16.2´ N Oc.W.R.G. 9° 53.0´ E period 10s lt. 8s, ec. 2s

16 5

55° 16.3´ N Fl.G. 9° 53.1´ E period 3s fl. 0.7s, ec. 2.3s

16 5

3 Green hut; 10.

55° 16.3´ N Fl.R. 9° 53.2´ E period 3s fl. 0.7s, ec. 2.3s

16 5

3 Pole.

55° 16.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 9° 43.0´ E period 5s lt. 4s, ec. 1s

30 9

55° 15.7´ N F.R. 9° 42.9´ E

13 4

55° 15.4´ N Iso.W.R.G. 9° 43.6´ E period 2s

39 12

55° 16.0´ N F.G. 9° 44.0´ E

13 4

55° 08.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 9° 58.7´ E period 5s fl. 1s, ec. 4s

98 30

2640 Bojden Ferry Harbor, N. mole, head.

55° 06.0´ N Fl.R. 10° 05.0´ E period 3s

23 7

Gray framework mast; 16.

2644 -S. mole, head.

55° 06.4´ N Fl.G. 10° 04.8´ E period 3s

23 7

Gray framework mast; 16.

55° 09.0´ N F.G. 10° 09.0´ E

14 4

55° 04.7´ N Oc.W.R.G. 9° 42.7´ E period 5s lt. 4s, ec. 1s

88 27

W. 12 Yellow metal tower; 66. R. 10 G. 10

G. 065°-070°, W.-073°, R.171°, G.-184°30′, W.236°, R.-259°.

55° 02.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 9° 25.0´ E period 5s lt. 3s, ec. 2s

14 4

W. 15 Orange wooden structure. R. 12 G. 12

G. 252°-255°, W.-257°, R.260°.

55° 02.0´ N Iso.G. 9° 26.0´ E period 2s

49 15

5 Gray framework tower; 46.

2664 - -Rear, 160 meters 320°12′ from front.

55° 02.4´ N Iso.G. 9° 25.7´ E period 4s

69 21

5 Gray framework tower; 66.

2668 -N. of Nyhavn Range, front.

55° 03.0´ N Iso.R. 9° 26.0´ E period 2s

36 11

5 Gray lattice mast; 26.

2672 - -Rear, 235 meters 350°18′ from front.

55° 03.0´ N Iso.R. 9° 25.7´ E period 4s

62 19

5 Gray lattice mast; 59.

2676 -Oil pier Range, front.

55° 03.0´ N F.W. 9° 26.0´ E

13 4

6 Fluorescent tube, white pole, white cross daymark.

2680 - -Rear, 50 meters 027° from front.

55° 02.6´ N F.W. 9° 26.0´ E

23 7

6 Fluorescent tube, white pole, white cross daymark.

2684 - -E. side of pier.

55° 02.0´ N Fl.R. 9° 27.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s

19 6

3 Mast on mooring dolphin; 10.

C 0977

2617 -W. mole, head. C 0982

2618 -E. mole, head. C 0983

2620 Arosund, S. harbor mole. C 0970

2624 -E. ferry mole, N. head. C 0970.4

2628 Aaro Island. C 0969

2632 Aaro Havn, S. mole, head. C 0970.6

2636 Helnaes. C 0988

C 0989.6

C 0989.4

2648 Faldsled Havn. C 0988.4

2652 Nordborg. C 1030

W. 14 White tower, red band; 13. R. 11 G. 11

W. 10 White round metal tower; 33. R. 8 G. 8

G. 158°-164°, W.-173°, R.180°.

G. 126°-171°, R.-194°, G.205°, W.-211°, R.-220°, G.-330°, W.-335°, R.337°.

3 Gray metal pole; 10. W. 11 White round metal tower, red R. 8 band; 42. G. 8

R. 306°-322°, G.-353°, W.001°, R.-151°, G.-178°, obsc.-180°30′, G.-184°, W.-187°, R.-193°. Partially obscured 178°-193°.

4 Gray post; 10. W. 13 White square tower; 92. R. 10 G. 10

R. 302°-321°, G.-330°, W.343°, R.-030°, G.-075°, W.-125°, R.-141°, G.179°.

Sounded during poor visibility when ferry is expected. Siren: 1 bl. ev. 20s.

4 Green pile; 13.

ABENERA HAVN: 2656 -Sonderstrand. C 1048

2660 -Sydhavn Range, front. C 1050

C 1050.1

C 1052

C 1052.1

C 1055

C 1055.1

C 1065


Marks east limit of dredged area.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


2688 Als Fjord, cable Range, front. C 1067.4

2692 - -Rear, 235° from front. C 1067.5

2696 Als Fjord Range, front.

55° 00.0´ N F.R. 9° 39.0´ E

19 6

2 Framework mast, red disk daymark, white border; 16.

Visible 230°-240°.

55° 00.3´ N F.R.W. (vert.) 9° 38.9´ E

36 11 30 9

2 Framework mast, red disk Visible 230°-240°. daymark, white border, over white diamond, red border; 29.

55° 00.0´ N F.R. 9° 39.0´ E

White beacon, red disk daymark, white border.

2700 -Rear, 27 meters 235° from front.

55° 00.3´ N F.R.W. (vert.) 9° 39.2´ E

White beacon, red disk with white border over red diamond with white border.

2704 Ballebro.

55° 00.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 9° 40.0´ E period 2s

36 11

W. 10 White round tower, red band; 20. G. 128°-140°, W.-152°, R.R. 7 253°, G.-262°30′, W.G. 7 274°, R.-283°.

54° 58.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 9° 45.0´ E period 4s

30 9

W. R. G.

55° 03.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 9° 51.0´ E period 2s

39 12

W. 13 White round metal tower, red R. 10 band; 33. G. 10

R. 131°-191°, G.-280°, W.290°, R.-301°.

55° 00.0´ N Oc.(2)W.R.G. 9° 58.0´ E period 12s lt. 6s, ec. 2s lt. 2s, ec. 2s

49 15

W. 15 White tower; 62. R. 11 G. 11

G. 127°-135°, W.-139°, R.174°, G.-186°, W.-323°.

C 1067

C 1067.1

C 1066

2708 Sottrupskov. C 1122

2712 Tranerodde. C 1032

2716 Taksensand. C 1034

2718 -Boat Harbor. C 1035.3

6 White hut, red band; 7. 3 3

Visible 230°-240°.

G. 151°-192°30′, W.-201°, R.238°.

54° 59.6´ N Oc.R. 9° 59.3´ E period 5s lt. 1s, ec. 4s

2720 Fynshavn Ferry Harbor, S. mole, head.

55° 00.0´ N Fl.R. 9° 59.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2.5s

23 7

5 Gray framework mast; 16.

2724 -N. mole, head.

55° 00.0´ N Fl.G. 9° 59.0´ E period 5s

23 7

5 Gray framework mast; 16.

55° 00.0´ N F.R. 9° 59.0´ E

26 8

5 Tripod, white disk daymark; 13.

Visible 152°30′-272°30′.

54° 59.5´ N F.R.W. (vert.) 9° 58.5´ E

47 14

5 Mast, white disk over white diamond daymark; 33.

Visible 152°30′-272°30′.

55° 05.0´ N F.R. 10° 05.0´ E

49 15

5 Mast, white disk daymark; 19.

Visible 334°36′-094°36′.

55° 04.7´ N F.R.W. (vert.) 10° 04.9´ E

72 22

5 Framework mast, white disk over Visible 334°36′-094°36′. diamond daymark; 31.

55° 04.0´ N Fl.W. 10° 09.0´ E period 5s fl. 1s, ec. 4s

13 4

4 Black mast; 13.

55° 03.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 10° 16.0´ E period 4s

20 6

W. 10 White building, red band; 11. R. 7 G. 7

G. 040°-052°, W.-060°, R.071°.

55° 04.6´ N Dir.Iso.W.R.G. 10° 13.6´ E period 2s

26 8

W. 16 White hut, red band; 16. R. 14 G. 14

G. 350°42′-352°12′, W.354°12′, R.-355°42′.

55° 04.0´ N F.G. 10° 13.0´ E

19 6

2 Mast; 13.

55° 05.0´ N F.G. 10° 16.0´ E

42 13

4 White hut, red bands, red Visible 043°30′-049°30′. triangular daymark, point up; Shown 24 hours. 36.

C 1035.4

C 1035.8

2728 Fynshavn Cable Range, front. C 1037

2732 -Rear, 212°30′ from front. C 1037.1

2736 Hornenaes Cable Range, front. C 0989.8

2740 -Rear, 034° from front. C 0989.81

2744 Lyo, Rev. C 0990

2748 Bjorno. C 0991

Sounded during poor visibility when ferries are expected. Siren: 2 bl. ev. 30s.

FAABORG FJORD: 2752 -Sisserodde. C 0992

2760 -Dyreborg Havn. C 0994

2764 -Osterhede Range, front. C 0998


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


2768 - -Rear, 212 meters 047° from front.

C 0998.1

55° 05.2´ N F.G. 10° 15.7´ E

59 18

4 White hut, red bands, red triangular daymark, point down; 36.

Visible 043°30′-049°30′. Shown 24 hours.

55° 06.0´ N F.R. 10° 14.0´ E

20 6

4 Gray post, red triangular daymark, point up; 13.

Visible 260°-002°. Fl.G. 3s 4M shown from head of pier 75 meters SSW.

55° 05.7´ N F.R. 10° 14.2´ E

36 11

4 Framework, red triangular daymark, point down; 43.

Visible 224°-089°.

55° 01.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 10° 19.9´ E period 5s lt. 4s, ec. 1s

30 9

W. 11 White hut, red band; 10. R. 8 G. 8

G. 115°12′-123°, W.-130°, R.143°.

55° 01.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 10° 16.0´ E period 4s

33 10

W. 14 White house, red band; 13. R. 10 G. 10

G. 259°-264°, W.-268°, R.273°.

-Faaborg Havn: 2776 - -E. mole Range, front. C 1004

2780 - - -Munkholm, rear, 189 meters 336°30′ from front.

C 1004.1

AVERNAKO: 2784 -Nakkeodde, E. head. C 1020

2788 -Munke, E. side of Avernako. C 1016

AERO: 2792 -Skjoldnaes. C 1070

2796 Vitso Range, front.

54° 58.2´ N L.Fl.W. 10° 12.3´ E period 30s fl. 4s, ec. 26s

106 32

20 Round granite tower; 72.

54° 55.0´ N F.R. 10° 15.0´ E

12 4

Mast, round white disk daymark, Marks cable. red center; 16.

2800 -Rear, 220 meters 077° from front.

54° 55.4´ N F.R.W. (vert.) 10° 14.8´ E

25 8

White disk, red center above white diamond daymark, red border.

2804 -Soby Havn.

54° 57.0´ N Iso.W.R. 10° 16.0´ E period 2s

20 6

2808 -Aeroskobing Havn, E. mole, head.

54° 53.6´ N Fl.R. 10° 24.9´ E period 5s fl. 1s, ec. 4s

2812 -W. mole, head.

54° 54.0´ N Fl.G. 10° 25.0´ E period 5s fl. 1s, ec. 4s

C 1068

C 1068.1

7 White tower; 19. 5

W. 151°-255°, R.-151°. F.G. 4M marks W. mole. Siren: 2 bl. ev. 60s.

13 4

3 Red post. Floodlit.

Shown 24 hours Apr. 1 thru Nov. 15. Fl.G. 3s shown on S. part of mole.

13 4

4 White and green mast, red triangular daymark, point up; 24.


38 12

5 Floodlit.

Visible 076°18′-316°18′.

2816 - -Rear, about 145 meters 196° from front.

54° 53.4´ N F.G. 10° 24.8´ E

49 15

5 White framework mast, red triangular daymark, point down; 44.

Visible 076°18′-316°18′.

2818 -Dejro.

54° 54.0´ N Fl.(2)R. 10° 25.2´ E period 5s

C 1074

C 1078

C 1076

-Range, front.

C 1076.1

C 1077

8 2

W. R.

2 Red dolphin.

-Marstal Havn: 2820 - -N. Range, about 1.4 km., 331° from church, front.

54° 52.0´ N F.R. 10° 31.0´ E

15 5

5 Pole, red triangular daymark, point up; 16.

Visible 184°48′-324°48′.

2824 - - -Rear, 125 meters 254°48′ from front.

54° 52.0´ N F.R. 10° 30.4´ E

36 11

5 Pole, red triangular daymark, point down; 20.

Visible 184°48′-324°48′.

2825 - -S. channel Range, front.

54° 51.5´ N Iso.W. 10° 31.6´ E period 2s

21 6

7 Gray framework mast on white base.

Visible 303°24′-335°24′.

C 1087

2825.1 - - -Rear, 279 meters 319°24′ from front.

54° 51.6´ N Iso.W. 10° 31.5´ E period 4s

33 10

7 Gray framework mast on white base.

Visible 303°24′-335°24′.

C 1086

C 1086.1

C 1087.1


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


2826 - -

54° 51.5´ N Dir. Oc.W.R.G. 10° 31.4´ E period 5s lt. 4s, ec. 1s

20 6

54° 51.0´ N F.G. 10° 31.0´ E

26 8

2 Gray framework structure, red triangular daymark, point up; 20.

2832 - - -Rear, 238 meters 178°42′ from front.

54° 51.3´ N F.G. 10° 31.4´ E

42 13

2 Gray framework structure, red triangular daymark, point down; 36.

2833 Aeros Hale cable Range, front. C 1084

54° 50.7´ N F.R. 10° 31.0´ E

16 5

5 Lattice mast, red and white daymark.

Visible 219°48′-359°48′. Shown 24 hours.

2833.1 -Rear, 350 meters 288° from front.

54° 50.6´ N F.R.W. (vert.) 10° 30.6´ E

43 13 30 9

6 Lattice mast, red and white 5 diamond daymark; 33.

Visible 219°48′-359°48′. Shown 24 hours.

54° 49.8´ N F.R. 10° 36.4´ E

59 18

5 Double mast, red and white daymark; 16.

Visible 032°12′-172°12′. Shown 24 hours.

54° 49.7´ N F.R.W. (vert.) 10° 36.5´ E

89 27 75 23

W. R.

6 Double mast, red and white 5 diamond daymark; 30.

Visible 032°12′-172°12′. Shown 24 hours.

54° 49.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 10° 26.0´ E period 5s lt. 4s, ec. 1s

79 24

W. R. G.

7 White mast, red band; 29. 4 4

G. 210°-252°, W.-337°, R.352°, G.-007°, W.-210°.

54° 54.0´ N F.R. 10° 37.0´ E

19 6

8 Mast, white disk daymark; 23.

Visible 274°-310°.

2844 -Rear, 270 meters 292° from front.

54° 53.6´ N F.R.W. (vert.) 10° 36.7´ E

33 10 26 8

8 Tower, white disk over diamond daymark..

Visible 274°-310°.

2848 -Pier, head.

54° 54.0´ N F.W.R.G. 10° 38.0´ E

16 5

7 Roof of red warehouse. 4 4

G. 016°-246°, W.-355°, R.016°.

54° 56.0´ N F.R. 10° 03.0´ E

11 3

5 Gray post; 7. Floodlit.

54° 56.1´ N Fl.R. 10° 02.9´ E period 3s fl. 0.7s, ec. 2.3s

15 5

5 Gray post; 10.

54° 53.9´ N F.R. 10° 03.5´ E

16 5

White beacon, red disc daymark, white border; 20.

2868 -Rear, 50 meters 256° from front.

54° 53.9´ N F.R.W. (vert.) 10° 03.5´ E

30 9

White beacon, round over diamond, red and white daymarks; 33.

2872 Gammel-Pol.

54° 52.9´ N Oc.(3)W.R.G. 10° 04.2´ E period 15s lt. 5s, ec. 2s lt. 2s, ec. 2s lt. 2s, ec. 2s

65 20

2876 -Kegnaes (Kekenis), S. point of Alsen.

54° 51.2´ N Oc.W.R.G. 9° 59.3´ E period 5s lt. 4s, ec. 1s

105 32

2880 Sonderborg.

54° 54.0´ N F.G. 9° 48.0´ E

C 1087.8

2828 - -S. Range, front. C 1088

C 1088.1

C 1084.1

2834 Ristinge, S. cable Range, front. C 1084.3

2834.1 -Rear, 102°12′ from front. C 1084.31

2836 -Vejsnaes Nakke. C 1082

2840 Stryno Range, front. C 1704

C 1704.1

C 1703

W. R. G.

W. R.

W. R. G.

7 Gray mast; 15. 5 5

G. 281°24′-286°24′, W.290°24′, R.-294°24′, G.301°24′.

MOMMARK (MUMMARK): 2852 -E. mole, head. C 1042

2856 -Outer mole, head. C 1046

2864 Hummelvig Range, front. C 1098

C 1098.1

C 1100

W. 11 White tower, red band; 36. R. 8 G. 8

W. 166°30′-320°, R.-008°, G.036°30′, W.-049°, R.166°30°.

W. 12 Yellow round tower; 60. R. 10 G. 10

R. 217°-266°30′, G.-273°, W.289°30′, R.-337°, G.026°, W.-044°, R.050°30′, G.-075°, W.080°, R.-102°30′.


C 1115.5

15 5


4 Pole; 6.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


2888 -Near Castle. C 1116.4

2892 -W. side of channel. C 1117

2893 Horuphav Havn. C 1115.4

54° 54.5´ N Fl.G. 9° 47.0´ E period 5s fl. 1s, ec. 4s

16 5

5 Framework mast on green pile; 7.

Visible 284°-258°. Radar reflector.

54° 54.5´ N Fl.R. 9° 46.9´ E period 5s fl. 1s, ec. 4s

16 5

5 Red pole; 6.

Visible 114°-342°. Radar reflector.

7 2

4 White post.

54° 54.4´ N Fl.G. 9° 53.4´ E period 3s fl. 0.7s, ec. 2.3s


2900 Kalkgrund (G.). C 1113

RACON 2912 -Mole Range, front (G).

54° 49.5´ N Iso.W.R.G. 9° 53.4´ E period 8s

72 22

T(–) period 72s

W. 14 Red round tower, two white R. 13 bands, three galleries; 79. G. 12 Floodlit.

W. 012°-062°, R.-084°, W.100°, R.-120°, W.131°30′, G.-157°, W.164°, R.-190°, W.252°36′, G.-258°, W.265°, R.-292°, W.-308°, R.-012°. Horn: Mo.(FS) ev. 30s.


54° 45.2´ N Iso.W. 9° 51.8´ E period 4s

43 13

7 Framework tower, white triangular daymark, red border, point up; 33.


2916 - -Rear, 40 meters 208° from front.

54° 45.2´ N Iso.W. 9° 51.8´ E period 4s

52 16

7 Framework tower, white triangular daymark, red border, point down; 43.

Synchronized with front. Occasional.

2918 - -Yacht Harbor Range, front.

54° 45.3´ N Iso.G. 9° 51.9´ E period 4s

13 4

6 White mast, white triangular daymark, red border, point up; 7.

Intensified on range line.

54° 45.3´ N Iso.G. 9° 51.9´ E period 4s

20 6

6 White mast, white and red triangular daymark, point down; 15.

54° 49.0´ N Oc.(2)W. 9° 39.0´ E period 9s lt. 2s, ec. 1s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

20 6

8 Gray mast; 14.

2924 -Rear, 50 meters 177° from front.

54° 49.3´ N Oc.(2)W. 9° 39.3´ E period 9s lt. 2s, ec. 1s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

33 10

8 Gray mast; 33.

2928 Holnis (G.).

54° 51.7´ N Iso.W.R.G. 9° 34.5´ E period 6s

105 32

W. 13 Red and white banded tower, R. 10 gallery; 85. G. 11

2932 Skodsbol (Schottsbull) Range (D), front.

54° 54.0´ N Iso.W. 9° 38.0´ E period 2s

36 11

7 White round metal tower, red band; 26.

Visible 008°-078°.

2936 -Rear, 900 meters 028° from front.

54° 54.1´ N Iso.W. 9° 38.9´ E period 4s

79 24

16 White metal framework tower, red diamond daymark; 23.

Visible 020°-038°.

2940 Marina Minde, W. pier, head.

54° 53.9´ N F.G. 9° 37.1´ E

13 4

4 On floating breakwater.

54° 53.4´ N Iso.W.G. 9° 34.5´ E period 2s

33 10

W. 11 White round metal tower, red G. 8 band; 28.

2948 -Rear, about 1 km. 289°30′ from front.

54° 53.6´ N Iso.W. 9° 33.8´ E period 4s

98 30

11 White metal framework mast, red Visible 281°-299°. diamond daymark; 23.

2952 Lagemade Range, front.

54° 54.1´ N Iso.R. 9° 36.8´ E period 2s

43 13

14 White round tower, red band, red Visible 044°-052°. triangular daymark; 26.

C 1115

C 1115.1

C 1115.3

2918.1 - - -Rear, 70 meters 178°42′ from front.

C 1115.31

2920 Langballigau (G.) Range, front. C 1126

C 1126.1

C 1134

C 1136

C 1136.1

C 1137

2944 Rinkenaes Range, front. C 1166

C 1166.1

C 1140



R. 053°-060°, W.-066°30′, G.091°30′, W.-189°, R.196°, W.-203°, R.-208°, G. 283°-289°, W.294°30′, R.-302°.

Jetty head floodlit. W. 227°-312°, G.-004°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


2956 -Rear, 700 meters 048° from front.

54° 54.4´ N Iso.R. 9° 37.4´ E period 4s

85 26

54° 54.0´ N F.R. 9° 36.0´ E

13 4

White post; 7.

2964 - -Rear, 30 meters 335°30′ from front.

54° 54.4´ N F.R. 9° 35.7´ E

20 6

White post; 7.

2966 Farensodde.

54° 49.4´ N F.R. 9° 28.4´ E

13 4


54° 49.4´ N F.G. 9° 28.3´ E

13 4


C 1140.1

14 White metal framework mast, red Visible 041°-059°. top, red triangular daymark; 69.

EGERNSUND: 2960 -Range, front. C 1146

C 1146.1

C 1175

2966.1 -Inner harbor. C 1175.5

FLENSBURG: 2972 -Kielseng. C 1176

2980 -Kraftwerk Range, front. C 1180

2984 - -Rear, 80 meters 229° from front.

C 1180.1

54° 48.3´ N Dir.Oc.W.R.G. 9° 26.8´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

105 32

W. 10 Steel mast; 16. R. 3 G. 3

G. 193°-195°, W.-199°, R.201°.

54° 48.0´ N Iso.G. 9° 26.0´ E period 4s

49 15

12 White metal framework tower; 42.

Shown 24 hours.

54° 48.2´ N Iso.G. 9° 26.1´ E period 4s

62 19

13 White mast; 59.

Shown 24 hours.


Section 3 Northeast Coast of Germany, Storegaelt, Sjaelland, Lolland and Falster Including Kieler Bucht and Mecklenburger Bucht

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


SCHLEI: -Schleimunde: 3000 - -Mole, head.

54° 40.3´ N L.Fl.(3)W.R. 10° 02.2´ E period 20s fl. 2s, ec. 3s fl. 2s, ec. 3s fl. 2s, ec. 8s

46 14

W. 14 White round tower, black band; R. 10 46. Floodlit.

3004 - -Near steamship′s pier Range, front.

54° 40.4´ N Oc.W. 10° 02.0´ E period 4s lt. 3.5s, ec. 0.5s

20 6

9 White metal pile mast; 16.

3008 - - -Rear, 90 meters 107°30′ from front.

54° 40.4´ N Oc.W. 10° 02.1´ E period 4s lt. 3.5s, ec. 0.5s

27 8

9 White metal framework mast; 20. Visible 040°-175°. Synchronized with front.

3012 -Olpenitz, N. mole.

54° 39.7´ N F.G. 10° 02.6´ E

29 9

3 Black mast, white triangular daymark; 20. Floodlit.

54° 39.6´ N F.R. 10° 02.6´ E

29 9

3 Red mast; 20.

54° 39.3´ N L.Fl.W. 10° 01.9´ E period 8s fl. 2s, ec. 6s

46 14

13 Gray tubular mast, white triangular daymark, red border, point up; 33.

Intensified on range line.

3024 - - -Rear, 200 meters 271°30′ from front.

54° 39.3´ N L.Fl.W. 10° 01.7´ E period 8s fl. 2s, ec. 6s

82 25

13 Gray tubular mast, white triangular daymark, red border, point down; 69.

Synchronized with front. Intensified on range line.

3036 -Lotseninsel Range, front.

54° 40.6´ N Iso.W. 10° 01.4´ E period 4s

33 10

11 White mast, red triangular daymark, point up; 33.

Intensified on range line.

3040 - -Rear, 800 meters 093°42′ from front.

54° 40.6´ N Iso.W. 10° 02.1´ E period 4s

72 22

13 White mast, red triangular daymark, point down; 62.

Synchronized with front. Intensified on range line.

3044 -Grimsnis Range, front.

54° 40.6´ N Iso.W. 9° 56.6´ E period 4s

23 7

11 White mast; 19.

Intensified on range line.

3048 - -Rear, 555 meters 266° from front.

54° 40.6´ N Iso.W. 9° 56.1´ E period 4s

52 16

13 White mast; 19.

Intensified on range line.

3052 -Kappeln Range, front.

54° 40.0´ N Oc.W. 9° 56.3´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

26 8

9 White mast; 19.

Intensified on range line.

54° 40.0´ N Oc.W. 9° 56.3´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

36 11

9 White mast; 10.

Synchronized with front. Intensified on range line.

54° 34.9´ N Fl.G. 10° 01.8´ E period 4s fl. 0.5s, ec. 3.5s

26 8

3 Black and white mast on dolphin; Platforms marked by Mo(U) 5s 26. and Fog signal 2.1 miles ENE. and 1.9 miles SE.

54° 34.8´ N Q.(2)R. 10° 01.8´ E period 5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 0.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 3.5s

26 8

3 Red and white mast on dolphin; 26.

C 1186

C 1188

C 1188.1

C 1197

3016 - -S. mole, head. C 1198

3020 - -Outer entrance Range, front. C 1196

C 1196.1

C 1189

C 1189.1

C 1190

C 1190.1

C 1192

3056 - -Rear, 140 meters 213° from front.

C 1192.1

R. (10M) 144°30′-201°, W. (14M)-275°, W. (12M)296°, R. (10M)-006°, W. (6M)-100°, obsc.-144°30′. Storm signals. Nautophone: Mo.(SN) ev. 30s. Fog detector light. Visible 040°-175°.

DAMP: 3060 -Jachtfen, N. mole. C 1202

3064 - -S. mole. C 1203


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


ECKERNFORDE: 3068 -Eckernforde. C 1206

54° 27.6´ N Dir.Oc.W.R.G. 9° 50.6´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

118 36

W. 21 Gray tower, two red platforms; R. 17 89. G. 17

Fl.(2)W. period 9s fl. 1s, ec. 2s fl. 1s, ec. 5s


F.W.R. 3072 -Harbor entrance. C 1210

3074 - -Mole. C 1214

3080 Kiel. C 1215


54° 28.7´ N Oc.W.R.G. 9° 50.6´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

37 11

54° 28.2´ N Fl.G. 9° 51.8´ E period 6s fl. 1.5s, ec. 4.5s

26 8

54° 30.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 10° 16.5´ E period 6s

96 29

G. 237°-242°, W.-244°30′, R.251°. Visible 251°-268°.

W. 12 R. 8

W. 180°-193°, R.-208°, W.237°.

W. R. G.

W. 195°-251°, G.-293°, W.315°, R.-003°. Fog detector light at head of breakwater points ESE., activated by radio request to Ekenforde Harbor Administration 0700 to 2200 hours.

6 Red tower, white band; 33. 4 3

2 Gray mast; 13.

W. 17 Red tower, white band on R. 14 concrete mole; 98. G. 13 Floodlit.

KI(– • – • •) period 60s


W. 148°30′-220°, R.-246°30′, W.-295°, R.-358°, W.025°30′, G.-056°, R. 071°-088°, W.-091°18′, G.-148°30′. Fog detector light Q.W. on upper gallery. Horn: Mo.(KI) ev. 30s. Signal station. Pilot station. Radiobeacon. Frequency coverage 93209480 MHz.

KIELER FORDE: 3084 -Bulk. C 1216

3096 -Strander Bucht. C 1220

54° 27.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 10° 12.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.7s, ec. 2.3s

95 29

W. 14 White tower, black band and R. 11 platform; 82. G. 10

W. 127°-146°, R.-213°, G.228°, W.-235°30′, R.238°30′, W.-262°, G.043°.

54° 26.1´ N Oc.W.R.G. 10° 10.5´ E period 6s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

46 14

W. R. G.

8 White mast, black band; 36. 6 5

G. 170°30′-246°, W.-280°30′, R.-350°30′.

54° 24.3´ N Oc.(4)W.R. 10° 13.0´ E period 15s lt. 2s, ec. 1s lt. 2s, ec. 1s lt. 2s, ec. 1s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

39 12

W. R.

5 White mast; 33. 3

R. 016°-070°, W.-162°, R.200°.

54° 23.6´ N Oc.W. 10° 12.4´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

49 15

Oc.W.R. period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

46 14

54° 23.8´ N Oc.W. 10° 12.7´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

82 25

-Laboe: 3100 - -N. mole, head. C 1222

3104 -Jagersberg Range, front. C 1226

-Cross light.

3108 - -Rear, 410 meters 037° from front.

C 1226.1


12 White pipe mast, red lantern, white triangular daymark, point up, red border; 36. W. R.

9 7 12 White pipe mast, red lantern, white triangular daymark, point down, red border; 75.

Intensified on range line.

R. 024°-032°, W. (unintensified)-041°, W.134°, R.-149°, W.-179°. Synchronized with front. Intensified on range line.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


KIEL: 3112 -Friedrichsort. C 1230

54° 23.5´ N Iso.W.R.G. 10° 11.7´ E period 4s

104 32

W. R. G.


7 White round tower, green and 6 white bands on gallery and 5 base; 108. Floodlit.

G. 171°30′-196°, W.-202°, R.224°, W.-280°, G.-300°, W.-032°, G.-090°. Fog detector light.


Visible 202°-209°.

-Nord-Ostsee-Kanal: 3116 - -N. side of entrance. C 1246

3120 - -S. side of entrance. C 1248

3124 -Tirpitzhafen. C 1238

3128 -Scheermole, head. C 1237

3136 Neuland. C 1276

54° 22.2´ N Oc.(3)W.G. 10° 09.4´ E period 12s lt. 2s, ec. 1s lt. 2s, ec. 1s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

72 22

W. 11 Red round tower; 65. G. 8

G. 217°-224°, W.-270°, G.012°, W.-039°, unintensified 354°-039°. F.R. on tower 865 meters SW. and on church 340 meters WNW. Lights mark Nord-OstseeKanal.

54° 21.8´ N Oc.(2)W.R. 10° 09.2´ E period 9s lt. 2s, ec. 1s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

74 23

W. R.

9 Red metal framework tower, 9 white band, masonry base, gray lantern; 65.

R. (unintensified) 159°- 192°, W.-214°, R.-288°, W.302°, W. (unintensified)003°.

54° 21.2´ N F.R. 10° 08.9´ E

36 11

3 Red metal mast; 30.

Visible 144°-004°.

54° 21.4´ N Oc.G. 10° 09.1´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

38 12

3 Mast; 26.

54° 22.0´ N L.Fl.(4)W.R. 10° 36.0´ E period 30s fl. 2s, ec. 3.5s fl. 2s, ec. 3.5s fl. 2s, ec. 3.5s fl. 2s, ec. 11.5s

131 40

W. 21 Red tower, white band, gray R. 18 lantern; 131.

R. 119°-128°, W.-229°, R.255°, W.-299°, W. (unintensified)-312°. Signal station F.R. shown from chimney 1.5 miles WNW.

HEILIGENHAFEN: 3140 -Dredged channel Range, front.

54° 22.0´ N Oc.W. 11° 00.0´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

42 13

17 White mast, white triangular daymark, red border; 36.

3144 - -Rear, 300 meters 268°30′ from front.

54° 22.4´ N Oc.W. 10° 59.5´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

62 19

17 Gray warehouse, white triangular Intensified on leading line. daymark, red bands; 49. Synchronized with front.

3148 -Warder Range, front.

54° 23.0´ N Iso.W. 10° 59.0´ E period 3s

42 13

17 White mast, red triangular daymark, point up; 46.

3152 - -Rear, 195 meters 279°12′ from front.

54° 22.6´ N Iso.W. 10° 59.0´ E period 3s

59 18

17 White mast, red triangular daymark, point down; 52.

3156 -Heilig Road, E. of town.

54° 22.0´ N Oc.(2)W.R.G. 11° 01.3´ E period 9s lt. 2s, ec. 1s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

51 16

W. 13 Red round tower and platform, R. 10 red and white attached G. 9 houses, white lantern; 43.

G. 100°-206°, W.-212°12′, R.250°.

54° 31.6´ N L.Fl.W.R. 11° 03.5´ E period 10s fl. 2.5s, ec. 7.5s

52 16

W. 18 Yellow tower and building, red R. 14 lantern; 56.

R. 031°-054°, W.-200°, R.231°, W.-254°.

C 1336

C 1338

C 1329

C 1329.1

C 1328

3164 Westermarkelsdorf. C 1280


Intensified on leading line.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks



C 1278

-RACON 3170 -Kiel-Ostsee Route Buoy KO5/ T62. -RACON

54° 35.9´ N L.Fl.W. 11° 08.9´ E period 5.5s

Red and white superbuoy.

T(–) period 60s


54° 35.5´ N Iso.W. 11° 01.0´ E period 4s

SAFE WATER RW, pillar, topmark.

M(– –) period 60s


3172 -Puttgarden entrance Range, front.

54° 30.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 11° 14.0´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

59 18

3176 - -Rear, 110 meters 205° from front.

54° 29.9´ N Oc.W. 11° 13.6´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

95 29

9 White mast, triangular daymark, Synchronized on range line point down. with front.

3180 -Puttgarden.

54° 30.0´ N F.G. 11° 14.0´ E

23 7

4 Black mast; 13.

54° 30.0´ N F.R. 11° 14.0´ E

23 7

4 Red mast; 10.

C 1281

C 1281.1

C 1282

3184 - -E. mole, head. C 1282.2

3188 -Marienleuchte. C 1284

54° 30.0´ N Fl.(4)W.R. 11° 14.0´ E period 15s fl. 0.2s, ec. 2.8s fl. 0.2s, ec. 2.8s fl. 0.2s, ec. 2.8s fl. 0.2s, ec. 5.8s

131 40

W. R. G.

8 White mast, red bands, G. 146°-183°, W.-227°, R.6 triangular daymark, point up. 264°. 5

Shown in fog.

W. 22 Red round tower, two white R. 18 bands and gallery; 108.

R. 118°-146°, W.-173°, R.223°18′, W.-333°.

W. 18 Yellow round tower, red lantern G. 14 and dwelling; 72.

W. 175°-063°30′, G.-071°30′, W.-090°.

-Burgstaaken Hafen: 3192 - -Staberhuk.

54° 24.0´ N Oc.(2)W.G. 11° 19.0´ E period 16s lt. 3s, ec. 1s lt. 11s, ec. 1s

81 25

54° 17.1´ N Oc.(3)Y. 11° 24.6´ E period 12s

62 19

54° 24.4´ N Oc.(3)W.R. 11° 11.9´ E period 12s lt. 5s, ec. 1s lt. 2s, ec. 1s lt. 2s, ec. 1s

30 9

W. R.

54° 24.7´ N Iso.W.R.G. 11° 11.3´ E period 4s

43 13

W. 14 White mast. R. 11 G. 10

54° 25.3´ N Iso.W. 11° 11.4´ E period 8s

49 15

9 Mast, red triangular daymark, point up; 43.

3212 - - -Rear, 114 meters 356°30′ from front.

54° 25.3´ N Iso.W. 11° 11.5´ E period 8s

75 23

9 Mast, red triangular daymark, point up; 69.

3216 -Strukkamphu*k E. Approach Range, front.

54° 25.0´ N Iso.W.R. 11° 06.0´ E period 3s

23 7

3220 - -Flugge, rear, about 6.1 km. 305° from front.

54° 26.6´ N F.W. 11° 01.2´ E

C 1286

3194 -Mecklenburger Bucht. C 1287

3196 - -E. mole, head. C 1326

3200 - -Burger See. C 1316

3208 - -On pier Range, front. C 1322

C 1324

C 1288

C 1288.1

Oc.(4)W. period 20s lt. 2.5s, ec. 1.5s lt. 2.5s, ec. 1.5s lt. 2.5s, ec. 1.5s lt. 6.5s, ec. 1.5s


5 Pole; 72.

W. R.

8 White mast with black platform; 5 26.

8 White round tower; 16. 6

R. 252°-282°, W.-021°, R.042°, W.-186°.

G. 312°-314°30′, W.-316°, R.318°.

W. (intensified) 292°30′317°30′, W. (unintensified)-037°, W. W. (intensified)-157°, R.177°.

122 37

25 Red octagonal tower, white bands, red and yellow dwellings; 123.

Intensified on range line.

125 38


Visible 245°-180°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


3228 -Fehmarnsund Bridge, Pier VI. C 1300

-RACON 3236 -Orth. C 1312

3244 Dahmeshoved. C 1342

3248 Pezlerhaken.

54° 24.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 11° 07.0´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

75 23

W. R. G.


8 Bridge pillar. 6 5

G. 074°30′-086°, W.-094°, R.108°. Fog detector light on N. apron of bridge. Nautophone: Mo.(F) ev. 20s.


54° 26.7´ N Oc.W.R.G. 11° 03.1´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

20 6

54° 12.2´ N Fl.(3)W. 11° 05.4´ E period 12s fl. 0.8s, ec. 2.2s fl. 0.8s, ec. 2.2s fl. 0.8s, ec. 5.2s

W. R. G.

110 34

6 Gray mast; 16. 5 4

G. 346°-348°, W.-350°, R.352°.

23 Red octagonal tower, white Visible 176°18′-068°18′. bands, near yellow building; 92.

54° 05.2´ N L.Fl.(2)W.R.G. 10° 52.1´ E period 20s fl. 3s, ec. 4s fl. 3s, ec. 10s

69 21

54° 05.8´ N Oc.W. 10° 48.7´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

46 14

12 White mast, white triangular daymark, red border, point up; 33.

Intensified on range line.

3256 - -Rear, 110 meters 347°48′ from front.

54° 05.9´ N Oc.W. 10° 48.7´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

62 19

12 White mast, white triangular daymark, red border, point down; 49.

Synchronized with front. Intensified on range line.

3260 -Neustadt-Wiek Range, front.

54° 05.9´ N Oc.(3)W. 10° 48.0´ E period 12s lt. 2s, ec. 1s lt. 2s, ec. 1s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

37 11

6 White mast, white triangular daymark, red border, point up; 33.

Intensified on range line.

3264 - -Rear, 60 meters 304° from front.

54° 06.0´ N Oc.(3)W. 10° 47.9´ E period 12s lt. 2s, ec. 1s lt. 2s, ec. 1s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

52 16

6 White mast, white triangular daymark, red border, point down; 46.

Synchronized with front. Intensified on range line.

3272 -Seeburg Range, front.

54° 06.0´ N Iso.W. 10° 49.0´ E period 3s

43 13

9 White metal mast, white triangular daymark, red border, point up, on dolphin; 33.

54° 06.0´ N Iso.W. 10° 49.0´ E period 3s

52 16

9 White metal mast, white triangular daymark, red border, point down; 49.

53° 58.0´ N Oc.(2)W. 10° 53.0´ E period 9s lt. 2s, ec. 1s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

42 13

17 White mast, white and red triangular daymark, point up; 42.

3300 - -Rear, 365 meters 215°54′ from front.

53° 57.2´ N Oc.(2)W. 10° 52.9´ E period 9s lt. 2s, ec. 1s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

72 22

17 White lattice mast, white and red Synchronized with front. triangular daymark, point Intensified on range line. down; 69.

3302 -Potenitz.

53° 56.5´ N Iso.W.R.G. 10° 52.1´ E period 4s

62 19

C 1346

W. 14 Red square tower with platform R. 11 and white lantern; 64. G. 9

W. 221°-335°, R.-348°, W.082°, G.-092°, W.-101°.

NEUSTADT: 3252 -W. side of harbor Range, front. C 1348

C 1348.1

C 1348.4

C 1348.41

C 1350

3276 - -Rear, 50 meters 020°30′ from front.

C 1350.1

Synchronized with front.

TRAVEMUNDE: 3296 -Priwall Harbor Range, front. C 1370

C 1370.1

C 1365.9

3304 -Travemunde. C 1360

3308 -N. mole, head. C 1362

53° 58.0´ N Fl.W.R. 10° 53.0´ E period 4s fl. 0.1s, ec. 3.9s

374 114

53° 57.7´ N Oc.R.G. 10° 53.3´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

33 10


W. R. G.

9 White mast; 59. 8 8

G. 349°18′-352°, W.-353°24′, R.-356°06′.

W. 19 On highrise building; 380. R. 15

R. 165°-214°, W.-234°, R.245°. Calibration Radiobeacon.

R. G.

R. 123°-201°, G.-066°, obscured elsewhere. Horn: Mo.(TD) ev. 30s. Fog detector light.

6 Black floodlit beacon, white 5 bands; 29.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


3312 Buoy Wismar.

54° 07.0´ N Iso.W. 11° 26.0´ E period 4s

3315 Lieps.

53° 59.3´ N Dir.Oc.W.G. 11° 18.3´ E period 12s W. lt. 4.5s, ec. 1.5s G. lt. 4.5s, ec. 1.5s

C 1386.4

Red and white striped buoy disc topmark. 33 10

7 White metal mast; 3.

Oc.G. 302°06′-303°42′, Oc.W.-303°48′.


Same structure.

F.W. 303°48′-304°.

Dir.Fl.W.R. period 12s W. fl. 1.5s, ec. 4.5s R. fl. 1.5s, ec. 4.5s

Same structure.

Fl.W. 304°-304°06′, Fl.R.305°42′.

Fl.W. period 6s fl. 1.5s, ec. 4.5s

Same structure.

Auxiliary light.

3316 Hohen Wieschendorf Range, front.

53° 57.6´ N Oc.W. 11° 20.0´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

65 20

15 Framework tower; 46.

3320 -Rear, about 1.4 km. 180°18′ from front.

53° 56.7´ N Oc.W. 11° 19.8´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

128 39

16 Framework tower; 66.

3328 Timmendorf.

53° 59.5´ N Iso.W.R.G. 11° 22.6´ E period 6s

69 21

W. 16 Round tower, lower part white, R. 12 upper part brown, white G. 11 lantern and red cupola; 69.

R. 049°-060°, W.-069°30′, G.125°30′, W.-136°30′, R.196°, G.-202°30′, W.211°30′, R.-220°.

54° 01.4´ N Oc.W.R.G. 11° 28.0´ E period 5s lt. 4s, ec. 1s

75 23

W. 18 Red framework tower on white R. 13 building; 33. G. 13

R. 078°-084°, W.-087°, G.116°.

54° 01.4´ N Iso.W.R.G. 11° 28.2´ E period 4s

42 13

W. 19 White tower, red bands, on white G. 162°18′-164°30′, W.-166°, R. 16 building; 33. R.-168°18′. G. 14

3344 -Insel Walfisch, rear, 914 meters 123°54′ from Poel common front.

53° 56.6´ N Oc.(2)W.R.G. 11° 25.4´ E period 9s lt. 2s, ec. 1s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

56 17

W. 11 Gray metal framework beacon R. 8 with 2 galleries and white G. 7 lantern; 49.

3348 -Poel Range, common front.

53° 56.8´ N Oc.(2)W. 11° 24.7´ E period 9s lt. 2s, ec. 1s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

20 6

12 Mast; 13.

C 1382

C 1382.1

C 1386

3330 Golwitz. C 1398

3331 -N. side. C 1398.5

C 1387.9

C 1388

Synchronized with front.

G. 056°-120°, W.-129°, R.185°, W.-056°.

Iso.W. period 4s 3352 - -Rear, 2 km. 339°30′ from Poel common front.

53° 57.9´ N Iso.W. 11° 24.0´ E period 4s

63 19

17 Framework mast; 59.

3356 -Wendorf Seebad Range, front.

53° 55.3´ N Iso.R. 11° 25.6´ E period 4s

19 6

12 Mast; 13.

3360 - -Rear, about 1.7 km. 159°30′ from front.

53° 54.4´ N Iso.R. 11° 26.2´ E period 4s

59 18

17 Framework mast; 56.

3364 -Fliemstorf Range, front.

53° 55.6´ N Oc.W. 11° 25.4´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

20 6

12 Mast; 13.

53° 56.3´ N Oc.W. 11° 24.7´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

59 18

17 Framework mast; 52.

53° 54.0´ N Oc.R. 11° 27.0´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

92 28

12 Framework mast; 85.

53° 53.6´ N Oc.R. 11° 27.3´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

151 46

12 Framework mast; 141.

C 1388.1

C 1388.6

C 1388.7

C 1390

3368 - -Rear, about 1.5 km., 329°54′ from front.

C 1390.1

WISMAR: 3372 -Range, front. C 1392

3376 - -Rear, about 700 meters 149°54′ from front.

C 1392.1


Synchronized with front. Channel marked by beacons.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


3392 -Werft Hafen.

53° 54.1´ N F.G. 11° 27.6´ E

24 7

53° 59.9´ N Oc.(2)W. 11° 26.7´ E period 10s lt. 2s, ec. 1s lt. 6s, ec. 1s

23 7

10 Red framework mast, white triangular daymark, point up; 21.

3400 - -Rear, 38 meters 006°24′ from front.

53° 59.9´ N Oc.(2)W. 11° 26.7´ E period 10s lt. 2s, ec. 1s lt. 6s, ec. 1s

43 13

10 Red framework mast, white triangular daymark, point down; 43.

3412 Buk.

54° 08.0´ N L.Fl.(4)W.R. 11° 42.0´ E period 45s fl. 2.1s, ec. 6.9s fl. 2.1s, ec. 6.9s fl. 2.1s, ec. 6.9s fl. 2.1s, ec. 15.9s

313 95

54° 11.0´ N Fl.(3+1)W. 12° 05.0´ E period 24s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s fl. 0.3s, ec. 8.7s fl. 0.3s, ec. 8.7s

112 34

C 1395.6

1 Blue mast; 23.

KIRCHSEE FAIRWAY: 3396 -Second Range, front. C 1396.4

C 1396.5

C 1400

W. 24 Red and white round tower, red R. 20 cupola; 68.

Synchronized with front.

W. 030°-040°, R.-073°, W.265°. Shown July 20 to May 12.

WARNEMUNDE-HAFEN: 3428 -Warnemunde. C 1404

3432 -Petersdorf, approach Range, front.

54° 08.7´ N Oc.R. 12° 06.9´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

3436 - -Rear, 161°36′ from front.

54° 07.9´ N Oc.R. 12° 07.3´ E period 4s

C 1415

C 1415.1

79 24

12 Black mast, white stripes, red top; 69.

148 45

15 Black mast, white stripes, red top; 108.

3448 -Buoy Rostock.

54° 18.0´ N Iso.W. 12° 00.0´ E period 4s

3452 -W. mole, head.

54° 11.2´ N Iso.G. 12° 05.2´ E period 4s

16 5

54° 11.0´ N Oc.W.G. 12° 06.0´ E period 5s lt. 4s, ec. 1s

26 8

C 1405

3468 - -E. ferry berth, head. C 1408.2

3510 Route T, Buoy 71. RACON 3512 Ostseebad Wustrow. C 1436

3516 Darsser Ort. C 1440

20 White round tower, two galleries, Port signals. dark bands on lower portion; Calibration Radiobeacon at 102. Pilot Station 930 meters SE.

SAFE WATER RW, pillar, topmark.

Synchronized with front. Radar reflector.

6 Green tower, white band and two Horn: Mo.(WN) ev. 30s. galleries; 39. Floodlit. W. G.

5 Black metal framework structure; G. 071°-251°, W.-071°. 2 17.

54° 27.6´ N Iso.W. 12° 12.2´ E period 4s

SAFE WATER RW, pillar, topmark.

X(– • • –)


54° 20.2´ N Oc.(3)W. 12° 22.7´ E period 12s lt. 2s, ec. 1s lt. 2s, ec. 1s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

39 12

16 Red square tower, with 2 galleries and white lantern on NW. corner of building; 33.

54° 28.5´ N Fl.(2+4)W. 12° 30.3´ E period 22s

108 33

20 Red round stone tower brown dome; 115.

Horn: Mo.(D) ev. 30s. DGPS Station.


3520 Odden. C 1470

55° 58.3´ N Oc.W.R.G. 11° 22.3´ E period 5s lt. 4s, ec. 1s

33 10

For Sjaellands Rev N. and other lights of Kattegat, see Index.


W. R. G.

7 Green mast; 25. 4 4

W. 147°-270°, R.-280°, G.147°. Sounded when vessels are expected. Siren: 1 bl. ev. 30s.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


3524 Sjaellands Rev.

56° 05.0´ N Fl.W. 11° 13.0´ E period 5s fl. 1s, ec. 4s

19 6

7 Red beacon marked ‘‘314m''; 19.

56° 04.0´ N Fl.G. 11° 01.2´ E period 3s fl. 0.8s, ec. 2.2s

33 10

8 STARBOARD (A) G, beacon; 26.

3532 Sjaellands Odde Ferry Harbor Range, front.

55° 58.5´ N Iso.W. 11° 18.0´ E period 2s

26 8

7 Gray lattice mast; 19.

Visible 351°48′-023°48′.

3536 -Rear, about 175 meters 007°48′ from front.

55° 58.6´ N Iso.W. 11° 18.1´ E period 2s

49 15

7 Gray lattice mast; 42.

Visible 351°48′-023°48′. Synchronized with front.

3540 -W. mole, head.

55° 58.0´ N Fl.R. 11° 18.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s

14 4

3 Gray lantern; 6.

55° 58.3´ N Fl.G. 11° 18.1´ E period 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s

14 4

3 Gray lantern; 6.

C 1476

3528 Yderflak. C 1480

C 1483

C 1483.1

C 1484

3544 -E. mole, head. C 1484.2

3546 Light Buoy No. 16. RACON 3548 Hatterrev, DW 3. C 1497

RACON 3552 Hatter Barn, DW6. C 1497.4

3556 Sejero. C 1486

3560 -Main basin, W. mole, head.

55° 55.2´ N L.Fl.W. 10° 57.2´ E period 10s

SAFE WATER RW, pillar, topmark.

M(– –)


55° 54.1´ N Fl.Y. 10° 51.8´ E period 3s

29 9

5 Yellow pipe mast; 36.

30 9

6 Yellow pipe mast.

B(– • • •) period 40s 55° 53.0´ N Q.(4)Y. 10° 50.0´ E period 10s fl. 0.5s, ec. 0.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 0.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 0.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 6.5s 55° 55.0´ N Fl.(2)W. 11° 05.0´ E period 15s

102 31

12 Yellow round tower; 62.

Obscured by land when bearing 301°, 307°-311° and 316°-321°.

55° 53.0´ N F.R. 11° 08.0´ E

19 6

4 Red post; 11.

55° 52.8´ N F.G. 11° 08.2´ E

20 6

4 Green post; 13.

55° 48.0´ N Iso.W. 11° 17.0´ E period 2s

59 18

7 White hut, red band; 7.

3576 - -Rear, 469 meters 175° from front.

55° 47.4´ N Iso.W. 11° 17.0´ E period 4s

108 33

8 White hut, red band; 7.

Visible 171°-179°.

3580 -Havsno, N. mole, E.

55° 45.3´ N Oc.W.R.G. 11° 19.6´ E period 5s

19 6

6 Green mast; 13. 4 4

W. 158°-185°, R.-195°, G.158°.

55° 44.6´ N Fl.W. 10° 52.2´ E period 5s fl. 0.1s, ec. 4.9s

79 24

55° 45.2´ N F.G. 10° 56.8´ E

16 5

2 White post; 10.

55° 45.0´ N Fl.(2)W. 10° 50.6´ E period 5s

23 7

8 Red mast, on granite base; 23.

55° 40.0´ N Fl.W. 10° 56.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s

39 12

4 White house, red band; 14.

C 1487

3564 - -E. mole. C 1487.3

NEKSELO: 3572 -Range, front. C 1489

C 1489.1

C 1491

3588 Rosnaes. C 1496

3589 -Fishing harbor. C 1495

3592 -Rosnaes Puller. C 1498

3596 Asnaes. C 1500


W. R. G.

20 White square tower; 49.

Obscured 260°-312° but seen between hills when bearing 261°, and 308°311°. Siren: 1 bl. ev. 20s.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


3600 Gisselore, on point.

55° 40.2´ N Fl.W. 11° 04.6´ E period 3s

13 4

55° 39.9´ N Dir.Oc.W.R.G. 11° 04.7´ E period 10s lt. 7.5s, ec. 2.5s

42 13

55° 39.9´ N Fl.G. 11° 05.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s

11 3

2 Bracket on pier.

55° 40.0´ N Iso.W. 11° 06.3´ E period 2s

90 27

7 Gray framework mast; 95.

3624 - -Rear, 142 meters 090°42′ from front.

55° 40.0´ N Iso.W. 11° 06.4´ E period 4s

107 33

7 Gray framework mast; 105.

3626 -Oil pier, head.

55° 40.0´ N Fl.R. 11° 05.4´ E period 5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

16 5

3 Gray metal mast and platform; 26.

3628 -Dredged channel entrance Range, front.

55° 40.6´ N Iso.G. 11° 05.6´ E period 2s

33 10

5 Mast, red triangular daymark, point up; 33.

3632 - -Rear, 125 meters 020°12′ from front.

55° 40.7´ N Iso.G. 11° 05.6´ E period 4s

56 17

5 Mast, red triangular daymark, point down; 49.

3633 -Dredged channel departure Range, front.

55° 39.9´ N Iso.G. 11° 05.1´ E period 2s

49 15

5 Metal mast on wall, red Visible 130°12′-270°12′. triangular daymark, point up; Shown 24 hours. 39. Dir.Y. light visible 20° each side of range line illuminates black stripes indicating range line.

3633.1 - -Rear, 101 meters 200°12′ from front.

55° 39.9´ N Iso.G. 11° 05.1´ E period 4s

62 19

5 On tank, red triangular daymark, Visible 130°12′-270°12′. point down.

55° 40.4´ N Fl.G. 11° 05.9´ E period 3s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2.5s

20 6

3 Hut on dolphin; 6.

Shown 24 hours.

55° 40.6´ N F.G. 11° 05.4´ E

26 8

2 Framework mast; 16.

Shown 24 hours.

55° 40.6´ N F.R. 11° 05.3´ E

23 7

2 Red pole.

Shown 24 hours.

55° 33.5´ N Fl.W.R.G. 10° 49.3´ E period 3s fl. 0.7s, ec. 2.3s

33 10

8 Green tower; 40. 6 5

G. 051°-132°, W.-135°, R.150°, G.-158°, W.-169°, R.-300°, G.-325°, W.332°, R.-051°.

C 1504

7 White metal structure, concrete base; 15.

Shown 24 hours.

KALUNDBORG HAVN: 3616 -Asnaesvaerket. C 1507

3618 - -N. Pier. C 1508

3620 -Indre Range, front. C 1509

C 1509.1

C 1509.4

C 1510

C 1510.1

C 1510.4

C 1510.41

3636 -Harbor, ferry berth, NW. head. C 1513

3640 -W. harbor, E. mole, head. C 1511

3642 - -W. mole, head. C 1512

3648 Romso Tue. C 1526


T(–) period 60s

12 Gray framework mast; 33.

W. R. G.

G. 113°19′-115°19′, W.116°19′, R.-118°19′. 2 Dir. Lts. 20 meters apart mark channel on bearing 116°19′ (sectors on second light offset by 1°). Shown 24 hours. Shown 24 hours.

Shown 24 hours.


KJERTEMINDE HAVN: 3652 -Marina. C 1531.4

3656 -Breakwater, off S. head. C 1530.5

3660 - -Off N. head. C 1530.6

3664 -Range, front. C 1531

3668 - -Rear, 82 meters 253°24′ from front.

C 1531.1

55° 27.0´ N F.G. 10° 40.0´ E

10 3

2 Pole.

55° 27.2´ N Fl.G. 10° 40.2´ E period 3s

13 4

4 Dolphin.

55° 27.3´ N Fl.R. 10° 40.2´ E period 3s

13 4

4 Dolphin.

55° 27.1´ N Iso.R. 10° 39.7´ E period 2s

19 6

4 Gray mast, red triangular daymark, point up; 10.

Visible 163°24′-343°24′.

55° 27.0´ N Iso.R. 10° 39.7´ E period 4s

23 7

4 Gray mast, red triangular daymark, point down; 15.

Visible 163°24′-343°24′.


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


3676 -Havn, S. mole, head. C 1524

3682 Osterrenden N., W26. C 1532.5

RACON 3684 Sprogo NE., W27. C 1533

3688 Sprogo Island. C 1532.2

3692 Osterrenden S, E28. C 1534


55° 31.0´ N F.R. 11° 07.0´ E

13 4

55° 21.8´ N Fl.(3)G. 11° 01.4´ E period 10s fl. 1s, ec. 1s fl. 1s, ec. 1s fl. 1s, ec. 5s

33 10

N(– •) period 60s

White post; 11.

Visible 202°-023°.

8 Green lantern on mast with platform.


55° 21.2´ N Fl.(2)G. 11° 01.6´ E period 10s fl. 1.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 1.5s, ec. 5.5s

33 10

55° 19.8´ N Fl.W. 10° 58.2´ E period 5s fl. 1s, ec. 4s

144 44

55° 19.5´ N Fl.(3)R. 11° 02.8´ E period 10s fl. 1s, ec. 1s fl. 1s, ec. 1s fl. 1s, ec. 5s

33 10

O(– – –) period 60s

5 Green tower, white lantern; 39. Floodlit.

8 Red round masonry tower, yellow bands; 62. 7 Red mast with platform. Floodlit.


HALSSKOV: 3696 -Halsskov.

55° 20.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 11° 06.0´ E period 5s

33 10

55° 21.0´ N F.G. 11° 07.0´ E

26 8

3704 - -Rear, about 300 meters 43° from front.

55° 20.9´ N F.G. 11° 06.7´ E

82 25

3708 -E. mole, head.

55° 21.0´ N Fl.G. 11° 06.0´ E period 3s

23 7

5 Gray trellis mast; 16.

55° 21.0´ N Fl.R. 11° 06.0´ E period 3s

23 7

5 Gray trellis mast; 16.

55° 21.0´ N Fl.G. 11° 07.0´ E period 5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

19 6

55° 20.0´ N Oc.(3)W.R.G. 11° 07.0´ E period 15s

33 10

55° 20.0´ N F.R. 11° 08.0´ E

26 8

10 Gray structure, orange triangular Visible 068°-080°. daymark, point up; 36. Shown 24 hours.

3728 - -Rear, E. ferry berth mole, 190 meters 073°30′ from front.

55° 20.2´ N F.R. 11° 08.4´ E

56 17

11 Gray structure, orange triangular Visible 068°-080°. daymark, point down; 56. Shown 24 hours.

3732 -Detached breakwater, N. head.

55° 20.0´ N Fl.G. 11° 07.0´ E period 3s

16 5

4 Mast; 7.

3736 - -S. head.

55° 19.9´ N F.R. 11° 07.4´ E

16 5

4 Mast on gray base; 7.

55° 20.1´ N Fl.R. 11° 07.4´ E period 3s

16 5

4 Mast; 7.

C 1535

3700 -Ferry Range, front. C 1536

C 1536.1

C 1537

3712 -W. mole, head. C 1538

3716 -Ferry Pier, W. head.

W. 14 Gray structure, black and white R. 10 striped base; 12. G. 10

W. 037°-070°, R.-121°, G.127°, W.-143°, R.-165°, W.-216°30′, G.-312°, R.348°, G.-037°.

8 Red trellis structure, orange triangular daymark, point up; 13. 10 Red trellis structure, orange triangular daymark, point down; 74. Shown by day in poor visibility.

Gray metal mast; 3.

KORSOR HAVN: 3720 -On shoal in roads. C 1542

3724 -Entrance Range, front. C 1544

C 1544.1

C 1545.4

C 1545.5

3740 -Lygtepulle, breakwater, N. head.

C 1545


W. 14 Red metal framework structure, R. 10 white concrete base; 40. G. 10

W. 158°-297°30′, R.-016°, W.-050°, G.-072°, W.082°, R.-158°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


3744 -Korsor Yachthaven. C 1552

3748 - -S. mole, N. head. C 1553

55° 19.7´ N Iso.W.R.G. 11° 07.7´ E period 4s

16 5

55° 19.7´ N Fl.G. 11° 07.8´ E period 3s fl. 0.7s, ec. 2.3s

13 4

W. R. G.

6 Red post. 4 4

G. 039°-049°, W.-110°, R.039°. Shown April 1 thru Nov. 15.

2 Green post; 10.

Shown April 1 thru Nov. 15.

3750 Vestbro Bridge, RACON.

55° 18.6´ N T(–) 10° 53.8´ E period 30s

3752 Knudshoved.

55° 17.4´ N Oc.W.R.G. 10° 51.0´ E period 10s lt. 6s, ec. 4s

52 16

55° 17.0´ N Fl.G. 10° 50.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.7s, ec. 2.3s

33 10

7 White tripod, red band; 20.

55° 18.0´ N Iso.W. 10° 47.0´ E period 2s

13 4

9 White beacon, disk daymark; 30. Visible 216°-036°.

55° 18.1´ N Iso.W. 10° 46.9´ E period 2s

43 13

9 White beacon, disk daymark; 16. Visible 216°-036°.

55° 18.0´ N Fl.R. 10° 47.6´ E period 3s fl. 0.7s, ec. 2.3s

13 4

55° 18.1´ N Fl.R. 10° 47.5´ E period 5s fl. 1s, ec. 4s

12 4

55° 18.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 10° 48.0´ E period 5s

20 6

55° 18.3´ N F.R. 10° 47.4´ E

16 5

4 Gray post; 7.

3820 - -W. side of entrance of Vester Havn, outer mole, E. head.

55° 18.4´ N F.R. 10° 47.5´ E

17 5

4 Gray post; 11.

3830 -Sprogo Harbor, S. mole.

55° 19.8´ N Fl.R. 10° 58.2´ E period 3s fl. 0.7s, ec. 2.3s

16 5

4 Gray mast; 26. Floodlit.

3832 Lundeborg Havn.

55° 08.0´ N F.G. 10° 47.0´ E

17 5

White post.

55° 06.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 10° 47.0´ E period 5s lt. 3s, ec. 2s

33 10

55° 02.0´ N Iso.R. 10° 40.0´ E period 2s

36 11

11 Framework mast, red triangular daymark, point up, red and white stripes.

Visible 279°-287°.

3844 - -Rear, 223 meters 283° from front.

55° 01.7´ N Iso.R. 10° 39.2´ E period 4s

49 15

11 Post, red and white stripes, red triangular daymark, point down.

Visible 279°-287°.

3848 -Marodde.

55° 02.0´ N F.W.R.G. 10° 39.0´ E

13 4

10 White tubular mast, red bands; 10.

G. 000°-059°, R.-140°, G.151°, W.-154°, R.-164°.

55° 02.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 10° 38.9´ E period 2s

13 4

W. 10 White tubular mast, red bands; R. 8 10. G. 8

G. 118°-173°, W.-176°, R.187°, G.-221°, R.-260°.

C 1556

Racons on each side of bridge mark center of channel. W. 12 White square tower; 41. R. 10 G. 10

G. 220°-269°, W.-276°, R.305°30′, G.-359°, W.003°30′, R.-095°.

NYBORG FJORD: 3772 -Slipshavn, on point. C 1562

3776 -Range, front. C 1564

3780 - -Jomfruhoj, rear, 55 meters 306° from front.

C 1564.1

Visible 259°-180°, also in places 226°-251°.

-Avernakke Pynt. 3796 - -Dynen. C 1572

3800 - -Hage S. C 1574


7 Dolphin; 7.

Visible 152°30′-005°30′.

5 Dolphin; 7.

Visible 152°30′-332°30′.

9 Gray framework structure, 6 orange triangular daymark 6 point up; 10.

W. 327°54′-334°42′, R.338°12′, G.-327°54′.

-Nyborg Havn: 3804 - -Mole, head. C 1566

3812 - -S. mole, head. C 1566.3

C 1578

C 1588

W. R. G.

Shown Aug. 1 thru Mar. 31, sunset to midnight.

SVENDBORG SUND: 3836 -Elsehoved. C 1590

3840 -Taasinge Range, front. C 1634

C 1634.1

C 1612

3852 -Troense. C 1614


W. 12 Red round metal tower, white R. 8 bands; 26. G. 8

G. 188°-215°, W.-014°, R.029°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


3856 -Thuro Range, front.

55° 02.0´ N F.R. 10° 40.0´ E

13 4

White post, orange triangular daymark, point up; 13.

Visible 335°-359°.

3860 - -Rear, 80 meters 347° from front.

55° 02.5´ N F.R. 10° 39.7´ E

23 7

White post, orange triangular daymark, point down; 20.

Visible 335°-359°.

3864 -Grasten Range, front.

55° 02.0´ N F.R. 10° 40.0´ E

36 11

White post; 13.

55° 02.1´ N F.R. 10° 40.3´ E

62 19

White post; 20.

55° 04.0´ N F.W.R.G. 10° 38.0´ E

13 4

W. 12 Red and white post. R. 8 G. 8

3878 - - -N. Range, rear, 108 meters 346° from common front.

55° 03.6´ N F.G. 10° 38.3´ E

23 7

10 Red and white post.

3880 - - -E. Range, rear, 185 meters 084° from common front.

55° 03.6´ N F.W. 10° 38.5´ E

24 7

13 Red and white post.

55° 04.0´ N Fl.R. 10° 37.0´ E period 3s

22 7

55° 02.9´ N Oc.(2)W.R.G. 10° 35.8´ E period 6s lt. 3s, ec. 1s lt. 1s, ec. 1s

27 8

3892 -Vindebyore Range, N. front, close N. of Vindeby.

55° 03.0´ N Iso.W. 10° 38.0´ E period 2s

13 4

13 White post, red band; 10.

3896 - -Rear, 203 meters 061° from front.

55° 03.3´ N Iso.W. 10° 37.6´ E period 4s

33 10

13 White post, red band; 30.

3900 -East Bratten Range, front.

55° 03.0´ N F.G. 10° 37.0´ E

31 9

9 White post, red band, white triangular daymark, point up; 16.

3904 - -Rear, 130 meters 205° from front.

55° 02.8´ N F.G. 10° 36.6´ E

49 15

9 White post, red band, white triangular daymark, point down; 13.

3908 -West Bratten Range, front.

55° 03.0´ N Iso.G. 10° 36.0´ E period 2s

13 4

9 White post, red band, white triangular daymark, point up; 13.

3912 - -Rear, 152 meters 068°30′ from front.

55° 02.8´ N Iso.G. 10° 36.5´ E period 4s

27 8

9 White post, red band, white triangular daymark, point down; 16.

3916 -Tankefuld Range, front.

55° 02.0´ N F.R. 10° 34.0´ E

10 3

9 White post, red band; 10.

3920 - -Rear, 56 meters 269° from front.

55° 02.4´ N F.R. 10° 33.9´ E

18 5

9 White post, red band; 16.

3924 -Baekkehave, NW. side of Tassinge.

55° 01.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 10° 33.0´ E period 5s lt. 3s, ec. 2s

20 6

W. 12 Gable of white wooden house, R. 8 red band; 19. G. 8

3924.5 -Vesterron, E. mole.

55° 02.0´ N F.G. 10° 32.0´ E

13 4

3 Gray mast; 10. Floodlit.

3924.7 -Ratzausminde.

55° 02.0´ N Fl.G. 10° 32.5´ E period 3s fl. 0.7s, ec. 2.3s

15 5

3 Green mast; 13.

55° 02.1´ N F.R. 10° 32.7´ E

16 5

4 Red pipe; 8.

C 1628

C 1628.1

C 1624

3868 - -Rear, 178 meters 105° from front.

C 1624.1

-Kristiansminde: 3876 - -N. and E., common front. C 1606

C 1606.1

C 1605.9

G. 263-082°, W. 090°30′, R.175°30′.

-Svendborg Havn: 3884 - -Frederikso, E. point. C 1600

3888 -St. Jorgens. C 1591

C 1594.6

C 1594.7

C 1595

C 1595.1

C 1594.2

C 1594.3

C 1594

C 1594.1

C 1022

3925 -Rantzavsminde.


3 White post on corner of hut. W. 10 White hut, red band. R. 7 G. 7

G. 053°30′-058°30′, W.060°30′, R.-066°.



G. 095°-100°, W.-105°, R.107°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


FYN: 3926 -Ballen.

55° 02.0´ N F.R. 10° 28.0´ E

16 5

2 Red mast; 13.

3927 -Skaro cable Range, front.

55° 00.7´ N F.R. 10° 28.2´ E

26 8

4 Beacon.

Visible 124°-304°. Shown by day.

55° 00.5´ N F.R.W. (vert.) 10° 28.2´ E

39 12 33 10

4 Beacon.

Visible 124°-304°. Shown 24 hours.

54° 48.2´ N Fl.R.G. 10° 50.3´ E period 3s fl. 0.7s, ec. 2.3s

33 10

8 Red pole with platform; 33. 8

R. 024°30′-181°30′, G.024°30′.

C 1021.4

3927.1 - -Rear, 120 meters 214° from front.

C 1021.41

LANGELAND: 3928 -Langelandsbaelt S. C 1673.6

-RACON 3932 -Hojbjerg E. C 1673.3

-RACON 3936 -Spodsbjaerg Ferry Harbor.

R. G.

O(– – –) period 80s


54° 53.0´ N Fl.R.G. 10° 50.0´ E period 5s fl. 1s, ec. 4s

33 10

R. G.

G(– – •) period 80s

5 Green pole with platform; 33. 5

R. 002°30′-201°, G.-002°30′.


54° 56.0´ N Fl.G. 10° 50.0´ E period 3s

16 5

2 White steel post; 10.

54° 56.1´ N F.R. 10° 50.0´ E

23 7

4 Gray lattice mast, red triangular daymark, point up; 33.

3944 - - -Rear, 95 meters 286°30′ from front.

54° 56.2´ N F.R. 10° 50.0´ E

30 9

4 Gray lattice mast, red triangular daymark, point down; 33.

3948 - -Fishing harbor, N. pier, head.

54° 56.0´ N F.G. 10° 50.2´ E

18 5

4 Green mast; 16. Floodlit.

54° 55.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 10° 51.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.7s, ec. 2.3s

33 10

W. R. G.

8 Yellow tubular mast, platform; 33. R. 001°30′-217°, G.-231°, W.5 235°, R.-240°, G.5 001°30′.

55° 02.8´ N Fl.R.G. 10° 59.3´ E period 5s fl. 1s, ec. 4s

33 10

R. G.

5 Green pole, platform; 33. 5

C 1671

3940 - -Range, front. C 1671.7

C 1671.71

C 1671.65

3952 -Spodsbjerg SE. C 1673

3956 -Bostrup E. C 1672.5

-RACON 3960 -Langelandsbaelt N. C 1672

3964 -Hov. C 1668

3968 -Frankeklint. C 1656

K(– • –) period 80s

F.R. 4M marks S. pier head.

R. 009°30′-179°, G.-009°30′.


55° 08.0´ N Fl.R.G. 11° 00.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.7s, ec. 2.3s

33 10

R. G.

5 Red pole, platform; 33. 5

R. 001°30′-180°, G.-001°30′.

55° 09.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 10° 57.0´ E period 4s

39 12

W. 16 White round tower, red band; 40. R. 210°-226°30′, G.-232°30′, R. 12 W.-237°, R.-308°30′, G.G. 12 341°, W.-346°, R.-010°.

55° 10.0´ N Oc.R.G. 10° 56.0´ E period 5s lt. 4s, ec. 1s

52 16

R. G.

7 Gable of white building; 13. 7

G. 039°-047°, R.-151°, G.178°, R.-219°.

55° 08.1´ N Iso.W.R.G. 10° 54.1´ E period 2s

26 8

W. R. G.

9 White square tower; 30. 7 7

Obsc. (partially) 031°-046°, G.-095°, W.-101°, R.182°.

-Lohals Havn: 3972 - -Near root of S. mole. C 1658

3976 - -Outer breakwater, head. C 1660

3980 - -90 meters 234° from root of S. mole.

C 1661

55° 08.0´ N F.R. 10° 54.0´ E

White post; 7.

55° 08.1´ N F.G. 10° 54.1´ E

16 5


1 Black post; 7.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


3984 -Dagelokke Havn Range, front.

55° 04.0´ N F.G. 10° 52.0´ E

16 5

4 Gray post; 12.

Visible 052°06′-192°06′. Shown Apr. 1 to Nov. 15.

55° 03.8´ N F.G. 10° 51.8´ E

25 8

4 Post on white hut.

Visible 052°06′-192°06′. Shown Apr. 1 to Nov. 15.

54° 58.0´ N Iso.W. 10° 42.0´ E period 2s

13 4

4 White post, red triangular daymark, white center stripe, point up; 16.

3996 - -Rear, 454 meters 205°24′ from front.

54° 57.2´ N Iso.W. 10° 41.7´ E period 4s

39 12

4 Latticework mast, red triangular daymark, white center stripe, point down; 33.

4000 -Range, front.

54° 57.0´ N Iso.G. 10° 43.0´ E period 2s

36 11

4 Mast, white triangular daymark, orange border; 23.

4004 - -Rear, 456 meters 167°36′ from front.

54° 56.5´ N Iso.G. 10° 43.1´ E period 4s

56 17

4 Framework mast, white triangular daymark, point down, orange border; 43.

4008 -N. mole Range, front.

54° 56.0´ N F.R. 10° 42.0´ E

20 6

54° 56.3´ N F.R. 10° 42.4´ E

46 14

4 Gray framework mast, red triangular daymark, point down.

54° 56.3´ N F.R. 10° 42.2´ E

16 5

4 Gray metal mast, red triangular daymark, point up; 10.

4020 - - -Rear, 122 meters 053°42′ from front.

54° 56.3´ N F.R. 10° 42.3´ E

29 9

4 Square mast, red triangular daymark, point down.

4024 -Sio Range, front.

54° 57.0´ N Iso.W. 10° 42.0´ E period 2s

49 15

5 Gray metal mast, red triangular daymark, point up, white center stripe; 10.

4028 - -Rear, 322 meters 032°54′ from front.

54° 57.2´ N Iso.W. 10° 42.3´ E period 4s

66 20

6 White post, red triangular daymark, point down, white center stripe; 59.

4032 Lindeskov Range, front.

55° 16.1´ N Iso.W. 11° 14.5´ E period 2s

23 7

20 White metal structure, red band; Visible 107°-113°. 13.

4036 -Rear, 500 meters 110°06′ from front.

55° 16.0´ N Iso.W. 11° 14.9´ E period 4s

69 21

20 White latticework mast, red band; 56.

4040 Agerso Sund, Gulf oil pier.

55° 12.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 11° 16.0´ E period 10s lt. 8s, ec. 2s

39 12

55° 12.0´ N F.R. 11° 15.0´ E

C 1662

3988 - -Rear, 77 meters 122°06′ from front.

C 1662.1

RUDKOBING LOB: 3992 -NE. Sio, Range front. C 1674

C 1674.1

C 1686

C 1686.1

C 1690

4012 - -Rear, 214 meters 188°42′ from front.

C 1690.1

Gray framework mast, red triangular daymark, point up.

-Rudkobing Havn: 4016 - -S. Channel Range, front. C 1702

C 1702.1

C 1680

C 1680.1

C 1645

C 1645.1

4 Tubular pillar; 33. 2 2

G. 101°36′-108°18′, W.-115°, R.-121°36′. Occasional. Private light.

16 5


F.R. shown from each berthing dolphin.

55° 13.0´ N F.R. 11° 14.0´ E

13 4

4 Mast, round disk daymark; 13.

Marks cable to Agerso.

4052 - -Rear, 165 meters 080° from front.

55° 13.2´ N F.W.R. (vert.) 11° 14.7´ E

30 9 20 6

4 Mast, round disk over diamond daymarks; 26.

4056 Gedehave, Range, front.

55° 15.0´ N F.R. 11° 14.0´ E

13 4

4 White mast, red and white striped triangular daymark.

4060 -Rear, 153 meters 156° from front.

55° 14.7´ N F.R. 11° 14.3´ E

29 9

4 White mast, triangular daymark, red and white.

4064 -W. Range, front.

55° 15.0´ N Iso.G. 11° 14.0´ E period 2s

20 6

9 White oval pedestal, red band; 7. Visible 136°30′-142°30′.

C 1649.7

4044 Stignaes oil pier, head. C 1644.42

4048 -Stignaes Range, front. C 1649.4

C 1649.41

C 1650

C 1650.1

C 1645.4


W. R. G.

Visible 107°-113°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


4068 - -Rear, 560 meters 139°30′ from front.

55° 14.4´ N Iso.G. 11° 14.5´ E period 4s

52 16

9 White structure, red band; 33.

Visible 136°30′-142°30′.

4072 Egholm Range, front.

55° 14.0´ N Iso.G. 11° 11.0´ E period 2s

16 5

9 White structure, red band; 16.

Visible 318°-324°.

4076 -Rear, 520 meters 321° from front.

55° 14.8´ N Iso.G. 11° 10.6´ E period 4s

56 17

9 White latticework mast, red band; 47.

Visible 318°-324°.

4080 Egholm Flak.

55° 15.5´ N Fl.R.G. 11° 05.9´ E period 3s fl. 0.8s, ec. 2.2s

33 10

R. G.

6 Red tubular mast, platform, ; 33. G. 158°-345°, R.-158°. 5

55° 13.8´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 11° 05.5´ E period 5s fl. 0.8s, ec. 0.8s fl. 0.8s, ec. 2.6s

33 10

W. R. G.

8 Green tubular mast, platform, 33. G. 157°-305°30′, W.-309°, R.6 314°, G.-355°, R.-157°. 5

55° 12.5´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 11° 06.7´ E period 10s fl. 1s, ec. 1s fl. 1s, ec. 1s fl. 1s, ec. 5s

33 10

W. R. G.

8 Red tubular mast, platform; 33. 6 5

C 1645.5

C 1647

C 1647.1

C 1534.6

4084 Vengeancegrund. C 1534.7

4088 Agerso Flak. C 1534.8


Z(– – • •) period 60s

G. 164°-050°, W.-060°, R.164°.


AGERSO: 4092 -Helleholm.

55° 11.0´ N Oc.(3)W.R.G. 11° 13.0´ E period 15s

39 12

55° 11.5´ N Iso.W. 11° 12.9´ E period 2s

23 7

13 White structure, red band; 13.

Visible 169°30′-177°30′. Shown by day.

4100 - -Rear, 640 meters 173°30′ from front.

55° 11.2´ N Iso.W. 11° 12.9´ E period 4s

56 17

14 White latticework mast, red band; 47.

Visible 169°30′-177°30′. Shown by day.

4108 -Vinkelfyr.

55° 11.9´ N Oc.W.R.G. 11° 10.6´ E period 5s lt. 4s, ec. 1s

36 11

55° 13.0´ N F.G. 11° 12.0´ E

14 4

55° 10.0´ N Oc.(2)W.R.G. 11° 08.0´ E period 12s lt. 2s, ec. 2s lt. 6s, ec. 2s

69 21

W. 18 Yellow round tower, white cupola; G. 266°-271°, W.-283°, R.R. 13 72. 291°, G.-296°, W.G. 13 304°30′, R.-006°, G.101°, W.-104°, R.-118°, G.-133°, W.-138°30′, R.146°, G.-162°, W.165°30′, R.-183°, G.220°.

55° 10.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 11° 10.0´ E period 5s lt. 4s, ec. 1s

16 5

W. R. G.

55° 10.0´ N F.R. 11° 10.0´ E

16 5

55° 10.3´ N F.W.R. (vert.) 11° 10.3´ E

46 14

8 Pole, white disk over diamond daymark.

54° 57.0´ N F.R. 11° 06.0´ E

12 4

2 Post; 20.

54° 57.0´ N F.G. 11° 07.0´ E

13 4

4 Wooden mast.

C 1648

4096 -Helleholm Range, front. C 1646

C 1646.1

C 1643

4116 -N. mole. C 1642

W. 12 White square tower, gray lantern; R. 170°-081°, G.-102°, W.R. 8 39. 105°, R.-125°. G. 8 Obscured by Omo 036°-064°, and by a mill when bearing 280°.

W. 13 White lattice mast. R. 9 G. 9

G. 318°-328°, W.-332°. R.032°, G.-060°. Shown by day.

2 White metal column.

OMO: 4120 -Langelands Ore. C 1640

4124 -Omo Havn. C 1638

4128 -Omo Range, front. C 1641

4132 - -Rear, 207° from front. C 1641.1

6 Green metal structure; 10. 4 4 10 Pole, white disk daymark.

ONSEVIG HAVN: 4136 -W. mole, head. C 1730

4140 -N. corner of harbor Range, front.

C 1726


W. 146°-180°, R.-228°, G.146°. Shown from Aug. 1 to Mar. 31. Visible 177°-237°. Visible 177°-237°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


4144 - -Rear, S. mole, 112 meters 158° from front.

54° 56.8´ N F.G. 11° 06.5´ E

26 8

4 Wooden mast.

4148 -Lango Range, front.

54° 49.0´ N F.R. 11° 00.0´ E

26 8

6 Red post, orange triangular daymark, point up; 19.

Visible 161°30′-191°30′.

4152 - -Rear, 365 meters 176°30′ from front.

54° 49.0´ N F.R. 10° 59.8´ E

33 10

6 Red post, orange triangular daymark, point down; 33.

Visible 161°30′-191°30′.

4160 -Albuen.

54° 50.3´ N Iso.W.R.G. 10° 57.8´ E period 8s

37 11

54° 50.0´ N Iso.W. 11° 01.0´ E period 2s

53 16

8 Orange tripod, triangular daymark, point up; 52.

54° 50.2´ N Iso.W. 11° 01.2´ E period 4s

72 22

8 Orange framework mast, triangular daymark, point down; 72.

54° 50.0´ N Iso.G. 11° 01.1´ E period 2s

26 8

4 Pile, red triangular daymark, point up; 13.

54° 50.0´ N Iso.G. 11° 01.2´ E period 4s

36 11

4 Framework mast, red triangular daymark, point down; 30.

54° 53.0´ N F.R. 11° 02.0´ E

33 10

8 Gray framework mast, orange triangular daymark; 23.

54° 52.6´ N F.R. 11° 02.1´ E

46 14

8 Gray framework mast, orange triangular daymark, point down; 49.

54° 50.0´ N F.W.G. 11° 02.0´ E

10 3

4176 - -Bogo, rear, 997 meters 131°30′ from common front.

54° 49.1´ N F.G. 11° 02.2´ E

33 10

6 Framework mast, orange triangular daymark, point down; 29.

4180 -Vesteroode, rear, 2.47 km. 264° from common front.

54° 49.0´ N F.W. 10° 59.0´ E

33 10

9 Framework mast, orange triangular daymark, point down; 29.

4184 -Rosnaes Range, front.

54° 50.0´ N Iso.G. 11° 06.3´ E period 2s

13 4

4 Orange triangular daymark, point up.

54° 50.0´ N Iso.G. 11° 06.5´ E period 4s

30 9

4 Orange triangular daymark, point up.

C 1726.1

C 1720.4

C 1720.41

C 1716.1

4164 -Enehoje Islet Range, front. C 1718

4168 - -Rear, 380 meters 119°24° from front.

C 1718.1

4168.5 -Enehoje S. Range, front. C 1718.3

4168.51 - -Rear, 094°30′ from front. C 1718.31

4170 -Taars Ferry Range, front. C 1712

4171 - -Rear, 085° from front. C 1712.1

4172 -Ramso Range, common front. C 1719

C 1718.9

C 1719.1

C 1719.3

4188 - -Rear, 265 meters 064° from front.

C 1719.4

W. 13 White round tower; 43. R. 9 G. 9

W. G.

R. 332°30′-053°30′, G.108°30′, W.-163°, R.283°.

8 Orange triangular daymark, point W. 259°-274°, G.-259°. 6 up, on concrete base; 3.

Leads through dredged channel to Barneholm, F.R. light is shown from head of E. mole at Lango Havn.

LANGELAND: 4192 -Keldsnor. C 1706


4196 -Bagenkop Havn. C 1708

4197 - -E. pier, head. C 1708.5

4208 - -Range, front. C 1710

4212 - - -Rear, 102°18′ from front. C 1710.1

54° 43.9´ N Fl.(2)W. 10° 43.4´ E period 20s fl. 0.3s, ec. 4.7s fl. 0.3s, ec. 14.7s

128 39

Oc.W.R.G. period 5s lt. 4s, ec. 1s

72 22

25 White square tower; 111.

W. 12 Same structure. R. 9 G. 9

54° 45.2´ N Fl.G. 10° 40.2´ E period 3s

20 6

4 Green lattice mast; 33.

54° 45.2´ N Fl.R. 10° 40.4´ E period 3s fl. 0.7s, ec. 2.3s

21 6

4 Red lattice mast; 11.

54° 45.2´ N Iso.W.R.G. 10° 40.5´ E period 4s

33 10

54° 45.2´ N Iso.W. 10° 40.6´ E period 4s

43 13


W. R. G.

Visible 200°-116°. Obscured in places 098°135°. G. 218°-222°, W.-226°, R.230°. Siren: 1 bl. ev. 30s.

8 Gray lattice mast, red triangular 5 daymark, point up; 25. 5

G. 079°-099°, W.-106°, R.126°.

6 Gray lattice mast, red triangular daymark, point down; 49.

Visible 077°18′-127°18′. Synchronized with front.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


4216 Vejro.

55° 02.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 11° 22.0´ E period 5s

62 19

W. 16 White hexagonal tower; 52. R. 12 G. 12

54° 55.0´ N F.R. 11° 21.0´ E

13 4

8 Tripod, round daymark; 13.

Visible 184°30′-244°30′. Marks cable to Fejo.

4224 - -Rear, 94 meters 214°30′ from front.

54° 55.1´ N F.R.W. (vert.) 11° 21.2´ E

26 8 20 6

8 Metal framework tower, round daymark over diamond daymark; 23.

Visible 184°30′-244°30′.

4225 Kragenaes, Ferry Harbor Range, front.

54° 55.0´ N Iso.R. 11° 21.6´ E period 2s

23 7

4 Mast; 16.

Visible 266°06′-272°06′. Shown 24 hours.

54° 55.0´ N Iso.R. 11° 21.5´ E period 4s

33 10

4 Mast; 26.

Visible 266°06′-272°06′. Shown 24 hours.

54° 58.0´ N F.W. 11° 31.0´ E

10 3

Tripod; 7.

4232 - -Rear, 70 meters 098° from front.

54° 58.3´ N F.W. 11° 31.1´ E

20 6

Tripod; 7.

4236 -W. mole.

54° 58.3´ N F.R. 11° 30.8´ E

14 4

Brown pole; 10.

C 1732

4220 -Range, front. C 1723

C 1723.1

C 1721.7

4225.1 -Rear, 59 meters 269°06′ from front.

C 1721.71

G. 154°-198°, W.-215°, R.240°30′, G.-270°, W.278°, R.-287°, G.-304°, R.-320°, G.-079°30′, W.089°30′, R.-106°, G.143°, W.-146°, R.-154°. May be obscured from 330°063°.

FEMO HAVN: 4228 -ESE. of harbor Range, front. C 1742

C 1744

C 1740

Visible 338°-146°.


4240 Skalo Harbor, W. mole, head.

54° 57.0´ N F.W. 11° 22.0´ E

10 3

2 Tower, red and white stripes.

54° 56.0´ N F.R. 11° 22.0´ E

16 5

2 Gray pole; 10.

Visible 315°-135°.

4248 Bandholm Channel Range, front.

54° 53.0´ N Iso.W. 11° 27.0´ E period 2s

20 6

5 White post, red triangular daymark, point up; 16.

Visible 298°-328°.

4252 -Rear, 130 meters 313° from front.

54° 53.1´ N Iso.W. 11° 27.1´ E period 4s

49 15

5 White post, red triangular daymark, point down; 23.

Visible 298°-328°.

C 1734

4244 Vesterby Havn, pier, head. C 1735

C 1752

C 1752.1

FEJO HAVN: 4256 -Range, front. C 1736

4260 - -N. of harbor, rear, 347° from front.

C 1736.1

54° 57.0´ N F.R. 11° 26.0´ E


54° 56.8´ N F.R. 11° 26.1´ E


ASKO HAVN: 4264 -E. mole, head. C 1748

4268 -W. mole, head. C 1749

54° 53.0´ N F.G. 11° 29.0´ E

16 5

4 Square post.

Shown August 1 to May 1.

54° 53.1´ N F.R. 11° 29.0´ E

16 5

4 Square post.

Shown August 1 to May 1.

54° 50.4´ N Fl.G. 11° 29.6´ E period 3s

13 4

3 Black post.

BANDHOLM HAVN: 4272 -N. mole, head. C 1760


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


4276 -S. mole, head.

54° 50.3´ N Fl.R. 11° 29.6´ E period 3s

13 4

3 Black post.

54° 49.9´ N Iso.R. 11° 29.5´ E period 2s

26 8

3 White beacon, red triangular daymark, point up.

54° 49.7´ N Iso.R. 11° 29.3´ E period 4s

66 20

3 On castle roof.

55° 10.6´ N Oc.W.R.G. 11° 38.6´ E period 10s lt. 8s, ec. 2s

30 9

55° 10.5´ N Fl.R. 11° 38.2´ E period 3s

13 4

5 Red pipe; 7.

55° 10.5´ N Fl.G. 11° 38.3´ E period 3s

13 4

5 Green pipe; 7.

55° 00.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 11° 52.0´ E period 4s

43 13

W. 14 White rectangular tower, red R. 10 band; 43. G. 10

54° 58.0´ N Iso.R. 11° 51.0´ E period 2s

23 7

2 Post, red triangular daymark point up.

4304 - -Rear, head of pier, 108 meters 272°30′ from front.

54° 57.6´ N Iso.W.R.G. 11° 51.1´ E period 4s

36 11

4316 -Masnedsund Range, front.

55° 00.0´ N F.G. 11° 54.0´ E

23 7

8 Third pile of bridge.

4320 - -Rear, 406 meters 113°30′ from front.

54° 59.8´ N F.G. 11° 53.8´ E

72 22

8 On silo.

4324 - -Bridge.

54° 58.0´ N F.W., F.R., F.G. 11° 53.0´ E

C 1762

4280 -Eastern Range, front. C 1770

4284 - -Rear, 550 meters 201° from front.

C 1770.1

SJAELLAND: 4288 -Karrebaeksminde. C 1788

4290 - -N. mole, head. C 1789

4292 - -S. mole, head. C 1792

W. R. G.

9 Gray framework mast; 23. 7 7

G. 326°-028°30′, W.-067°30′, R.-090°.

STORSTROM: 4296 -Ore, W. of Vordingborg. C 1798

4300 -Orehoved Havn Range, front. C 1800

C 1800.1

C 1796

C 1796.1

C 1802

W. 12 White tower; 36. R. 8 G. 8


4328 -Masnedo E. of railway bridge Range, front.

55° 00.0´ N F.G. 11° 54.0´ E

26 8

4 Post; 3.

4332 - -Rear, 60 meters 294°30′ from front.

54° 59.7´ N F.G. 11° 53.8´ E

39 12

4 Post; 22.

55° 00.0´ N F.R. 11° 55.0´ E

13 4

2 Brown metal column; 10.

4340 - - -Rear, 103 meters 308° from front.

55° 00.3´ N F.R. 11° 54.9´ E

26 8

2 Post; 23.

4344 -Water tower.

55° 01.0´ N F.R. 11° 55.0´ E

171 52

7 Water tower; 164.

16 5

W. 14 White house, red band. R. 10 G. 10

C 1804

C 1804.1

G. 050°-091°, W.-094°, R.108°.

G. 110°-158°, W.-171°, R.290°.

The piers of northern and middle arch spans are marked by F.G. and F.R. lights. Siren: (between spans) 1 bl. ev. 30s.

Not shown when channel is blocked by ice.

-Vordingborg: 4336 - -On quay Range, front. C 1814

C 1814.1

C 1815

2 F.W. range lights are shown at Oringe when automobile ferry is operating.

GRONSUND: -Stubbekobing: 4348 - -W. of village. C 1856

54° 54.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 12° 02.0´ E period 4s


G. 147°-150°, W.-152°, R.179°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


4352 - -W. mole Range, front.

54° 53.6´ N F.G. 12° 02.8´ E

10 3

Post; 5.

Visible 086°-266°. For dredged channel. Shown when harbor is clear of ice. Siren: 1 bl. ev. 20s.

4356 - - -Rear, 130 meters 176° from front.

54° 53.5´ N F.G. 12° 02.8´ E

23 7

Gray lattice mast; 23.

Visible 086°-266°.

4360 -Bogo Havn Range, front.

54° 55.0´ N F.G. 12° 03.0´ E

33 10

Post, orange triangular topmark, point up.

54° 54.8´ N F.G. 12° 03.1´ E

39 12

Post, orange triangular daymark, point down.

54° 54.5´ N Fl.R. 12° 03.1´ E period 3s fl. 0.8s, ec. 2.2s

13 4

3 PORT (A) R, beacon, topmark.

55° 00.0´ N F.G. 12° 10.0´ E

13 4

4 Wood post; 10.

54° 59.7´ N F.R. 12° 10.1´ E

13 4

4 Wood post; 7.

55° 00.0´ N Fl.G. 12° 10.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s

13 4

4 Wood post; 7.

54° 59.0´ N F.R. 12° 17.0´ E

8 2

White post; 3.

54° 59.1´ N F.G. 12° 16.9´ E

8 2

White post; 3.

C 1857

C 1857.1

C 1854

4364 - -Rear, 355° from front. C 1854.1

4365 -Bogo Channel, W side. C 1855

Shown Apr. 15 to Oct. 15.

KALVEHAVE HAVN: 4368 -E. mole, head. C 1844

4372 -SW. mole, head. C 1845

4376 -W. mole, head. C 1846

Siren: (on Ulvsand bridge 500 meters SW.) 1 bl. ev. 30s.

STEGE HAVN: 4380 -N. Harbor. C 1826

4384 - -S. mole, head. C 1828

4388 -W. side of harbor. C 1832

4392 Nyord, W. mole. C 1838

4394 Rodby Harbor Approach Buoy. RACON

54° 59.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 12° 16.9´ E period 5s

20 6

55° 02.4´ N F.R. 12° 11.7´ E

7 2

Green square tower on warehouse; 23.

G. 130°-138°30′, W.-145°, R.154°.

4 Black mast.

54° 38.3´ N L.Fl.W. 11° 19.2´ E period 10s

SAFE WATER RW, pillar, topmark.

Long dash (—) period 120s



LOLLAND: -Rodby Havn: 4396 - -Entrance Range, front.

54° 39.2´ N Iso.R. 11° 21.0´ E period 2s

56 17

6 Red lattice mast, red triangular daymark, point up.

4400 - - -Rear, 410 meters 045°12′ from front.

54° 39.3´ N Iso.R. 11° 21.3´ E period 4s

85 26

6 Gray framework tower, white triangular daymark, point down.

4404 - -W. mole, head.

54° 39.1´ N F.R. 11° 20.8´ E

26 8

5 Red framework tower; 16. Floodlit.

54° 39.0´ N F.G. 11° 20.7´ E

26 8

5 Green framework tower on hut; 18.

C 2216

C 2216.1

C 2218

4408 - -E. mole, head. C 2218.2


Synchronized with front.

Horn: (on request.) 1 bl. ev. 20s (bl. 3s, si. 17s).

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


4420 -Nysted, Skansehage, S. of harbor.

54° 39.0´ N F.W. 11° 44.0´ E

33 10

54° 32.7´ N Fl.(3)R. 11° 56.2´ E period 10s fl. 1s, ec. 1s fl. 1s, ec. 1s fl. 1s, ec. 5s

43 13

54° 33.9´ N Fl.R. 11° 55.8´ E period 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s

23 7

54° 33.9´ N Fl.(3)W. 11° 57.8´ E period 20s fl. 0.5s, ec. 3.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 3.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 11.5s

85 26

20 White hexagonal tower; 65.

54° 34.0´ N Iso.W. 11° 56.0´ E period 2s

56 17

9 Gray framework mast; 49.

Visible 280°30′-060°30′. Shows toward Rodsand channel.

4444 -N. of harbor, rear, 376 meters 350°30′ from front.

54° 34.5´ N Iso.W. 11° 55.6´ E period 2s

85 26

9 Gray framework mast; 98.

Visible 280°30′-060°30′. Synchronized with front.

4445 -Rodsand.

54° 34.5´ N Fl.Y. 11° 50.6´ E period 5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

23 7

Observation tower.

54° 34.3´ N F.R. 11° 55.6´ E

23 7

Gray post; 16.

F.Y. shown in fog.

54° 34.0´ N F.G. 11° 56.0´ E

23 7

Small house.

F.Y. shown in fog. Bell: occasional

54° 49.0´ N F.R. 12° 08.0´ E

16 5

White post; 20.

54° 49.4´ N F.R. 12° 08.4´ E

20 6

White post; 23.

4468 -Hestehoved, S. point of entrance.

54° 50.1´ N Oc.(2)W.R.G. 12° 09.9´ E period 6s lt. 3s, ec. 1s lt. 1s, ec. 1s

45 14

W. 13 White stone building; 14. R. 9 G. 9

4472 -Range, S. side of entrance, front, near pilots′ tower.

54° 53.0´ N Iso.W. 12° 07.0´ E period 2s

39 12

4476 - -Rear, 520 meters 324° from front.

54° 53.2´ N Iso.W. 12° 06.9´ E period 4s

66 20

4480 -Borgsted, SW. point of Mon.

54° 54.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 12° 06.0´ E period 5s lt. 3s, ec. 2s

11 3

54° 53.5´ N Oc.W.R.G. 12° 08.2´ E period 10s lt. 8s, ec. 2s

20 6

54° 53.0´ N Iso.G. 12° 09.0´ E period 2s

33 10

54° 53.3´ N Iso.G. 12° 08.8´ E period 4s

69 21

C 2210

6 Tripod; 20.

Intensified 000°-005°.

-Rodsand Rende: 4424 - -S. head. C 2188

4428 - - -N. head. C 2192

4436 Gedser (Gjedser) Odde. C 2186

10 Red pillar and lantern; 46. Floodlit.

8 Gray post.

Reserve light range 5M. Horn: 3 bl. ev. 30s (bl. 2s, si. 2s, bl. 2s, si. 2s, bl. 2s, si. 20s). Fog detector light. Radar reflector.

GEDSER HAVN: 4440 - -Range, front, E. mole. C 2196

C 2196.1

C 2207

4448 -W. mole, head. C 2202

4452 -E. mole, head. C 2203

4460 Hesnaes Havn Range, front. C 2180

4464 -Inner part of NE. mole, 100 meters 018°30′ from front.

C 2180.1


C 2166

C 2166.1

C 2178

4484 -Harbolle. C 2155.4

4487 -S. Range, front. C 2154.9

4488 - -Rear, 480 meters 353°30′ from front.

C 2155


9 White tower, red triangular daymark; 43.

R. 216°30′-264°, G.-290°, W.342°, R.-007°, G.-024°.

Intensified 319°-329°.

13 Gray metal framework tower, Intensified 319°-329°. triangular daymark, red and white bands, point down; 62. W. 11 White house, red band; 12. R. 8 G. 8

G. 317°-320°, W.-323°, R.332°30′.

10 Framework tower, red and white G. 064°-101°30′, W.-106°30′, triangular daymark, point up; R.-117°. 23. 7 Gray framework tower, red and white triangular daymark, point up; 23. G.

Intensified 347°30′-359°30′.

8 Framework tower, red and white Intensified 348°30′-358°30′. triangular daymark, point down; 33.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


4500 Klintholm Havn. C 2146

4504 -S. mole, head. C 2148

4508 Mon. C 2142

54° 57.0´ N Fl.R. 12° 28.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2.5s

13 4

4 Post; 10.

54° 57.1´ N Fl.G. 12° 27.9´ E period 3s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2.5s

16 5

4 White pedestal; 10.

54° 57.0´ N Fl.(4)W. 12° 32.0´ E period 30s fl. 0.2s, ec. 4.8s fl. 0.2s, ec. 4.8s fl. 0.2s, ec. 4.8s fl. 0.2s, ec. 14.8s

82 25

4512 Hellehavn Nakke, NE. point of Mon.

55° 00.4´ N Fl.W.R.G. 12° 31.3´ E period 5s fl. 1s, ec. 4s

4514 Buoy DW-79.

54° 46.1´ N Fl.(3)G. 12° 44.1´ E period 10s

C 2144


131 40

22 Square yellow tower; 43.

W. 12 Red tower, white band ; 20. R. 8 G. 8

Siren: 1 bl. ev. 30s. Occas.

Visible 214°-071° and in Hjelm Bay.

G. 140°-165°, W.-279°, R.320°.

STARBOARD (A) G, conical.

Z(– – • •) period 60s


FAKSE (FAXE) HAVN: 4524 -E. pier, head.

55° 12.7´ N Fl.G. 12° 10.1´ E period 3s

26 8

3 Green pole; 16.

55° 12.8´ N F.R. 12° 09.7´ E

26 8

3 Red pole, red triangular daymark, point up; 33.

Visible 233°-098°. Shown 24 hours.

4532 - -Rear, 111 meters 345°30′ from front.

55° 12.8´ N F.R. 12° 09.7´ E

33 10

3 Red pole, red triangular daymark, point down; 46.

Visible 233°-098°. Shown 24 hours.

4552 Rodvig Havn, E. pier, head.

55° 15.2´ N Fl.G. 12° 22.6´ E period 3s fl. 0.8s, ec. 2.2s

16 5

3 Red pedestal, white band.

55° 15.2´ N Fl.R. 12° 22.5´ E period 3s fl. 0.8s, ec. 2.2s

16 5

3 Gray conical hut; 7.

Siren: 1 bl. ev. 30s. Occas.

55° 15.2´ N F.R. 12° 22.6´ E

11 3

2 Gray post; 7.

Shown Aug. 15 thru May 15.

55° 15.2´ N F.G. 12° 22.6´ E

11 3

2 Gray post; 7.

Shown Aug. 15 thru May 15.

55° 15.0´ N F.G. 12° 23.0´ E

11 3

2 Gray post; 7.

C 2102

4528 -Range, front. C 2104

C 2104.1

C 2098

4556 -W. mole, head. C 2099

4560 -Middle mole, SE. head. C 2100

4564 - -SW., head. C 2100.2

4568 -W. side of E. mole. C 2100.4


Section 4 The Sound and Bornholm

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


GILLELEJE HAVN: 4572 -Outer harbor, W. mole, head. C 1866

4576 -N. basin, mole, head. C 1868

4580 -Inner harbor, N. mole, head. C 1869

4584 -Outer harbor, E. mole, head. C 1867

4588 -Spur mole, head. C 1867.4

4592 Nakkehoved.

56° 07.8´ N Fl.G. (neon) 12° 18.6´ E period 3s fl. 1s, ec. 2s

16 5

4 Gray round tower.

56° 07.7´ N F.G. 12° 18.7´ E

23 7

3 Gray framework tower; 16.

56° 08.0´ N F.G. 12° 19.0´ E

26 8

56° 07.8´ N Fl.R. (neon) 12° 18.7´ E period 3s fl. 1s, ec. 2s

16 5

4 Gray square tower; 13.

56° 07.7´ N F.R. 12° 18.7´ E

13 4

4 Post; 7.

Gray beacon; 20.

56° 07.2´ N Fl.(3)W. 12° 20.7´ E period 20s fl. 0.3s, ec. 3.7s fl. 0.3s, ec. 3.7s fl. 0.3s, ec. 11.7s

177 54

4596 Hornbaek Havn, W. breakwater, head.

56° 05.9´ N Fl.G. 12° 27.7´ E period 3s fl. 0.8s, ec. 2.2s

23 7

4 Green post; 11.

4598 -E. breakwater, head.

56° 05.7´ N Fl.R. 12° 27.6´ E period 3s fl. 0.8s, ec. 2.2s

23 7

4 Red mast; 13. Floodlit.

56° 05.7´ N F.G. 12° 27.6´ E

20 6

2 Post; 8.

4602 Ellekilde Hage, N. Cable Range, front.

56° 05.6´ N F.R. 12° 29.3´ E

46 14

5 Lattice mast, white disk daymark, red center; 31.

4603 -Rear, 218 meters 231°18′ from front.

56° 05.5´ N F.W., F.R. (vert.) 12° 28.8´ E

95 29 75 23

4604 Ellekilde Hage, S. Cable Range, front.

56° 05.6´ N F.R. 12° 30.1´ E

56 17

4608 -Rear, 144 meters 231°18′ from front.

56° 05.4´ N F.W., F.R. (vert.) 12° 29.7´ E

98 30 79 24

R. W.

4612 Julebaek.

56° 04.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 12° 34.0´ E period 5s lt. 4s, ec. 1s

26 8

W. 15 Hut, red and white bands; 13. R. 12 G. 12

4616 Lappestensbatteri Cable Range, front.

56° 03.0´ N F.R. 12° 36.0´ E

75 23

5 Framework, red disc daymark; 69.

4620 -Rear, 110 meters 226°30′ from front.

56° 03.0´ N F.R., F.W. (vert.) 12° 35.4´ E

105 32

5 Framework, red disc over white diamond daymark; 75.

4624 Lappestensbatteri Cable Range, front.

56° 03.0´ N F.R. 12° 36.0´ E

59 18

Framework, red round disc daymark; 49.

4628 -Rear, 167 meters 229° from front.

56° 03.0´ N F.R., F.W. (vert.) 12° 35.5´ E

C 1872

C 1876

C 1877

4600 -N. mole, E. head. C 1878

C 1881.5

C 1881.51

C 1881

C 1881.1

C 1884

C 1900

C 1900.1

C 1898

C 1898.1

111 34


25 White square tower; 69.

R. W.

Visible 216°18′-246°18′.

5 Framework, white disc daymark, Visible 216°18′-246°18′. 6 red center over white Marks northern boundary of diamond daymark, red cable area to Sweden. center; 44. 6 Framework, white disc daymark, Visible 216°18′-246°18′. red center; 36. 6 Framework, white disc daymark, Visible 216°18′-246°18′. 7 red center over white Range marks southern diamond daymark, red boundary of cable area to center; 23. Sweden.

Framework, red disc over white diamond daymark; 81.

R. 258°-278°, G.-288°, W.290°30′, R.-303°.

Range marks northern boundary of cable area to Sweden.

Range indicates direction of cable to Sofiero in Sweden.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


4632 Marienlyst, N. Cable Range, front.

56° 02.8´ N F.R. 12° 35.7´ E

4636 -Rear, 100 meters 241°30′ from front.

56° 02.8´ N F.R., F.W. (vert.) 12° 35.7´ E

4640 Marienlyst, Middle Cable Range, front.

56° 03.0´ N F.R. 12° 36.0´ E

4644 -Rear, 215 meters 241°30′ from front.

56° 02.7´ N F.R., F.W. (vert.) 12° 35.8´ E

4648 Gronnehave Cable Range, front.

56° 03.0´ N F.R. 12° 37.0´ E

33 10

Mast, red disc daymark; 26.

Visible 186°-296°.

4652 -Rear, 240 meters 241° from front.

56° 02.4´ N F.R., F.W. (vert.) 12° 36.8´ E

56 17 46 14

Mast, red disc over white diamond daymark; 52.

Visible 186°-296°. Range marks southern boundary of cable area to Sweden.

56° 03.0´ N Fl.G. 12° 37.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s

13 4

3 White tower; 6.

4660 -N. outer breakwater, 128 meters from head.

56° 02.7´ N Fl.W. 12° 37.1´ E period 5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

15 5

2 Gray pole; 6.

4664 -S. outer breakwater, head.

56° 02.6´ N Fl.R. 12° 37.1´ E period 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s

13 4

3 White tower; 6.

C 1890

C 1890.1

C 1891

C 1891.1

C 1894

C 1894.1

79 24 125 38 75 23 111 34

Green framework, red disc daymark; 59. W. R.

7 Television tower, red disc over 5 white diamond daymark; 279.

Visible 186°30′-296°30′. Visible 186°30′-296°30′. Range indicates direction of cable to Sweden.

Green framework, red disc daymark; 69. Green framework mast, red disc Range indicates direction of over white diamond cable to Sweden. daymark; 29.

HELSINGOR NORDHAVN: 4656 -N. outer breakwater, head. C 1903

C 1904

C 1902

4668 - -S. inner breakwater, head. C 1904.5

4670 -Midchannel buoy M4. -RACON 4672 Kronborg. C 1908

56° 02.7´ N Fl.R. 12° 37.1´ E period 5s fl. 1s, ec. 4s

7 2

56° 03.3´ N Iso.W. 12° 39.2´ E period 2s

2 Gray pillar.

SAFE WATER RW, pillar, topmark.

T(–) period 30s 56° 02.4´ N Oc.(2)W.R.G. 12° 37.4´ E period 6s lt. 3s, ec. 1s lt. 1s, ec. 1s

108 33

W. 15 Castle tower; 103. R. 12 G. 11

G. 129°-137°, W.-145°, R.161°, G.-214°, W.-311°, R.-349°, G.-352°, W.356°, R.-017°, G.-027°. Shown 24 hours.

HELSINGOR HAVN: 4676 -S. pier, head.

56° 02.0´ N F.R. 12° 37.0´ E

23 7

6 Red round tower; 21.

56° 02.0´ N F.G. 12° 37.0´ E

23 7

6 Green round tower; 21.

56° 02.0´ N F.R. 12° 37.0´ E

37 11

3 Pipe mast; 30.

4692 Snekkersten Havn, S. mole, head.

56° 00.0´ N F.R. 12° 36.0´ E

13 4

3 Post.

4696 Espergaerde Havn, S. mole, head.

56° 00.0´ N F.R. 12° 34.0´ E

11 3

4700 Humlebaek Havn, S. mole, head.

55° 58.3´ N F.R. 12° 32.8´ E

23 7

2 White post.

4704 Sletten Havn, S. mole, head.

55° 57.2´ N Fl.R. 12° 32.2´ E period 3s fl. 0.7s, ec. 2.3s

10 3

4 White post.

C 1912

4684 -N. mole, head. C 1914

4688 -Ferry harbor. C 1915

C 1916

C 1918

C 1920

C 1924


White octagonal tower.

Obscured when bearing less than 219°. Horn: 1 bl. ev. 20s (bl. 5s, si. 15s).

Visible 172°-340°.

Fl.W. 5s 5M marks mole close S.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


4706 Niva, S. mole, head.

55° 56.4´ N F.R. 12° 31.8´ E

13 4

4 Red pole; 8.

4708 Rungsted Havn, new S. mole, head.

55° 53.2´ N Fl.R. 12° 33.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.8s, ec. 2.2s

20 6

6 Red mast; 16.

4712 Vedback Havn, E. mole, head.

55° 51.0´ N Fl.R. 12° 34.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.7s, ec. 2.3s

16 5

6 Red pole; 7.

4713 -W. mole, head.

55° 51.0´ N Fl.G. 12° 34.3´ E period 3s fl. 0.7s, ec. 2.3s

16 5

6 Green pole; 7.

4716 Taarbaek Havn, S. mole, head.

55° 47.0´ N F.R. 12° 36.0´ E

16 5

Gray post; 13.

55° 46.0´ N Fl.R. 12° 36.0´ E period 3s

16 5

4 Gray post; 11.

Shown 24 hours.

55° 46.0´ N Fl.G. 12° 36.0´ E period 3s

16 5

4 Gray post; 11.

Shown 24 hours.

55° 46.0´ N F.G. 12° 36.0´ E

20 6

5 Gray post; 12.

Shown 24 hours.

55° 46.0´ N F.R. 12° 36.0´ E

20 6

5 Gray post; 12.

Shown 24 hours.

55° 43.9´ N Fl.G. 12° 34.9´ E period 3s fl. 0.8s, ec. 2.2s

16 5

4 Green lighthouse with copper roof; 15.

Visible 180°-090°.

55° 43.2´ N Oc.W.R.G. 12° 39.9´ E period 5s lt. 4s, ec. 1s

36 11

W. 12 Red structure. R. 10 G. 10

R. 005°-069°, G.-128°, R.173°, G.-184°, W.-193°, R.-225°. Shown 24 hours.

55° 43.2´ N Oc.(2)W.R.G. 12° 40.0´ E period 12s lt. 6s, ec. 2s lt. 2s, ec. 2s

36 11

W. 12 Red structure. R. 10 G. 10

W. 204°30′-245°, R.-290°, G.346°, W.-350°, R.-056°. Shown 24 hours.

C 1925

C 1926

C 1940

C 1942

SKOVSHOVED HAVN: 4720 -Breakwater, N. head. C 1945.4

4724 -Breakwater, S. head. C 1945.6

4728 -N. mole, head. C 1946

4732 -S. mole, head. C 1948

4736 Hellerup, E. mole, head. C 1950

KOBENHAVN (COPENHAGEN): 4760 -Middlegrunds Fort, W. light. C 1964

4764 - -E. C 1965

4768 -E. mole, head.

55° 43.2´ N F.G. 12° 40.0´ E

8 2

2 Post.

55° 43.1´ N F.R. 12° 39.9´ E

8 2

2 Post.

4776 -Quay wall, entrance Range, front.

55° 43.0´ N F.W. 12° 40.0´ E

16 5

3 Beacon, white triangular daymark, point up.


4780 - -Rear, 12 meters 000° from front.

55° 43.2´ N F.W. 12° 40.0´ E

19 6

3 Beacon, white triangular daymark, point down.


4784 -Svanemollehavn, N. breakwater, head.

55° 43.1´ N Fl.G. 12° 35.3´ E period 5s fl. 1s, ec. 4s

16 5

4 Green tower; 10.

55° 43.2´ N Iso.R. 12° 35.7´ E period 2s

16 5

11 Red and white tower.

Visible 205°30′-210°30′.

4800 - -Rear, 955 meters 208°06′ from front.

55° 42.7´ N Iso.R. 12° 35.3´ E period 4s

39 12

11 Mast.

Intensified 205°30′-210°30′.

4804 -Trekroner.

55° 42.2´ N Iso.W.R.G. 12° 37.0´ E period 2s

66 20

C 1966

4772 -W. mole, head. C 1967

C 1968

C 1968.1

C 1976

-Kalkbraenederi Havn: 4796 - -E. mole, SE. Range, front. C 1970

C 1977.1

C 1978


W. 20 White round tower; 39. R. 16 G. 16

R. 175°-195°, G.-207°, W.210°, R.-214°, G.219°48′, W.-222°54′, R.255°, G.-316°30′, W.320°, R.-336°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


4808 - -Frihavn, S. side of entrance, breakwater, N. head.

C 1982

- -RACON 4812 -Stubben, breakwater, E. head.

55° 42.5´ N Fl.R. 12° 36.8´ E period 3s

23 7

7 Red round tower, white band; 23.

T(–) period 120s


(3 cm)

55° 42.6´ N Fl.G. 12° 36.8´ E period 3s fl. 0.7s, ec. 2.3s

23 7

55° 42.2´ N Dir.Iso.W.G. 12° 36.0´ E period 4s

75 23

W. 11 Framework tower. G. 8

Visible G. 228°48′-231° W.233°48′. Shown by day Dir. Iso W.G. 4s 4-3 M.

55° 42.2´ N Dir.Iso.W.R. 12° 36.0´ E period 4s

75 23

W. 11 Framework tower. R. 8

Visible W. 228°12′-231°, R.233°12′. Shown by day Dir.Iso.W.R. 4s 4-3M.

55° 42.5´ N F.G. 12° 36.4´ E

20 6

6 Green hut.

4832 - -Lynettelobet, N. breakwater, S. head.

55° 42.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 12° 37.0´ E period 4s

21 6

4836 - -Lystbadehavn, (Yacht Harbor), N. side of entrance.

55° 42.0´ N F.G. 12° 36.0´ E

11 3

4840 - -Bomlobet, E. side, front.

55° 41.0´ N Iso.R. 12° 36.0´ E period 2s

19 6

2 Pole.

Visible 178°-208°. R. and G. lights mark channel when bridge is open.

4844 - - -S. end, rear, about 90 meters 194°06′ from front.

55° 41.0´ N Iso.R. 12° 36.0´ E period 4s

29 9

2 Pole; 23.

Visible 178°-208°.

4848 - -Bomlobet, E. side.

55° 41.3´ N Iso.R. 12° 36.1´ E period 4s

17 5

3 Pole; 23.

Visible southward.

4860 -Enghave Brygge, W. side of Sondre Havn.

55° 40.0´ N Fl.G. 12° 34.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.8s, ec. 2.2s

17 5

2 Post on dolphin.

R. and G. lights mark channel when bridge is open.

4866 -Teglvaerkslobet.

55° 39.3´ N F.W.R.G. 12° 33.9´ E

26 8

7 White pile. 5 5

G.-034°18′-036°12′, W.037°24′ R.-039°18′.

55° 38.6´ N Iso.R. 12° 33.2´ E period 2s

16 5

4 Mast, red trangular daymark, white bands; 13.

Visible 200°18′-206°18′.

4884 - - -Rear, 184 meters 203°18′ from front.

55° 38.5´ N Iso.R. 12° 33.1´ E period 4s

36 11

4 Mast, red triangular daymark, Visible 113°18′-293°18′. white bands, point down; 30.

4888 -Slusehavnen, N. mole, head.

55° 38.6´ N Fl.G. 12° 33.2´ E period 3s fl. 0.8s, ec. 2.2s

C 1983

7 Green tower; 23.

Also shown by day in poor visibility.

-Frihavn: 4816 - -Kronlobet N, Dir. Lt. 231°. C 1979

4820 - -Kronlobet S. Dir. Lt. 231°. C 1979.2

4824 - -Kronlobsbassin, N. side of entrance, mole, head.

C 1994

-Yderhavn: C 1986

C 2002

C 2003

C 2003.1

C 2006

C 2008

C 2012

4880 - -Sluselobet Range, front. C 2074

C 2074.1

C 2074.7

7 2

W. R. G.

4 Green light house; 19. 2 2

Green post; 7.

W. R. G.

W. 081°-089°, R.-094°, G.263°, W.-269°30′, R.278°, G.-081°. Obscured 287°-291°, 308°318°. Shown April 1 thru Nov. 15.


4900 -Fishing Harbor Range, front, S. pier, head.

55° 38.5´ N F.R. 12° 32.6´ E

13 4

3 Red pedestal, white band, red and white striped triangular daymark, point up; 7.

Visible 216°-056°.

4904 - -Rear, 226 meters 316° from front.

55° 38.6´ N F.R. 12° 32.5´ E

26 8

3 Post, red and white striped triangular daymark, point down; 27.

Visible 216°-056°.

4912 -Provesten.

55° 41.0´ N Oc.(3)W.R.G. 12° 38.2´ E period 15s lt. 5s, ec. 2s lt. 2s, ec. 2s lt. 2s, ec. 2s

33 10

C 2072

C 2072.1

C 2024


W. 12 White framework tower, red R. 10 band; 26. G. 10

G. 165°-168°, W.-171°, R.175°, G.-178°12′, W.180°18, R.-182°06′, G.203°. F.R. and F.G. lights on posts 0.6 mile NW.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


4916 -Provestenshavn Range, front.

55° 40.6´ N Iso.R. 12° 38.1´ E period 2s

46 14

5 Red lattice mast, triangular daymark, point up; 43.

Visible 218°-258°.

4920 - -Rear, 143 meters 234° 54′ from front.

55° 40.6´ N Iso.R. 12° 38.0´ E period 2s

62 19

5 Red lattice mast, triangular daymark, point down; 56.

Visible 218°-258°.

4924 -N. detached breakwater, E. head.

55° 41.0´ N Fl.G. 12° 38.0´ E period 3s

20 6

5 Green tower; 10.

4928 -S. detached breakwater, N. head.

55° 41.0´ N Fl.R. 12° 38.0´ E period 3s

20 6

5 Red tower; 10.

4932 - -Flakfort, NW. side of Saltholm Flak, E. side of channel.

55° 42.2´ N Fl.(2)W. 12° 43.8´ E period 10s fl. 1.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 1.5s, ec. 5.5s

69 21

5 Triangular tower; 10.

55° 38.2´ N Oc.(2)W.R.G. 12° 41.2´ E period 6s lt. 3s, ec. 1s lt. 1s, ec. 1s

45 14

W. 18 Round granite tower; 56. R. 13 G. 13

R. 140°-157°30′, G.-176°30′, W.-181°, R.-186°, G.030°30′. Shown 24 hours.

58 18

W. 18 White square tower, two red R. 13 bands, elliptical base with G. 13 granite facing; 65.

W.-357°30′-009°, R.-021°, G.-028°30′, W.-071°, R.256°30′, G.-357°30′. Shown 24 hours. Horn: Mo.(U) ev. 30s. (bl. 1s, si. 1s, bl. 1s, si. 1s, bl. 2s, si. 24s). Occas. Pilot station.

C 2030

C 2030.1

C 2026

C 2028

C 1962

HOLLAENDERDYBET: 4936 -Nordre Rose. C 2042

-RACON 4940 Drogden, S. entrance to channel.

C 2060


M(– –) period 40s 55° 32.2´ N Oc.(3)W.R.G. 12° 42.7´ E period 15s lt. 2s, ec. 2s lt. 2s, ec. 2s lt. 5s, ec. 2s

X(– • • –) period 40s


AMAGER: 4944 -Sundby Yacht Club, Harbor Range, front.

55° 40.0´ N F.R. 12° 38.0´ E

16 5

White beacon, red triangular daymark, point up; 16.

4948 - -Rear, 155 meters 252° from front.

55° 39.9´ N F.R. 12° 37.9´ E

33 10

White beacon, red triangular daymark, point down; 16.

4964 -Kastrup Strandpark, S. mole, head.

55° 39.0´ N Fl.R. 12° 39.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.7s, ec. 2.3s

15 5

4 Red pillar; 7.

4968 - -N. mole, head.

55° 38.6´ N Fl.G. 12° 39.1´ E period 3s fl. 0.7s, ec. 2.3s

15 5

4 Green pillar; 7.

55° 38.0´ N F.G. 12° 40.0´ E

11 3

2 Gray post; 6.

55° 35.3´ N Oc.(2)W.R.G. 12° 40.8´ E period 12s lt. 6s, ec. 2s lt. 2s, ec. 2s

19 6

W. 14 Gray beacon; 10. R. 10 G. 10

55° 35.7´ N F.R. 12° 40.9´ E

23 7

4 Aluminum framework structure; 7.

55° 36.0´ N Iso.R. 12° 41.0´ E period 2s

13 4

3 White pole, red triangular daymark, point up; 7.

55° 35.7´ N Iso.R. 12° 40.6´ E period 2s

23 7

3 White pole, red triangular daymark, point down; 16.

C 2040

C 2040.1

C 2044

C 2044.2

4980 - -N. pier, head. C 2046

Floodlights show mole heads.

-Dragor Havn: 4992 - -Dragor Fort, SE. corner. C 2053

4996 - -S. pier, head. C 2054

5000 - -Range, front. C 2055

5004 - - -Rear, 154 meters 253°30′ from front.

C 2055.1


G. shore-280°, W.-309°, R.336°, G.-shore.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


-Dragor Faergehavn: 5008 - -Range, front.

55° 35.6´ N Iso.W. 12° 40.8´ E period 4s

52 16

12 Gray tower, red triangular daymark, point up; 43.

Visible 208°30′-248°30′.

5012 - - -Rear, 187 meters 228°30′ from front.

55° 35.5´ N Iso.W. 12° 40.7´ E period 4s

82 25

12 Gray tower, red triangular daymark, point down; 75.

Visible 208°30′-248°30′. Synchronized with front.

5016 -N. pier, head.

55° 35.7´ N Fl.G. 12° 40.9´ E period 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s

27 8

4 Gray pedestal; 7.

55° 35.6´ N Fl.R. 12° 41.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s

27 8

4 Gray pedestal; 7.

55° 35.0´ N F.R. 12° 41.0´ E

10 3

3 Gray post, concrete base; 7.

Shown Apr. 1 thru Nov. 15.

55° 35.0´ N F.G. 12° 41.0´ E

10 3

3 Gray post, concrete base; 7.

Shown Apr. 1 thru Nov. 15.

55° 35.9´ N F.R. 12° 29.1´ E

30 9

4 Gray steel mast; 26.

Shown 24 hours.

C 2056

C 2056.01

C 2056.4

5020 -E. pier, head. C 2056.6

5024 -NE. mole, head. C 2057

5028 -Ferry Harbor, E. mole. C 2057.2

5030 -Avedore Harbor, W. mole. C 2065

5030.3 -E. Sector. C 2065.4

5030.6 -W. Sector. C 2065.6

5031 -AVIATION LIGHT. C 2069

55° 36.2´ N Oc.W.R.G. 12° 29.2´ E period 10s lt. 7.5s, ec. 2.5s

123 37

W. R. G.

6 Gray steel framework mast; 115. G. 351°15′-355°, W.5 357°30′, R.-001°15′. 5 Shown 24 hours.

55° 36.2´ N Oc.W.R.G. 12° 28.9´ E period 10s lt. 7.5s, ec. 2.5s

123 37

W. R. G.

6 Gray steel framework mast; 115. G. 348°45′-352°30′, W.5 355°, R.-358°45′. 5 Shown 24 hours.

55° 36.1´ N 2 Fl.W. (vert.) 12° 28.7´ E period 2s

489 149 240 73

12 Gray chimney.

Shown 24 hours.

KALVEBOD: 5032 -S. Range, front. C 2068

5036 - -Rear, 012°24′ from front. C 2068.1

5040 Mosede Havn, N. mole, head. C 2082

5044 -S. mole, head. C 2083

55° 36.8´ N Iso.W. 12° 30.6´ E period 2s

13 4

7 Pedestal on beacon, red and white triangular daymark, point up; 13.

Visible 282°24′-102°24′.

55° 36.8´ N Iso.W. 12° 30.6´ E period 4s

26 8

7 Mast, red and white triangular daymark, point down; 20.

Visible 282°24′-102°24′.

55° 34.0´ N Fl.G. 12° 17.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2.5s

13 4

1 White column; 6.

55° 33.9´ N Oc.W.R.G. 12° 17.2´ E period 10s

13 4

W. R. G.

55° 27.3´ N Oc.W.R.G. 12° 12.0´ E period 5s lt. 3s, ec. 2s

39 12

W. 12 Gray mast; 37. R. 9 Floodlit. G. 9

55° 27.0´ N Fl.R. 12° 12.0´ E period 3s

13 4

3 Red lantern; 10.

Siren: 2 bl. ev. 30s.

55° 27.3´ N Fl.G. 12° 12.2´ E period 3s

15 5

3 Lantern on green hut; 6.

Shown 24 hours.

7 White column; 7. 4 4

G. 290°-306°, W.-316°, R.290°.

KOGE HAVN: 5048 -N. pier, head. C 2086

5056 -S. mole, head. C 2089

5068 -N. mole, head. C 2089.5

5080 Stevns Klint. C 2094

55° 17.5´ N L.Fl.W. 12° 27.3´ E period 25s fl. 2s, ec. 23s

210 64


26 White round tower; 85.

G. 234°30′-251°30′, W.-258°, R.-270°18′, obsc.234°30′.

Obscured by chimney on bearing 043°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


5084 Kullen.

258 79

27 Gray stone tower, yellow machine shop; 49.

56° 18.2´ N Oc.(3)W.G. 12° 26.8´ E period 20s

39 12

W. 14 White round metal tower. G. 10

G. 335°-344°, W.-251°30′.

56° 17.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 12° 30.0´ E period 6s

21 6

W. R. G.

G. 356°-107°, W.-116°, R.180°, W.-335°, R.-356°.

56° 17.0´ N F.R. 12° 30.0´ E

29 9

3 Post, orange triangular daymark, point up.

5100 -Rear, 23 meters 113° from front.

56° 17.0´ N F.R. 12° 29.8´ E

34 10

3 Post, orange triangular daymark, point down.

5104 Nyhamnslage, NNW. of Hoganas.

56° 15.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 12° 32.0´ E period 9s

20 6

W. R. G.

8 Post. 6 5

R. shore-011°, G.-045°30′, W.-056°, R.-105°, G.125°, W.-137°, R.-shore. Fishing lights.

56° 11.8´ N Oc.(2)W.R.G. 12° 32.8´ E period 8s

41 12

W. R. G.

9 White tower, red band, 33. 6 Floodlit. 5

G. 359°-090°06′, W.-097°30′, R.-147°30′.

56° 12.0´ N Iso.W. 12° 33.0´ E period 3s

52 16

10 Concrete pole, red triangular daymark with white borders, point up.

5116 - -Rear, 750 meters 092°54′ from front.

56° 11.8´ N Iso.W. 12° 33.5´ E period 3s

68 21

10 Concrete pole, red triangle with white borders, point down.

5120 Lerberget, N. pier, head.

56° 10.6´ N Fl.W.R.G. 12° 33.2´ E period 3s

13 4

W. R. G.

56° 09.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 12° 32.6´ E period 8s

78 24

W. 17 White tower, orange bands; 82. R. 17 Floodlit. G. 16 Helicopter platform.

C 2260

5088 Kullen Vastra, foot of Kullaberg. C 2262

5092 Molle, outer mole, head. C 2264

5096 Molle Hamn Range, front. C 2265

C 2265.1

C 2266

56° 18.1´ N Fl.W. 12° 27.2´ E period 5s fl. 0.3s, ec. 4.7s

8 White hut, red band. 5 4

Visible 332°30′-249°30′. Light vessel signals. Also shown by day Nov. 1 thru Mar. 31.

HOGANAS: 5108 -Pier, head. C 2268

5112 -Range, E. side, front. C 2269

C 2269.1

C 2270

5124 -Svinbadan. C 2274

-RACON 5128 -Viken, pier, head.

B(– • • •) period 30s

6 Post. 4 4

Synchronized. G. shore-356°, R.-010°, G.042°, W.-048°, R.-065°, G.-108°, W.-113°, R.143°, G.-shore. Fishing light shown from Sept. 1 to Nov. 1 and at other times when required. G. (unintensified) 315°-329°, G.-334°, W.-080°, R.095°, G.-104°, W.-150°, R.-157°, G.-162°, G. (unintensified)- 188°, W. (unintensified)- 315°.


56° 08.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 12° 35.0´ E

27 8

56° 08.3´ N Iso.R. 12° 35.5´ E period 6s

62 19

7 Framework mast, white triangle daymark, red border.

56° 08.4´ N Iso.R. 12° 35.5´ E period 6s

83 25

7 Framework mast, white triangle daymark, red border.

56° 07.9´ N Oc.R. 12° 35.7´ E period 5s lt. 4s, ec. 1s

64 20

7 Framework mast, white triangle daymark, red border.

5136 -Rear, 270 meters 052° from front.

56° 08.0´ N Oc.R. 12° 35.7´ E period 5s lt. 4s, ec. 1s

95 29

7 Framework mast, white triangle daymark, red border.

Marks southern boundary of cable area.

5140 -Domstens, breakwater, N. head.

56° 07.1´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 12° 36.2´ E period 8s

10 3

6 Pole. 4 3

G. 335°-020°, W.-030°, R.060°, G.-090°, W.-120°, R.-145°.

5144 -Sofiero, front.

56° 05.1´ N Iso.R. 12° 39.4´ E period 4s

72 22

7 Beacon with white diamond daymark.

Visible on range line only.

C 2276

5130 -Kristenlunds Cable N. Range, front.

C 2276.8

5130.1 -Rear, 275 meters 052° from front.

C 2276.81

5132 -S. Cable Range, front. C 2277

C 2277.1

C 2277.6

C 2278


W. R. G.

W. R. G.

9 White tower on pier, head. 7 6

G. shore-000°, W.-069°, R.106°, G.-121°.

Range indicates northern most cable to Denmark.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


5148 -Rear, 125 meters 046° from front.

56° 05.1´ N Iso.R. 12° 39.4´ E period 4s

102 31

7 Beacon with white diamond daymark.

Visible on range line only. Synchronized. Marks northern boundary of cable area.

5152 -Sofiero S. Range, front.

56° 04.9´ N Iso.G. 12° 39.5´ E period 4s

49 15

6 White beacon, triangular daymark, red border.

Visible on range line only.

5156 -Rear, 69 meters 050° from front.

56° 04.9´ N Iso.G. 12° 39.6´ E period 4s

96 29

6 White beacon, triangular daymark, red border.

Visible on range line only. Synchronized with front. Marks southern boundary of cable area.

5160 -Palsjo S. Kraftkabel Range, front.

56° 04.1´ N Iso.R. 12° 40.4´ E period 4s

85 26

7 Mast, white triangular daymark, red border.

Visible on range line only. Marks cable.

5164 -Rear, about 35 meters 061°30′ from front.

56° 04.2´ N Iso.R. 12° 40.7´ E period 4s

188 57

7 Mast, white triangular-shaped daymark, red border.

Visible on range line only. Synchronized.

5168 -Palsjo N. Kraftkahel Range, front.

56° 04.1´ N Iso.G. 12° 40.4´ E period 4s

135 41

6 White beacon, diamond-shaped Visible on range line only. daymark. Indicates direction of cable.

5172 - -Rear, 250 meters 061°30′ from front.

56° 04.3´ N Iso.G. 12° 40.7´ E period 4s

161 49

6 White beacon diamond-shaped daymark.

Visible on range line only. Synchronized.

5176 -S. cable mark, N. of town Range, front.

56° 03.7´ N Iso.R. 12° 40.8´ E period 8s

27 8

6 Framework beacon, diamond daymark.

Visible 018°-108°. Range marks southern boundary of cable area.

5180 - -Rear, 115 meters 062° from front.

56° 03.7´ N Iso.R. 12° 40.9´ E period 8s

75 23

6 Framework beacon, diamond daymark.

Synchronized. Visible 018°-108°.

5184 -Helsingborg, near S. end of N. mole.

56° 03.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 12° 41.0´ E period 15s

56 17

W. 18 Red tower and red pilot house; R. 15 61. G. 13

G. shore-000°, W.-011°, R.059°, G.-122°, W.136°30′, R.-148°30′. Shown by day Nov. 1 to Mar. 31. Signal station.

5186 -Norra Hamnen.

56° 02.9´ N Oc.(2)W.R.G. 12° 41.0´ E period 10s

13 4

W. R. G.

6 Pole. 4 4

G. shore-058°30′, W.127°30′, R.-shore.

56° 03.6´ N Q.W. 12° 41.3´ E

36 11

9 White post, red triangular daymark, point up.

Visible on range line only. Shown by day from Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.

5196 - -Rear, 150 meters 000°48′ from front.

56° 02.7´ N Q.W. 12° 41.3´ E

52 16

9 White framework tower, red triangular daymark, point down.

Visible on range line only. Shown by day from Nov. 1 to Mar 31.

5197 -Vasthamnen Range, front.

56° 02.0´ N Oc.R. 12° 42.0´ E period 4s

86 26

12 Lattice mast, red triangular daymark, white stripe.

5197.1 - -Rear, 236 meters 003° from front.

56° 01.9´ N Oc.R. 12° 41.6´ E period 4s

138 42

12 Lattice mast, red triangular daymark, white stripe.


5198 -Vasthamnen, W. breakwater, head.

56° 01.5´ N Fl.(3)R. 12° 41.5´ E period 10s

47 14

12 Red lattice mast.

Synchronized with E. breakwater light.

5199 - -E. breakwater, head.

56° 01.6´ N Fl.(3)G. 12° 41.6´ E period 10s

47 14

10 Green lattice mast.

Synchronized with W. breakwater light.

5200 -S. molehead, N. side of N. entrance, No. 4.

56° 02.6´ N Q.R. 12° 41.2´ E

27 8

8 Red hut. Floodlit.

5204 -Detached breakwater No. 3, N. head.

56° 02.4´ N Q.G. 12° 41.2´ E

27 8

7 Green hut.

5208 -Detached breakwater No. 2, SW. head.

56° 02.0´ N Iso.R. 12° 42.0´ E period 3s

27 8

8 Red hut.

5212 -Pier No. 1, N. head.

56° 02.4´ N Iso.G. 12° 41.3´ E period 3s

27 8

4 Green hut.

C 2305

56° 02.1´ N F.R. 12° 41.5´ E

30 9

4 Lantern, white triangle with black bands, point up.

5214.1 - -Rear, 240 meters 067° from front.

56° 02.1´ N F.R. 12° 41.7´ E

43 13

4 Lantern, white diamond with black bands.

C 2278.1

C 2281

C 2281.1

C 2283

C 2283.1

C 2282

C 2282.1

C 2284

C 2284.1

C 2288

C 2288.1

5192 -Vastra Range, front. C 2289

C 2289.1

C 2305.3

C 2305.31

C 2305.5

C 2305.4

C 2291

C 2292

C 2294

C 2296

5214 -Outfall range, front.

C 2305.1


Radar reflector.

Radar reflector.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


5216 -Sydhamn Range, front.

56° 01.5´ N Iso.W. 12° 41.9´ E period 3s

72 22

12 White framework tower, orange triangular daymark, red border, point up.

Visible on range line only. Shown 24 hours.

5220 - -Rear, 254 meters 001°36′ from front.

56° 01.7´ N Iso.W. 12° 41.9´ E period 3s

92 28

12 White framework tower, orange triangular daymark, red border, point down.

Visible on range line only. Synchronized with front light.

5224 -Head of mole W. side of entrance.

56° 01.3´ N Q.R. 12° 41.9´ E

39 12

8 Red framework tower. Floodlit.

Shown by day November 1 thru March 31. Radar reflector.

5228 -Head of mole E. side of entrance.

56° 01.1´ N Q.G. 12° 41.9´ E

39 12

6 Green framework tower Floodlit.

Shown by day November 1 thru March 31.

5230 -Outfall range, front. C 2314

56° 00.7´ N F.R. 12° 42.3´ E

20 6

5 White triangle daymark with red border, point up.

5230.1 - -Rear, 90 meters 068° from front.

56° 00.7´ N F.R. 12° 42.4´ E

39 12

5 White triangle daymark with red border, point down.

56° 00.5´ N Oc.W. 12° 42.5´ E period 4s

87 27

5236 - - -Rear, 500 meters 349°30′ from front.

56° 00.7´ N Oc.W. 12° 42.5´ E period 4s

171 52

5240 - -Entrance channel, E. side range, front.

56° 00.5´ N F.G. 12° 42.6´ E

75 23

9 Green triangular daymark on structure.

5244 - - -Rear, 120 meters 349°30′ from front.

56° 00.6´ N F.G. 12° 42.5´ E

92 28

9 Green triangular daymark on cistern.

56° 00.4´ N F.R. 12° 42.5´ E

49 15

11 Conveyor belt, red triangular daymark.

Shown by day Nov. 1 thru Mar. 31.

5252 - - - -Rear, 275 meters 349°30′ from front.

56° 00.5´ N Iso.R. 12° 42.5´ E period 2s

89 27

11 Conveyor belt, red triangular daymark.

Shown by day Nov. 1 thru Mar. 31.

5256 - -E. mole, head.

56° 00.2´ N Fl.G. 12° 42.7´ E period 3s

23 7

5 Green column with green square Shown by day from Nov. 1 to daymark on white Mar. 31. foundation; 16.

56° 00.3´ N Fl.R. 12° 42.5´ E period 3s

16 5

6 Metal framework tower. Floodlit.

Shown by day from Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.

56° 00.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 12° 45.0´ E

22 7

9 White framework structure. 6 5

G. shore-002°, W.-075°, R.100°, G.-shore.

55° 59.3´ N F.R. 12° 44.6´ E

15 5

C 2306

C 2306.1

C 2307

C 2308

C 2314.1

-Bulkhamnen: 5232 - -Entrance range, front. C 2311

C 2311.1

C 2312

15 Conveyor belt, orange triangular Visible on range line only. daymark, white border. Shown by day Nov. 1 thru Mar. 31. Buoyed channel leads into harbor. 15 Chimney, orange triangular daymark, white border.

Visible on range line only. Shown by day Nov. 1 thru Mar. 31. Shown from Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.

-Bulkhamnen: --Entrance channel: 5248 - - -W. side range, front. C 2313

C 2313.1

C 2310

5260 - -W. mole, head. C 2309

5264 Raa, head of pier. C 2316

5265 -Raa, small craft harbor. C 2316.4

5266 - -Pier head. C 2316.5

5268 Alabodarna, pier, head. C 2318

55° 59.3´ N F.G. 12° 44.7´ E

W. R. G.

6 Lantern on post. 2 Lantern on post; 13.

55° 56.3´ N Fl.W. 12° 46.3´ E period 3s

18 6


4 White metal framework tower.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


VEN (HVEN): C 1936

5272 -Haken cable Range, front.

55° 54.5´ N Iso.W.R.G. 12° 43.5´ E period 8s

49 15

5272.1 - -Rear, 90 meters 245° from front.

55° 54.6´ N F.R. 12° 43.7´ E

72 22

5276 -Backviken, S. breakwater, N. head.

55° 54.0´ N F.R.G. 12° 43.0´ E

14 4

5280 -Vens Sodra Udde.

55° 54.0´ N Oc.(3)W.R.G. 12° 43.0´ E period 30s

115 35

W. 16 White tower, red stripe; 28. R. 13 G. 12

G. 255°-268°, W.-287°, R.332°, G.-347°30′, W.002°, R.-070°. Shown 24 hours Nov. 1 thru Mar. 31.

55° 55.0´ N L.Fl.W.R.G. 12° 40.0´ E period 10s fl. 2s, ec. 8s

78 24

W. 16 White tower, red stripe; 28. R. 13 G. 12

G. 000°-084°, W.-167°, R.179°, G.-182°, W.-250°, R.-252°12'.

5288 -Kyrkbacken, head of mole, SW. side of island.

55° 54.5´ N Iso.W.R.G. 12° 40.3´ E period 4s

23 7

W. 13 White lantern on white base. R. 10 G. 9

G. 321°-333°, W.-043°, R.073°30′, G.-093°, W.103°, R.-132°, G.-157°, W.-321°, partially obscured 158°-321°.

C 2320

5290 Rustningshamn cable Range, front.

56° 55.6´ N F.R. 12° 47.6´ E

33 10

8 Lantern, red and white diamond Visible on range line only. daymark. Indicates cable and pipeline crossing to Ven.

5290.1 -Rear, 90 meters 065° from front.

55° 55.7´ N F.R. 12° 47.7´ E

82 25

8 Lantern, red and white diamond Visible on range line only. daymark.

55° 53.7´ N L.Fl.W.R.G. 12° 48.1´ E period 7.5s fl. 2.5s, ec. 5s

22 7

W. 10 Concrete hut. R. 8 G. 6

R. 356°-025°30′, G.-046°, W.153°, R.-158°, obsc.200°, R.-320°.

55° 51.8´ N Oc.(2)W.R.G. 12° 47.8´ E period 7s

14 4

W. 12 White tower on stone base. R. 9 G. 8

G. 105°-165°, W.-168°, R.185°, G.-231°, G. shore338°, W.-342°, R.001°30′.

C 1936.1

C 1934

C 1932

5284 -Ven, NW. point of island. C 1928

C 1930

C 2320.1

5292 Borstahusen, head of N. pier. C 2324

W. 16 White tower on roof of red R. 13 dwelling; 41. G. 12

R. 136°-149°, G.-162°, W.170°30′, R.-202°, R. (unintensified)-297°, R.311°, G.-343°, W.350°30′, R.-005°.

12 Lantern, red and white diamond Visible on range line only. daymark. Range indicates cable and pipeline crossing. R. G.

4 White framework tower. 3

R. 213°-356°, G. elsewhere.

LANDSKRONA: 5296 -Grasrannan. C 2326


G(– – •) period 30s


5304 -Entrance channel, S. side range, front.

55° 52.0´ N Oc.G. 12° 49.0´ E period 4s

20 6

5308 - -Rear, 500 meters 094° from front.

55° 52.0´ N Oc.G. 12° 49.5´ E period 4s

46 14

5311 -Knolen Light Buoy.

55° 51.2´ N Q.(3)W. 12° 44.4´ E period 10s

13 4

E. CARDINAL BYB, pillar, topmark.

C 2328

C 2328.1


8 White and green hut on dolphin. Shown by day from Nov. 1 to Mar. 31. 10 White skeleton structure, green diamond daymark.

K(– • –) period 30s

5312 -Entrance channel, N. side range, common front.

55° 52.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 12° 49.0´ E period 4s

21 6

W. 11 White and red hut on dolphin, R. 9 white triangular daymark, G. 7 orange border, point up.

5316 - -Rear, 450 meters 094° from common front.

55° 52.0´ N Oc.R. 12° 49.4´ E period 4s

46 14

10 Red diamond daymark on building.

C 2332

C 2332.1

Visible 084°-104°. Synchronized with front light. Shown by day from Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.


G. 098°-121°, W.-128°30′, R.098°. Shown by day from Nov. 1 to Mar. 31. Synchronized with common front light. Visible 084°-104°. Shown by day from Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


5317 - -Graen, rear, 380 meters 125° from common front.

55° 51.9´ N Oc.W. 12° 49.3´ E period 4s

5318 -Lous Flak Light Buoy.

55° 48.8´ N L.Fl.W. 12° 42.7´ E period 10s

C 2331.9

-RACON 5320 Pinhattan. C 2336


33 10

13 Tower on gray support, white Synchronized with common triangle daymark, red border, front. point down; 13. Visible 120°-130°. Shown by day from Nov. 1 to Mar. 31. SAFE WATER RW, pillar.

G(– – •) period 60s

(3 & 10 cm)

55° 45.2´ N L.Fl.W.R.G. 12° 51.9´ E period 8s fl. 2s, ec. 6s

41 12

W. 14 Orange tower, black top, white R. 11 lantern; 43. G. 10 Floodlit.

T(–) period 30s

G. 314°-335°30′, W.-338°, R.000°, G.-078°, W.-083°, R.-096°30′, G.-131°, W.140°30′, R.-176°, G.245°, R.-314°. Shown by day from Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.


BARSEBACKSHAMN: 5324 -Head of N. mole, front.

55° 45.0´ N Iso.R.G. 12° 54.0´ E period 4s

17 5

5328 - -Rear, 250 meters 088° from front.

55° 45.4´ N F.R. 12° 54.4´ E

33 10

4 Post, white triangular daymark, point down.

5332 -Barsebackverket, entrance range, front.

55° 45.0´ N F.R. 12° 56.0´ E

20 6

9 Tower with orange triangle daymark.


5336 - -Rear, 340 meters 334° from front.

55° 44.8´ N F.R. 12° 55.4´ E

39 12

9 Tower with orange triangle daymark.


5340 -Vikhog, harbor mole, head.

55° 43.6´ N F.W.R.G. 12° 57.5´ E

14 4

W. R. G.

7 White hexagonal tower. 5 4

G. shore-003°, W.-057°, R.shore.

55° 41.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 13° 04.0´ E period 3s

24 7

W. R. G.

6 White lantern on red mast; 16. 4 3

G. shore-050°, W.-095°, R.119°, G.-shore.

55° 38.1´ N Oc.W. 13° 01.8´ E period 6s

72 22

C 2338

C 2338.1

C 2340

C 2340.1

C 2346

5344 -Lomma, N. pier, head. C 2348

5348 -Malmo Oljehamn range, front. C 2388

5352 - -Rear, 610 meters 132° from front.

6 White hut with black stripe. 5

G. 031°30′-070°, R.-031°30′.

13 Gray framework tower, orange Range lights Oc.G. 6s, Q.G. triangular daymark, point up. mark starboard side of channel. Shown by day Nov. 1 thru Mar. 31.

115 35

13 Gray framework tower, orange triangular daymark, point down.

Range lights Oc.R. 6s, Q.R. mark port side of channel. Shown by day Nov. 1 thru Mar. 31.

55° 37.1´ N Oc.W. 12° 59.8´ E period 5s

43 13

18 White tower, orange triangular daymark; 33.

Synchronized with rear light.

5364 - - -Rear, 430 meters 142°30′ from front.

55° 36.8´ N Q.W. 12° 59.9´ E

66 20

18 Lattice tower, orange triangular daymark; 51.

5368 - -E. side, MA Range, front.

55° 37.1´ N Oc.R. 12° 59.7´ E period 5s

30 9

14 White metal framework tower, white diamond daymark, orange border; 31.

Synchronized with rear light. Visible on leading line only.

55° 37.0´ N Q.R. 12° 59.8´ E

39 12

14 White metal framework tower, white diamond daymark, orange border; 40.

Visible on leading line only.

C 2388.1

55° 37.9´ N Q.W. 13° 01.8´ E

R. G.

MALMO HAMN: Navigation lights may be marked by shore lights in this area. 5360 -W. Hulkajen, front. C 2360

C 2360.1

C 2361

5372 - - -Rear, 130 meters 142°30′ from front.

C 2361.1


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


5376 -Malmo Vagbrytarbank, NE. corner.

55° 37.5´ N Iso.W.R.G. 12° 58.8´ E period 10s

36 11

W. 14 White tower; 39. R. 10 G. 9

W. 054°30′-056°30′, R.-067°, G.-077°30′, W.-090°, R.129°, G.-136°30′, W.151°, R.-206°, G.-278°, W.-287°, R.-329°, G.054°30′. Unintensified 223°-041°30′. Shown by day Nov. 1 thru Mar. 31.

5380 -MA 7, pier head 50 meters W. of ship channel.

55° 37.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 12° 59.0´ E period 3s

24 7

W. R. G.

G. 147°-174°, W.-226°30′, R.245°, G.-294°, W.-300°, R.-010°.

C 2365

5384 -MA range, front, east dock corner.

55° 37.2´ N Oc.G. 12° 59.4´ E period 5s

26 8

14 Mast, green triangular daymark, Synchronized with rear light. point up; 9.

5384.1 - -MA, rear, 106 meters 143°30′ from front.

55° 37.1´ N Q.G. 12° 59.4´ E

52 16

14 Green triangular daymark, point down.

55° 37.0´ N Iso.W. 13° 00.0´ E period 4s

80 24

14 Roof of warehouse, orange triangular daymark.

Visible 107°-123°.

14 White tower, orange diamond daymark.

Visible 107°-123°.

C 2358

C 2364

C 2365.1

7 White framework tower. 5 Floodlit. 4

-Free Harbor: 5396 - -Range, front. C 2374

5400 - - -Rear, 350 meters 117° from front.

55° 36.8´ N Q.W. 13° 00.7´ E

105 32

5404 - -FH 4, N. side of entrance.

55° 37.0´ N Q.R. 13° 00.0´ E

13 4

5 White pedestal. Floodlit.

Visible 275°30′-115°30′.

55° 37.0´ N Q.G. 13° 00.0´ E

22 7

4 White pedestal. Floodlit.

Visible 116°-300°.

55° 37.6´ N Oc.W. 13° 01.3´ E period 3s lt. 2.5s, ec. 0.5s

40 12

12 White lattice tower, orange diamond daymark.

5416 - - -Rear, 200 meters 082°30′ from front.

55° 37.6´ N Oc.W. 13° 01.4´ E period 3s lt. 2.5s, ec. 0.5s

65 20

12 White lattice tower, orange diamond daymark.

5420 - -Industrihamnen.

55° 37.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 13° 02.0´ E period 3s

79 24

55° 38.0´ N Q.R. 13° 01.0´ E

20 6

4 White metal hut.

55° 37.0´ N Q.G. 13° 01.0´ E

20 6

3 White metal hut.

C 2374.1

C 2372

5408 - -FH 3 pier, head. C 2370

-Commercial Harbor: 5412 - -Entrance range, front. C 2378

C 2378.1

C 2384

5424 - -No. 11 mole, head. C 2380

5428 - -No. 10 mole, head. C 2382

5432 -Turbinhamnen Norra. C 2357

5433 - -Sodra. C 2357.2

5440 -Norra.

W. R. G.

55° 36.6´ N Oc.W.R.G. 12° 58.3´ E period 4s

Synchronized with front.

9 Red and white latticework mast; G. 084°-103°, W.-108°, R.6 164. 140°. 5


G. 003°-113°, W.-122°, R.175°.

9 White structure, red band, 6 pierhead. 5 Floodlit.

R. 142°-175°, G.-192°, W.211°30′, R.-222°, G.232°, G. (unintensified)013°. Shown by day Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.

55° 36.6´ N F.G. 12° 58.3´ E 55° 35.8´ N Oc.W.R.G. 12° 55.8´ E period 6s lt. 4.5s, ec. 1.5s

28 9

55° 35.8´ N Iso.R. 12° 55.9´ E period 3s

33 10

9 Gray tower, black and white Synchronized with west triangular daymark, point up. range.

5456 - -Rear, 775 meters 200°30′ from front.

55° 35.3´ N Q.R. 12° 55.5´ E

66 20

9 Gray tower, black and white triangular daymark, point down.

5460 -Sodra Range, front.

55° 35.3´ N Iso.R. 12° 55.3´ E period 3s

26 8

C 2394

5452 -Central harbor range, E. front. C 2397

C 2397.1

C 2398


W. R. G.

10 White framework tower, red and Visible on range line only. black triangular daymark, point up.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


5464 - -Rear, 150 meters 097° from front.

55° 35.1´ N Q.R. 12° 55.4´ E

37 11

5480 Flintrannan, NE. entrance to channel.

55° 36.8´ N Oc.(2)W.R.G. 12° 53.4´ E period 8s

43 13

C 2398.1

C 2352.5

RACON 5482 -Oresund Bridge NW. Range, front.

C 2349.31

-RACON 5482.1 - -Rear, 28 meters 221° from front.

C 2349.32

5483 - -NE. Range, front. C 2349.33

5483.1 - - -Rear, 28 meters 221° from front.

C 2349.34

5490 Trindelspannet, center. C 2349.03

5490.1 -E. Pier. C 2349.02

5490.2 -W. Pier. C 2349.04

5492 -Flintrannan, No. 7. C 2349.17

5494 Flintrannan, SW. entrance to channel.

C 2349.5

-RACON 5495 Sodrra Lillgrund. C 2350

5496 Hollviken, channel, W. side. C 2408

RACON 5504 -Range, front.

10 Gray framework tower, red and black triangular daymark, point down. W. 16 White tower, red band. R. 13 Floodlit. G. 12

C(– • – •) period 30s 55° 34.5´ N Iso.W. 12° 49.6´ E period 4s

226 69


T(–) period 30s 55° 34.5´ N Iso.W. 12° 49.5´ E period 4s

253 77


Shown 24 hours.

55° 34.5´ N Iso.R. 12° 49.7´ E period 4s

230 70


Shown 24 hours.

55° 34.5´ N Iso.R. 12° 49.7´ E period 4s

256 78


Shown 24 hours.

55° 34.2´ N Fl.W. 12° 50.9´ E period 3s

141 43


On N. and S. sides.

55° 34.2´ N Fl.(2)R. 12° 51.0´ E period 4s

39 12


On N. and S. sides.

55° 34.2´ N Fl.G. 12° 50.9´ E period 2s

39 12


On N. and S. sides.

55° 35.2´ N Iso.G. 12° 49.9´ E period 4s

41 12

8 White lantern on white tower, green band. Floodlit.

55° 31.1´ N Oc.(2)W.R.G. 12° 44.7´ E period 8s

38 12

W. 16 White tower, red band. R. 13 Floodlit. G. 11

55° 30.6´ N Fl.Y. 12° 45.8´ E

33 10


207 63

55° 30.7´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 12° 50.9´ E period 6s

30 9

N(– •) period 30s

3 Mast; 213.

W. R. G.

9 Tower, top half white, bottom 7 green, white lantern; 34. 6 Floodlit.

G. 012°30′-017°, W.-019°, R.057°, G.-064°, W.-069°, R.-081°, G.-112°30′, R.132°, G.-145°, W.-149°, R.-163°, G.-174°, W.178°, R.-193°, G.-325°, W.-334°30′, R.-012°30′. Radar reflector.


5508 - -Rear, 120 meters 076° from front.

55° 31.4´ N Iso.R. 12° 53.9´ E period 4s

52 16

2 Orange triangular daymark, point down, on framework tower.

5512 Klagshamnverket Range, front.

55° 32.0´ N F.G. 12° 54.0´ E

26 8

8 Post, triangular white daymark, red border.

5516 -Rear, 300 meters 110° from front.

55° 31.5´ N F.G. 12° 54.5´ E

46 14

8 Building, triangular white daymark, red border.

5517 Sydgas Range, front.

55° 31.2´ N Iso.Y. 12° 53.7´ E period 4s

46 14

C 2406

W. 014°12′-129°24′, R.336°54′, G.-014°12′.

C(– • – •) period 30s

2 Orange triangular daymark, point up, on framework tower.

C 2405.1

Shown 24 hours. (3 & 10 cm)

30 9

C 2405

G. 146°06′-217°18′, W.274°12′, R.-146°06′. Channel marked by lighted beacons. (3 & 10 cm)

55° 31.4´ N Q.R. 12° 53.9´ E

C 2403

Visible on range line only.


10 Yellow diamond on gray lattice mast.

Range marks sewer outfall.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


5517.1 -Rear, 471 meters 093° from front.

55° 31.2´ N Q.Y. 12° 54.1´ E

68 21

55° 31.4´ N F.R. 12° 53.4´ E

11 4


55° 31.3´ N F.G. 12° 53.4´ E

11 4


55° 26.9´ N Q.W. 12° 54.2´ E

19 6

7 White hut with green band on gray concrete base; 20.

55° 24.9´ N Oc.W. 12° 55.8´ E period 3s

19 6

14 White pedestal, yellow rectangular daymark with black diamond. Floodlit.

Visible on range 155° only.

55° 24.9´ N Oc.W. 12° 55.9´ E period 3s

19 6

14 White pedestal, yellow rectangular daymark with black diamond. Floodlit.

Visible on range line only. In line 155° with No. 3, marks E. limit of channel.

55° 24.0´ N Oc.W. 12° 56.5´ E period 3s

79 24

13 Black framework tower; 69.

Visible on range 155° and 330° only. Synchronized with No. 6.

55° 24.1´ N Oc.W. 12° 56.6´ E period 3s

79 24

14 Black framework tower; 69.

Visible on range 155° only. Synchronized with No. 5.

55° 23.6´ N Fl.G. 12° 56.8´ E period 3s

19 6

2 White hut.

55° 23.6´ N Oc.W.R.G. 12° 57.0´ E period 10s lt. 8s, ec. 2s

22 7

W. 13 White hut. R. 10 G. 8

R. approx. 265°-303°, G.328°, W.-333°, R.-005°, W. (unintensified)-065°, R. (unintensified)-approx. 175°. In line 330° with No. 4.

55° 25.0´ N L.Fl.(2)R.G. 12° 50.0´ E period 10s fl. 2s, ec. 2s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

23 7

R. 10 White tower; 20. G. 9

G. 030°-063°, R.-130°, G.171°, R.-shore.

55° 25.2´ N F.R. 12° 49.7´ E

16 5

Post, red triangle daymark, point upward.

5548 - -Rear, 35 meters 120° from front, NE. corner of harbor basin.

55° 25.2´ N F.R. 12° 49.7´ E

20 6

Post, red triangle daymark, point downward.

5552 -Inlopp, head of pier.

55° 25.2´ N F.G. 12° 49.7´ E

13 4

Framework tower.

5556 Falsterbo, near extremity of point.

55° 23.1´ N Oc.W. 12° 49.1´ E period 5s

78 24

5560 Falsterborev.

55° 18.5´ N Iso.W.R.G. 12° 39.5´ E period 8s

95 29

C 2406.1

5518 N. Breakwater. C 2405.55

5518.1 -S. Breakwater. C 2405.56

10 Yellow diamond on gray lattice mast.

FALSTERBOKANALEN: 5520 -Hollrevet, W. side of channel. C 2410

5524 -No. 6, head of W. pier. C 2412.2

5526 -No. 5, head of E. pier. C 2412

5528 -No. 4. C 2412.6

5530 -No. 3. C 2412.4

5532 -No. 2, head of W. pier. C 2413

5536 -No. 1, E. pier, head. C 2412.8

5540 Skanor, head of mole. C 2414

5544 -Range, front, on N. jetty. C 2414.3

C 2414.31

C 2414.4

C 2416

C 2417

RACON 5564 Blenheim Buoy. RACON 5568 Skarelage, head of outer W. mole.

C 2420

10 Yellowish-gray circular tower, black band; 82.

In line 155° with lights No. 6 and No. 4, marks W. limit of channel.

V.Q.R. light shown on radar mast 1.6 miles ENE. during firing practice.

W. 22 Orange and black banded tower, G. 220°-287°, W.-192°, R.R. 19 gray base in water; 100. 220°. G. 18

M(– –) period 30s


55° 16.7´ N Q.(6)+L.Fl.W. 12° 52.8´ E period 15s

S. CARDINAL YB, pillar, topmark.

B(– • • •) period 30s


55° 22.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 13° 03.0´ E

24 7


W. R. G.

6 Red square daymark on white 4 framework tower. 4

G. shore-343°, W.-002°, R.shore.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


TRELLEBORG (TRALLEBORG): 5572 -W. side of entrance channel. C 2424

-RACON 5576 -E. breakwater, head.

55° 21.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 13° 09.0´ E period 8s

39 12

T(–) period 30s

W. 16 Black tower with white band and G. 279°-311°30′, W.-060°, R.R. 13 white lantern gray base; 48. 082°, G.-099°, G. G. 12 (unintensified)-110°, W. (unintensified)-279°. Radar reflector. 13

55° 22.0´ N Fl.(2)G. 13° 09.0´ E period 6s

26 8

8 Gray base; 12.

55° 22.0´ N Fl.R. 13° 09.0´ E period 3s

26 8

9 Gray base; 12.

55° 22.0´ N Oc.Y. 13° 09.2´ E period 4s

39 12

15 Gray framework structure, white triangular daymark, black band. Floodlit.

5588 - -Rear, 540 meters 013°54' from front.

55° 22.3´ N Oc.Y. 13° 09.3´ E period 4s

71 22

15 Red and white framework mast, white triangular daymark, point down. Floodlit.

5599 -Head of E. pier, front. C 2436

55° 21.0´ N F.R. 13° 14.0´ E

13 4

7 Red border on framework tower with white triangular-shaped daymark point up. Floodlit.

5599.1 - -Rear, 201 meters 022°30′ from front.

55° 21.4´ N F.R. 13° 14.0´ E

36 11

7 Red border on framework tower with white triangular point down.

55° 17.9´ N Iso.W.R.G. 13° 19.3´ E period 4s

60 18

C 2430

5580 -W. breakwater, head. C 2431

5584 -E. Range, front. C 2428

C 2428.1

C 2436.1

5604 Kullagrund. C 2445

RACON 5606 Smygehuk.

K(– • –) period 30s

W. 16 Red tower, black band, white R. 13 lantern on gray base; 61. G. 12 Floodlit.

R. 181°-244°, G.-271°, W.105°, R.-120°, G.-181°.


55° 20.3´ N Fl.(1+2)W. 13° 21.1´ E period 20s fl. 0.7s, ec. 8.2s fl. 0.7s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.7s, ec. 8.2s

62 19

8 Tower; 56.

Visible 262°-095°.

5608 Smygehamn Ostra Torp Range, front.

55° 20.0´ N F.R. 13° 22.0´ E

23 7

5 Lantern on platform, red triangular daymark.

Shown from Aug. 1 to June 1.

5612 -Rear, 100 meters 003° from front.

55° 20.4´ N F.R. 13° 21.6´ E

32 10

5 Lantern on platform, red triangular daymark.

Shown from Aug. 1 to June 1.

5616 Abbekas, head of N. pier, front.

55° 23.0´ N F.R. 13° 36.0´ E

26 8

2 Post, red triangular daymark.

55° 23.7´ N F.R. 13° 36.4´ E

33 10

2 Post, red triangular daymark.

C 2439

C 2440

C 2440.1

C 2448

5620 -Rear, 85 meters 297° from front.

C 2448.1

YSTAD: 5624 -Range, front.

55° 25.5´ N Iso.W. 13° 49.7´ E period 4s

102 31

15 Framework structure, orange triangular daymark, point up.

5628 - -Rear, 250 meters 036° from front.

55° 25.6´ N Iso.W. 13° 49.8´ E period 4s

121 37

15 Framework structure, orange triangular daymark, point down.

5632 -Outer E. breakwater, head.

55° 25.0´ N Fl.(2)G. 13° 49.0´ E period 6s

26 8

5 White structure. Floodlit.

55° 25.1´ N Fl.R. 13° 49.1´ E period 3s

26 8

9 White concrete structure. Floodlit.

C 2450

C 2450.1

C 2450.5

5636 -Outer W. detached breakwater, S. head.

C 2450.4


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


5640 Obstruction light.

55° 26.5´ N V.Q.W. 13° 58.1´ E

5644 Kaseberga Hamn, N. breakwater, head.

55° 23.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 14° 04.0´ E

5648 Sandhammaren, SE. point of Sweden.

55° 23.3´ N Fl.W. 14° 11.7´ E period 5s fl. 1s, ec. 4s

C 2458

C 2460

131 40 25 8

21 Mast. W. R. G.

101 31

5 Red metal framework tower. 3 2

Occasional. R. 276°-288°, G.-302°, W.035°, R.-065°. Horn: Mo.(R) ev. 60s. Occas.

22 Red iron tower; 96.


5656 Hammershavnen, E. of harbor.

55° 17.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 14° 46.0´ E period 2s

39 12

White wooden hut; 10.

55° 17.0´ N F.R. 14° 45.0´ E

22 7

Lattice mast.

55° 14.9´ N F.R. 14° 44.2´ E

13 4

5 White post; 7.

Visible 040°-270°.

5668 -Rear, 56 meters 155° from front.

55° 14.9´ N F.R. 14° 44.2´ E

27 8

5 Mast; 16.

Visible 040°-270°.

5672 Vang Havn pier.

55° 14.8´ N Fl.G. 14° 43.8´ E period 5s fl. 1s, ec. 4s

23 7

3 Gray post; 3.

55° 11.4´ N Iso.W.R.G. 14° 42.2´ E period 4s

23 7

5684 -Rear, 120 meters 097° from front.

55° 11.4´ N Iso.W. 14° 42.3´ E period 4s

5692 -W. mole, head.

C 2504

5660 -N. mole. C 2505

5664 -Head of N. mole, front. C 2503

C 2503.1

C 2502

5680 Hasle Havn Range, front. C 2494

C 2494.1

C 2495

5693 -N. mole, head. C 2496

W. R. G.

G. 064°-073°, W.-077°, R.086°.

7 Gridwork mast, red and white 4 band, triangular daymark, 4 point up; 16.

G. 085°-093°, W.-101°, R.109°.

36 11

7 Mast, red and white bands, triangular daymark, point down; 20.

Visible 007°-187°.

55° 11.4´ N Fl.G. 14° 42.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.8s, ec. 2.2s

20 6

3 Gray lattice mast, green base; 20.

55° 11.4´ N Fl.R. 14° 42.1´ E period 3s fl. 0.7s, ec. 2.3s

20 6

3 Gray lattice mast; 16. Floodlit.

55° 05.7´ N F.G. 14° 41.3´ E

30 9

6 Green, square tower; 30. Floodlit.

55° 05.8´ N F.R. 14° 41.2´ E

26 8

4 Red, concrete post; 10. Floodlit.

55° 05.9´ N F.R. 14° 41.6´ E

36 11

5 Gray round granite tower; 30.

55° 05.6´ N Fl.G. 14° 40.9´ E period 3s fl. 0.7s, ec. 2.3s

36 11

8 Green tower; 16. Floodlit.

55° 05.7´ N Fl.R. 14° 40.9´ E period 3s fl. 0.7s, ec. 2.3s

36 11

8 Red framework tower. Floodlit.

55° 06.0´ N Iso.W. 14° 42.0´ E period 2s

30 9

14 Gray round granite tower; 30.

Visible 270°-087°.

RONNE HAVN: 5700 -S. breakwater, W. head. C 2486

5704 -Trindelen Breakwater, S. head. C 2488

5705 - -Inner mole, head. C 2489

5706 -Shelter mole, head. C 2484

5707 -N. Shelter mole, head. C 2484.2

5708 -Entrance Range, front.

Visible 185°-095°.

Horn: 1 bl. ev. 20s (bl. 5s, si. 15s).

5712 - -Middle, 277 meters 235°30′ from rear.

0° 00.0´ 0° 00.0´

Iso.W. period 3s

49 15

11 Gray framework mast; 39.

Visible 000°-112°.

5716 - -Rear, 367 meters 055°30′ from front.

0° 00.0´ 0° 00.0´

Iso.W. period 4s

79 24

14 Black and yellow octagonal tower; 59.

Visible 323°-143°, except for small sectors outside range line.


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


5716.5 -Range, front.

55° 05.9´ N Iso.W. 14° 41.8´ E period 2s

52 16

9 Framework tower; 46.

Visible 048°-081°. Iso.W. 2s 2M by day.

55° 06.0´ N Iso.W. 14° 42.0´ E period 4s

79 24

9 Red mast; 39.

Visible 048°-081°. Iso.W. 4s 2M by day.

5717 -Sector light.

55° 06.5´ N Oc.W.R.G. 14° 42.1´ E period 5s lt. 4s, ec. 1s

16 5

6 White tower, two red bands; 10. 4 4

G. 045°-090°, W.-105°, R.180°.

5720 Arnager Badehavn, SW. side of Bornholm, head of N. mole.

55° 03.0´ N F.W. 14° 47.0´ E

15 5


55° 04.0´ N Fl.W. 14° 45.0´ E period 3s 55° 00.0´ N Fl.(3)W. 15° 05.0´ E period 10s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.3s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.3s fl. 0.4s, ec. 6s

C 2483

5716.51 - -Rear, 229 meters 064°30′ C 2483.1 from front.

C 2555

C 2555.5

5732 Dueodde. C 2550

W. R. G.

White post.

Visible 276°-315°. Occasional.

128 39

Yellow control tower; 79.


157 48

20 White hexagonal tower; 154.

5736 Snogebaek Havn, S. head of W. mole, front.

55° 01.6´ N F.R. 15° 07.4´ E

13 4

1 Gray post; 20.

Visible 258°12′-018°12′. Occasional.

5740 -Rear, 49 meters 318°12′ from front.

55° 01.6´ N F.R. 15° 07.3´ E

20 6

1 Gray post; 13.

Visible 258°12′-018°12′. Occasional.

55° 04.0´ N F.R. 15° 08.0´ E

33 10

Red tripod; 20.

55° 03.9´ N Fl.R. 15° 08.5´ E period 3s

39 12

Red framework tower; 30.

Siren: 1 bl. ev. 30s.

5752 -Near entrance to S. boat harbor, front.

55° 04.0´ N F.G. 15° 08.0´ E

30 9

White framework tower; 26.

Visible 130°-350°.

5756 - -Rear, 100 meters 232° from front.

55° 03.7´ N F.G. 15° 08.1´ E

39 12

Gable of building.

Visible 130°-350°.

5760 Aarsdale Havn, front.

55° 02.0´ N F.R. 15° 07.0´ E

26 8

Post, white triangular daymark.


55° 06.5´ N F.R. 15° 08.6´ E

51 16

Post, white triangular daymark; 16.


55° 07.8´ N Fl.(2)W. 15° 09.4´ E period 20s fl. 1s, ec. 3s fl. 1s, ec. 15s

65 20

55° 08.2´ N Fl.G. 15° 09.9´ E period 3s

23 7

55° 08.1´ N Iso.W.R.G. 15° 08.8´ E period 4s

20 6

55° 08.2´ N Iso.R. 15° 08.7´ E period 2s

16 5

Gray post.

5784 - -Rear, 18 meters 297° from front.

55° 08.2´ N Iso.R. 15° 08.7´ E period 2s

20 6

Gray post; 10.

5792 -Range, front.

55° 08.8´ N F.R. 15° 06.6´ E

30 9

4 Framework mast, red triangular daymark, point up; 26.

Visible 131°36′-271°36′. Shown when vessel is expected.

55° 08.8´ N F.R. 15° 06.7´ E

38 12

4 Framework mast, red triangular daymark, point down; 31.

Visible 131°36′-271°36′. Shown when vessel is expected.

C 2548

NEKSO HAVN: 5744 -S. breakwater, head. C 2542

5748 -Detached breakwater, head. C 2541

C 2546

C 2546.1

C 2540

5764 -Rear, 40 meters 248°30′ from front.

C 2540.1

SVANEKE: 5768 -Sandkaas Odde. C 2530

5772 -Head of breakwater. C 2534

5776 -Breakwater, head. C 2532

5780 -Range, front. C 2538

C 2538.1

C 2527

5796 - -Rear, 25 meters 201°36′ from front.

C 2527.1


19 Gray square stone tower; 59.

Visible 135°-000°.

Green post; 16. 5 Red square wooden building; 13. G. 203°30′-208°30′, W.-222°, R.-227°. Shown Aug. 15 to May 1.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


GUDHJEM: 5808 -Near harbor entrance, front.

55° 13.0´ N F.R. 14° 58.0´ E

39 12

2 Mast, orange triangular daymark, Occasional. point up.

5812 - -Rear, 50 meters 202° from front.

55° 12.8´ N F.R. 14° 58.3´ E

65 20

2 Mast, orange triangular daymark, Occasional. point down.

5816 -Norresand, SE. of harbor, front.

55° 12.9´ N F.R. 14° 58.1´ E

20 6

Post; 10.


5820 - -Rear, 58 meters 120° from front.

55° 12.9´ N F.R. 14° 58.1´ E

27 8

Post; 30.

Shown from Aug. 1 to Apr. 1. Occasional.

55° 15.0´ N Fl.R. 14° 50.0´ E period 3s

26 8

55° 15.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 14° 50.2´ E period 5s lt. 4s, ec. 1s

30 9

55° 15.0´ N Iso.G. 14° 50.0´ E period 2s

23 7

2 Trellis-like mast, red rectangular Visible 134°24′-154°24′. daymark, point up.

55° 14.9´ N Iso.G. 14° 50.3´ E period 4s

33 10

2 Trellis-like mast, red rectangular Visible 134°24′-154°24′. daymark, point down.

55° 17.0´ N F.G. 14° 48.0´ E

16 5

4 Gray mast; 11.

Only shown when harbor is accessible. Visible 174°-354°.

5840 - -Rear, 47 meters 250° from front.

55° 16.7´ N F.G. 14° 48.1´ E

26 8

4 Gray framework tower; 13.

Only shown when harbor accessible. Visible 174°-354°.

5844 Hammerodde, N. end of Hammeren.

55° 17.9´ N Fl.(2)W. 14° 46.5´ E period 10s fl. 0.2s, ec. 2.3s fl. 0.2s, ec. 7.3s

69 21

18 White rectangular tower; 39.

Intensified 051°-300°, faint light visible elsewhere. DGPS Station.

5848 Christianso, largest tower of fort.

55° 19.2´ N Fl.W. 15° 11.2´ E period 5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

95 29

18 White round tower; 53.

Obscured over small sector, about 324°. Experimental lamp showing yellowish-white.

5852 -Caution light, 110 meters 181° from Christianso.

55° 19.0´ N 3 F.R. (vert.) 15° 11.0´ E

16 5 23 7

5856 -Frederikshlom, W. side of harbor.

55° 19.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 15° 11.0´ E period 4s

23 7

5860 -Tat.

55° 19.8´ N Fl.(2)W. 15° 10.8´ E period 10s fl. 0.8s, ec. 1.2s fl. 0.8s, ec. 7.2s

23 7

C 2522

C 2522.1

C 2518

C 2518.1

TEJN HAVN: 5824 -NW. of rear range. C 2516

5826 -Head of W. mole. C 2516.5

5828 -Range, front. C 2517

5832 - -Rear, 144°24′ from front. C 2517.1

3 Red framework mast; 16. W. R. G.

7 Mast on building; 23. 4 4

W. 160°-204°, R.-238°, G.160°.

ALLINGE HAVN: 5836 -Head of S. mole, front. C 2512

C 2512.1

C 2508

C 2556


C 2558

C 2562


2 Hut.

W. R. G.


7 White wooden house, red band; G. 172°-186°, W.-194°, R.4 11. 204°, obsc.-341°, G.4 347°, W.-350°, R.-358°, obsc.-172°. 7 White tower, red band; 6.

Section 5 Germany, Poland, Russia and South Coast of Sweden

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


HIDDENSEE: 5864 -Der Dornbusch. C 2588

5866 -Vitte, front.

54° 36.2´ N L.Fl.W.R. 13° 07.4´ E period 10s fl. 2.4s, ec. 7.6s

312 95

W. 21 Gray tower; 92. R. 15

R. 023°-053°, W. 023°.

54° 34.1´ N Oc.R. 13° 06.5´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

26 8

4 White mast, red band, red triangular daymark with platform; 23.

5867 - -Rear, 150 meters 289°30′ from front.

54° 34.1´ N Oc.R. 13° 06.3´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

39 12

4 White mast, red band, red triangular daymark, point down with platform; 39.

5868 -Gellen.

54° 31.0´ N Oc.(2)W.R.G. 13° 05.0´ E period 10s lt. 2s, ec. 1s lt. 6s, ec. 1s

32 10

54° 26.6´ N Oc.W. 13° 01.9´ E period 6s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

39 12

13 White framework tower, gallery, red lantern, white conical roof on gray base; 43.

54° 26.9´ N Oc.W.R.G. 13° 01.5´ E period 6s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

74 23

W. 13 White framework tower, gallery, R. 10 red lantern, white conical G. 9 roof on gray base; 75.

5880 - -Rear, 2.1 km. 195°06′ from Zarrenzin.

54° 25.6´ N Oc.W. 13° 00.9´ E period 6s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

171 52

5884 -Bootshaten Range, front.

54° 26.0´ N Oc.R. 13° 02.0´ E period 6s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

23 7

1 Mast, white triangular daymark, point up; 20.

54° 25.8´ N Oc.R. 13° 01.6´ E period 6s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

33 10

1 Mast, white triangular daymark, point down; 23.

5892 -Range, near Bessiner Haken, front.

54° 22.0´ N Oc.W. 13° 08.0´ E period 6s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

39 12

12 Framework tower, red and white bands, white triangular daymark, red border; 36.

5896 - -Rear, 2.4 km. 142°06′ from front.

54° 21.3´ N Oc.W. 13° 09.3´ E period 6s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

98 30

14 Framework tower, red and white Synchronized with front. bands, white diamond daymark, red border; 59.

5900 Arkona.

54° 40.8´ N Fl.(3)W. 13° 26.1´ E period 17.1s fl. 0.2s, ec. 4.1s fl. 0.2s, ec. 4.1s fl. 0.2s, ec. 8.3s

246 75

54° 33.7´ N L.Fl.W.R. 13° 40.7´ E period 6s fl. 1.5s, ec. 4.5s

98 30

W. 10 White round tower, gallery, R. 7 pointed roof; 23.

W. 166°-340°, R.-356°.

54° 30.5´ N Oc.W.R.G. 13° 38.4´ E period 6s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

49 15

W. 12 Green octagonal tower, white R. 8 band, with gallery; 40. G. 8

W. 357°48′-224°48′, R.-245°, W.-283°24′, G.-357°48′.

C 2589.6

2 589.61

C 2586

W. 15 White round tower on stone R. 013°-074°, W.-106°, R.R. 11 base, red gallery and 169°, W.-184°, R.-219°, G. 10 lantern, red conical roof; 40. G.-238°, W.-013°. F.R. range lights (occasional), mark entrance to Neuendorf Plogshagen.

STRALSUND APPROACH: 5872 -Bock Range, front. C 2575.9

5876 -Zarrenzin. C 2576

C 2576.1

C 2583

5888 - -Rear, 228°30′ from front. C 2583.1

C 2585

C 2585.1

C 2592

5912 Kollicker Ort. C 2596

Visible 302°-342°.

W. 089°-180°, R.-191°, W.290°, G.-308°, W.-069°, obsc.-089°. In line 322°06′, synchronized, with Bock, front.

18 Framework tower, red and white Visible on range line only. bands, red lantern, white Synchronized with Zarrenzin. conical roof; 79.

22 Yellow round tower on substructure, two galleries, red lantern; 115.

SASSNITZ: 5916 -E. mole, head. C 2602


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


5920 -W. mole, head. C 2604

5924 -Entrance Range, front. C 2604

5928 - -Rear, on quay 300 meters 007°30′ from front.

C 2604.1

5938.5 Mukran. C 2615.7

5938.7 -N. mole. C 2614

54° 30.6´ N F.R. 13° 38.3´ E

33 10

3 Red twelve-sided beacon.

3 F.R. lights on radio mast on the Leuzberg 0.7 mile NNW.

54° 30.0´ N Oc.(2)W. 13° 38.0´ E period 10s lt. 2s, ec. 1s lt. 6s, ec. 1s

36 11

9 On W. molehead light structure.

Leads into port until abeam E. Mole light.

54° 30.8´ N Oc.(2)W. 13° 38.3´ E period 10s lt. 2s, ec. 1s lt. 6s, ec. 1s

49 15

9 Gray lattice beacon, white triangle daymark, red border, point down.

54° 29.0´ N Dir. Iso.W.R. 13° 35.0´ E period 4s

39 12

54° 28.6´ N Iso.G. 13° 35.8´ E period 4s

52 16

10 Green tower, white bands; 56.

161 49

26 Red octagonal tower, brown cupola, black lantern, two galleries; 128.

W. R.

9 White mast with platform; 30. 6

W. 197°-287°, R.-017°.

STRALSUND APPROACH: 5940 -Griefswalder Oie. C 2662

5944 -Ruden, N.

54° 15.0´ N Fl.W. 13° 55.6´ E period 3.8s fl. 0.3s, ec. 3.5s 54° 12.4´ N Dir.Oc.W.R.G. 13° 46.3´ E period 6s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

82 25

54° 12.3´ N F.G. 13° 46.4´ E

19 6

54° 11.9´ N Oc.W.R.G. 13° 46.5´ E period 6s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

26 8

5960 - -Rear, 600 meters 239°30′ from front.

54° 11.7´ N Oc.W. 13° 45.9´ E period 6s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

52 16

5968 -Peenemunde (Guide light).

54° 11.2´ N Oc.W.R.G. 13° 46.6´ E period 6s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

39 12

W. R. G.

9 White round tower, red band and G. 190°-193°, W.-202°, R.6 lantern; 36. 208°, obsc.-094°, G.5 096°, W.-098°, R.-101°, obsc.-190°.

5976 -Vilm.

54° 20.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 13° 33.0´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

75 23

W. R. G.

7 White masonry structure, red 4 lantern; 10. 4

5980 -Gobbin Range, front.

54° 21.0´ N Oc.(3)W. 13° 36.0´ E period 15s lt. 2s, ec. 1s lt. 2s, ec. 1s lt. 8s, ec. 1s

47 14

12 White latticework beacon, red and white daymark; 40.

5984 - -Rear, 1,097 meters 076°06′ from front.

54° 20.9´ N Oc.(3)W. 13° 37.3´ E period 15s lt. 2s, ec. 1s lt. 2s, ec. 1s lt. 8s, ec. 1s

104 32

12 White latticework beacon, red daymark; 75.

5988 -Lauterbach.

54° 20.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 13° 30.0´ E period 6s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

19 6

5992 - -Range, front.

54° 21.0´ N Oc.(2)R. 13° 30.0´ E period 10s lt. 2s, ec. 1s lt. 6s, ec. 1s

33 10

White latticework beacon, white triangular daymark, red border, point up; 23.

5996 - - -Rear, 37 meters 313°24′ from front.

54° 20.6´ N Oc.(2)R. 13° 30.0´ E period 10s lt. 2s, ec. 1s lt. 6s, ec. 1s

42 13

White latticework beacon, white triangular topmark, red border, point down; 33.

C 2656.6

5948 - -E. mole. C 2657

5956 -Ruden Range, front. C 2658

C 2658.1

C 2659

C 2653.4

C 2653.41


W. R. G.

Storm signals.

W. R. G.

7 White lattice mast, red lantern; 4 76. 4

G. 085°-089°30′, W.-090°30′, R.-095°.

2 Green mast; 13.

Visible 260°-359°.

9 Gray round tower. 6 5

R. 189°-207°, W.-250°, G.349°18′.

11 Gray iron framework tower.

W. R. G.

6 White latticework beacon. 4 3

Synchronized with front.

G. 308°-312°, W.-316°, R.320°, obscured elsewhere.

R. 276°-331°, G.-024°, W.029°, R.-031°30′.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


6000 -Eldena Range, front.

54° 05.0´ N Oc.(2)W. 13° 28.0´ E period 10s lt. 2s, ec. 1s lt. 6s, ec. 1s

42 13

5 Gray trellis beacon, red and white daymark; 39.

6004 - -Rear, 380 meters 182°48′ from front.

54° 05.2´ N Oc.(2)W. 13° 27.6´ E period 10s lt. 2s, ec. 1s lt. 6s, ec. 1s

72 22

5 Gray trellis beacon, white diamond topmark, red border; 62.

6008 -Wieck, N. mole, head.

54° 06.0´ N F.G. 13° 28.0´ E

13 4

2 Green post; 7.

54° 12.0´ N Oc.W. 13° 18.0´ E period 6s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

46 14

8 Gray lattice beacon, white cylindrical daymark, red border; 39.

6016 - -Rear, 2 km. 269°48′ from front.

54° 12.3´ N Oc.W. 13° 16.3´ E period 6s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

131 40

6020 -Maltzien Range, front.

54° 14.0´ N Oc.W. 13° 21.0´ E period 6s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

39 12

6024 - -Rear, 675 meters 314°12′ from front.

54° 14.4´ N Oc.W. 13° 20.9´ E period 6s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

95 29

7 Iron framework tower, white diamond topmark, red border; 59.

6028 -Grabow Range, front.

54° 14.0´ N Oc.(2)R. 13° 23.0´ E period 10s lt. 2s, ec. 1s lt. 6s, ec. 1s

39 12

7 Red and white framework structure, white triangular daymark, black border; 36.

6032 - -Rear, 450 meters 099°12′ from front.

54° 13.7´ N Oc.(2)R. 13° 23.8´ E period 10s lt. 2s, ec. 1s lt. 6s, ec. 1s

63 19

7 Red and white framework structure, white rectangular daymark, black border; 56.

6040 - -Range, front.

54° 14.0´ N Oc.G. 13° 17.0´ E period 6s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

58 18

6 White framework tower, red triangular daymark; 33.


6044 - - -Rear, 100 meters 245°12′ from front.

54° 14.0´ N Oc.G. 13° 17.1´ E period 6s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

72 22

6 White framework tower, red triangular daymark; 42.


6048 -Glewitzer Fahre Range, front.

54° 15.0´ N Oc.G. 13° 19.0´ E period 6s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

42 13

6 White framework tower, red triangular daymark; 29.


6052 - -Rear, 110 meters 065°12′ from front.

54° 14.6´ N Oc.G. 13° 19.4´ E period 6s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

52 16

6 White framework tower, red triangular daymark; 36.


6056 -Devin.

54° 16.2´ N Dir.Oc.(2)W.R.G. 13° 10.6´ E period 10s lt. 2s, ec. 1s lt. 6s, ec. 1s

59 18

54° 17.0´ N Oc.(2)G. 13° 10.0´ E period 10s lt. 2s, ec. 1s lt. 6s, ec. 1s

49 15

7 White metal framework structure, red bands, white diamond topmark; 46.

6068 - -Rear, 535 meters 316°36′ from front.

54° 17.7´ N Oc.(2)G. 13° 09.6´ E period 10s lt. 2s, ec. 1s lt. 6s, ec. 1s

79 24

7 White iron framework structure, red bands, white triangular topmark; 74.

Synchronized with front.

6072 -Gustow.

54° 18.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 13° 12.0´ E period 6s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

16 5

3 Mast; 12. 2 1

G. 342°36′-346°54′, W.351°06′, R.-355°24′.

54° 18.0´ N Oc.W. 13° 12.0´ E period 6s

32 10

10 White tower, white triangular daymark, red border.


54° 18.0´ N Oc.W. 13° 11.8´ E period 6s

56 17

10 White tower, white triangular daymark, red border.


C 2655

C 2654

6012 -Falkenhagen Range, front. C 2652.8

C 2652.81

C 2626

C 2626.1

C 2628

C 2628.1

C 2625

C 2625.1

C 2625.4

C 2625.41

C 2634

6064 -Drigge Range, front. C 2638

C 2638.1

C 2641

6076 -Gustow Range, front. C 2640

6080 - -Rear, 013°54′ from front. C 2640.1


Synchronized with front.

8 Gray lattice beacon, white, redbordered diamond daymark; 95. 11 White round metal tower, black stripes; 39.

W. 20 White metal framework tower, R. 14 red bands; 30. G. 14

W. R. G.

G. 290°12′-293°06′, W.293°18′, R.-296°12′.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


6084 -Andershof. C 2644

6096 - -Rear, 440 meters 195° from common front.

54° 16.3´ N Oc.W.R.G. 13° 07.4´ E period 6s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

W. R. G.

8 White framework structure, red bands; 66. 5

R. 192°-194°48′, W.-195°12′, G.-198°. Synchronized with Andershof common front (Oc.G.).

Oc.G. period 6s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

128 39

7 White iron framework structure, red bands, white triangular topmark, red border; 49.

54° 18.0´ N Oc.R. 13° 07.0´ E period 6s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

39 12

7 Gray metal framework tower on black dolphin; 43.

6104 - -Rear, 275 meters 333°36′ from front.

54° 18.5´ N Oc.R. 13° 07.0´ E period 6s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

59 18

7 Gray framework tower; 52.

6113 -Stralsund N. mole.

54° 19.2´ N F.W.R.G. 13° 06.0´ E

46 14

C 2643.1

6100 -Danholm Range, front. C 2645

C 2645.1

C 2651.2

0° 00.0´ 0° 00.0´

72 22

W. R. G.

9 Black mast, white band; 39. 5 5

G. 318°18′-322°18′, W.326°18′, R.-330°18′.


SWINOUJSCIE: 6116 -Pilot Tower.

223 68

W. 25 Yellow round brick tower on red R. 9 two story dwelling; 212.

53° 56.0´ N Oc.R. 14° 17.0´ E period 4s

42 13

10 Red octagonal tower; 36.

53° 56.0´ N Oc.W. 14° 17.0´ E period 10s lt. 7.5s, ec. 2.5s

36 11

17 White beacon; 37.

6128 - -Galeriowa Beacon, rear, 170°12′ 520 meters from front.

53° 55.3´ N Oc.W. 14° 16.7´ E period 10s lt. 7.5s, ec. 2.5s

75 23

17 White round tower, three galleries, white triangular daymark, point down; 79.

6134 -Stocznioweg Basin.

53° 54.9´ N Fl.(2)G. 14° 16.6´ E period 8s fl. 1s, ec. 1s fl. 1s, ec. 5s

13 4

2 Green metal post on pyramidal base.

53° 54.6´ N Oc.R. 14° 16.5´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

20 6

2 Red pillar.

53° 54.0´ N Oc.G. 14° 16.0´ E period 4s

27 8

2 White iron framework structure; 26.

53° 53.8´ N Oc.G. 14° 15.1´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

22 7

2 Green iron framework structure; 21.

53° 53.6´ N Oc.(2)G. 14° 15.1´ E period 8s lt. 1s, ec. 1s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

20 6

4 Green column.

C 2668

6120 -E. mole, head. C 2672

6124 -Mlyny first Range, front. C 2670

C 2670.1

C 2674

6135 -CPN-2 quay. C 2680.5

6136 -Kosa, N. end of quay. C 2678

6140 - -S. point of quay. C 2678.2

6146 -Oil Terminal, S. end. C 2678.77

6147 -Mooring dolphin. C 2678.78

6149 -Eastern Ferry Station. C 2678.3

6149.1 -Middle Ferry Station. C 2678.32

6149.2 -Western Ferry Station.

53° 54.9´ N Oc.W.R. 14° 17.0´ E period 5s lt. 4s, ec. 1s

53° 53.7´ N Iso.G. 14° 15.1´ E period 2s

4 Dolphin.

53° 54.4´ N Oc.G. 14° 15.5´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

23 7

2 Green column.

53° 54.4´ N Oc.G. 14° 15.4´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

23 7

2 Green column.

53° 54.4´ N Oc.G. 14° 15.4´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

23 7

2 Green column.


R. 029°-057°, W.-280°.

Reserve light Fl.R. 3s 6M 6 F.Y. shown along mole. Nautophone: Mo.(O) ev. 60s.

Synchronized with front.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


6152 -Zatoka Pomorska basins Nos. 1 and 2.

6 Building. 4 4

G. 068°42′-090°30′, W.103°42′, R.-125°.

36 11

3 Red iron tower, gallery, cross daymark.

Visible 267°-200°.

Fl.G. period 2s

20 6


Visible 132°-300°.

53° 53.0´ N Iso.R. 14° 16.4´ E period 4s

30 9

3 White metal framework towers; 26.

Three lights mark W. side of Wypsa Miehn.

53° 52.7´ N Oc.W. 14° 16.4´ E period 4s

49 15

3 White pylon; 47.

Visible 133°-147°.

Oc.G. period 4s

49 15


Visible 341°-355°.

6168 - -North rear, 210 meters 348°21′ from front.

53° 52.9´ N Oc.G. 14° 16.3´ E period 4s

65 20

5 White framework tower, orange bands; 65.

Visible 341°-355°. Reserve light Oc.W. 6s 5M.

6172 - -South rear, 226 meters 140° from front.

53° 52.7´ N Oc.W. 14° 16.5´ E period 4s

65 20

6 White framework tower, orange bands; 65.

Visible 133°-147°. Reserve light Oc.W. 6s 5M.

6176 -Mielin.

53° 52.0´ N Iso.R. 14° 16.9´ E period 4s

21 6

4 Red metal beacon, 2 cross daymarks; 26.

Visible 310°-240°30′. Reserve light Oc.W.

53° 50.8´ N Oc.W. 14° 17.0´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

43 13

5 White square lattice mast; 45.

Visible 161°-175°.

53° 50.7´ N Oc.W. 14° 17.1´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

65 20

5 Red square framework tower, white bands; 59.

Visible 161°-175°. Synchronized with front.

6188 -Mielinek, N. end Wyspa Karsibor.

53° 51.6´ N Oc.(2)R.G. 14° 16.9´ E period 8s lt. 1s, ec. 1s lt. 1s, ec. 5s

24 7

3 Beacons with red gallery and 3 cross daymark; 28.

R. 353°-169°, G.-283°.

6192 -Karsibor Range, front.

53° 51.1´ N Oc.Y. 14° 16.8´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

49 15

6196 - -Rear, 1.3 km. 321°18′ from front.

53° 51.6´ N Oc.Y. 14° 16.1´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

129 39

6200 -Entrance, E.

53° 48.5´ N Iso.W. 14° 20.5´ E period 2s

82 25

7 Red framework tower, two galleries; 85.

53° 48.4´ N Iso.W. 14° 20.2´ E period 2s

82 25

7 Green metal tower, two galleries; Visible 138°12′-145°12′, 88. 318°12′-325°12′. Diaphone: Mo.(K) ev. 60s.

74 23


Visible 036°-086°.

53° 49.0´ N F.R. 14° 21.0´ E

46 14

4 Gray framework tower, gallery; 40.

Reserve light Oc.R.

53° 48.2´ N Oc.G. 14° 20.5´ E period 4s

33 10

4 Green post.

Visible 096°-046.5°. Synchronized with E. breakwater.

53° 48.3´ N Oc.R. 14° 20.7´ E period 4s

33 10

4 Red post.

Synchronized with W. breakwater.

C 2679.8

53° 53.7´ N Oc.W.R.G. 14° 15.8´ E period 6s

31 9

53° 53.6´ N Fl.(2+1)R. 14° 15.3´ E period 12s fl. 1s, ec. 1s fl. 1s, ec. 2s fl. 1s, ec. 6s

W. R. G.

MIELINSKI KANAL: 6156 -Mielin. C 2680

6160 - -W. side. C 2684

6164 -N. and S. Ranges, common front.

C 2682

C 2682.1

C 2681.9

C 2685

6180 -Papronto Range, front. C 2687

6184 - -Rear, 220 meters 168°18′ from front.

C 2687.1


C 2690

C 2690.1

C 2693

6204 - -W. C 2694

Oc.(2)R. period 8s lt. 1s, ec. 1s lt. 5s, ec. 1s 6212 -Bramowe, E. Haff mole, head. C 2695

6214 -W. breakwater, head. C 2695.5

6215 -E. breakwater, head. C 2695.6


R. G.

7 White tower, red roof.

8 Red iron framework tower, white Sychronized with front. bands; 125. Visible 138°12′-145°12′ and 318°12′-325°12′.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


WIELKI ZALEW: 6216 -North Haff entrance, E. side of channel. (Brama Tower No. 2).

53° 46.0´ N Fl.(2)W. 14° 24.0´ E period 8s

82 25

13 Red framework structure, two Visible 136°30′-146°, galleries, concrete base; 70. 316°30′- 326°.

6220 - -W. No. 2.

53° 45.6´ N Fl.(2)W. 14° 24.2´ E period 8s

82 25

13 Green framework structure, two Visible 136°30′-146°, galleries, concrete base; 70. 316°30′-326°.

C 2700

C 2701

- -Fog.

6224 -South Haff entrance E. side of channel. (Brama Tower No. 3).

C 2702


6228 - -West No. 3.

Fl.W.R.G. period 4s fl. 0.4s, ec. 3.6s

75 23

53° 42.8´ N Fl.(3)W. 14° 28.2´ E period 8s fl. 1s, ec. 1s fl. 1s, ec. 1s fl. 1s, ec. 3s


82 25

Fl.W.R.G. period 4s fl. 0.4s, ec. 3.6s

72 22

13 Red round framework tower, two Visible 136°30′-146°, galleries; 70. 316°30′-326°.

W. R. G.

6 Same structure. 4 4

53° 42.7´ N Fl.(3)W. 14° 28.0´ E period 8s fl. 1s, ec. 1s fl. 1s, ec. 1s fl. 1s, ec. 3s

82 25

53° 48.0´ N Fl.W. 14° 35.3´ E period 4s fl. 1s, ec. 3s

36 11

6 Red iron framework tower, red ball daymark; 50.

53° 47.0´ N Iso.W. 14° 36.9´ E period 4s

69 21

6 White lattice tower, red square daymark; 70.

53° 47.1´ N Iso.W. 14° 37.7´ E period 4s

111 34

53° 48.0´ N Oc.R. 14° 37.0´ E period 4s

6248 - - -Rear, 512 meters 049° from front. 6252 - -Galgenborg Range, front.

C 2703

6232 -Polwysep Row. C 2716

6236 -Skoszewo Range, front. C 2714

6240 - -Rear, 900 meters 081°36′ from front.

G. 104°-107°, W.-110°, R.113°.

G. 181°54′-186°12′, W.189°30′, R.-194°30′, W.227°18′.

13 Green round tower, two galleries, Visible 136°30′-146°, concrete base; 70. 316°30′-326°.

6 Red lattice tower; 32.

Synchronized with front.

53 16

5 White framework tower, red rectangular daymark; 52.


53° 48.5´ N Oc.R. 14° 37.2´ E period 4s

83 25

5 Red framework tower, red rectangular daymark; 46.

Synchronized with front. PA.

53° 50.0´ N Oc.W. 14° 36.0´ E period 6s

49 15

5 White framework tower, white rectangular daymark, yellow stripes; 39.

6256 - - -Rear, 104 meters 001°54′ from front.

53° 49.8´ N Oc.W. 14° 36.2´ E period 6s

79 24

5 Red framework tower, red rectangular daymark, white stripe.

6260 -Lubin Range, front.

53° 51.8´ N Oc.(2)W. 14° 26.5´ E period 8s lt. 1s, ec. 1s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

111 34

5 White square iron framework structure; 26.

53° 51.9´ N Oc.(2)W. 14° 26.3´ E period 8s lt. 1s, ec. 1s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

173 53

5 White metal framework tower, white square daymark, red border; 52.

C 2714.1

-Zatoka Skoszewska: 6244 - -Sager Range, front. C 2715

C 2715.1

C 2717

C 2717.1

C 2706

6264 - -Rear, 230 meters 299°48′ from front.

C 2706.1

Synchronized with front.

SZCZECIN APPROACH: 6268 -Lubin, S. mole of factory basin, head.

C 2708

53° 52.5´ N Oc.G. 14° 25.4´ E period 4s

23 7

1 Column.

53° 40.4´ N Oc.(2)R. 14° 31.4´ E period 8s lt. 1s, ec. 1s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

42 13

3 Red beacon with gallery; 43.

-Chelminek (Leitholm): 6276 - -N. end. C 2719


Synchronized with 6280.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


6280 - -S. end. C 2720

6284 -Brama Tower No. 4, E. end. C 2722

6288 - -W. tower. C 2721

6292 -Mankow Range, front. C 2728

-RACON 6296 - -Rear, about 1.4 km. 141°20′ from front.

C 2728.1

53° 40.2´ N Oc.(2) R. 14° 32.0´ E period 8s

26 8

3 Red metal tower; 26.

Synchronized with 6276.

53° 39.9´ N Iso.W. 14° 32.0´ E period 2s

82 25

7 Red framework tower, concrete base; 79.

Visible 137°18′-144°48′ and 320°18′-327°48′.

53° 39.8´ N Iso.W. 14° 31.8´ E period 2s

82 25

7 Green round metal tower, concrete base; 79.

Visible 138°-145°48′ and 315°18′-322°48′. Reserve light Oc.W. 5s.

53° 37.1´ N Oc.(2)W. 14° 35.6´ E period 8s

49 15

7 White round metal tower, orange Visible 137°30′-146°. top; 56.

D(– • •) 53° 36.5´ N Oc.(2)W. 14° 36.5´ E period 8s

105 32

7 White triangular metal tower, orange top; 111.

Visible 140°-143°.

-Trzebiez: 6300 - -N. beacon Range, front

53° 39.6´ N Oc.W. 14° 31.1´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

36 11

7 White lattice tower, red rectangular daymark.

6304 - - -Rear, 430 meters 150°12′ from front.

53° 39.4´ N Oc.W. 14° 31.3´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

71 22

7 Metal lattice tower, red rectangular daymark.

6308 - -Trzebiez, entrance, N. side.

53° 39.8´ N Iso.R. 14° 31.0´ E period 2s

19 6

2 Red framework tower.

Synchronized with NW. breakwater.

53° 39.7´ N Iso.G. 14° 31.0´ E period 2s

23 7

2 Green framework tower; 16.

Synchronized with Trzebiez, entrance, N. side.

53° 39.6´ N Iso.G. 14° 31.4´ E period 4s

20 6

2 Black metal framework tower.

53° 39.6´ N F.R. 14° 31.5´ E

19 6

2 Red and white tower.

53° 39.8´ N Oc.Y. 14° 30.9´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

36 11

4 Black framework tower, white rectangular daymark; 39.

6328 - -Rear, 370 meters 301°12′ from front.

53° 39.9´ N Oc.Y. 14° 30.6´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

59 18

4 Black framework tower, white triangular daymark, point down; 49.

6332 -Stepnica Range, front.

53° 38.1´ N Oc.W. 14° 34.7´ E period 8s

49 15

5 Orange round metal tower, lower Visible 345°54′-350°24′. part white; 45.

6336 - -Rear, 740 meters 348° from front.

53° 38.5´ N Oc.W. 14° 34.6´ E period 8s

83 25

5 Orange square iron structure, lower part white; 79.

6348 -Great Stepenitz railway harbor Range, front.

53° 38.9´ N Oc.R. 14° 37.2´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

36 11

7 White framework tower; 32.

6352 - -Rear, 153.5 meters 067°36′ from front.

53° 38.9´ N Oc.R. 14° 37.4´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

62 19

4 White framework tower, orange rectangular daymark, white stripe.

6360 - -S. Mole.

53° 38.9´ N F.G. 14° 37.2´ E

19 6

2 Green mast; 13.

53° 35.9´ N Oc.W. 14° 35.7´ E period 4s

48 15

5 Orange round metal tower, lower Visible 353°54′-358°24′. part white; 46.

6368 - -Rear, 650 meters 356° from front.

53° 36.2´ N Oc.W. 14° 35.6´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

85 26

5 Orange square iron tower, lower Visible 353°54′-358°24′. part white; 82.

6372 -Zulawy.

53° 37.8´ N Oc.W.R. 14° 35.4´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

39 12

C 2724

C 2724.1

C 2724.4

6312 - -NW. breakwater, head. C 2724.6

6316 - - -SE. side. C 2724.8

6320 - -S. breakwater, head. C 2725

6324 -Trzebiez Range, front. C 2725.4

C 2725.5

C 2730

C 2730.1

C 2726

C 2726.1

C 2726.6

6364 -Krepa Range, front. C 2736

C 2736.1

C 2732

6373 -Pier, N. end. C 2732.4

53° 36.6´ N Oc.R. 14° 35.4´ E period 4s

W. R.

2 White square tower, red top; 50. W. 024°24′-046°, R.-098°, 1 W.-112°24′. Pillar.


Visible 345°54′-350°24′.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


6373.1 - -S. end. C 2732.5

6374 -Roztoka Odrzanska.

53° 36.5´ N Oc.R. 14° 35.5´ E period 4s


53° 36.6´ N Fl.Y. 14° 35.3´ E period 4s fl. 1s, ec. 3s

21 6

5 Dolphin.

53° 34.8´ N Oc.(2)W. 14° 36.0´ E period 8s

49 15

5 White metal tower, conical Visible 165°54′-170°24′. orange top, two galleries; 49.

6380 - -Rear, 800 meters 168°06′ from front.

53° 34.4´ N Oc.(2)W. 14° 36.2´ E period 8s

84 26

5 White square tower, orange top, Visible 165°54′-170°24′. two galleries, conical roof; 92.

6382 -Wielki Karu, N. end.

53° 35.7´ N Q.W. 14° 35.2´ E

40 12

4 N. CARDINAL BY, tower, topmark.

53° 33.4´ N Oc.(2)W.R. 14° 35.7´ E period 8s lt. 1s, ec. 1s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

39 12

53° 34.0´ N Q.(6)+L.Fl.W. 14° 36.0´ E period 15s

26 8

C 2733

6376 -Radun Range, front. C 2734

C 2734.1

C 2735

6384 -Domance. C 2741

6388 -Dlugi Ostrow, S. end. C 2738

6389 -Police Range, front. C 2738.5

6389.1 - -Rear, 486 meters 312°36′ from front.

C 2738.51

6390 -Radun Island. C 2739

6392 -Politzer Wiesen Range, front.

W. R.

2 White square metal tower with 2 gallery, red top; 46.

Marks gas pipeline.

W. 191°48′-202°18′, R.277°30′, W.-292°30′.

6 S. CARDINAL YB, tower, topmark; 29.

53° 33.7´ N Oc.R. 14° 35.5´ E period 10s

121 37

14 Orange and white metal tower.

53° 33.9´ N Oc.R. 14° 35.1´ E period 10s lt. 7.5s, ec. 2.5s

197 60

14 Orange and white metal tower.

53° 33.5´ N Fl.R. 14° 36.1´ E period 4s fl. 1s, ec. 3s

Synchronized with front.

6 Red beacon, two galleries.

53° 33.1´ N Oc.Y. 14° 36.0´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

49 15

5 White tower, orange top, two galleries, conical roof.

6396 - -Rear, 660 meters 176° from front.

53° 32.8´ N Oc.Y. 14° 36.0´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

84 26

5 White square metal tower, orange top, two galleries, conical roof.

Synchronized with front.

6398 -Channel light 36, E. bank.

53° 33.2´ N Fl.R. 14° 36.6´ E period 4s fl. 0.3s, ec. 3.7s

26 8

4 Red round tower, white band, gallery.

Radar reflector.

53° 32.7´ N V.Q.W. 14° 37.1´ E

40 12

4 N. CARDINAL BY, tower, topmark.

53° 33.0´ N Iso.R. 14° 38.0´ E period 4s

24 7

2 Red tower; 16.

Radar reflector.

53° 32.8´ N Fl.R. 14° 37.6´ E period 4s fl. 1s, ec. 3s

26 8

3 Red dolphin.

Radar reflector.

53° 32.4´ N Fl.G. 14° 37.6´ E period 4s fl. 1s, ec. 3s

26 8

3 Green dolphin.

53° 32.5´ N Oc.(2)W.R. 14° 38.1´ E period 8s

39 12

53° 32.1´ N Fl.G. 14° 37.7´ E period 4s fl. 1s, ec. 3s

26 8

3 Green dolphin.

Synchronized with light ‘‘44''. Radar reflector.

53° 32.1´ N Fl.R. 14° 38.0´ E period 4s fl. 1s, ec. 3s

26 8

3 Red dolphin.

Synchronized with light ‘‘43''.

53° 32.2´ N Oc.W. 14° 38.2´ E period 8s

51 16

5 White and black tower; 58.

C 2743

C 2743.1

C 2740

-Domiaza: 6400 - -Mnisi Ostrow, N. C 2751

6404 - -Kopina, S. end. C 2752

6416 - -Channel 40, E. bank. C 2752.6

6418 - -Channel 41, W. bank. C 2754.5

6420 - - -Inskie. C 2754

6422 - -Channel 43, W. bank. C 2755

6424 - -Channel 44, E. bank. C 2754.7

6428 - -Ina N. Range, front. C 2746.9


W. R.

2 Red square iron structure, lower W. 011°18′-025°30′, R.-107°, 1 half white, conical roof; 46. W.-118°06′.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


6432 - - -Common rear, 624 meters 132°36′ from Ina N., front; about 846 meters 018° from Ina S., front.

53° 32.0´ N Oc.W. 14° 38.6´ E period 8s lt. 5s, ec. 3s

85 26

5 Black and white tower.

6436 - -Ina S. Range, front.

53° 31.5´ N Oc.W. 14° 38.4´ E period 8s

49 15

5 Black and white tower; 56.

53° 31.9´ N V.Q.(6)+L.Fl.W. 14° 38.0´ E period 10s

40 12

4 S. CARDINAL YB, tower, topmark.

53° 31.3´ N V.Q.W. 14° 37.8´ E

39 12

5 N. CARDINAL BY, tower.

6444 - -Babina, W. side of Mewia Wyspa.

53° 31.0´ N Oc.W.R. 14° 38.3´ E period 4s

39 12

6448 - -Bykowo Range, front.

53° 30.5´ N Oc.W. 14° 38.1´ E period 4s lt. 3.5s, ec. 0.5s

49 15

5 White tower, orange top; 52.

6452 - - -Rear, 600 meters 174° from front.

53° 30.2´ N Oc.W. 14° 38.2´ E period 4s lt. 3.5s, ec. 0.5s

79 24

5 Orange square tower, lower part white; 82.

6453 -Cementowe Wharf. S end.

53° 29.5´ N Iso.G. 14° 37.1´ E period 2s

23 7

3 Green mast with gallery.

53° 28.7´ N Oc.G. 14° 36.7´ E period 4s

13 4

3 Yellow post. Floodlit base.

53° 28.1´ N Iso.G. 14° 36.1´ E period 2s

30 9

3 Black mast.

53° 28.1´ N Iso.R. 14° 36.1´ E period 2s

20 6

3 Red mast.

6455.2 - - -Lighting Authority Basin, N. C 2772 side.

53° 28.0´ N Iso.G. 14° 36.1´ E period 2s

25 7

3 Black mast.

6455.3 - - - -S. side.

53° 28.0´ N Iso.G. 14° 36.0´ E period 2s

20 6

3 Black mast.

53° 28.1´ N Oc.W. 14° 36.5´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

49 15

5 White tower, black top; 52.

53° 27.6´ N Oc.W. 14° 36.2´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

85 26

5 White square metal tower, black top; 89.

53° 26.5´ N Q.W.R.G. 14° 35.6´ E

36 11

53° 26.9´ N Iso.G. 14° 35.1´ E period 2s

26 8

3 Green mast.

53° 43.6´ N Oc.(2)W.R.G. 14° 17.0´ E period 8s

20 6

1 Iron framework mast; 20.

53° 43.6´ N Iso.G 14° 16.9´ E period 4s

23 7

4 Mast; 19.

C 2747

C 2747.1

6438 - -Wyspy Rybi Island. C 2749

Common rear light for Ina N. and Ina S. range.

-Oder (Odra) River: 6440 - -Wyspa Zurawia, N. end. C 2758

C 2750

C 2762

C 2762.1

C 2765.24

6455 - -Goclaw, N. end. C 2767.6

6455.1 - - -Basen, BTP. N. side. C 2770

6455.12 - - -Basen, BTP. S. side.

C 2772.2

6456 - -Swieta Range, front. C 2764

6460 - - -Rear, 830 meters 198° from front.

C 2764.1

W. R.

2 Red square iron structure, 1 gallery, lower half white; 46.

W. 037°48′-058°24′, R.133°42′, W.-154°12′, obscured elsewhere.

-Szczecin: 6462 - -Ostrow Grabowski. C 2813

6464 - -Pier, head. C 2781.5

6472 -Nowe Warpno, N. landing. C 2876

6476 - -Elbow of Mole. C 2876.2


W. R. G.

8 White column, two galleries. 6 6

W. 189°-191°, R.-195°30′, W.-184°30′, G.-189°.

G. 152°-155°, W.-157°, R.160°. Whistle.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


NOWE WARPNO: 6480 - -Altwarp Oder-haff Dolphin 7. C 2874

6484 -Uckermunde, W. mole, root. C 2878

6488 -Kamp Kavnin Range. C 2886

6492 - -Rear, about 768 meters 283° from front.

C 2886.1

53° 44.0´ N Fl.Y. 14° 17.0´ E period 4s

16 5

53° 45.0´ N Oc.W. 14° 04.0´ E period 6s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

36 11

13 White square iron structure, gallery; 37.

W. 113°-293°. Shown during open navigation.

53° 50.0´ N Oc.(3)W. 13° 52.0´ E period 15s lt. 8s, ec. 1s lt. 2s, ec. 1s lt. 2s, ec. 1s

29 9

11 White structure, red square daymark; 29.

The opening in the bridge at Zecherin is marked by F.R. and F.G. lights. Reserve light F.W.

83 25

13 Gray framework structure, gallery; 77.

0° 00.0´ 0° 00.0´

Oc.(3)W. period 15s lt. 8s, ec. 1s lt. 2s, ec. 1s lt. 2s, ec. 1s

4 White lantern, black band, on black dolphin.

Visible 153°-010°. Indicates German-Polish border.


6496 Kikut. C 2892

53° 59.0´ N Iso.W. 14° 35.0´ E period 10s

300 91

16 Gray round tower, white gallery, cupola, white roof; 59.

Visible 063°-241°.

6498 Swinoujsie Lighted Buoy N-2, RACON.

54° 14.7´ N D(– • •) 14° 11.3´ E period 70s


6499 Swinoujsie Lighted Buoy N-4, RACON.

54° 07.4´ N M(– –) 14° 13.2´ E period 70s


6500 Approach Bell Buoy DZI.

54° 04.0´ N L.Fl.W. 14° 41.0´ E period 10s fl. 3s, ec. 7s

6504 -E. mole, head.

54° 01.5´ N Oc.(2)R. 14° 43.7´ E period 8s lt. 1s, ec. 1s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

33 10

7 Concrete post; 30.

Nautophone: (near harbor fairway) Mo.(A) ev. 60s. DGPS Station.

54° 01.5´ N Oc.(2)G. 14° 43.6´ E period 8s lt. 1s, ec. 1s lt. 5s, ec. 1s

33 10

7 Concrete post; 30.

Reserve light: Fl.G. 5s 4M.

54° 01.3´ N Oc.W. 14° 43.9´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

25 8

3 White metal framework tower, Lights are shown on each side white diamond daymark, red of entrance to Basen border. Rybacki.

6516 - -Rear, about 128 meters 142°30′ from front.

54° 01.2´ N Oc.W. 14° 44.0´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

42 13

3 White metal framework tower, red bands, white square daymark.

6520 Niechorze.

54° 06.0´ N Fl.W. 15° 04.0´ E period 10s fl. 0.5s, ec. 9.5s

206 63

20 Gray octagonal tower, red corners, red dwelling; 148.

C 2898

6508 -W. mole, head. C 2897

6512 -Entrance Range, front. C 2896

C 2896.1

C 2904

Buoy, pillar, red and white stripes.

6524 Mrzezyno, on E. bank of Rega River entrance.

54° 08.8´ N Oc.(2)W.R.G. 15° 17.2´ E period 10s lt. 2s, ec. 1s lt. 6s, ec. 1s

23 7

5 Gray framework steel tower; 20. G. 050°-151°, W.-157°, R.244°. Nautophone: (30 meters N.) Mo.(P) ev. 60s.

6536 -E. Breakwater, head.

54° 09.0´ N F.R. 15° 17.0´ E

23 7

3 White metal column with gallery, red band.

54° 08.9´ N F.G. 15° 17.2´ E

23 7

3 White metal column with gallery, green band.

C 2905

C 2905.25

6540 -W. Breakwater, head. C 2905.27


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


KOLOBRZEG: 6544 -Approach buoy Kol.

54° 14.0´ N L.Fl.W. 15° 31.0´ E period 10s fl. 3s, ec. 7s

6548 -E. mole, head.

54° 12.0´ N Oc.R. 15° 33.0´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

43 13

54° 11.2´ N Fl.W. 15° 33.2´ E period 3s fl. 1s, ec. 2s

108 33

54° 11.4´ N Oc.G. 15° 33.2´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

36 11

C 2908

6552 -Kolobrzeg. C 2906

6556 -W. mole, head. C 2910

6560 Gaski. C 2914

SAFE WATER RW, pillar, topmark.

54° 15.0´ N Oc.(3)W. 15° 52.0´ E period 15s lt. 2.5s, ec. 1.2s lt. 2.5s, ec. 1.2s lt. 6.4s, ec. 1.2s

7 White column, red band, white round daymark. 16 Red tower, black cupola.

7 Green metal structure, two galleries.

164 50

23 Red round tower with reddishbrown dwelling; 165.

54° 27.0´ N L.Fl.(2)W. 16° 23.0´ E period 15s fl. 2s, ec. 3s fl. 2s, ec. 8s

64 20

15 Red square tower, white cupola and gallery; 73.

54° 26.6´ N Iso.R. 16° 22.7´ E period 4s

33 10

6 Red square metal framework tower; 26.

54° 26.5´ N Iso.G. 16° 22.6´ E period 4s

33 10

6 Green square metal framework tower; 26.

54° 26.0´ N Fl.W. 16° 23.0´ E period 4s

26 8

3 Wooden mast.

Radar reflector.

Nautophone: Mo.(K) ev. 30s.

Traffic signals.

Reserve light Oc.G. 5s.

DARLOWO: 6564 -E. mole, root. C 2918

6568 -E. mole, head. C 2920

6572 -W. mole, head. C 2922

6576 -River entrance, W. mole. C 2923

6580 Jaroslawiec. C 2926

54° 32.5´ N Fl.(2)W. 16° 32.7´ E period 9s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2s fl. 0.5s, ec. 6s

164 50

23 Black round tower, near gray dwelling; 103.

USTKA: 6584 -Ustka. C 2930

6588 -E. breakwater, head. C 2932

6596 -W. breakwater, head. C 2933

6600 -River entrance, W. side. C 2934

6601 -Basin, W. side. C 2935

6608 Rowy, approach Range, front. C 2939

6612 -Rear, 144° from front. C 2939.1

6616 Czotpino. C 2940

54° 36.0´ N Oc.W. 16° 51.0´ E period 6s lt. 4s, ec. 2s

73 22

54° 36.0´ N Iso.R. 16° 51.0´ E period 6s

36 11

7 Red iron column, white band; 33.

54° 35.5´ N Iso.G. 16° 51.1´ E period 6s

33 10

7 Green iron column, white band; 31.

54° 35.3´ N Q.G. 16° 51.2´ E

20 6

1 Green column.

54° 35.3´ N Q.G. 16° 51.2´ E

20 6

1 Green column.

54° 40.0´ N Iso.Y. 17° 03.1´ E period 2s

21 6

2 Concrete post, white triangular daymark, red border, point up; 28.

54° 40.1´ N Iso.Y. 17° 03.2´ E period 2s

25 8

2 Concrete post, white triangular daymark, red border, point down; 31.

54° 43.0´ N Mo.(N)W. 17° 15.0´ E period 8s

246 75

22 Round brick tower, black dome; 83.


18 Red octagonal masonry tower, white cupola; 70.

Visible 040°-220°. Calibration Radiobeacon.

Obscured 065°30′-077°30′.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


LEBA: 6620 -Approach Buoy LEBA.

54° 47.1´ N L.Fl.W. 17° 33.8´ E period 10s fl. 2.5s, ec. 7.5s

6624 -E. mole, head.

54° 46.1´ N Iso.R. 17° 33.0´ E period 4s

33 10

54° 46.1´ N Dir.W.R.G. 17° 33.0´ E

23 7

54° 46.2´ N Q.W. 17° 33.0´ E

C 2944

6627 -W. breakwater. C 2944.5

6629 - -Head. C 2945

SAFE WATER RW, pillar, topmark.

Iso.G. period 4s 6632 Stilo. C 2954

6634 Platform PG-1. C 2957.6

RACON 6634.5 -Platform Baltic Beta. C 2957.5

-RACON 6634.6 Platform Petrobaltic. RACON 6636 Rozewie. C 2960

54° 47.0´ N Fl.(3)W. 17° 44.0´ E period 12s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.2s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.2s fl. 0.3s, ec. 6.7s

5 Red column, gallery; 23. 8 6 6

Fl.G. 197°-198°, F.G.-201°, Al. W.G.-202°, F.W.-204°, Al. R.W.-205°, F.R.-208°, Fl.R.-209°.

33 10


Visible 335°-180°.

33 10


Visible 180°-335°.

246 75

W. R. G.

23 Red, white, and black pyramidal Visible 050°30′-290°30′. iron tower; 110.

55° 27.4´ N Mo.(U)W. 18° 09.4´ E period 15s

Horn: Mo.(U).

U(• • –) 55° 28.9´ N Mo.(U)W. 18° 11.0´ E period 15s

Horn: Mo.(U) ev. 30s.

T(–) 55° 30.5´ N Mo.(U)W. 18° 12.9´ E period 15s

Horn: Mo.(U).

G(– – •) 54° 49.8´ N Fl.W. 18° 20.2´ E period 3s fl. 0.1s, ec. 2.9s

272 83

26 Red round tower; 106.

DGPS Station.

POLWYSEP HEL: 6640 -Wladyslawowo, N. breakwater, head.

54° 47.9´ N Oc.G. 18° 25.5´ E period 5s lt. 3s, ec. 2s

6644 - -Approach Buoy WLA.

54° 48.0´ N Iso.W. 18° 27.0´ E period 10s

6646 -Entrance Range, front.

54° 47.8´ N Iso.R. 18° 25.4´ E period 4s

36 11

2 Yellow framework tower, diamond daymark.

54° 47.8´ N Oc.R. 18° 25.1´ E period 6s lt. 4s, ec. 2s

89 27

2 Yellow framework tower, diamond daymark.

54° 48.0´ N F.G. 18° 25.0´ E

21 6

2 Post.

54° 47.8´ N Oc.R. 18° 25.3´ E period 5s lt. 3s, ec. 2s

39 12

3 Red mast and gallery.

C 2961

C 2961.4

6646.1 - -Rear, 260° from front. C 2961.41

6648 -Inner mole, head, extending from N. breakwater.

C 2964

6648.5 -S. breakwater. C 2963

6649 -Fishery building C 2964.6

6650 -Kuznica Range, front. C 3002

43 13

5 Green tower and lantern.

SAFE WATER RW, pillar, topmark.

54° 47.7´ N F.R. 18° 24.6´ E

256 78

54° 44.0´ N F.R. 18° 34.9´ E

46 14


23 Tower. 3 Framework tower, white triangular daymark, red border.

Synchronized with 6648.5.

Radar reflector.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


6650.1 - -Rear, 339° from front.

54° 44.1´ N F.R. 18° 34.9´ E

57 17

3 Framework tower, triangular daymark.

54° 41.8´ N Iso.Y. 18° 40.5´ E period 2s

34 10

2 Gray metal framework tower, yellow diamond daymark, black border; 32.

6656 - -Rear, 251 meters 000°24′ from front.

54° 41.9´ N Oc.Y. 18° 40.5´ E period 4s

62 19

2 Gray iron framework tower, yellow triangular daymark, black border, point down; 62.

6660 - -On island, entrance to Jastarnia Bor.

54° 41.1´ N Fl.(3)W.R. 18° 40.4´ E period 10s

30 9

8 White column, red bands.

6664 -Jastarnia Wies.

54° 42.0´ N Mo.(A)W. 18° 41.0´ E period 20s fl. 2s, ec. 2s fl. 9s, ec. 7s

72 22

15 White round tower, red bands; 44.

54° 36.0´ N Iso.W. 18° 49.0´ E period 10s

133 41

17 Red octagonal masonry tower; 126.

54° 36.0´ N Fl.R. 18° 48.0´ E period 4s fl. 0.5s, ec. 3.5s

29 9

4 White metal framework tower, red bands; 23.

54° 36.0´ N Fl.W.G. 18° 48.1´ E period 4s fl. 0.5s, ec. 3.5s

29 9

54° 43.4´ N F.R. 18° 24.8´ E

39 12

2 White iron post, yellow base, diamond daymark; 42.

6688 - -Rear, 75 meters 184° from front.

54° 43.4´ N F.R. 18° 24.8´ E

59 18

2 Yellow and white metal post, diamond daymark.

6700 - -Mole, head.

54° 44.0´ N F.R. 18° 25.0´ E

19 6

4 Post; 10.

54° 38.0´ N Oc.W.R. 18° 30.7´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

33 10

6716 -Kanal Portowy, entrance Range, front.

54° 32.2´ N Oc.Y. 18° 32.9´ E period 5s lt. 3s, ec. 2s

50 15

8 White framework tower; 49.

6720 - -Yugoslav Quay, rear, on corner of quay, about 1100 meters 271°30′ from front.

54° 32.2´ N Oc.Y. 18° 31.9´ E period 5s

87 27

8 White iron framework structure, black stripe; 79.

6724 -Awanport, N. breakwater, head.

54° 32.0´ N Fl.G. 18° 34.0´ E period 3s

25 8

3 Black framework tower; 20.

6728 - -S. side of N. entrance.

54° 32.3´ N Fl.R. 18° 33.7´ E period 3s

34 10

3 Red framework tower, white band; 25.

6729 - -S. side of detached breakwater.

54° 32.2´ N Iso.G. 18° 33.8´ E period 4s

49 15

8 Concrete tower.

6732 - -S. side of main entrance, N. end.

54° 32.0´ N Iso.R. 18° 34.0´ E period 4s

50 15

6736 -Main breakwater, S. head.

54° 31.0´ N Oc.G. 18° 34.0´ E period 10s lt. 7.5s, ec. 2.5s

39 12

9 Concrete tower with aluminum top and dome.

54° 32.0´ N F.R. 18° 34.0´ E

23 7

3 Concrete tower; 13.

C 3002.1

6652 -Jastarnia Bor Range, front. C 2983

C 2983.1

C 2986

C 2965

6672 -Hel. C 2968

Iso.R. 6s and Iso.G. 6s mark breakwaters about 400 meters S.

W. 333°-083°, R.-333°.

Visible 151°-102°.

-Port Hel: 6676 - -Outer harbor, W. mole, head. C 2972

6680 - - -S. mole, head. C 2974


4 STARBOARD (A) 4 G, post.

W. 300°-010°, G.-300°.

GULF OF DANZIG: 6684 -Puck, on quay Range, front. C 2996

C 2996.1

C 2999

6708 -Rewa. C 3010

W. R.

6 Iron framework tower, triangular 4 and diamond daymark; 28.

R. 132°-167°, W.-177°, R.222°.


C 3018.1

C 3014

C 3015

C 3015.2

C 3016

C 3016.2

6740 -Fuel berth. C 3020.6


10 Conical concrete tower; 42.

Leads from roadstead through middle entrance between breakwater to Awanport.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


6744 -Fuel berth.

54° 32.0´ N F.R. 18° 33.7´ E

23 7

3 Concrete tower; 13.

54° 31.3´ N F.G. 18° 33.6´ E

19 6

2 Post; 10.

6760 -Fisherman′s Pier, (English Quay) NE. head.

54° 31.4´ N F.R. 18° 33.6´ E

14 4

3 Red wooden pole, white band; 13.

6768 -Swedish Quay, NE. head.

54° 32.0´ N F.R. 18° 34.0´ E

21 6

2 Wooden column, red bands.

54° 32.0´ N F.R. 18° 34.0´ E

21 6

2 Column, white and red bands; 12.

54° 32.0´ N F.G. 18° 33.3´ E

23 7

2 Green Column.

6792 -Kanal Portowy Entrance, S. side.

54° 32.1´ N Iso.R. 18° 32.8´ E period 2s

23 7

2 Red pipe.

6796 - -Portowy, entrance, N. mole, head.

54° 32.0´ N Iso.G. 18° 33.0´ E period 2s

19 6

2 Column, orange trapezoid daymark; 16.

6800 -Basin No. 4.

54° 32.0´ N Oc.G. 18° 32.3´ E period 5s lt. 3s, ec. 2s

24 7

1 Gray iron mast; 16.

54° 32.1´ N Oc.R. 18° 32.1´ E period 5s lt. 3s, ec. 2s

23 7

1 Gray iron mast; 16.

54° 32.0´ N Fl.Y. 18° 31.6´ E period 4s fl. 1s, ec. 3s

23 7

1 Round steel post.

54° 32.0´ N Oc.G. 18° 32.3´ E period 5s lt. 3s, ec. 2s

23 7

1 Gray iron mast; 16.

6810 -Jugoslavian Wharf, NW. corner.

54° 32.2´ N Fl.R. 18° 31.8´ E period 4s fl. 1s, ec. 3s

23 7

Round steel post.

6818 -Jetty, head.

54° 32.4´ N Iso.W. 18° 33.1´ E period 2s

20 6

2 Framework tower.

6820 -Basin No. 10, E. side of entrance.

54° 32.0´ N Q.G. 18° 34.0´ E

20 6

Lattice tower.

6824 - -W. side of entrance.

54° 32.4´ N Q.R. 18° 33.2´ E

20 6

Lattice tower.

54° 32.5´ N Iso.W. 18° 33.4´ E period 2s

13 4

54° 32.4´ N Oc.G. 18° 33.5´ E period 3s

20 6

Lattice tower.

54° 32.4´ N Oc.R. 18° 33.4´ E period 3s

20 6

Lattice tower.

54° 27.0´ N Fl.R. 18° 35.0´ E period 5s fl. 1s, ec. 4s

20 6

4 Mast; 13.

54° 26.8´ N Q.(3)W. 18° 34.6´ E period 10s

10 3

3 E. CARDINAL BYB, beacon, topmark.

54° 26.7´ N Fl.W. 18° 34.2´ E period 4s fl. 0.3s, ec. 3.7s

82 25

7 White tower.

C 3020.62

6756 -Basin No. 1. C 3024

C 3023.4

C 3022

6788 - -French Quay, NE. corner. C 3021

6790 -Holland Quay. C 3021.5

C 3026.2

C 3026

C 3028

6804 - -No. 5. C 3029

6806 - -Basin No. 5, Ro Ro. C 3030.1

6808 - -Yugoslav Quay, E. corner. C 3029.2

C 3031

C 3018.5

C 3020

C 3020.2

6826 - -Inner mole. C 3020.3

6828 -Basin No. 11. C 3019

6832 - -W. side of entrance. C 3019.2

2 Column.

GULF OF DANZIG: 6840 -Sopot, pier, head. C 3048

6842 - -SE. head. C 3047

6844 -Sopot. C 3046


Visible 192°30′-307°30′.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


-Nowy Port (Neufahrwasser): 6860 - -Brzezno Gdanskie (Outer) Range, front.

54° 25.0´ N Iso.Y. 18° 39.0´ E period 5s

75 23

6864 - - -Rear, 350 meters 196° from front.

54° 24.3´ N Iso.Y. 18° 38.3´ E period 5s

103 31

6868 - -Inner Range, front.

54° 24.6´ N Oc.G. 18° 39.8´ E period 5s lt. 3s, ec. 2s

C 3062

C 3062.1

C 3064

75 23

13 White skeleton structure, white triangular daymark, red border, point up; 79.


13 Framework tower, black triangular daymark, point down; 118.


8 White iron framework mast, two triangular daymarks, point up; 67.

6872 - - -Rear, 370 meters 147°42′ from front.

54° 24.5´ N Oc.G. 18° 40.0´ E period 5s

116 35

6876 - -E. breakwater, head.

54° 25.0´ N L.Fl.R. 18° 39.5´ E period 6s

44 13

7 White octagonal tower, red bands; 44.

54° 24.6´ N L.Fl.G. 18° 39.6´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

36 11

7 White framework tower, green bands; 27.

6900 - -Across channel from Harbor Office.

54° 24.0´ N F.Y. 18° 41.0´ E

31 9

1 White iron mast.

6908 - -N. side of entrance to coal harbor.

54° 24.0´ N F.R. 18° 40.0´ E

26 8

2 Mast; 23.

6912 - -S. side of entrance to coal harbor.

54° 23.3´ N F.G. 18° 40.2´ E

26 8

2 Mast; 23.

6928 - -Entrance to Holmbecken I, NW. point.

54° 22.7´ N F.R. 18° 39.5´ E

26 8

2 Column; 21.

6949 Beacon P-1.

54° 25.1´ N L.Fl.G. 18° 49.4´ E period 10s fl. 3s, ec. 7s

10 3

4 STARBOARD (A) G, column, topmark.

54° 25.0´ N Iso.R. 18° 49.4´ E period 6s

10 3

5 Red round tower.

54° 23.8´ N Oc.Y. 18° 42.2´ E period 5s

66 20

7 Orange framework tower.

54° 23.7´ N Oc.Y. 18° 41.4´ E period 5s

148 45

7 Orange framework tower.

54° 24.3´ N Iso.G. 18° 44.0´ E period 5s

39 12

6 Gray square concrete tower.

54° 24.4´ N Oc.Y. 18° 43.7´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

23 7

3 Metal column.

54° 24.6´ N Oc.Y. 18° 43.3´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

23 7

3 Metal column.

54° 24.4´ N Oc.G. 18° 43.7´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

30 9

4 Green metal column.

54° 24.3´ N Oc.R. 18° 43.5´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

30 9

4 Red mast.

54° 24.2´ N Iso.G. 18° 43.3´ E period 6s

30 9

4 Green tower.

54° 24.1´ N Fl.(2)W. 18° 43.1´ E period 6s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4s

16 5


C 3064.1

C 3068

6880 - -W. breakwater, head. C 3066

C 3072.5

C 3074

C 3074.1

C 3076.3

RACON 6950 -Beacon P2. C 3081.01

6952 -Entrance Range, front. C 3081.02

6952.1 - -Rear, 890 meters 253°36′ from front.

C 3081.03

6954 -Head of N. breakwater. C 3081.21

6955 - -Middle. C 3081.24

6956 - - -N. corner. C 3081.26

6958 -N. breakwater, spar, head. C 3081.22

6960 -Liquid fuel jetty, S. head. C 3081.2

6961 -Dock No. 2. C 3081.28

6961.5 -S. entrance pier, head. C 3081.31

8 Gray metal framework mast, triangular daymark, point down; 106.

Visible 325°-135°.



Channel marked by lights.

Visible 300°-120°.

Iso.R. 6s marks opposite entrance.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


6962 -Detached breakwater, N. head.

54° 24.0´ N Iso.R. 18° 43.6´ E period 5s

6964 -Pomost Rudowy.

54° 23.7´ N Fl.Y. 18° 43.1´ E period 5s fl. 1s, ec. 4s

C 3081.5

C 3081.4

6966 -Coal pier, head.

39 12


54° 24.0´ N Oc.Y. 18° 42.7´ E period 3s

C 3081.3

6968 -Harbor Master Office. C 3080.8

6970 W. breakwater, head. C 3081.9

6972 -E. breakwater, head. C 3082

6996 Krynica Morska. C 3090

6 Gray concrete tower.

30 9

54° 24.1´ N Fl.(3)W. 18° 41.9´ E period 9s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

4 Dolphin.

184 56

25 Gray square tower with gallery, on building.

54° 22.4´ N Fl.(2)G. 18° 46.6´ E period 5s fl. 1s, ec. 1s fl. 1s, ec. 2s

30 9

6 Green round tower with gallery.

54° 22.5´ N Fl.(2)R. 18° 46.7´ E period 5s

34 10

6 Concrete tower, white gallery; 30.

54° 23.0´ N L.Fl.(2)W. 19° 27.0´ E period 12s fl. 2s, ec. 2s fl. 2s, ec. 6s

174 53

18 Red round concrete tower; 89.

54° 24.3´ N Q.W. 19° 30.5´ E

289 88

GULF OF DANZIG: 6998 -Mierzeja Wislana. C 3091

7036 - -Piaski Range, front.

Gray framework tower; 262.

Aero Radiobeacon.

54° 25.9´ N Fl.R. 19° 36.1´ E period 5s fl. 1s, ec. 4s

20 6

2 Red lattice tower, white band; 16.

7040 - - -Rear, 145 meters 304° from front.

54° 25.8´ N Fl.R. 19° 36.0´ E period 5s fl. 1s, ec. 4s

46 14

2 White mast, white triangular daymark, point down; 33.

7048 -Boundary Line Range, front.

54° 27.4´ N Fl.W. 19° 38.3´ E period 5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

85 26

13 White quadrangular slatted framework tower, black stripe; 62.

Marks boundary between Poland and Soviet Union.

144 44

15 White quadrangular slatted framework tower, black stripe; 69.

Synchronized with front.

C 3251

C 3251.1

C 3095

7052 - -Rear, 580 meters 136°30′ from front.

C 3095.1

54° 27.2´ N Fl.W. 19° 38.7´ E period 5s fl., ec. 4.5s


GULF OF DANZIG: -Baltiysk, Vislinskiy


7056 - -Gross Brukh. C 3096

7060 - -Entrance Range, front.

54° 32.0´ N Fl.W. 19° 44.0´ E period 4s fl. 1.5s, ec. 2.5s

163 50

10 Square pyramid, upper part black and white; 95.

54° 39.0´ N Oc.W. 19° 53.0´ E period 12s lt. 9s, ec. 3s

39 12

12 Red framework tower, white square and trapezoid daymarks, black stripe; 69.

Visible 116°-128°. Shown when channel is open. Pilot signal. Storm signals. Traffic signals. Reserve light Oc.W. 4s 10M. Signal station.

7064 - - -Rear, 770 meters 122°06′ from front.

54° 38.3´ N Oc.W. 19° 53.6´ E period 12s lt. 9s, ec. 3s

97 30

16 Red round tower, lower part white, conical roof; 105.

Visible 265°-190° Radiobeacon.

7114 Obzornyy.

54° 49.8´ N L.Fl.W. 19° 57.3´ E period 5s fl. 2s, ec. 3s

177 54

20 Orange round tower, two white bands, framework pyramid on top; 72.

Reserve light L.Fl. 5s 9M.

C 3100

C 3100.1

C 3255


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


7116 Mys Taran. C 3256

54° 58.0´ N Oc.(3)W. 19° 59.0´ E period 15s lt. 1.5s, ec. 1.5s lt. 1.5s, ec. 1.5s lt. 6s, ec. 3s

177 54

21 Red octagonal tower, black cupola, red dwelling; 95.

Storm signals. Reserve light Iso.W. 4s 13M. Nautophone: Mo.(A) ev. 15s. Signal station. Radiobeacon.

PIONERSKIY: 7120 -Inner Mole Spur.

54° 57.0´ N Fl.G. 20° 13.0´ E period 3s

14 4

1 Green quadrangular iron column; 8.

7123 -N. mole, head.

54° 57.6´ N Fl.Y. 20° 13.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2.5s

29 9

4 Red square metal framework tower; 16.

7124 -S. mole, head.

54° 57.5´ N Fl.R. 20° 13.0´ E period 3s

14 4

1 Triangle; 19.

7128 Mys Gvardeyskiy.

54° 57.6´ N Fl.W. 20° 16.2´ E period 4s fl. 1s, ec. 3s

164 50

18 Square framework tower, white cylinder, upper part black; 131.

55° 01.3´ N Fl.(2)W. 20° 36.5´ E period 9s fl. 1s, ec. 2s fl. 1s, ec. 5s

144 44

17 Rectangular framework tower, red round daymark, white band; 131.

Reserve light Fl.(2)W. 8s 9M.

55° 10.0´ N Mo.(A)W. 20° 51.0´ E period 6s

180 55

18 Quadrangular framework truncated pyramid, red and white; 78.

Reserve light range 9M.

C 3258

C 3262

7130 Lesnoy. C 3270

KURSHSKIY ZALIV: 7132 -Rybackiy. C 3277


7136 Skillinge Range, front.

55° 28.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 14° 17.0´ E period 6s

18 5

7140 -Rear, 90 meters 290° from front.

55° 28.4´ N Fl.(2)W. 14° 17.4´ E period 6s

29 9

7144 Brantevik Range, front.

55° 31.0´ N F.R. 14° 21.0´ E

22 7


7148 -Rear, 85 meters 253° from front.

55° 30.7´ N F.R. 14° 21.0´ E

35 11


7152 -Simrishamn.

55° 33.5´ N Iso.W.R.G. 14° 21.6´ E period 6s

52 16

55° 32.0´ N F.R. 14° 22.0´ E

16 5

White daymark, red borders.

7160 - -Rear, 35 meters 293° from front.

55° 32.0´ N F.R. 14° 21.5´ E

24 7

White daymark, red borders.

7164 -Range, front, on W. pier.

55° 34.0´ N Q.R. 14° 21.0´ E

34 10

9 Iron framework structure, triangular daymark.

7168 - -Rear, 105 meters 249°30′ from front.

55° 33.5´ N Q.R. 14° 21.1´ E

41 12

9 Iron framework structure, triangular daymark.

7172 Stenshuvud.

55° 40.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 14° 17.0´ E period 8s fl. 1s, ec. 1s fl. 1s, ec. 5s

43 13

W. 11 White concrete and iron tower; R. 8 31. G. 7

55° 36.0´ N F.R. 14° 19.0´ E

19 6

C 7592

C 7592.1

C 7588

C 7588.1

C 7582

7156 -Simrislund Range, front. C 7586

C 7586.1

C 7584

C 7584.1

C 7576

7176 Baskemolla Range, front. C 7578


W. R. G.

9 Red triangular daymark. 6 5

G. 247°-288°, W.-293°, R.347°. Nautophone: Mo.(N) ev. 60s. Occas.

9 Red triangular daymark.

Visible on range line only. Synchronized with front.

W. 13 White concrete tower; 51. R. 10 G. 9


Horn: 4 bl. ev. 60s.

G. shore-160°, W.-223°, G.238°, W.-279°, R.-285°, W.-355°, R.-shore.

Synchronized with rear.

G. 155°-180°, W.-311°30′, R.322°30′, G.-327°30′, W.332°30′, R.-shore.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


7180 -Rear, 56 meters 195° from front.

55° 35.7´ N F.R. 14° 19.1´ E

36 11


7184 Kivik Range, front.

55° 41.0´ N F.R. 14° 14.0´ E

19 6

Post, white triangular daymark.


7188 -Rear, 50 meters 214° from front.

55° 41.3´ N F.R. 14° 13.8´ E

29 9

Post, white triangular daymark.


7192 Vitemolla Range, front.

55° 42.0´ N F.G. 14° 13.0´ E

21 6

Wooden post.

Range lights lead close to E. mole of harbor. Fishing light.

7196 -Rear, 80 meters 210° from front.

55° 41.9´ N F.G. 14° 12.8´ E

33 10

Wooden post.

Fishing light.

7198 Gropahalet, N. breakwater.

55° 51.5´ N Fl.G 14° 14.4´ E period 3s

10 3

2 Post.

55° 51.5´ N Fl.R. 14° 14.3´ E period 3s

10 3

2 Post.

55° 52.0´ N F.R. 14° 15.0´ E

23 7

5 Post.

55° 51.6´ N F.R. 14° 14.6´ E

36 11

5 Post.

55° 57.0´ N Q.W. 14° 20.0´ E

20 6

7212 - -Rear, 830 meters 289°30′ from front.

55° 56.7´ N Oc.W.R.G. 14° 19.5´ E period 5s

51 16

W. 14 White framework structure, red R. 12 triangular daymark. G. 10

7216 -Revhaken Range, front.

55° 55.0´ N Iso.W. 14° 20.0´ E period 3s

23 7

6 Framework structure, red triangular daymark.

7220 - -Rear, 550 meters 254°24′ from front.

55° 55.0´ N Q.W. 14° 19.7´ E

46 14

7 Framework structure, red triangular daymark.

7222 -Ahus Range, front.

55° 55.7´ N Q.R. 14° 19.3´ E

115 35

12 Framework structure, red triangular daymark.

55° 55.7´ N Q.R. 14° 19.0´ E

164 50

12 Silo, red triangular daymark.

C 7578.1

C 7574

C 7574.1

C 7573

C 7573.1

C 7572.6

7199 -S. breakwater. C 7572.62

7200 Yngsjo Range, front. C 7572.7

7204 -Rear, 75 meters 286° from front.

C 7572.8

AHUS: 7208 -Baloren Range, front. C 7568

C 7568.1

C 7570

C 7570.1

7222.1 - -Rear, 265 meters 275°18′ from front.

11 Orange framework structure, red triangular daymark.

7232 -Sodra, S. side of channel Range, front.

55° 56.0´ N Iso.R. 14° 20.0´ E period 3s

23 7

8 White column, red triangular daymark.

7236 - -Rear, 240 meters 275° from front.

55° 55.6´ N Q.R. 14° 19.9´ E

39 12

8 Orange framework tower, red triangular daymark.

7240 Lagerholmen.

55° 57.9´ N Fl.W.R.G. 14° 28.3´ E period 5s fl. 1s, ec. 4s

56 17

56° 03.0´ N F.R. 14° 33.0´ E

16 5

5 Post, red triangular daymark.

7248 -Rear, 100 meters 053° from front.

56° 02.8´ N F.R. 14° 33.3´ E

26 8

5 Post, red triangular daymark.

7252 Herrmans Heja Range, front.

56° 02.2´ N F.G. 14° 33.2´ E

16 5

2 Post, red triangular daymark.

7256 - -Rear, 95 meters 108° from front.

56° 02.2´ N F.G. 14° 33.3´ E

26 8

2 Post, red triangular daymark.

7260 Taggen Buoy.

55° 53.7´ N Q.(3)W. 14° 35.0´ E period 10s

C 7572.4

C 7572.5

C 7564

7244 Sigersvik Range, front. C 7560

C 7560.1

C 7559.6

C 7559.61

W. R. G.

9 White concrete tower; 56. 6 5

E. CARDINAL BYB, pillar, topmark.


R. 277°-280°, G.-288°30′, W.290°30′, R.-310°, G.317°, R.-000°.

R. 000°-035°, G.-056°, W.085°, R.-114°, G.-144°, W.-148°, R.-192°, G.196°, W. -198°, R.-270°, G.-289°, W.-000°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


SOLVESBORG: 7264 -Tunoren.

56° 00.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 14° 32.1´ E period 4s

30 9

56° 02.0´ N Oc.W. 14° 35.0´ E period 6s lt. 4.5s, ec. 1.5s

23 7

10 White structure, red diamond daymark.

Visible on range line only.

7272 - -Rear, about 1.2 km. 026° from front.

56° 02.4´ N Q.W. 14° 36.4´ E

56 17

14 White structure, red diamond daymark.

Visible on range line only.

7276 -Radmansholm Range, front.

56° 03.0´ N Iso.G. 14° 36.0´ E period 4s

13 4

6 Post, red triangular daymark.

7280 - -Rear, 175 meters 019° from front.

56° 02.8´ N Q.G. 14° 35.6´ E

23 7

5 Post, red triangular daymark.

7284 Torso Range, front.

56° 00.0´ N F.R. 14° 39.0´ E

14 4

3 Wooden post.

Shown from Sept. 1 to Apr. 30, only when local fishing boats are at sea.

7288 -Rear, 25 meters 346°30′ from front.

56° 00.0´ N F.R. 14° 39.1´ E

26 8

3 Wooden post.

Fishing light.

7292 Sillnasudde.

55° 59.8´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 14° 36.7´ E period 6s

39 12

W. R. G.

9 White and red tower. 6 5

R. shore-304°, G.-315°, W.006°, R.-017°, G.056°30′, R.-079°, G.shore.

56° 01.0´ N Dir.Iso.W.R.G. 14° 42.0´ E period 8s

26 8

W. R. G.

6 White concrete tower, copper4 clad lantern; 23. 3

G. 338°-016°30′, W.-025°, R.shore.

56° 01.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 14° 42.0´ E period 6s

29 9

W. R. G.

9 White iron framework structure; 6 21. 5

G. 344°-013°30′, W.-024°, R.043°, obsc.-152°, W.223°.

56° 00.0´ N F.G. 14° 44.0´ E

17 5

2 White post.

7308 -Range, on W. breakwater, front.

56° 00.2´ N F.R. 14° 44.2´ E

23 7

8 Post, red triangular daymark.

7312 - -Rear, 87 meters 008° from front.

56° 00.3´ N F.R. 14° 44.2´ E

39 12

10 Post, red triangular daymark.

Fishing light.

7316 Hano.

56° 00.8´ N Fl.(3)W. 14° 50.8´ E period 12s

24 White concrete tower; 52.

Shown by day during poor visibility Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.

C 7552

7268 -Range, front. C 7553

C 7553.1

C 7556

C 7556.1

C 7551

C 7551.1

C 7551.6

7296 Hallevik. C 7548

7300 Hallevik. C 7550

W. R. G.

7 Framework mast, red square 5 daymark. 4

G. 204°-308°18′, W.-318°30′, R.-356°, G.-118°48′, W.131°, R.-204°. A fishing range of F.R. lights shown from posts in range 349°, about 100 yards apart, is shown on Tostebergaudde.

NOGERSUND: 7304 -E. breakwater, head. C 7544

C 7546

C 7546.1

C 7538

7320 -S. breakwater, head.

231 70

56° 00.6´ N F.G. 14° 50.1´ E

13 4

56° 01.1´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 14° 50.1´ E period 6s

36 11

56° 01.0´ N F.R. 14° 50.0´ E

7332 -Rear, 140 meters 129° from front. 7336 Hano Range, front.

C 7540.4

7324 Bonsacken. C 7536

7328 Hano Hamn Range, front. C 7540

C 7540.1

C 7541

7340 -Rear, 390 meters 122°30′ from front.

C 7541.1

Visible on range line only. Fishing lights. Horn: 2 bl. ev. 60s.

2 9 Gray structure. 6 5

G. 000°-020°, W.-054°, R.134°, G.-150°, W.-239°, R.-255°, G.-268°.

21 6

3 Post, red triangular daymark.

Fishing lights.

56° 00.6´ N F.R. 14° 50.3´ E

31 9

3 Post, red triangular daymark.

56° 01.0´ N F.G. 14° 50.0´ E

37 11

7 Post, red circular daymark, white Lights mark power cable. border.

56° 00.8´ N F.G. 14° 50.5´ E

85 26

7 Post, red circle over diamond daymark, white border.


W. R. G.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


7344 Listershuvud Range, front.

56° 02.0´ N F.G. 14° 47.0´ E

62 19

7 Post, white triangular daymark, red border.

7348 -Rear, 185 meters 302°30′ from front.

56° 02.0´ N F.G. 14° 46.7´ E

95 29

7 Post, white triangular daymark, red border.

7352 Listershuvud, E. point.

56° 02.1´ N Fl.(4)W.R.G. 14° 46.8´ E period 12s

38 12

56° 03.0´ N F.R. 14° 46.0´ E

31 9


Fishing light.

7360 -Rear, 90 meters 256° from front.

56° 03.0´ N F.R. 14° 45.5´ E

46 14


Fishing light.

7364 Horvik.

56° 03.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 14° 46.0´ E period 2s

21 6

W. R. G.

5 White iron skeleton structure. 3 2

W. 304°-101°, R.-167°, G.194°, W.-203°30′, R.281°. Siren: 1 bl. ev. 60s. Occasional.

56° 06.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 14° 43.0´ E period 4s

21 6

W. R. G.

6 Gray column. 4 3

W. shore-243°, R.-249°, G.287°. Shown from April 1 to Sept. 30. Fishing light.

56° 07.0´ N F.R. 14° 42.0´ E

22 7

8 White triangular daymark, black border.

7380 -Rear, 375 meters 272° from front.

56° 07.1´ N F.R. 14° 41.7´ E

46 14

8 White triangular daymark, black border.

7382 Ljungholmen Range, front.

56° 09.3´ N F.G. 14° 44.0´ E

20 6

6 Post, white and orange triangular daymark.

56° 09.3´ N F.G. 14° 43.9´ E

36 11

6 Post, white and orange triangular daymark.

56° 09.0´ N F.R. 14° 44.0´ E

20 6

3 Post, orange marker.

Fishing light. Shown from April 1 to October 15.

56° 09.0´ N F.R. 14° 45.0´ E

20 6

3 Post, orange marker.

Fishing light. Shown from April 1 to October 15.

56° 09.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 14° 47.0´ E period 4s

37 11

W. 14 White tubular mast, two red R. 11 bands, triangular daymark, G. 10 red border.

56° 10.0´ N F.G. 14° 49.0´ E

26 8

7 Column, orange marker.

7400 - -Rear, 132 meters 346°12′ from front.

56° 09.7´ N F.G. 14° 48.8´ E

49 15

7 Column, orange marker.

7404 -Kolo Range, front.

56° 09.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 14° 50.0´ E period 6s lt. 4s, ec. 2s

28 9

W. 13 Column, orange marker. R. 10 G. 9

R. 353°-003°, G.-009°, W.013°, R.-016°, G.-052°, R.-103°.

7408 - -Rear, 347 meters 009°54′ from front.

56° 09.5´ N Q.W. 14° 49.5´ E

56 17

13 Column, orange marker.

Shown 24 hours from Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.

7412 Tarno.

56° 06.7´ N Oc.W.R.G. 14° 58.5´ E period 10s lt. 8s, ec. 2s

C 7535

C 7535.1

C 7534

7356 Krokas Range, front. C 7530

C 7530.1

C 7532

7372 Lorby Kladd. C 7528

7376 Norje Range, front. C 7527.7

C 7527.71

C 7527.8

7382.1 -Rear, 100 meters 009° from front.

C 7527.81

7384 Skapehale. C 7527.6

7388 Baknahall. C 7527.4

W. R. G.

Lights mark power cable.

9 White octagonal hut on concrete G. 152°-194°18′, W.-207°42′, 6 base. R.-229°, G.-246°54′, W.5 274°18′, R.-286°, G.319°, W.-349°30′, R.004°, G.- 017°.

KARLSHALL: 7392 -Gunnon. C 7527.1

7396 -Stileryd Range, front. C 7527.3

C 7527.31

C 7527.2

C 7527.21

C 7514

102 31


W. 13 White octagonal tower; 19. R. 10 G. 9

G. 274°-294°30′, R.-306°, G.323°, W.-327°, R.-340°, G.-033°, R.-054°. Marks approach range on bearing 324°36′.

G. 240°-277°, W.-354°, R.026°30′, G.-041°30′, W.044°, R.-098°, G.-135°. Shown by day during poor visibility Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


7416 -Tarno Ostra.

56° 07.0´ N F.W.R.G. 14° 59.0´ E

16 5

56° 09.2´ N Fl.W. 14° 58.2´ E period 3s

28 8

56° 08.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 15° 06.0´ E

24 7

W. R. G.

56° 09.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 14° 53.0´ E period 3s

19 6

W. 11 White round tower. R. 8 G. 7

G. 323°-336°30′, W.-359°, R.013°, G.-143°, W.-149°, R.-163°.

56° 09.3´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 14° 53.2´ E period 4s

11 3

W. R. G.

8 White framework tower. 6 5

G. 338°-344°, W.-354°, R.000°, W. (unintensified)shore. Fishing light. Shown from July 5 to May 5.

56° 09.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 14° 53.0´ E period 9s

18 5

W. R. G.

6 White post. 4 3

R. 009°-120°, W.-224°, R.309°, G.-348°, W.-009°.

56° 10.0´ N Iso.R. 14° 52.0´ E period 2s

33 10

10 Red triangular daymark, white border.

Visible on range line only.

7436 - -Rear, about 270 meters 339° from front.

56° 10.0´ N Iso.R. 14° 52.0´ E period 4s

49 15

10 Red triangular daymark, white border.

Visible on range line only.

7440 -Sutudden Range, front.

56° 10.0´ N Iso.G. 14° 52.0´ E period 3s

59 18

C 7516

7418 Baggahegna. C 7516.4

7420 Vitaskar. C 7512

W. R. G.

7 White structure. 5 4

R. (unintensified) 085°-099°, G. (unintensified)-129°, R. (unintensified)-142°, G. (unintensified)-175°, R. (unintensified)-179°, G. (unintensified)- 262°, G.291°, W.-333°, R.- 352°. Fishing light.

3 Lantern on post, orange rectangular daymark.


6 White hut. 4 3

G. 122°-335°, W.-352°, R.122°. Fishing light.

KARLSHAMN: 7424 -Ortholmen. C 7519

7426 -Vagga. C 7518

7428 -Vagga Sodra. C 7517

7432 -On quay Range, front. C 7520

C 7520.1

C 7524

8 Post, orange triangular daymark. Visible on range line only.

7444 - -Rear, 410 meters 318° from front.

56° 09.7´ N Q.G. 14° 51.4´ E

121 37

7448 -Sutudden pier, head.

56° 10.0´ N F.R. 14° 52.0´ E

20 6

3 Post.

56° 09.0´ N F.R. 14° 51.0´ E

46 14

8 Orange triangular daymark.

7456 - -Rear, 60 meters 206°30′ from front.

56° 08.7´ N F.R. 14° 15.1´ E

56 17

8 Orange triangular daymark.

7460 -Kastellet pier, head.

56° 10.0´ N F.G. 14° 52.0´ E

19 6

3 Post.

56° 09.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 15° 11.0´ E period 9s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.2s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.2s fl. 0.5s, ec. 5.1s

23 7

W. R. G.

6 White octagonal tower on 4 concrete base; 7. 3

G. 348°-002°, W.-017°, R.029°.

56° 07.3´ N L.Fl.(2)W.R.G. 15° 13.4´ E period 15s

39 12

W. 10 White tower, red roof; 33. R. 7 G. 6

R. 267°-297°, G.-001°, W.048°, R.-198°.

C 7524.1

C 7525

7452 -Vindhamn Range, front. C 7526

C 7526.1

C 7527

7464 Saltarna. C 7510

8 Post, orange triangular daymark.

Visible on range line only.

RONNEBY APPROACH: 7468 -Gasfeten, Ronneby, W. entrance.

C 7490


7472 -Saxemara Range. C 7492

G(– – •) period 30s


56° 17.0´ N Q.W. 15° 30.0´ E

791 241

56° 09.0´ N Iso.W. 15° 14.0´ E period 4s

12 4


21 9 Brown wooden house, white on range.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


7476 - -Rear, 1.2 kilometers 018°30′ from front.

56° 09.8´ N Q.W. 15° 14.5´ E

34 10

8 Brown wooden tower, white on range, two red bands.

7480 -Svanvik Range, front.

56° 09.4´ N Iso.R. 15° 14.8´ E period 4s

15 5

5 Orange pedestal, red and orange triangular daymark, point up.

7484 - -Rear, 550 meters 029°30′ from front.

56° 09.7´ N Q.R. 15° 15.3´ E

33 10

4 Orange pedestal, red and orange triangular daymark, point down.

7488 -Svaniksudde, SE. point of Funko.

56° 09.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 15° 15.0´ E period 3s

13 4

W. R. G.

6 Gray tower. 4 4

G. 260°-266°, W.-269°, R.275°.

7492 -Steko, S. part.

56° 10.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 15° 16.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s

14 4

W. R. G.

7 Lantern on orange pedestal, 4 white diamond daymark. 4

G. 051°-064°30′, W.-067°, R.081°.

56° 08.3´ N Fl.(2)R. 15° 16.9´ E period 4s

20 6

2 Framework tower, red triangular daymark, point up.

56° 08.4´ N Fl.R. 15° 16.9´ E period 2s

33 10

2 Framework tower, red triangular daymark, point up.

56° 08.8´ N Q.W.R.G. 15° 16.1´ E

26 8


G. 323°-329°, W.-331°, R.337°.

56° 10.0´ N Fl.(4)W.R.G. 15° 19.0´ E period 12s

17 5

7 Lantern on orange pedestal, 5 white diamond daymark. 5

G. 015°-030°, W.-033°, R.037°.

56° 10.6´ N F.R. 15° 18.1´ E

46 14

Post, red and orange triangular daymark, point up.

7512 - -Rear, 150 meters 358° from front.

56° 10.7´ N F.R. 15° 18.2´ E

59 18

Post, red and orange triangular daymark, point down.

7516 Millegarne.

56° 08.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 15° 20.0´ E period 3s

26 8

W. R. G.

6 Framework mast, white 4 rectangular daymark. 3

R. shore-316°, G.-011°, W.026°, R.-060°, R. (unintensified)-110°, W. (unintensified)-shore. Fishing light.

56° 08.0´ N I.V.Q.W.R.G. 15° 23.0´ E period 6s

30 9

W. R. G.

6 White tower; 27. 4 3

R. (unintensified) 197°-206°, G. (unintensified)-212°, R. (unintensified)-240°, G. (unintensified)-252°, R. (unintensified)-290°, R.297°, G.-352°, W.-014°, R.-043°.

56° 07.0´ N Iso.W. 15° 26.0´ E period 4s

16 5

7 White hut.


7528 - -Rear, 500 meters 355°30′ from front.

56° 06.9´ N Q.W. 15° 25.8´ E

33 10

6 Post.


7532 -Hasslo.

56° 07.0´ N F.W.R.G. 15° 26.0´ E

W. R. G.

5 White hut. 3 3

G. 000°-040°, W.-045°, R.060°. Fishing light.

C 7492.1

C 7494

C 7494.1

C 7495

C 7498

7495 -Gokalv Range, front. C 7489

7495.1 - -Rear, 358°30′ from front. C 7489.1

7497 -Hogaskar. C 7489.5

7504 -Sandviken. C 7504

7508 -Ronneby Range, front. C 7506

C 7506.1

C 7488

7520 Ronneskar. C 7453.3

W. R. G.

KARLSKRONA APPROACH: 7524 -Kasaskar Range, front. C 7453.6

C 7453.7

C 7455

7536 -Asla. C 7453.4

7540 -Bollo. C 7452.6

7544 -Ronnfjardsleden Range, front. C 7454

56° 06.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 15° 26.0´ E period 9s

19 6

W. R. G.

6 White structure. 4 3

R. 282°-299°, G.-328°, W.025°, R.-097°, G.-116°, obsc.-180°, R.-197°. Seasonal. Fishing light.

56° 05.0´ N L.Fl.W.R.G. 15° 29.0´ E period 10s fl. 2s, ec. 8s

29 9

W. R. G.

7 Framework mast, white 5 rectangular daymark. 4

G. 313°-349°, W.-009°, R.075°, G.-090°, G. (unintensified)-155°, W. (unintensified)-268°, R.313°. Fishing light.

56° 06.0´ N Oc.R. 15° 29.0´ E period 3s

27 8


6 Post, triangular daymark.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


7548 - -Rear, 250 meters 343° from front.

56° 06.2´ N Oc.R. 15° 28.6´ E period 3s

40 12

6 Post, triangular daymark.

7552 -Garpaviken.

56° 06.0´ N Q.W. 15° 29.0´ E

16 5

6 Post.

7556 -Stumholmen (Karlskrona) Range, front.

56° 09.5´ N Iso.R. 15° 35.8´ E period 6s

71 22

16 White tower; 79.

7560 - -Rear, 1.3 km. 012°30′ from front.

56° 10.2´ N Iso.R. 15° 36.1´ E period 3s

123 37

16 White tower; 50.

7564 -Vastra Forsankningen.

56° 06.5´ N Fl.(4)W.R.G. 15° 34.5´ E period 8s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1s fl. 0.5s, ec. 3s

C 7454.1

C 7454.3

C 7460

C 7460.1

C 7446

-RACON 7566 -Ostra Forsankningen.

20 6

W. R. G.

K(– • –) period 30s

8 Red and white dolphin. 6 Floodlit. 5


W. 003°-015°30′, R.-031°, G.204°, W.-216°30′, R.350°, G.-003°.


56° 06.5´ N Q.G. 15° 34.9´ E

16 5

56° 06.5´ N F.R.G. 15° 35.4´ E

18 5

R. G.

56° 08.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 15° 36.0´ E period 3s

65 20

W. 11 Gray tower on fort. R. 8 G. 7

G. 003°-013°30′, W.-017°30′, R.-028°30′, G.-056°, R.073°30′, G.-079°30′, W.082°30′, R.-125°30′, G.137°, W.-139°30′, R.144°, G.-189°, R.-197°, G.-234°, W.-242°, R.302°, G.-330°, R.-003°. Lighted 24 hours Nov. 1 thru Mar. 31.

56° 09.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 15° 33.0´ E period 9s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1s fl. 0.5s, ec. 5.5s

20 6

W. R. G.

5 White hut. 3 3

G. 006°-047°, W.-050°, R.071°, G.-112°, R.-181°, G.-251°, R.-303°, G.328°, W.-331°, R.-006°.

56° 09.6´ N Q.W.R.G. 15° 34.0´ E

11 4

W. R. G.

8 Framework tower; 20. 5 Floodlit. 4

G. 308°-320°12′, R.-326°30′, G.-011°42′, W.-014°06′, R.-028°42′, G.-052°36′, R.-121°.

56° 08.0´ N F.W.R.G. 15° 38.0´ E

19 6

W. R. G.

6 Post. 4 3

G. 304°-326°, W.-333°, R.050°30′, G.-072°, W.126°, R.-140°. Occasional.

7588 -Laboratorieholm, at Karlskrona.

56° 10.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 15° 36.0´ E period 4s

35 11

W. 10 White concrete and iron tower; R. 7 36. G. 6

7592 -Kofferdihamnen Range, front.

56° 10.0´ N Q.R. 15° 36.0´ E

33 10

7 Post.

7596 - -Rear, 95 meters 300° from front.

56° 09.9´ N Q.R. 15° 38.5´ E

42 13

7 Post.

7600 -Vamoviken Range, front, Vammoviken.

56° 10.0´ N F.R. 15° 36.0´ E

13 4

7 White dolphin, red triangular daymark, point up.

7604 - -Rear, 172 meters 321° from front.

56° 10.3´ N F.R. 15° 36.4´ E

23 7

7 Post, red triangular daymark, point down.

7608 -Oljehamn Range, front.

56° 10.0´ N Iso.R. 15° 36.0´ E period 4s

10 3

7 Post, white triangular daymark, point up.

56° 10.1´ N Iso.R. 15° 35.9´ E period 4s

20 6

7 Post, white triangular daymark, point down.

C 7447

7568 -Kungsholmen. C 7448

7572 -Godnatt, in Karlsdrona Road. C 7449

7576 Bergaholmen. C 7450

7580 -Saltohammar. C 7452

7584 -Aspeskar. C 7450.5

C 7462

C 7464

C 7468

C 7472

7612 - -Rear, 92 meters 279°30′ from front.

C 7472.1



Visible 359°-215°.

6 Framework structure. 5 Floodlit.

R. 151°30′-204°, G.-151°30′.

G. 125°-147°, R.-160°, G.240°, W.-247°30′, R.260°, G.-281°, W.-283°, R.-313°, G.-326°, W.338°, R.-350°. Lighted daytime during poor visibility Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


7616 Verko, W. side. C 7476

7620 -Nattraby. C 7480

7624 Drottningskar. C 7448.2

7628 Djupasund.

56° 10.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 15° 38.0´ E period 6s fl. 1s, ec. 1s fl. 1s, ec. 3s

27 8

W. R. G.

7 White masonry tower, white 5 rectangular daymark. 4

56° 11.0´ N Fl.R. 15° 33.0´ E period 3s

6 2

8 Lantern on red frame mounted on dolphin.

56° 07.0´ N F.G. 15° 34.0´ E

9 3

3 White column on pedestal.

G. 017°-023°, W.-029°, R.035°30′. Lighted daytime during poor visibility Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.

Visible 233°-263°. Occasional.

56° 06.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 15° 38.0´ E period 4s lt. 0.8s, ec. 3.2s

23 7

W. 12 White hut. R. 9 G. 8

G. shore-011°30′, W.013°30′, R.-shore.

56° 06.0´ N F.W.R.G. 15° 38.0´ E

23 7

W. 11 Wooden post, white triangular R. 8 daymark, point up. G. 7

R. shore-342°, G.-008°, W.011°, R.-shore. Fishing light. Occasional.

7636 -Rear, 120 meters 009° from front.

56° 06.3´ N F.W. 15° 38.0´ E

49 15

11 Wooden post, white triangular daymark, point down.

7640 Ekenabbens Fiskehamn Range, front.

56° 06.0´ N F.R. 15° 38.0´ E

19 6

2 Lamppost, white triangular daymark.

Fishing light.

7644 -Rear, 60 meters 143° from front.

56° 06.1´ N F.R. 15° 38.5´ E

25 8

2 Lamppost, white triangular daymark.

Fishing light.

7648 Flotjen.

56° 02.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 15° 46.0´ E period 3s

34 10

W. R. G.

6 White tower; 33. 4 3

R. 337°-009°30′, G.-035°, W.052°30′, R.-111°, R. 180°-203°, G.-273°, R.292°. Sectors from 337°-180° intensified. Fishing light.

56° 03.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 15° 47.0´ E

21 6

W. R. G.

4 White hut. 3 2

R. 334°-355°, G.-062°, W.069°, R.-105°, G.-174°, W.-178°, R.-261°. Fishing light.

56° 02.0´ N F.R. 15° 47.0´ E

19 6

6 Post.

Fishing light.

7660 -Rear, 200 meters 178° from front.

56° 01.7´ N F.R. 15° 46.8´ E

33 10

6 Post.

Fishing light.

7664 Langoren Range, front.

56° 04.0´ N Iso.W. 15° 49.0´ E period 4s

15 5

7 Framework mast, rectangular daymark, black triangular daymark, point up.

7668 -Rear, 300 meters 307° from front.

56° 04.0´ N Q.W. 15° 49.3´ E

25 8

6 Framework mast, rectangular daymark, black triangular daymark, point down.

7672 Hommenabben Range, front.

56° 04.0´ N Iso.R. 15° 50.0´ E period 4s

15 5

5 Framework mast, red triangular daymark.

7676 -Rear, 375 meters 160° from front.

56° 03.6´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 15° 49.8´ E period 9s

25 8

W. R. G.

6 Framework mast, red triangular 4 daymark. 3

G. 250°-286°, W.-320°, R.002°.

7680 Torhamn.

56° 06.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 15° 50.0´ E period 3s

20 6

W. R. G.

4 Framework mast, white 3 rectangular daymark. 2

G. 001°-013°30′, W.-016°30′, R.-044°.

56° 02.0´ N F.W. 15° 48.0´ E

20 6


Fishing light.

56° 02.4´ N F.W. 15° 48.4´ E

26 8


Fishing light.

C 7451.7

7632 Tjurko Range, front. C 7451.4

C 7451.5

C 7451

C 7451.1

C 7438.8

7652 Flundrebaden. C 7438.4

7656 Stenshamn Range, front. C 7439

C 7439.1

C 7434

C 7434.1

C 7436

C 7436.1

C 7432

7684 Ungskar Range, front. C 7438

7688 -Rear, 50 meters 300° from front.

C 7438.1


Visible on range line only. Fishing light.

Section 6 Baltic Sea - East Coast of Sweden and Gotland Including Oland

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


7692 Mocklosundbron Swingbridge.

56° 08.0´ N Q.R.G. 15° 45.0´ E

7696 Utklippan.

55° 57.2´ N Fl.W. 15° 42.1´ E period 15s

101 31

Fl.(2)W.R.G. period 6s

98 30

C 7442

Auxiliary light.

Bridge signal lights shown from roof of operators′ hut.

When bridge is open a Q.G. light is shown; R. flashes mean ‘‘Stop.'' Ships call bridge operator by sounding 2 long and 1 short blast when desiring passage. Should 2 vessels meet at the bridge the one going westward has the right-of-way.

24 Red tower on fort; 98. 10

G. 134°-140°, R.-189°, G.233°, W.-240°, R.-299°, W.-134°.

UTKLIPPAN FISHING HARBOR: 7700 -E. entrance to harbor, S. pier, head.

55° 57.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 15° 42.0´ E period 3s

26 8

7704 -Utklippans Hamn, W.

55° 57.3´ N Fl.(3)W. 15° 42.1´ E period 9s

26 8

56° 01.0´ N Oc.(2)W.R.G. 15° 47.0´ E period 12s lt. 8s, ec. 1s lt. 2s, ec. 1s

42 13

56° 05.5´ N F.R. 15° 51.5´ E

18 5

8 White post, red triangular daymark.

Fishing light.

7716 -Rear, 500 meters 344°30′ from front.

56° 05.8´ N F.R. 15° 51.4´ E

41 12

8 White post, red triangular daymark.

Fishing light.

7717 Windmotor No. 1.

56° 09.6´ N Fl.Y. 16° 01.3´ E period 5s

33 10


C 7444

C 7445

7708 Utlangan. C 7440

7712 Sandhamn Range, front. C 7431

C 7431.1

C 7428.2

W. R. G.

4 White post on white hut. 2 2 White post on white pedestal.

7717.1 -No. 5.

Fishing light.

W. 15 White octagonal lantern on G. 224°30′-232°, W.-011°, R.R. 12 round concrete tower, upper 022°30′, G.-053°, W.G. 10 part black, lower white; 42. 107°30′, R.-115°, G.135°.


C 7428.1

G. 239°-264°, W.-269°, R.300°. Fishing light.

On top of structure. Windmotors no. 2-4 marked by F.R. lights.

56° 10.5´ N Fl.Y. 16° 01.3´ E period 5s

33 10



On top of structure.

OLAND: 7720 -Olands Sodra Udde. C 7280

56° 12.0´ N Fl.(2)W. 16° 24.0´ E period 30s

135 41


7724 -Olands Sodra Grund. C 7284

-RACON 7728 -Grasgard Range, front. C 7276

62 19

56° 04.2´ N L.Fl.W. 16° 41.2´ E period 8s

108 33

O(– – –) period 30s

26 White round stone tower, black band; 136. W. 19 R. 15 G. 14

Shown by day in low visibility Nov. 1 to Mar. 31. G. 153°30′-159°, W.-167°30′, R.-shore.

9 Black tower, red bands, gray base; 115. Helicopter platform.

Marked by four Q.W. lights.


56° 19.0´ N F.R. 16° 32.0´ E

19 6


White skeleton structure, white triangular daymark.

Fishing light.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


7732 - -Rear, 95 meters 322° 30′ from front.

56° 19.0´ N F.R. 16° 31.9´ E

33 10

7736 -Segerstad.

56° 22.0´ N L.Fl.(3)W.R.G. 16° 34.0´ E period 20s fl. 2.5s, ec. 2.5s fl. 2.5s, ec. 2.5s fl. 2.5s, ec. 7.5s

69 21

56° 37.0´ N F.R. 16° 42.0´ E

10 3

3 Lantern on post, white triangular daymark, black border.

7738 - -Rear, 95 meters 310° from front.

56° 37.4´ N F.R. 16° 41.9´ E

20 6

3 Lantern on post, white triangular daymark, black border.

7740 -Kapelludden.

56° 49.0´ N L.Fl.W. 16° 51.0´ E period 10s fl. 2s, ec. 8s

97 30

12 Red iron tower; 104.

56° 57.0´ N Q.R. 16° 53.0´ E

20 6

10 Pole, white triangular daymark, red border.

Fishing lights. Synchronized. Shown Sept. 1 to May 31.

7748 - -Rear, 180 meters 289° from front.

56° 57.5´ N Oc.R. 16° 52.8´ E period 5s

36 11

10 Pole, white triangular daymark, red border.

Fishing light. Shown Sept. 1 to May 31.

7752 -Hogby.

57° 09.0´ N L.Fl.(2)W. 17° 03.0´ E period 12s fl. 2s, ec. 2s fl. 2s, ec. 6s

71 22

12 White framework tower; 75.

C 7276.1

C 7274

7737 -Blasinge Range, front. C 7272

C 7272.1

C 7270

7744 -Karehamn Range, front. C 7268

C 7268.1

C 7266

7756 -Olands Norra Udde. C 7260

7760 -Grankullaviken Range, front.

57° 22.0´ N Fl.(4)W. 17° 06.0´ E period 15s fl. 0.4s, ec. 2.1s fl. 0.4s, ec. 2.1s fl. 0.4s, ec. 2.1s fl. 0.4s, ec. 7.1s

Black skeleton structure, black triangular daymark. W. 12 White round stone tower; 72. R. 10 G. 8

103 31

14 White round stone tower; 105.

57° 20.6´ N F.G. 17° 05.4´ E

33 10

9 Mast, triangular daymark, black border.

57° 20.4´ N F.G. 17° 05.3´ E

52 16

9 Mast, triangular daymark, black border.

7768 -Kristianopel Fishing Range, front.

56° 16.0´ N F.R. 16° 03.0´ E

29 9

4 Post, white triangular daymark.

7772 - -Rear, 225 meters 312° from front.

56° 15.5´ N F.R. 16° 02.5´ E

46 14

4 Post, white triangular daymark.

7774 -Windmotor, S.

56° 21.2´ N Fl.Y. 16° 16.4´ E period 3s

33 10


C 7262

7764 - -Rear, 400 meters 219°12′ from front.

C 7262.1

Fishing light. G. shore-206°, W.-006°, R.shore. Shown 24 hours Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.

Visible 048°-318°.


C 7422.1

C 7421.2

F.R. 7776 -Garpen. C 7416

Fishing lights.

On top of structure.

56° 23.4´ N Oc.W.R.G. 16° 07.9´ E period 8s

87 27

W. 16 Gray concrete tower; 88. R. 13 G. 12

56° 22.4´ N L.Fl.W.R.G. 16° 15.4´ E period 8s

95 29

W. R. G.

R. 201°-210°, G.-253°30′, W.270°, R.-307°, W.-004°, R.-027°, obsc.-088°, W. (unintensified)-128°30′.

-Utgrunden: 7780 - -Utgrunden, 8.3 kilometers 102°30′ from Garpen.

C 7420


295 90

N(– •) period 30s


8 Mast on top of orange structure; G. 316°06′-348°, W.-019°54′, 5 216. R.-057°36′, obsc.-132°, 4 G.-185°, W.-193°06′, R.231°36′. On top of mast.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


7782 - - -Windmotor T1. C 7421.2

56° 20.1´ N Fl.Y. 16° 17.1´ E period 3s

33 10


4 windmotors marked on top by F.R. lights between Windmotor T1 and Windmotor T7.

F.R. 7782.2 - - -Windmotor T4. C 7421.11

On top of structure.

56° 20.7´ N Fl.Y. 16° 17.0´ E period 3s

33 10


F.R. 7783 - -Windmotor T7. C 7421

On top of structure.

56° 21.2´ N Fl.Y. 16° 16.4´ E period 3s

33 10


F.R. 7784 -Gronhogen Range, front.

On top of structure.

56° 16.0´ N Iso.R. 16° 24.0´ E period 3s

26 8

9 Post, yellow triangular daymark, red border, point up.

56° 15.9´ N Iso.R. 16° 24.2´ E period 3s

43 13

9 Post, yellow triangular daymark, red border, point down.

56° 21.0´ N Iso.W. 16° 25.0´ E period 4s

54 16

8 Post, white triangular daymark, point up, black border.

7796 - - -Rear, 215 meters 052° from front.

56° 20.8´ N Q.W. 16° 24.8´ E

77 23

8 Post, white triangular daymark, point down, black border.

7800 - -Inner Range, front.

56° 21.0´ N F.R. 16° 25.0´ E

26 8

7 Post, yellow triangular daymark, 2 F.R. lights in line 018° and 2 point up, black border. F.G. lights in line 018° mark sides of fairway.

56° 21.3´ N F.R. 16° 24.5´ E

39 12

7 Post, yellow triangular daymark, point down, black border.

56° 23.5´ N Q.W.R.G. 16° 05.4´ E

26 8

7812 - - -Rear, 300 meters 302° from front.

56° 23.6´ N Iso.R. 16° 05.4´ E period 4s

7816 - -Outer Range, front.

C 7425

7788 - - -Rear, 80 meters 054° from front.

C 7425.1

-Degerhamn: 7792 - -S. Range, front. C 7402

C 7402.1

C 7400

7804 - - -Rear, 65 meters 018° from front.

C 7400.1

-Bergkvara: 7808 - -Dalskar Range, front.

7 Gray structure, red triangular 5 daymark. 4

G. 295°-300°,48' R.-327°, G.334°, W.-344°06', R.347°30′.

47 14

7 Gray structure, red triangular daymark.

Visible on range line only.

56° 23.0´ N F.R. 16° 06.0´ E

29 9

4 White beacon, white square daymark.

7820 - - -Rear, 200 meters 263°30′ from front.

56° 22.7´ N F.R. 16° 05.5´ E

49 15

4 Gray skeleton structure, black and white square daymark on a triangular platform.

7824 - -Inner Range, front.

56° 23.1´ N F.G. 16° 05.7´ E

11 3

3 Storehouse.

7828 - - -Rear, 35 meters 331° from front.

56° 23.1´ N F.G. 16° 05.7´ E

18 5

3 Storehouse.

7832 - -E. quay of harbor Range, front.

56° 32.0´ N F.R. 16° 23.0´ E

29 9

8 Skeleton structure, orange triangular daymark, black border.

7836 - - -Rear, 200 meters 127°30′ from front light.

56° 31.7´ N F.R. 16° 22.8´ E

55 17

8 Iron skeleton structure, orange triangular daymark, black border, point down.

7844 -Skansgrundet.

56° 39.0´ N Oc.(2)W.R.G. 16° 23.0´ E period 20s lt. 13s, ec. 2s lt. 3s, ec. 2s

59 18

56° 39.0´ N F.R. 16° 28.0´ E

13 4

C 7408

C 7408.1

C 7410

C 7410.1

C 7412

C 7412.1

C 7394

C 7394.1

C 7390

7848 - -N. breakwater, head. C 7378


W. R. G.

W. 15 Black tower, green band, gray R. 12 conical base; 64. G. 11

White post.

W. 197°-202°30′, R.-215°, G.217°, R.-249°, G.-256°, R.-008°, G.-019°, W.024°30′, R.-032°, G.058°, R.-150°, G.-197°. Lighted daytime during poor visibility Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


7852 - -S. breakwater, head.

56° 39.0´ N F.G. 16° 28.0´ E

13 4

56° 39.7´ N Q.R. 16° 22.2´ E

26 8

8 Framework tower, red and white daymark.

7868 - - -Rear, 50 meters 277° from front.

56° 39.7´ N Iso.R. 16° 22.1´ E period 4s

36 11

8 Framework tower, red and white daymark.

7872 -Huvudet.

56° 40.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 16° 23.1´ E period 4s

19 6

W. R. G.

56° 40.3´ N Fl.W.R.G. 16° 23.4´ E period 3s

19 6

W. 10 Red tower, black band; 23. R. 7 Floodlit. G. 6

56° 41.4´ N Oc.(2)W.R.G. 16° 24.3´ E period 8s

34 10

W. W. R. G.

C 7380

White post.

-Kalmar: 7864 - -Harbor entrance Range, front. C 7360

C 7360.1

C 7358.4

7876 -Osvallsgrundet. C 7358

7880 -Krongrundet. C 7352

7884 -Olands Bridge, center. C 7354

-RACON 7888 - -N. side.

56° 40.7´ N F.W. 16° 23.4´ E

128 39

(• • • • • • •)

9 Red tower, black band; 23. 7 Floodlit. 6

W. 203°-206°, R.-227°, W. (unintensified)-317°30′, G.-007°, W.-023°, R.056°, G.-100°, R.-194°, G.-203°. W. 203°-209°, R.-215°, W. (unintensified)-301°30′ R.-338°, G.-015°30′, W.024°, R.-127°, G.-203°.

15 White tower, green and back W. 023°-031°, R.-058°, G.10 band, gray conical base; 38. 104°, W.-184°, R.-214°, 12 Floodlit. G.-222°30′, W.-226°30′, 10 R.-284°, G.-023°. Shown 24 hours Nov. 1 to Mar. 31. 3

On N. and S. sides.


56° 40.7´ N F.R. 16° 23.7´ E

118 36


56° 40.7´ N F.G. 16° 23.8´ E

118 36


56° 40.7´ N F.R. 16° 23.7´ E

118 36


56° 40.7´ N F.G. 16° 23.8´ E

118 36


C 7356

56° 41.2´ N F.R. 16° 22.4´ E

15 5

9 Post, white triangular daymark, point up.

7902.1 - -Rear, 560 meters 251° from front.

56° 41.1´ N F.R. 16° 21.7´ E

34 10

9 Post, white triangular daymark, point down.

56° 43.7´ N Q.W.R.G. 16° 28.2´ E

33 10

W. 14 Black tower, orange top, gray R. 11 base; 36. G. 10 Floodlit.

W. 042°-047°, R.-072°, G.124°, R.-190°, G.-224°, W.-231°, R.-238°, G.042°.

56° 44.7´ N L.Fl.(2)W.R.G. 16° 31.1´ E period 12s fl. 2s, ec. 2s fl. 2s, ec. 6s

24 7

W. 13 White concrete and iron tower; R. 10 22. G. 9

G. 044°-053°, W.-057°, R.070°, R. (unintensified)088°, G. (unintensified)150°, G.-166°, W.-191°, R.-198°30′.

56° 39.0´ N Iso.R. 16° 28.0´ E period 1.5s

12 4

2 Post, white triangular daymark.


7916 - - -Rear, 140 meters 103° from front.

56° 39.0´ N Iso.R. 16° 28.0´ E period 1.5s

29 9

2 Post, white triangular daymark, point down.

F.R. and F.G. lights mark breakwater heads.

7920 -Olandskablarnas South Limit Range, front.

56° 45.0´ N F.R. 16° 32.0´ E

26 8

9 Yellow structure, yellow triangular daymark.

7924 - -Rear, 60 meters 122° from front.

56° 45.0´ N F.R. 16° 31.6´ E

42 13

9 Yellow structure, yellow triangular daymark, point down.

7928 -Stora Ror Range, front.

56° 45.0´ N F.G. 16° 32.0´ E

24 7

7 Post, orange triangular daymark, red border.

C 7354.2

7892 - - -E. light. C 7354.4

7896 - -S. side, W. C 7354.6

7900 - - -E. C 7354.8

7902 -Svensknabban Range, front.

C 7356.1

7904 -Masknaggen. C 7350

7908 -Ispeudde. C 7349

-Farjestaden: 7912 - -Range, front. C 7370

C 7370.1

C 7348

C 7348.1

C 7346


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


7932 - -Rear, 35 meters 085° from front.

56° 45.4´ N F.G. 16° 31.8´ E

33 10

7 Post, orange triangular daymark, red border, point down.

7944 -Olandskablarnas North Limit Range, front.

56° 47.0´ N F.R. 16° 30.0´ E

26 8

9 Yellow structure, yellow triangular daymark.

7948 - -Rear, 75 meters 298° from front.

56° 46.8´ N F.R. 16° 28.7´ E

42 13

9 Yellow structure, yellow triangular daymark, point down.

7952 -Sillasen.

56° 46.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 16° 30.0´ E period 6s

65 20

56° 53.0´ N F.R. 16° 39.0´ E

23 7

2 Metal framework structure, white triangular daymark, red border.

7964 - - -Rear, 200 meters 111° from front.

56° 52.7´ N F.R. 16° 39.2´ E

42 13

2 Metal framework structure, white triangular daymark, red border.

7968 - -Inner harbor Range, front.

56° 53.0´ N F.G. 16° 39.0´ E

23 7

2 Green framework tower, white top.

7972 - - -Rear, 80 meters 081° from front.

56° 52.9´ N F.G. 16° 39.1´ E

32 10

2 Green framework tower, white top.

7976 -Slottsbredan.

56° 55.7´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 16° 36.3´ E period 6s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4s

65 20

57° 00.1´ N Iso.W. 16° 32.0´ E period 3s

17 5

15 White shed, red rectangular daymark, white stripe.

Visible on range line only.

7984 - - -Rear, 300 meters 270°30′ from front.

57° 00.1´ N Q.W. 16° 31.7´ E

41 12

15 White shed, red rectangular daymark, white stripe.

Visible on range line.

7988 - -Karshamnsgrund Range, front.

57° 01.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 16° 32.0´ E period 4s

7992 - - -Rear, Echeloskar, 2.7 kilometers 309° from front.

57° 01.4´ N V.Q.W. 16° 30.2´ E

26 8

7996 -Damman.

57° 03.0´ N L.Fl.W.R.G. 16° 42.0´ E period 8s

66 20

C 7346.1

C 7342

C 7342.1

C 7340

Intensified on range line.

W. 16 White masonry tower, lower part G. 190°30′-196°30′, W.-200°, R. 13 black, gray conical base; 70. R.-264°30′, G.-356°, W.G. 12 008°30′, R.-033°, G.046°, R.-190°30′. Shown by day during poor visibility Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.

-Borgholmen: 7960 - -Outer harbor Range, front. C 7336

C 7336.1

C 7338

C 7338.1

C 7332

W. R. G.

8 Black tower, gray conical base, 6 green band; 70. 5

G. 184°-202°, W.-208°, R.359°, G.-018°, W.-022°, R.-048°, G.-098°, R.184°.

-Monsteras Channel: 7980 - -Okno Range, front. C 7328

C 7328.1

C 7330

C 7330.1

C 7324

-RACON 8000 -Sandvik Range, front.

9 3

W. R. G.

4 Iron column on stone base. 2 2

W. 132°-085°, G.-100°, W.114°30′, R.-132°.

4 Post.

Visible 229°-317°.

W. 10 Orange tower, black band, R. 7 masonry base; 69. G. 6

B(– • • •) period 30s

W. 169°-209°, R.-010°, G.021°, W.-024°30′, R.120°, G.-169°. Shown by day from Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.

57° 04.0´ N F.R. 16° 52.0´ E

24 7

7 Post, yellow triangular daymark, red border.

8004 - -Rear, 85 meters 084° from front.

57° 04.1´ N F.R. 16° 51.5´ E

36 11

7 Post, yellow triangular daymark, red border.

8008 -Asehorn Kalmarsud Range, front.

57° 07.0´ N Oc.R. 16° 32.0´ E period 6s lt. 4.5s, ec. 1.5s

75 23

9 Red framework tower, red triangular daymark; 66.

8012 - -Rear, 800 meters 212° from front.

57° 06.4´ N Oc.R. 16° 31.5´ E period 6s lt. 4.5s, ec. 1.5s

128 39

9 Red framework tower, red triangular daymark; 105.

Synchronized with front.

8016 -Bokoskar Range, front.

57° 06.4´ N Iso.W.R.G. 16° 33.9´ E period 3s

13 4

7 Post, red triangular daymark.

R. 057°-135°, G.-155°, W.159°30′, R.-174°.

57° 06.0´ N Q.W. 16° 34.2´ E

59 18

7 Red and white framework tower, Visible on range line only. red triangular daymark.

C 7326

C 7326.1

C 7318

C 7318.1

C 7320

8020 - -Rear, 820 meters 158° from front.

C 7320.1


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


8022 -Norsto Range, front.

57° 07.0´ N Q.W. 16° 33.7´ E

23 7

Framework mast, red rectangular daymark, yellow band; 20.

57° 07.1´ N Oc.W. 16° 33.7´ E period 6s

30 9

Framework mast, red rectangular daymark, yellow band; 23.

57° 10.0´ N F.R. 16° 28.0´ E

19 6

2 Rectangular daymark.


8036 - -Rear, 110 meters 269° 30′ from front.

57° 09.7´ N F.R. 16° 27.9´ E

49 15

2 Rectangular daymark.


8048 -Bla Junfrun, W. side.

57° 15.0´ N L.Fl.(2)W.R.G. 16° 47.0´ E period 12s fl. 2s, ec. 2s fl. 2s, ec. 6s

37 11

W. R. G.

8 Tower, white top, red bottom; 19. W. shore-012°, R.-050°, G.6 099°, W.-102°, R.-135°, 5 G.-182°, W.-211°, R.shore.

57° 16.6´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 16° 38.2´ E period 6s

45 14

W. R. G.

8 White iron tower, black band, 6 white cupola, gray conical 5 base; 51.

G. 156°-215°, W.-228°, R.239°, G.-253°, W.264°30′, R.-290°30′, W.034°30′, R.-081°30′, G.088°, W.-090°, R.-117°, obsc.-156°.

57° 18.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 16° 36.0´ E

19 6

W. R. G.

5 White tower; 19. 3 3

G. 235°-270°, W.-295°, R.340°, G.-076°30′, W.078°, R.-090°. Fishing light.

57° 17.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 16° 30.9´ E period 10s lt. 8s, ec. 2s

23 7

W. 14 Red hut, red triangular daymark. R. 264°-282°, G.-288°, W.R. 11 290°30′, R.-318°, G.G. 10 339°, R.-055°. Shown by day Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.

8072 - -Rear, 750 meters 289° from front.

57° 17.1´ N Oc.W. 16° 30.3´ E period 10s

59 18

8076 -Oskarshaman Range, common front.

57° 16.3´ N Iso.W.R.G. 16° 28.9´ E period 4s

35 11

8078 - -W. Range, rear, 650 meters 271° from common front.

57° 16.3´ N Q.W. 16° 28.3´ E

98 30

14 Framework tower, red triangular daymark.

8080 - -Grimskallen, N. Range, rear 360 meters 321° from common front.

57° 16.4´ N Q.W. 16° 28.6´ E

79 24

12 White framework tower, red triangular daymark.

8084 -Arnemar Range, front.

57° 16.0´ N Mo.(N)W.R.G. 16° 30.0´ E period 10s

26 8

W. 12 Red triangular daymark. R. 9 G. 8

R. 211°-242°, G.-244°, W.245°30′, R.-247°, G.251°30′, R.-268°30′. Shown by day Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.

8088 - -Rear, 425 meters 245° from front.

57° 15.5´ N Mo.(N)W.R.G. 16° 29.2´ E period 10s

49 15

W. 12 Red rectangular daymark. R. 9 G. 8

R. 156°-171°, G.-191°30′, W.195°, R.-215°, W.-range line. Shown by day Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.

8092 -Ovadersudden Range, front.

57° 16.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 16° 29.0´ E period 3s

19 6

W. 10 Orange pole. R. 7 G. 6

G. 136°-232°, W.-236°, R.244°, G.-251°.

8096 - -Rear, 208 meters 234° from front.

57° 15.7´ N F.G. 16° 28.4´ E

39 12

8100 -Badholmen.

57° 15.9´ N Dir.Q.W.R.G. 16° 27.5´ E

26 8

C 7321

8022.1 - -Rear, 011° from front. C 7321.1

8032 -Paskallavik Range, front. C 7317

C 7317.1

C 7308

8052 -Finnrevet. C 7292

8064 -Rodskar. C 7290

8068 -Tillingeo Range, front. C 7295

C 7295.1

C 7296

C 7296.1

C 7295.9

C 7299

C 7299.1

C 7298

C 7298.1

C 7300


14 Red triangular daymark, point down. W. 14 White lantern on red frame. R. 9 G. 8

Shown by day Nov. 1 to Mar. 31. Synchronized with front. G. 264°30′-270°, W.-272°30′, R.-293°, W. 312°30′326°30′. Shown by day Nov. 1 to Mar. 31. Intensified on range line.

9 Post, orange triangular daymark, point up. W. R. G.

9 Lantern on white platform. 6 5

G. 245°-281°, W.-287°, R.320°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


8104 -Stotbotten. C 7295.5

-RACON 8108 -Tokenasudde.

57° 16.5´ N Iso.W.R.G. 16° 33.4´ E period 8s

39 12

W. 13 Red tower on gray cement base; W. 287°-289°30′, R.-313°, G.R. 10 42. 345°30′, R.-075°30′, G.G. 9 Floodlit. 099°, R.-159°, G.-243°, R.-274°30′, G.-287°. Shown by day Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.

O(– – –) period 30s


57° 19.0´ N L.Fl.W.R.G. 17° 00.0´ E period 10s

23 7

57° 19.7´ N F.G. 17° 00.5´ E

25 8

4 White post, red triangular daymark. Floodlit.

8120 - -Rear, 242 meters 125° from front.

57° 19.4´ N F.G. 17° 00.7´ E

46 14

4 On roof, red triangular daymark.

8124 Grottlan.

57° 24.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 16° 40.0´ E period 6s

16 5

57° 24.5´ N Iso.R. 16° 40.8´ E period 4s

36 11

12 Mast, red rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

8126 - -Rear, 370 meters 267° from front.

57° 24.5´ N Iso.R. 16° 40.1´ E period 4s

56 17

12 Mast, red rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

8144 Soen.

57° 27.6´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 16° 44.6´ E period 9s

16 5

W. R. G.

6 White lantern, red roof. 4 3

R. 180°-199°, W.-227°, R.330°, G.-341°, W.-343°, R.-006°, G.-029°.

8148 Galtbadan, 1.9 kilometers 016° from Soen light.

57° 29.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 16° 45.0´ E

19 6

W. R. G.

4 White hut on black base. 3 2

G. 003°-008°, W.-011°, R.073°30′, W. (unintensified)-156°, G.169°, R.-177°.

8150 Vino Bredhall.

57° 30.0´ N I.V.Q.W.R.G. 16° 45.9´ E period 6s

32 10

W. R. G.

5 White tower, black band, black 3 base. 3

G. 120°-139°30', obsc.140°30', W.-143°, R.160°.

57° 30.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 16° 44.0´ E period 4s

7 2

W. R. G.

6 White wooden hut. 4 3

G. 170°30′-192°, W.-205°, R.226°, G.(unintensified)298°, obsc.-348°30′, G.355°30′, W.-356°30′, R.360°, obsc.-170°30′.

57° 30.8´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 16° 46.2´ E period 6s

44 13

W. R. G.

8 White octagonal tower, black 5 base; 30. 4

G. 255°-271°, W.-291°, R.312°, G.-345°, R.-353°, G.-068°, R.-099°.

57° 30.8´ N Fl.W.R.G. 16° 44.1´ E period 3s

23 7

W. R. G.

7 White octagonal iron hut, wide 5 median red band, on 4 concrete tower, black base; 22. Floodlit.

G. 181°-273°30′, W.-276°, R.305°, G.-349°.

57° 33.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 16° 42.0´ E period 4s

17 5

W. R. G.

7 White hut, green roof. 5 4

G. 309°-322°, W.-323°, R.050°, G.-131°, W.-135°, R.-145°, obsc.-309°.

57° 34.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 16° 41.0´ E

17 5

W. R. G.

5 White structure. 3 Floodlit. 3

R. 237°-343°, G.-351°, W.359°, R.-041°.

57° 33.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 16° 41.0´ E period 3s

13 4

W. R. G.

6 White hut. 4 Floodlit. 3

G. 084°-218°, W.-228°, R.288°30′.

57° 33.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 16° 41.0´ E period 6s

23 7

W. R. G.

6 White hut. 4 Floodlit. 4

G. 354°-080°30′, W.-083°, R.173°30′, G.-206°, W.208°30′, R.-218°.

C 7288

8116 -Byxelkrok Range, front. C 7287

C 7287.1

C 7146

8125 -Simpevarp Range, front. C 7147

C 7147.1

C 7140

C 7138

C 7137

8152 Eko. C 7136

8160 Strupo Ljunskar. C 7132

8164 Vinokrakan. C 7130

RACON 8172 Mannen. C 7124

8176 Mellanhall. C 7122

8180 Lilla Bergo, N. point. C 7120

8184 Tunnholmen. C 7118

W. 12 White round metal tower, square G. shore-042°, W.-190°, R.R. 9 base. shore. G. 8

W. 10 Red structure on white base, R. 7 floodlit; 7. G. 6

G. 182°30′-237°, W.-245°30′, R.-252°, G.-264°30′, R.351°, obsc.-182°30′. Fishing light.

Synchronized with front.

G(– – •) period 30s


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


8188 Vastra Ekno Range, front.

57° 35.0´ N Iso.R. 16° 43.0´ E period 4s

23 7

5 White hut, red triangular daymark. Floodlit.

8192 -Rear, 250 meters 234° from front.

57° 35.2´ N Iso.R. 16° 42.5´ E period 4s

40 12

7 White hut, red triangular daymark. Floodlit.

8196 Alhallen.

57° 36.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 16° 45.0´ E period 6s

37 11

W. R. G.

7 White octagonal iron hut on 5 concrete tower, black base; 4 21.

57° 40.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 16° 46.0´ E period 3s

28 9

W. R. G.

7 Red metal tower, white top, gray G. 170°-179°, W.-183°, R.5 bottom; 33. 223°, G.-235°, R.-254°, 4 G.-357°30′, W.-359°30′, R.-007°. Range lights 2 F.R., 85 meters apart 320°, shown at Handelops. Seasonal.

57° 40.2´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 16° 47.5´ E period 6s

25 8

W. R. G.

7 White tower, green band; 30. 5 4

57° 41.1´ N L.Fl.(2)W.R.G. 16° 54.2´ E period 15s fl. 2s, ec. 2s fl. 2s, ec. 9s

90 28

W. 10 Black tower, red band, white R. 7 lantern on gray base; 94. G. 6

C 7114

C 7114.1

C 7110

8200 Bussgrund. C 7108

8208 Hamnklabbshallan. C 7084

8212 Kungsgrundet. C 7078

RACON 8216 Ido Stangskar Range, front. C 7082

8218 -Sparo, Common rear. C 7081

8220 Stickskar Range, front. C 7080

8228 Ido. C 7086

K(– • –) period 30s


57° 40.3´ N Q.W.R.G. 16° 47.3´ E

42 13

57° 42.6´ N Iso.W. 16° 43.7´ E period 6s

118 36

W. R. G.

8 White hut, red base. 5 4

G. 053°-066°30′, W.-068°30′, R.-089°30′, G.-125°, W. (unintensified)-163°30′, G.-190°, W.-192°30′, R.200°.

R. 330°30′-343°30′, G.-074°, W.-081°30′, R.-109°, G.126°, W.-134°, R.139°30′. G. 122°-193°, W.-005°, R.048°, G.-088°30′, R.122°. (3 & 10 cm) G. 145°-150°, W.-152°, R.158°, R. (unintensified)302°, G.-321°, W.-324°, R.-338°. In line 323° with common rear.

14 White octagonal hut on concrete Shown by day in low visibility tower; 26. Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.

57° 43.3´ N Fl.W.R.G. 16° 45.2´ E period 1.5s

33 10

W. R. G.

7 White tower; 26. 4 3

G. 107°-108°18', R.-121°30', G.-189°48', G. 214°-229°, W.-240°, R.-280°, G.354°, W.-358°18', R.033°. In line 236° with common rear. Intensified on range line.

57° 42.8´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 16° 45.5´ E period 6s

23 7

W. R. G.

9 White lantern, green rectangular R. 359°36′-006°, G.-180°30′, 6 daymark. W.-182°54′, R.-188°48′, 5 Floodlit. G.-210°42′.

57° 44.9´ N Oc.W.R.G. 16° 44.5´ E period 10s lt. 8s, ec. 2s

46 14

W. 14 Red tower, black base; 49. R. 11 G. 10

LUSARNAFJARDEN: 8232 -Vasterbadan. C 7076

-RACON 8236 -Slado Ask. C 7074

8240 -Finnkarten. C 7072

B(– • • •) period 30s

G. 112°-133°30′, R.-157°, R. (unintensified)-220°, R.258°30′, G.-268°, W.269°30′, R.-309°, G.321°, R.-011°, G.-040°.


57° 47.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 16° 48.0´ E

29 9

W. R. G.

7 White tower, red base; 27. 5 4

R. 180°-273°, G.-012°, W.017°, R.-042°.

57° 47.0´ N Fl.(4)W.R.G. 16° 48.0´ E period 10s fl. 0.4s, ec. 1.2s fl. 0.4s, ec. 1.2s fl. 0.4s, ec. 1.2s fl. 0.4s, ec. 4.8s

34 10

W. R. G.

7 White tower, green base; 32. 5 4

G. 004°-020°, W.-025°, R.044°, G.-095°, R.-160°, G.-198°, W.-201°, R.220°.


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


8244 -Finnhallen.

57° 52.1´ N Fl.W.R.G. 16° 48.3´ E period 3s

29 9

8 White tower, red band; 29. 6 5

G. 173°-187°, W.-192°, R.250°, G.-338°, W.-342°, R.-356°.

57° 44.1´ N I.V.Q.Y. 16° 43.3´ E period 6s

13 4

3 Yellow pole; 13.

Visible 270°-030°. Radar reflector.

57° 43.5´ N Q.W.G. 16° 43.5´ E

16 5

6 Green tower, white band. 3

G. 142°-225°, obsc.-320°, W.038°.

8252 - -Rear, about 1 km. 205°06′ from front.

57° 44.0´ N Q.G. 16° 44.0´ E

52 16

3 Green tower, white band.

Visible on range line only.

8256 -Tallskarshalet Range, front.

57° 43.0´ N Q.R. 16° 44.0´ E

21 6

4 Lantern on red pedestal.

Visible on range line only.

8260 - -Rear, 780 meters 204°30′ from front.

57° 43.0´ N Q.R. 16° 43.1´ E

41 12

5 Lantern on red pedestal.

Visible on range line only.

8264 -Borgo (Torkelborgen), NW. point.

57° 44.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 16° 42.0´ E period 3s

16 5

6 White hut. 4 4

G. 142°-154°, W.-158°, R.175°, G.-188°, R.-224°, G.-264°, R.-267°.

8268 -Korphallan Range, front.

57° 43.9´ N Iso.W. 16° 41.1´ E period 4s

10 3

6 White hut.

8272 - -Rear, 180 meters 279° from front.

57° 43.9´ N Q.W. 16° 40.9´ E

24 7

6 White hut.

Visible 260°-283°.

8280 - -Vitudden.

57° 45.7´ N Oc.W.R.G. 16° 40.5´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

22 7

W. R. G.

6 White hut. 4 3

R. 324°-327°, G.-330°, W.333°, R.-344°, G.-347°, W.-350°, R.-028°.

8284 -Blockholmsundet, No. 1, N. side.

57° 46.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 16° 40.0´ E period 3s

18 5

W. R. G.

6 Green tower on gray base in the G. 280°-300°, W.-306°, R.4 water; 21. 120°. 3

8288 - -N. side, No. 2.

57° 46.0´ N Q.G. 16° 40.0´ E

16 5

3 Green pedestal gray base. Floodlit.

57° 45.0´ N Q.R. 16° 40.0´ E

16 5

3 Red pedestal, gray base. Floodlit.


57° 46.0´ N Q.R. 16° 40.0´ E

16 5

3 Red pedestal, gray base. Floodlit.


57° 45.0´ N F.R. 16° 40.0´ E

7 2

4 Pedestal; 7.

Shown Aug. 1 to Nov. 31.

C 7066

8247 -SE. Granso. C 7087.3

8248 -Tallskarshalet W. Range, front. C 7088

C 7088.1

C 7090

C 7090.1

C 7098

C 7096

C 7096.1

C 7100.1

C 7102

C 7103

8292 - -S. side, No. 3. C 7104

8296 - - -No. 4. C 7105

8300 -Trebroderssund. C 7099

8304 Storklappen.

W. R. G.

W. G.

W. R. G.

57° 50.6´ N L.Fl.W.R.G. 16° 51.0´ E period 10s fl. 2s, ec. 8s

67 20

W. 11 Gray and brown square tower; R. 8 49. G. 7

G. (unintensified) 063°-130°, G.-199°, W.-344°, R.040°, R. (unintensified)063°. Shown by day Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.

57° 50.3´ N Fl.W.R.G. 16° 48.8´ E period 3s

33 10

W. R. G.

8 White tower, black base; 19. 6 5

R. 170°-185°, G.-278°, W.297°30′, R.-311°, G.322°, W.-328°, R.-346°.

57° 53.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 16° 48.0´ E period 4s

15 5

W. R. G.

6 White hut, green band. 4 3

G. 311°-332°, W.-343°, R.086°, G.-187°, W.-189°, R.-207°.

8316 -Torroudd, rear, 402 meters 353° from front.

57° 53.1´ N Q.W.R.G. 16° 48.4´ E

23 7

W. R. G.

4 White structure, red bands. 3 2

G. 181°-194°, W.-207°, R.014°.

8320 Jarnklint.

57° 54.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 16° 49.0´ E period 6s

21 6

W. R. G.

6 White hut. 4 3

G. 007°-020°30′, W.-048°, R.090°, G.-142°, W.-145°, R.-180°.

57° 54.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 16° 48.0´ E

29 9

W. R. G.

6 White post, green band on white G. 012°-030°, W.-210°, R.4 pedestal. 254°, G.-277°. 3

57° 55.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 16° 49.0´ E

18 5

W. R. G.

6 White structure, green band on 4 white pedestal. 3

C 7068

8308 Aleskar. C 7070

8312 Hommelskar Range, front. C 7064

C 7064.1

C 7060

8324 Grindo. C 7058

8328 Alen Range, front. C 7056


G. 074°-087°, W.-091°30′, R.224°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


8332 -Tradskar, rear, about 550 meters 087° from front.

57° 54.4´ N Iso.W.R.G. 16° 49.4´ E period 2s

57 17

W. R. G.

6 White octagonal iron tower, black W. 069°-178°30′, R.-268°, G.4 base; 20. 307°, W.-313°, R.-335°. 3

8336 Foren.

57° 54.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 16° 49.0´ E period 6s

21 6

W. R. G.

6 White structure. 4 3

R. 080°-144°, G.-205°, W.210°, R.-231°.

57° 57.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 16° 51.0´ E

28 9

W. R. G.

5 White hut. 4 3

G. 180°-210°, W.-214°, R.250°, G.-283°, W.-306°, R.-106°, G.-113°, W.118°, R.-141°. Occasional.

57° 57.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 16° 49.0´ E period 6s

19 6

W. R. G.

5 White octagonal iron hut on 4 white tower, green bands, 3 black base; 20.

G. 045°-140°30′, W.-155°, R.255°, G.-359°, W.001°30′, R.-045°.

57° 58.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 16° 49.0´ E period 3s

16 5

W. R. G.

6 White octagonal hut, red bands. G. 186°-205°, W.-230°, R.4 307°, G.-340°, W.3 344°30′, R.-005°.

57° 59.0´ N L.Fl.W.R.G. 16° 49.0´ E period 8s

21 6

W. R. G.

4 White hut, red band. 3 2

G. shore-246°, R.-286°, G.008°, W.-011°, R.019°30′.

57° 58.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 16° 49.0´ E period 4s

10 3

W. R. G.

6 White hut. 4 3

G. 315°-000°, W.-001°, R.005°, G.-048°, R.-128°, G.-159°, W.-195°.

8360 -Jungfruskar, rear, about 1 km. 178°30′ from front.

57° 57.5´ N Q.W.R.G. 16° 49.2´ E

35 11

W. R. G.

6 White post, green bands, on 4 white round hut, white 3 rectangle daymark.

G. 345°30′-003°, W.-009°, R.080°, W.-186°30′. Intensified on range line.

8364 Olsklabb.

58° 00.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 16° 49.0´ E period 6s

16 5

W. R. G.

6 White round hut, green bands, 5 black base; 16. 4

R. 273°-105°, G.-138°, W.166°, R.-180°30′.

58° 00.0´ N Fl.(4)W.R.G. 16° 49.0´ E period 12s

23 7

W. R. G.

6 White tower, green stripe; 21. 4 4

G. 353°-017°30′, W.-026°, R.120°, G.-174°30′, W.195°, R.-223°.

58° 01.0´ N Iso.W. 16° 48.0´ E period 4s

21 6

9 White and red hut.

Visible on range line only.

8376 -Rear, 500 meters 222° from front.

58° 00.5´ N Q.W. 16° 47.8´ E

50 15

8 White and red hut.

Visible on range line only.

8384 Ljusklabb.

58° 05.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 16° 51.0´ E

29 9

W. R. G.

6 White round hut. 4 3

G. 230°-246°, W.-249°, R.272°, G.-300°, R.-004°.

58° 06.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 16° 52.0´ E period 9s

27 8

W. R. G.

7 White tower, red band, black 5 base; 23. 4

G. 150°-190°, R.-256°, G.261°, W.-264°, R.-313°, G.-350°, W.-353°, R.019°.

58° 07.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 16° 53.0´ E period 3s

41 12

W. R. G.

6 White hut. 4 3

G. 107°-240°, R.-305°, G.347°, W.-354°, R.-107°.

58° 08.0´ N Fl.(4)W.R.G. 16° 54.0´ E period 12s

34 10

W. R. G.

8 White tower, green band, black 6 base. 5

G. 008°-038°, W.-043°, R.076°, G.-174°30′, W.180°30′, R.-235°, G.255°, W.-264°, R.-279°.

C 7056.1

C 7054

8340 Erskar. C 7052

8344 Prickhallan. C 7050

8348 Torskklabb. C 7048

8352 Algardsudde. C 7046

8356 Graskarshall Range, front. C 7044

C 7044.1

C 7040

8368 Torro Stickskar. C 7038

8372 Torro Range, front. C 7036

C 7036.1

C 7030

8388 Svartbadan. C 7032

8392 Halsoklabb. C 7028

8396 Hagerokarten. C 7026

8400 Haradskar. C 7022

8404 Kattilo, NE. point. C 6964

8408 Espskarsgrund. C 6962

58° 09.0´ N L.Fl.(3)W. 17° 00.0´ E period 20s fl. 2.5s, ec. 2.5s fl. 2.5s, ec. 2.5s fl. 2.5s, ec. 7.5s

119 36

18 Red round metal tower; 96.

Shown by day in low visibility Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.

58° 12.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 16° 54.0´ E period 3s

13 4

W. R. G.

7 White hut, red band. 5 4

G. 161°-177°30′, W.-181°, R.330°30′, G.-335°, W.337°, R.-345°.

58° 14.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 16° 54.0´ E period 6s

13 4

W. R. G.

7 White octagonal hut, green 5 band, black base, gray 4 concrete foundation.

G. 356°30′-001°, W.-003°30′, R.-043°, G.-177°, R.-178°


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


8412 Stora Bockholme Range, front.

58° 15.0´ N Iso.W. 16° 54.0´ E period 4s

16 5

9 White hut, white and red daymark.

8416 -Rear, 500 meters 207° from front.

58° 14.3´ N Q.W. 16° 53.5´ E

38 12

9 White hut, white and red daymark.

8420 Bergholmen.

58° 16.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 16° 54.0´ E

36 11

W. R. G.

6 Lantern on white hut; 10. 4 3

R. 255°-358°, G.-002°, W.004°, R.-010°, G.-013°.

58° 18.7´ N L.Fl.W.R.G. 17° 09.8´ E period 10s fl. 2s, ec. 8s

49 15

W. 10 Black concrete tower, white R. 7 lantern, gray conical base; G. 5 51.

W. (unintensified) 064°-110°, obsc.-168°30′, R.183°30′, G.-211°, W.330°, R.-357°30′.

58° 26.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 17° 06.0´ E period 9s

52 16

W. R. G.

9 Black tower, yellow band. white 7 lantern, gray base; 56. 6

G. 108°30′-114°30′, W.-116°, R.-122°, G. (unintensified)-180°, R. (unintensified)-240°, R.245°, G.-253°, W.-315°, R.-333°30′. Radar reflector.

58° 10.0´ N L.Fl.(2)W.R.G. 16° 56.0´ E period 15s fl. 2s, ec. 2s fl. 2s, ec. 9s

39 12

W. 11 White tower, green band, black R. 9 base. G. 8 Floodlit.

G. 319°-336°30′, W.-341°, R.354°, G.-015°, W.-018°, R.-039°, G.-127°, W.144°, R.-160°.

58° 13.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 16° 54.0´ E period 9s

17 5

W. R. G.

7 White hut, red band. 5 4

G. 190°-217°, R.-301°, G.345°30′, W.-348°30′, R.006°, G.-049°, W.051°30′,R.-081°. Radar reflector.

58° 17.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 16° 56.0´ E period 9s

23 7

W. R. G.

6 White hut, red band. 5 4

G. 200°-220°, W.-223°, R.015°, G.-023°, W.-026°, R.-shore.

58° 19.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 16° 58.0´ E period 3s

13 4

W. R. G.

6 White hut, red band. 4 3

G. 167°-197°, W.-212°, R.012°, G.-031°, W.-034°, R.-054°.

8448 fa*gelon, W. side of Stora fa*gelo.

58° 20.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 16° 59.0´ E

19 6

W. R. G.

6 White concrete hut, green band. G. 359°-015°, W.-018°, R.4 099°, G.-187°, W.-192°, 3 R.-199°.

8452 Adkobb.

58° 21.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 16° 59.0´ E period 6s

18 5

W. R. G.

5 Lantern on white pedestal. 3 3

G. 268°-006°, W.-009°, R.130°, G.-171°, W.-173°, R.-268°.

58° 21.1´ N Iso.W. 16° 59.2´ E period 4s

33 10

7 White tower, white and red daymark.

Visible 352°-115°.

C 6982

8460.1 - -Rear, 115 meters 006°30′ from front

58° 21.1´ N Q.W. 16° 59.2´ E

46 14

6 White hut, white and red daymark.

Visible 352°-178°.

58° 24.1´ N Fl.W.R.G. 16° 56.6´ E period 3s fl. 0.4s, ec. 2.6s

12 4

6 White hut, red band. 4 Floodlit. 4

G. 155°-163°, W.-170°, R.245°, G.-309°, W.-319°, R.-335°.

C 6956

C 6956.1

C 6958

8424 Sandsankan. C 6978

8428 Norra Fallbadan. C 6866

BAROSUND: 8432 -Sando, NW. of Haradskar. C 6966

8436 -Kvarnholmen. C 6968

8440 Snuggholmen, E. side. C 6954

8444 Enskar. C 6976

C 6974

C 6990

8460 -Stora Hogholmen Range, front.

C 6982.1

8464 Horvelso. C 6984

8468 Sodra Lamskar Range, front. C 6988

58° 24.0´ N Iso.W. 16° 57.2´ E period 4s

W. R. G.

7 2

12 White structure, red square daymark, white stripe. 12 White structure, red square daymark, white stripe.

8472 -Rear, 1200 meters 338°30′ from front.

58° 24.6´ N Q.W. 16° 56.8´ E

29 9

8476 Jungfrusalen.

58° 27.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 16° 57.0´ E

19 6

W. R. G.

5 Lantern on white storage shed, 3 red band. 2

G. 353°-014°, W.-023°, R.038°, G.-199°, W.-201°, R.-353°.

58° 26.7´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 16° 51.1´ E period 6s

11 3

W. R. G.

7 White hut, green band. 5 4

G. shore-232°, W.-235°30′, R.-312°, G.-066°30′, W.068°30′, R.-072°.

C 6988.1

C 6873

MEM APPROACH: 8480 -Lonshuvudfjarden. C 6874


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


8484 -Bjorskar.

58° 25.5´ N Fl.W.R.G. 16° 47.6´ E period 3s

11 3

W. R. G.

6 White lantern, red band. 4 4

G. 058°30′-074°30′, W.-077°, R.-121°, G.-198°, W.211°, R.-224°.

58° 25.0´ N Fl.(4)W.R.G. 16° 45.0´ E period 12s

20 6

W. R. G.

5 White hut, green band. 4 3

G. 247°-254°, W.-256°, R.271°, R.-010°, G.-084°, W.-095°, R.-098°.

58° 26.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 16° 40.0´ E period 3s

13 4

W. R. G.

4 White lantern, green band, on 3 dolphin. 2

R. 089°-290°, G.-293°, W.296°, R.-317°.

58° 26.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 16° 40.0´ E

14 4

W. R. G.

3 White lantern, green band, on 2 dolphin. 2

G. 259°-108°30′, W.-115°30′, R.-133°.

58° 28.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 16° 32.0´ E period 6s

26 8

W. R. G.

6 White lantern, green band. 4 3

G. shore-309°, W.-315°, R.333°, W. (unintensified)077°, G.-098°, W.-102°, R.-120°.

58° 28.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 16° 28.0´ E

21 6

W. R. G.

4 White hut, green band. 2 2

G. 281°-286°30′, W.-291°, R.017°, G.-099°, W.-108°, R.-shore.

58° 28.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 16° 25.0´ E period 3s

23 7

W. R. G.

6 Iron framework structure; 23. 4 3

G. 232°-252°, W.-254°, R.255°30′. Shown from Aug. 1 to Oct. 31.

58° 28.2´ N Iso.W.R.G. 16° 57.7´ E period 4s

20 6

W. R. G.

7 White hut, green band. 5 4

G. 000°-010°, W.-022°, R.073°, G.-082°, W.087°30′, R.-122°, G.172°, W.-177°, R.-196°.

8524 - -Kuggviksskar, rear, about 1 km. 016° from front.

58° 28.8´ N Fl.(4)W.R.G. 16° 58.2´ E period 6s fl. 0.3s, ec. 0.7s fl. 0.3s, ec. 0.7s fl. 0.3s, ec. 0.7s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s

42 13

W. R. G.

6 Concrete tower, white octagonal R. 307°30′-331°, G.-011°, W.4 lantern; 40. 019°, R.-051°, G.3 058°30′, R.-090°, G.129°, W.-139°, R.253°30′.

8528 -Arko, Ostra Kopparholmen Range, front.

58° 28.4´ N Q.W.R.G. 16° 58.1´ E

26 8

W. R. G.

5 White hut, red and white 3 rectangular daymark. 3

8532 - -Kalebo, rear, about 1.65 km. 292° from front.

58° 28.7´ N Oc.W. 16° 56.4´ E period 6s

90 28

8538 -Logegrund.

58° 32.1´ N Fl.G. 17° 00.7´ E period 3s

10 3

58° 31.8´ N Fl.W.R.G. 16° 53.8´ E period 3s

19 6

W. R. G.

6 Lantern on white shed, green 4 band. 3

R. 355°-105°, G.-146°, W.148°30′, R.-172°.

58° 29.8´ N Fl.W.R.G. 16° 56.5´ E period 3s

8 2

W. R. G.

9 White lantern. 6 Floodlit. 5

G. 120°-130°30′, W.-133°30′, R.-159°, W. (unintensified)-289°, G.308°30′, W.-322°, R.shore.

58° 30.9´ N Oc.W.R.G. 16° 54.2´ E period 6s lt. 4.5s, ec. 1.5s

19 6

W. R. G.

8 Lantern on white tower, red 6 band; 15. 5 Floodlit.

G. 132°-146°, W.-148°, R.315°.

58° 31.2´ N Iso.W.R.G. 16° 53.7´ E period 4s

13 4

W. R. G.

7 White hut. 5 4

G. 156°-169°, W.-171°, R.245°, W.-335°.

8556 - -Rear, 125 meters 316° from front.

58° 31.2´ N Q.W. 16° 53.6´ E

26 8

8560 -Trollholmashallen.

58° 31.7´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 16° 53.4´ E period 6s

12 4

C 6876

8488 -Farholmen, S. point. C 6994

8492 -Ettersundet. C 6996

8496 - -W. C 6998

8504 Hackerstad. C 7004

8508 Lundbynas. C 7006

8516 -Soderkoping. C 7010

NORRKOPING APPROACH: 8520 -Kopparholmen Range, front. C 6872

C 6872.1

C 6868

C 6868.1

C 6854

8540 -Norra Granso. C 6858

8544 -Liss Lindo. C 6864

8548 -Ettergrundshallan. C 6862

8552 -Gransosund Range, front. C 6860

C 6860.1

C 6859


W. (12M) on range, G. 119°149°, W.-156°30′, R.188°, R. (unintensified)230°.

16 White lantern, red rectangular daymark, white stripe. 2 White pedestal, green band; 6.

8 Red rectangular daymark, white Visible on range line only. stripe, on white hut. W. R. G.

6 White hut. 4 3

G. 139°-155°, W.-157°, R.209°30′, G.-330°, W.333°, R.-139°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


8564 -Maro Range, front.

58° 33.6´ N Iso.W.R.G. 16° 54.9´ E period 4s

16 5

W. R. G.

6 White hut, red rectangular 4 daymark, white stripe. 3

G. 028°-039°24′, W.-043°30′, R.-060°30′, G. (unintensified)-118°, W. (unintensified) across channel, W. (11M) on range line.

8568 - -Eko, rear, 1000 meters 203°18′ from front.

58° 33.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 16° 54.4´ E

46 14

W. R. G.

6 White hut, red rectangular 4 daymark, white stripe. 3

R. 053°-063°, G.-083°24′, W.090°42′, R.-134°, G. (unintensified)-144°, W. (15M) on range line.

8572 -Boso Sten.

58° 33.2´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 16° 51.5´ E period 6s

12 4

W. R. G.

7 White hut. 5 4

G. 154°-170°48′, W.-172°42′, R.-238°, G.-289°48′, W.295°12′, R.-341°.

58° 33.1´ N F.R. 16° 50.7´ E

21 6

4 Mast, orange triangular daymark. Occasional.

8574.1 -Rear, 200 meters 191° from front.

58° 33.0´ N F.R. 16° 50.7´ E

36 11

4 Mast, orange triangular daymark. Occasional.

8576 -Ramsholmen Range, front.

58° 33.7´ N Q.W. 16° 51.6´ E

16 5

8 Lantern on shed, red and yellow stripes, rectangular daymark, red borders.

8580 - -Rear, 250 meters 156°30′ from front.

58° 33.6´ N Oc.W. 16° 51.8´ E period 3s lt. 2s, ec. 1s

30 9

8 Lantern on shed, red and yellow Visible on range line only. stripes, rectangular daymark, red borders.

8584 -Flaskogrund.

58° 35.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 16° 51.0´ E period 4s

12 4

58° 35.0´ N Fl.G. 16° 51.0´ E period 3s

C 6855

C 6855.1

C 6856

8574 -Bjorno Range, front. C 6856.4

C 6856.41

C 6857.4

C 6857.41

C 6882

8588 -Flaskosund. C 6888

8594 -Flasko. C 6857

8596 -Flaskohallen. C 6878

8600 -Lono, N. side. C 6892

8604 -Hargokalv. C 6890

8608 -Gustaf Dalen. C 6829

-RACON 8612 -Norra Kranken. C 6836

-RACON 8616 -Havringe Range, front. C 6832

6 White pillar, red band, on black 4 base. 4

G. 130°-155°24′, W.-172°24′, R.-345°.

21 6

3 White tower, green band, on black base.

Visible 335°-170°.

58° 35.0´ N Fl.(2)R. 16° 51.0´ E period 6s

21 6

4 White shed, red band.

Visible 155°-350°.

58° 34.6´ N Fl.(3)G. 16° 51.2´ E period 9s

15 5

3 White hut, green band, on black Visible 355°-155°. base.

58° 36.3´ N Fl.W.R.G. 16° 46.6´ E period 4s

16 5

W. R. G.

9 White hut, red band; 7. 6 Floodlit. 5

G. shore-107°30′, W.-109°, R.-126°, G.-139°, W.195°, R.-260°, G.-287°, W.-290°30′, R.-shore.

58° 36.4´ N Fl.(4)W.R.G. 16° 52.6´ E period 12s

56 17

W. R. G.

8 Lattice mast, white daymark, 6 green horizontal band; 54. 5 Floodlit.

G. 255°-270°, W.-276°30′, R.286°, G.-299°, R.-021°, G.-050°, W.-064°, R.090°, G.-107°, W.-111°, R.-122°.

58° 35.6´ N Iso.W.R.G. 17° 28.2´ E period 8s fl. 4s, ec. 4s

79 24

W. 20 Black tower, red top, on gray R. 18 base; 85. G. 17 Floodlit.

G(– – •) period 30s

W. R. G.

R. 018°-045°30′, G.-050°, G. (14M)-131°, G.-136°, W. (18M)-176°30′, R.181°30′, R. (15M)-205°, G. (15M)-210°, G. (14M)232°, G.-240°, R.-249°, G.-258°, W.-018°. Shown by day Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.


58° 37.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 17° 23.0´ E period 9s

41 12

K(– • –) period 30s

W. 10 White tower with gray conical R. 8 base; 38. G. 6 Floodlit.

G. 349°-085°30′, W.-088°30′, R.-100°, G.-154°30′, W.159°, R.-205°, G.-207°, W.-210°, R.-242°, G.261°, W.-288°, R.-349°.


58° 36.2´ N Q.W. 17° 19.1´ E

31 10


14 White hut, black band, white rectangular daymark. Floodlit.

Visible on range line only.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


8620 - -Rear, 183 meters 295°24′ from front.

58° 36.2´ N Iso.W.R.G. 17° 19.1´ E period 3s

75 23

W. 16 White tower, black band; 72. R. 13 Floodlit. G. 11

W. 291°-314°, R.-109°30′, G.138°, W.-139°, R.-245°, G.-291°. Synchronized with front.

8624 -Vastra Korpen.

58° 36.0´ N Fl.(4)W.R.G. 17° 20.0´ E period 12s

26 8

W. R. G.

9 White tower; 23. 7 Floodlit. 6

G. 280°-312°, W.-321°, R.341°30′, W. (unintensified) 029°-074°, G.-105°, W.-111°, R.130°.

58° 39.1´ N Fl.R. 17° 13.7´ E period 3s

16 5

2 Cairn.

Radar reflector.

58° 36.8´ N Q.W.R.G. 17° 17.5´ E

22 7

W. R. G.

8 White tower, red band; 13. 6 Floodlit. 5

G. 103°-250°, W.-258°, R.103°. Radar reflector.

58° 37.0´ N L.Fl.(2)W.R.G. 17° 14.2´ E period 15s fl. 2s, ec. 3s fl. 2s, ec. 8s

41 12

W. 14 White tower, green band; 39. R. 10 Floodlit. G. 9

G. 242°30′-263°30′, W.267°30′, R.-284°, G.301°, W.-099°, R.-131°.

58° 38.7´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 17° 08.6´ E period 6s

39 12

W. 13 White hut. R. 10 Floodlit. G. 8

G. shore-332°30′, W.343°30′, R.-028°30′, G.063°, W.-066°30′, R.075°, obsc.-086°, G.125°, W.-132°, R.-shore.

58° 38.5´ N F.R. 17° 08.0´ E

30 9

8648 - -Rear, 75 meters 213° from front.

58° 38.4´ N Mo.(U)W.R.G. 17° 07.8´ E period 10s fl. 1s, ec. 1s fl. 1s, ec. 1s fl. 3s, ec. 3s

56 17

W. 11 White hut, green band. R. 8 Floodlit. G. 7

8652 -Falkens Grund.

58° 38.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 17° 03.0´ E period 9s

33 10

W. 10 White tower, red top, on concrete G. 208°-255°, W.-263°, R.R. 8 base; 36. 289°, G.-010°, R.-063°, G. 6 Floodlit. G.-077°, W.-080°30′, R.208°. Radar reflector.

58° 37.0´ N Fl.R. 17° 02.3´ E period 3s

15 5

58° 37.6´ N Iso.W.R.G. 17° 01.4´ E period 4s

36 11

W. 10 White hut, red stripe. R. 7 Floodlit. G. 6

G. 255°-260°, W.-265°, R.299°. Intensified on range line.

8660 - -Rear, 600 meters 069°30′ from front.

58° 37.7´ N Q.W.R.G. 17° 02.0´ E

62 19

W. R. G.

8 White tower, red stripe; 30. 6 5

R. 237°-247°, G.-263°, W.266°30′, R.-289°, G.320°, W.-327°, R.-001°, G.-027°30′, W.-shore.

8664 -Mesen.

58° 37.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 17° 00.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.4s, ec. 2.6s

20 6

W. R. G.

9 White hut, red band, on white 6 base. 5

R. 062°-150°, G.-251°, W.253°, R.-260°.

58° 37.4´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 17° 00.1´ E period 6s

23 7

W. R. G.

8 White lantern, green band, on 6 warehouse. 5

G. shore-267°30′, R.-000°, G.-062°, W.-067°30′, R.090°.

8672 -Navekvarn, Braviken, N. side of channel.

58° 37.2´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 16° 48.8´ E period 6s

26 8

W. R. G.

9 White hut, green band; 7. 6 Floodlit. 5

G. shore-295°, W.-296°, R.313°30′, G.-336°, R.000°, G.-069°, W.075°30′, R.-084°, G.093°, W.-095°, R.-shore.

8676 -Karlsund, about 1.5 km. from center of Flinta.

58° 38.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 16° 42.0´ E

21 6

W. R. G.

8 White hut, green band. 6 Floodlit. 5

G. shore-280°, W.-282°, R.330°, G.-022°, W.-070°, R.-088°, G.-095°, W.099°, R.-shore.

8688 -Saterholmen.

58° 38.0´ N Fl.(4)W.R.G. 16° 36.0´ E period 12s

23 7

W. 12 Lantern on gray foundation, R. 9 green band. G. 8 Floodlit.

G. shore-280°, W.-281°, R.284°30′, G.-288°, W.290°, R.-026°, G.102°30′, W.-105°, R.shore.

C 6832.1

C 6834

8626 -W. Hallgrundet. C 6833

8628 -Kopparnageln. C 6838

8632 -Grasskaren, E. extremity. C 6840

8640 -Beten, W. side. C 6818

8644 -Vinterklasen Range, front. C 6842

C 6842.1

C 6845

8654 -Kungshamnsgrund. C 6846.5

8656 -Kungshamn Range, front. C 6846

C 6846.1

C 6848

8668 -Albacksgrund. C 6847

C 6894

C 6896

C 6898


9 Post, red triangular daymark.

2 Red post; 10.

R. 177°-248°, G.-301°, W.309° R.-028°, G.-058°, W.-062°30′, R.-095°, G.141°.

Radar reflector.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


8692 -Algersgrund.

58° 39.1´ N Q.W.R.G. 16° 27.6´ E

16 5

W. R. G.

8 White hut, red stripe, on black 6 base. 5 Floodlit.

G. 000°-083°30′, W.-272°30′, R.-000°.

58° 39.5´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 16° 27.4´ E period 6s

22 7

W. R. G.

8 White tower, green band; 20. 6 Floodlit. 5

G. shore-286°, W.-288°, R.302°, G.-069°30′, W.071°30′, R.-078°, G.084°, W.-088°, R.-shore.

58° 38.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 16° 20.0´ E period 9s

21 6

W. 13 Red hut, white base; 20. R. 10 G. 9

58° 36.7´ N Fl.G. 16° 15.7´ E period 3s

13 4

4 White pole, green band; 7.

Shown Mar. 1 to Dec. 10.

58° 36.7´ N Fl.R. 16° 15.7´ E period 3s

13 4

4 White pole, red band; 7.

Shown Mar. 1 to Dec. 10.

58° 39.1´ N Fl.(4)W.R.G. 17° 07.9´ E period 12s

23 7

W. 14 White tower, concrete base; 20. R. 10 Floodlit. G. 9

58° 40.0´ N Iso.R. 17° 06.0´ E period 4s

21 6

9 Steel pole, red triangular daymark, point up.

Visible on range line only.

8716 - -Rear, 280 meters 320°30′ from front.

58° 40.1´ N Iso.R. 17° 06.3´ E period 4s

33 10

9 Steel pole, red triangular daymark, point down.

Visible on range line only. Synchronized with front.

8718 -Harbor Range, front.

58° 39.6´ N F.R. 17° 07.0´ E

Red triangular daymark.

8718.1 - -Rear, 332° from front.

58° 39.8´ N F.R. 17° 06.9´ E

Red triangular daymark.

C 6901

8696 -Lovsgata. C 6900

8700 -Stora Juten. C 6902

8702 -Lindo Harbor, N. C 6904.8

8703 - -S. C 6904.9

G. 051°-065°, W.-070°, R.138°, W. (unintensified)230°30′, R. (unintensified)-243°, G.251°, W.-254°30′, R.282°30′. Norrkoping channel is marked by various W., R., and G. lights.

OXELOSUND: 8704 -Ljungskar, SW. side. C 6820

8712 -Oxelosund Hamn Range, front. C 6824

C 6824.1

8720 -Oxelosund Range, front. C 6814

8720.1 - -Rear, 057° from front.

58° 39.7´ N Q.W.R.G. 17° 07.7´ E

13 4

W. 10 White octagonal iron tower, R. 8 concrete base. G. 7

58° 39.7´ N F.R. 17° 07.8´ E

G. shore-323°, W.-327°, R.346°, G.-017°30′, W.022°30′, R.-035°, G.050°, R.-071°, G.134°30′, W.-142°, R.shore.

G. shore-282°, W.-308°, R.348°, G.-054°30′, W.062°, R.-078°.

Red triangular daymark.

8724 -Korsholm, E. entrance to Oxelosund.

58° 40.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 17° 08.0´ E period 6s

10 3

8725 -Jarnverket Range, front.

58° 40.8´ N F.R. 17° 08.0´ E

46 14

7 Lattice mast, white triangular daymark.

58° 40.8´ N F.R. 17° 07.8´ E

66 20

7 Lantern on gable of large building, white triangular daymark.

58° 41.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 17° 09.0´ E period 6s

13 4

W. 10 White octagonal hut. R. 8 Floodlit. G. 7

G. 231°-246°30′, W.-249°30′, R.-258°, G.-002°, W.004° 30′, R.-059°.

58° 41.4´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 17° 10.5´ E period 9s

20 6

W. R. G.

G. 130°-140°, W.-144°, R.248°, G.-277°, W.281°30′, R.-300°, G.320°30′, W.-322°, R.337°.

C 6816

C 6810.1

8725.1 - -Rear, 271°18′ from front. C 6810.2

8728 Korpholmen. C 6810

8732 Kolhalsen. C 6794.5


W. R. G.

8 White octagonal iron tower, 6 concrete base. 5 Floodlit.

7 White tower; 22. 5 Floodlit. 4

G. 075°-093°, W.-099°, R.170°, G.-238°, W.-244°, R.-259°, G.-262°, W.264°, R.-274°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


NYKOPING APPROACH: 8736 -Lillhammarsgrund. C 6800


58° 39.8´ N Fl.W.R.G. 17° 20.6´ E period 3s

36 11

W. 11 White tower, red top, black base; G. 101°-113°30′, W.-119°30′, R. 9 39. R.-132°, R. G. 8 Floodlit. (unintensified)-222°, G.237°, W.-240°, R.-325°, G.-345°.

N(– •) period 30s


8740 -Norra Masklubbshallan, S. side of channel.

58° 40.1´ N Q.W.R.G. 17° 16.8´ E

10 3

W. 12 White structure, red band. R. 10 Floodlit. G. 8

8742 -Norra Lillhammarsgrund Range, front

58° 40.4´ N Iso.W.R.G. 17° 19.2´ E period 4s

33 10

W. R. G.

8744 - -Trutbadan, rear, N. side of channel, 301° from front.

58° 42.0´ N Q.W. 17° 16.0´ E

52 16

8748 -Ledskar.

58° 42.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 17° 14.0´ E period 3s

23 7

W. R. G.

7 White hut. 5 4

G. 178°-198°, W.-200°30′, R.230°, G.-309°, R.-000°, G.-041°30′, W.-052°, R.088°, G.- 112°, R.-178°.

58° 43.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 17° 09.0´ E period 6s

20 6

W. R. G.

6 Green shed, white band. 4 3

G. 291°-301°, W.-320°30′, R.052°, G.-121°, R.-157°.

58° 47.0´ N Fl.(7)W. 16° 55.0´ E period 19s

148 45

58° 42.8´ N Fl.W.R.G. 17° 14.0´ E period 3s

23 7

W. R. G.

6 Lattice mast on white hut. 4 3

G. shore (approx. 250°)-260°, W.-276°, R.-017°, G.052°, W.-063°, R.-074°,

58° 43.0´ N Q.R.G. 17° 16.0´ E

15 5

R. G.

4 Lantern on white hut. 3

G. 270°-305°, R.-360°, G.055°, R.-064°.

58° 43.0´ N Fl.(2)R.G. 17° 17.0´ E period 6s

10 3

R. G.

4 Lantern on white hut. 3

G. 112°-126°, R.-180°, G.274°, R.-284°.

58° 43.0´ N Fl.R.G. 17° 19.0´ E period 3s

20 6

R. G.

4 Lantern on white hut. 3

G. 215°-225°, R.-019°, G.051°, R.-055°.

58° 45.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 17° 21.0´ E period 3s

20 6

W. R. G.

6 Lantern on white hut. 4 3

G. 270°-305°, W.-310°, R.332°, G.-016°, W.-020°, R.-090°.

58° 44.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 17° 23.0´ E period 6s

28 9

W. R. G.

6 Lantern on white hut. 4 3

G. 096°-109°30′, W.-115°, R.135°, W. (unintensified)215°, G.-230°, W.-234°, R.-245°.

58° 45.0´ N Fl.W.R. 17° 25.0´ E period 3s

17 5

W. 10 Lantern on white hut. R. 7 Floodlit.

W. 194°-225°, R.-030°.

58° 46.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 17° 29.0´ E period 3s

10 3

W. 10 White shed, green base. R. 7 G. 6

G. 093°-102°, W.-109°, R.147°, W. (unintensified)247°, R.-253°, G.-272°, W.-275°, R.-296°.

58° 46.0´ N Fl.(4)W.R.G. 17° 30.0´ E period 12s

16 5

W. R. G.

7 White shed, green band. 5 4

G. 096°30′-100°30′, R.-112°, G.-129°, W.-139°, R.222°, G.-238°, W.-242°, R.-267°.

58° 42.0´ N Fl.(4)W.R.G. 17° 28.0´ E period 12s

45 14

W. R. G.

8 White tower, black base; 36. 6 5

G. 003°-023°, W.-035°, R.064°30′, G.-075°, W.079°, R.-119°, G.-159°, W.-161° 30′, R.-180°.

58° 44.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 17° 27.0´ E period 4s

28 9

W. R. G.

6 White tower, green base, red 4 rectangular daymark, white 3 stripe; 20.

G. 330°-332°, W.-342°30′, R.046°′, G.-117°30′, W.125°30′, R.-140°.

C 6802

C 6803

C 6803.1

C 6794

8752 -Salgrund. C 6795

8756 Nykoping AVIATION LIGHT. C 6796

8760 Stora Kampasen. C 6792

8764 Valaro, on mainland. C 6790

8768 Ornklubb. C 6788

8772 Espskarsklubb. C 6786

8776 Skepna. C 6772

8780 Langskar. C 6774

8784 Bergo. C 6760

8796 Savosund. C 6750

8800 Herrsaten. C 6748

8808 Hartso Stangskar. C 6768

8812 Ringson Range, front. C 6766


G. 138°-275°30′, W.-279°, R.296°.

8 Lantern on red and white striped W. 297°48'-304°, R.-315°, G.6 round column, concrete 089°, obsc.-180°, G.5 base. 297°48'. 12 Lantern on tower, red and yellow rectangular daymark; 39.

23 2 yellow and red framework masts.


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


8816 -Rear, 825 meters 338°30′ from front.

58° 43.9´ N Q.W. 17° 26.2´ E

66 20

8820 Griskar Range, front.

58° 44.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 17° 25.0´ E period 4s

19 6

8824 -Rear, 450 meters 314°36′ from front.

58° 44.3´ N Q.W. 17° 24.8´ E

39 12

8828 Marholmen Range, front.

58° 47.0´ N Q.W.R. 17° 28.0´ E

21 6

8832 -Rear, Bromdal, 700 meters 042° from front.

58° 47.2´ N Iso.W.R.G. 17° 28.3´ E period 4s

8836 Kallvik.

C 6766.1

10 White post on white hut, red and Visible on range line only. white rectangular daymark. 6 White tower, red band. 4 3

G. 153°-175°, W.-177°30′, R.195°, G.-284°, W.-320°.

8 White hut, red and white rectangular daymark.

Visible on range line only.

W. R.

8 Lantern on white pedestal, red 6 band.

W. 138°-270°, R.-042°, R. intensified on range line.

42 13

W. R. G.

9 White pedestal, red band, white 6 rectangular daymark. 5

Intensified on range line. G. shore-323°, R.-000°30′, G.-026°, W.-032°, R.086°.

58° 47.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 17° 29.0´ E period 3s

13 4

W. R. G.

9 White hut, red band. 7 6

G. 315°-332°30′, W.-339°30′, R.-050°, G.-113°30′, W.125°30′, R.-134°30′.

58° 47.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 17° 34.0´ E period 6s

23 7

W. R. G.

7 White tower, green band; 20. 5 4

G. 060°30′-068°30′, W.071°30′, R.-088°30′, G.157°, W.-160°, R.-167°, G.-267°.

58° 48.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 17° 33.0´ E period 3s

16 5

W. R. G.

6 White hut, red band. 4 3

G. 170°-177°, W.-180°, R.210°, G.-228°30′, W.236°30′, R.-265°, G.318°, W.-327°, R.-shore.

58° 48.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 17° 34.0´ E period 4s

23 7

W. R. G.

7 White tower, red base; 23. 5 4

G. from shore-275°, W.-277°, R.-308°, G.-359°, R.018°.

8852 -Rear, 215 meters 276° from front.

58° 48.0´ N Q.W. 17° 33.2´ E

64 20

8856 Kockelhallan.

58° 48.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 17° 34.0´ E period 9s

17 5

W. R. G.

6 White shed, green band. 4 3

G. 034°-054°, W.-077°, R.133°, G.-170°, W.-174°, R.-194°, G.-265°, R.276°.

58° 47.2´ N Fl.W.R.G. 17° 42.0´ E period 3s

38 12

W. R. G.

8 White tower, green band; 29. 6 5

G. 091°-106°, W.-110°, R.238°, G.-259°, W.-267°, R.-277°, G.-294°, R.300°.

58° 47.4´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 17° 42.5´ E period 9s

34 10

W. R. G.

7 White tower, red band; 38. 5 4

G. 189°-203°, W.-221°, R.258°, G.-271°, W.- 279°, R.-344°, G.-060°, W.080°, R.-095°, R. (unintensified)-116°, obsc.-189°.

58° 48.0´ N Q.W. 17° 40.0´ E

32 10

7 Silver structure.

Visible to west toward Kockelskar range lights.

58° 49.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 17° 33.0´ E period 4s

16 5

W. R. G.

6 White shed, green band. 4 3

R. shore-150°, G.-171°, W.173°, R.-188°, W.-226°, R.-shore.

58° 50.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 17° 35.0´ E

12 4

W. R. G.

6 White shed, green band. 4 3

G. 000°-006°30′, W.-011°30′, R.-051°, G.-179°, W.182°30′, R.-200°.

58° 50.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 17° 36.0´ E period 6s

27 8

W. R. G.

6 White hut. 4 3

G. 045°-049°, W.-051°30′, R.063°30′.

58° 51.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 17° 36.0´ E period 4s

16 5

W. R. G.

6 White hut. 4 3

G. 053°-060°, W.-229°, G.249°, W.-252°, R.-260°.

58° 47.4´ N Q.W.R.G. 17° 46.8´ E

43 13

W. 10 White tower, black base; 28. R. 7 Floodlit. G. 6

C 6764

C 6764.1

C 6754

C 6754.1

C 6752

8840 Tratbadan. C 6744

8844 Hoko Gupa. C 6742

8848 Kockelskar Range, front. C 6738

C 6738.1

C 6740

8860 Asenskallen. C 6732

8864 Skvallran. C 6730

8868 Graskar. C 6734

8872 Tornskar. C 6726

8876 Bockholmen. C 6724

8880 Lysberget. C 6722

8884 Boko. C 6720

8888 Vastra Roko. C 6675.6


W. R. G.

10 White tower, red square daymark.

Visible on range line only.

G. 027°18′-084°12′, R.114°24′, G.-151°36′, W.161°36′, R.-170°54′.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


8892 Rokogrundet.

58° 47.2´ N Oc.(2)W.R.G. 17° 46.6´ E period 12s

33 10

W. 10 Black tower, white band, green R. 7 lantern; 36. G. 6 Floodlit.

R. 169°-292°, G.-321°, W.324°30′, R.-024°, G.088°30′, W.-090°, R.107°, G.-164°, W.-169°.

58° 48.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 17° 45.0´ E period 3s

42 13

W. 13 White lantern. R. 10 G. 9

G. 225°-298°, R.-312°30′, G.317°30′, W.-320°, R.329°30′, G.-011°, W.054°, R.-075°.

58° 48.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 17° 47.0´ E period 6s

33 10

W. 10 White hut, green roof. R. 7 Floodlit. G. 6

G. 337°-001°30′, W.-012°, R.022°, G.-135°, W.-138°, R.-shore.

58° 49.5´ N Q.W.R.G. 17° 43.8´ E

21 6

W. R. G.

G. 18.5°-154°, W.-166°, R.248°, G.-307°, W.-313°, R.-18.5° Radar reflector.

58° 49.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 17° 44.0´ E period 6s

33 10

W. 10 White tower, green band; 20. R. 8 Floodlit. G. 7

58° 50.0´ N Fl.(2)G. 17° 43.8´ E period 6s

25 8

58° 49.9´ N Fl.W.R.G. 17° 45.3´ E period 3s

25 8

W. R. G.

58° 51.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 17° 44.0´ E period 9s

22 7

W. 10 White hut, red band. R. 7 G. 6

G. 163°-169°18′, W.-171°48′, R.-175°24', G.-244°36′, R.-311°42', G.-351°36', W.-359°06', R.-004°, G.017°24'.

58° 52.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 17° 40.0´ E period 6s

16 5

W. R. G.

G. 057°48'-070°12′, W.071°12', R.-158°06', G.218°06', W.-225°42', R.244°36', G.-271°18', R.284°.

58° 52.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 17° 43.0´ E

21 6

W. 10 Red hut, white base. R. 7 Floodlit. G. 6

58° 52.6´ N Fl.(2)G. 17° 43.2´ E period 6s

25 8

58° 53.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 17° 43.0´ E period 4s

18 5

W. 10 White hut, red roof. R. 7 Floodlit. G. 6

R. 299°-347°, G.-357°, W.008°, R.-081°, G.-158°, W.-179°30′, R.-288°, G.297°, W.-299°.

58° 54.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 17° 43.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.7s, ec. 2.3s

33 10

W. 10 White hut, red roof. R. 7 Floodlit. G. 6

G. 154°06'-179°54', W.184°42′, R.-284°48', G.348°18', W.-353°54', R.002°12′, G.-022°, W.023°12′, R.-057°54'.

59° 00.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 17° 43.0´ E

10 3

W. 10 White hut, red roof. R. 7 Floodlit. G. 6

G. shore-170°, W.-171°30′, R.-230°, G.-338°, W.353°30′, R.-shore.

8976 -Regarn, rear, 4.8 km. 172° from front.

58° 57.9´ N Iso.W.R.G. 17° 43.6´ E period 4s

20 6

W. R. G.

G. 354°-008°, W.-175°, R.211°.

8980 Notholmen.

59° 03.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 17° 41.0´ E period 3s

10 3

W. 10 White round hut, red roof. R. 7 Floodlit. G. 6

G. 119°06'-160°30', W.166°30', R.-296°36′, G.307°42', W.-319°12', R.341°48'.

59° 05.8´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G 17° 39.9´ E period 9s

16 5

W. R. G.

G. 277°-340°, W.-345°, R.025°.

C 6675.4

8896 Granklubben. C 6675

8900 Kolguskar. C 6675.8

8902 Torsken. C 6676.2

8904 Vattklubben. C 6676.3

8906 Karinghallan. C 6676.6

8908 Sodra Bergholmen. C 6676.5

8952 Fifong. C 6676.8

8956 Svartahallen. C 6677.4

8960 Sankhallan. C 6677

8962 Ramsholmen. C 6677.1

8964 Galklubb. C 6677.2

8968 Stenskar. C 6677.6

8972 Egelsholm Range, front. C 6677.8

C 6677.81

C 6678

8982 Farstanas. C 6678.5


9 White hut, red band. 7 Floodlit. 6

G. 305°-319°30′, W.-326°, R.045°, G.-125°30′, W.135°, R.-163°, G.-219°, R.-240°.

6 Lantern on steel structure green Radar reflector. daymark. Floodlit. 4 White hut. 3 2

8 White hut, green band. 5 4

3 Mast, yellow daymark. Floodlit.

6 White hut, green band. 4 3

4 Lantern on white shed. 3 2

G. 206°-232°, W.-291°, R.025°, G.-056°30′, W.060°, R.-078°, G.-147°.

G. 086°42'-180°06', W.185°24′, R.-192°54', G.204°36′, W.-216°18', R.270°06', G.-340°18', W.345°54', R.-086°42'. Radar reflector.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


8984 Skjutholmen.

59° 06.0´ N Q.W. 17° 39.0´ E

16 5

59° 06.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 17° 40.7´ E period 3s

13 4

59° 06.0´ N Fl.W. 17° 42.0´ E period 3s

13 4

8 White hut.

8996 Viad, Brandalssund Range, front.

59° 06.0´ N Q.W. 17° 42.0´ E

22 7

7 White metal framework structure. Visible on range line only.

9000 -Rear, 600 meters 062° from front.

59° 06.5´ N Iso.W. 17° 42.9´ E period 4s

59 18

6 White iron framework structure.

Visible on range line only.

9004 Flasklosa.

59° 08.0´ N V.Q.W. 17° 41.0´ E

17 5

3 White framework tower, green band.

Partially obscured by trees 180°-335°.

59° 13.9´ N Q.W.R.G. 17° 36.4´ E

16 5

3 White structure, green band. 2 2

R. 338°-348°30', G.-354°30', W.-151°, R.-shore.

59° 15.2´ N Fl.R. 17° 35.1´ E period 3s

33 10

58° 43.9´ N Iso.W.R.G. 17° 52.7´ E period 4s

62 19

C 6678.4

8988 Brandalssund. C 6678.6

8992 Hallsfjarden. C 6679

C 6678.8

C 6678.81

C 6679.2

9005 Tegeltorp. C 6680

9006 Storviksgrundet. C 6680.3

9008 Landsort Bredgrund. C 6583.6

RACON 9012 Landsort. C 6584

9016 Tilljandersknalt.

9020 Grisskar. C 6587.6

9024 Storpelles Holme. C 6587.7

9025 Osterklintshallan. C 6587.8

9026 Grisblankan. C 6587.9

9028 Olandssten. C 6587.95

W. R. G.

Intensified sector showing toward Brandalssund, unintensified 295°-350°.

8 White hut, red band. 6 Floodlit. 5

G. shore-243°, W.-251°42′, R.-344°42′, G.-022°36′, W.-043°54′, R.-105°24′.

5 W. 16 Orange tower; 66. R. 13 Floodlit. G. 12

B(– • • •) period 30s

R. 001°-013°, G.-047°30′, W.053°, R.-086°, G.-127°, R.-159°, G.-177°, R.210°, G.-217°, W.-219°, R.-224°, G.-234°, R.273°, G.-321°30′, R.345°, G.-356°30′, W.001°. Shown by day Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.


58° 44.0´ N Fl.(1+4)W. 17° 52.0´ E period 60s fl. 0.6s, ec. 21.9s fl. 0.6s, ec. 4.4s fl. 0.6s, ec. 4.4s fl. 0.6s, ec. 4.4s fl. 0.6s, ec. 21.9s

145 44


C 6585

W. R. G.

7 White hut, red square, white band.

22 White round stone tower, red conical top; 82.

Unintensified 190°-197°. Shown by day from Nov. 1 to Mar. 1.

90 27

W. 14 R. 11 G. 10

G. 323°30′-351°, W.-358°, R.023°. F.R. range lights for use of pilots are shown at E. and W. pilot harbors.

58° 45.5´ N L.Fl.(2)W.R.G. 17° 49.7´ E period 12s

46 14

W. 10 White tower, two black bands; R. 8 33. G. 6 Floodlit.

W. 331°-338°30′, R.-029°, G.087°, R.-116°30′, G.128°30′, W.-131°, R.153°, G.-190°, R.-218°, G.-250°, R.-313°, G.331°.

58° 47.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 17° 51.0´ E

21 6

W. R. G.

5 Skeleton structure. 3 3

G. 335°-355°, W.-359°, R.011°, G.-138°, W.-139°, R.-155°.

58° 47.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 17° 52.0´ E

26 8

W. R. G.

5 Post. 3 3

R. 280°-303°, G.-354°, W.359°, R.-080°, G.-165°, W.-169°, R.-185°.

58° 46.3´ N Fl.Y. 17° 52.1´ E period 3s

10 3

3 Pole.

Occasional. Radar reflector.

58° 46.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 17° 51.1´ E period 3s

33 10

W. R. G.

5 White pedestal, black base. 4 3

G. 057°-103°, R.-168° G.181°, R.-342°, G.-347°, W.-357°, R.-057°.

58° 48.0´ N I.V.Q.W.R.G. 17° 52.0´ E period 6s

20 6

W. R. G.

5 White hut, green band. 3 3

G. 220°30′-254°, W.-258°30′, R.-329°30′, G.-016°, W.020°, R.-040°, G.-073°, W.-075°30′, R.-220°30′.


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


9032 Bottenholmen. C 6587.4

9036 Vastra Kvarnhallan. C 6587.2

9040 Huvudskar. C 6576

9044 Vindbaden. C 6578

9048 Skotrokan. C 6580

9052 Torrmulen. C 6582

9054 Peskobben. C 6466

9056 Almagrundet. C 6465

RACON 9060 Revengegrundet. C 6470

RACON 9064 Svangen. C 6471.6

58° 48.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 17° 50.0´ E period 4s

15 5

W. R. G.

6 Skeleton structure. 4 3

G. 245°-264°, W.-267°, R.301°, G.-327°, W.328°30′, R.-349°30′. Occasional.

58° 48.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 17° 51.0´ E

8 2

W. R. G.

5 White hut. 3 3

G. 143°-158°, W.-162°, R.262°, G.-325°, W.-333°, R.-349°, G.-004°, W.007°, R.-025°. Fishing light.

58° 58.0´ N Mo.(N)W. 18° 34.0´ E period 25s fl. 4s, ec. 4s fl. 1s, ec. 16s

85 26

12 White hut on concrete tower, black band; 51.

59° 00.0´ N Fl.W. 18° 38.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s

Unintensified 115°-205°.

3 White framework tower, blue band.

Fishing light. Seasonal. Fishing light.

59° 01.0´ N Fl.R. 18° 31.0´ E period 3s

69 21

3 White pedestal, blue band.

59° 06.0´ N Fl.W. 18° 40.0´ E period 5s

20 6

3 White lantern, blue band, on red Fishing light. base.

59° 09.7´ N F.W. 18° 49.6´ E

20 6

3 Framework tower.

59° 09.3´ N L.Fl.(3)W.R.G. 19° 07.8´ E period 30s fl. 3s, ec. 3.5s fl. 3s, ec. 3.5s fl. 3s, ec. 14s

91 28

W. 19 Black tower, red bands; 98. R. 17 Floodlit. G. 17

G(– – •) period 30s

W. 097°-174°, obsc.-282°, W.-330°, obsc.-097°. Fishing light. G. 077°-150°, W.-155°, R.180°, G.-225°, W.-045°, R.-077°.


59° 15.1´ N L.Fl.(2)W.R.G. 19° 00.8´ E period 18s fl. 3s, ec. 3s fl. 3s, ec. 9s

67 20

W. 16 Red tower, black base; 98. R. 13 Floodlit. G. 12

RT(• – • –) period 30s

R. 110°-124°, G.-137°, W.144°, R.-160°, G.-295°, W.-307°30′, R.-314°, G.000°, W.-005°30′, R.011°, G.-110°. Shown by day Nov. 1 to Mar. 31. Nautophone: Mo.(R) ev. 60s. Radar reflector.


59° 16.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 18° 59.0´ E

46 14

W. 12 Tower, red and black bands; 49. R. 9 Floodlit. G. 8

R. 083°-117°, W.-122°, R.186°, G.-282°30′, R.083°.

59° 16.7´ N Iso.W.R.G. 19° 00.0´ E period 4s

34 10

W. R. G.

G. 295°-326°30′, W.-343°30′, R.-018°, G.-070°, W.074°30′, R.-094°, G.131°, W.-138°.

SANDHAMNSLEDEN: 9068 -Sandhamn Stangskar. C 6468

9070 -Gronskar. C 6468.5

59° 16.7´ N L.Fl.G. 19° 01.5´ E period 10s

8 Yellow tower, white top; 24. 6 5 4

9076 Horssten, about 6.9 kilometers 067° from Gronskar.

59° 18.0´ N Fl.(4)W.R.G. 19° 08.0´ E period 12s

28 9

W. R. G.

6 White structure; 12. 4 3

G. 276°-310°, W.-038°, R.111°, G.-132°, W.-139°, R.-150°, G.-170°. Fishing light.

9080 Prickgrundet.

59° 17.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 18° 56.0´ E period 9s

17 5

W. R. G.

9 White structure, yellow top. 5 4

G. 246°-323°, R.-002°30′, W. (unintensified)-084°, G.122°, R.-144°, R. (unintensified)-237°30′, R.-246°.

C 6463.5

C 6472


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


9084 Sandhamn, Sando pilot station.

59° 17.4´ N Oc.W.R.G. 18° 54.9´ E period 30s lt. 27.5s, ec. 2.5s

33 10

59° 18.0´ N Iso.R. 18° 54.0´ E period 4s

26 8

6 White storage shed, red rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

9100 - -Rear, 350 meters 352°06′ from front.

59° 18.5´ N Q.R. 18° 53.3´ E

68 21

7 White storage shed, red rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

9104 -Farfarsgrund.

59° 18.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 18° 54.0´ E

16 5

W. R. G.

6 Red framework structure, white 4 hut. 3

G. 067°-122°, W.-207°, R.336°, obsc.-067°.

59° 18.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 18° 53.0´ E period 6s

36 11

W. R. G.

6 White hut, green band. 4 Floodlit. 3

G. shore-298°, W.-307°, R.032°, G.-102°, W.-110°, R.-shore.

59° 18.0´ N Q.W. 18° 52.0´ E

20 6

C 6472.1

9096 -Stannkobben Range, front. C 6476

C 6476.1

C 6478

9108 Getholmen. C 6480

9112 Smoraskan. C 6481

9114 Utkiken RACON.

59° 17.2´ N T(–) 18° 54.9´ E

9116 Vasterhalet.

59° 17.5´ N Q.W. 18° 52.7´ E

C 6477

RACON 9120 -Skotkubben Range, front.

W. 11 Yellow tower on corner of yellow Visible 6M in unrestricted R. 13 pilot house; 36. sector. G. 11 R. 294°30′-298°30′, G.-304°, W.-307°, R.-314°30′, obsc.-108°, R. (unintensified)-119°. Shown by day in low visibility Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.

6 Red hut on red framework structure. Floodlit. 17 On tower.

26 8

3 Gray cairn.

Azimuth coverage 215°-035°. Visible 165°-275°.

T(–) period 30s 59° 17.2´ N Q.W.R.G. 18° 53.6´ E

10 3

W. 10 Tower, upper part white, lower R. 7 part orange; 26. G. 6 Floodlit.

G. 162°-172°06′, W.-182°48′, R.-273°, G.-346°, W.357°, R.-016°, G.-048°.

9124 - -Adkubben, rear, 3 km. 177° from front.

59° 15.8´ N Iso.W.R.G. 18° 53.8´ E period 4s

23 7

W. R. G.

7 Red lantern. 5 4

G. 165°-171°, W.-179°, R.188°, W.-217°, G.258°30′, W.-259°30′, R.267°30′. Intensified 165°-188°.

9128 -Svartgrund Range, front.

59° 17.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 18° 52.0´ E period 4s

20 6

W. R. G.

7 Orange rectangular daymark. 5 4

G. 270°-297°, W.-305°, R.320°. Radar reflector.

9132 - -Vindalso Islet, rear 704 meters 304°30′ from front.

59° 17.1´ N Q.W. 18° 51.5´ E

39 12

8 Orange rectangular daymark.

Radar reflector.

9134 -Stora Hastskar.

59° 15.5´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 18° 53.8´ E period 9s fl. 0.8s, ec. 1.2s fl. 0.8s, ec. 1.2s fl. 0.8s, ec. 4.2s

7 5 4

R. 238°30′-242°, G.-248°30′, W.-250°, R.-256°, G.268°30′.

6 Red hut.

G. 097°-118°30′, W.-126°, R.135°, G.-177°, W.191°30′, R.-220°.

6 White lantern on black concrete 4 tower, white band; 37. 4

G. 001°-037°30′, W.-051°, R.060°, R. (unintensified)096°, G. (unintensified)105°, G.-190°30′, W.196°, R.-228°, G.-246°, W.-274°30′, R.-291°, G.310°30′, W.-332°, R.001°.

5 White framework structure, red band.

Visible 144°-188°.

C 6484

C 6484.1

C 6482

C 6482.1

C 6485

9136 -Osterskar. C 6488

9140 Skrapan. C 6588

9144 Viksten Islet. C 6592

W. R. G.

59° 15.4´ N Fl.W.R.G. 18° 56.8´ E period 3s fl. 0.7s, ec. 2.3s

23 7

58° 47.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 17° 59.0´ E period 9s

41 12

58° 47.0´ N Q.W. 17° 57.0´ E

33 10


W. R. G.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


9146 -NW. point. C 6590

9148 Gunnarstenarna. C 6594

9152 Masknuv. C 6596

9164 -Trehorningen. C 6602

9168 -Bedaro. C 6606

9180 -Brunsviksholmen. C 6614

9184 -Orngrund. C 6598

9188 Ostra Roko. C 6618

9192 Alvsnabben. C 6618.4

9196 Mysingeholm. C 6619

9200 Soderhall, in Mysingsfjarden. C 6620

9201 Uto Nasudden.

58° 47.6´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 17° 56.9´ E period 6s

55 17

W. R. G.

8 White octagonal tower, green 5 band, concrete base. 4

G. 018°-025°, W.-029°, R.065°, G.-097°, W.-098°, R.-118°, G.-154°, R.187°, G.-201°, W.-208°, R.-216°30′.

58° 46.0´ N L.Fl.(2)W.R.G. 18° 03.0´ E period 15s

46 14

W. R. G.

8 White hut with gray base. 6 5

R. 000°-019°, G.-038°, R.102°, G.-142°30′, W.152°30′, R.-180°, G.235°, W.-000°.

58° 51.4´ N Mo.(A)W.R.G. 18° 00.9´ E period 8s fl. 1s, ec. 1s fl. 3s, ec. 3s

44 13

W. 13 White octagonal tower, concrete G. 009°36′-020°, W.-023°, R.R. 10 base; 34. 029°48′, W.-157°48′, G.G. 9 171°30′, W.-182°12′, R.189°18′, G.-196°42′, W.212°, R.-217°06′.

58° 54.0´ N I.V.Q.W.R.G. 17° 57.0´ E period 6s

26 8

W. 10 Lantern on post. R. 8 G. 7

G. 315°-358°30′, W.-359°30′, R.-025°.

58° 53.8´ N Iso.W.R.G. 17° 57.6´ E period 4s

10 3

W. R. G.

7 White hut. 5 4

G. 020°30′-033°30′, W.-036°, R.-043°, obsc.-155°, G.163°, W.-177°, R.-195°.

58° 55.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 17° 59.0´ E period 6s

25 8

W. 12 White tower; 19. R. 9 G. 8

R. 270°-279°30′, G.-296°30′, W.-306°30′, R.-317°, G.323°, W.-327°, R.-000°, G.-039°, W.-043°, R.047°30′.

58° 54.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 18° 02.0´ E

33 10

W. 10 Gray tower, black and red bands; W. 010°-020°30′, R.-105°, G.R. 8 36. 131°30′, W.-147°, R.G. 7 195°, G.-232°30′, W.246°, R.-290°, G.-340°, W.-344°30′, R.-358°, G.010°.

58° 54.3´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 18° 05.1´ E period 6s

25 8

W. R. G.

6 White shed, green band, lantern G. 026°-036°, W.-043°, R.4 on roof. 059°, G.-076°30′, W.3 084°, R.-129°, G.-143°, W.-148°, R.-211°, G.219°, W.-222°30′, R.246°, R. (unintensified)269°, G. (unintensified)354°, R. (unintensified)007°30′, R.-026°.

58° 58.7´ N Q.W.R.G. 18° 11.4´ E

22 7

W. R. G.

5 Red shed, white roof and base. 5 4

R. shore-218°, G.-226°, W.041°, R.-045°, G.-053°.

59° 00.2´ N Iso.W.R.G. 18° 15.5´ E period 4s

26 8

W. R. G.

7 White tower, red roof; 21. 5 4

G. 005°-043°12′, G.(intensified)-044°30′, W. (intensified)-046°30′, R. (intensified)-049°42′, R.-084°, G.-118°, R.164°, G.-186°, W.-200°, R.-204°30′, G.-210°, W.211°, R.-223°.

59° 01.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 18° 15.0´ E period 9s

18 5

W. R. G.

6 Red hut. 4 3

G. 153°-161°, W.-165°, R.202°30′, G.-282°30′, W.285°, R.-005°, G.038°30′, R.-062°.

3 Metal framework tower.

Visible 155°-335°. On request.

58° 58.0´ N Q.W. 18° 17.8´ E

6 2

C 6621

58° 58.3´ N F.R. 18° 19.9´ E

20 6

3 Post, white triangular daymark, point up.

Visible on range line only. Occasional.

9202.1 -Rear, 140 meters 158° from front.

58° 58.2´ N F.R. 18° 19.8´ E

36 11

3 Post, white triangular daymark, point down.

Visible on range line only. Occasional.

59° 04.4´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 18° 17.9´ E period 9s

20 6

7 Red tower, gray base; 22. 5 4

G. 210°18′-233°36′, W.235°42′, R.-244°30′, G.315°18′, R.-355°06′, G.006°12′, W.-022°, R.051°30′, G.-090°.

C 6620.4

9202 Uto Range, front.

C 6621.1

9204 Langgarn. C 6623


W. R. G.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


9212 Galo. C 6625

9216 Kycklingen. C 6628

9220 Torrbanken. C 6626

9224 Koon. C 6625.4

9232 Asposkar. C 6632

9236 Segelholm. C 6634

9248 Riksdalerskaret. C 6636

9250 Mickelsland, SW. C 6649

59° 06.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 18° 21.0´ E period 8s

13 4

W. R. G.

9 Red shed. 7 6

G. 140°-282°, R.-017°, G.042°, W.-050°, R.-140°.

59° 06.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 18° 23.0´ E period 4s

34 10

W. 10 Red structure; 7. R. 8 Floodlit. G. 7

G. 266°-245°, W.-248°, R.266°.

59° 06.6´ N Fl.W.R.G. 18° 22.0´ E period 3s

13 4

W. R. G.

9 Red tower. 7 6

G. (unintensified) 213°-228°, G.-239°, W.-241°30′, R.258°, R. (unintensified)273°, R.-285°, G.-326°, W.-342°, R.-000°.

3 Iron tripod.

Visible 324°-144°. Occasional.

59° 07.0´ N Q.W. 18° 20.0´ E

3 1

59° 07.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 18° 24.0´ E

21 6

W. 10 Red hut with mast; 15. R. 7 G. 6

G. 329°-046°, W.-048°, R.093°, G.-108°, W.-160°, R.-183°, G.-203°, W.208°, R.-222°.

59° 07.0´ N Fl.(4)W.R.G. 18° 25.0´ E period 12s fl. 0.8s, ec. 1.2s fl. 0.8s, ec. 1.2s fl. 0.8s, ec. 1.2s fl. 0.8s, ec. 5.2s

10 3

W. 10 White structure, red roof. R. 7 Floodlit. G. 6

G. 058°-071°, W.-080°, R.147°, G.-222°, W.227°30′, R.-236°30′.

59° 07.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 18° 26.0´ E period 6s

13 4

W. 10 White structure, red roof. R. 7 Floodlit. G. 6

G. 038°-053°, W.-055°30′, R.173°, G.-180°, W.187°30′, R.-199°, G. (unintensified)-245°, W. (unintensified)-250°, R. (unintensified)-254°.

59° 07.0´ N Q.Y. 18° 26.5´ E

7 2

2 Lantern on pole.

Shown Oct. 1 to Mar. 31.

5 Red hut with mast. 3 2

G. 204°-214°, W.-222°, R.282°.

9252 Stenholmen, E. side of Korsholmen.

59° 08.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 18° 26.0´ E period 3s

17 5

W. R. G.

9256 Genbote.

59° 07.9´ N Iso.W.R.G. 18° 25.7´ E period 3s

78 24

W. 10 White structure, red roof. R. 7 Floodlit. G. 6

W. 006°-015°30′, R.-038°, G.047°30′, W.-050°30′, R.059°, W. (unintensified)142°, G. (unintensified)185°, W.-212°, R.-234°.

59° 08.4´ N Iso.W.R.G. 18° 26.3´ E period 4s

19 6

W. 10 Red tower; 22. R. 7 G. 6

G. 244°-252°(intensified), W.254°30′(intensified), R.282°30′(intensified), G.302°30′, W.-310°, R.343°30′, G.-032°, W.038°, R.-048°, G.053°30′, W.-055°30′, R.065°.

59° 08.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 18° 28.0´ E period 6s

23 7

W. R. G.

R. 030°-062°, G.-067°, W.071°30′, R.-213°, G.249°, W.-253°, R.-336°, G.-030°. Radar reflector.

59° 08.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 18° 25.0´ E period 6s

10 3

W. 10 White structure, red roof. R. 7 Floodlit. G. 6

G. 349°-030°, W.-038°30′, R.044°, G.-095°, R.-110°, W.-223°30′.

59° 08.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 18° 25.0´ E period 9s

12 4

W. 10 Red hut, gray base. R. 7 Floodlit. G. 6

G. 225°-243°30′, W.-246°, R.250°, G.-263°, R.-031°, G.-037°, W.-056°, obsc.225°.

C 6642

C 6644

9260 Hummelklapp. C 6648

9262 Piltholmsknall. C 6650

9264 Jutholmen. C 6640

9268 Dalaro, on Saltsacken Shoal. C 6646

9280 Bo Kappel, entrance to Baggensfjarden.

C 6654

59° 19.0´ N Fl.(2)W. 18° 18.0´ E period 6s

8 2


9 Green tower, white band. 6 Floodlit. 5

6 Lantern on white storage shed, green band.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


9284 Fjardhallan, in Jungfrufjarden.

59° 09.4´ N Fl.W.R.G. 18° 33.5´ E period 3s

25 8

W. R. G.

8 White round shed, black base; 5 23. 4

G. 109°-177°, R.-199°, G.202°, W.-205°, R.-208°, G. (unintensified)-245°, W. (unintensified)-290°, W.-006°, R.-031°, G.063°30′, W.-069°, R.109°.

59° 12.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 18° 34.0´ E period 4s

23 7

W. R. G.

6 Red tower, white top; 27. 4 3

G. shore-246°, W.-307°30′, R.-331°, G.-352°, W.358°, R.-015°, G.053°30′, W.-079°, R.092°.

59° 13.1´ N I.V.Q.W.R.G. 18° 37.1´ E period 9s

23 7

W. R. G.

6 White and green tower, gray 4 base; 26. 3

G. 015°-035°, W.-038°30′, R.049°, G.-063°30′, W.066°, R.-075°, R. (unintensified)-134°, G. (unintensified)-203°, G.213°, W.-220°, R.-234°, R. (unintensified)-313°. G. (unintensified)-015°.

59° 13.5´ N Fl.W.R.G. 18° 37.2´ E period 3s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2.5s

20 6

W. R. G.

6 White shed, red band, lantern on W. 213°-000°, G.-030°, W.4 roof. 044°, R.-053°. 3 Floodlit.

59° 14.9´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 18° 40.1´ E period 6s

17 5

W. R. G.

7 White octagonal hut, green 4 band, round base; 7. 4

59° 18.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 18° 43.0´ E period 3s

20 6

W. 10 White tower. R. 7 G. 6

G. 201°-221°, W.-224°, R.243°30′, W. (unintensified)-335° G. (unintensified)-357°30′, W.-003°, R.-019°.

59° 18.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 18° 46.0´ E period 4s

20 6

W. R. G.

6 White hut, green band. 4 3

G. 031°-035°, W.-042°, R.145°, G.-179°30′, W.194°, R.-204°, G.-212°, W.-214°, R.-222°, G.234°.

9316 -Fjardholmen, W. side of Stora Fjardholmen.

59° 21.5´ N Q.W.R.G. 18° 50.0´ E

16 5

W. R. G.

8 White shed, green band. 5 4

G. 024°-030°, W.-046°, R.059°, G.-184°, R.-199°, G.-214°30′, W.-216°, R.235°.

9320 -Algeroren (Elgorn) islet, E. side.

59° 20.0´ N Q.W.R. 18° 56.0´ E

35 11

W. R.

4 White hut. 2

W. 160°-311°, R.-018°, W.058°. Fishing light.

9328 -Prastkobben.

59° 24.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 19° 11.0´ E

33 10

W. R. G.

6 Gray hut. 4 3

G. 181°-224°, W.-232°, R.314°, G.-335°30′, W.349° R.-055°, G.-107°30′ W.-111°, R.-181°. Fishing light. Occasional.

5 Framework structure.

Fishing light.

G. (unintensified) shore-022°, G.-036°, W.-038°30′, R.051°, R. (unintensified)135°, G. (unintensified)211°, G.-225°, W.-228°, R.-shore.

C 6658

9288 Grono, W. of Namdofjarden. C 6660

9292 Kofotsgrund. C 6662

9296 Kofoten. C 6664

9300 Franska Stenarna. C 6666

9308 Runo. C 6670

W. (unintensified) 239°30′305°, G.-312°, W.-314°, R.-321°, W. (unintensified)-035°, G.043°30′, W.-064°, W. (unintensified)-210°30′, W.-239°30′.

STOCKHOLM APPROACH: 9312 -Langholmen. C 6672

C 6409

C 6463.3

C 6462

9332 -Tvikobb Islet. C 6463.2

9336 -Palkobb. C 6406

9340 -Stora Moja, E. side. C 6408

59° 24.0´ N Fl.W. 19° 02.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s 59° 25.0´ N Fl.(4)W.R.G. 18° 55.0´ E period 10s

33 10

W. R. G.

8 White tower, green band; 34. 6 5

59° 24.8´ N Q.W.R.G. 18° 54.0´ E

19 6

W. R. G.

8 Red hut, white band, black base. G. shore-233°, W.-028°, R.5 shore. 4


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


9344 -Stenkobbsgrund. C 6404

9348 -Morsken Rock. C 6402

9352 -Hundskarsknuv Rock. C 6399

9356 -Mellgrundsknuv. C 6400

9360 -Vasterkobb Rock. C 6396

9364 -Arskobben. C 6398

9368 -Tegelhallan. C 6669

9372 -Trollharan, E. end of islet. C 6673

9376 -Yxhammarskubben. C 6495

9380 -Gastholmsgrundet. C 6496

9392 -Norra Kanholmen. C 6502

9396 -Klovholmen. C 6498

9400 -Branten. C 6503

9402 Gallnoport. C 6505

9404 -Sollenkroka. C 6506

9408 -Magarna Rock. C 6504

59° 25.8´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 18° 57.1´ E period 6s

41 12

W. R. G.

8 White tower, green band; 44. 6 5

G. (unintensified) 129°-204°, G.-221°48', W.-224°30', R.-235°, R. (unintensified)-265°, R.305°, G. (unintensified)047°, G.-052°, W.-062°, R.-078°, R. (unintensified)-129°.

59° 30.9´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 19° 05.4´ E period 8s

36 11

W. R. G.

7 White cairn, red square. 5 4

W. 067°-219°, R.-231°, G.273°, W.-353°, G.020°42', W.-038°06', R.067°.

59° 35.9´ N Fl.W.R.G. 19° 07.6´ E period 3s

29 9

W. R. G.

8 White tower, red band; 24. 6 5

G. 180°-196°, W.-199°, R.209°, R. (unintensified)262°, G. (unintensified)353°, G.-001°, W.-003°, R.-040°, G.-052°, G. (unintensified)-097°, G.107°, R.-117°, R. (unintensified)-180°.

59° 36.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 19° 04.0´ E

23 7

W. R. G.

5 White framework tower. 3 3

G. 216°-281°, W.-284°, R.067°, G.-101°, W.-109°, R.-216°. Fishing light. Occasional.

59° 39.7´ N Iso.W.R.G. 19° 10.5´ E period 4s

28 9

W. R. G.

8 White tower, green band; 24. 6 5

G. (unintensified) shore-358°, G.-017°30′, W.-019°30′, R.-043°, R. (unintensified)-135°, G. (unintensified)-163°, G.180°, W.-183°, R.-191°.

59° 39.7´ N Q.W.R.G. 19° 09.7´ E

18 5

W. R. G.

7 White structure, red band. 5 5

G. shore-194°, W.-007°06', R.-shore.

59° 17.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 18° 43.0´ E period 6s

23 7

W. R. G.

7 Tower, upper part white, lower R. 111°-169°, G.-202°30′, W.5 part orange, black base; 23. 209°, R.-225°, G.-309°, 4 W.-338°30′, R.-036°, G.111°.

59° 19.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 18° 45.0´ E

41 12

W. R. G.

5 Mast on white hut, red band. 3 2

G. 180°-202°, W.-037°30′, R.045°, obscured elsewhere.

59° 18.8´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 18° 48.6´ E period 9s fl. 0.7s, ec. 1s fl. 0.7s, ec. 1s fl. 0.7s, ec. 4.9s

26 8

W. R. G.

6 Red hut with white base; 26. 4 Floodlit. 3

W. 095°-166°30′, R.-283°, G.292°, W.-298°, R.-022°, obsc.-095°.

59° 19.0´ N Q.G. 18° 49.0´ E

24 7

3 Green hut and base.

Radar reflector.

59° 22.0´ N Q.R. 18° 45.0´ E

15 5

3 White iron post, concrete base. Floodlit.

Visible 103°-328°.

59° 22.4´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 18° 45.3´ E period 6s

23 7

W. R. G.

7 White house, red lantern. 5 4

G. 298°-315°, W.-347°, R.087°30′, G.-094°, W.115°. Radar reflector.

59° 23.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 18° 43.0´ E period 4s

23 7

W. R. G.

6 Yellow and white tower. 4 Floodlit. 3

G. shore-285°30′, W.-290°, R.-023°, G.-094°30′, W.099°, R.-shore.

59° 23.6´ N Fl.W.R.G. 18° 36.6´ E period 3s

33 10

W. R. G.

6 White hut. 4 3

W. 105°-130°, G.-290°, W.293°, R.-298°.

59° 23.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 18° 41.0´ E period 3s

16 5

W. 10 White hut. R. 8 Floodlit. G. 6

G. shore-085°, W.-089°, R.111°, G.-123°, W.-129°, R.-155°, R. (unintensified)-267°.

59° 23.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 18° 40.0´ E period 9s

14 4

W. R. G.

W. (unintensified) 209°-270°, G.-279°, W.-281°, R.315°.


6 White hut. 4 3

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


9420 -Kalvo.

59° 22.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 18° 37.0´ E period 6s

52 16

W. R. G.

6 White tower; 34. 4 Floodlit. 3

G. shore-263°, W.-266°, R.305°, W.-340°, W. (unintensified)-080°, W.shore.

59° 22.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 18° 36.0´ E

23 7

W. R. G.

6 White structure. 4 3

G. 120°-132°, W.-144°, R.158°, G.-247°, R.-shore.

59° 23.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 18° 34.3´ E period 3s

25 8

W. R. G.

7 White shed, red band, on black 5 base. 4

G. 115°-123°30′, W.-130°, R.233°, G.-299°, W.305°30′, R.-325°, obsc.055°, W. (unintensified)099°.

59° 24.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 18° 32.0´ E

23 7

W. R. G.

6 Red lantern on white shed, red 4 band. 3

G. 144°-147°30′, W.-150°, R.157°30′, G.-193°, R.258°, G.-294°, W.299°30′, R.-310°.

59° 24.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 18° 32.0´ E period 3s

16 5

W. R. G.

6 White hut. 4 Floodlit. 3

R. shore-140°, G.-151°, W.157°, R.-162°, G.-167°, W.-170°, R.-252°, G.309°, W.-312°, R.-322°.

59° 24.0´ N Q.R.G. 18° 27.0´ E

17 5

R. G.

5 White metal structure; 13. 4 Floodlit.

G. shore-345°, R.-shore.

9444 -Rinda, SW. side of Oxdjupet Channel.

59° 24.0´ N Q.R.G. 18° 26.0´ E

17 5

R. G.

5 White iron structure; 13. 4 Floodlit.

R. shore-138°30′, G.-205°, R.-shore.

9448 -Lindalen Range, front.

59° 25.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 18° 29.0´ E period 4s

8 2

W. R. G.

6 White tower on gray base. 4 Floodlit. 3

G. 265°-295°, W.-305°30′, R.083°, G.-096°, W.097°30′, R.-shore.

C 6508

9424 -Boda. C 6510

9428 -Sando Sugga. C 6514

9432 -Bolviksnas. C 6515

9436 -Nyvarp. C 6516

9440 -Varmdolandet. C 6532

C 6534

C 6518

9452 - -Mansoren, rear, 900 meters 097° from front.

59° 25.2´ N Q.W. 18° 30.1´ E

42 13

9456 -Stora Berteln, N. side.

59° 25.5´ N Q.W. 18° 24.7´ E

16 5

59° 25.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 18° 24.0´ E period 3s

20 6

W. 10 White shed on black base. R. 7 Floodlit. G. 6

9464 -Tisterogrundet, on Tistero Kummel.

59° 26.0´ N Q.(3)W.R.G. 18° 24.0´ E period 4s

20 6

W. 10 Storage shed, top white, bottom G. 307°-323°, W.-340°, R.R. 7 black. 349°, G.-003°, W.-150°, G. 6 Floodlit. R.-214°.

9465 -Buoy TISTERO.

59° 26.0´ N Fl.Y. 18° 24.0´ E period 3s

C 6518.1

C 6522

9460 -Brodstycket. C 6524

C 6524.5


9 Lantern and red rectangle, yellow band, on white storage shed. 10 Red structure, concrete base. Floodlit.

Visible 090°-278°. W. 315°-040°, R.-076°, G.108°, W.-134°, R.-240°.

SPECIAL Y, pillar.



9468 -Vastra Ronnholmen, NW. point.

59° 26.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 18° 22.0´ E

15 5

W. R. G.

5 White storage shed, red band. 3 3

W. shore-206°, R.-220°, G.224°, W.-236°, R.-shore.

9472 -Sandgrundet.

59° 24.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 18° 22.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.7s, ec. 2.3s

12 4

W. R. G.

5 White octagonal tower, granite 3 base. 3

G. 086°-104°, W.-284°30′, R.305°.

9476 -Furuholmen, Oxdjupet Channel, W. entrance.

59° 22.3´ N Fl.W.R.G. 18° 20.1´ E period 3s

16 5

W. R. G.

6 White round hut on tower. 4 Floodlit. 3

R. 340°-044°, G.-069°30′, W.071°30′, R.-076°30′, G.157°30′, W.-189°, R.205°, obsc.-340°.

9480 -Bjornsgrundet.

59° 22.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 18° 18.6´ E period 4s

20 6

W. R. G.

5 White shed, red band, black 3 base. 2

G. 028°-072°, W.-081°30′, R.120°, G.-130°30′, W.141°, R.-173°, G.-241°, R.-028°. Radar reflector.

59° 21.8´ N Oc.W.R.G. 18° 22.6´ E period 5s

13 4

W. R. G.

6 White hut. 4 Floodlit. 3

G. 093°-099°, W.-102°06′, R.259°, G.-268°36′, W.274°48′, R.-292°.

59° 21.7´ N Fl.W.R.G. 18° 27.1´ E period 3s

20 6

W. R. G.

6 White octagonal hut, concrete 4 base. 3 Floodlit.

G. 336°-049°30′, W.-070°, R.097°, G.-158°, W.-175°, R.-181°.

C 6525

C 6528

C 6544

C 6545

9484 -Varmdo-Garpen. C 6568

9488 -Sodernas. C 6572


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


9492 -Lagnogrundet.

59° 21.5´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 18° 24.9´ E period 4s

21 6

W. 10 White hut, black base. R. 7 Floodlit. G. 6

G. 108°-135°, R.-187°, G.271°30′, W.-298°, R.108°. Radar reflector.

9496 -Tynningo, Oxdjupet Channel, N. side.

59° 22.3´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 18° 23.3´ E period 6s

15 5

W. R. G.

6 Gray tower, white top; 20. 4 Floodlit. 3

G. 294°-306°, W.-311°30′, R.343°, W. (unintensified)074°, G.-099°30′, W.101°, R.-120°.

9504 -Bogesund.

59° 22.8´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 18° 18.2´ E period 6s

13 4

W. R. G.

6 White octagonal hut, gray 4 masonry base. 3 Floodlit.

R. 260°-268°, G.-281°30′, W.284°, R.-000°, G.090°30′, W.-095°, R.106°.

59° 22.7´ N Fl.W.R.G. 18° 17.7´ E period 3s

13 4

W. 12 White octagonal hut, concrete R. 9 base. G. 8 Floodlit.

G. shore-319°30′, W.-350°, R.-039°, G.-049°30′, W.054°30′, R.-084°, G.094°30′, W.-099°, R.shore.

59° 22.4´ N Q.W.R.G. 18° 16.8´ E

24 7

W. R. G.

8 White shed, black base. 6 Floodlit. 5

G. 000°-035°30′, W.-041°, R.060°, G.-178°, R.-224°, G.-283°, W.-286°, R.000°. Radar reflector.

59° 22.0´ N Q.R. 18° 16.0´ E

22 7

5 White shed, red band, on black base. Floodlit.

Radar reflector.

59° 21.8´ N Iso.W.R.G. 18° 15.5´ E period 6s

21 6

W. 12 White shed, red base; 26. R. 10 Floodlit. G. 8

G. shore-174°30′, W. (unintensified)-177°30′, R. (unintensified)-187°, R.-211°, G.-229°, W.236°, R.-250°, G.270°30′, W.-343°30′, R.011°, G.-033°, W.043°30′, R.-054°30′, G.070°.

59° 24.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 18° 11.0´ E period 6s

16 5

W. R. G.

6 White octagonal hut, concrete 4 base. 3

G. 283°30′-290°, W.-297°30′, R.-328°, W.-059°, G.088°, W.-091°, R.-shore. Shown as needed.

9528 -Kungshamn, entrance to Skurusund.

59° 20.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 18° 13.0´ E period 3s

22 7

W. R. G.

6 White lantern. 4 3

G. shore-058°30′, W.-062°, R.-076°30′, G.-091°, W.098°, R.-205°, G.-219°, W.-227°30′, R.-shore. Shown from July 6 to June 6.

9532 -Djursholmsudde.

59° 23.7´ N Fl.(4)W.R.G. 18° 06.2´ E period 12s

18 5

W. R. G.

6 White hut. 4 3

G. 270°-282°30′, W.-286°, R.312°, G.-028°, W.042°30′, R.-061°. Shown as required.

59° 23.5´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 18° 05.6´ E period 6s

18 5

W. R. G.

6 White hut. 4 3

G. 224°-238°, W.-260°, R.276°, W.-357°30′, G.001°30′, W.-020°, R.036°. Shown as required.

59° 23.4´ N Q.W. 18° 05.9´ E

16 5

3 Lantern on white hut.

Shown as required.

59° 20.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 18° 11.0´ E period 9s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1s fl. 0.5s, ec. 5.5s

21 6

W. R. G.

6 White octagonal iron tower, 4 concrete base. 3

G. 102°-123°, W.-127°, R.192°, W.-262°. Shown from July 6 to June 6. 2 F.R. shown northward.

59° 19.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 18° 09.0´ E period 6s

20 6

W. R. G.

6 White tower, gray base; 16. 4 3

W. from E. shore of Djurgarden-211°, R.222°, G.-244°, W.086°30′, R. to S. shore of Djurgarden. Shown from July 6 to June 6.

C 6571

C 6570

C 6536

9508 -Granholmen, W. extremity. C 6538

9512 -Stora Hoggarnsbank. C 6539

9516 -Lilla Hoggarnsbank. C 6545.2

9520 -Alvviksgrundet. C 6546

9524 -Vastra Haga, on Vadero. C 6540

C 6549

C 6541

9536 -Aludden. C 6542

9540 -Lilla Bergholmen. C 6543

STOCKHOLM: 9548 -Libertus, N. side. C 6550

9556 -Blockhusudden. C 6558


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


9560 -Lilla Vartan 4. C 6551.2

59° 21.1´ N Q.R. 18° 07.2´ E

19 6

6 Floodlit board on pole.

Radar reflector.

59° 19.0´ N Fl.G. 18° 07.0´ E period 2s

33 10

8 Post.

Visible 150°-254°. Traffic signal.

59° 18.7´ N Fl.R. 18° 06.1´ E period 2s

33 10

9 Post.

Visible 020°-043°. Traffic signal.

59° 45.2´ N Fl.W. 19° 24.4´ E period 8s

102 31

STOCKHOLM APPROACH: -Danvikskanalen: 9564 - -No. 1, W. side. C 6560

9568 - -No. 2, E. side. C 6560.4

9572 -Soderarmsleden. C 6384

9576 -Tjarven. C 6386

9580 -Remmargrund. C 6387

-RACON 9581 - -Norrskaren. C 6387.2

9582 - -Osterskarsbadan. C 6387.3

16 White round stone tower, red band; 69. Floodlit.

Shown by day Nov. 1 to Mar. 31. Unintensified 050°-085°.

59° 47.5´ N Oc.(2)W.R.G. 19° 22.2´ E period 20s lt. 11s, ec. 3s lt. 3s, ec. 3s

60 18

W. 17 Lantern on roof of white castleR. 14 like building. G. 13

G. 115°-126°30', obsc.-129°, G.-134°30', W.-298°, R.338°, G.-348°30', W.035°30', R.-050°, G.085°30', obsc.-095°, R.108°30', obsc.-110°, R.115°. Shown by day Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.

59° 45.6´ N L.Fl.W.R.G. 19° 19.2´ E period 8s fl. 2s, ec. 6s

65 20

W. 13 Tower, red and black bands; 65. R. 10 G. 9

W. 176°-207°, R.-226°, G.237°, W.-256°, R.281°30′, G.-343°30′, R.061°, G.-066°, W.072°30′, R.-148°, G.176°. Radar reflector.

M(– –) period 30s


59° 46.2´ N Fl.G. 19° 18.2´ E period 3s

28 9

2 White concrete tower, green band; 21.

Visible 155°-039°. Radar reflector.

59° 45.7´ N Fl.(2)G. 19° 17.7´ E period 6s

30 9

2 White concrete tower, green band; 21.

Visible 154°-041°. Radar reflector.

59° 45.0´ N Fl.(4)G. 19° 15.6´ E period 12s

30 9

5 Green tower, white band.

59° 44.4´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 19° 13.6´ E period 9s

39 12

W. 13 Black round tower, red bands; R. 10 42. G. 9

W. 245°-250°30′, R.-060°, G.067°, W.-072°30′, R.168°, G.-245°.

59° 44.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 19° 14.0´ E

16 5

W. R. G.

G. 060°-072°, W.-243°, R.255°.

59° 44.1´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 19° 11.2´ E period 6s

23 7

W. 13 White hut, concrete base. R. 10 Floodlit. G. 9

G. shore-249°30′, W.-253°, R.-259°, W.-354°, R.008°, G.-064°, W.-068°, R.-076°, G.-084°.

59° 45.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 19° 06.0´ E

21 6

W. 10 White hut, red stripe. R. 7 Floodlit. G. 6

G. shore-007°, W.-075°, R.100°, G.-127°, W.-133°, R.-165°, G.-196°, W.shore.

59° 44.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 19° 07.0´ E period 2s

11 3

W. R. G.

G. shore-302°, W.-305°30′, R.-009°, G.-065°30′, W.074°, R.-121°.

59° 43.3´ N Fl.(4)W.R.G. 19° 04.8´ E period 12s fl. 0.4s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.4s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.4s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.4s, ec. 5.9s

36 11

W. 11 White hut, green band; 31. R. 8 Floodlit. G. 7

-Soderarmsleden Channel: 9584 - -Nygrund. C 6388.5

9588 - -Lerskarsgrund. C 6390

9592 - -Norra Lerskaret. C 6389

9596 -Botveskar. C 6391

9600 -Tjocko. C 6382

9604 -Farholmsrevet, Granhamnsfjarden.

C 6394.5

9 Orange pedestal, white top. 8 Floodlit. 6

7 White hut. 5 4

-Furusund Channel: 9608 - -Kapellskar. C 6412


G. 180°-194°, W.-204°30′, R.228°, G.-251°, W.259°30′, R.-269°, G.304°30′, R.-013°30′, G.037°30′, R.-058°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


9612 - -Orarna Norra Range, front.

59° 43.0´ N F.R. 19° 04.0´ E

13 4

Column, orange triangular daymark, white stripe.


9616 - - -Rear, 50 meters 269°30′ from front.

59° 43.3´ N F.R. 19° 04.1´ E

19 6

Column, orange triangular daymark, point down, white stripe.


9620 - -Svedjelandet Range, front.

59° 43.4´ N F.G. 19° 03.8´ E

13 4

7 Column, orange triangular daymark, white stripe.


9624 - - -Rear, 100 meters 268° from front.

59° 43.5´ N F.G. 19° 04.0´ E

19 6

7 Column, orange triangular daymark, point down, white stripe.


9628 - -Idskarskobben.

59° 42.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 19° 08.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s

23 7

W. R. G.

5 White structure. 3 3

W. 008°-070°, R.-088°, G.152°, W.-157°, R.-348°, G.-008°. Fishing light.

59° 42.2´ N Fl.W.R.G. 19° 03.8´ E period 5s

18 5

W. 10 Red hut, white band. R. 8 Floodlit. G. 6

R. 058°-061°, G.-069°30′, W.094°, W. (unintensified)180°, R. (unintensified)203°, R.-214°, G.221°30′, W.-230°30′, R.247°30′.

59° 41.2´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 18° 59.3´ E period 6s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4s

18 5

W. 10 Green hut, white band. R. 8 Floodlit. G. 6

G. 235°30′-241°30′, W.-245°, R.-267°, R. (unintensified)-010°, G. (unintensified)-023° G.042°30′, W.-049°30′, R.057°.

59° 40.9´ N Fl.W.R.G. 18° 59.2´ E period 3s

26 8

W. 10 Red hut, white band; 20. R. 7 Floodlit. G. 6

G. 229°-237°, W.-240°, R.305°, G.-036°30′, W.039°, R.-048°, G.052°30′, W.-054°, R.066°, G.-128°, R.-229°. Radar reflector.

59° 39.8´ N Oc.W.R.G. 18° 55.9´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

20 6

W. 10 Cairn. R. 8 Floodlit. G. 6

G. 200°-229°24′, W.-233°18′, R.-320°, G.-046°, W.049°, R.-052°, G.-070°.

59° 35.5´ N F.W.R.G. 18° 55.0´ E

18 5

59° 37.2´ N Fl.(4)W.R.G. 18° 49.3´ E period 10s

20 6

W. 10 White hut, green band; 26. R. 7 Floodlit. G. 6

R. 210°-228°, G.-233°, W.234°30′, R.-257°, W.022°, R.-038°, G.051°30′, W.-053°, R.077°.

59° 35.5´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 18° 47.8´ E period 9s

23 7

W. R. G.

G. 067°30′-075°, W.-077°, R.096°, G.-210°, W.216°30′, R.-shore.

59° 35.2´ N Fl.W.R.G. 18° 43.9´ E period 3s

22 7

W. 10 White hut with red band; 22. R. 7 G. 6

59° 35.1´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 18° 44.1´ E period 6s

13 4

W. 10 Lantern on white pedestal, green W. 253°-234°, R.-244°, G.R. 7 band. 253°. G. 6 Floodlit.

59° 34.5´ N Q.W.R.G. 18° 41.2´ E

22 7

W. 10 White shed, red band. R. 7 Floodlit. G. 6

G. 055°-064°, W.-082°, R.096°, G.-249°, W.-253°, R.-260. Radar reflector.

59° 33.8´ N Fl.(4)W.R.G. 18° 38.0´ E period 12s

10 3

W. 10 Green hut, white band. R. 7 Floodlit. G. 6

G. 237°-239°30′, W.-244°, R.271°30′, G.-005°, W.053°30′, R.-062°.

C 6412.3

C 6412.31

C 6412.2

C 6412.21

C 6395

-Furusundsleden: 9632 - -Maro, N. point. C 6416

9636 - -Alandskobb. C 6418

9640 - -Alandets Grund. C 6419

9644 - -Furusund, on Yxlan. C 6420

9646 - -Storvik. C 6401

9648 - -Gryten Islet, S. side. C 6421

9652 -Yxlan, SW. side. C 6422

9656 - -Vaxlet Norra. C 6423

9660 - -Vaxlet Sodra. C 6424

9664 - -Lunsen. C 6426

9672 - -Staboudde. C 6430


5 White shed; 12.

9 Red hut with white band. 7 Floodlit. 6

R. shore-215°, G.-245°, W.250°, R.-257°, G.-263°, W.-266°, R.-288°, G.shore. Shown on request.

G. 058°-068°, W.-072°, R.085°, W.-231°, G.-236°, W.-239°, R.-250°, G.257°, W.-277°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


9676 - -Stabogrund.

59° 33.7´ N Q.W.R.G. 18° 37.9´ E

16 5

W. 10 Red hut, white band. R. 7 Floodlit. G. 6

G. 326°-059°, W.-241°, R.326°. Radar reflector.

59° 32.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 18° 33.1´ E period 6s fl. 1s, ec. 5s

11 3

W. 10 Red hut, white roof. R. 8 Floodlit. G. 7

G. 046°-052°, W.-054°, R.142°, G.-232°, W.236°30′, R.-241°.

59° 31.5´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 18° 31.5´ E period 6s

10 3

W. 10 Mast, green and white R. 7 rectangular daymark. G. 6 Floodlit.

G. 230°-001°, W.-008°, R.056°.

59° 30.7´ N Iso.W.R.G. 18° 29.8´ E period 4s

16 5

W. 10 Green hut, white band. R. 7 Floodlit. G. 6

G. shore-235°, W.-054°, R.shore.

59° 30.6´ N Q.W.R.G. 18° 29.7´ E

20 6

W. 10 Red hut, white band. R. 7 Floodlit. G. 6

G. 322°-052°, W.-231°, R.322°. Radar reflector.

9696 - -Sandkullen, Ostra Saxafjarden.

59° 30.2´ N Iso.W.R.G. 18° 31.2´ E period 4s

11 3

W. 10 Red hut, white roof. R. 7 Floodlit. G. 7

G. 021°-028°30′, W.-040°30′, R.-113°, G.-174°, W.187°, R.-214°30′.

9700 - -Vallersvik.

59° 29.9´ N Fl.(4)W.R.G. 18° 27.7´ E period 12s fl. 0.8s, ec. 1.2s fl. 0.8s, ec. 1.2s fl. 0.8s, ec. 1.2s fl. 0.8s, ec. 5.2s

24 7

W. 10 White hut, red band, R. 8 Floodlit. G. 6

G. 223°-231°30′, W.-234°30′, R.-315°, G.-019°30′, W.022°30′, R.-034°.

59° 27.4´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 18° 25.8´ E period 6s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4s

13 4

W. 10 Green structure, white roof and R. 8 base. G. 7 Floodlit.

G. 184°-195°30′, W.-203°30′, R.-307°30′, G.-353°, W.028°30′, R.-039°.

59° 27.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 18° 25.0´ E period 4s

20 6

W. R. G.

G. 200°-216°, W.-244°, R.271°, G.-283°, W.286°30′, R.-342°, G.053°30′, W.-065°30′, R.071°.

59° 27.0´ N Fl.(2)G. 18° 27.0´ E period 6s

13 4

59° 26.0´ N Fl.(4)W.R.G. 18° 30.0´ E period 12s fl. 0.8s, ec. 1s fl. 0.8s, ec. 1s fl. 0.8s, ec. 1s fl. 0.8s, ec. 5.8s

13 4

W. R. G.

59° 29.4´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 18° 29.7´ E period 6s

23 7

W. 10 Red hut, white roof. R. 8 Floodlit. G. 7

G. 203°-217°, W.-221°30′, R.248°, G.-349°30′, W.356°, R.-001°.

59° 28.2´ N Fl.W.R.G. 18° 25.3´ E period 4s fl. 1s, ec. 3s

10 3

W. 10 Red hut, white roof. R. 8 Floodlit. G. 6

G. 039°30′-045°30′, W.-051°, R.-155°, G.-223°30′, W.225°, R.-245°.

59° 27.2´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 18° 23.4´ E period 6s

10 3

W. 10 White hut, red band. R. 8 Floodlit. G. 7

G. shore-222°30′, W.224°30′, R.-262°, G.015°30′, W.-027°, R.039°, R. (unintensified) 060°-061°.

C 6431

9680 - -Ryssmasterna. C 6432

9684 - -Gullholmen. C 6433

9688 - -Nykvarnsholmen. C 6440

9692 -Nykvarnsgrund. C 6442

C 6434

C 6444

9704 - -Mjolko, on Rodhall. C 6446

-Saxarfjarden: 9708 - -Ostra Alogrundet. C 6452

9712 - -Bjurogrund. C 6453

9716 -Valoarna, on N. rock. C 6454

7 White tower, green lantern; 25. 5 Floodlit. 4

6 Metal framework tower. 6 White hut. 4 3

G. 320°-329°, W.-338°, R.034°, G.-104°30′, W.107°30′, R.-124°, G.188°, W.-240°, R.-270°.

-Furusundsleden: 9724 - -Ikorn, on rock. C 6436

9728 - -Ekoren. C 6448

9732 - -Lerviksudde, SE. side of point, S. entrance to channel.

C 6450


9736 Hoburg. C 7210

56° 55.3´ N Fl.W. 18° 09.3´ E period 5s fl. 0.3s, ec. 4.7s

190 58


27 White tower, black band near top; 71.

Obscured near coast by high cliffs at Hoburg. Shown by day Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


9740 Valar, entrance to Burgsvik Hamn.

57° 02.0´ N Oc.(2)W.R.G. 18° 13.0´ E period 10s

23 7

9744 Burgsvik Range, front.

57° 03.0´ N Iso.W. 18° 17.4´ E period 4s

14 4

12 Post, white square daymark, red Visible on range line only. stripe.

9748 -Rear, 270 meters 073° from front.

57° 03.0´ N Iso.W. 18° 17.5´ E period 4s

52 16

12 Post, white square daymark, red Visible on range line only. stripe. Synchronized with front.

9752 -Nasrevet.

57° 03.4´ N Fl.W.R.G. 18° 09.6´ E period 3s

26 8

57° 02.0´ N F.R. 18° 16.0´ E

23 7

Mast, white triangular daymark.

9760 - -Rear, 45 meters 175° from front.

57° 02.0´ N F.R. 18° 15.7´ E

33 10

Mast, white triangular daymark.

9772 Stora Karlso.

57° 17.5´ N L.Fl.(2)W.R. 17° 57.8´ E period 12s

184 56

57° 24.0´ N Iso.W. 18° 11.6´ E period 4s

22 7

59° 45.9´ N Iso.W. 19° 19.0´ E period 4s

28 9

9780 - -Rear, 120 meters 055° from front.

57° 24.0´ N Iso.W. 18° 11.7´ E period 4s

39 12

9782 Follingbo, AVIATION LIGHT.

57° 35.3´ N V.Q.W. 18° 22.2´ E

C 7212

C 7214

C 7214.1

C 7211

W. 13 White tower; 20. R. 10 G. 9

W. R. G.

G. shore-065°, W.-091°30′, R.-185°, W. (unintensified)-211°, R. (unintensified)-230°.

8 White and red tower, gray base; R. 299°-356°, G.-026°, W.5 29. 151°, R.-170°, G.-185°. 4 F.R. 40m marks mast 1.4 miles SSW. Lts mark 4 windmotors 1.5 miles SSW.

BURGSVIK HAMN: 9756 -Range, front. C 7218

C 7218.1

C 7224

W. 16 White tower and dwelling; 59. R. 13

W. 340°-193°, R.-212°, W.233°, R.-340°. Obscured by hill when bearing 275°.

KLINTEHAMN: 9776 -Varsholmen Range, front. C 7228

9778 -Remmargrundets Norra. C 6386.9

C 7228.1

C 7235

797 243

11 White post.

Visible on range line only.

4 White concrete tower, red band; Visible 035°-210°. 21. In line 183° with Remmargrund. Radar reflector. 11 White post.

Visible on range line only. Synchronized with front.

21 Mast.


VISBY: 9792 -N. breakwater.

57° 38.1´ N Q.R. 18° 16.2´ E

30 9

57° 38.1´ N Iso.W.R.G. 18° 16.8´ E period 4s

36 11

9800 -Old N. breakwater Range, front.

57° 38.3´ N Oc.R. 18° 17.2´ E period 12s

33 10

7 Post, red triangular daymark, white band.

Visible on range line only.

9804 - -Rear, 230 meters 055° from front.

57° 38.4´ N Oc.R. 18° 17.4´ E period 12s

65 20

7 Post, red triangular daymark, white band.

Visible on range line only.

9808 Flundereviken Range, front.

57° 40.1´ N F.R. 18° 19.8´ E

16 5

5 Post, red triangular daymark.


9812 -Rear, 27 meters 096° from front.

57° 40.1´ N F.R. 18° 19.8´ E

23 7

5 Post, red triangular daymark.


9816 Stenkyrkehuk, NW. point of Gotland.

57° 49.2´ N Oc.(2)W.R.G. 18° 27.8´ E period 12s lt. 6s, ec. 2s lt. 2s, ec. 2s

9820 Lickershamn Range, front.

57° 49.7´ N F.G. 18° 30.8´ E

C 7236.5

9796 -Approach. C 7236

C 7238

C 7238.1

C 7242

C 7246

C 7248

137 42

8 2


9 White tower, green band; 20. Floodlit. W. 12 White tower, red band; 28. R. 9 Floodlit. G. 8

W. 10 White round tower; 49. R. 8 G. 6 2 Post, white triangular daymark.

R. 007°-044°, G.-055°, W.087°, R.-209°, G.-239°, W.-245°, R.-296°.

G. shore-037°, W.-220°, R.shore. Shown Nov. 1 to Mar. 31. Visible on range line only. Occasional.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


9824 -Rear, 40 meters 148° from front.

57° 49.7´ N F.G. 18° 30.8´ E

9828 Hallshuk.

57° 56.0´ N L.Fl.(4)W.R.G. 18° 45.0´ E period 20s fl. 2s, ec. 2s fl. 2s, ec. 2s fl. 2s, ec. 2s fl. 2s, ec. 6s

C 7248.1

C 7250

9830 Kappelshamn. C 7252

34 10 107 33

2 Post, white triangular daymark, point down. W. 15 White octagonal tower, concrete G. 110°-144°, W.-262°, R.R. 12 base. 291°. G. 10 F.W. (occas.) lights shown at Lutterhorn and Lauters. Shown by day Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.

57° 50.3´ N Iso.W.R.G. 18° 48.2´ E period 4s

36 11

W. 12 Framework tower. R. 9 G. 8

W. 109°-156°30′ G.-173°, W.180°30′, R.-196°. 2 F.R. in line 169° marks dredged channel.

58° 23.7´ N Fl.W. 19° 11.8´ E period 5s

139 42

24 Brown wooden tower; 78 (located in wooded area).

Partially obscured by trees 280°-013°. Shown by day Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.

121 37


Visible 164°-186°.

GOTSKA SANDON: 9832 -Gotska Sandon. C 7150

F.R. 9836 -Kyrkudden, E. point.

58° 22.0´ N Fl.(3)W. 19° 19.0´ E period 9s

41 12

8 White round concrete tower; 41. Visible 149°-037°.

58° 20.0´ N Fl.(2)W. 19° 13.0´ E period 6s

41 12

8 White round tower; 34.

9844 Faro, Holmudden, E. point of Faro.

57° 57.7´ N Iso.W.R. 19° 21.1´ E period 8s

102 31

W. 16 White round stone tower; 99. R. 13

Obscured to W. and NW. by trees to 140°. R. 008°-090°, W.-175°, R.195°, W.-008°. Shown by day Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.

9848 Faro Norsholm.

57° 59.9´ N Fl.W.R.G. 19° 14.6´ E period 3s

29 9

W. R. G.

G. 000°-100°, W.-210°, R.238°, G.-265°30′, W.267°, R.-000°.

9852 Bungeor, S. entrance to Farosund.

57° 50.0´ N L.Fl.(2)W.R.G. 19° 07.0´ E period 15s fl. 2s, ec. 2s fl. 2s, ec. 9s

46 14

W. 10 White tower, black band; 46. R. 7 G. 6

G. 201°-207°, R.-215°, G.230°, W.-235°30′, R.264°, G.-308°, W.-003°, R.-030°, G.-158°30′, R.183°.

9856 Farosund Sodra, on Flytan Shoal.

57° 50.9´ N Fl.W.R.G. 19° 05.9´ E period 3s

20 6

W. R. G.

R. 114°-133°30′, G.-142°, W.147°, R.-151°30′, G.164°, obsc.-227°, W. (unintensified)-272°, R. (unintensified)-290°, R.303°, G.-344°30′, W.351°, R.-002°.

9860 Farosund Norra Range, front.

57° 52.7´ N Iso.W. 19° 02.1´ E period 3s

32 10

14 White hut, white triangular daymark, point up.

Intensified 2° each side of range line.

9864 -Boviken, rear, 1,500 meters 179° from front.

57° 51.8´ N Iso.W. 19° 02.1´ E period 3s

82 25

14 White hut, white triangular daymark, point down.

Intensified 2° each side of range line. Synchronized with front.

9868 Aurgrund.

57° 55.3´ N Fl.W.R.G. 19° 02.4´ E period 9s

41 12

W. R. G.

8 White tower, black top; 34. 6 5

G. (unintensified)-284°30′012°, W. (unintensified)027°, R. (unintensified)076°, R.-104°, G.141°30′, W.-199°, R.218°30′, G.-226°.

57° 56.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 19° 01.0´ E period 6s

36 11

W. R. G.

7 Orange tower black band; 31. 5 4

G. 000°-102°, W.-222°, R.000°.

9876 Farosund (Haurevlar), 2.2 meters 208° from Aurgrun Light.

57° 54.0´ N Fl.(4)W.R.G. 19° 02.0´ E period 5s

26 8

W. R. G.

5 Lantern on orange framework 3 tower on white pedestal. 2

R. 250°-306°, G.-321°, W.330°, R.-350°.

9880 Kyllej Fishing Range, front.

57° 45.0´ N F.R. 18° 57.0´ E

23 7

3 Post, triangular daymark, point up.

Fishing lights.

C 7156

9840 -Hamnudden, SW. point. C 7154

C 7162

C 7160

C 7163

C 7164

C 7168

C 7168.1

C 7170

9872 Svingrund. C 7171

C 7169

C 7180


5 White structure. 3 3

8 Red tower; 23. 5 Floodlit. 4

Visible 294°-161°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


9884 -Rear, about 110 meters 331° from front.

57° 45.1´ N F.R. 18° 57.1´ E

36 11

3 Post, triangular daymark, point down.

Fishing lights.

9888 Grauten.

57° 44.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 19° 02.0´ E period 6s

39 12

W. R. G.

8 Orange tower; 36. 5 4

W. 231°-248°, R.-270°, W.051°, R.-095°, G.-231°.

57° 41.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 18° 51.0´ E period 9s

43 13

W. R. G.

8 White octagonal structure on 5 white circular concrete 4 tower; 20.

G. 107°-112°, G. (unintensified)-242°, G.263°, W.-070°, R.-107°.

57° 42.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 18° 50.0´ E period 6s

13 4

W. R. G.

6 White octagonal structure on 4 white concrete tower. 3

G. 338°30′-001°, W.-012°, R.032°30′, G.-137°30′, W.139°, R.-149°30′, G.160°30′, R.-167°.

C 7185

57° 42.8´ N Iso.R. 18° 48.6´ E period 4s

52 16

8 Framework tower, red triangular daymark, point up.

9897.5 - - -Rear, 190 meters 320°30′ from front.

57° 42.8´ N Iso.R. 18° 48.5´ E period 4s

65 20

8 Framework tower, red triangular daymark, point down.

57° 43.1´ N F.G. 18° 48.6´ E

16 5

4 Orange rectangular daymark.

57° 42.8´ N F.G. 18° 48.7´ E

23 7

4 Orange rectangular daymark.

57° 35.0´ N F.R. 18° 48.0´ E

26 8

3 Post, white triangular daymark, point up.

Fishing light.

9904 -Rear, about 195 meters 255° from front.

57° 35.2´ N F.R. 18° 48.4´ E

36 11

3 Post, white triangular daymark, point down.

Fishing light.

9908 Herrviken, W. breakwater, head.

57° 25.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 18° 54.0´ E period 2s

20 6

4 Framework structure. 2 2

G. 124°-196°, W.-222°, R.265°, W.-124°.

9912 Ostergarnsholme.

57° 26.5´ N L.Fl.(2)W.R. 18° 59.2´ E period 15s fl. 2.5s, ec. 2.5s fl. 2.5s, ec. 7.5s

W. 10 White round concrete tower, R. 8 black band; 95.

W. 131°-222°, R.-272°, W.081°.

G. 332°30′-345°, W.-021°, R.042°30′, W. (unintensified)-087°30′, G.-111°, W.-113°, R.139° G.-156°30′, W.190°30′, R.-205°30′.

C 7180.1

C 7178

SLITE HAMN: 9892 -Mago, S. end. C 7182

9896 -Grundet, SW. end. C 7184

9897 - -Range, front.

C 7185.1

9898 - -Lannahamnen Range, front. C 7185.6

9898.1 - - -Rear, 331° from front. C 7185.61

9900 Botvaldavik Range, front. C 7186

C 7186.1

C 7192

C 7188

9916 -W. side of island. C 7189

9920 Ljugarn, near mole. C 7196

9924 Laus Holmar. C 7198

9928 Nar. C 7200

9932 Ronehamn. C 7202

9936 Ronehamn Roda Range, front. C 7202.4

9940 -Rear, 690 meters 325° from front.

C 7202.5

119 36

W. R. G.

57° 27.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 18° 58.0´ E period 6s

39 12

W. R. G.

57° 19.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 18° 43.0´ E period 4s

46 14

W. 10 On cistern; 39. R. 8 G. 7

W. 251°-301°, R.-342°, G.000°.

57° 17.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 18° 46.0´ E period 3s

26 8

W. R. G.

R. 021°-030°, R. (unintensified)-115°, G. (unintensified)-119°, G.211°, W.-021°. Fishing light.

57° 13.0´ N Oc.W.R. 18° 41.0´ E period 8s lt. 6s, ec. 2s

69 21

W. 16 Red round metal tower, three R. 13 white bands; 52.

W. 200°-030°, R.-058°, W. (unintensified)-178°, W. 194°, R.-200°. Shown by day Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.

57° 10.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 18° 33.0´ E period 9s

33 10

W. R. G.

8 Tower, white and black, gray 5 base; 36. 4

G. 224°30′-243°, W.-266°30′, R.-350°, G.-052°, W.057°, R.-076°, G. (unintensified)-170°, R. (unintensified)-224°30′.

57° 10.4´ N F.R. 18° 29.5´ E

26 8

8 Post, white triangular daymark, point up.

Visible on range line only.

57° 10.6´ N F.R. 18° 29.3´ E

56 17

8 Post, white triangular daymark, point down.


8 White lantern. 5 4

6 White tower; 20. 4 3

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


9944 Ronehamn Grona Range, front.

57° 10.4´ N F.G. 18° 29.7´ E

36 11

7 Post, white triangular daymark, point up.

9948 -Rear, 151 meters 332° 30′ from front.

57° 10.4´ N F.G. 18° 29.8´ E

59 18

7 Post, white triangular daymark, point down.

9952 Faludden.

56° 59.8´ N Oc.(3)W. 18° 23.7´ E period 15s lt. 2.4s, ec. 0.8s lt. 2.4s, ec. 0.8s lt. 7.8s, ec. 0.8s

34 10

56° 57.0´ N Q.R. 18° 18.5´ E

25 8

2 Post, red triangular daymark, point up.

Fishing lights.

9960 -Rear, about 165 meters 322° from front.

56° 56.9´ N Q.R. 18° 18.5´ E

39 12

2 Post, red triangular daymark, point down.

F.G. lights in line 222° mark new fishing harbor 300 meters S.

9964 Heligholmen, S. end of islet.

56° 55.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 18° 17.0´ E period 6s

43 13

8 White octagonal structure on 5 white concrete tower; 30. 4

G. shore-255°30′, W.-041°, R.-shore.

C 7202.7

C 7202.8

C 7204

9956 Vandburg Range, front. C 7205

C 7205.1

C 7206


17 White iron tower; 37.

W. R. G.

Visible on range line only.

Shown by day Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.

Section 7 Gulf of Bothnia - East Coast of Sweden Including Alands Sea

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


9968 Svenska Hogarna. C 6460

9972 Svenska Bjorn, on S. Klatten. C 6459

RACON 9972.2 Troskeln Ostra. C 6459.3

9972.6 Armbagen. C 6459.7

RACON 9976 Simpnasklubb, on Skoma Karen.

C 6362

RACON 9984 -Bylehamn. C 6360

9992 Svartklubben. C 6290

RACON 9996 -Skarpgrynnan. C 6291

10000 -Singo Langor. C 6281

10004 - -Stangskar. C 6282

10008 -Jarnklubben Range, front. C 6279

59° 27.0´ N L.Fl.W. 19° 30.0´ E period 15s fl. 2s, ec. 13s

102 31

59° 32.9´ N L.Fl.W. 20° 01.4´ E period 8s

106 32

Intensified 195°-075°.

9 Tower, orange and black bands, gray base; 105. Helicopter platform.

B(– • • •) period 30s


59° 39.7´ N V.Q.(2)W. 19° 55.2´ E period 4s

65 20

6 White mast, red band. Helicopter platform.

Radar reflector.

59° 37.8´ N V.Q.(4)W. 19° 57.8´ E period 8s

65 20

6 Red mast, white bands; 66.

Radar reflector.



59° 53.6´ N L.Fl.W.R.G. 19° 05.0´ E period 8s

66 20

W. 10 White tower, black band; 52. R. 7 Floodlit. G. 6

N(– •) period 30s

G. 323°-356°, R. (unintensified)-135°, G.144°, W.-226°30′, R.239°, G.-254°30′, W.301°, R.-323°.


59° 54.0´ N F.W.R.G. 18° 59.0´ E

23 7

W. R. G.

60° 10.5´ N L.Fl.(2)W.R.G. 18° 49.7´ E period 15s fl. 2s, ec. 3s fl. 2s, ec. 8s

62 19

W. 16 Black tower, lower half white; 39. G. (unintensified) 115°-130°, R. 13 Floodlit. G.-147°30′, W.-157°30′, G. 12 R.-175°30′, G.-183°, W.187°, R.-193, G.-240°, W.-342°, R.-020°, R. (unintensified)-115°. Shown 24 hours Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.

K(– • –) period 30s

6 White hut. 4 3

G. 215°-242°, W.-253°, R.270°. Fishing light. Occasional.


60° 10.0´ N Fl.(2)G. 18° 49.0´ E period 6s

16 5

60° 11.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 18° 48.0´ E period 3s

23 7

W. R. G.

6 White lantern on hut, red band. 4 3

R. 058°-191°, G.-212°, W.216°, R.-239°, G.-280°, R.-296°.

60° 11.8´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 18° 47.7´ E period 9s

21 6

W. R. G.

8 White tower; 18. 5 4

G. 120°-132°30′, R.-200° G.245°, R.- 294°, G.313°30′, W.-319°30′, R.322°30′.

60° 12.3´ N F.R. 18° 46.3´ E

16 5

8 Post, white triangular daymark, red border.

Visible on range line only.

5 2

shaped daymark, red border.

25 8

8 Post, white triangular daymark, red border.

10012 - -Rear, 150 meters 296° from front.

60° 12.3´ N F.R. 18° 46.1´ E

10014 -Storlaget RACON

60° 12.4´ N T(–) 18° 49.1´ E

C 6279.1

15 Red tower; 59.


2 Green concrete base and breakers.

Visible on range line only.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


10016 Understen. C 6288

60° 16.5´ N Fl.(4)W. 18° 55.2´ E period 15s fl. 0.4s, ec. 2.1s fl. 0.4s, ec. 2.1s F.W.R.G.

10018 Marketskallen. C 4472.3

60° 18.5´ N Iso.W. 19° 02.0´ E period 4s


M(– –) period 30s

10020 Kosten.

60° 24.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 18° 41.0´ E period 6s

C 6254

10028 Grundkallen. C 6285

RACON 10030 S. Kvarken. C 6287


157 48

23 Black round concrete tower, lower part white; 128.

112 34


51 16

G. 171°-182°, W.-199°, R.206°, R. (unintensified)225°, obsc.-343°, W. (unintensified)-353°, R. (unintensified)-014°.

6 Green tower, white band, gray base; 30. 15

60° 29.8´ N L.Fl.(3)W.R.G. 18° 51.1´ E period 20s fl. 2.5s, ec. 2.5s fl. 2.5s, ec. 2.5s fl. 2.5s, ec. 7.5s

34 10

W. R. G.

6 Orange tower. 4 3

105 32

W. R. G.

9 Red tower, lower part black, gray W. 163°-323°, G.-336°, W.7 base; 112. 340°, R.-021°30′, G.6 131°, W.-136°, R.-163°. Obscured 050°-155° about 900 meters from light.

G(– – •) period 30s

G. 180°-193°30′, W.-196°30′, R. 203°, G.-211°, W.214°, R.-254°, G.-270°, W.-275°, R.-306°, G.329°, W.-336°, R.-349°, G.-360°.


60° 25.7´ N Fl.(2)W. 19° 05.2´ E period 6s

49 15

7 White tower, green band, gray base.

K(– • –) period 30s



10032 Gavlehasten.

59° 53.0´ N Q.R.G. 19° 05.1´ E

30 9

R. G.

5 White tower, lower half black; 26. R. 075°-255°, G.-075°. 4 Radar reflector.

59° 52.5´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 19° 05.2´ E period 9s

32 10

W. R. G.

9 Red hut, white roof, concrete 7 base; 23. 6

G. 164°-171°, R.-271°, G.333°, W.-347°, R.-shore.

59° 52.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 19° 05.0´ E period 2s

23 7

W. R. G.

6 White beacon, black base. 4 3

G. shore-179°30′, R.-205°, G.-234°, W.-239°, R.298°, G.-338°30′, R.000°, G.-shore.

59° 51.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 19° 05.0´ E

26 8

W. 10 Red lighthouse lantern on R. 188°-214°, G.-357°, W.R. 7 storage shed, red top, white 001°, R.-007°. G. 6 bottom. Floodlit.

59° 51.0´ N Iso.W. 19° 06.0´ E period 4s

30 9

10 Red tower; 20.

C 6370

10056 - -Rear, 500 meters 164°30′ from front.

59° 50.4´ N Q.W. 19° 06.3´ E

69 21

10 Red iron framework, white square daymark.

10060 -Svedudden, on Bjorko.

59° 50.5´ N Fl.(4)W.R.G. 19° 05.1´ E period 12s

23 7

W. 10 White hut on red base; 23. R. 8 Floodlit. G. 6

G. shore-187°, W.-197°, R.270°, G. 314°, W.-350°, R.-shore.

59° 46.6´ N Fl.W.R.G. 19° 07.5´ E period 5s fl. 0.7s, ec. 4.3s

33 10

W. 10 White hut, green band. R. 8 G. 6

G. 021°-028°, W.-035°, R.090°, G. 112°-156°, W.161°, R.-169°.

59° 46.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 19° 02.0´ E period 4s

23 7

W. R. G.

G. 089°-118°30′, R.-190°, G.273°30′, W.-277°, R.279°.

C 6364

10036 Naskubben. C 6366

10044 -Simpnasgrynnan. C 6371

10048 -Dejeudden. C 6372

10052 -Arholma Range, front.

C 6370.1

C 6373

10064 -Tyro, on islet. C 6374

10068 -Graddo, E. side of bay. C 6375


6 White latticework structure, red 4 daymark. 3

Visible on range line only.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


10072 -Jarnberget.

59° 46.3´ N Fl.W.R.G. 19° 00.5´ E period 3s

25 8

W. R. G.

6 White structure, red band. 4 3

G. 090°-101°, R.-180°, G.219°, W.-233°, R.-260°, G.-283°30′, R.-295°. Radar reflector.

59° 47.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 18° 59.0´ E period 6s

25 8

W. R. G.

6 Post on white shed, lower part 4 green. 3

G. 259°-279°, W.-281°, R.001°, G.-097°, W.-100°, R.-109°.

C 6377

59° 47.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 18° 58.0´ E period 4s

21 6

W. R. G.

6 White shed, lower part green. 4 3

G. shore-286°, W.-024°, G.089°, W.-092°, R.-110°. Radar reflector.

10084 - -Rear, about 600 meters 090°30′ from front.

59° 46.7´ N Q.W. 18° 58.3´ E

36 11

7 White shed, lower part green.

Visible on range line only.

10088 -Tistelo, S. point.

59° 47.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 18° 51.0´ E period 6s

20 6

W. R. G.

6 White shed, lower part green. 4 3

G. 251°42'-264°36', W.-270°, R. 348°, G.-069°, W.074°, R.-089°30'. Radar reflector.

59° 46.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 18° 46.0´ E

15 5

W. R. G.

6 White shed, lower part red. 4 3

G. shore-076°, W.-180°, G.241°, W.-250°, R.-260°.

59° 45.0´ N Iso.Y. 18° 43.0´ E period 4s

16 5

6 Mast, orange triangular daymark. Visible on range line only.

C 6379

10100 - - -Rear, 95 meters 259° from front.

59° 45.4´ N Iso.Y. 18° 43.1´ E period 4s

33 10

6 Mast, orange triangular daymark, Visible on range line only. point down. Synchronized with front.

59° 46.0´ N F.G. 18° 44.0´ E

10 3

4 Dolphin.

Radar reflector.

59° 45.0´ N F.R. 18° 44.0´ E

10 3

4 Dolphin.

Radar reflector.

59° 45.0´ N F.R. 18° 43.0´ E

10 3

4 Dolphin.

Radar reflector.

60° 09.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 18° 38.0´ E period 3s

10 3

W. R. G.

6 White octagonal iron hut, 4 concrete base. 3

G. 115°-126°30′, W.-129°, R.147°, R. (unintensified)225°, G. (unintensified)271°, G.-288°, W.-290°, R.-306°. Shown from July 6 to June 6.

60° 06.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 18° 35.0´ E period 6s

13 4

W. R. G.

5 White hut. 3 3

G. shore-003°, R.-023°, obsc.-085°, R.157°, G.163°30′, W.-166°, R.170°. Shown from July 6 to June 6.

C 6309

60° 06.4´ N Q.W. 18° 34.8´ E

19 6

8 Pedestal, white triangular daymark.

Visible 042°-132°. Shown July 6 to June 6.

10123 - -Rear, 1315 meters 355° from front.

60° 07.1´ N Iso.W. 18° 34.7´ E period 4s

39 12

8 Gray framework tower, white triangular daymark..

Shown July 6 to June 6.

C 6376

10076 -Eknoudde, S. side. C 6376.4

10080 -Kobussoren Range, front.

C 6377.1

C 6377.5

10092 -Harko, N. side of Tjuvholmen. C 6378

10096 - -Range, front.

C 6379.1

NORRTALJERANNAN: 10104 -Norrtaljerannan No. 1. C 6379.3

10108 - -No. 2. C 6379.4

10112 - -No. 3. C 6379.5

VADDO KANAL: 10116 -Hensviksudde. C 6314

10120 -Vandvik. C 6311

10122 -Stromsviken Range, front.

C 6309.1

Fl.(4)W.R.G. period 12s 10123.6 -Guldholmen. C 6308

10124 -Ormosundshallen. C 6307

12 4

W. R. G.

5 3 3

W. 014°-135°, G.-157°, W.170°, R.-180°.

60° 07.7´ N Q.R.G. 18° 34.0´ E

13 4

R. G.

4 White structure. 3

G. shore-232°, R.-shore.

60° 08.5´ N Q.R.G. 18° 32.9´ E

16 5

R. G.

4 White hut, red band. 3

G. 270°-055°, R.-180°. Shown from July 6 to June 6.


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


10128 Ormosundet Sodra.

60° 09.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 18° 33.0´ E period 3s

8 2

W. R. G.

7 White hut, green band. 5 Floodlit. 4

G. shore-167°30′, W.-173°, R.-197°, R. (unintensified)-221°, G. (unintensified)-289°, G.312°30′, W.-316°, R.327°30′, G.-336°. Shown from July 6 to June 6.

60° 09.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 18° 32.0´ E period 3s

13 4

W. R. G.

7 White hut, green band. 5 Floodlit. 4

G. (unintensified) 161°30′191°, G.-201°, W.-212°, R.-239°, R. (unintensified)-shore. Shown from July 6 to June 6.

C 6298

60° 10.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 18° 32.0´ E period 4s

10 3

W. R. G.

9 White hut, red band. 7 Floodlit. 6

G. 095°-112°, W.-114°30′, R.122°, R. (unintensified)187°, G. (unintensified)261°, W.-273°, R.-278°.

10140 -Langoskar, rear, 997 meters 270° from front.

60° 09.6´ N Q.W. 18° 31.1´ E

30 9

10144 Osthammar Range, front.

60° 16.0´ N F.R. 18° 23.0´ E

13 4

4 Post, white square daymark, black border.

Shown from July 6 to June 6.

C 6300

10148 -Rear, 145 meters 289° from front.

60° 15.8´ N F.R. 18° 22.8´ E

23 7

4 Post, white square daymark, black border.

Shown from the opening of navigation to June 6 and from July 6 to the close of navigation.

10152 Slato.

60° 11.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 18° 40.0´ E period 9s

13 4

W. R. G.

7 White structure, green band. 5 4

G. 200°30′-205°30′, W.-209°, R.-288°. Shown from July 6 to June 6.

60° 12.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 18° 41.0´ E period 3s

13 4

W. R. G.

7 White hut, green band. 5 4

G. (unintensified) 240°-336°, G.-350°30′, W.-354°30′, R.-009°, R. (unintensified)-013°. Shown from July 6 to June 6.

60° 12.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 18° 42.0´ E period 6s

11 3

W. R. G.

7 White hut, red roof. 5 4

G. 028°-045°30′, W.-053°30′ R.-061°, R. (unintensified)-106°, G. (unintensified)-152°, G.164°30′, W.-168°, R.183° Shown from July 6 to June 6.

C 6280

60° 12.0´ N Iso.W. 18° 47.0´ E period 4s

16 5

12 Post, rectangular red and yellow Visible on range line only. daymark.

10168 -Rear, 195 meters 320° from front.

60° 12.3´ N Q.W. 18° 46.7´ E

25 8

12 Post, rectangular red and yellow daymark.

10172 Rastensudde, N. point of Singo.

60° 13.3´ N Fl.W.R.G. 18° 43.8´ E period 3s

28 9

W. R. G.

6 White hut. 4 3

G. 123°-128°30′, W.-133°, R.180°, G.-227°, W.-270°, R.-289°, G.-306°, W.308°30′, R.-shore. Shown from July 6 to June 6.

60° 14.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 18° 46.0´ E period 6s

26 8

W. R. G.

7 White shed, green band. 5 4

G. 296°-016°, W.-062°, R.072°, G.-101°, W.-108°, R.-120°.

60° 14.0´ N I.V.Q.W.R.G. 18° 42.0´ E period 8s

25 8

W. R. G.

6 White hut, red band. 4 3

G. 223°-263°, W.-272°, R.310°30′, G.-049°, W.180°, R.-223°. Shown from July 6 to June 6. Radar reflector.

60° 14.1´ N Iso.W.R.G. 18° 44.2´ E period 4s

18 5

W. 13 White and red hut. W. 8 Floodlit. R. 5 G. 4

60° 15.5´ N Q.W. 18° 37.6´ E

77 23

C 6304

10132 Ormosundet Norra. C 6302

10136 Kalsholmen Range, front.

C 6298.1

C 6300.1

C 6294

10156 Lambskarshallan. C 6296

10160 Halvvagen. C 6292

10164 Gassten Range, front.

C 6280.1

C 6278

10176 Skogsskar. C 6259.6

10180 Vassarogrund. C 6261

10188 -Jossan Range, front. C 6260

10192 - -Tolvoregrundet Range, front. C 6260.1


10 White round concrete tower, red band.

12 Gray framework structure, red and white daymark; 66.

G. 103°-109°, W.-115°30′, R.218°, G.-291°, W.295°30′. Shown from July 6 to June 6. Auxiliary light close NE. Intensified on range lines. Shown from July 6 to June 6.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


10196 - -Karingon Range, front.

60° 18.3´ N Iso.W.R.G. 18° 32.4´ E period 4s

10 3

W. R. G.

9 White round tower, red band. 7 Floodlit. 6

G. 127°-133°, W.-136°, R.144°, W.-174°, W. (unintensified) 213°-236°, G.-273°-307°30′, W.310°, R.-317°. Shown from July 6 to June 6.

10200 Tolvoregrundet (Auxiliary) for Jossan rear range light.

60° 15.5´ N Fl.W.R.G. 18° 37.6´ E period 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s

26 8

W. R. G.

9 White storage shed, red band; 7 19. 6

G. 129°-131°, W.-134°, R.197°, W. (unintensified)279°, G.-293°′, W.294°30′, R.-306°. Shown from July 6 to June 6.

10204 Hummelgarden.

60° 16.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 18° 36.0´ E period 9s

22 7

W. R. G.

9 Orange structure. 7 Floodlit. 6

G. 133°-140°, W.-141°30′, R.222°, G.-299°30′, W.303°, R.-306°. Radar reflector.

60° 18.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 18° 34.0´ E period 6s fl. 0.7s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.7s, ec. 3.1s

13 4

W. R. G.

6 White lantern on hut, green 4 band. 3

G. 310°-320°30′, W.-328°, R.066°, G.-127°, W.130°30′, R.-138°. Partially obscured 097°-104° and 348°-355°. Shown from July 6 to June 6.

60° 19.2´ N Fl.W.R.G. 18° 30.1´ E period 3s

16 5

W. R. G.

6 White iron skeleton structure. 4 3

G. 125°-145°, W.-149°30′, R.279°, G.-306°, W.309°30′, R.-314°.

60° 20.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 18° 29.0´ E period 9s fl. 0.7s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.7s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.7s, ec. 3.9s

16 5

W. R. G.

6 White lantern on hut, red band. 4 3

G. 118°-145°, W.-150°, R.285°, G.-299°30′, W.309°30′, R.-328°. Shown from July 6 to June 6.

60° 21.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 18° 27.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2.5s

13 4

W. R. G.

9 White hut, red band. 7 6

G. 116°-130°, W.-133°30′, R.137°, R. (unintensified)160°, W. (unintensified)262°, G.-279°, W.-290°, R.-296°, G.-301°, W.308°30′, R.-324°, W. (unintensified)-116°. Shown from July 6 to June 6.

60° 20.0´ N F.R. 18° 28.0´ E

20 6

7 Red triangular daymark, point up.


C 6275

10236 - -Rear, 52 meters 277° from front.

60° 20.0´ N F.R. 18° 28.1´ E

26 8

7 Red triangular daymark, point down.


10240 -Oregrund Range, front.

60° 21.0´ N F.G. 18° 27.0´ E

15 5

3 Iron framework structure.

Shown from July 6 to June 6.

C 6277

10244 - -Rear, 75 meters 193° from front.

60° 20.5´ N F.G. 18° 26.7´ E

23 7

5 White post.

Shown from July 6 to June 6.

10248 Djursten.

60° 22.0´ N L.Fl.W.R.G. 18° 24.0´ E period 9s

65 20

W. 11 White tower, black band and R. 9 lantern; 49. G. 8

60° 23.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 18° 17.0´ E period 6s

21 6

W. R. G.

10256 Bellonagrundet 500 meters 256° from Djursten.

60° 22.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 18° 24.0´ E period 3s

21 6

W. 10 Red tower on gray base; 20. R. 7 Floodlit. G. 6

G. 006°-098°, W.-100°, R.113°30, G.-154°, W.-161° R.-262°, G.-313°, W.316°, R.-006°.

10260 Stanggrundet.

60° 24.0´ N I.V.Q.W.R.G. 18° 14.0´ E period 6s

27 8

W. R. G.

G. shore-181°, W.-226°, R.238°, G.-260°, W.-281°, R.-shore. Shown July 15 to June 1.

C 6260.5

C 6260.4

C 6262

10208 Farohallan. C 6266

10216 Syrsan. C 6270

10220 Skeppshallan. C 6268

10228 Dummelgrund. C 6274

OREGRUND: 10232 -Karrdal Range, front.

C 6275.1

C 6277.1

C 6244

10252 Storskaret. C 6235.8

C 6245

C 6235.6


G.136°30′-150°, W.-156°30′, R.-167°.

6 Steel platform, red daymark; 19. G. 240°-252°, W.-266°, R.4 282°, G.-288°. 4 9 meters high framework mast, red, yellow, red rectangular daymark in line 259° 180 meters from light.

6 Steel pole, red triangular 4 daymark; 20. 4

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


10264 Soderboda. C 6243.4

60° 27.0´ N Q.W. 18° 23.0´ E

24 7

4 Post.

Visible 114°-172°. Fishing light.

60° 30.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 18° 22.0´ E

23 7

W. R. G.

4 Post. 2 2

W. shore-026°, G. 144°-157°, W.-166°, R.-180°. Fishing light.

60° 28.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 18° 23.0´ E period 3s

16 5

W. R. G.

4 Post. 2 2

W. shore-053°, G.-105°, W.113°, R.-153°, W.-shore. Fishing light.

60° 28.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 18° 20.0´ E period 9s

70 21

W. R. G.

9 White tower, red top, gray base; 7 74. 6

G. 006°-108°, R.-126°, G.142°, W.-184°, R.-219°, G.-265°, W.-270°, R.295°, G.-340°30′, W.345°, R.-006°. Radar reflector.

60° 31.6´ N L.Fl.(2)W. 18° 22.4´ E period 10s fl. 2s, ec. 2s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

117 36

60° 30.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 18° 05.0´ E period 6s

19 6

W. R. G.

6 White hut. 4 3

W. (unintensified) 095°-116°, R. (unintensified)-121°, obsc.-214°-229°, W.237°, R.-247°, G.-270°, W.-272°, R.-277°, G.281°, W.-287°, R.-325°. Fishing light. Shown from July 15 to June 1.

60° 33.2´ N Fl.W.R.G. 18° 02.6´ E period 3s

20 6

W. R. G.

6 White tower. 4 3

W. 045°-050°, R.-138°, G.167°, R.-202°, G.-229°, W.-234°, R.-280°, G.302°, R.-357°, G.-045°. Shown when needed.

60° 36.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 17° 56.0´ E period 6s

18 5

W. R. G.

5 White hut. 3 3

G. 125°-132°, W.-143°, R.158°. Fishing light.

60° 37.7´ N Fl.W. 18° 21.6´ E period 3s

56 17

NORRBODA: 10268 -Norra. C 6240

10272 -Sodra. C 6241

10276 -Engelska Grundet. C 6243

10280 Orskar. C 6236

10284 Angskarsskaten. C 6234

10288 Klungsten. C 6233

10292 fa*gelsundet Vastra, Gavle. C 6227

10296 Argos Grund. C 6238

RACON 10300 Bjorn. C 6226

10304 -fa*gelsundet Ostra. C 6228

10308 Vastra Banken. C 6252

RACON 10312 Finngrundet. C 6250

RACON 10316 fa*gerviken Range, front.

16 White octagonal tower, two black Shown by day Nov. 1 to Mar. bands, round top; 108. 31.

9 White tower, black band, on gray base in water; 59.

O(– – –) period 30s


60° 38.3´ N L.Fl.W.R.G. 17° 59.1´ E period 10s fl. 2s, ec. 8s

77 23

W. 10 White tower, black band; 82. R. 7 G. 6

G. 060°-082°, W.-128°, R.136°, W.-311°, R.-329°, W.-345°, W. (unintensified)-015°, W.060°.

60° 36.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 17° 57.0´ E

18 5

W. R. G.

5 White hut. 3 3

G. shore-092°, R.-180°, G.229°, R.-247°, G.-261°, W.-263°, R.-267°. Fishing light.

60° 52.7´ N Fl.(2)W. 17° 55.2´ E period 6s

84 26

8 Tower, orange and black bands, gray base submerged in water; 88.

Shown Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.

B(– • • •) period 30s


60° 59.1´ N Fl.(2)W.R. 18° 36.5´ E period 10s

78 24

N(– •) period 30s

W. 12 Orange tower, black stripe on R. 9 gray base in the water; 81.

W. 122°-042°, obsc.-046°, R.122°.


60° 33.0´ N Iso.W. 17° 45.0´ E period 4s

18 5

7 Wooden post.

C 6224

10320 -Rear, about 600 meters 194°30′ from front.

60° 33.1´ N Q.W. 17° 44.2´ E

42 13

7 Wooden post.

C 6224.1

(3 & 10cm)


Shown from July 15 to June 1.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


10324 Sikhjalma. C 6225

10328 Gardskar. C 6220

10337 E1 Range, front. C 6214.7

10337.1 -E2, rear, 184° 30' from front. C 6214.71

10338 E3, front. C 6214.9

10338 E1 Range, front. C 6214.7

10338.1 -E4, rear, 094° from front. C 6214.91

10340 Eggegrund. C 6172

10342 Purrutsgrund. C 6173

RACON 10344 Sikvik. C 6210

10348 Limo E. Range, front. C 6176.1

60° 35.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 17° 49.0´ E period 3s

30 9

W. R. G.

6 White house. 4 3

R. 040°-140°, G.-174°, W.182°, R.-194°, G.-202°, W.-206°30′, R.-220°. Occasional.

60° 39.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 17° 38.0´ E period 3s

16 5

W. R. G.

6 White octagonal iron hut, 4 concrete base. 3

W. (unintensified) shore-113°, obsc.-130°, G.-162°, W.170°, R.-202°, G.-225°, W.-229°, R.-264°, obscured elsewhere. Shown from opening of fishing season to June 1 and from July 15 to close of season.

60° 38.8´ N Q.R. 17° 23.6´ E 60° 38.6´ N Oc.R. 17° 23.6´ E period 6s 60° 38.8´ N F.G. 17° 24.3´ E 60° 38.8´ N Q.R. 17° 23.6´ E 60° 38.8´ N F.G. 17° 24.5´ E 60° 43.7´ N Fl.(4)W.R. 17° 33.5´ E period 12s

95 29

60° 46.9´ N Fl.W. 17° 27.2´ E period 5s

36 11

3 White steel tower, green band; 16.

M(– –) period 30s 60° 40.1´ N Fl.(2)W.R. 17° 17.9´ E period 6s

13 4

60° 43.1´ N Q.W. 17° 21.9´ E

49 15

10352 -Limo, common rear, 271°36′, from Limo E. 219° from Limo NE.

60° 42.8´ N Iso.W.R.G. 17° 21.2´ E period 4s

10353 Limo NE. Range, front.

60° 43.1´ N Q.W. 17° 21.6´ E

C 6176

14 Concrete tower, upper part black, R. 150°-204°, W.-150°. lower part white; 85.

125 38

39 12

W. R.

4 White hut. 2

R. 268°-283°, W.-288°. Occasional.

13 Framework tower, white rectangular daymark, red band; 46. W. 16 Red hut, white framework tower, G. 140°-172°, W.-189°, R.R. 13 white rectangular daymark, 194°, G.-218°, W.-220°, G. 12 red band; 68. R.-238°, G.-267°, W.273°30′, R.-288°, G.316°, R.-342°. 10 Framework mast, white daymark, red band.

GAVLE CHANNEL: 10355 -Grubban. C 6183

10356 -Bonan, N. of channel entrance.

60° 44.7´ N I.V.Q.Y. 17° 19.6´ E


60° 44.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 17° 19.0´ E period 6s

33 10

60° 44.0´ N F.R. 17° 18.0´ E

29 9

4 Post, white triangular daymark, red border.

10364 - -Rear, 50 meters 020° from front.

60° 43.8´ N F.R. 17° 17.4´ E

34 10

4 Post, white triangular daymark, red border.

10368 -Ytteriskan.

60° 44.0´ N Q.W. 17° 20.0´ E

26 8

C 6184

10360 -Engesberg Range, front. C 6194.5

C 6194.51

C 6185


W. 10 White tower; 33. R. 7 G. 6

10 Metal tower, red band; 16. Floodlit.

Visible 270°-322°. G. 240°30′-251°, W.-263°, R.274°, G.-289°, W.298°30′, R.-318°. Shown from opening of navigation to June 1, and from July 15 to close of navigation.

Visible 074°-274°. Seasonal. Radar reflector.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks

8 White tower, red band on stone 5 base. 4 Floodlit.

R. 059°30′-157°30′, G.192°30′, W.-233°, R.246°30′.


10372 -Northern entrance No. 1, S. side.

60° 44.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 17° 19.8´ E period 6s

28 9

10376 - -No. 2, N. side.

60° 43.8´ N F.G. 17° 19.1´ E

28 9

5 White tower, green band on stone base. Floodlit.

Visible 231°30′-057°.

60° 43.7´ N F.G. 17° 18.9´ E

28 9

5 White tower, green band on stone base. Floodlit.

Visible 240°-057°.

60° 43.6´ N Iso.W.R.G. 17° 18.5´ E period 3s

28 9

W. R. G.

8 White tower, red band on stone 6 base. 5 Floodlit.

G. 032°-044°, W.-052°, R.236°.

60° 41.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 17° 17.0´ E period 3s

33 10

W. 10 Framework structure. R. 7 G. 6

R. 135°-160°, G.-169°30′, W.178°30′, R.-196°30′, G.212°. Shown from July 15 to June 1.

60° 41.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 17° 17.0´ E

30 9

W. 10 White structure. R. 7 G. 6

G. 169°-176°30′, W.-190°, R.196°. Shown July 15 to June 1.

60° 42.7´ N I.V.Q.W.R.G. 17° 16.7´ E period 8s

19 6

W. 10 Orange tower on gray caisson. R. 8 Floodlit. G. 6

G. 100°30′-211°, W.-222°, R.308°, G.-355°, R.-006°, G.-017°30′, W.-049°30′, R.-100°30′. Shown July 15 to June 1.

60° 41.1´ N Fl.G. 17° 12.2´ E period 3s

20 6

60° 46.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 17° 22.0´ E period 6s

18 5

60° 48.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 17° 22.0´ E period 9s

10432 Skommarhallan.

10436 Iggo, SE. side.

C 6186

C 6188

10380 - -No. 3, N. side. C 6190

10384 - -No. 4, S. side. C 6194

10396 -Karskar. C 6196

10400 Langharen. C 6198

10404 -Herosgrund. C 6195

10410 -Barsagrundet.

W. R. G.



W. R. G.

8 White hut. 6 5

G. 307°-319°, W.-326°, R.337°. Intensified on range 183°30′ with Limo Light. Shown from opening of navigation to June 1 and from July 15 to close of navigation.

42 13

W. R. G.

8 White concrete tower, upper part G. 175°-185°, W.-233°, R.5 orange; 33. 256°, R. (unintensified)4 274°, G.-290°, W.-297°, R.-310°, G. 340°-349°, W.-350°, R.-shore. Seasonal.

60° 49.4´ N Q.W.R.G. 17° 19.0´ E

20 6

W. R. G.

6 White tower, red band. 4 3

R. 186°-197°, G.-231°, W.269°, R.-341°, G.-007°, W.-011°, R.-029°. Shown as needed.

60° 52.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 17° 20.0´ E period 6s

21 6

W. R. G.

5 White wooden hut. 3 2

G. shore-207°, W.-358°, R.shore. Shown during fishing season.

60° 56.9´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 17° 10.7´ E period 12s fl. 1s, ec. 2s fl. 1s, ec. 8s

21 6

W. 11 Orange framework structure, R. 9 white hut. G. 9

G. 234°-244°36′, W.-252°48′, R.-270°.

60° 56.6´ N Oc.W.R.G. 17° 10.5´ E period 4s

30 9

W. R. G.

W. 055°42′-056°36′, R.063°06′, obsc.-112° 54', W. (unintensified)179°30′, obsc.-226°24′, G.- 231°30′, W-235°48′, R.-241°.

C 6156

60° 56.5´ N Iso.R. 17° 09.6´ E period 4s

26 8

8 White tower, gallery, red daymark, black stripe.

10452 - -Rear, 130 meters 244°12′ from front.

60° 56.4´ N Q.R. 17° 09.5´ E

36 11

7 White tower, gallery, red daymark, black stripe.

C 6201

10424 Skraddarhallan. C 6175.9

10428 Trodjehallan. C 6174

C 6168

NORRSUND HAMN: 10440 -Hallstensoren. C 6152

10444 -Ryttarharet. C 6154

10448 -Norrsundet Range, front.

C 6156.1


8 Metal framework tower. 6 6

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


10456 -Norrsundet Inre.

60° 56.2´ N Fl.W.R.G. 17° 09.5´ E period 3s

20 6

W. R. G.

3 Metal framework tower on stone W. 071°30′-125°42′, G.2 base. 225°36′, W.-228°. R.2 shore.

61° 01.0´ N Fl.(4)W.R.G. 17° 17.0´ E period 12s

33 10

W. R. G.

8 White tower; 26. 5 4

R. 080°-097°, G.-125°, W.174°, R.-198°, G.-220°, W.-325°, R.-332°, G.348°, R.-003°, G.-031°, R.-048°, G.-080°.

61° 03.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 17° 16.0´ E period 4s

26 8

W. R. G.

6 White hut. 4 3

R. 123°-145°30′, G.-179°, R.256°, G.-282°, W.-328°, R.-359°. Shown from July 15 to June 1.

61° 06.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 17° 14.0´ E period 6s

16 5

W. R. G.

6 White hut. 4 3

R. 110°-178°, G.-196°30′, W.202°, R.-289°, G.-328°, R.-005°.

61° 10.0´ N L.Fl.W.R.G. 17° 21.0´ E period 8s fl. 2s, ec. 6s

88 27

W. 12 White round tower, black top; 70. W. 090°-113°, R.-180°, G.R. 9 191°, W.-242°, R.-304°, G. 8 G.-327°, W.-351°, R.015°.

61° 06.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 17° 16.0´ E

19 6

W. R. G.

61° 05.0´ N F.R. 17° 12.0´ E

13 4


C 6132

10488 -Rear, 120 meters 213° from front.

61° 05.4´ N F.R. 17° 12.1´ E

19 6


10492 Vallvik Quay Range, front. C 6116

61° 11.5´ N F.R. 17° 10.3´ E

46 14

6 White framework tower, white Shown from July 15 to June 1. triangular daymark, point up, red border.

10496 -Rear, 275 meters 145° from front.

61° 11.4´ N F.R. 17° 10.5´ E

58 18

6 White framework tower, white triangular daymark, red border, point up.

10500 Storstensharet.

61° 12.5´ N L.Fl.W.R.G. 17° 08.8´ E period 8s

18 5

61° 12.2´ N Fl.W. 17° 09.5´ E period 3s

16 5

61° 12.0´ N F.G. 17° 07.9´ E

30 9

10 White triangular daymark, point up.

Shown from July 15 to June 1.

10512 - -Rear, 90 meters 250° from front.

61° 12.0´ N F.G. 17° 07.8´ E

39 12

10 Structure, white triangular daymark, point down.

Leading into Ljusne. Shown from July 15 to June 1.

10516 -Tralhamn Range, front.

61° 12.3´ N F.G. 17° 07.7´ E

16 5

10 White triangular daymark, point up.

Shown from July 15 to June 1.

10520 - -Rear, 120 meters 306° from front.

61° 12.3´ N F.G. 17° 07.6´ E

26 8

10 White triangular daymark, point down.

Shown from July 15 to June 1.

10524 Vallvik.

61° 12.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 17° 11.0´ E period 4s

30 9

C 6158

10464 Gashallan. C 6146

10468 -Kushallan. C 6138

10472 Sunnan. C 6130

10476 Storjungfrun. C 6122

10480 Hogharen. C 6125

10484 Trollharen Range, front.

C 6132.1

C 6116.1

C 6114

10502 Storgrytan. C 6114.5

10508 Ljusne Sodra Range, front. C 6114.6

C 6114.61

C 6114.4

C 6114.41

C 6112


6 White hut. 4 3

W. 10 White column; 11. R. 8 G. 7

G. 123°-157°, W.-173°, R.204°, G.-222°, R.-245°, G.-268°, W.-275°, R.296°. Fishing light. Fishing lights.

R.Lt. on chimney 400 meters SE. G. shore-262°30′, R.-285°, G.-300°, W.-305°, R.310°, G.-321°, W.-326°, R.-340°.

4 White hut, red bands.

W. 11 White tower, red bands. R. 8 G. 6

R. shore-169°, G.-251°, R.262°, G.-268°, W.-272°, R.-279°, G.-311°, W.313°, R.-shore. Shown from July 15 to June 1.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


SODERHAMN APPROACH: 10528 -Hallgrund. C 6087

-RACON 10532 -Norrutharet.

61° 16.8´ N L.Fl.(2)W.R.G. 17° 23.6´ E period 15s fl. 2s, ec. 2s fl. 2s, ec. 9s

72 22

W. R. G.

G(– – •) period 30s

9 White tower, red band, gray 7 base; 75. 6 Floodlit.

W. 001°-007°30′, R.-018°, G.024°, W.-033°, R.-054°, G.-075°, W.-078°30′, R.086°, G.-137°30′, R.146°, G.-174°, W.-340°, R.-350°, G.-001°.


C 6088

61° 16.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 17° 19.0´ E period 9s

34 10

W. R. G.

8 White tower; 33. 5 4

W. (unintensified) 067°-094°, W.-161°, R.-234°, G.255°30′, W.-264°, R.314°, G.-333°, W.-340°, R.-001°. Shown from opening of navigation to June 1 and from July 15 to close of navigation.

10536 -Klumpudden, N. side of Enskar.

61° 15.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 17° 18.0´ E period 4s

16 5

W. R. G.

6 White octagonal hut. 4 3

G. 065°-104°, R.-111°30′, G.157°30′, W.-162°30′, R.216°30′, G.-271°, R.shore. Shown from July 15 to June 1.

10540 -Hovskar Range, front.

61° 13.0´ N F.R. 17° 10.0´ E

33 10

6 Post, white triangular daymark, red border.

Shown from July 15 to June 1.

C 6113

10544 - -Rear, 92 meters 338° from front.

61° 13.3´ N F.R. 17° 10.2´ E

52 16

6 Post, white triangular daymark, red border.

10546 -Orrskar Range, front.

61° 13.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 17° 09.6´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

26 8

11 Framework tower, white square, Oc.W. and rear on range. red stripe. Oc.R. and rear mark W. boundary of channel. Oc.G. and rear mark E. boundary of channel.

61° 13.1´ N Oc.W. 17° 09.5´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

49 15

11 Framework tower, red square, red stripe.

61° 16.1´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 17° 14.9´ E period 6s

33 10

C 6092

C 6113.1

C 6113.51

10546.1 - -Rear, 326° from front. C 6113.5

10548 -Otterhallen. C 6093

-RACON 10552 -Brandskar Range, front.

W. R. G.

5 Orange framework tower, 4 concrete base. 3

Synchronized with front.

G. 238°-273°, W.-280°, R.301°, G.-332°, R.-093°. Shown from July 15 to June 1. Radar reflector.

N(– •) period 30s 61° 16.0´ N Oc.W. 17° 11.1´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

36 11

13 Lantern on pedestal.

C 6098

10556 - -Rear, 914 meters 272° from front.

61° 16.0´ N Q.W. 17° 10.0´ E

75 23

13 Framework tower, white square. Shown from July 15 to June 1.

10560 -Prastholmen.

61° 16.4´ N Fl.W.R.G. 17° 10.9´ E period 3s

12 4

W. R. G.

7 Red hut on red concrete 3 pedestal. 2 Floodlit.

G. 124°-132°, W.-134°, R.161° W.(unintensified)284°, G.-299°30′, W.304°, R.-311°. Shown from opening of navigation to June 1 and from July 15 to close of navigation.

61° 16.5´ N Q.W.R.G. 17° 10.4´ E

10 3

W. R. G.

7 White house. 3 2

G. 122°-135°, W.-136°30′, R.241°, G.-303°30′, W.306°, R.-339°, G.003°30′, R.-023°.

61° 17.7´ N F.R. 17° 07.8´ E

47 14

C 6098.1

C 6100

10564 -Garpholmen. C 6102

10568 -Ullbacka Range, front. C 6106

10573 - -Rear, 315° from front. C 6106.2

61° 18.0´ N F.R. 17° 07.3´ E

6 Gray iron structure, white Shown from opening of triangular daymark, point up. navigation to June 1 and from July 15 to close of navigation. White trianglular daymark, point up, on silo.


Shown from July 15 to June 1.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


10576 -Grundvik Range, front. C 6108

10576.1 - -Rear, 327° from front. C 6108.1

10580 -Soderhamn AVIATION LIGHT. C 6104

10592 -Soderhamn Range, front.

61° 17.9´ N Q.G. 17° 07.8´ E

15 5

Green dolphin.

61° 18.3´ N Iso.G. 17° 07.3´ E period 4s

10 3

White rectangular daymark, red stripe.

61° 16.6´ N Fl.(7)W. 17° 05.2´ E period 19s

184 56

22 Orange and white framework mast.


61° 18.7´ N Q.G. 17° 05.2´ E

20 6

2 White post.

C 6111

10596 - -Rear, 180 meters 289° from front.

61° 18.8´ N Oc.G. 17° 05.4´ E period 4s

33 10

2 White post.

10600 Prastgrundet.

61° 21.0´ N Fl.(4)W.R.G. 17° 20.0´ E period 12s

45 14

W. R. G.

8 White tower, black band; 19. 5 4

61° 23.0´ N Fl.R.G. 17° 12.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s

33 10

R. G.

4 Skeleton structure, white hut; 18. G. 073°-090°, R.-208°, G.3 226°, R.-293°. Shown from opening of navigation to June 1 and from July 15 to close of navigation. Fishing light.

61° 23.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 17° 09.0´ E

16 5

W. R. G.

5 Post. 4 3

C 6111.1

C 6086.2

10604 Vitgrund (Hvitgrund), N. side. C 6083

10608 Skarsa. C 6084

10610 Rodkull. C 6084.5

10612 Vatnasudde. C 6079

10616 Fiske. C 6080

10620 Haganas (Kattskar). C 6081

R. 003°-077°, G.-091°, W.093°30′, R.-135°, W.236°, R.-265°, G.-275°, W.-323°, R.-341°30′, G.003°. Partially obscured 140°-165°. Shown July 15 to June 1.

R. 154°-198°, G.-250°, R.340°, W.-154°. Shown when required.

61° 22.7´ N Fl.R. 17° 07.0´ E period 3s 61° 33.0´ N F.W. 17° 13.0´ E

36 11

61° 31.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 17° 13.0´ E period 9s

36 11

61° 30.0´ N F.W. 17° 10.0´ E

55 17

White hut. W. R. G.

6 White hut. 4 3

White structure.

Fishing light. G. (unintensified) 122°-142°, W. (unintensified)-146°, R. (unintensified)-201°, G.-238°, W.-255°, R.261°, G.-268°, W.-331°, R.-337°, R. (unintensified)-059°. Fishing light. Shown from July 15 to June 1. Fishing light.


10628 -Krako. C 6066

10632 -Krakskar. C 6062

61° 33.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 17° 28.0´ E period 5s fl. 1s, ec. 4s

102 31

W. R. G.

9 White and orange tower; 49. 7 6

G. 130°-141°30′, W.-143°, R.162°, G.-198°, W.-280°, R.-293°, W.-035°, R.094°, (partially obscured 048°-077°, totally obscured 077°-094°). Shown by day Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.

61° 33.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 17° 19.0´ E period 6s

23 7

W. R. G.

6 White round tower. 4 3

G. 337°30′-350°, W.-007°30′, R.-043°, G. 126°-167°, W.-169°, R.-shore. Shown from opening of navigation to June 1 and from July 15 to close of navigation.

61° 34.0´ N Fl.(4)W.R.G. 17° 20.0´ E period 12s

49 15

W. R. G.

9 White and orange tower; 20. 6 5

G. 109°-152°, W.-158°, R.173°, G.-185°, W.-189°, R.-220°, G.-247°, W.253°, R.-255°, G.-257°, W.-266°30′, R.-271°, G.275°30′, W.-281°, R.285°.


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


C 6057

10636 -Holickskar.

61° 37.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 17° 26.0´ E period 8s

33 10

W. 10 White octagonal iron structure, R. 7 concrete base. G. 6

G. 227°30′-295°, W.-301°, R.313°30′, G.-323°, W.340°, R.-025°, G.-047°, W.-051°, R.-057°, G.093°. Shown from July 15 to June 1. Shown 24 hours Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.

10640 - -S. breakwater of fishing harbor, head.

61° 38.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 17° 26.0´ E

16 5

W. R. G.

8 White square iron skeleton 6 structure, concrete base. 5

G. 013°-070°, W.-077°, R.094°30′, G.-127°, R.shore. Fishing light.

10652 -Dukarsund, Mossolandet.

61° 37.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 17° 11.0´ E period 3s

12 4

W. R. G.

6 White lantern. 4 3

G. 075°-082°30′, W.-085°12′, R.-103°, W. (unintensified)-247°, G.268°30′, W.-273°, R.283°. The dredged channel to Iggesund is marked by lighted beacons. Shown from July 15 to June 1.

C 6057.4

C 6068

10656 -Gasfjarden Range, front. C 6069

61° 37.1´ N Q.W. 17° 05.2´ E

112 34

17 White framework tower, red rectangular daymark, white band.

Visible on range line only. Shown from July 15 to June 1.

10660 - -Rear, about 498 meters 264°12′ from front.

61° 37.2´ N Iso.W. 17° 06.3´ E period 4s

154 47

18 White framework tower, red rectangular daymark, white band.

Shown from July 15 to June 1.

10664 -Ljusgrund Range, front.

61° 39.0´ N Q.W. 17° 16.0´ E

16 5

7 Red post.

C 6070

10668 - -Rear, 1,300 meters 192° from front.

61° 38.1´ N Iso.W. 17° 15.7´ E period 4s

27 8

7 Post, red triangular daymark, point down.

C 6071

10672 -Saltviksudde, W. entrance to Kudiksvallfjarden.

61° 41.0´ N L.Fl.W.R.G. 17° 15.0´ E period 8s fl. 2s, ec. 6s

36 11

W. 13 White tower; 34. R. 10 G. 9

G. (unintensified) 140°-210°, R. (unintensified)293°30′, G. (unintensified)-310°, G.322°, W.-324°, R.-328°. Shown from opening of navigation to June 1 and July 15 to close of navigation.

10676 -Gackero, SW. point, E. side of entrance.

61° 41.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 17° 17.0´ E period 6s

13 4

W. R. G.

G. 332°-006°30′, W.-009°30′, R.-031°, G.-073°, W.079°, R.-148°30′, G.152°, W.-154°, R.-158°. Shown from July 15 to June 1. Light shown by day from Nov. 1to Mar. 31.

10680 -Lusholmen Range, front.

61° 41.0´ N Q.W. 17° 16.0´ E

23 7

12 Post, white triangular daymark, orange border.

Shown from July 15 to June 1.

C 6075

10684 - -Rear, 340 meters 116° from front.

61° 41.1´ N Iso.W. 17° 16.7´ E period 4s

49 15

12 Post, white triangular daymark, orange border.

Shown from July 15 to June 1.

10688 -Lingaro Range, front.

61° 42.0´ N Iso.W. 17° 15.0´ E period 3s

37 11

9 Post, white triangular daymark, orange border.

Shown from July 15 to June 1.

C 6076

10692 - -Rear, 120 meters 339° from front.

61° 42.5´ N Iso.W. 17° 15.0´ E period 3s

56 17

9 Post, white triangular daymark, orange border.

Shown from July 15 to June 1.

10696 Balso, Gashallan.

61° 44.0´ N Mo.(U)W.R.G. 17° 34.0´ E period 20s fl. 2s, ec. 2s fl. 6s, ec. 2s fl. 2s, ec. 6s

37 11

W. 14 White tower; 19. R. 11 G. 10

G. 174°-200°, W.-013°,R.016°. Shown from opening of navigation to June 1 and from July 15 to close of navigation.

61° 44.0´ N Fl.(3)R.G. 17° 32.0´ E period 10s

21 6

2 White hut.

G. shore-007°, R.-075°, G.177°, R.-shore. Fishing light.

C 6069.1

C 6070.1

C 6072

C 6075.1

C 6076.1

C 6056

9 White wooden hut. 7 6

Visible on range line only. Shown from July 15 to June 1.

HUDIKSVALL APPROACH: 10700 -Fishing harbor, W. side. C 6052


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


10704 Bergo, NE. point.

61° 49.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 17° 26.0´ E

14 4

W. R. G.

61° 53.8´ N Oc.(2)W.R.G. 17° 21.5´ E period 10s

20 6

W. 12 White tower. R. 9 G. 8

R. 246°-274°, G.-279°, W.288°, R.-334°, W.-358°.

10708 Mellanfjarden, on W. side of Jattendal Fjord.

61° 57.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 17° 21.0´ E

33 10

W. R. G.

6 Skeleton structure, white hut. 4 3

W. (unintensified) 170°-275°, G.-283°, W.-292°30′, R.308°30′, G.-330°. Shown from July 15 to June 1.

10712 Jattendal Fjord Range, front.

61° 58.0´ N F.R. 17° 21.0´ E

39 12

9 Post, white triangular daymark.

Shown from July 15 to June 1.

C 6044

10716 -Rear, 154 meters 332° from front.

61° 57.5´ N F.R. 17° 21.1´ E

72 22

9 Post with triangular daymark.

10720 -Mellanfjardens Range, front.

61° 57.0´ N Iso.W. 17° 21.0´ E period 4s

20 6

Post, white triangular daymark, point up.

Two F.G. lights in range bearing 006° are located at Mellanfjarden Fishing Harbor, close eastward of range lights. Shown from July 15 to June 1.

10724 - -Rear, 90 meters 329° from front.

61° 57.6´ N Iso.W. 17° 20.5´ E period 4s

30 9

Post, white triangular daymark, point down.

Synchronized with front.

10732 Gran.

62° 00.8´ N Fl.W. 17° 37.7´ E period 5s fl. 1s, ec. 4s

98 30

10 White tower, dwelling attached.

62° 11.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 17° 33.0´ E period 8s

16 5

W. R. G.

C 6041

62° 10.9´ N Fl.(4)W.R.G. 17° 40.5´ E period 12s

40 12

W. 15 White tower; 30. R. 12 G. 10

C 6032

10744 Bramo Cable Range, E. side, front.

62° 12.0´ N F.R. 17° 41.0´ E

36 11

7 Skeleton structure, white Shown from July 20 to May triangular daymark, point up, 20. red border. Marks Cable.

10748 -Rear, 70 meters 120° from front.

62° 12.3´ N F.R. 17° 41.0´ E

49 15

7 Skeleton structure, red and white Shown from July 20 to May triangular daymark, point 20. down.

10752 Bramon.

62° 13.0´ N Oc.(2)W.R.G. 17° 45.0´ E period 20s lt. 11.3s, ec. 2.7s lt. 3.3s, ec. 2.7s

C 6048

10706 Ingaskar. C 6045.8

C 6043

C 6044.1

C 6044.5

C 6044.6

C 6042

10736 Furuskar, S. side. C 6040

10740 Bramo Kalv.

C 6032.1

C 6030

10756 Lorudden, NE. side of Bramosund.

C 6034

102 31

62° 14.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 17° 41.0´ E period 5s lt. 4s, ec. 1s

16 5


4 White hut. 3 2

6 White circular hut. 4 3

G. 138°-148°, W.-158°, R.179°, G.-215°, W.-229°, R.-294°, G.-310°, W.324°, R.-352°. Fishing light.

G. 299°-320°, W.-328°, R.340°, W. (unintensified)045°. Shown from July 20 to May 20. Fishing light. G. 270°-284°, W.-313°, R.351°30′, G.-008°30′ W.014°, R.-024°30′, G.068°, W.-071°, R.-085°, G.-175°, W.-shore. Shown from July 20 to May 20.

W. 18 White round stone tower, black R. 15 band; 53. G. 13

G. 123°-137°, R.-152°, W.340°, R.-022°. Shown by day Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.

W. 10 White round tower. R. 8 G. 6

G. 148°-156°, W.-263°, R.338°, G.-355°, W.-004°, R.-shore. Shown from July 20 to May 20, by day Nov. 1 to Mar. 31. Storm signals.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


SUNDSVALL APPROACH: 10760 -Draghallan. C 6036

10764 -Sunsvall AVIATION LIGHT. C 6036.4

10766 -Kubikenborg Range, front.

62° 20.4´ N Mo.(A)W.R.G. 17° 26.4´ E period 10s fl. 1s, ec. 1s fl. 3s, ec. 5s

42 13

62° 22.0´ N V.Q.W. 17° 20.0´ E

W. 16 White tower; 44. R. 13 G. 12

1476 450

21 Orange and white framework mast.

R. 053°-088°, G.-142°, W.145°, R.-171°, G.-248°, W.-251°, R.-273°30′, G.288°, W.-296°, R.-316°, G.-348°, G. (unintensified)- 018°, G.053°. Shown from July 20 to May 20, by day Nov. 1 to Mar. 31. Radar reflector. 6 F.R. shown from same tower.

62° 22.7´ N F.R. 17° 22.0´ E

15 5

7 Post, white triangular daymark, red border, point up.

Shown from July 20 to May 20.

62° 22.7´ N F.R. 17° 22.0´ E

25 8

8 White triangular daymark, red border, point down.

Shown from July 20 to May 20.

62° 23.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 17° 22.0´ E

12 4

62° 24.0´ N F.R. 17° 22.0´ E

21 6

5 Lantern on pillar, red triangular daymark.

10776 - -Rear, 65 meters 020° from front.

62° 23.9´ N F.R. 17° 21.5´ E

33 10

5 Lantern on pillar, red triangular daymark.

10778 -Alno Bridge RACON.

62° 26.0´ N (• • • • • • •) 17° 23.9´ E

10780 Gistaholmen.

62° 29.4´ N Fl.W.R.G. 17° 24.3´ E period 3s fl. 0.7s, ec. 2.3s

33 10

W. R. G.

6 Framework tower, white lantern. G. 054°-069°, W.-077°, R.4 084°, R. (unintensified)3 107°, W. (unintensified)200°, R. (unintensified)234°, G.-246°, W.258°30, R.- 280°. Shown from July 20 to May 20. 2 F.R. 7M lights in line 243° mark pipeline 2.1 miles WSW.

62° 29.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 17° 29.0´ E

33 10

W. R. G.

6 Black and white tower; 26. 4 3

G. 122°-140°, W.-270°, R.284°, G.-301°, W.-320°, R.-shore. Shown from July 20 to May 20. 2 F.R. 8M lights in line 047° at Soraker 1.9 miles NNE. Radar reflector.

62° 26.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 17° 32.0´ E period 6s

33 10

W. R. G.

6 White tower; 34. 4 3

G. 330°-343°, W.-357°, R.015°, R. (unintensified)090°, G. (unintensified)150°, G.-161°, W.-164°, R.-166°30′, G.-169°30′, W.-172°30′, R.-180°. Shown from July 20 to May 20.

62° 23.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 17° 36.0´ E period 3s

43 13

W. R. G.

8 Black and white tower; 39. 5 4

G. shore-180°, W.-232°, R.252°, G.-270°, W.-347°, R.-015°.

62° 22.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 17° 32.0´ E

33 10

W. R. G.

6 White tower. 4 3

G. 280°-297°, W.-307°, R.360°.

C 6037

10766.1 - -Rear, 60 meters 310° from C 6037.1 front. 10768 -Tjuvholmen, W. side. C 6037.4

10772 -Kokaren Range, front. C 6037.6

C 6037.61

C 6028

10784 Salsternarna. C 6025

10788 Granon. C 6024

10792 Rodogubben. C 6021

10796 Spikarna. C 6023

W. 10 White circular tower. R. 7 G. 6

4 On bridge.


G. 320°30′-325°30′, W.-331°, R.-035°, G.-102°30′, W.111°30′, R.-125°. Shown from July 20 to May 20. 2 F.R. 7M lights in line 267° mark pipeline 870 meters NNW. Shown from July 15 to June 1.

Numerous 2 F.R. range lights mark cables in Alno Sundet.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


10800 Gubben.

62° 21.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 17° 34.0´ E period 8s lt. 6s, ec. 2s

49 15

W. 12 Orange and white tower; 33. R. 10 Floodlit. G. 8

R. 021°-078°, G.-083°, W.085°, R.-136°, G.151°30′, W.-153°, R.180°, G.-203°, W.-207°, R.-230°, G.-250°, W.313°, R.-317°, G.320°30′, W.-327°, R.338°, G.-021°.

62° 23.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 17° 44.0´ E period 8s

46 14

W. 14 White round tower. R. 11 G. 10

G. 213°30′-216°, W.-051°, R.059°, G.-070°, W.072°30′,R.-080°, G.106°, W.-111°, R.-118°. Shown by day Nov. 1 to Mar 31.

62° 25.6´ N Fl.W.R.G. 17° 43.2´ E period 7.5s

43 13

W. R. G.

3 White dome. 4 3

W. (unintensified) 100°-180°, G. (unintensified)-205°, G.-228°, R.-280°, G.315°.

62° 29.0´ N L.Fl.W.R.G. 17° 49.0´ E period 12s

45 14

W. R. G.

6 White hut. 4 3

G. shore-237°, W.-273°, R.288°, W.-018°, R.-050°, G.-067°, W.-105°, R.shore.

C 6015

62° 29.5´ N Fl.W. 18° 17.2´ E period 3s

62 19

10812 Storholmen, SW. point of Harnon.

62° 33.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R. 17° 56.0´ E period 6s

30 9

10820 Harnoklubb.

62° 36.0´ N Mo.(N)W.R.G. 18° 03.0´ E period 16s fl. 2s, ec. 2s fl. 6s, ec. 6s

C 6022

10804 Astholmsudde. C 6020

10805 Aston. C 6020.5

10808 Skarpudden. C 6016

10810 Vanta Litetsgrund.

C 6014

C 6012

10824 Harno Sodra. C 6011

10828 Harnosand Hamn. C 6008

101 31

9 Black tower, orange top. W. R.

6 White hut. 4

W. 15 White octagonal iron hut; 21. R. 12 G. 10

6 White hut.

W. 323°-014°, R.-067°, W.186°. G. 198°-209°, W.-310°30′, R.326°, W.-033°, R.-038°. Shown from July 20 to May 20, by day Nov. 1 to Mar 31.

62° 37.0´ N Q.W. 18° 04.0´ E

42 13

Visible 180°-052°. Shown from July 20 to May 20.

62° 38.8´ N Q.W.R.G. 17° 57.7´ E

26 8

W. 10 Red tower, white band; 21. R. 7 G. 6

G. shore-142°, W.-158°, R.199°, G.-230°, W.-264, R.-shore. Shown from July 20 to May 20.

62° 40.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 18° 00.0´ E period 6s

39 12

W. 12 Orange lantern on white base. R. 9 Floodlit. G. 8

G. shore-313°30′, W.323°30′, R.-063°, G.155°, W.-174°, R.-shore. Shown from July 20 to May 20.

62° 38.5´ N Oc.W. 18° 05.4´ E period 6s

95 29

62° 44.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 17° 59.0´ E period 3s

38 12

W. R. G.

62° 47.0´ N Fl.(2)W.G. 17° 57.0´ E period 6s

39 12

W. 10 White octagonal hut, orange top. W. shore-066°, G.-143°30′, G. 6 W.-shore. Shown from opening of navigation to May 20 and from July 20 to close of navigation.

62° 49.0´ N Fl.(2)W. 17° 55.0´ E period 6s

36 11

6 Octagonal tower, orange square. Shown from opening of navigation to May 20 and from July 20 to close of navigation. Radar reflector.

ANGERMANALVEN: 10832 -Stromskaten. C 5988

10834 - -SE. point. C 5988.5

10836 -Valo, NE. point. C 5990

10840 -Abordso, W. side. C 5992

10844 -Hornoholmen. C 5994


9 White tower, black top.

Visible 213°-115°. Seasonal.

7 White tower, orange top; 36. 5 4

G. shore-157°30′, W.-358°, R.-002°. Shown from opening of navigation to May 20 and from July 20 to close of navigation.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


10848 -Sprangsviken, W. side of channel.

62° 52.0´ N Fl.W. 17° 54.0´ E period 3s

46 14

10850 -Svano Sodra.

62° 53.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 17° 52.0´ E

49 15

C 5998

C 6000.6

10850.5 -Sandobron RACON. 10851 Svanon Isle, E. side. C 6001

62° 54.1´ N Iso. W.R.G. 17° 52.0´ E period 4s

20 6

10856 -Litano, E. side of channel.

62° 58.1´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 17° 48.2´ E period 6s

14 4

62° 47.7´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 18° 11.5´ E period 6s

30 9

62° 46.1´ N Q.W. 18° 06.8´ E

49 15

62° 48.0´ N Fl.(4)W.R.G. 17° 58.0´ E period 12s

43 13

10868 Karingsbergsudden.

10872 Valsudde. C 5983.4

10876 Hornon. C 5993.6

10878 Hogakustenbron Bridge. C 5993.3

10878.1 -SW. side. C 5993.4

10878.2 -NE. side. C 5993.5

10880 Veda. C 5993

7 Mast, red and white rectangular 5 daymark; 39. 4

Shown from opening of navigation to May 20 and from July 20 to close of navigation. Radar reflector. G. 320°-328°, W.-331°30′, R.346°, W. (unintensified)shore.


62° 56.0´ N Q.R. 17° 47.0´ E

C 5982

W. R. G.

62° 53.1´ N 17° 53.1´ E

10852 -Kapellbommen.

C 6004

10 Structure, lantern on orange daymark. Floodlit.

W. R. G.

7 2

9 Framework tower. 7 6

W. shore-090°, R.-148°, G.160°30′, W.-169°, R.190°, G.-shore. Shown July 20 to May 20.

Lantern on float.

Radar reflector: painted red and yellow. Shown from July 20 to May 20.

W. R. G.

7 White octagonal hut. 5 4

G. 312°-320°30′, W.-329°30′, R.-355°, W. (unintensified)-085°, G.111°30′, W.-116°30′, R.131°, G.-164°. Shown from opening of navigation to May 20 and from July 20 to close of navigation.

W. R. G.

8 Orange structure. 6 5

G. 250°-253°30′, W.-278°30′, R.-008°, G.-048°30′, W.053°, R.-062°.

6 Metal framework tower, orange daymark.

Shown from July 20 to May 20. Radar reflector.

6 Metal framework tower, orange 4 daymark. 4

G. 292°-296°30′, W.-300°, R.306°. Shown from July 20 to May 20.

W. R. G.

62° 47.9´ N 2 F.W. 17° 56.3´ E

Center of span.

One light visible from SE. One light visible from NW.

62° 47.6´ N Fl.R. 17° 55.9´ E period 3s

131 40

3 On bridge.

62° 48.1´ N Fl.G. 17° 56.7´ E period 3s

131 40

3 On bridge.

62° 47.7´ N Fl.W.R.G. 17° 56.1´ E period 3s

38 12

W. 10 White tower, upper part orange; R. 7 36. G. 6 Floodlit.

R. 129°-136°, G.-143°, W.148°, R.-154°, G.-258°, W.-279°30′, R.-303°, G.328°, W.-333°, R.-348°.

G. shore-172°, W.-187°, R.209°, G.-225°, R.-000°. Shown from July 20 to May 20.

10882 -Hogaskusten RACON.

62° 47.7´ N M(– –) 17° 56.0´ E period 60s

10884 Frano.

62° 54.0´ N I.V.Q.W.R.G. 17° 52.0´ E period 6s

39 12

W. R. G.

62° 42.2´ N Q.W.R.G. 17° 59.8´ E

36 11

W. 10 Structure, orange square R. 7 daymark. G. 6

G. shore-183°30′, W.356°30′, R.-shore. Seasonal. Radar reflector.

W. 18 White tower; 46. R. 15 G. 13

G. 194°30′-202°, W.-205°, R.216°, G.-225°, W.047°30′, R.-080°. Shown from Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.

C 6001.4

10888 Sannasundet. C 5989

10890 Hogbonden. C 5980

62° 52.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 18° 28.7´ E period 10s

246 75


9 Structure, orange square 7 daymark. 6 Floodlit.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


10891 Algsjo.

62° 53.3´ N Fl.W.R.G. 18° 27.5´ E period 3s

46 14

W. R. G.

62° 57.8´ N Iso.W.R.G. 18° 33.4´ E period 4s

45 14

W. 13 White tower, black band; 26. R. 10 G. 9

G. shore-192°30′, W.-210°, R.-237°, G.-267°, W.288°, R.-307°30′, G.341°, W.- 005°, R.-shore. Shown from Jan. 1 to Mar. 31.

C 5979

10896 Gnaggen, on rock, 2.7 kilometers S. of Sodra Ulvon.

62° 57.0´ N I.V.Q.W.R.G. 18° 37.0´ E period 6s

33 10

W. R. G.

6 White hut. 4 3

G. 092°-141°, W.-172°, R.208°, G.-235°, W.-024°, R.-092°.

10900 Flasan, E. entrance to Ulvohamn.

63° 00.8´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 18° 41.3´ E period 9s

43 13

W. R. G.

8 Concrete structure, white 5 octagonal hut, black band; 4 21.

G. 174°-190°30′, W.-192°, R.202°, G.-213°30′, W.338°, R.-348°, G.-358°, W.-008°30′, R.-050°, R. (unintensified)-099°, W. (unintensified)-174°.

10904 Ulvohamn Range, front.

63° 01.4´ N F.R. 18° 39.7´ E

33 10

3 Post.

C 5977

10908 -Rear, 40 meters 336° from front.

63° 01.2´ N F.R. 18° 39.7´ E

41 12

3 Post.

10912 Askaret.

63° 02.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 18° 41.0´ E period 6s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4s

33 10

W. R. G.

6 White cupola on warehouse. 4 4

G. shore-059°30′, W.060°30′, R.-188°, G.204°, R.-222°, G.-236°, W.-239°, R.-244°, G.265°, W.-309°, R.-shore.

63° 01.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 16° 38.1´ E period 3s

11 3

W. R. G.

4 White lantern on pedestal. 2 2

G. 240°-251°, W.-255°, R.323°, G.-357°, W.-003°, R.-018°. Shown from July 20 to May 20.

63° 00.8´ N Iso.W.R.G. 16° 38.2´ E period 4s

12 4

W. R. G.

3 White lantern on pedestal. 2 1

R. 004°-028°, G.-048°, W.218°, R.-245°. Shown from July 20 to May 20.

63° 00.5´ N Q.W.R.G. 16° 37.8´ E

22 7

W. R. G.

4 Lantern on orange pedestal. 3 2

G. 050°-063°, W.-071°, R.227°, G.-245°. Shown from July 20 to May 20.

63° 04.4´ N Fl.W.R.G. 18° 38.4´ E period 3s

42 13

W. 10 Tower, red band; 41. R. 7 G. 6

R. 176°-186°, G.-213°, W.217°, R.-239°, G.242°30′, W.-248°, R.276°30′, G.-016°, W.022°30′, R.-038°.

63° 08.5´ N L.Fl.W.R.G. 18° 45.4´ E period 8s

32 10

W. R. G.

7 Green tower; 24. 5 4

G. shore-016°, W.-036°, R.057°30′, G.-111°, W.116°30′, R.-155°, G.209°, W.-219°30′, R.224°, G.-shore.

63° 10.5´ N F.R. 18° 35.1´ E

23 7

5 White triangular daymark, red border, point up.

Marks outfall pipeline.

10925 -Rear, 35 meters 250° from front.

63° 10.6´ N F.R. 18° 35.2´ E

33 10

5 White triangular daymark, red border, point down.

10928 Skagsudde.

63° 11.3´ N Fl.(4)W. 19° 01.0´ E period 12s

128 39

14 White tower, red band on white house; 85.

C 5979.6

10892 Ytternasan. C 5978

C 5976

C 5977.1

C 5975

10913 Ulvosundet, N. side. C 5977.2

10914 -E. side. C 5977.3

10915 -S. side. C 5977.4

10916 Rone Flase. C 5974

10920 Trysundaon. C 5973

10924 Kopmanholmen Range, front. C 5972.4

C 5972.41

C 5952

10932 Skaghallen. C 5954


63° 10.9´ N Q.W.R.G. 19° 00.2´ E

36 11

M(– –) period 30s

W. R. G.

5 Orange lantern. 3 3

5 Black tower, white top; 20. 3 3



G. shore-215°, W.-228°, R.236°, G.-240°, W.-293°, R.-300°, G.-356°, W.003°, R.-shore. Shown from July 20 to May 20.

Shown by day from Nov. 1 to Mar. 31. G. 186°-291°, W.-117°, R.186°. Shown from July 20 to May 20. Radar reflector.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


10936 Skags Flasor.

63° 13.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 19° 05.0´ E period 9s

20 6

W. R. G.

8 White hut, red band. 6 5

W. 197°-203°30′, R.-215°, G.219°30′, W.-224°30′, R.235°, G.-277°, W.-307°, R.-326°, G.-348°, W.358°, R.-035°, G.-shore. Shown from July 20 to May 20.

63° 13.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 19° 02.0´ E period 6s

17 5

W. R. G.

8 White octagonal hut, concrete 6 base. 5

G. shore-328°30′, W.-333°, R.-shore.

63° 10.9´ N F.G. 18° 53.3´ E

40 12

5 Post.

Fishing lights.

C 5970

10948 - -Rear, 120 meters 226° 18' from front.

63° 10.8´ N F.G. 18° 53.2´ E

60 18

5 Post.

10952 -Grisslan Ostra Range, front.

63° 10.9´ N F.R. 18° 53.3´ E

41 13

6 Post.

C 5971

10956 - -Rear, 130 meters 281° 48' from front.

63° 10.8´ N F.R. 18° 53.2´ E

71 22

6 Post.

10960 -Raskarson.

63° 12.0´ N L.Fl.W.R.G. 18° 55.0´ E period 8s fl. 2s, ec. 6s

78 24

W. 15 White octagonal hut, concrete R. 12 base. G. 10

G. 148°-163°, W.-176°, R.283°, G.-299°, W.-340°, R.-000°. Shown by day from Jan. 1 to Mar. 31.

63° 12.3´ N Fl.W.R.G. 18° 53.0´ E period 3s

23 7

W. 10 White octagonal hut, red band, R. 7 concrete base; 22. G. 6

G. 190°-203°, W.-208°, R.220°, R. (unintensified)278°, G. (unintensified)288°, W. (unintensified)291°, R. (unintensified)322°, G. (unintensified)030°, G.-044°, W.-048°, R.-052°.

63° 15.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 18° 46.3´ E

12 4

W. 10 White octagonal hut, red band, R. 7 circular granite base. G. 6

G. 136°-149°, W.-152°, R.172°, W. (unintensified)267°, G.-284°, W.-286°, R.-shore.

63° 15.9´ N F.G. (neon) 18° 42.8´ E

7 2

10970.1 - -Rear, 150 meters 247°18′ C 5967.1 from front.

63° 15.9´ N F.G. (neon) 18° 42.6´ E

20 6

10971 -Alfredshem S. Range, front. C 5967.3

63° 15.8´ N F.R. (neon) 18° 42.8´ E

7 2

White triangular daymark, red border, point up.

10971.1 - -Rear, 150 meters 247°36′ from front.

63° 15.8´ N F.R. (neon) 18° 42.6´ E

20 6

White triangular daymark, red border, point down.

63° 17.2´ N Iso.R. 18° 42.7´ E period 3s

33 10

C 5951

10940 Alloviken, W. side. C 5953

ORNSKOLDSVIK APPROACH: 10944 -Grisslan Norra Range, front.

C 5970.1

C 5971.1

C 5960

10964 -Skommarskaten. C 5962

10968 -Bonassund. C 5966

10970 -Alfredshem N. Range, front. C 5967

C 5967.31

10972 -Ornskoldsvik, W. pier, head. C 5968

10976 Sjalbadan Beacon, RACON

63° 15.2´ N G(– – •) 19° 12.1´ E

10980 Husum, on Aggo.

63° 18.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 19° 08.0´ E period 4s

43 13

63° 19.7´ N F.R. 19° 09.3´ E

30 9

C 5946

10984 Dombackso Range, front. C 5948

Fishing lights.

White triangular daymark, green 2 Iso.R. 4s lights 280 meters border, point up. NNW. 2 Iso.R. 4s lights 2150 meters NE. White triangular daymark, green border, point down.

8 Post.

Visible 284°-359°. Shown from July 20 to May 20.



W. 11 White octagonal iron tower, red R. shore-188°, G.-204°, W.R. 9 band, on concrete base; 24. 222°, R.-252°, G.-269°, G. 7 W.-279°, R.-291°, G.301°, W.-305°, R.-315°, G.-324°. Seasonal. 10 Post, white triangular daymark, point up, red border.

Shown from opening of navigation to May 20 and from July 20 to close of navigation.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


10988 -Rear, 125 meters 006°18′ from front.

63° 19.7´ N F.R. 19° 09.1´ E

49 15

10992 Blagrundet.

63° 27.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 19° 26.0´ E period 6s

16 5

W. R. G.

6 Galvanized structure. 4 3

G. shore-031°, W.-035°, R.shore. Shown from July 20 to May 20.

63° 25.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 19° 36.0´ E period 12s

56 17

W. 10 White tower, black band; 52. R. 7 G. 6

W. 178°-222°, R.-252°, G.270°30′, W.-273°30′, R.292°30′, G.-310°, W.329°30′, R.-346°, G.355°30′, W.-38°30′, R.059°, G.-065°.

63° 19.1´ N L.Fl.W. 19° 25.4´ E period 12s

62 19

8 Red tower, white top on gray base; 65.

63° 19.3´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 19° 40.6´ E period 6s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4s

58 18

C 5948.1

C 5944

10996 Storbadan, SE. side. C 5928

11000 Villinsgrundet. C 5925.4

11004 Norra Langrogrundet. C 5925

RACON 11016 -Rundvik.

O(– – –) period 30s

10 Post, white triangular daymark, point down, red border.

W. R. G.

8 Black tower, white band and 6 lantern, gray base; 71. 5

G. 021°-066°, W.-185°, R.206°, G.-227°, W.-233°, R.-271°, G.-281°, W.350°, R.-021°.


63° 32.0´ N F.R. 19° 28.0´ E

13 4

63° 28.7´ N Iso.W.R.G. 19° 36.6´ E period 3s

26 8

W. 10 White tower, red band; 25. R. 8 G. 7

G. shore-355°30′, W.-358°, R.-002°30′, G.-020°, R.131°, G.-shore. Shown from July 20 to May 20.

63° 27.9´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 19° 36.9´ E period 3s

22 7

W. 10 White octagonal hut, red band. R. 10 G. 9

G. shore-359°, W.-002°, R.112°, G.-151°, W.152°30′, R.-shore. Shown from opening of navigation to May 20 and from July 20 to close of navigation.

C 5932

63° 26.0´ N F.R. 19° 41.0´ E

22 7

9 Post, white triangular daymark, point up.

11032 - -Rear, 275 meters 000° from front.

63° 26.5´ N F.R. 19° 40.6´ E

43 13

9 Post, white triangular daymark, point down.

11036 -Inner Range, front. C 5934

63° 26.6´ N F.G. 19° 40.3´ E

36 11

8 White post, triangular daymark, point up.

11040 - -Rear, 125 meters 322°30′ from front.

63° 26.6´ N F.G. 19° 40.2´ E

56 17

8 White post, triangular daymark, point down.

11044 Sydostbrotten, on Vernersgrund.

63° 20.3´ N Fl.(3)W. 20° 10.8´ E period 20s fl. 2.5s, ec. 2.5s fl. 2.5s, ec. 2.5s fl. 2.5s, ec. 7.5s

112 34

9 Orange tower, black bands, gray base; 112.

C 5940

11020 -Kyrkhalludden. C 5938

4 Concrete pile.

Shown from July 20 to May 20.

JARNAS HAMN: 11024 -Jarnas Sando, on Sando. C 5936

11028 -Outer Range, front.

C 5932.1

C 5934.1

C 5923

Q.W. RACON 11048 Tjaruskarssund Range, front.

82 25

B(– • • •) period 30s

Shown from July 20 to May 20.

Shown from July 20 to May 20.

3 17

C 5926

63° 28.0´ N F.G. 19° 46.0´ E

16 5

Lantern on posts, white diamond Fishing lights. daymarks.

11052 -Rear, 145 meters 003° from front.

63° 28.0´ N F.G. 19° 46.0´ E

33 10

Post, white diamond.

C 5926.1


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


11056 Bonden. C 5920

11058 Logaren. C 5903

63° 26.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 20° 02.0´ E period 6s fl. 0.7s, ec. 5.3s

115 35

W. 13 White round concrete tower, R. 10 black band; 67. G. 9

R. 097°30′-107°, G. (unintensified)-170°, G.183°, W.-199°, R.215°30, G.-244°, W.249°, R.-008°30′, G.020°30′, W.-027°, R.044°, G.-058°, W.-063°, R.-081°, G.-097°30′.

63° 32.9´ N Fl.W.R.G. 20° 00.7´ E period 3s

61 19

W. R. G.

8 White tower, black base; 64. 6 5

G. 131°-165°, R.-206°, G.240°, W.-243°, R.-257°, G.-291°, W.-322°, R.131°. Shown July 7 to May 20. Radar reflector.

63° 32.6´ N Iso.W.R.G. 19° 50.2´ E period 4s

16 5

W. R. G.

6 White tower, black base; 20. 4 3

G. 001°-004°, W.-006°, R.018°, G.-026°, W.-032°, R.-050°, obsc.-097°, G. (unintensified)-106°, obsc.-172°, G. (unintensified)-207°, W. (unintensified)-211°, R. (unintensified)-225°, G. (unintensified)-242°.

63° 34.0´ N Q.R. 19° 51.0´ E

11 3

1 Black skeleton structure.

Shown from Sept. 15 to close of navigation.

63° 36.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 19° 53.0´ E period 4s

33 10

NORRBYSKAREN HARBOR: 11068 -Norrbyskar. C 5910

11076 -Bedragaren Rock. C 5912

11100 -Bjorno entrance Range, front. C 5904

11104 - -Rear, 1,765 meters 305°30′ from front.

C 5904.1

11124 Norrmjole. C 5902

11128 Holmogadd. C 5870

0° 00.0´ 0° 00.0´

Iso.W. period 4s

W. 11 Skeleton structure, white R. 8 triangular daymark, red G. 7 stripe.

85 26

63° 39.0´ N F.W.R.G. 20° 08.0´ E

11 3

63° 35.7´ N Fl.(2)W. 20° 45.4´ E period 10s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.2s fl. 0.3s, ec. 7.2s

70 21

63° 29.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 20° 27.0´ E period 9s

72 22

R. shore-283°, G.-302°, W.307°, R.-shore.

11 Skeleton structure, white square Visible on range line only. daymark, red cross. Synchronized with front. W. R. G.

4 White wooden hut on 2 substructure. 2

25 Round gray granite tower; 68.

G. 310°-022°, W.-028°, R.040°. Shown from Aug. 1 to close of navigation. Fishing light. Shown 24 hours in low visibility Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.

UMEA APPROACH: 11132 -Gunvorsgrund. C 5880

-RACON 11136 -Storbrannihgen. C 5882

11140 -Vaktaren. C 5881

G(– – •) period 30s

9 Black and white tower, white 6 lantern, gray base; 75. 5

R. 036°-064°, G.-075°, W.083°, R.-171°, G.-186°, W.-036°.


63° 38.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 20° 22.0´ E period 9s fl. 0.7s, ec. 1.3s fl. 0.7s, ec. 1.3s fl. 0.7s, ec. 4.3s

33 10

W. R. G.

63° 37.0´ N L.Fl.(2)W.R.G. 20° 25.0´ E period 15s fl. 2s, ec. 3s fl. 2s, ec. 8s

66 20

W. 10 White and orange tower, black R. 7 base; 69. G. 6


W. R. G.

33 10

K(– • –) period 30s

8 Tower, white above red, gray 5 base; 26. 4

3 5


G. 070°-144°, W.-146°, R.205°, G.-301°, R.-070°. Shown from July 20 to May 20. Radar reflector. W. 077°-080°, R.-107°, G.139°, R.-146°, G.-203°, R.-255°, G.-292°, W.313°, R.-317°, G.-321°, W.-327°, R.-350°, G.077°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks

Visible on range line only. In line 268° with center light.


11144 -Petlandskar, Sodra, 115 meters from center light, rear.

63° 39.4´ N Q.W. 20° 23.7´ E

45 14

8 Wooden framework structure.

11148 - -Center, Ostra.

63° 39.0´ N Iso.W. 20° 24.0´ E period 4s

29 9

12 Wooden framework structure.

C 5879

Visible on range line only. Intensified on range 268°.

11152 - -Front, Vastra, 110 meters from center light.

63° 39.4´ N Q.W. 20° 23.7´ E

17 5

8 Wooden framework structure.

Visible on range line only. In line 112°30′ with center light.

11156 -Lillbaden.

63° 39.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 20° 21.0´ E period 3s

21 6

W. R. G.

63° 39.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 20° 21.0´ E period 3s

49 15

W. 10 White tower, green band, gray R. 7 base; 52. G. 6

C 5884

11164 -Bredskarssund on Obbola, front.

63° 40.0´ N Q.W. 20° 19.0´ E

24 7

11168 - -Rear, 225 meters 000°30′ from front.

63° 39.8´ N Q.W.R.G. 20° 18.8´ E

52 16

W. 13 White tower on stone foundation. G. 250°-260°, W.-266°, R.W. 10 279°, G.-284°. R. 7 Intensified on range. G. 6

11172 -Bredskar. C 5886

63° 40.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 20° 20.0´ E period 4s

16 5

W. 19 Framework tower, white W. 12 rectangular daymark. R. 9 G. 8

11176 - -Rear, 250 meters 318° from front.

63° 39.7´ N Iso.W. 20° 19.5´ E period 4s

43 13

11180 -Fjardgrund.

63° 40.0´ N Oc.(2)W.R.G. 20° 21.0´ E period 12s lt. 6s, ec. 2s lt. 2s, ec. 2s

59 18

C 5889

63° 40.8´ N Iso.R. 20° 20.6´ E period 3s

33 10

10 White latticework mast, white Visible on range line only. triangular daymark, point up, red border.

11188 - -Rear, 301 meters 335° from front.

63° 40.9´ N Iso.R. 20° 20.4´ E period 3s

49 15

10 White lattice work mast, white triangular daymark, red border, point down.

11192 - -Eastern Approach Range, front.

63° 41.4´ N F.G. 20° 20.9´ E

89 27

4 Mast, white rectangle, green stripe.

11196 - - -Rear, 306 meters 344°42′ from front.

63° 41.5´ N F.G. 20° 20.6´ E

105 32

4 Mast, white rectangle, green stripe.

11200 -Langhallsudde Range, front C 5892

63° 42.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 20° 20.0´ E period 5s lt. 3s, ec. 2s

75 23

11204 - -Obbola Sodahus, rear, 280 meters 355° from front.

63° 42.0´ N F.R. 20° 19.5´ E

98 30

11208 -Patholmsviken.

63° 42.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 20° 22.0´ E

16 5

63° 42.0´ N F.R. 20° 21.0´ E

62 19

C 5878.9

C 5879.1

C 5887

11160 -Revet. C 5887.5

C 5884.1

C 5886.1

C 5888

11184 -Hillskar Range, front.

C 5889.1

C 5890.6

C 5890.61

C 5892.1

C 5895

11212 -Umea Uthamn Range, front. C 5894


6 Structure, upper half white, lower G. 140°-159°30′, W.-164°, R.4 half red. 254°, G.-271°, W.-291°, 3 R.-310°. Radar reflector (orange colored).

13 White round tower; 24.

15 Framework tower, black band and white lantern, white rectangular daymark. W. 18 White tower, red band; 69. R. 15 Floodlit. G. 13

G. 014°-146°, W.-164°, R.264°, G.-319°, W.-322°, R.-014°. Visible 220°-310°. Intensified on range. Synchronized with rear.

W. intensified on range. G. 170°30′-178°30′, W.182°30′, R.-201°30′. Radar reflector, about 65 yards NNE. Synchronized with rear. Shown by day Nov. 1 to Mar. 31. Shown by day Nov. 1 to Mar. 31. G. 307°-329°30′, W.-333°, R.342°, obsc.-008°, G. (unintensified)-018°, obsc.-091°, G.-110°, R. (unintensified)-120°. Shown by day from Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.

W. 13 White shed, red triangular R. shore-203°, G.-222°30′, R. 10 daymark, black border, white R.-242°, G.-250°, W.G. 9 stripe, point up; 18. 275°, R.-315°30′, G.353°30′, W.-357°30′, R.017°30′, G.-shore. 13 Red triangle, white stripe, point down. W. R. G.

5 Red triangular daymark. 4 3

G. shore-340°, R.-349°, G.017°, W.-022°, R.-shore. Daymark in line 020° 470 yards from light.

8 Orange triangular daymark, point Shown from July 20 to May up. 20.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


11216 - -Rear, 45 meters 034°48′ from front.

63° 42.1´ N F.R. 20° 21.0´ E

82 25

8 White post, orange triangular daymark, point down.

11220 -Obbola Kablar Range, front.

63° 42.4´ N F.R. 20° 19.9´ E

26 8

3 Post, cable daymark.

63° 42.5´ N F.R. 20° 19.5´ E

73 22

3 On building, cable daymark.

63° 41.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 20° 18.0´ E

12 4

C 5898

63° 44.8´ N F.R. 20° 19.1´ E

12 4

12 Perch, white triangular daymark, Shown July 1 to close of black band. navigation season. Occasional. The channel to Umea above Tuvan is marked by range beacons showing W., R., and G. lights of characteristic F., Fl. and Oc.

11236 - -Rear, 125 meters 347° from front.

63° 44.9´ N F.R. 20° 19.1´ E

23 7

12 Perch, white triangular daymark, Shown July 1 to close of point down, black band. navigation season. Occasional. Synchronized with front.

11240 Vastra Kvarken Rofa*gern Fishing Range, front.

63° 44.0´ N F.R. 20° 32.0´ E

13 4


C 5876

11244 -Rear, 140 meters 353° from front.

63° 44.2´ N F.R. 20° 32.3´ E

29 9


11248 Nordvalen.

63° 32.2´ N Iso.W.R.G. 20° 46.5´ E period 8s

80 24

C 5894.1

C 5897

11224 - -Rear, 268° from front. C 5897.1

11228 -Bredviken. C 5891.5

11232 -Tuvan Range, front.

C 5898.1

C 5876.1

C 5874


W. R. G.

5 Lantern on post. 4 3

W. 17 Black tower, orange band and R. 17 lantern, gray base; 85. G. 16 Floodlit. Helicopter platform.

N(– •) period 30s


11252 Jagaroren RACON.

63° 40.8´ N OE(– – – •) 20° 55.5´ E period 30s


11256 Stora Fjaderagg.

63° 48.0´ N L.Fl.(3)W.R.G. 21° 00.0´ E period 20s fl. 2s, ec. 2s fl. 2s, ec. 2s fl. 2s, ec. 10s

C 5856

11268 Byviken.

113 34

Shown from July 20 to May 20.

G. shore-248°, W.-271°, R.287°, G.-296°, W.-304°, R.-320°, G.-337°, R.shore. Occasional.

Fishing lights. Shown as required.

W. 035°-040°, R.-052°, G.057°, G. (13M)-135°, G.139°, R.-145°, R. (13M)226°, R.-231°, G.246°54', W.-258°, R.285°, G.- 289°, G. (12M)335°, G. (15M)-341°, G. (13M)-028°, G.-035°. Al.R.G. on bearing 139°, F.G. on 338°. Shown by day Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.

W. 16 White round stone tower; 44. R. 13 G. 12

G. 097°-132°30′, W.-144°30′, R.-170°30′, G.-182°, W.187°, R.-191°30′, G.201°30′, W.-336°, R.358°, G.-020°. Shown by day Nov. 1 to Mar. 31. R. shore-168°, G.-187°, W.195°, R.-205°. Shown from Aug. 1 to close of navigation season.

63° 48.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 20° 52.0´ E

26 8

W. R. G.

63° 47.4´ N Iso.W.R.G. 20° 50.0´ E period 6s

58 18

W. 18 Brown wooden tower, white band G. shore-028°, W.-038°, R.R. 15 on SW. side; 58. 051°30′, G.-113°, R.G. 13 188°30′, G.-197°, W.206°, R.-shore. Shown by day Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.

C 5862

63° 48.0´ N F.R. 20° 52.0´ E

33 10

7 White post, white triangular daymark, red border, point up.

11280 -Rear, 240 meters 120° from front.

63° 48.2´ N F.R. 20° 52.2´ E

52 16

7 White post, white triangular daymark, point down, red border.

C 5860

11272 Bergudden. C 5864

11276 Holmo Cable Range, front.

C 5862.1


9 Pole; 18. 6 5

Shown from July 20 to May 20.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


11282 Oston Range, front.

63° 49.4´ N F.W. 20° 42.3´ E

6 2

63° 49.4´ N F.W. 20° 42.3´ E

10 3

C 5854

63° 52.0´ N Q.R. 20° 45.0´ E

30 9

13 Yellow triangular daymark, red border, point up.

11288 -Rear, 175 meters 284° from front.

63° 51.5´ N Fl.R. 20° 44.4´ E period 2s

46 14

13 White triangular daymark, point down, red border.

11292 Norrfjarden Inner Range, front. C 5855

63° 51.8´ N Q.G. 20° 43.8´ E

21 6

13 White triangular daymark, point up, black border.

11296 -Rear, 55 meters 309° from front.

63° 51.8´ N Fl.G. 20° 43.8´ E period 2s

31 9

13 White triangular daymark, point down, black border.

11300 Rataskar.

64° 00.0´ N Mo.(D)W.R.G. 20° 55.0´ E period 20s fl. 6s, ec. 2s fl. 2s, ec. 2s fl. 2s, ec. 6s

86 26

W. 17 White tower and hut; 26. R. 14 G. 13

R. shore-215°, G.-237°, W.256°, R.-270°, G.-280°, W.-332°, R.-006°, G.011°30′, R.-shore. Shown from July 1 to June 10. Shown by day Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.

11304 Ratan Sodra, W. side of channel.

63° 59.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 20° 54.0´ E period 3s

30 9

W. 10 White hut. R. 7 G. 6

G. (unintensified) shore-157°, W. (unintensified)-167°, R. (unintensified)-313°, R.-321°, G.-340°, W.343°, R.-358°. Shown from July 20 to May 20.

11308 Rata Storgrund.

63° 59.2´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 21° 06.8´ E period 6s

52 16

W. R. G.

9 Tower, upper half white, lower 6 half red; 57. 5

G. 035°-040°, W.-047°, R.084°, G.-164°, R.-187°, G.-220°, W.-005°, R.035°. Radar reflector.

64° 08.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 21° 00.0´ E period 3s

20 6

W. R. G.

6 White octagonal hut, red band. 4 3

W. (unintensified) 179°-269°, G.-290°, W.-304°30′, R.358°. Shown from opening of navigation to May 20 and from July 20 to close of navigation.

C 5846

64° 10.0´ N F.R. 20° 59.0´ E

27 8

5 Post on storehouse, white triangular daymark.

Shown from July 20 to May 20.

11320 -Rear, 420 meters 336° from front.

64° 09.5´ N F.R. 20° 58.4´ E

49 15

5 Post on storehouse, white triangular daymark.

11324 Yttre Vannskar.

64° 10.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 21° 08.0´ E period 9s fl. 0.7s, ec. 1.3s fl. 0.7s, ec. 1.3s fl. 0.7s, ec. 4.3s

48 15

W. R. G.

9 Concrete and iron tower, black G. 219°30′-223°30′, W.7 and white spiral bands upper 228°30′, R.-237°30′, G.6 part red; 37. 247°30′, W.-354°, R.004°, G.-015°, W.-022°, R.-040°, R. (unintensified)-050°, W. (unintensified)-084°.

C 5833

64° 18.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 21° 23.0´ E

30 9

W. R. G.

6 White structure, white base. 4 3

G. 178°-243°, W.-284°, R.298°, G.-309°, W.-000°, R.-062°, G.-067°. Fishing light shown July 20 to May 20.

11332 Krakangersfjarden Range, front.

64° 18.0´ N F.R. 21° 16.0´ E

33 10

5 Wooden mast.

C 5836

Visible on range line only. Shown from July 20 to May 20.

11336 -Rear, 220 meters 341° from front.

64° 18.2´ N F.R. 21° 14.9´ E

59 18

5 Wooden mast.

11340 Munkvik.

64° 19.0´ N F.W.R.G. 21° 21.0´ E

21 6

C 5866

11282.5 -Rear, 30 meters 279° from C 5866.1 front. 11284 Norrfjarden Outer Range, front.

C 5854.1

C 5855.1

C 5848

C 5852

C 5847

11312 Sikea, W. side of entrance. C 5844

11316 -Hamn Range, front.

C 5846.1

C 5840

11328 Kallviksklubben.

C 5836.1

C 5834


4 Lantern on post, white triangular Shown during navigation daymark. season only. 4 Lantern on post, white triangular Shown during sailing season daymark. only.

W. R. G.

4 White lantern on red structure. 2 2

Shown from July 20 to May 20.

Shown from July 20 to May 20.

G. 255°-277°, W.-295°, R.326°, obsc.-333°, G.341°, W.-345°, R.-shore. Fishing light. Shown on request.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


11344 Kallviken Range, front.

64° 20.0´ N F.R. 21° 22.0´ E

21 6

5 Pole, white triangular daymark, point up.

Shown from July 20 to Dec. 31.

11348 -Rear, 110 meters 344° from front.

64° 19.8´ N F.R. 21° 22.5´ E

33 10

5 Pole, white triangular daymark, point down.

Shown from July 20 to Dec. 31.

11352 Blackkallen.

64° 20.0´ N L.Fl.W.R.G. 21° 31.0´ E period 8s fl. 2s, ec. 6s

41 12

64° 28.9´ N Oc.W. 21° 34.7´ E period 10s lt. 8s, ec. 2s

167 51

64° 29.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 21° 35.0´ E period 6s

38 12

C 5824

64° 37.0´ N F.R. 21° 15.0´ E

26 8

8 Tower, white triangle daymark, point up, black border.

11368 -Rear, 660 meters 275°30′ from front.

64° 37.1´ N F.R. 21° 13.5´ E

53 16

8 Tower, white triangle daymark, point down, black border.

64° 38.8´ N Fl.W.R.G. 21° 16.7´ E period 5s

48 15

C 5833.3

C 5833.31

C 5832

11356 Bjuroklubb. C 5826

11360 -NE. C 5828

11364 Burea Hamn Range, front.

C 5824.1

W. 11 White circular concrete and iron G. 200°-210°, W.-214°, R.R. 8 tower, black band; 42. 222°, G.-229°, W.-340°, G. 7 R.-022°, G.-039°, W.046°, R.-084°, W. (unintensified)- 200°. Shown from opening of navigation to May 20 and from July 20 to close of navigation. 18 Yellow stone tower; 25.

Shown from July 1 to June 10 and by day from Nov. 1 to Mar. 31 when visibility is poor.

W. 10 White octagonal hut on concrete G. 167°-185°, W.-224°, R.R. 8 base. 285°, G.-316°, W.-323°, G. 6 R.-shore. Shown from opening of navigation to May 20 and July 20 to close of navigation. Visible on range line only. Shown from July 20 to close of navigation.

SKELLEFTEA APPROACH: 11380 -Sor-Olsgrundet. C 5811.8

-RACON 11384 -Gasoren.

W. R. G.

M(– –) period 30s

8 Framework tower; 39. 6 5

R. 199°-244°, G.-258°30′, W.270°, R.-300°, G.-310°, W.-199°.


64° 40.0´ N L.Fl.(2)W.R.G. 21° 19.0´ E period 12s fl. 2s, ec. 2s fl. 2s, ec. 6s

59 18

11384.2 - -Gamla Gasoren.

64° 39.8´ N Oc.W. 21° 19.1´ E period 10s

36 11

11388 -Kopparudden.

64° 39.8´ N Fl.W.R.G. 21° 17.1´ E period 3s

41 12

64° 40.0´ N Q.W. 21° 18.0´ E

16 5

5 Beacon, upper part black, lower Shown from July 20 to May part white. 20. Radar reflector.

11396 -Front, 169 meters from common rear.

64° 40.9´ N Iso.G. 21° 17.7´ E period 3s

26 8

8 Mast, white triangular daymark, red border.

11400 - -Tjuvkistan Range, common rear.

64° 41.0´ N Iso.W. 21° 18.0´ E period 3s

36 11

13 Mast, white triangular daymark, red border.

Lights are synchronized.

C 5817

11404 - -Front, 175 meters from common rear.

64° 40.9´ N Iso.R. 21° 17.7´ E period 3s

26 8

10 Mast, white triangular daymark, red border.

In line 339°42′ with common rear.

11408 - -Oil Harbor entrance Range, front.

64° 41.0´ N Oc.W.R.G. 21° 16.0´ E period 8s

30 9

C 5810

C 5813

11392 -Nasgrundet. C 5816.4

C 5816.9

C 5817.1

C 5816


W. 16 White octagonal concrete tower, G. 215°30′-276°30′, W.R. 13 red band; 44. 285°30′, R.-301°30′, G.G. 12 314°30′, W.-315°30′, R.329°, G.-348°, R.-066°, G.-114°, W.-122°, R.215°30′. 5 Tower on white house.

Visible 135°-235°, and 335°090°.

W. 10 White tower on hut, orange base; G. 227°-239°, R.-280°, G.R. 7 21. 303°30′, W.-310°30′, R.G. 6 Floodlit. 061°, G.-096°, obsc.227°.

W. R. G.

In line 333°48′ with common rear.

9 Framework structure, white G. 320°30′-330°, R.-021°, G.6 triangular daymark, point up. 081°, W.-086°30′, R.5 092°. Shown from July 20 to May 20.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


11412 - - -Middle, 150 meters 329°54′ from front.

64° 41.0´ N Oc.W. 21° 16.4´ E period 8s

59 18

15 Mast, triangular daymark, point down; 48.

11416 - - -Rear, 295 meters 329°54′ from middle.

64° 41.1´ N Oc.W. 21° 16.2´ E period 8s

92 28

15 Mast, triangular daymark, point down; 39.

11420 - -Pilot Harbor, on pier head.

64° 41.0´ N F.R. 21° 17.0´ E

14 4

11424 -Railway embankment, W. of quay.

64° 41.0´ N Dir.L.Fl.W.R.G. 21° 15.0´ E period 6s

18 5

11436 -Orviken Range, front.

64° 41.0´ N Iso.G. 21° 12.0´ E period 4s

52 16

11440 Common Rear, 725 meters from fronts.

64° 40.8´ N Oc.W. 21° 11.5´ E period 4s

79 24

13 White lattice mast, white triangular daymark, point down, red border.

11444 -Skelleftehamn Range, front.

64° 40.6´ N Iso.R. 21° 12.5´ E period 4s

52 16

10 White lattice mast, white In line 296°30′ with common triangular daymark, point up, rear. red border.

64° 41.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 21° 12.0´ E period 4s

20 6

W. 10 White tower; 23. R. 8 G. 6

R. 132°-137°, W.-185°, G.307°, W.-309°, R.-331°. Shown from July 20 to May 20.

C 5809

64° 45.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 21° 18.0´ E

33 10

W. R. G.

6 White hut. 4 3

G. shore-182°, W.-193°, R.236°, G.-259°, R.-311°, G.-336°, W.-340°, R.346°. Seasonal. Radar reflector.

11460 Bergskaret, in entrance to Kagefjarden.

64° 49.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 21° 07.0´ E period 3s

36 11

W. R. G.

8 Tower, upper part white lower 5 part red; 23. 4

R. shore-117°, G.-120°30′, W.-122°30′, R.-130°, G.168°, R.-270°, G.-282°, W.-291°, R.-shore. Shown from July 10 to May 20.

11464 Kage-Prickgrund.

64° 49.0´ N V.Q.W. 21° 06.0´ E

18 5

4 Framework structure on concrete Shown from opening of base. navigation to May 20 and from July 20 to close of navigation.

C 5800

65° 01.0´ N F.R. 21° 24.0´ E

33 10

4 Post, white triangular daymark, point up.

11472 -Rear, 370 meters 318° from front.

65° 01.2´ N F.R. 21° 23.0´ E

65 20

4 Post, white triangular daymark, point down.

11476 Nygran.

65° 01.0´ N L.Fl.W.R.G. 21° 41.4´ E period 8s fl. 2s, ec. 6s

63 19

C 5816.1

C 5816.2

C 5817.4

C 5818.4

C 5814.9

C 5815

C 5815.1

11448 -Ursviken. C 5820

11456 Kagnashallan.

C 5805

C 5806

11468 Brannfors Harbor Range, front.

C 5800.1

C 5789

RACON 11480 Furuogrund Range, front. C 5802

11484 -Rear, 225 meters 293° from front.

C 5802.1

G(– – •) period 30s

6 On post. W. 10 White shed. R. 7 G. 7

G. 285°-288°, W.-291°, R.299°. Shown from July 20 to May 20.

8 White lattice mast, white In line 296° with common rear. triangular daymark, point up, red border.

W. R. G.

9 White tower, black band, black 7 base; 69. 6

Shown from July 20 to May 20.

G. 233°-267°, W.-283°, R.291°, G.-294°, W.-017°, R.-086°, G.-110°, W.113°30′, R.-139°, G.169°30′, W.-171°30′, R.233°.


64° 55.0´ N F.G. 21° 15.0´ E 0° 00.0´ 0° 00.0´

Middle and rear lights are synchronized.



18 5

8 Tower, gallery, white square daymark.

45 14

8 Tower, gallery, white square daymark.

Shown from July 20 to May 20.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


PITEA APPROACH: 11488 -Leskar.

65° 08.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 21° 37.7´ E period 3s

39 12

65° 12.0´ N Fl.W. 21° 41.0´ E period 2s

23 7

8 Post, red triangular daymark.

11496 - -Rear, 131 meters 145° from front.

65° 12.5´ N Q.W. 21° 40.6´ E

33 10

8 Post, red triangular daymark.

11500 -Lillhorun Range, front. C 5788

65° 10.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 21° 42.0´ E period 4s

26 8

W. R. G.

6 Post, white triangular daymark, 4 point up. 3

G. shore-087°, W.-092°, R.103°, G.-136°, obsc.160°, W.-293°30′, R.301°30′.

11504 - -Rear, about 1,850 meters 238°30′ from front.

65° 08.9´ N Q.W.R.G. 21° 39.7´ E

50 15

W. R. G.

5 Iron structure, white triangular 3 daymark, point down. 3

G. shore-128°, R.-215°, G.223°, W.-256°, R.-270°, partially obscured from 265°-270°. Shown from July 20 to the close of navigation.

11508 -Hamviken Range, front.

65° 11.0´ N Iso.W. 21° 34.0´ E period 4s

60 18

16 Tower, white triangular daymark, Visible on range line only. point up, black border. Seasonal.

11512 - -Rear, 865 meters 226° from front.

65° 10.2´ N Q.W. 21° 33.3´ E

88 27

16 Tower, white triangular daymark, point down, black border.

11516 -Storsten Sudden Range, front.

65° 13.0´ N Q.W. 21° 40.0´ E

26 8

9 Post, white triangular daymark, red border.

11520 - -Rear, 127 meters 022° from front.

65° 13.4´ N Q.W. 21° 40.1´ E

42 13

9 Post, white triangular daymark, red border.

11524 -Haraholmen Range, front.

65° 14.0´ N Oc.G. 21° 38.0´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

23 7

8 Post, white triangular daymark, red border.

11528 -Haraholmen Range, common rear.

65° 15.0´ N Oc.W. 21° 38.0´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

39 12

11 Post, white triangular daymark, red border.

11532 - -Haraholmen Range, front.

65° 14.0´ N Oc.R. 21° 38.0´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

23 7

9 Post, white triangular daymark, red border.

65° 14.9´ N Oc.(3)W.R.G. 21° 36.1´ E period 10s

26 8

W. 12 Post, white triangular daymark R. 10 with red border. G. 8

11540 - -Rear, 600 meters 320° from front.

65° 15.1´ N Oc.(3)W. 21° 35.8´ E period 10s

39 12

13 Post, white triangular daymark, red border.

11544 -Bondon Range, front.

65° 13.0´ N Iso.W. 21° 40.0´ E period 4s

59 18

7 Tower, white triangular daymark, Shown from July 10 to June 1. point up, black border.

11548 - -Rear, 725 meters 046°30′ from front.

65° 13.4´ N Iso.W. 21° 41.0´ E period 4s

82 25

7 Tower, white triangular daymark, Shown from July 10 to June 1. point down, black border.

11552 -Bondofjarden Range, front.

65° 15.0´ N Iso.W. 21° 35.0´ E period 3s

26 8

9 Tower, white triangular daymark, Shown from July 10 to June 1. point up, black border.

11556 - -Rear, 1,052 meters 320° from front.

65° 15.0´ N Iso.W. 21° 33.5´ E period 3s

59 18

9 Tower, white triangular daymark, Shown from July 10 to June 1. point down, black border. Synchronized.

11558 Renoragrundet.

65° 11.6´ N Q.(3)W.R.G. 21° 35.5´ E period 4s

33 10

65° 14.0´ N F.W. 21° 32.0´ E

20 6

C 5790

11492 -Medgrundet Range, front. C 5790.82

C 5790.83

C 5788.1

C 5790.4

C 5790.41

C 5790.8

C 5790.81

C 5790.89

C 5790.9

C 5790.91

11536 -Sandangen Range, front. C 5790.86

C 5790.87

C 5790.5

C 5790.51

C 5790.6

C 5790.61

C 5791

11564 -Hogsbole Range, front. C 5792.4


W. 17 White concrete tower, red band; G. shore-160°, W.-165°, R.R. 14 31. 187°30′, G.-328°, W.G. 13 346°, R.-352°, G.-359°, W.-000°30′, R.-010°, G.057°, W.-068°, R.-080°. Shown from July 10 to June 1.

Synchronized with front.


G. 310°-318°48′, W.-320°30′, R.-345°, G.-355°, R.010°.

W. 13 Red tower, white top, gray base. W. 161°-167°, R.-281°, G.R. 10 335°, W.-339°, R.-349°, G. 9 G.-161°. Shown July 10 to June 1 Whistle. Radar reflector. 9 Post.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


11568 - -Rear, 400 meters 140° from front.

65° 13.5´ N F.W. 21° 32.4´ E

33 10

9 Post.

C 5792

11572 -Pitsundet South Range, No. 1, front.

65° 14.0´ N Oc.G. 21° 30.7´ E period 4s

18 5

9 Post, white rectangular daymark, Synchronized with rear. black band.

11576 - -Rear, No. 3, 120 meters 306° from front.

65° 14.0´ N Oc.G. 21° 30.8´ E period 4s

30 9

9 Post, white rectangular daymark, Similar lights mark E. side of black band. channel.

11580 -Ferry slip, E. Range, front.

65° 14.0´ N F.R., F.G. 21° 31.0´ E

23 7

6 Post, white daymark, black band. Shown from July 10 to June 1. NW. light R., SE. light G.

11584 - -Rear, 120 meters 207° from front.

65° 14.1´ N F.R., F.G. 21° 30.6´ E

31 9

6 Post, white daymark, black band. NW. light R., SE. light G.

11588 -Slammermora, N. Range, front.

65° 14.3´ N F.G. 21° 30.7´ E

16 5

6 Post, white daymark, black band. Shown from July 10 to June 1.

11592 - -Rear, 130 meters 320° from front.

65° 14.3´ N F.G. 21° 30.6´ E

23 7

6 Post, white daymark, black band.

11596 -Pitholmsheden Range, front.

65° 14.3´ N Oc.R., Oc.G. 21° 31.1´ E period 4s

33 10

6 Post, white rectangular daymark, Shown from July 10 to June 1. black band. Synchronized with rear. Intensified on range line. Separated by width of channel, E. lights R., W. lights G.

11600 - -Rear, 65 meters 181° from front.

65° 14.3´ N Oc.R., Oc.G. 21° 31.1´ E period 4s

44 13

6 Post, white rectangular daymark, Intensified on range line. black band. Separated by width of channel, E. lights R., W. lights G.

11602 -Pitsundet North Range, front.

65° 14.5´ N Q.W. 21° 31.0´ E

16 5

9 Post, white rectangular daymark, Intensified on range line. black band.

65° 14.4´ N Q.W. 21° 31.1´ E

26 8

10 Post, white rectangular daymark, Synchronized with front. black band.

C 5792.41

C 5792.01

C 5792.6

C 5792.61

C 5792.2

C 5792.21

C 5792.8

C 5792.9

C 5793

11602.1 - -Rear, 115 meters 160° from C 5793.1 front. 11622 Renon. C 5796

11624 Norstromsgrund. C 5744


65° 20.0´ N F.R. 21° 37.9´ E


65° 06.8´ N Fl.W. 22° 19.2´ E period 3s

95 29

8 Tower, orange and black bands, gray base in water; 95.

N(– •) period 30s


RENON: 11628 -Rodkallen Sodra.

65° 19.0´ N L.Fl.W.R.G. 22° 22.0´ E period 10s

72 22

65° 19.0´ N Iso.W. 22° 23.0´ E period 4s

16 5

8 Post, white triangular daymark.

Shown from July 20 to June 1.

C 5746

11636 -Rear, 32 meters 080° from front.

65° 18.7´ N Iso.W. 22° 22.8´ E period 4s

23 7

8 Post, white triangular daymark.

Synchronized with front.

11637 -Inner Range, front.

65° 18.7´ N Iso.R. 22° 22.7´ E period 4s

7 2

6 Tower, white triangle with black border, point up.

Shown from July 20 to June 1.

C 5747

11638 - -Rear, 45 meters 030° from front.

65° 18.8´ N Iso.R. 22° 23.0´ E period 4s

10 3

6 Tower, white triangle with black border, point down.

Synchronized with front.

11640 Farstugrunden.

65° 19.8´ N L.Fl.W.R.G. 22° 45.3´ E period 8s fl. 2s, ec. 6s

88 27

C 5745

11632 Rodkallens Hamn Range, front.

C 5746.1

C 5747.1

C 5748


B(– • • •) period 30s

W. 10 White tower on roof of pilot R. 7 building, upper part red G. 6 lower part yellow; 59.

W. R. G.

9 Red and orange tower, gray base W. 138°30′-142°, R.-194°, G.7 in water; 95. 233°, W.-342°, R.-122°, 6 Floodlit. G.-138°30′. 17


G. 003°30′-011°, W.-015°, R.023°, G.-119°, R.-169°, G.-194°, R.-244°, G.264°, R.-296°, G.-337°, W.-340°30′, R.-003°30′. Pilot station.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


LULEA APPROACH: 11644 -Borussiagrund. C 5749


65° 21.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 22° 16.0´ E period 8s

52 16

W. 16 Red tower, white band; 56. R. 14 Floodlit. G. 12

G. 017°-091°, R.-152°, G.170°30′, W.-172°30′, R.311°, G.-324°, W.-357°, R.-017°.

O(– – –) period 30s


11650 Grillklippan, RACON.

65° 22.7´ N K(– • –) 22° 31.0´ E period 30s


11660 -Moro (Taltskar).

65° 29.0´ N F.R. 22° 58.0´ E

11 3

65° 33.0´ N Oc.W.R. 22° 11.8´ E period 4s

20 6

65° 31.0´ N F.R. 22° 31.0´ E

16 5

5 Post.

C 5733

Fishing light. Occasional.

11692 - -Rear, 170 meters 143° from front.

65° 30.5´ N F.R. 22° 30.9´ E

18 5

5 Post.

Fishing light. Occasional.

11696 -Vitfa*gelrannan.

65° 29.1´ N Q.W.R.G. 22° 25.4´ E

46 14

W. 13 Red tower, white top, on gray R. 10 base; 49. G. 9 Floodlit.

65° 28.0´ N L.Fl.(3)W.R.G. 22° 28.0´ E period 20s fl. 2.5s, ec. 2.5s fl. 2.5s, ec. 2.5s fl. 2.5s, ec. 7.5s

58 18

W. 16 Tower, upper part white, middle G. 295°-311°, W.-318°, R.R. 13 black and red, and bottom 346°, G.-017°, R.-045°, G. 12 part black, gray base awash; G.-060°, R.-096°30′, G.61. 137°30′, W.-162°, R.Floodlit. 224°, G.-226°, R.-295°. Shown from July 10 to June 1 and shown by day Nov. 1 to Mar. 31 Horn. Radar reflector.

C 5754.2

65° 26.0´ N Iso.W. 22° 21.3´ E period 3s

52 16

11702.1 - -Rear, 500 meters 009°30′ C 5754.3 from front.

65° 26.2´ N Iso.W. 22° 21.5´ E period 3s

108 33

11708 -Bjornhallan Range, front. C 5736

65° 31.0´ N Iso.R. 22° 20.0´ E period 3s

33 10

11 White triangle, point up, red border.

Visible on range line only. Shown from July 10 to June 1 and shown by day from Nov. 1 to Mar. 31.

11712 - -Rear, 565 meters 308°30′ from front.

65° 31.4´ N Iso.R. 22° 19.0´ E period 3s

60 18

12 White triangle, point down, red border.


11716 -Liggskar Range, front. C 5739

65° 31.0´ N Iso.W. 22° 22.0´ E period 3s

23 7

11 White tower, white triangular daymark, red border.

Visible 121°-128°. Shown from July 10 to June 1.

11720 - -Rear, 880 meters 128° from front.

65° 30.9´ N Iso.W. 22° 22.8´ E period 3s

46 14

11 White tower, white triangular daymark, red border.

Synchronized with front.

11724 -Finnklipp*rna Norra Range, front.

65° 33.0´ N Iso.G. 22° 20.0´ E period 3s

26 8

10 White tower, white triangular daymark, red border.

Shown from July 10 to June 1.

C 5740

11728 - -Rear, 320 meters 342° from front.

65° 32.6´ N Iso.G. 22° 19.3´ E period 3s

39 12

10 White tower, white triangular daymark, red border.


11732 -Finnklipp*rna Range, front.

65° 32.0´ N Iso.R. 22° 20.0´ E period 3s

26 8

11 White tower, white triangular daymark, red border.

Shown from July 10 to June 1.

C 5740

11736 - -Rear, in line 100°30′ with front.

65° 32.3´ N Iso.R. 22° 20.6´ E period 3s

48 15

11 White tower, white triangular daymark, red border.


11740 -Skvampen Range, front.

65° 32.7´ N Iso.R. 22° 17.2´ E period 3s

70 21

6 White tower, orange triangle, point up.

Shown by day.

C 5778

11680 -Sandogrundet. C 5770

11688 -Storbrando Range, front.

C 5733.1

C 5735

11700 -Larsgrundet. C 5734

11702 -Junkon Range, front.

C 5736.1

C 5739.1

C 5739.9

C 5740.1

C 5741


5 Post. W. 12 White shed on stone base. R. 9

Fishing light, occasional. R. 022°30′-149°, W.-168°.

W. 132°30′-141°, R.-161°, G.180°, R.-300°, G.-312° W.-323°, R.-335°, G347°, W.-351°, R.-050°, G.-132°30′.

14 Framework mast, red rectangular daymark, white stripe. 14 Framework mast, red rectangular Synchronized with front. daymark, white stripe.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


11744 - -Rear, 310 meters 309° from front.

65° 32.8´ N Iso.R. 22° 16.9´ E period 3s

92 28

11748 -Svartosundet Range, front. C 5743

65° 32.0´ N Iso.W. 22° 17.0´ E period 4s

17 5

11752 - -Rear, 800 meters 113° from front.

65° 32.2´ N Q.W. 22° 17.7´ E

36 11

9 White tower, white triangular daymark, orange border, point down.

Visible on range line only. Radar reflector.

11760 Kangso, S. mole of boat harbor, head.

65° 50.0´ N Fl.R. 22° 22.0´ E period 3s

11 3

1 White post.

Shown from Aug. 1 to close of navigation.

11764 Siknas Range, front.

65° 51.0´ N F.R. 22° 42.0´ E

22 7

3 Post with white triangular daymark.

Range lights lead through dredged channel.

11768 -Rear, 70 meters 279° from front.

65° 50.7´ N F.R. 22° 41.5´ E

38 12

3 Post, white triangular daymark.

Shown from Aug. 1 to close of navigation.

11772 Lagenon.

65° 47.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 22° 49.0´ E period 3s

23 7

W. R. G.

6 White structure, red base. 4 3

G. shore-170°30′, W.-175°, R.-241°, G.-291°, W.295°, R.-shore. Shown from July 20 to May 25.

65° 50.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 22° 44.0´ E period 3s

20 6

W. R. G.

6 White structure, red base. 4 3

G. 249°-297°, W.-299°30′, R.314°, G.-161°, R.-249°. Shown from July 20 to May 25.

65° 52.0´ N F.G. 22° 42.0´ E

26 8

7 White triangular daymark, red border.

Shown from July 20 to May 25.

11784 -Rear, 319° 510 meters from front.

65° 52.0´ N F.G. 22° 41.2´ E

44 13

7 White triangular daymark, red border.

11788 Storstensgrund.

65° 50.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 22° 48.0´ E period 6s

19 6

65° 51.0´ N Iso.W. 22° 43.0´ E period 4s

11796 -Rear, 333° 485 meters from front. 11800 Alvasen.

C 5741.1

C 5743.1

C 5731.9

C 5731.5

C 5731.51

C 5731.4

11776 -Siknas Storgrund. C 5731.44

11780 Burnaset Range, front. C 5731.54

C 5731.55

6 White tower, orange triangle, point down.

Synchronized with front. Shown by day.

11 White tower, white triangle, point Radar reflector. up, orange border.

6 White structure, red base. 4 3

G. shore-343°, W.-346°, R.044°, G.-103°, R.-113°, G.-129°. Shown from July 20 to May 25.

23 7

7 White diamond daymark, red border.

Shown from July 30 to May 25.

65° 51.6´ N Q.W. 22° 42.7´ E

39 12

6 White diamond daymark, red border.

65° 52.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 22° 44.0´ E period 3s

19 6

W. R. G.

6 White structure, red base. 4 3

G. 346°-007°, W.-012°, R.084°, G.-143°, W.-148°, R.-shore. Seasonal.

65° 53.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 22° 43.0´ E period 6s

18 5

W. R. G.

6 White structure, red base. 4 3

G. shore-344°, W.-348°, R.010°, G.-098°, W.-110°, R.-shore. Seasonal.

65° 54.0´ N F.R. 22° 38.0´ E

26 8

8 White triangular daymark.

Shown from July 20 to May 25.

11812 -Grona, rear, 190 meters 326°30′ from front.

65° 54.6´ N F.R. 22° 38.5´ E

41 12

8 White triangular daymark.

11816 Tore Hamn Grona Range, front.

65° 54.0´ N F.G. 22° 39.0´ E

26 8

7 White daymark.

C 5731.42

11792 Siknasbanken Range, front. C 5731.57

C 5731.58

C 5731.74

11804 Djupbacksholmen. C 5731.76

11808 Tore Hamn Roda Range, front. C 5731.8

C 5731.81

C 5731.84

W. R. G.

8 2 11820 -Rear, 326°30′ from front

65° 54.6´ N F.G. 22° 38.5´ E

41 12

7 White daymark.

65° 46.0´ N F.R. 22° 58.0´ E

19 6

3 Post, white triangular daymark.

C 5730

11828 -Rear, 75 meters 063° from front.

65° 46.0´ N F.R. 22° 58.4´ E

33 10

3 Post, white triangular daymark.

C 5731.85

11824 Binnholmsskaten Range, front.

C 5730.1


Fishing light. Occasional.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


11840 Storo.

65° 42.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 23° 06.0´ E period 9s

36 11

C 5728

65° 44.0´ N F.G. 23° 05.0´ E

16 5

2 White post, triangular daymark, point up.

11848 -Rear, 80 meters 085° from front.

65° 44.4´ N F.G. 23° 05.9´ E

23 7

2 White post, triangular daymark, point down.

11852 Uddviken Range, front. C 5729

65° 44.0´ N F.R. 23° 06.0´ E

16 5

3 Post, white triangular daymark, point up.

11856 -Rear, 50 meters 145° from front.

65° 44.0´ N F.R. 23° 05.7´ E

25 8

3 Post, white triangular daymark, point down.

11860 Marahamn Indre Range, front.

65° 46.0´ N F.R. 23° 12.0´ E

18 5

3 Lantern on pillar, white triangular Fishing light. daymark, point up. Occasional.

11864 -Rear, 216 meters 038° from front.

65° 45.8´ N F.R. 23° 11.6´ E

23 7

3 Lantern on pillar white triangular daymark, point down.

11868 Lutskarsgrund.

65° 39.6´ N L.Fl.W.R.G. 23° 20.1´ E period 8s fl. 2s, ec. 6s

52 16

W. R. G.

65° 31.6´ N L.Fl.(2)W.R.G. 23° 33.2´ E period 12s fl. 2s, ec. 2s fl. 2s, ec. 6s

73 22

W. 14 Red conical tower; 57. R. 11 G. 10

C 5727.5

11844 Innergrundsviken Range, front.

C 5728.1

C 5729.1

C 5724.4

C 5724.41

C 5725.5

11872 Maloren. C 5710

RACON 11876 -Island, W. point. C 5710.2

11877 -Outer Range, front. C 5710.5

11877.1 - -Rear, 048° from front. C 5710.51

11878 -Inner Range, front. C 5710.6

11878.1 - -Rear, 034° from front. C 5710.61

W. R. G.

M(– –) period 30s

9 White and red tower, gray base; G. 296°-302°, W.-306°, R.7 33. 321°, G.-347°, G. 6 Floodlit. (unintensified)-005°, R. (unintensified)-059°, G. (unintensified)-122°30′, G.-130°, W.-133°, R.142°. Shown from July 20 to May 25.

8 Tower, upper part white, middle 6 part black, lower part 5 orange; 48.

Fishing light. Shown from Aug. 1 to close of navigation.

Fishing light. Shown from Aug. 1 to close of navigation.

W. 005°-009°, R.-106°, G.194°42′, W.-195°54′, R.217°, G.-263°, R.-309°, G.-331°30′, W.-336°, R.349°, G.-005°. Shown from July 10 to June 1. Radar reflector. R. 126°-136°30′, G.-157°, W.161°, R.-196°, G.-213°, W.-214°30′, R.-220°, W.126°. Shown from July 10 to close of navigation.


65° 31.6´ N Q.W.R. 23° 32.2´ E

23 7

65° 32.0´ N Iso.W. 23° 34.0´ E period 5s

W. R.

5 White pedestal, red base. 3

W. 321°-215°, R.-321°. Shown from July 10 to June 1.

16 5

4 Mast, white triangle, point up.

Shown from July 10 to Dec. 31.

65° 31.6´ N Q.W. 23° 33.5´ E

33 10

4 Mast, white triangle, point down. Shown from July 10 to Dec. 31.

65° 31.7´ N Iso.R. 23° 33.6´ E period 5s

16 5

2 Mast, white triangle, point up.

65° 31.7´ N Q.R. 23° 33.7´ E

33 10

2 Mast, white triangle, point down. Shown from July 10 to Dec. 31.

65° 43.1´ N Iso.W.R.G. 23° 27.0´ E period 3s

23 7

Shown from July 10 to Dec. 31.

KARLSBORG APPROACH: 11888 -Halso Klippor Range, front. C 5712.4

-RACON 11892 - -Vippgrund, rear, about 3.2 km 006° from front.

C 5712.41


G(– – •)

W. R. G.

7 White and red tower; 20. 5 4

Obsc. 340°-032°, R.-060°, G.-113°, W.-118°, R.131°30′, G.-200°, W.203°30′, R.-340°. Iso. W. intensified on range line only, range 11M.


65° 45.0´ N Q.W. 23° 28.0´ E

75 23

N(– •)

9 Skeleton tower, black and white square daymark. 15


Intensified on range line. Visible 248°-254°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


11896 -Trutskarsbadan.

65° 44.1´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 23° 22.9´ E period 3s

26 8

8 Tower, upper part white, lower 6 red; 23. 5

G. 261°-296°30′, R.-305°, G.318°30′, W.-325°, R.000°, G.-014°06′, W.015°18′, R.020°, G.-070°, W.-122°, R.-138°, G.149°, R.-171°. Shown from July 20 to May 25.

C 5725

65° 42.0´ N Iso.W. 23° 17.0´ E period 4s

19 6

8 Framework structure, white triangular daymark, red border.

Shown from July 20 to May 25.

11904 - -Rear, 700 meters 067° from front.

65° 42.7´ N Q.W. 23° 17.7´ E

43 13

8 Framework structure, white triangular daymark, red border.

11908 -Dyrasholmen, SE. point.

65° 47.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 23° 17.0´ E period 3s fl. 1s, ec. 2s

20 6

65° 47.0´ N Q.W. 23° 16.7´ E

92 28

65° 47.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 23° 19.0´ E

24 7

11916 - -Rear, Karlsborg, 4.1 kilometers 338° from front.

65° 47.8´ N Oc.R. 23° 17.2´ E period 5s lt. 4s, ec. 1s

94 29

11920 -Laxholmen Range, front. C 5724

65° 48.0´ N F.G. 23° 16.0´ E

18 5

8 Skeleton structure, red triangular Shown from July 20 to May daymark, white triangle in 25. center.

11924 - -Riso, rear 550 meters 336° from front.

65° 48.6´ N F.G. 23° 15.4´ E

39 12

8 Skeleton structure, red triangular daymark, white triangle in center.

11928 Batskarsnas Yttre.

65° 48.0´ N Fl.R.G. 23° 25.0´ E period 3s

23 7

R. G.

6 Mast, lantern on gray lattice. 5

R. 229°-301°, G.-322°, R.339°.

65° 45.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 23° 30.0´ E period 6s

23 7

W. R. G.

5 White daymark, red base. 3 2

G. 180°-277°, W.-291°, R.328°, G.-015°, W.-024°, R.-033°. Shown from July 20 to May 25.

65° 44.3´ N Fl.W.R.G. 23° 29.2´ E period 3s

26 8

W. R. G.

5 White structure, red base. 3 3

G. shore-043°, W.-052°, R.079°, G.-156°, R.-shore. Shown from July 20 to May 25.

C 5712.8

11900 -Ytterslandet Range, front.

C 5725.1

C 5719

11909 -N. Shore. C 5718.5

11912 -Kvarnoren Range, front. C 5720

C 5720.1

C 5724.1

C 5714

W. R. G.

W. R. G.

6 Post, white hut. 4 3 12 Framework tower, red rectangular daymark; 66.

W. R. G.

7 Post on white hut. 5 4 13 Gable on house.

G. 294°30′-316°30′, W.319°30′, R.-329°30′. Shown from July 20 to May 25. Shown from July 20 to May 25. May 25. G. 305°-336°, W.-340°, R.032°. Shown from July 20 to May 25. Visible on range line only.

HAPARANDAHAMN: 11932 -Vasterskarsgrund. C 5713.4

11936 -Halso. C 5713

11938 -Haparanda, AVIATION LIGHT. C 5725.8

65° 56.0´ N V.Q.W. 23° 31.7´ E

1348 411

17 Radio mast.

Obstruction. 6 F.R. lights range 6M.

KARLSBORG APPROACH: 11940 -Borstskar, on E. point. C 5716

11944 -Lehtikari. C 5717

11964 Haparandahamn Range, front. C 5703

65° 43.2´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 23° 34.2´ E period 9s

21 6

W. R. G.

5 White tower, red base; 23. 3 3

G. shore-160°, W.-190°, R.213°, G.-229°30′, W.232°, R.-294°, G.-306°, W.-311°, R.-318°. Shown from July 20 to May 25.

65° 45.7´ N Fl.W.R.G. 23° 41.3´ E period 3s

21 6

W. R. G.

5 White and red tower; 22. 3 3

G. 250°-269°, R.-349°, G.045°, W.-055°, R.-065°. Shown from July 20 to May 25.

65° 46.0´ N F.R. 23° 55.0´ E

14 4


Post, yellow triangular daymark. Shown from July 20 to May 25.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


11968 -Rear, 260 meters 057° from front.

65° 46.5´ N F.R. 23° 54.7´ E

27 8

11970 Karl Johan.

65° 46.4´ N Fl.W.R.G. 23° 54.3´ E period 3s

13 4

C 5703.1

C 5704

11972 Nikkala (Vattentorn).

Post, yellow triangular daymark. W. R. G.

5 Mast. 3 3

65° 47.0´ N F.R. 23° 56.0´ E

167 51

C 5698

65° 40.8´ N Q.W. 24° 08.5´ E

33 10

8 Red rectangular daymark, white stripe.

11980 - -Rear, on Nalkakari Rock, 1.4 kilometers 299° from front.

65° 41.2´ N L.Fl.W. 24° 07.0´ E period 8s

105 32

9 Red rectangular daymark, white stripe.

C 5702.4

11976 -Stora Knivskar Range, front.

C 5698.1


12 Water tower.

G. 282°-315°, W.-322°, R.008°.

Section 8 Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Russia Including Gulf of Riga

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


NIDA: 11984 -Nida, Urbo Kalnas.

55° 18.3´ N Fl.(2)W. 20° 59.7´ E period 5.8s fl. 0.2s, ec. 1.2s fl. 0.2s, ec. 4.2s

256 78

22 Red round tower, white bands; 92.

Storm signals. Reserve light Fl.W. 3s 8M.

55° 34.0´ N L.Fl.W. 21° 07.0´ E period 8s fl. 3s, ec. 5s

224 68

18 Metal framework, white square metal; 65.

Reserve light L.Fl. 8s 9M. Radar reflector.

55° 43.7´ N Q.W. 21° 05.5´ E

102 31

16 Red framework tower, white diamond and white rectangular daymark, black stripe; 95.

Visible on range line only.

12004 - -Rear, NE. side of entrance, 285 meters 092°30′ from front.

55° 43.7´ N Iso.W. 21° 05.7´ E period 6s

144 44

18 White round tower, black bands and black stripe; 121.

Visible 000°-180°. Reserve light range 8M. Shown 24 hours.

12016 -N. mole, head.

55° 43.9´ N Fl.R. 21° 04.9´ E period 3s fl. 1s, ec. 2s

52 16

5 Black column, white square daymark, red border, marked "2B"; 39.

55° 43.6´ N Fl.G. 21° 04.9´ E period 3s fl. 1s, ec. 2s

49 15

5 Black column, white triangular daymark, green border, marked "1B"; 39.

55° 43.4´ N Oc.W.R.G. 21° 06.2´ E period 3s lt. 2s, ec. 1s

213 65

C 3318

11996 Yuodkrante. C 3334

KLAIPEDA: 12000 -Entrance Range, front. C 3345.9

C 3346

C 3348

12020 -S. mole, head. C 3350

12022 -Pagrindinis Siaurinis Pirminis.

10 Red metal framework tower, white bands; 200.

R. 332°48′-334°18′, W.336°06′, G.-337°36′. Shown 24 hours.

-Dane River: 12032 - -Dange Reki, N. entrance. C 3361

12040 -Winter Harbor, S. side. C 3359

12042 - -Pietine Bega. C 3366.6

55° 42.4´ N Fl.G. 21° 07.5´ E period 2.5s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.2s

23 7

3 STARBOARD (A) G, beacon; 16.

55° 42.6´ N Fl.G. 21° 07.2´ E period 4s fl. 0.8s, ec. 3.2s

62 19

3 Green pyramidal metal framework tower with gallery; 56.

55° 41.4´ N Oc.W.R.G. 21° 08.0´ E period 3s lt. 2.5s, ec. 0.5s

33 10

10 Red round tower, white bands; 23.

R. 344°18′-346°18′, W.348°18′, G.-350°18′. Shown 24 hours.

138 42

17 Tower, quadrangular iron framework, red and white bands; 128.

Reserve light Fl.W. 9s 8M (fl. 1.5s). Visible 010°-165°.

56° 02.0´ N Fl.W. 21° 04.0´ E period 3s

20 6

4 White triangular daymark; 14.

56° 09.3´ N Fl.W. 21° 01.4´ E period 3.5s fl. 1.5s, ec. 2s

85 26


SVENTOJI GAVINI: 12044 -Sventoji. C 3382

12048 Sventoji. C 3380

12052 Pape. C 3386

56° 02.0´ N Fl.(3)W. 21° 05.0´ E period 15s fl. 1.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 1.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 1.5s, ec. 7.5s


14 White iron framework tower, red Visible 347°-172°. balcony; 72.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


12056 Bernati.

56° 23.0´ N Iso.W. 21° 00.0´ E period 4s

135 41

15 Quadrangular iron framework tower platform, upper part yellow; 69.

56° 31.0´ N Iso.W. 20° 59.5´ E period 6s

105 32

16 White round metal tower, red bands; 108.

Pilot and signal station. Storm signals. Visible 000°-180°

56° 32.7´ N Iso.W. 20° 59.9´ E period 3s

69 21

12 White truncated pyramid, black stripe; 66.

Visible 064°-072°.

12068 - -Rear, 987 meters 067°42′ from front.

56° 32.8´ N Iso.W. 21° 00.8´ E period 3s

108 33

12069 -S. entrance Range, front.

56° 31.4´ N Iso.W. 20° 59.7´ E period 2s

108 33

9 Framework tower, white rectangular daymark, black stripe; 98.

Visible on range line only. Shown 24 hours.

56° 31.3´ N Iso.W. 21° 00.0´ E period 2s

161 49

9 Framework tower, white rectangular daymark, black stripe; 131.

Visible on range line only. Shown 24 hours.

56° 31.4´ N F.W.R.G. 20° 58.7´ E

26 8

2 White round column, platform; 16.

G. 167°42′-168°42′, Al.W.G.170°12′, W.-171°12′, Al.W.R.-172°42′, R.173°42′.

56° 31.2´ N Fl.G. 20° 59.1´ E period 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1s

30 9

3 Green round column, platform; 16.

Visible 130°-305°. Shown 24 hours.

12084 - -Rear, 21 meters 153°24′ from front.

56° 31.2´ N Fl.G. 20° 59.0´ E period 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1s

36 11

3 Green round column, white stripe, platform; 26.

Visible 147°-159°. Synchronized with front. Shown 24 hours.

12088 -South Gate, S.

56° 31.7´ N Iso.G. 20° 58.1´ E period 2s

36 11

2 Green round column; 16.

56° 31.8´ N Iso.R. 20° 58.1´ E period 2s

30 9

3 Red round column; 16.

56° 32.2´ N Iso.G. 20° 57.9´ E period 4s

49 15

2 Green round column; 16.

56° 32.3´ N Iso.R. 20° 57.9´ E period 4s

33 10

3 Red round column; 16.

56° 31.2´ N Fl.R. 20° 59.3´ E period 3s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2.5s

33 10

3 Red round column; 26.

56° 31.3´ N Fl.R. 20° 59.0´ E period 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1s

26 8

3 PORT (A) R, beacon; 16.

56° 31.6´ N Fl.R. 20° 58.9´ E period 2.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2s

20 6

3 Red round column; 16.

56° 31.5´ N Fl.G. 20° 59.0´ E period 2.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2s

26 8

2 STARBOARD (A) G, beacon; 16.

56° 32.7´ N Iso.G. 21° 01.2´ E period 3s

49 15

1 Framework tower, white rectangular daymark, black stripe; 33.

Visible on range line only. Shown by day.

56° 32.6´ N Iso.G. 21° 01.4´ E period 3s

69 21

1 Framework tower, white rectangular daymark, black stripe; 49.

Visible on range line only. Shown by day.

56° 32.4´ N Iso.R. 21° 01.8´ E period 2s

39 12

1 Framework tower, white rectangular daymark, red stripe; 33.

Visible on range line only. Shown by day.

C 3390

LIEPAIA: 12060 -S. side of river. C 3396

12064 -Middle entrance Range, front. C 3396.2

C 3396.21

C 3397

12069.1 - -Rear, 422 meters 112°24′ C 3397.1 from front. 12072 -Osta. C 3397.5

12080 -Inner Harbor Range, front. C 3397.8

C 3397.81

C 3396.4

12092 - -N. C 3396.5

12096 -Middle Gate, S. C 3396.6

12097 - -S. C 3396.7

12100 - -S. knuckle. C 3398.3

12104 - -W. angle of N. mole. C 3398.2

12112 -Inner breakwater, S. head. C 3397.7

12112.5 -Jetty, N. head. C 3398

12114 -Kara Osta Range No. 1, front.

12114.1 - -Rear, 160 meters 097°30′ from front. 12115 -Kara Osta Range No. 2, front.


14 Red iron beacon, white stripe, Visible 064°-072°. conical daymark, point down; 98.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


12115.1 - -Rear, 161 meters 113°48′ from front.

56° 32.4´ N Iso.R. 21° 02.0´ E period 2s

52 16

1 Framework tower, white rectangular daymark, red stripe; 39.

Visible on range line only. Shown by day.

12116 -Kara Osta Range No. 3, front.

56° 32.5´ N Iso.W. 21° 01.4´ E period 3s

46 14

1 Framework tower, white rectangular daymark, black stripe; 33.

Visible on range line only. Shown by day.

12116.1 - -Rear, 171 meters 271° from front.

56° 32.5´ N Iso.W. 21° 01.2´ E period 3s

62 19

1 Framework tower, white rectangular daymark, black stripe; 36.

Visible on range line only. Shown by day.

12120 Akmenrags. C 3442

56° 50.0´ N Fl.(2)W. 21° 03.6´ E period 7.5s fl. 0.1s, ec. 2.4s fl. 0.1s, ec. 4.9s

125 38

18 Red round stone tower, balcony; Visible 000°-225°. 125. Reserve light L.Fl.(2)W. 10s 18M.

PAVILOSTA: 12124 -Range, front.

56° 53.3´ N Fl.W. 21° 10.3´ E period 3s fl. 1s, ec. 2s

39 12

5 Framework tower, white square daymark, black stripe; 33.

12128 - -Rear, 162 meters 144°12′ from front.

56° 53.2´ N Fl.W. 21° 10.4´ E period 3s fl. 1s, ec. 2s

59 18

6 Framework tower; white square daymark, black stripe; 49.

12132 -E. mole, head.

56° 53.5´ N Fl.R. 21° 10.1´ E period 3s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2.5s

26 8

2 PORT (A) R, beacon; 16.

56° 53.5´ N Fl.G. 21° 10.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2.5s

26 8

1 STARBOARD (A) G, beacon; 16.

57° 12.5´ N Fl.(2)W. 21° 25.1´ E period 10s fl. 1.5s, ec. 2.5s fl. 1.5s, ec. 4.5s

143 44

C 3443

C 3443.1

C 3443.5

12136 -W. mole, head. C 3443.4

12140 Uzava. C 3448

15 White round stone tower, red dwelling; 62.

Visible on range line only.

Visible 340°-198°.

VENTSPILS: 12145 -W. fairway Range, front.

57° 24.5´ N Oc.R. 21° 33.7´ E period 6s lt. 4s, ec. 2s

56 17

14 Framework tower, black Visible 102°-118°. rectangular daymark, yellow Shown 24 hours. stripe; 49.

12145.1 - -Middle, 425 meters 109°54′ from front.

57° 24.4´ N Oc.R. 21° 34.1´ E period 6s lt. 4s, ec. 2s

92 28

14 Metal framework tower; 59.

12145.2 - - -Rear, 912 meters 109°54′ from front.

57° 24.3´ N Oc.R. 21° 34.6´ E period 6s lt. 4s, ec. 2s

131 40

C 3450.5

C 3450.51

C 3450.52

12148 -Vkhodoy Range, front.

Visible 102°-118°. Shown 24 hours. Synchronized with front and rear.

16 Square framework tower, black Visible 094°-126°. rectangular daymark, yellow Shown 24 hours. stripe; 98. Synchronized with front and middle.

C 3450

57° 23.7´ N Iso.R. 21° 32.5´ E period 3s

92 28

14 Framework tower, red rectangular daymark, white stripe; 82.

Visible 136°-152°. Shown 24 hours.

12152 - -Rear, 940 meters 143°42′ from front.

57° 23.3´ N Iso.R. 21° 33.1´ E period 3s

148 45

15 Framework tower, red rectangular daymark, white stripe; 115.

Visible 128°-160°. Shown 24 hours. Synchronized with front.

12156 -N. mole, head, outer harbor.

57° 24.5´ N Fl.(2)R. 21° 31.6´ E period 3s fl. 0.5s, ec. 0.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s

45 14

4 White round concrete tower, red lantern; 36.

57° 24.3´ N Fl.(2)G. 21° 31.5´ E period 3s fl. 0.5s, ec. 0.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s

45 14

3 White round concrete tower, green lantern; 36.

57° 23.9´ N Iso.W. 21° 32.5´ E period 2s

26 8

2 Red square metal framework tower; 20.

C 3450.1

C 3451

12160 -S. mole, head, outer harbor. C 3452

12168 -S. oil pier. C 3455


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


12172 -N. oil pier. C 3454

12176 -Fishing Harbor. C 3458

12180 -Turning Basin, W. C 3460

12181 - -E. C 3461

57° 24.0´ N Fl.Y. 21° 32.6´ E period 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1s

26 8

1 Red metal column, red cylinder and platform on top; 19.

57° 23.7´ N Iso.R. 21° 32.9´ E period 2s

26 8

1 Red column with platform; 16.

57° 24.0´ N Fl.G. 21° 34.3´ E period 2s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s

26 8

1 STARBOARD (A) G, beacon; 16.

57° 23.9´ N Fl.G. 21° 34.8´ E period 3s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2.5s

26 8

1 STARBOARD (A) G, beacon; 16.


12192 Ovisi, S. shore of entrance to Gulf of Riga.

C 3470

RACON 12194 Irbensky Strait. C 3474

RACON 12196 Mikelbaka. C 3476

12204 Sikraguciems. C 3477.3

12212 Kolka. C 3478

RACON 12216 Gipka. C 3486

12220 Ruhnu Saar. C 3482

12224 Roja. C 3489

12228 Mersrags. C 3494

12229 -Mersrags Inner Range, front. C 3495

12229.1 - -Rear. C 3495.1

57° 34.5´ N L.Fl.W. 21° 43.3´ E period 7.5s fl. 3s, ec. 4.5s

125 38

15 White round stone tower; 109.

W(• – –) period 120s


57° 45.1´ N Fl.W. 21° 44.1´ E period 10s fl. 1s, ec. 9s

115 35

Visible 010°-223°.

Azimuth coverage 050°-220°.

10 Round concrete tower, lower part black, middle part white with red bands, white trapezoidal daymark; 121. Helicopter platform.

I(• •) period 15s


57° 35.9´ N Fl.(2)W. 21° 58.7´ E period 6s fl. 1s, ec. 1s fl. 1s, ec. 3s

194 59

14 White round concrete tower; 184.

57° 40.0´ N Fl.W. 22° 13.0´ E period 3s fl. 1s, ec. 2s

107 33

15 White quadrangular iron framework structure; 87.

57° 48.1´ N Fl.(2)W. 22° 38.0´ E period 10s fl. 1s, ec. 1s fl. 1s, ec. 7s

66 20

10 Red round tower with balcony and lantern; 69.

K(– • –)

Azimuth coverage 125°-020°.


57° 34.0´ N L.Fl.W. 22° 40.0´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

120 37

15 Quadrangular metal tower, two red trapezoidal daymarks, white rectangular centers; 98.

57° 48.1´ N Fl.W. 23° 15.6´ E period 4s fl. 1s, ec. 3s

212 65

11 Red round metal tower with supporting pillars, cupola and galleries; 131.

57° 30.5´ N F.W.R.G. 22° 48.5´ E

64 20

57° 22.0´ N Fl.W. 23° 07.2´ E period 5s

85 26

57° 20.1´ N Iso.Y. 23° 07.5´ E period 3s

39 12

8 Red trapezoidal daymark, white stripe; 30.

Visible on range line only. Synchronized with rear. Shown on request. Occasional.

57° 20.1´ N Iso.Y. 23° 07.4´ E period 3s

52 16

8 Red trapezoidal daymark, white stripe; 39.

Visible on range line only. Synchronized with front. Shown on request. Occasional.


W. R. G.

Shown April 10 to Jan. 30.

7 Red triangular tower; 61. 4 4

G. 210°24′-213°30′, W.216°30′, R.-219°24′.

15 White concrete tower with balcony; 62.

Visible 165°-310°. Reserve light range 6M.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


12230 -266.5°.

57° 20.1´ N Dir.F.W.R.G. 23° 08.0´ E

54 17

57° 20.1´ N Fl.G. 23° 08.4´ E period 3s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2.5s

23 7

57° 10.3´ N Fl.(2)W. 23° 14.1´ E period 6s fl. 1s, ec. 1s fl. 1s, ec. 3s

85 26

C 3501.4

57° 09.8´ N Iso.R. 23° 13.9´ E period 2s

20 6

3 Metal framework tower, white square daymark, red stripe; 16.

Visible on range line only. Shown April 10 to Jan. 30.

12249.1 - -Rear, 127 meters 270°12' from front.

57° 09.8´ N Iso.R. 23° 13.7´ E period 4s

46 14

3 Metal framework tower, white rectangular daymark, red stripe; 33.

Visible on range line only. Shown Apr. 10 to Jan. 30.

57° 02.0´ N Iso.W. 23° 29.0´ E period 2s

121 37

16 Square metal framework structure, red square daymark; 98.

57° 00.0´ N Fl.W. 23° 54.0´ E period 5s fl. 1.5s, ec. 3.5s

118 36

16 Red slatted quadrangular truncated iron pyramid, lower part white; 92.

C 3495.2

12232 -N. mole, head. C 3496

12248 Engure. C 3501

12249 -Approch Range, front.

C 3501.41

12252 Ragaciems. C 3502

12256 Bulli. C 3503

12260 Lielupe River Range, front.

W. R. G.

8 Square metal framework tower; 4 41. 4

G. 261°03'-265°09', W.267°51', R.-271°57'.

2 White round column; 16.

Radar reflector.

15 Red and white framework tower; Shown April 4 to Jan. 30. 62.

Visible 150°-275°.

57° 00.3´ N F.R. 23° 56.2´ E

23 7

2 White rectangular daymark, red stripe; 26.

Visible on range line only.

C 3504

12264 -Rear, 97 meters 150°12′ from front.

57° 00.2´ N F.R. 23° 56.2´ E

30 9

2 White rectangular daymark, red stripe; 33.

Visible on range line only.

C 3504.1


57° 07.0´ N L.Fl.W. 23° 57.0´ E period 6s

12272 -Daugavgriva.

57° 03.6´ N Fl.W. 24° 01.3´ E period 2.5s

C 3526


Radar reflector.

18 Round concrete tower, black and Visible 065°-215°. white bands; 115. Storm signals. Reserve light L.Fl.W. 6s 7M. Pilot station.

-RACON 12276 -W. mole, head.

D(– • •) period 15s 57° 04.0´ N Fl.G. 24° 01.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2.5s

36 11

57° 04.0´ N Iso.R. 24° 02.0´ E period 5s

67 20

11 White framework tower, white daymark, red stripe; 49.

Visible on range line only.

C 3530

12284 - -Rear, 590 meters 141° from front.

57° 03.4´ N Iso.R. 24° 01.6´ E period 5s

96 29

11 White framework tower, white square daymark, red stripe; 87.

Synchronized with front.

12286 -Mole, head.

57° 03.3´ N Fl.(3)Y. 24° 01.9´ E period 3.5s fl. 0.3s, ec. 0.5s fl. 0.3s, ec. 0.5s fl. 0.3s, ec. 1.6s

33 10

1 Red round column, forked top; 20.

57° 04.1´ N Fl.R. 24° 00.9´ E period 3s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2.5s

38 12

4 Red round tower, observation platform; 24.

57° 03.2´ N Fl.(3)W. 24° 01.7´ E period 9s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

26 8

1 White round column; 16.

C 3528

12280 -Daugavgriva Range, front.

C 3530.1

C 3536

12288 Mangal'sala, E. mole, head. C 3529

12292 -Training wall, N. head. C 3536.4


3 Round white concrete tower; 23.

Radar reflector.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


12296 -Vostochni Basseyn. C 3535

57° 03.1´ N Fl.(3)Y. 24° 02.4´ E period 9s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

20 6

2 Red round metal column; 16.

57° 03.1´ N Fl.G. 24° 01.9´ E period 3s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2.5s

43 13

1 Beacon, white rectangular daymark, black stripe; 39.

Visible on range line only. Synchronized with rear. Lighted daytime during poor visibility.

57° 03.0´ N Fl.G. 24° 01.9´ E period 3s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2.5s

56 17

1 Beacon, white trapezoidal daymark, black stripe; 51.

Visible on range line only. Synchronized with front. Lighted daytime during poor visibility.

Fl.R. period 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s

17 5

1 Red metal column; 8.

57° 03.0´ N Fl.(3)W. 24° 02.6´ E period 9s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

36 11

2 Red round tower; 26.

29 9

2 White truncated beacon, black stripe, square daymark; 27.

DAUGAVA RIVER: 12297 -Kara Osta Range, front. C 3536.2

ZAPADNAYA DVINA: 12297.1 - -Rear, 89 meters 168°30′ from front.

C 3536.201

12300 -Zimney Basseyn, S. side.

12304 -Bullupe Channel, E. side. C 3538

12316 - -Rear, 120 meters 249°30′ from front. 12320 -Mangali Range, front.

0° 00.0´ 0° 00.0´

0° 00.0´ 0° 00.0´


57° 03.0´ N Iso.W. 24° 03.7´ E period 3s

56 17

2 Metal tower, white trapezoidal daymark, black stripe; 52.

Visible on range line only.

C 3540

12324 - -Rear, 95 meters 326°06′ from front.

57° 03.1´ N Iso.W. 24° 03.5´ E period 3s

77 24

3 Metal tower, white trapezoidal daymark, black stripe; 72.

Visible on range line only. Synchronized with front.

12326 -Zvejas, N. gate, N.

57° 02.8´ N Fl.(3)R. 24° 03.9´ E period 9s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

33 10

1 Red round metal column, forked Radar reflector. widening on top; 20.

57° 02.6´ N Fl.(3)G. 24° 04.3´ E period 9s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

30 9

1 White column, forked widening on top; 20.

57° 02.5´ N Fl.(3)R. 24° 04.4´ E period 9s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

26 8

1 White round column, forked widening on top; 19.

57° 02.4´ N Fl.(3)G. 24° 04.5´ E period 9s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

26 8

1 White round column, forked widening on top; 20.

57° 02.2´ N Fl.(3)W. 24° 04.8´ E period 9s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

26 8

1 White column and platform; 21.

57° 02.4´ N Oc.Or. 24° 04.6´ E period 5s lt. 3s, ec. 2s

52 16

5 Framework tower, red rectangular daymark, white stripe; 43.

Visible on range line only.

57° 02.2´ N Oc.Or. 24° 05.0´ E period 5s lt. 3s, ec. 2s

78 24

5 Square framework tower, red trapezoidal daymark, white stripe; 72.

Visible on range line only. Synchronized with front.

C 3540.1

C 3543

12326.01 - -S. C 3543.2

12326.1 - -S. gate, N. C 3543.4

12326.2 - - -S. C 3543.6

12328 -Taude, N. Mazilkeniyeshi. C 3544

12332 -Rinuzi Range, front. C 3532

12336 - -Rear, 587 meters 128°24′ from front.

C 3532.1


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


C 3547

12340 -Balta-Baznitsa Range, front.

57° 01.9´ N Iso.Or. 24° 05.3´ E period 4s

41 13

4 Column tower, white trapezoidal Visible on range line only. daymark, black stripe; 35. Synchronized with middle and rear. Shown 24 hours.

12344 - -Middle, 205 meters 356°54′ from front.

57° 02.0´ N Iso.Y. 24° 05.2´ E period 4s

59 18

4 Iron platform with gallery on wall, Visible on range line only. brick building, parapet painted white with black median stripe; 52.

12348 - -Rear, 486 meters 356°54′ from front.

57° 02.2´ N Iso.Y. 24° 05.2´ E period 4s

66 20

4 White tower of church, red roof, lantern in window; 59.

Visible on range line only.

12352 -E. Kurpnieksala.

57° 01.7´ N Fl.(3)R. 24° 05.4´ E period 9s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

38 12

2 Red round column, forked widening on top; 25.

Radar reflector.

57° 01.6´ N Fl.(3)W. 24° 05.7´ E period 9s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

20 6

1 White round column, platform; 16.

57° 01.5´ N Fl.(3)W. 24° 06.1´ E period 9s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

20 6

1 White round column, platform; 16.

57° 01.4´ N Fl.(3)W. 24° 06.5´ E period 9s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

16 5

1 White column, platform; 13.

57° 01.3´ N Oc.W. 24° 07.1´ E period 5s lt. 3s, ec. 2s

49 15

2 White column, red rectangular daymark, white stripe; 39.

Visible on range line only.

57° 01.2´ N Oc.W. 24° 07.4´ E period 5s lt. 3s, ec. 2s

79 24

2 White mast; 75.

Visible on range line only.

57° 01.3´ N Fl.(3)R. 24° 06.9´ E period 9s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

26 8

1 Red round column, forked widening on top; 19.

57° 01.2´ N Fl.(3)G. 24° 05.2´ E period 9s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

31 10

1 White column, forked widening on top; 26.

57° 01.6´ N Fl.(3)W. 24° 05.0´ E period 9s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

33 10

2 White round column, forked widening on top; 19.

57° 00.3´ N Fl.(3)G. 24° 05.8´ E period 9s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

26 8

1 White round column, forked widening on top; 19.

57° 00.2´ N Fl.(3)W. 24° 05.3´ E period 9s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

30 9

2 White square framework tower, platform; 23.

C 3547.1

C 3547.2

C 3548.4

12353 - -Beacon No. 1. C 3546.2

12354 - -Beacon No. 2. C 3546.3

-Milgravis: 12356 - -Rutkusala, S. bank. C 3546

12358 - -Milgravis Range, front. C 3545.4

12358.1 - - -Rear, 362 meters 116°42′ from front.

C 3545.41

-Milgravis: 12360 - -Jaunmilgravis. C 3545

12364 -West Kurpnieksala. C 3548

12366 -Krievu. C 3548.6

12367 -Kundzinsala pier, KS-32. C 3549.3

12368 -Kramershof (Krameri) W. side of river.

C 3549


Visible 265°-335°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


ZAPADNAYA DVINA: 12369 -Kremeri Entrance.

57° 00.5´ N Fl.(3)G. 24° 05.3´ E period 9s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

13 4

1 STARBOARD (A) G, beacon; 10.

56° 59.5´ N Fl.(3)Y. 24° 05.2´ E period 9s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

26 8

1 White round metal column, forked widening on top; 19.

56° 59.4´ N Fl.(3)R. 24° 05.7´ E period 9s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

38 12

2 Red round column, forked widening on top; 25.

56° 59.1´ N Fl.(3)G. 24° 05.6´ E period 9s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

26 8

1 White round column, forked widening on top; 20.

56° 58.4´ N Fl.(3)G. 24° 05.5´ E period 9s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

26 8

1 White round column, forked widening on top; 20.

56° 58.3´ N Fl.(3)W.R. 24° 05.1´ E period 9s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

26 8

1 White round column, forked widening on top; 20.

12400 - -Andreyevskaya Gavan, breakwater, head.

56° 57.6´ N Fl.(3)G. 24° 05.6´ E period 9s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

26 8

1 White round column, forked widening on top; 19.

12402 - -Kipsala.

56° 57.5´ N Fl.(3)W. 24° 05.2´ E period 9s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

29 9

2 White column, forked widening on top; 20.

57° 19.0´ N Dir.F.W.R.G. 24° 24.3´ E

38 12

57° 19.0´ N Fl.G. 24° 24.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2.5s

C 3548.8

12372 -Voleri. C 3550.4

-Putnu Sala: 12376 - -S. end. C 3550

Radar reflector.

-Riga: 12384 - -Export Areas, quay, N. end. C 3551

-Riga: 12388 - -Export Harbor, mole, N. head. C 3552

12392 -Podrags. C 3554

C 3558

C 3559

12412 -Skulte, 098.5°. C 3580.15

12416 -S. mole, head. C 3580.2

12420 -N. mole, head. C 3580.3

12428 Laci. C 3583

12436 Grintals. C 3585

6 Square framework tower; 33. 3 3

G. 095°30'-097°30', W.099°30', R.-101°30'. Shown 24 hours.

23 7

1 STARBOARD (A) G, beacon; 16.

Shown Apr. 10 to Jan. 30. Radar reflector.

57° 19.1´ N Fl.R. 24° 24.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2.5s

28 8

1 PORT (A) R, beacon; 16.

Shown Apr. 10 to Jan. 30. Radar reflector.

57° 26.6´ N Fl.W. 24° 23.3´ E period 4s fl. 1s, ec. 3s

99 30

14 Framework structure, white and red bands; 75.


57° 39.0´ N Fl.R. 24° 23.0´ E period 4s fl. 1s, ec. 3s

110 34

12 White square metal framework tower, black top; 69.



W. R. G.

W. 185°-005°, R.-185°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


C 3587

12440 Salacgriva Range, front.

57° 46.0´ N Iso.R. 24° 21.0´ E period 2s

44 13

9 Red framework tower, white rectangular daymark, black stripe; 33.

12444 - -Rear, about 207 meters 072°18′ from front.

57° 45.4´ N Iso.R. 24° 21.4´ E period 4s

78 24

9 Red framework tower, white rectangular daymark, black stripe; 59.

12448 Ainazi.

57° 52.0´ N Iso.W. 24° 21.6´ E period 4s

72 22

12 White octagonal tower, orange stripe; 59.

Seasonal. Visible 017°-229°.

11 White quadrangular iron structure; 92.


79 24

10 Red metal column, white rectangular daymark, black stripe; 72.

Visible on range line only.

11 Quadrangular metal framework structure, white rectangular daymark, black stripe; 112.

Visible on range line only. Synchronized with front.

C 3587.1

C 3590

Visible on range line only.


12452 Moisakula. C 3594.5

58° 04.8´ N Fl.W. 24° 29.2´ E period 5s fl. 1.5s, ec. 3.5s

105 32

PARNU: C 3606

12456 -Approach Range, front.

58° 23.0´ N Q.R. 24° 28.0´ E

12460 - -Rear, about 820 meters 023°54′ from front.

58° 23.1´ N Iso.R. 24° 28.3´ E period 6s

121 37

12464 -Manilaid, on S. end.

58° 12.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 24° 06.0´ E period 4s

29 9

58° 22.7´ N Fl.W. 24° 28.8´ E period 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s

12472 - -Rear, 380 meters 039° from front.

12476 -Inner Range, front.

C 3606.1

6 White round tower; 22. 3 2

W. 338°30′-011°, R.-075°, G.102°, W.-125°30′, R.154°, W.-229°30′, G.257°, W.-266°30′, R.310°, G.-338°30′. Seasonal.

52 16

3 White square framework tower, white rectangular daymark, red stripe; 46.

Visible 037°-041°.

58° 22.9´ N Fl.W. 24° 29.1´ E period 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s

82 25

3 Red square framework tower, white rectangular daymark, red stripe; 75.

Visible 037°-041°.

58° 24.0´ N Iso.R. 24° 30.0´ E period 3s

52 16

6 Framework tower, red rectangular daymark, black stripe; 43.

Visible 024°12′-028°12′.

C 3612

12480 - -Rear, 220 meters 026°12′ from front.

58° 23.5´ N Iso.R. 24° 29.3´ E period 6s

95 29

6 Framework tower, red rectangular daymark, black stripe; 72.

Visible 024°12′-028°12′.

12484 -E. mole, head.

58° 22.0´ N Fl.G. 24° 27.9´ E period 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s

16 5

1 White column, green band, concrete base; 10.

Radar reflector.

58° 22.1´ N Fl.R. 24° 27.7´ E period 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s

16 5

1 White column, red band, concrete base; 10.

58° 17.0´ N Fl.R. 24° 16.0´ E period 3s fl. 1s, ec. 2s

99 30

5 White quadrangular iron structure; 92.

58° 21.0´ N Fl.W. 23° 44.4´ E period 6s fl. 0.6s, ec. 5.4s

76 23

9 White octagonal concrete tower; 69.

58° 05.8´ N Fl.(2)W.R. 23° 58.3´ E period 12s fl. 1.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 1.5s, ec. 7.5s

95 29

58° 08.5´ N Fl.W. 24° 01.4´ E period 3s fl. 1s, ec. 2s

20 6

C 3603

12468 -Outer Range, front. C 3608

C 3608.1

C 3612.1

C 3611

12488 -W. mole, head. C 3611.5

12492 Kiriku Nina. C 3605

12496 Someri Poolsaar. C 3595

12500 Kihnu, Pitkana Ots. C 3596

12504 -E. side of island, pier, head. C 3598


W. R. G.

W. 11 White round metal tower, R. 7 balcony; 92.

5 White round metal column on concrete base; 12.


W. 262°-225°, R.-262°.


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


12508 Sorgu Saar.

58° 11.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R. 24° 12.0´ E period 9s fl. 1s, ec. 1s fl. 1s, ec. 6s

63 19

W. R.

7 Red round brick tower; 53. 3

58° 28.0´ N Fl.(4)W.R.G. 23° 38.0´ E period 18s

46 14

W. R. G.

6 White round concrete tower; 43. W. 007°-141°, R.-160°, W.3 340°30′, G.-007°. 2 Seasonal.

12516 -Viirelaid, S. entrance to Muhu Vain.

58° 32.7´ N Fl.W.R. 23° 26.6´ E period 8s fl. 1.5s, ec. 6.5s

56 17

W. R.

9 Red round concrete tower, 7 balcony; 43.

12520 -Virtsu, W. point of peninsula.

58° 34.0´ N Fl.W. 23° 31.0´ E period 5s fl. 0.4s, ec. 4.6s

63 19

58° 34.4´ N Q.R. 23° 23.8´ E

26 8

58° 34.6´ N Fl.W.R. 23° 30.5´ E period 2s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s

23 7

C 3637

58° 38.0´ N Q.W. 23° 25.0´ E

12532 - -Rear, 730 meters 123° from front.

C 3602

W. 101°-342°, R.-101°. Seasonal.

MUHU VAIN: 12512 -Pooriatsa, W. of Oriku Laid. C 3631

C 3636

C 3632

12522 -Kuivastu. C 3634.5

12524 - -Pier, head.

12 Quadrangular concrete tower, lower half white, upper half red; 59.

W. 163°-349°, R.-163°. Reserve light Fl.W.R. 4.5s 6/ 3M. Seasonal. Reserve light Fl.W. 4s 12M.

2 Red metal column, balcony; 16. 5 Red post, balcony; 16. 3

W. 072°30′-099°, R. -072°30′.

39 12

7 Red column, white rectangular daymark, red stripe; 30.

Visible 308°-125°. Shown Apr. 4 to Dec. 10.

58° 37.7´ N Iso.W. 23° 25.5´ E period 4s

74 23

7 Yellow square framework tower, white rectangular daymark, red stripe; 59.

Visible 088°-135°.

58° 39.0´ N Oc.W. 23° 20.0´ E period 5s lt. 3s, ec. 2s

89 27

12544 - - -Rear, 525 meters 163° from front.

58° 38.9´ N Oc.W. 23° 18.8´ E period 5s lt. 3s, ec. 2s

161 49

12548 - -Seanina Point, N. end of island.

58° 41.0´ N Fl.W. 23° 13.0´ E period 5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

66 20

9 Black and white framework tower; 52.

12550 Koinastu.

58° 38.8´ N Fl.W. 23° 01.2´ E period 2s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s

62 19

7 White framework tower, black stripe; 49.

58° 52.0´ N Q.R. 23° 04.0´ E

26 8

10 White framework tower, white diamond daymark, black stripe; 39.

Visible 251°48′-257°48′. Radar reflector.

12556 - -Rear, 311 meters 254°48′ from front.

58° 51.9´ N Oc.R. 23° 02.7´ E period 4s lt. 3s, ec. 1s

63 19

10 White framework tower, white diamond daymark, black stripe; 59.

Visible 251°48′-257°48′. Radar reflector.

12560 -Harilaid Range, front.

58° 58.0´ N Iso.W. 23° 05.2´ E period 2s

10 3

12564 - -Rear, 178 meters 330°18′ from front.

58° 58.1´ N Iso.W.R.G. 23° 05.1´ E period 4s

59 18

12571 - -Rohukula Range, front. C 3653

58° 54.5´ N Q.W. 23° 25.7´ E

52 16

10 White truncated tower, triangular Visible on range line only. daymark, black stripe; 33.

12572 - - -Rear, about 440 meters 090°06′ from front.

58° 54.5´ N Oc.W. 23° 26.2´ E period 3s

79 24

10 Red framework tower, black diamond on white rectangular daymark; 62.

C 3632.6

12528 -Kessu Range, front.

C 3637.1

W. R.

-Muhu: 12540 - -Raugi Range, front. C 3638

C 3638.1

C 3639

15 Red iron framework tower, white Visible 158°-167°. rectangular daymark, black stripe; 82. 15 Iron framework tower, white rectangular daymark; 131.

Visible 159°-167°.

VORMSIKURK: 12552 -Heltermaa Range, front. C 3646

C 3646.1

C 3758.5

C 3758.51

C 3653.1


8 Metal cylinder, white rectangular Visible 328°18′-332°18′. daymark; 33. W. R. G.

5 White round tower, two 3 balconies; 33. 2

G. 250°30′-314°, W.-336°30′, R.-024°, W.-250°30′. Obscured 160°-167°.

Visible on range line only.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


12574 -Rohukula Harbor, pier, head.

58° 54.3´ N L.Fl.W. 23° 25.4´ E period 10s fl. 2s, ec. 8s

23 7

2 White concrete column; 16.

58° 54.2´ N Fl.(2)W.R. 23° 21.0´ E period 6s fl. 0.3s, ec. 0.9s fl. 0.3s, ec. 4.5s

59 18

W. R.

7 White round concrete tower, 5 gallery; 52.

58° 55.9´ N Fl.W.R. 23° 23.2´ E period 2.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2s

13 4

W. R.

5 Red metal round tower, conical Marks part of the dredged 4 roof on white concrete base; channel through the bay 13. of Hapsal. W. 200°-325°, R. elsewhere.??Shown Apr. 20 to Dec. 10.

58° 54.2´ N Fl.(2)W.R. 23° 21.0´ E period 6s fl. 0.3s, ec. 0.9s fl. 0.3s, ec. 4.5s

59 18

W. R.

7 White round concrete tower, 5 gallery; 52.

W. 014°-104°, R.-194°, W.216°, R.-243°, W.-283°, R.-014°.

C 3651

58° 56.0´ N Q.W. 23° 29.0´ E

49 15

9 White round concrete tower, gallery; 49.

Visible on range line only. Shown Apr. 20 to Dec. 10.

12596 - -Rear, 790 meters 152°42′ from front.

58° 55.7´ N Iso.W. 23° 29.4´ E period 4s

VORMSIKURK: 12584 -Rukkirahu, N. end of islet, rear, 213°42′ from front.

C 3652.1

W. 014°-104°, R.-194°, W.216°, R.-243°, W.-283°, R.-014°.

VORMSIKURK: 12588 - -Range, front, Hobulaid Island, S. end.

C 3652

VORMSIKURK: 12588.1 - -Rukkirahu, N. end of islet, C 3652.1 rear, 3706 meters 213°42′ from front.

VORMSIKURK: 12592 -Paralep Range, front.

C 3651.1

120 37

9 White round concrete tower, Visible on range line only. black and white bands; 102. Shown Apr. 20 to Dec. 10.


12600 -Haapsalu Range, front.

58° 57.2´ N Q.R. 23° 30.8´ E

23 7

4 Metal column, red triangular daymark, black stripe; 26.

Visible on range line only. Shown Apr. 20 to Dec. 10.

12604 - -Rear, 603 meters 094°12′ from front.

58° 57.2´ N Iso.R. 23° 31.5´ E period 3s

39 12

4 Metal framework pyramid, red triangular daymark, yellow stripe, yellow spherical daymark; 43.

Visible on range line only. Shown Apr. 20 to Dec. 10.

12606 -Holmi Range, front.

58° 57.6´ N Q.G. 23° 30.7´ E

26 8

2 Metal framework pyramid, white Visible on range line only. rectangular daymark, black Shown Apr. 20 to Dec. 10. stripe; 23.

58° 57.6´ N Iso.G. 23° 31.1´ E period 3s

46 14

3 Metal framework pyramid, white Visible on range line only. rectangular daymark, black Shown Apr. 20 to Dec. 10. stripe; 39.

58° 58.5´ N Q.W. 23° 23.4´ E

30 9

6 Red metal framework tower, octagonal base, white rectangular daymark, black stripe; 39.

58° 57.1´ N Iso.W. 23° 23.2´ E period 3s

79 24

10 Red metal framework tower, white rectangular daymark, black stripe; 62.

Visible 183°30′-186°30′.

59° 01.2´ N Iso.W. 23° 21.1´ E period 2s

72 22

12 White round concrete tower, gallery; 72.

Visible on range line only. Shown Apr. 20 to Dec. 10.

59° 00.7´ N Iso.W. 23° 20.9´ E period 4s

115 35

12 Round concrete tower, upper part red, lower part white, gallery; 105.

Visible on range line only. Shown Apr. 20 to Dec. 10.

C 3656.1

C 3657

12606.1 - -Rear, 408 meters C 3675.1 73°12′ from front. 12608 -Hobulaid Range, front. C 3650

12612 - -Rear, 185° from front. C 3650.1

12614 -Norrby Range, front. C 3759

12614.1 - -Rear, 778 meters C 3759.1 192°24′ from front. 12616 -Ramsholmi, on shore of Pashlepa Bay, front.

C 3759.5

59° 01.1´ N Q.R. 23° 26.0´ E

34 10


Visible 181°-189°.

6 White round concrete tower; 32. Visible about 4° each side of range line.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


12620 - -Rear, 540 meters 137°42′ from front.

59° 01.0´ N Oc.R. 23° 26.4´ E period 2s

48 15

6 White round concrete tower; 43.

58° 25.7´ N L.Fl.W. 23° 18.0´ E period 9s fl. 2.5s, ec. 6.5s

66 20

11 Round concrete tower, upper part black, lower part white; 59.

58° 18.0´ N Fl.W. 22° 58.2´ E period 7s fl. 1s, ec. 6s

60 18

7 Black and white framework tower; 52.

58° 09.7´ N Fl.(2)W. 22° 47.2´ E period 12s fl. 1s, ec. 1.5s fl. 1s, ec. 8.5s

39 12

7 Red round iron framework structure, balcony; 26.

58° 15.7´ N Fl.(3)W. 22° 49.3´ E period 15s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 10.5s

62 19

7 White concrete tower; 49.

C 3616

58° 09.0´ N Q.W. 22° 32.1´ E

72 22

8 Metal column, rectangular daymark, upper part red, lower part white; 69.

12660 - -Rear, 658 meters 259° 18' from front.

58° 09.0´ N Iso.W. 22° 32.0´ E period 4s

12662 -Kuressaare Range, front.

58° 14.6´ N Q.R. 22° 28.2´ E

30 9

6 Red metal column, white rectangular daymark, red stripe; 23.

Visible 359°18′-003°18′. Shown May 1 to Dec. 1.

58° 14.8´ N Oc.R. 22° 28.2´ E period 1.5s lt. 0.5s, ec. 1s

72 22

6 Red metal column on building, white rectangular daymark, red stripe; 10.

Visible 359°18′-003°18′. Shown May 1 to Dec. 1.

58° 12.8´ N Oc.W.R.G. 22° 30.3´ E period 4s lt. 1s, ec. 3s

46 14

7 Red framework tower, black 4 rectangular daymark, white 2 stripe; 39.

W. 276°30′-006°30′, Obsc.015°, G.-024°, W.-030°, R.-039°. Shown Apr. 20 to Dec. 15.

58° 13.1´ N Oc.W. 22° 29.9´ E period 4s lt. 1s, ec. 3s

108 33

57° 59.0´ N Fl.W. 22° 12.0´ E period 2.5s

65 20

6 Red tower, white band; 49.

Shown Apr. 20 to Dec. 15.

57° 57.1´ N Q.W. 22° 07.5´ E

46 14

6 Metal framework tower, white rectangular daymark, black stripe; 33.

Visible on range line only.

12671 - -Rear, 201 meters 298° 30' from front.

57° 57.1´ N Iso.W. 22° 07.3´ E period 4s

72 22

6 Metal framework tower, white rectangular daymark, black stripe; 49.

Visible on range line only.

12672 -Sorve Saar.

57° 54.6´ N Fl.W. 22° 03.3´ E period 15s fl. 0.5s, ec. 14.5s

C 3759.51

SAAREMAA: 12636 -Kubassaar. C 3630

12648 -Allirahu. C 3628

12656 - -N. end of island. C 3626

12658 -Saaretuka. C 3627

12659 -Abruka Range, front.

C 3616.1

C 3612.3

12662.1 - -Rear, 240 meters 001°18′ from front.

C 3612.31

12664 -Roomassaare Range, front. C 3622

12664.1 - -Rear, 722 meters 321°30′ C 3622.1 from front. 12668 -Kaavi. C 3705.3

12670 -Montu Range, front. C 3704.5

C 3704.51

C 3704

12674 -Loode. C 3704.2

126 38

171 52

57° 58.3´ N Fl.(2)W. 21° 59.0´ E period 10s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1s fl. 0.5s, ec. 8s

62 19


Visible 228°-048°. Shown Apr. 10 to Dec. 20.

Visible on range line only. Shown Apr. 20 to Dec. 15.

9 Round concrete tower, black and Shown Apr. 20 to Dec. 15. white bands; 119.

W. R. G.

10 Framework tower, black rectangular daymark, white stripe; 98.

Visible on range line only. Shown Apr. 20 to Dec. 15.

15 Round concrete tower, black and Ice signals. white, balcony; 174. Seasonal F.W. fishing lights shown at Kaunispe, Karrust, Tammuna, Tiriu, Oesor, Tamma and Ragundis on Sorve Poolsaar. 6 Square concrete tower, red upper, white lower part; 49.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


SAAREMAA: 12680 -Ansekula. C 3710.1

12684 -Vilsandi Saar. C 3714

12690 -Triigi Range, front. C 3642.4

12690.1 - -Rear, 176 meters, 228°36′ C 3642.3 from front. 12691 -Triigi Harbor. C 3642.1

12694 -Panga. C 3717.5

12695 -Saaremaa Harbor.

58° 06.0´ N Fl.W. 22° 14.0´ E period 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1s

138 42

58° 23.3´ N Fl.(3)W.R. 21° 49.3´ E period 15s fl. 1s, ec. 2s fl. 1s, ec. 2s fl. 2s, ec. 7s

131 40

7 White square concrete tower, upper part black, lower white; 95. W. 12 White round stone tower; black R. 6 lantern; 122.

W. 212°-164°30′, R.-212°. F.W. fishing lights shown Sept. to Jan. at Munganin and Meldri, in Leo Bay.

W. G.

6 White metal post, orange 3 trapezoidal daymark, black stripe; 25.

W. 128°36′-218°36′, G.238°36′. Visible 223°36′-233°36′.

58° 35.5´ N Q.W.G. 22° 43.2´ E

33 10

58° 35.5´ N Iso.G. 22° 43.0´ E period 2s fl. 1s, ec. 1s

49 15

3 White metal post, orange trapezoidal daymark, black stripe; 44.

58° 35.5´ N Fl.R. 22° 43.1´ E period 3s fl. 5s, ec. 25s

11 4

3 PORT (A) R, metal post; 8.

58° 34.2´ N Fl.W. 22° 17.3´ E period 5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

157 48

7 Red framework tower, white trapezoidal daymark; 98.

Shown Apr. 5 to Jan. 10.

Metal framework mast; 66.

58° 32.2´ N Iso.R. 22° 14.2´ E period 4s

64 20


58° 32.1´ N Fl.(2)G. 22° 14.4´ E period 6s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4s

25 8

3 PORT (A) G, beacon; 16.

58° 30.0´ N Fl.W. 22° 09.0´ E period 1.5s

65 20

6 White square, slatted, pyramid; 36.

58° 42.0´ N Q.W. 22° 33.0´ E

36 11

10 White round concrete tower; 36.

C 3720

12704 - -Rear, 1,070 meters 089°24′ from front.

58° 41.4´ N Iso.W. 22° 34.4´ E period 4s

62 19

10 White square wooden framework; 62.

12707 -Soru Range, front. C 3721

58° 42.1´ N Q.W. 22° 29.5´ E

43 13

12708 - -Rear, 0.26 mile 310°36′ from front.

58° 42.2´ N Iso.W.R.G. 22° 29.1´ E period 4s

59 18

12716 -Ristna. C 3744

58° 56.4´ N L.Fl.W.R. 22° 03.3´ E period 15s fl. 3s, ec. 12s

122 37

12720 -Kopu, on Andresemagi, near W. end of Hiumaa.

58° 55.2´ N Fl.(2)W. 22° 12.3´ E period 10s

335 102

26 White square stone tower; 112.

Reserve light Fl.W. 4s.

12728 -Takhuna Point.

59° 05.5´ N L.Fl.(2)W. 22° 35.2´ E period 15s fl. 3s, ec. 3s fl. 3s, ec. 6s

140 43

12 White round metal tower, balcony; 140.

Visible 095°-253°30′.

12730 -Hiiessaare.

59° 00.1´ N L.Fl.W. 22° 50.3´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

62 19

7 White square concrete tower, stone base; 56.

12732 Oryaku Range, front. C 3644

58° 47.0´ N F.R. 22° 48.0´ E

43 13

9 Pyramid, white square, black stripe; 33.

12736 -Rear, 80 meters 003°42′ from front.

58° 47.7´ N F.R. 22° 46.4´ E

74 23

9 Pyramid, white square, black stripe; 48.

C 3717.3

12695.2 - -Pier light beacon. C 3717.4

12696 Merise, N. extremity. C 3717

HIIUMAA: 12700 -Emmaste Range, front.

C 3720.1

C 3721.1

C 3746

C 3754

C 3644.1


6 White round concrete tower, red Visible on range line only. lantern; 36. Shown Apr. 20 to Dec. 10. W. R. G.

6 White round concrete tower, red W. 300°-003°, G.-044°, W.3 lantern; 52. 074°30′, R.-086°30′, W.3 133°. Shown Apr. 20 to Dec. 10.

W. 12 Red round concrete tower, R. 8 balcony; 98.

W. 348°-192°, R.-348°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


12748 Osmussaar. C 3760

12752 Poosaspea. C 3764

12753 Dirhami Range, front. C 3765

12753.1 -Rear, 222 meters, 170°18′ C 3765.1 from front. 12756 Suur-Pakri. C 3768

12758 Väike-Pakri. C 3769

12764 Pakri neem. C 3774

12764.2 Paldiski Pohjasadam, W. mole. C 3775.4

12764.3 -E. mole. C 3775.5

12764.4 Oil pier. C 3775.3

12764.5 South Harbor Range, front. C 3775

12764.51 -rear, 150 meters 075°12′ from C 3775.1 front. 12765 Madise Range, front. C 3778

12765.1 -Rear, 600 meters, 320° from C 3778.1 front. 12766 Lohusalu Range, front. C 3783

12766.1 -Rear, 1297.1 meters 233°18′ C 3783.1 from front. 12767 Suurupi Range, front. C 3786

59° 18.2´ N Fl.(2)W. 23° 21.7´ E period 18s fl. 1s, ec. 2s fl. 2s, ec. 13s

128 39

11 Round concrete tower, black and white bands; 116.

59° 14.0´ N Fl.W. 23° 32.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s

55 17

6 Red iron framework structure; 52.

Fishing light.

59° 12.5´ N Iso.G. 23° 30.2´ E period 2s

30 9

3 Metal framework tower, white trapezoidal daymark, black stripe; 20.

Visible on range line only. Reserve light Q.W. 5M.

59° 12.4´ N Iso.G. 23° 30.3´ E period 2s

46 14


Synchronized with front. Visible on range line only.

59° 21.0´ N Fl.(2)W. 23° 51.8´ E period 12s fl. 0.6s, ec. 2.4s fl. 0.6s, ec. 8.4s

39 12

5 Red framework tower, white base; 33.

59° 21.4´ N Fl.G. 23° 58.7´ E period 6s

112 34

2 Metal framework tower, red rectangle, white base, balcony; 52.

59° 23.2´ N L.Fl.W. 24° 02.3´ E period 15s fl. 5s, ec. 10s

240 73

12 Red round brick tower; 171.

W. R.

Metal framework tower, white trapezoidal daymark, black stripe; 26.

6 Red round metal tower with 4 balcony; 10.

Obscured 243°-011°.

59° 21.0´ N Fl.W.R. 24° 02.8´ E period 2s fl. 0.4s, ec. 1.6s

16 5

W. 290°-130°, R.-162°.

59° 21.0´ N Fl.G. 24° 02.9´ E period 3s fl. 1s, ec. 2s

16 5

4 White round metal tower; 10.

59° 19.9´ N Fl.(2)W. 24° 04.8´ E period 6s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4s

30 9

2 Gray mast, orange trapezoidal daymark; 20.

59° 19.9´ N Q.R. 24° 05.6´ E

52 16

2 Metal cylinder, white rectangular Visible on range line only. daymark, black stripe; 33.

59° 19.9´ N Q.R. 24° 05.8´ E

72 22

2 Metal cylinder, white rectangular Visible on range line only. daymark, black stripe; 33.

59° 17.6´ N Iso.W. 24° 07.0´ E period 2s

72 22

7 Metal framework tower, white rectangular daymark, black stripe; 65.

59° 17.4´ N Iso.W. 24° 07.4´ E period 4s

59 18

8 White tower, lantern; 49.

Visible on range line only. Synchronized with front.

59° 24.2´ N Iso.R. 24° 12.4´ E period 2s

16 5

6 Metal pole, white rectangular daymark, white stripe; 11.

Visible on range line only.

59° 24.1´ N Iso.R. 24° 12.3´ E period 4s

20 6

6 Metal pole, white rectangular daymark, white stripe; 16.

Visible on range line only.

59° 28.3´ N Iso.W. 24° 25.1´ E period 3s

59 18

11 Truncated wooden pyramid, red roof; 49.

Visible 242°30′-250°. Reserve light range 10M.

12768 -Rear, 1.2 miles 246°30′ from front.

59° 27.8´ N Oc.(2)W. 24° 22.8´ E period 15s lt. 4.5s, ec. 1.5s lt. 4.5s, ec. 4.5s

217 66

15 White round stone tower, black lantern; 72.

Visible 056°-261°30′. Intensified 18M on range line.

12772 Naissaar, on Pikasaare Ots.

59° 36.2´ N L.Fl.W. 24° 30.6´ E period 10s fl. 3s, ec. 7s

154 47

12 White octagonal tower, red top, balcony; 147.

Visible 025°-335°.

59 18

6 Square metal framework tower, white gallery; 49.

C 3786.1

C 3790

12776 Hulgekari Ots. C 3794

59° 32.5´ N Fl.W. 24° 33.8´ E period 6s fl. 1.5s, ec. 4.5s


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


12780 -E. side, harbor. C 3792

59° 34.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 24° 34.0´ E period 2s fl. 0.3s, ec. 1.7s

32 10

W. R. G.

7 White round tower; 25. 5 3

G. 158°-170°, W.-197°, R.236°, G.-255°, W.-328°, R.-011°.

59° 26.1´ N Iso.R. 24° 40.8´ E period 4s

43 13

7 Red and white metal round Visible 129°-137°. tower, white shields on sides; 36.

59° 26.0´ N Iso.R. 24° 41.1´ E period 4s

66 20

7 Metal framework tower, white rectangular daymark, red stripe; 49.

59° 42.7´ N Fl.(2)W. 24° 43.9´ E period 15s fl. 1s, ec. 1s fl. 1s, ec. 12s

95 29

10 Red round metal tower, three galleries, yellow top, black base; 102.

KOPLI LAHT: 12781 - Kopli entrance Range, front. C 3799

12781.1 - -Rear, 387 meters 133° from C 3799.1 front.

Visible 131°30′-134°30′.

TALLINN: 12784 -Tallinnamadal, on Tallina Madal Bank.

C 3842

-RACON 12788 -Aegna, on reef. C 3806

12793 -Vahemadal. C 3805

12796 -Tallinn, entrance Range, front.

K(– • –) 59° 36.0´ N Fl.W.R. 24° 44.0´ E period 4s fl. 0.5s, ec. 3.5s

72 22

59° 30.6´ N Fl.R. 24° 40.0´ E period 10s fl. 1s, ec. 9s

46 14

W. R.

6 Gray metal tower, yellow 3 triangular daymark; 66.

R. 053°30′-101°, W.-053°30′.

6 Red eight sided pyramid, white band; 43.

C 3810

59° 26.2´ N Iso.W.G. 24° 47.9´ E period 3s

160 49

12800 - -Rear, 1,097 meters 159°06′ from front.

59° 25.7´ N Iso.W. 24° 48.3´ E period 6s

264 80

23 White and black round tower; 132.

Visible 123°30′-187°30′. Reserve light Iso.W. 6s 14M.

12804 -Viimsi Range, E. side of Tallinna Laht, front.

59° 30.9´ N Iso.W. 24° 48.9´ E period 3s fl. 1.5s, ec. 1.5s

128 39

12 Metal framework tower, white rectangular daymark, red stripe; 112.

Visible 081°06′-086°06′.

12808 - -Rear, 1,407 meters 083°36′ from front.

59° 31.0´ N Iso.W. 24° 50.4´ E period 3s fl. 1.5s, ec. 1.5s

194 59

13 Red round concrete tower, gallery; 43.

Visible 081°36′-085°36′.

12810 -Kaubasadam.

59° 27.0´ N Fl.W. 24° 46.5´ E period 2s fl. 0.3s, ec. 1.7s

26 8

3 Green metal structure; 16.

59° 27.0´ N Fl.W. 24° 46.0´ E period 3s

33 10

3 Round metal column, white balcony; 30.

59° 27.1´ N Fl.W. 24° 45.8´ E period 3s

20 6

3 Red round concrete structure; 22.

59° 27.0´ N Fl.W. 24° 47.0´ E period 2s

26 8

3 Green tower, gallery; 16.

59° 27.5´ N Fl.R. 24° 43.5´ E period 2.5s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.2s

23 7

6 White metal column, balcony; 16.

59° 27.5´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 24° 43.4´ E period 8s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

23 7

59° 28.0´ N Fl.W. 24° 44.0´ E period 7s fl. 1s, ec. 6s

23 7

C 3810.1

C 3804

C 3804.1

C 3812

12812 -Rybnoy gavani. C 3817

12814 -Cruise Quay.

W. 19 Octagonal truncated pyramid on G. 143°-156°, W.-165°. G. 13 low stone building; 59. Shown by day.

Radar reflector.

-Vana Sadam (Old Harbor): 12816 - -N. entrance, N. side. C 3812

-Fishing Harbor: 12852 - -W. entrance, E. side. C 3830

12856 - - -W. side. C 3832

12860 -Karavani Sadam, breakwater, NW. head.

C 3834


W. R. G.

6 Red metal column; 16. 4 3

3 Red framework, white base; 13.

W. 215°-275°, R.-065°, G.215°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


C 3837

12864 -New Fishing Harbor, Entrance Range, front.

59° 27.5´ N Iso.R. 24° 42.2´ E period 6s

92 28

6 Metal framework tower, white diamond daymark, red stripe; 82.

Visible on range line only. Reserve light Q.R. 5M.

12868 - -Rear, 210 meters 248°12′ from front.

59° 27.4´ N Iso.R. 24° 41.9´ E period 6s

125 38

6 Metal framework tower, white diamond daymark, red stripe; 115.

Visible on range line only. Reserve light Oc.R. 3s 5M.

12869 -Lennusadama Harbor, E. mole.

59° 27.3´ N Fl.R. 24° 44.2´ E period 3s

23 7

2 Red metal column with balcony; 16.

12870 - -W. mole.

59° 27.3´ N Fl.G. 24° 44.1´ E period 3s

23 7

2 Green metal column; 13.

59° 29.9´ N Fl.W. 24° 48.6´ E period 3s fl. 1s, ec. 2s

23 7

3 Red metal round structure; 16.

C 3841.9

59° 30.0´ N Fl.(2)Bu. 24° 48.9´ E period 3s

43 13

2 Building, white rectangular daymark, black stripe; 36.

12874.1 - -Rear, 185 meters 044°24′ from front.

59° 30.0´ N Oc.Bu. 24° 49.0´ E period 5s

59 18

2 Building, white rectangular daymark, black stripe; 52.

59° 28.2´ N Fl.G. 24° 49.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2.5s

20 6

1 Green metal column with gallery; Seasonal. 16.

59° 28.2´ N Fl.R. 24° 49.1´ E period 3s

20 6

2 Red metal column, gallery; 16.


59° 29.5´ N Fl.R. 24° 49.6´ E period 3.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 3s

20 6

2 Red metal column; 13.

Shown Apr. 15 to Jan. 20.

59° 29.7´ N Fl.(3)R. 24° 48.0´ E period 4.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 0.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 0.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2s

26 8

2 Red metal column; 10.

59° 29.9´ N Q.R. 24° 49.0´ E

23 7

3 White column, gallery; 16.

59° 33.5´ N Oc.R. 24° 47.6´ E period 3s lt. 2.5s, ec. 0.5s

13 4

2 Red post, black stripe, white trapezoidal daymark; 7.

12879.02 -Rear, 137°12', 92 meters from C 3805.71 front.

59° 33.5´ N Oc.R. 24° 47.6´ E period 3s lt. 2.5s, ec. 0.5s

23 7

2 Red post, black stripe, white trapezoidal daymark; 16.

12879.03 -Pierhead.

59° 33.5´ N Fl.G. 24° 47.6´ E period 3s fl. 1s, ec. 2s

13 4

3 Green metal post; 10.

59° 29.6´ N Oc.R. 24° 56.7´ E period 5s lt. 3s, ec. 2s

118 36

10 White round metal tower, black rectangular daymark, white stripe; 108.

Visible on range line only.

59° 29.4´ N Oc.R. 24° 56.4´ E period 5s lt. 3s, ec. 2s

179 54

10 White round metal tower, black rectangular daymark, white stripe; 158.

Visible on range line only.

59° 33.5´ N Fl.G. 24° 47.6´ E period 3s fl. 1s, ec. 2s

13 4

3 Green metal post; 10.

59° 38.7´ N Q.(4)W. 24° 58.1´ E period 15s fl. 0.5s, ec. 0.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 0.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 0.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 11.5s

46 14

6 White round concrete tower; 39.

59° 36.9´ N Fl.(4)W. 25° 02.2´ E period 24s

98 30

6 Black square framework tower, white base; 65.

C 3837.1

C 3822

C 3822.2

12873 -N. basin. C 3841.84

12874 -Miiduranna Harbor, Entrance Range, front.

C 3841.91

12876 -Pirita, S. dam of Reka Pirita. C 3841

12876.5 - -N. breakwater, head. C 3841.2

12877 -Merivalja pier, head. C 3841.4

12878 - -Dolphin. C 3841.6

12879 - -S. pier, head. C 3841.8

12879.01 Rohuneeme Range, front. C 3805.7

C 3805.5

12879.1 -Vkhodnoy Range, front. C 3854

12879.2 - -Rear, 217°48′ from front. C 3854.1

12879.6 -Pierhead.

PRANGLI SAAR: 12880 -NW. point. C 3846

12884 -SE. point. C 3850


Visible 133642′-139642′.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


12885 Karbimadal Range, front. C 3851.2

12896 Keri. C 3844

12900.5 Aksi.

12908 Juminda Nina. C 3860

12912 Mohni Saar. C 3868

59° 33.0´ N Q.W.(3)+L.Fl.W. 24° 58.3´ E period 10s

52 16

7 Round metal tower, white upper, Range beacon, rear, 2.8 miles red lower part, two 260°06′ from front range balconies; 49. light.

59° 41.9´ N L.Fl.W. 25° 01.4´ E period 15s fl. 2s, ec. 13s

102 31

59° 35.7´ N Fl.G. 25° 05.9´ E period 3s fl. 1s, ec. 2s

59 18

59° 38.8´ N L.Fl.(2)W. 25° 30.6´ E period 15s fl. 3s, ec. 2s fl. 3s, ec. 7s

104 32

12 Round concrete tower, upper part black, lower white; 79.

Shown Apr. 1 to Dec. 20.

59° 41.0´ N L.Fl.W. 25° 47.7´ E period 20s fl. 4s, ec. 16s

108 33

10 Red round stone tower; 90.

Ice signals.

11 Dark red round metal tower, brick base; 102. 6 Black metal tower, 3 white cylinders on top; 49.

VERGI: 12920 -Kaupa Island. C 3872

12924 Vainupaa. C 3874

12928 Vaindloo. C 3876

12935 Uhtju. C 3877

12940 Letipea Neem, on extremity. C 3884

12944 Moldova. C 3888

12948 Valaste. C 3890

12952 Sillamae Harbor, oil pier. C 3892

12953 -E. mole. C 3892.5

12956 -Narva entrance. C 3894

12957 - -Narva-Joesuu Range, front. C 3897

12957.1 - - -Rear, 90 meters 162° from C 3897.1 front.

59° 36.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 26° 06.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2.5s

36 11

59° 35.0´ N Fl.W. 26° 16.0´ E period 6s fl. 1s, ec. 5s

79 24

59° 49.0´ N Fl.W.R. 26° 21.6´ E period 15s fl. 1s, ec. 14s

65 20

59° 40.6´ N Fl.W. 26° 30.7´ E period 4s

56 17

59° 33.0´ N Fl.(4)W.R.G. 26° 36.0´ E period 18s

55 17

59° 25.9´ N Fl.W. 27° 03.3´ E period 3s fl. 1s, ec. 2s

278 85

59° 27.0´ N Fl.W. 27° 22.0´ E period 2s fl. 0.3s, ec. 1.7s

229 70

W. R. G.

9 White round concrete tower; 36. G. 085°-167°, W.-267°, R.5 356°, W.-004°, obscured 3 elsewhere. 7 Framework tower, white rectangular daymark; 66.

W. 11 White round tower; 56. R. 7

W. 065°-319°, R.-065°. Ice signals.

6 Round metal tower, upper part red, lower part gray, gray round daymark; 39. W. R. G.

7 White square tower; 42. 5 2

7 Quadrangular framework tower, upper part slatted, red over white; 50.

49 15

6 Framework mast; 36.

59° 25.4´ N Fl.(2)G. 27° 44.6´ E period 6s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4s

26 8

6 Gray concrete column; 16.

112 34

W. 050°-058°, G.-105°, W.153°, R.-163°, G.171°30′, W.-285°.

12 White metal framework tower, black band; 92.

59° 25.6´ N Iso.W.R. 27° 44.4´ E period 2s

59° 28.0´ N L.Fl.(2)W. 28° 03.0´ E period 12s fl. 1.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 3s, ec. 6s

Shown Apr. 1 to Dec. 20.

W. 118°-221°, R.-118°.

17 White round stone tower, black lantern, red bands; 98.

59° 27.7´ N Iso.R. 28° 02.9´ E period 2s

30 9

Black triangle on white rectangle; Visible 157°-167°. 20. Shown May 1 to Dec. 1.

59° 27.7´ N Iso.R. 28° 02.9´ E period 4s

46 14

Black triangle, point down, on white rectangle; 36.

Visible 157°-167°. Shown May 1 to Dec. 1.


12960 Ostrov Bol'shoy-Tyuters. C 3938

59° 51.2´ N Mo.(A)W. 27° 11.4´ E period 14s fl. 1s, ec. 1s fl. 3s, ec. 9s

247 75


20 Hexagonal brick tower; 68.

Reserve light Fl.W. 4s 10M.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


12964 Vigrund. C 3940

12972 Kaybolovo.

59° 47.0´ N Fl.W. 27° 44.0´ E period 5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

72 22 199 61

18 White quadrangular iron framework slatted tower; 121.

59° 56.0´ N Fl.R. 27° 59.0´ E period 2s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s

26 8

3 Red metal framework tower, concrete base; 18.

59° 47.0´ N Fl.W. 28° 10.0´ E period 4s fl. 1s, ec. 3s

94 29

7 Red framework tower, white rectangular daymark; 83.

59° 42.9´ N Fl.W. 28° 26.1´ E period 2s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s

56 17

5 White round tower; 46.

C 3977

59° 42.7´ N Fl.W. 28° 13.5´ E period 3s

82 25

5 Red 4-sided framework tower, white rectangular daymark, black stripe; 69.

12986 -Luzhskiy Morskoy Range, front.

59° 40.2´ N Fl.R. 28° 25.1´ E period 1.5s


C 3981

12987 - -Rear, 500 meters 164°06′ from front.

59° 39.8´ N Oc.R. 28° 25.3´ E period 3s


12988 -Gorki. C 3986

59° 48.0´ N Iso.W. 28° 30.0´ E period 6s

C 3988

12992 Mys Kolgampya Range, near N. extremity, front.

59° 51.0´ N Q.W. 28° 33.0´ E

12996 -Rear, 1,189 meters 190° from front.

13004 Mys Shepelevskiy.

C 3918

12980 Rif Ostrovnoy. C 3962

59° 44.0´ N Iso.W. 28° 02.0´ E period 8s

7 Red quadrangular slatted iron framework pyramidal structure; 66. Radiobeacon.

Shown May 15 to Jan. 15.

LUZHSKAYA GUBA: 12984 -Mys Pikhlisar, W. side of bay. C 3976

12984.5 -Yugantovskiy. C 3982

12985 -Mys Luto.

C 3981.1

C 3988.1

C 4004

13008 Krasnaya Gorka. C 4006

13012 Tolbukhin. C 4010

13016 -Kronshtadskiye Range, front, Fort Kronshlot.

C 4012

595 181

13020 - -Naval Harbor, rear, 2.4 kilometers 106°54′ from front.

Reserve light range 9M.

79 24

7 Framework tower, white rectangular daymark, red stripe; 69.

59° 50.2´ N Iso.W. 28° 32.3´ E period 4s

103 31

10 White truncated pyramidal beacon, black stripe; 50.

Visible on range line only.

59° 59.0´ N L.Fl.(2)W.R. 29° 08.0´ E period 16s

122 37

17 White round stone tower, red bands; 118.

R. 053°-100°, W.-265°, R.280°, obsc.-053°. Reserve light Iso.W.R. 10s 10M.

59° 58.0´ N Iso.W. 29° 23.0´ E period 3s

197 60

15 Red framework tower, red rectangular daymark, white stripe; 125.

Reserve light Iso.W. 3s 8M.

60° 03.0´ N L.Fl.W. 29° 33.0´ E period 12s fl. 3s, ec. 9s

95 29

59° 58.7´ N Oc.W. 29° 45.0´ E period 5.5s lt. 4s, ec. 1.5s

82 25


C 4012.1

25 Red truncated pyramidal structure; 135.

59° 58.3´ N F.R. 29° 47.4´ E

16 White round stone tower dwelling; 100. 7 Red round tower; 82.

Visible 167°-047°.


Visible 047°-167°. Reserve light Fl.R. 6s 10M.

176 54

15 Octagonal gray concrete tower; 177.

Visible 047°-167°. Reserve light F.R. 13M visible 090°-120°.

KRONSHTADT: 13024 -Pverekhodnive Range, front, E. of Fort Meushikov.

59° 59.0´ N Iso.R. 29° 46.0´ E period 2s

33 10

3 White pyramid beacon, black stripe; 23.

13028 - -Rear, S. wall of Kupecheskaya Gavan, 120 meters 315°06′ from front.

59° 59.0´ N Iso.R. 29° 45.3´ E period 2s

42 13

3 Framework tower, white trapezoid, black stripe; 36.

C 4030

C 4030.1


Visible on range line only.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


13032 -Kabotazhnaya Gavan Range, front.

59° 59.1´ N Fl.R. 29° 45.0´ E period 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1s

52 16

6 Red framework tower, black stripe; 49.

13036 - -Rear, E. wall Kupecheskaya Gavan′ 760 meters 091°12′ from front.

59° 59.0´ N Q.R. 29° 45.7´ E

103 31

6 Red framework tower, black stripe; 95.

C 4036

59° 59.0´ N Q.R. 29° 47.0´ E

33 10

3 Red hexagonal, iron framework Visible on range line only. tower, white facing range; 23.

13044 - - -Rear, 23 meters 109°06′ from front.

59° 58.6´ N Q.R. 29° 46.7´ E

42 13

3 Red octagonal iron tower, white facing range; 33.

59° 59.0´ N Fl.W. 29° 45.0´ E period 4s fl. 1s, ec. 3s

23 7

1 Red square iron skeleton structure; 10.

C 4059

59° 58.0´ N Q.W. 29° 46.0´ E

62 19

12 Gray octagonal tower, white median stripe; 67.

13056 - -Rear, about 2.2 km. 291°48′ from front

59° 58.6´ N L.Fl.W. 29° 44.0´ E period 6s

13064 -Yuzhnaya Damba, NW. corner.

C 4020

C 4020.1

Visible on range line only.

-Srednyaya Gavan: 13040 - -Range, front.

C 4036.1

-Kronshlot Harbor: 13048 - -Ostrov Kotlin, N. extremity. C 4014

MORSKOY KANAL: 13052 -Morskoy Kanal Range, front.

130 40

13 Gray octagonal tower, black and white bands; 136.

59° 53.4´ N Fl.W. 30° 12.4´ E period 3s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2.5s

29 9

2 Black round metal column, red bands; 20.

59° 53.3´ N Fl.R. 30° 12.7´ E period 3s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2.5s

29 9

2 Red column, white bands; 20.

59° 53.1´ N Oc.R. 30° 11.2´ E period 3s lt. 2s, ec. 1s

69 21

13074 -Middle, 330 meters 111°54′ from front.

59° 53.0´ N Oc.G. 30° 11.4´ E period 5s lt. 3s, ec. 2s

86 26

3 Black metal lattice tower; 79.

13076 - -Rear, 1.9 km. 111°54′ from front

59° 52.7´ N Oc.R. 30° 12.8´ E period 4s

249 76

10 Metal chimney, red and white bands; 239.

13078 Korabel'nyy Kanal.

59° 54.8´ N Dir.W.R.G. 30° 14.3´ E

C 4059.1

C 4069

13068 - -SE. corner. C 4070

13072 -Lesnoy mole Range, front. C 4062

C 4062.05

C 4062.2

C 4074.2

13080 Stirsudden (Mys Seyveste). C 5584

13081 -Mys Flotskiy. C 5586

13084 Kyurenniyemi. C 5582

13085 -Range, front.

10 Square metal framework tower, Visible on range line only. red top with black stripe; 52.

W. 12 R. 6 G. 6

60° 11.0´ N Fl.(2)W. 29° 02.0´ E period 15s

153 47

21 White round concrete tower, 2 red bands; 91.

60° 10.0´ N Fl.W. 29° 09.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2.5s

79 24

7 Red framework tower, white rectangular daymark; 66.

60° 16.0´ N Fl.W. 28° 55.0´ E period 3s

83 25

7 Red iron slatted framework structure, upper part white with black stripe; 70.

60° 17.5´ N Fl.W. 28° 51.1´ E period 1.5s


C 5569

13086 - -Rear, 930 meters 030° from front.

60° 18.0´ N Oc.W. 28° 51.6´ E period 3s


13088 Ostrov Syarkkyaluoto.

60° 18.0´ N Fl.R. 28° 48.0´ E period 5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

52 16

60° 18.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 28° 43.0´ E period 2s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s

19 6

C 5569.1

C 5568

13092 Ostrov Dlinnoberezhnyy. C 5567


G. 113°42′-115°12′, W.115°48′, R.-117°12′.

3 Quadrangular iron house, rectangular daymark, painted black with white bands; 39. W. R. G.

7 Red and white stone square 4 tower, stone base; 21. 2

G. 134°-139°, W.-275°, R.280°, G.-285°, W.-316°, R.-344°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


13100 Lotsmanskiy (Primorsk).

60° 21.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 28° 38.0´ E period 6s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4s

88 27

W. R. G.

7 Red truncated pyramid, white 4 rectangular daymark, red 2 stripe; 66.

G. 304°-310°, W.-316°, R.035°, G.-105°, W.-115°, R.-150°, obsc.-304°.

C 5500

13104 Ostrov Rondo (Ruonti) Range, front.

60° 27.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 28° 22.0´ E period 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1s

47 14

W. R. G.

9 Red framework tower, white 6 rectangular daymark, black 5 stripe; 33.

G. 063°-068°, W.-077°, R.128°, G.-162°, W.-183°, R.-201°, G.-214°, W.234°, R.-252°, W.-063°.

13108 -Rear, 072°42′ from front, N. end of Ostrov Severnyy Berezovyy (Plysari).

60° 27.8´ N L.Fl.W.R.G. 28° 26.3´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

129 39

W. R. G.

9 White round framework tower, 4 black stripe; 115. 2

W. 012°-089°, R.-114°, G.168°, W.-174°, R.-274°.

60° 35.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 28° 26.0´ E period 1.5s fl. 0.3s, ec. 1.2s

60 18

W. R. G.

7 White octagonal hut; 43. 4 2

G. shore-359°, W.-009°, R.020°, G.-029°, W.-231°, G.-249°, W.-255°, R.270°, obscured elsewhere.

13116 -Ostrov Vikhrevov-Saari, SE. point.

60° 34.0´ N L.Fl.W.R.G. 28° 27.0´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

16 5

W. R. G.

7 White octagonal hut; 10. 3 2

G. 163°-218°, W.-225°, R.260°, obscured elsewhere.

13117 -Ostrov Igrivyy Range, front.

60° 35.7´ N Fl.W. 28° 26.5´ E period 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1s

33 10

9 Red metal mast, white rectangular daymark, red stripe; 20.

Visible on range line only.

13118 - -Rear, 450 meters 041° from front.

60° 35.9´ N Fl.W. 28° 26.7´ E period 3s fl. 1s, ec. 2s

59 18

9 Red metal mast, white rectangular daymark, red stripe; 39.

Visible on range line only.

13120 -Range, front, Banka Khalliviki.

60° 37.0´ N Fl.Y. 28° 32.0´ E period 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1s

26 8

4 Round concrete beacon, white and black stripe; 14.

13124 - -Rear, Mys Ostryy, 926 meters 043°18′ from front.

60° 36.9´ N Oc.Y. 28° 32.3´ E period 3s lt. 2s, ec. 1s

66 20

4 Round concrete tower, white and black stripes; 53.

13132 -Vsotskiy-Yuzhnyy Range, front, head of S. breakwater.

60° 37.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 28° 34.0´ E period 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1s

26 8

13136 - -Rear, Pikhtovyy, 1,296 meters 064°54′ from front.

60° 37.0´ N Oc.W. 28° 34.4´ E period 3s lt. 2s, ec. 1s

82 25

5 White concrete tower, white square daymark, black stripe; 52.

C 5520

13140 -Malyy Vysotskiy, Yuzhnyy Range, front.

60° 37.8´ N Fl.W. 28° 33.6´ E period 1.5s

20 6

5 Metal column, white rectangle daymark, green stripe; 16.

13144 - -Rear, 205 meters 005°54′ from front.

60° 37.9´ N Iso.W. 28° 33.5´ E period 2s

29 9

5 Metal column, white rectangular daymark, green stripe; 16.

13148 -Pinkeli. C 5521

60° 38.0´ N Fl.G. 28° 34.0´ E period 2s

29 9

2 Yellow post on dolphin, green rectangular daymark; 16.

13152 -Malyy Vysotskiy, Sevemyy Range, front.

60° 39.0´ N Fl.W. 28° 34.0´ E period 1.5s

21 6

4 White rectangular daymark, red diamond; 15.

Visible 238°-346°.

C 5524

13156 - -Rear, 135 meters 253°30′ from front.

60° 38.3´ N Iso.W. 28° 33.9´ E period 4s

30 9

4 White rectangular daymark, red diamond; 15.

Visible on range line only.

13160 -Ostrov Patteri Range, front.

60° 38.0´ N Q.W. 28° 35.0´ E

42 13

8 White triangular daymark, red stripe, point up.

Visible on range line only.

C 5530

13164 - -Rear, 222 meters 223°06′ from front.

60° 38.0´ N Iso.W. 28° 34.3´ E period 4s

72 22

8 White round concrete tower, Visible on range line only. white triangular daymark, red stripe, point up; 52.

13168 -Khumallakhti Range, front.

60° 38.5´ N Fl.W. 28° 34.5´ E period 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1s

21 6

4 White metal post, white rectangular daymark, green stripe; 16.

C 5562

C 5500.1

VYBORG APPROACH: 13112 -Ostrov Mayachnyy. C 5506

C 5508

C 5511

C 5511.1

C 5514

C 5514.1

C 5518

C 5518.1

C 5520.1

C 5524.1

C 5530.1

C 5522


W. R. G.

5 Mast, green square daymark, 4 red stripe; 19. 3

G. 042°-063°48′, W.-067°12′, R.-087°, G.-097°, W.111°, R.-153°, G.-201°, W.-229°, R.-266°.

Visible on range line only.

Visible on range line only.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


13172 - -Rear, 154 meters 024°54′ from front.

60° 38.6´ N Fl.W. 28° 34.5´ E period 3.5s fl. 1.5s, ec. 2s

46 14

4 Metal post, white rectangular daymark, green stripe; 16.

13176 -Ityapalu, E. end of channel, N. side.

60° 39.0´ N Fl.R. 28° 36.0´ E period 2s

19 6

2 Red concrete beacon, white band; 10.

13180 -Dubovyy.

60° 40.2´ N Fl.G. 28° 38.9´ E period 2s

19 6

2 Green column; 10.

60° 40.0´ N Fl.W. 28° 40.0´ E period 2.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2s

25 8

3 White square daymark, red stripe, on red column; 23.

C 5534

60° 41.5´ N Fl.W. 28° 40.9´ E period 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1s

46 14

7 Red metal framework tower, red Visible on range line only. rectangle, black stripe; 32.

13192 - -Rear, about 3 km. 043°06′ from front.

60° 42.9´ N F.W. 28° 43.7´ E

13196 -Ostrov Ukazatelnyy Range, front.

60° 41.1´ N Fl.W.R.G. 28° 41.4´ E period 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1s

20 6

13200 - -Rear, on Ostrov Kuposensari, 1020 meters 061°18′ from front.

60° 41.3´ N Iso.W. 28° 42.4´ E period 2s

26 8

3 Lantern on concrete base, white square daymark, red stripe; 18.

13208 -Pikarluoto Range, common front.

60° 41.4´ N Q.R. 28° 41.7´ E

20 6

2 White round concrete tower, red stripe; 10.

13212 - -Mariankivi, rear, 1,111 meters 035° 30′ from front.

60° 41.9´ N Oc.W.R. 28° 42.4´ E period 3s lt. 2s, ec. 1s

46 14

13216 - -Ostrov Zashcitnyy, rear, 600 meters 238°54′ from front.

60° 41.3´ N Oc.R. 28° 41.1´ E period 3s lt. 2s, ec. 1s

36 11

2 Truncated pyramid, white daymark, red stripe; 23.

13220 -Saymenskiy Range, common front.

60° 41.9´ N Iso.Y. 28° 42.7´ E period 2s

26 8

3 White column, red stripe; 12.

C 5544

13222 - -Sokolinsky, rear, 1740 meters 151°06′ from front.

60° 41.0´ N Iso.Y. 28° 43.6´ E period 2s

62 19

5 Concrete column, white daymark; 56.

Visible on range line only. Shown Apr. 1 to Dec. 31.

13224 - -Vyborg Severnyy, rear, about 1,815 meters 039°36′ from front.

60° 42.6´ N Oc.R. 28° 44.0´ E period 3s lt. 2s, ec. 1s

75 23

4 White concrete tower, white daymark, red stripe; 30.

Visible on range line only.

13228 -Ostrov Kuposenkivi Range, front.

60° 41.6´ N Fl.W.R. 28° 42.4´ E period 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1s

20 6

4 White round concrete beacon, 3 red stripe; 10.

R. 011°-188°, W.-246°.

C 5546

13232 - -Rear, 2.1 kilometers 051° from front.

60° 42.4´ N Q.R. 28° 44.3´ E

58 18

5 White column, red stripe.

Visible on range line only.

13236 -Emmyanpalu.

60° 41.9´ N Fl.(2)R. 28° 43.1´ E period 5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1s fl. 0.5s, ec. 3s

19 6

4 Red round concrete tower, white Visible 210°-095°. band, on piles; 12. Reported destroyed (1986).

13248 -Ostrov Kuposensari Range, front.

60° 41.3´ N Iso.R. 28° 42.7´ E period 2s

23 7

2 White panel with black stripe on Visible on range line only. white tower; 16.

13252 - -Rear, 66 meters 204°48′ from front.

60° 41.2´ N Iso.R. 28° 42.5´ E period 2s

39 12

2 White tower, white rectangular daymark, black stripe; 26.

Visible on range line only.

13254 -Pier head Range, common front.

60° 42.7´ N F.R. 28° 43.2´ E

23 7

1 White column, black bands; 7.

Visible on range line only. Shown Apr. 30 to Dec. 15.

13254.1 - -Rear, 620 meters 350°48′ C 5553.1 from front.

60° 43.0´ N Oc.R. 28° 43.1´ E period 3s lt. 2s, ec. 1s

33 10

2 White trapezoidal daymark, black Visible on range line only. stripe; 7. Shown Apr. 30 to Dec. 15.

13254.2 - -Rear, 110 meters 057°48′ C 5552.9 from front.

60° 42.7´ N F.R. 28° 43.3´ E

30 9

1 White column, black bands; 20.

C 5522.1

C 5528

C 5539.4

13184 -Likhaniyemi. C 5539

13188 -Malyy Shchit Range, front.

C 5534.1

C 5536

C 5536.1

C 5542

C 5541.9

C 5542.1

C 5543.9

C 5544.1

C 5546.1

C 5548

C 5552.4

C 5552.41

C 5553

151 46


W. R. G.

W. R.

W. R.

Visible on range line only.

Visible 214°24′-034°24′.

7 Gray hexagonal tower, cupola; 243.

Visible on range line only.

3 White lantern on white square 2 base, red stripe; 16. 1

W. 050°-063°, R.-090°, obsc.166°, G.-210°, W.-215°, R.-221°.

4 Red framework tower, red round W. 150°-340°, R.-150°. 2 daymark, white stripe; 36. Visible on range line only.

Visible on range line only. Shown Apr. 30 to Dec. 15.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


13256 Mys Krestovyy (Ristniemi).

60° 30.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 28° 16.0´ E period 3.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 3s

46 14

60° 31.6´ N Fl.(2)W. 28° 22.7´ E period 8s fl. 1s, ec. 2s fl. 1s, ec. 4s

46 14

C 5490

13260 Landyshevvy Oritsari Range, front.

60° 31.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 28° 10.0´ E

26 8

13261 -Rear, 540 meters 036°30′ from front.

60° 30.5´ N Iso.W. 28° 10.3´ E period 4s

66 20

8 Red metal framework tower, white rectangular daymark, black stripe; 56.

13262 -Range, front.

60° 32.9´ N Q.W. 28° 09.9´ E

46 14

5 Red metal framework tower, white rectangular daymark, black stripe; 36.

Shown from April 25 to December 15.

13263 - -Rear, 730 meters 329°42′ from front.

60° 32.9´ N L.Fl.W. 28° 09.1´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

85 26

5 Red metal framework tower, white rectangular daymark, black stripe; 53.

Shown April 25 to December 15.

13264 Ostrov Malyy Fiskar, SW. point.

60° 29.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 28° 06.0´ E period 5s fl. 1s, ec. 4s

57 17

60° 24.2´ N Fl.W. 28° 08.2´ E period 4s fl. 1.5s, ec. 2.5s

52 16

C 5492

13258 Vyborgskiy. C 5505

C 5490.1

C 5491

C 5491.1

C 5488

13268 Skala Khalli. C 5496

13272 Ostrov Nerva. C 3946

13276 Ostrov Mayak. C 3944

W. R. G.

7 White concrete tower, black 3 band; 46. 2 10 Octagonal tower, red and white bands, balcony; 33.

W. R. G.

W. R. G.

5 White octagonal tower; 20. 3 2

G. 074°-079°, W.-087°, R.148°, G.-216°, W.-222°, R.-229°. Whistle.

G. 251°-278°, W.-310°, R.345°, G.-018°, W.-045°, R.-082°, obscured elsewhere.

6 Red and white framework tower; G. 240°-255°, W.-257°, R.3 43. 278°, G.-350°, W.-068°, 2 R.-093°, obscured elsewhere. 9 Red slatted quadrangular iron pyramid; 40.

60° 14.8´ N Fl.W. 27° 57.4´ E period 8s fl. 1s, ec. 7s

144 44

18 Red quadrangular skeleton Reserve light Fl.W. 8s 14M. tower, white top, black band; 120.

60° 12.4´ N Fl.(2).W. 27° 38.5´ E period 10s

174 53

14 Framework tower, red rectangular daymark, white band; 121.

Reserve light range 7M.


-RACON 13284 Ostrov Malyy.

60° 02.2´ N Fl.(3)W. 27° 49.6´ E period 10s

98 30

15 Red octagonal metal framework Reserve light Fl.W. 2s 7M. tower; 95.

Z(– – • •) period 30s

18 122 37

7 Red metal truncated pyramid, white daymark, red stripe; 90.

60° 02.2´ N Fl.(2)W. 28° 21.9´ E period 30s fl. 1s, ec. 6.5s fl. 1s, ec. 21.5s

97 30

15 Red round metal tower, lower part white; 100.

13292 -Pen Kheta-Stor, SE. point of island.

60° 00.5´ N Fl.(2)W. 28° 24.0´ E period 4s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2s

85 26

7 Red quadrangular slatted metal Visible 170°-100°. framework tower, upper part white with black median stripe; 77.

13296 Arkhipelag Bol shoy Fiskar, E. island of reefs.

60° 25.0´ N Fl.(2)W. 27° 57.0´ E period 8s fl. 1s, ec. 2s fl. 1s, ec. 4s

70 21

8 Red quadrangular brick tower, white band; 33.

13300 Khemminginletto.

60° 27.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 27° 50.0´ E period 3.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 3s

23 7

C 3964

60° 02.0´ N L.Fl.W. 28° 01.0´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

OSTROV LESNOY (SEYSKARI): 13288 -NW. point. C 3968

C 3972

C 5482

C 5476


W. R. G.

5 White octagonal lantern; 18. 3 2

Visible 015°-330°.

G. 233°-267°, W.-287°, R.014°, G.-074°30′, W.078°, R.-098°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


60° 28.9´ N Iso.W. 27° 58.8´ E period 2s

49 15

12 Red metal framework tower, white rectangular daymark, black stripe; 53.

Visible on range line only.

C 5485

13301 -Ryabinnik Range, front.

13302 - -Rear, 1.9 miles 261°18′ from front.

60° 28.3´ N Iso.W. 27° 54.7´ E period 4s

154 47

12 Red metal framework tower, white rectangular daymark, black stripe; 121.

Visible on range line only.

13304 Ostrov Kozlinyy (Pukkio). C 5474

60° 27.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 27° 48.0´ E period 5s

27 8

13308 Ostrov Kopytin (Kinnarit) Range, front.

60° 26.0´ N Q.W. 27° 43.0´ E

72 22

11 Red framework tower, white rectangular daymark, black stripe; 52.

Visible on range line only.

13312 -Rear, 550 meters 263°36′ from front.

60° 25.8´ N L.Fl.W. 27° 42.1´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

134 41

12 Red framework tower, white rectangular daymark, black stripe; 102.

Visible on range line only.

C 5485.1

C 5472

C 5472.1


W. R. G.

7 Framework tower, white lantern, G. 244°-266°, W.-274°, R.3 black stripe; 21. 308°, G.-340°, W.-001°, 1 R.-021°, G.-050°, W.072°, R.-080°, G.-094°, W.-100°, R.-105°.

Section 9 South Coast of Finland and Aland Islands

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


13316 Huovari (Huovarinsaari).

60° 24.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 27° 42.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s

25 8

4 Concrete pillar; 8.

R. 029°-040°, W.-071°, G.094°, W.-155°, R.-167°. Fishing light.

60° 27.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 27° 43.0´ E period 6s fl. 0.3s, ec. 1.4s fl. 0.3s, ec. 4s

28 9

8 White octagonal hut, concrete base.

G. 316°-329°, W.-340°, R.067°, G.-094°30′, W.099°, R.-156°.

60° 28.3´ N Q.W. 27° 38.4´ E

28 9

5 White rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 308°-316°.

60° 28.6´ N L.Fl.W. 27° 37.8´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

62 19

5 Metal mast, red rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

Visible 307°-315°.

60° 28.1´ N Q.W. 27° 37.2´ E

36 11

6 White rectangular daymark, black stripe.

Visible 031°30′-035°30′.

13336 -Lipra, rear, 1180 meters 033°30′ from front.

60° 28.6´ N L.Fl.W. 27° 37.7´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

68 21

7 White hut on concrete structure, Visible 031°30′-035°30′. white rectangular daymark, black stripe; 65.

13340 Pulteri Range, front. C 5465

60° 27.3´ N Q.W. 27° 34.9´ E

12 4

6 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 260°-268°. stripe.

13344 Vasikkapulteri, rear, 265° from front.

60° 28.5´ N Iso.W. 27° 30.0´ E period 6s

29 9

5 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 260°-268°. stripe.

13348 Mustamaa.

60° 25.7´ N Q.W.R.G. 27° 32.5´ E

22 7

5 White octagonal hut on rock.

G. 282°-297°, W.-304°, R.041°, G.-115°, W.121°30′, R.-144°. Shown on request.

60° 26.4´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 27° 27.0´ E period 6s fl. 1s, ec. 1s fl. 1s, ec. 3s

18 5

6 White octagonal hut, concrete base; 13.

G. 067°-084°, W.-088°, R.140°, G.-184°, W.-258°, R.-274°. Shown on request.

60° 27.0´ N V.Q.(5)G. 27° 19.0´ E period 6s

13 4

2 Red pole, white band.

60° 27.2´ N Q.W. 27° 22.6´ E

56 17

9 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 018°-026°. stripe.

102 31

10 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 018°-026°. stripe.

C 5470

13320 Parrio. C 5468

13324 Jarviluoto Range, front. C 5466.1

13324.1 -Rear, 600 meters 311° from front.

C 5466.11

13332 Siikasaari Range, front. C 5465.9

C 5466

C 5465.1

C 5464

13352 Lotouri. C 5456

13388 Vaskonkari. C 5441.3

13389 Kuorsalo Range, front. C 5438.6

13390 -Rear, 022° from front. C 5438.61

13392 Vasikkaluoto Range, front.

60° 27.6´ N L.Fl.W. 27° 23.0´ E period 6s

C 5440

60° 26.0´ N Q.W. 27° 20.7´ E

22 7

8 Yellow rectangular daymark, red Visible 260°-264°. stripe; 18.

13393 -Pitkakotka, rear, 1.2 miles 262° from front.

60° 25.9´ N L.Fl.W. 27° 18.3´ E period 6s

45 14

9 Yellow rectangular daymark, red Visible 260°-264°. stripe.

13394 Houtere Range, front.

60° 26.7´ N Q.Y. 27° 20.8´ E

49 15

6 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 118°30′-126°30′. stripe.

60° 26.6´ N L.Fl.Y. 27° 21.1´ E period 6s

79 24

7 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 118°30′-126°30′. stripe.

60° 24.9´ N Q.W. 27° 23.8´ E

77 23

5 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 135°-143°. stripe.

60° 24.6´ N L.Fl.W. 27° 24.3´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

79 24

6 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 135°-143°. stripe.

60° 24.4´ N Q.Y. 27° 18.4´ E

20 6

6 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 050°-054°. stripe.

C 5440.1

C 5438.8

13396 -Rear, 122°30′ from front. C 5438.81

13398.2 Vastari Range, front. C 5438.7

13398.4 -Rear, 139° from front. C 5438.71

13399.4 Vatiniki Range, front. C 5438.4


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


13399.8 -Rear, 052° from front. C 5438.41

13400 Velperkari, N. side. C 5438

13401 Tammio Range, front. C 5438.5

13401.5 -Rear, 071° from front. C 5438.51

13402 Sunholma. C 5438.58

13404 Veitkari. C 5412

RACON 13408 Luppi.

60° 24.8´ N L.Fl.Y. 27° 19.6´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

85 26

7 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 050°-054°. stripe.

60° 22.3´ N Fl.W.R.G. 27° 16.5´ E period 5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

26 8

6 White lantern on concrete base; G. 057°-064°30′, W.-072°, R.16. 082°, W.-225°.

60° 24.3´ N Q.W. 27° 24.0´ E

16 5

8 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 069°-073°. stripe.

60° 24.4´ N L.Fl.W. 27° 24.5´ E period 6s

66 20

9 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 069°-073°. stripe.

60° 22.1´ N Q.(5)W. 27° 18.4´ E period 6s

51 16

5 White cairn, red band.

60° 16.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 27° 14.4´ E period 6s fl. 0.4s, ec. 1.2s fl. 0.4s, ec. 4s

33 10

7 White lantern on concrete base; G. 132°-146°, W.-177°, R.15. 232°, G.-283°, W.-023°, R.-026°, G.-029°, W.071°, R.-087°. Radar reflector.

T(–) period 90s

Visible 200°-204°.


60° 14.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 27° 02.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2.5s

23 7

6 Red hut.

G. 257°-274°, W.-048°30′, R.074°. Fishing light.

60° 17.4´ N I.U.Q.Y. 27° 12.3´ E period 6s

13 4

2 Gray column.

Visible 133°-310°.

60° 17.5´ N Q.W.R.G. 27° 12.4´ E

26 8

7 White rectangular daymark; 12.

C 5410

G. 301°-317°, W.-320°30′, R.008°, G.-135°, W.142°30′, R.-162°.

13413 Kuutal-Petajaimen Range, front.

60° 18.2´ N Q.W. 27° 08.8´ E

39 12

8 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 180°30′-184°30′. stripe.

60° 17.4´ N L.Fl.W. 27° 08.7´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

92 28

9 Red rectangle, yellow stripe on metal framework tower.

Visible 180°30′-184°30′.

60° 19.9´ N L.Fl.W. 27° 11.1´ E period 6s

66 20

9 White steel tower, red band.

Visible 102°-106°. Radar reflector.

60° 27.4´ N Fl.W.R.G. 27° 09.4´ E period 3s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2.5s

23 7

7 Mast, white lantern, black band, G. 036°-079°30′, W.-083°, R.on concrete base. 170°.

60° 27.0´ N Q.W. 27° 06.0´ E

24 7

5 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 112°30′-120°30′. stripe.

13424 -Rear, 365 meters 116°30′ from front.

60° 26.9´ N L.Fl.W. 27° 06.5´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

46 14

10 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 112°30′-120°30′. stripe.

13425 -Lopaskeri Range, front.

60° 26.2´ N Q.W. 27° 09.9´ E

33 10

8 Mast, red rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

13425.5 - -Rear, 0.6 mile 161° from front.

60° 25.8´ N L.Fl.W. 27° 10.2´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

52 16

8 Metal framework tower, red Visible 157°-165°. rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

13425.7 Lopaskerinluoto Range, front.

60° 26.1´ N Q.W. 27° 09.5´ E

29 9

8 Mast, yellow rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 000°30′-004°30′.

60° 27.4´ N L.Fl.W. 27° 09.6´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

69 21

9 Metal framework tower, yellow rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 000°30′-004°30′.

60° 25.8´ N U.Q.(5)W. 27° 08.3´ E period 6s

33 10

2 White round concrete tower, red Radar reflector. band.

C 5413

13409 Haapasaari, E. side. C 5411

13412 Kivikari, on rock.

C 5414

13413.5 - -Vanhankylanmaa Rear, C 5414.1 182°30′ from front. 13414 Keskihallinkari. C 5414.3

13416 Suur Musta. C 5415

13420 Vehkaluoto Range, front. C 5396

C 5396.1

C 5416.4

C 5416.41

C 5414.4

13425.71 -Suur Musta, rear, 1.4 miles C 5414.41 002°30′ from front. 13426 -Einan Karinmatala. C 5415.4

-RACON 13427 -Vehkaluoto Range, front. C 5418.4

T(–) period 90s

Visible 157°-165°.


60° 26.9´ N Q.W. 27° 06.7´ E

26 8


5 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 194°30′-202°30′. stripe.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


13427.5 - -Martinkari rear, 0.7 miles 198°30′ from

60° 26.3´ N L.Fl.W. 27° 06.3´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

52 16

6 Mast, red rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

60° 31.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 27° 10.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s

14 4

5 Yellow rectangular daymark, red G. 054°-154°, W.-188°, R.border. 205°, G.-213°, W.-217°, R.-301°.

60° 28.0´ N V.Q.(5)W. 27° 09.0´ E period 6s

46 14

7 Yellow column, blue top.

Radar reflector.

60° 28.7´ N Q.W. 27° 09.5´ E

46 14

8 Metal framework tower, red rectangle, yellow stripe.

Visible 008°-016°.

60° 28.8´ N L.Fl.W. 27° 09.6´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

69 21

8 Metal framework tower, red Visible 008°-016°. rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

60° 28.7´ N Q.Y. 27° 06.6´ E

26 8

8 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 337°30′-345°30′. stripe.

60° 30.1´ N L.Fl.Y. 27° 05.7´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

88 27

11 Metal framework tower, red Visible 337°30′-345°30′. rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

13436 -Saunamaa Range, front, on NE. point.

60° 31.0´ N Q.W. 27° 07.0´ E

30 9

10 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 281°-289°. stripe.

13437 - -Kuusimaa, rear, 285° from front.

60° 31.1´ N L.Fl.W. 27° 06.2´ E period 6s

59 18

6 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 281°-289°. stripe.

13438 -Matomaa Range, front. C 5417.4

60° 30.7´ N Q.W. 27° 06.7´ E

23 7

8 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 337°-345°. stripe.

13438.5 - -Saunamaa, rear, 600m 341° from front.

60° 31.0´ N Iso.W. 27° 06.5´ E period 6s

56 17

8 Mast, red rectangular daymark, yellow stripe

60° 32.3´ N Q.R. 27° 06.1´ E

13 4

6 Yellow rectangular daymark, red Visible 334°-338°. stripe.

60° 32.3´ N Q.R. 27° 06.0´ E

26 8

6 Yellow rectangular daymark, red Visible 334°-338°. stripe.

60° 32.0´ N F.R. 27° 07.0´ E

13 4

Red rectangular daymark, white Visible 335°-155°. triangle, point up.

60° 32.0´ N F.R. 27° 07.2´ E

30 9

Red rectangular daymark, white Visible 335°-155°. triangle, point down.

C 5419

60° 31.2´ N Iso.W. 27° 09.5´ E period 2s

69 21

15 Metal framework tower, red Visible 014°-023°. rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

13464 - -Rear, 420 meters 018°30′ from front.

60° 31.4´ N Iso.W. 27° 09.6´ E period 4s

95 29

16 Gray metal framework tower, red Visible 014°-023°. rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

13465 Ravaholma Range, front.

60° 30.2´ N Q.W. 27° 11.1´ E

62 19

7 Metal mast, red rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

Visible 304°30′-312°-30′.

105 32

7 Metal mast, red rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

Visible 304°30′-312°30′.

C 5418.41

Visible 194°30′-202°30′.

HAMINA APPROACH: 13428 -Kaurakari. C 5420.4

13432 -Sovinnonmatala. C 5418

13433 -Varvio Range, front. C 5416

13433.5 - -Rear, 330 meters, 012° from C 5416.1 front. 13434 Pakaskeri Range, front. C 5417

13434.5 -Kuutinki, rear, 1.5 miles, C 5417.1 341°30′ from front.

C 5419.2

C 5419.21

C 5417.41

13444 -Helinginsaari Range, front. C 5419.3

13448 - -Rear, 336° from front. C 5419.31

Visible 337°-345°.

HAMINA HAAPASAARI: 13452 -Summa Range, front. C 5419.4

13456 - -Rear, 065° from front. C 5419.41

13460 -Hillonniemi Range, front.

C 5419.1

C 5438.9

13465.5 - -Rear, 540 meters, 308°30′ from front.

C 5438.91

13466 -Norskari. C 5422

13468 -Kakarkari Range, front. C 5420

60° 30.4´ N L.Fl.W. 27° 10.4´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s 60° 31.8´ N I.U.Q.W. 27° 11.5´ E period 6s

18 5

3 Steel mast, red and white bands. Radar reflector.

60° 32.0´ N Q.W. 27° 12.0´ E

20 6

7 Yellow rectangular daymark, red Visible 036°-058°. border.


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


13472 - -Rear, Nurmilahti, 475 meters 045°30′ from front.

60° 32.0´ N L.Fl.W. 27° 12.4´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

33 10

6 Yellow rectangular daymark, red Visible 041°30′-049°30′. border; 30.

13476 -Palokangas Range, front.

60° 32.0´ N F.G. 27° 10.0´ E

29 9

2 White square and red triangular Visible 335°-355°. daymark, point up.

60° 31.8´ N F.G. 27° 09.9´ E

46 14

2 White square and red triangular Visible 335°-355°. daymark, point down.

60° 32.3´ N Fl.W.R.G. 27° 11.6´ E period 3s fl. 1s, ec. 2s

10 3

5 Steel mast, yellow rectangular daymark, red stripe.

G. 342°-005°30′, W.-009°30′, R.-027°, G.-049°30′, W.056°, R.-065°, G.-078°, W.-084°, R.-105°.

60° 32.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 27° 12.0´ E

13 4

5 White lantern; 5.

C 5421

G. 088°-150°, W.-155°, R.170°.

13500 -Syvasatama Laituri Range, front.

60° 32.0´ N F.R. 27° 10.0´ E

43 13

2 Post; 33.

Visible 264°-300°.

C 5425

13504 - -Rear, 76 meters 286° from front.

60° 32.3´ N F.R. 27° 10.1´ E

59 18

2 Post; 44.

Visible 264°-300°.

13514 -Nuutiniemi Range, front.

60° 33.1´ N F.R. 27° 10.4´ E

20 6

1 White triangular and red rectangular daymark.

Visible 236°-256°.

60° 33.1´ N F.R. 27° 10.3´ E

36 11

1 White triangular and red rectangular daymark.

Visible 236°-256°.

C 5430

60° 34.0´ N F.G. 27° 11.0´ E

36 11

4 Column, red round and white Visible 355°-015°. triangular daymark, point up; 31.

13520 - -Rear, 90 meters 007° from front.

60° 33.8´ N F.G. 27° 10.9´ E

46 14

4 Column, red round and white triangular daymark, point down; 41.

C 5432

13524 -Railway embankment Range, front.

60° 33.7´ N F.R. 27° 11.0´ E

26 8

2 Column, red round and white Visible 006°-026°. triangular daymark, point up; 26.

13528 - -Rear, 256 meters 016° from front.

60° 33.8´ N F.R. 27° 11.0´ E

52 16

2 Column, red round and white triangular daymark, point down; 21.

Visible 006°-026°.

13532 -Lepikonlinja Range, front.

60° 34.0´ N F.G. 27° 12.0´ E

30 9

2 Red round and white triangular daymark, point up.

Visible 008°-040°.

C 5434

13536 - -Rear, 73 meters 023° from front.

60° 33.9´ N F.G. 27° 11.8´ E

56 17

2 Red round and white triangular daymark, point down.

Visible 008°-040°.

13538 -Varissaari Range, front.

60° 26.8´ N Q.W. 26° 57.5´ E

26 8

3 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 226°-234°. stripe.

60° 26.7´ N Iso.W. 26° 57.1´ E period 4s

39 12

3 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 226°-234°. stripe.

60° 20.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 27° 04.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2.5s

23 7

6 White hut on concrete base; 13. G. 112°-119°30′, W.-122°30′, R.-210°, G.-232°, W.242°, R.-290°.

60° 21.1´ N V.Q.(5)R. 27° 05.5´ E period 6s

39 12

2 Mast.

C 5420.1

C 5420.8

13480 - -Rear, 344° from front. C 5420.81

HAMINA: 13492 -Suviluoto. C 5428

13496 -Vilniemi.

C 5425.1

C 5435

13514.1 - -Rear, about 90 meters 246° C 5435.1 from front. 13516 -Tervasaari Range, front.

C 5430.1

C 5432.1

C 5434.1

C 5403

13538.5 - -Rear, 260m 230° from front. C 5403.1

13540 -Vahakari. C 5406

13542 -Merikari. C 5408

Visible 355°-015°.

Radar reflector.


13544 Ostrov Rodsher. C 3932

59° 58.2´ N Fl.(2)W. 26° 40.8´ E period 15s fl. 1s, ec. 3s fl. 1s, ec. 10s

65 20


15 Red octagonal stone structure; 62.

Reserve light range 6M.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


RACON 13548 Severnyy Virgin. C 3934

W(• – –) period 75s


59° 57.0´ N Fl.W. 26° 52.0´ E period 4s

41 12

6 Red 4-sided pyramid with conical top, with 2 balls under a cross daymark; 45.

OSTROV GOGLAND (SUURKELI): 13552 -Mys Lounatrivi (Paunat Revi). C 5378

13556 -N. head. C 5374

60° 00.8´ N Fl.W. 27° 00.5´ E period 6s

89 27

60° 06.0´ N L.Fl.W. 26° 57.0´ E period 7.5s fl. 3s, ec. 4.5s

435 133

10 Red round brick tower; 84.

Visible 222°-113°. Reserve light range 8M. Radiobeacon.

26 Red metal framework tower, 2 platforms; 75.

Visible 348°-324°. Reserve light range 10M.


KOTKA APPROACH: 13560 -Kotkan Majakka. C 5380

-RACON 13561 -Elo 2. C 5380.5

13562 -Kaakoniemi. C 5380.6

13563 -Kiviletto. C 5381

13564 Rankki. C 5386

13566 -Rankin Kivikari, reef, N. end. C 5385

-RACON 13568 -Retonpaasi.

60° 10.3´ N Fl.(4)W. 26° 39.2´ E period 30s

74 23

K(– • –)

12 Yellow steel column, blue band. Helicopter platform. 12

60° 14.2´ N V.Q.W. 26° 47.7´ E

39 12

4 N. CARDINAL BY, beacon, topmark.

60° 16.6´ N V.Q.(3)W. 26° 52.1´ E period 5s

39 12

4 E. CARDINAL BYB, beacon, topmark.

60° 17.6´ N Fl.W. 26° 56.9´ E period 6s

62 19

8 White steel mast, orange band.

Visible 053°-057°. Radar reflector.

60° 22.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 26° 58.0´ E period 10s fl. 0.4s, ec. 1.6s fl. 0.4s, ec. 1.6s fl. 0.4s, ec. 5.6s

36 11

6 Black round concrete tower.

G. 225°30′-288°, W.-295°, R.048°, G.-096°, W.-101°, R.-127°.

60° 21.2´ N U.Q.(5)W. 26° 57.4´ E period 6s

33 10

3 White steel post, red band.

Radar reflector.

T(–) period 90s


60° 22.0´ N U.Q.(5)W. 27° 01.0´ E period 6s

33 10

2 Gray round tower.

Radar reflector.

60° 24.7´ N Fl.W. 26° 51.6´ E period 3s fl. 1s, ec. 2s

32 10

7 Steel mast, red rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

Visible 352°30′-357°30′. Fl.W.3s 14m 12M by day.

60° 26.0´ N Iso.W. 26° 51.4´ E period 12s

138 42

9 Steel mast, red rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

Visible 352°30′-357°30′. Synchronized with front. Iso.W.12s 43m 14M by day.

60° 25.2´ N Iso.W.R.G. 26° 54.2´ E period 2s

30 9

3 Steel mast, gray triangular daymark.

G. 010°-013°, W.-022°, R.025°.Shown 24 hrs.

60° 25.8´ N Q.W. 26° 56.9´ E

16 5

8 Steel mast, red rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

Visible 047°30′-051°30′.

13571.1 - -Rear, 1850 meters 049°30′ C 5383.1 from front.

60° 26.5´ N L.Fl.W. 26° 58.5´ E period 6s

58 18

9 Steel mast, red rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

Visible 047°30′-051°30′. Synchronized with front.

13571.3 -Viikarinsalmi.

60° 24.7´ N Fl.G. 26° 54.6´ E period 3s

41 12

4 Beacon, green triangular daymark.

60° 24.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 27° 00.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s

16 5

7 White lantern on white concrete G. 339°-355°, W.-014°, R.base; 10. 102°, G.-115°30′, W.120°, R.-134°.

C 5387

13569 -Harvasaari Range, front. C 5382

13569.1 - -Rear, 1.3 miles 355° from C 5382.1 front. 13570 -Mussalo. C 5382.5

13571 -Kukouri Range, front. C 5383

C 5383.3

13580 -Hietakari. C 5390


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


13584 -Lellerinsaaret.

60° 24.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 26° 58.0´ E period 5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1s fl. 0.5s, ec. 3s

16 5

7 Octagonal hut on concrete base. G. 144°-167°, W.-174°, R.244°, G.-330°30′, W.336°, R.-354°.

60° 26.1´ N Q.Y. 26° 58.4´ E

13 4

5 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 054°-058°. stripe; 30. Shown 24 hours.

13592 - -Rear, Laukkaanniemi, 2.2 km. 056° from front.

60° 26.8´ N L.Fl.Y. 27° 00.4´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

75 23

10 Red rectangular structure, yellow Visible 052°-060°. stripe.

13596 -Lehmansaari Range, front.

60° 26.5´ N Q.W. 26° 58.5´ E

46 14

5 Steel mast, red rectangular daymark, white stripe.

Visible 171°-179°.

109 33

8 Steel mast, red rectangular daymark, white stripe.

Visible 171°-179°.

60° 27.5´ N Fl.W.R.G. 26° 58.4´ E period 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s

20 6

5 Red steel structure, white concrete base.

G. 000°-162°, W.-165°, R.178°. Radar reflector.

60° 28.0´ N Q.Y. 26° 59.0´ E

46 14

7 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 014°-022°. stripe; 16.

60° 27.8´ N L.Fl.Y. 26° 58.7´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

75 23

7 Metal mast, red rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

C 5397

60° 30.0´ N Q.Y. 26° 57.0´ E

16 5

9 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 328°-336°. stripe.

13628 - -Rear, 280 meters 332° from front.

60° 29.7´ N Q.Y. 26° 56.5´ E

39 12

9 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 328°-336°. stripe.

13632 -Halla Range, front.

60° 28.6´ N Q.W. 26° 58.3´ E

43 13

9 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 351°-359°. stripe.

60° 28.7´ N Q.W. 26° 58.1´ E

66 20

9 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 351°-359°. stripe.

C 5405.6

60° 28.9´ N F.Y. 26° 58.5´ E

26 8

5 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 291°30′-301°30′. stripe.

13638.1 - -Rear, about 120 meters 296°30′ from front.

60° 28.9´ N F.Y. 26° 58.4´ E

59 18

7 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 291°30′-301°30′. stripe.

60° 27.0´ N Q.G. 26° 56.0´ E

52 16

Red rectangular daymark with yellow stripe.

13648 - -Rear, 213 meters 000° from front.

60° 26.9´ N Iso.G. 26° 56.2´ E period 4s

75 23

Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 356°-004°. stripe.

13658 -Tuohipollo Range, front.

60° 26.0´ N Q.W. 26° 55.6´ E

23 7

8 Yellow rectangular daymark, red Visible 318°-322°. stripe.

60° 26.2´ N L.Fl.W. 26° 55.1´ E period 6s

41 12

8 Yellow rectangular daymark, red Visible 318°-322°. stripe.

60° 26.2´ N F.R. 26° 55.1´ E

26 8

4 Steel pillar, white rectangle, red Visible 164°-344°. triangles, on concrete base.

60° 26.2´ N F.R. 26° 54.8´ E

32 10

4 Steel pillar, white rectangular Visible 164°-344°. and red trianglular daymark, on concrete base.

60° 27.0´ N Q.R. 26° 56.0´ E

50 15

4 Steel mast, yellow rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 339° -003°.

C 5393

13676 - -Rear, 160 meters 351° from front.

60° 27.1´ N Iso.R. 26° 55.9´ E period 4s

72 22

4 Steel mast, yellow rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 339°-003°.

13688 Kaunissaari, N. extremity.

60° 22.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 26° 46.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.4s, ec. 2.6s

23 7

7 White concrete tower.

G. 062°-080°, W.-088°30′, R.116°, G.-143°, W.-241°, R.-300°. Radar reflector.

C 5388

13588 -Santakari Range, front. C 5392

C 5392.1

C 5394.4

13600 - -Rear, 175° from front. C 5394.41

13604 -Pirkoyri. C 5394

13608 -Pirkoyri Range, front. C 5394.2

13612 - -Rear, 274 meters 017°30′ from front.

C 5394.21

60° 25.5´ N L.Fl.W. 26° 58.6´ E period 6s

Visible 014°-022°.

KOTKA: 13624 -Sunila Range, front.

C 5397.1

C 5396.9

13636 - -Rear, 355° from front. C 5396.91

13638 -Halla Range, front.

C 5405.61

13644 -Patterinmaki Range, front. C 5392.6

C 5392.61

C 5390.4

13658.1 - -Rear, 320° from front. C 5390.41

13660 -Powerhouse Range, front. C 5393.4

13660.1 - -Rear, 254° from front. C 5393.41

13672 -Oljysatama Range, front.

C 5393.1

C 5368


Visible 356°-004°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


13692 Viikari Range, front. C 5356

60° 24.4´ N Fl.W. 26° 55.4´ E period 2s fl. 0.3s, ec. 1.7s

23 7

8 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 067°30′-075°30′. stripe.

121 37

9 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 069°30′-073°30′. stripe.

13696 -Lehma, rear, 071°30′ from front.

60° 25.1´ N L.Fl.W. 26° 59.1´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

13700 -Verkkoniemi.

60° 20.6´ N Fl.W.R. 26° 46.9´ E period 3s

10 3

2 Gray pillar.

60° 26.0´ N Q.W. 26° 40.0´ E

16 5

5 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 314°48′-318°48′. stripe.

60° 26.0´ N L.Fl.W. 26° 39.0´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

33 10

9 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 312°-320°. stripe.

60° 19.0´ N Fl.W. 26° 45.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.2s, ec. 2.8s

23 7

4 Post.

Fishing light.

60° 17.2´ N Q.(2)W.R.G. 26° 33.3´ E period 6s

31 9

5 Black round concrete tower, black octagonal lantern.

G. 082°-150°, W.-152°30′, R.188°, G.-208°, W.-220°, R.-232°. Radar reflector.

C 5356.1

C 5369

13704 -Keihassalmi Range, front. C 5370

13708 -Rear, 316° from front. C 5370.1

13720 Kalliokari. C 5366

13780 Lalatta, NE. islet. C 5349

RACON 13816 -Range, front. C 5324


T(–) period 90s


60° 16.4´ N Q.W. 26° 27.2´ E

52 16

T(–) period 90s 60° 16.6´ N Q.W. 26° 27.3´ E

82 25

13824 Tainio, 6.0 kilometers 099°15′ from Hamnskar.

60° 12.7´ N V.Q.(5)W. 26° 24.5´ E period 6s

57 17

C 5321

RACON 13828 Skarven. C 5328

RACON 13932 Hamnskar, E. side. C 5320

13936 Tiiskeri. C 5318

RACON 13940 Skarvgadderna Range, front. C 5284


M(– –) period 30s

14 Framework structure, red rectangular topmark, white stripe. 6 White tower, black top; 56.

22 7

T(–) period 90s

4 Black octagonal hut, concrete base.

26 8

4 Red structure.

60° 10.0´ N Fl.(2)W. 26° 16.0´ E period 10s fl. 0.4s, ec. 2.1s fl. 0.4s, ec. 7.1s

54 16

9 Black tower; 44.

T(–) period 90s 20 6

G(– – •) period 30s

60° 11.0´ N T(–) 26° 03.0´ E period 30s

G. 051°-064°, W.-068°30′, R.159°, G.-241°, W.-267°, R.-310°.

W. 100°-210°, R.-288°, W.050°, R.-100°.


60° 11.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 26° 08.0´ E period 2s

13958 Gasskvatten Beacon, RACON.

Radar reflector.


60° 13.0´ N Fl.W.R. 26° 18.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2.5s

60° 11.8´ N L.Fl.W. 26° 13.1´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

Visible 013°-033°. Synchronized with front.


60° 17.8´ N Fl.W.R.G. 26° 20.7´ E period 3s

13944 -Vesikivi, rear, 5.2 km. 072°30′ from front.

C 5284.1

14 Red rectangular concrete block, Visible 013°-033°. white stripe. 10

13820 - -Rear, 463 meters 023° from front.

C 5324.1

R. 035°-087°, W.-035°. Fishing light. On request.

6 Lantern on masonry base, upper G. 054°-070°, W.-074°, R.part black, lower part white. 110°, G.-182°, W.-195°, R.-210°. Radar reflector. 10

43 13

9 Metal mast, yellow rectangular Visible 070°30′-074°30′. daymark, red vertical stripe. Radar reflector. 10


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


14072 Aggskar, S. point. C 5268

14084 Kalbadagrund. C 5239


60° 12.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 25° 45.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2.5s

21 6

59° 59.0´ N L.Fl.(4)W. 25° 36.0´ E period 30s fl. 2s, ec. 3s fl. 2s, ec. 3s fl. 2s, ec. 3s fl. 2s, ec. 13s

88 27

5 White hut; 10.

12 Red concrete tower, white field, helicopter platform on top; 82.

K(– • –) period 30s


14086 Jaktgrund Beacon, RACON.

59° 59.9´ N T(–) 25° 33.3´ E period 90s


14088 Porvoon Range, front.

60° 05.6´ N Iso.W.R.G. 25° 36.5´ E period 2s

C 5239.4


34 10

T(–) period 30s

7 Red tower, black band; 33.

G. 223°-235°, W.-257°, R.337°, G.-008°, W.011°30′, R.-130°. Visible 195°-180°.

W. 004°-027°, R.-105°, G.229°, W.-237°, R.-285°, G.-004°.


14092 -Larsskar, rear, 5.5 km. 016° from front.

60° 08.7´ N L.Fl.W. 25° 37.8´ E period 8s fl. 2s, ec. 6s

14096 Kolhallen.

60° 06.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 25° 39.0´ E period 10s fl. 0.8s, ec. 0.8s fl. 0.8s, ec. 0.8s fl. 0.8s, ec. 6s

34 10

3 Black tower, white band.

60° 07.6´ N Q.Y. 25° 40.5´ E

30 9

6 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 040°06′-044°06′. stripe.

14116 -Rear, 240 meters 042°06′ from front.

60° 07.7´ N L.Fl.W.Y. 25° 40.8´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

79 24

6 Red rectangular daymark, yellow W. 156°30′-164°30′, Y. 040°stripe. 044°.

14144 Pentarn.

60° 08.1´ N Fl.W.R.G. 25° 16.7´ E period 2s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s

33 10

6 Red hut; 10.

60° 10.8´ N Q.(2)W.R.G. 25° 18.8´ E period 3s

23 7

7 Red rectangular daymark, yellow W. 049°-154°, G.-226°, W.stripe. 230°, R.-243°.

14228 -Rear, Graskar, N. point, 074°06′ from front.

60° 11.6´ N L.Fl.W. 25° 24.8´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

56 17

9 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 072°-076°. stripe.

14316 Trutsten.

60° 08.9´ N V.Q.(2)Y. 25° 16.5´ E period 3s fl. 0.2s, ec. 0.3s fl. 0.2s, ec. 2.3s

33 10

3 White mast, red band.

Radar reflector.

14320 Torra Hasten (Kuiva Hevonen) NW. extremity.

60° 09.6´ N Fl.W.R.G. 25° 13.2´ E period 5s fl. 1s, ec. 4s

26 8

7 White hut; 7.

G. 043°-059°, W.-061°30′, R.106°, G.-243°30′, W.245°30′, R.-268°.

14324 Tirhall.

60° 09.7´ N V.Q.(6)+L.Fl.W. 25° 12.5´ E period 10s

43 13

3 S. CARDINAL YB, beacon, topmark.

Radar reflector.

60° 09.3´ N Q.W. 25° 13.7´ E

20 6

5 Framework tower, red Visible 077°-085°. rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

60° 09.4´ N L.Fl.W. 25° 13.7´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

42 13

5 Framework tower, red Visible 077°-085°. rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

14336 Svarta Hasten, (Musta Hevonen) Range, front.

60° 10.4´ N Q.Y. 25° 14.3´ E

19 6

4 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 041°30′-049°30′. stripe; 12.

14340 -Rear, 365 meters 045°30′ from front.

60° 10.5´ N L.Fl.Y. 25° 14.4´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

36 11

5 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 041°30′-049°30′. stripe; 26.

C 5239.41

C 5240.4

14112 Brunskar Range, front. C 5240

C 5240.1

C 5235

14224 Tallorn Range, front. C 5227

C 5227.1

C 5226.2

C 5224

C 5224.15

14328 Torra Hasten Range, front. C 5223

14332 -Rear, 081° from front. C 5223.1

C 5222

C 5222.1

118 36


9 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 014°-018°. stripe. G. 028°-041°, W.-055°, R.173°, G.-190°, W.-200°, R.-231°.

G. 230°-247°, W.-251°, R.262°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


C 5220

14344 Villinginluoto Range, front.

60° 09.5´ N Q.W. 25° 09.9´ E

26 8

5 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 044°-052°. stripe.

14348 -Rear, on Hattholmen about 915 meters 047°55′ from front.

60° 09.9´ N L.Fl.W. 25° 10.5´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

59 18

6 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 044°-052°. stripe.

14360 Svartkubben Range, front.

60° 08.3´ N Q.Y. 25° 09.0´ E

22 7

5 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 065°-073°. stripe.

14364 -Rear, on Maraskrin, 069° from front.

60° 08.5´ N L.Fl.Y. 25° 09.8´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

56 17

6 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 065°-073°. stripe.

14368 Maraskrin Range, front

60° 08.8´ N Q.Y. 25° 11.0´ E

26 8

4 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 221°30′-229°30′. stripe.

14372 -Rear, 185 meters 225°24′ from front.

60° 08.8´ N L.Fl.Y. 25° 10.8´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

46 14

5 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 221°30′-229°30′. stripe.

14380 Trutholmen Range, front.

60° 08.9´ N Q.W. 25° 07.2´ E

36 11

7 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 256°-264°. stripe.

14384 -Rear, 275 meters 261° from front.

60° 08.8´ N L.Fl.W. 25° 06.7´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

62 19

7 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 256°-264°. stripe.

14388 Jungfruholmen (Neitsytsaari).

60° 09.1´ N Fl.W.R.G. 25° 06.1´ E period 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s

16 5

5 White hut on concrete base; 5.

G. 081°-099°, W.-106°, R.195°, G.-279°, W.-281°, R.-307°.

5 White hut.

G. 085°-098°30′, W.-103°30, R.-232°, G.-285°30′, W.290°, R.-301°.

9 White lantern.

Visible 038°-289°.

5 White hut.

G. 236°-256°, W.-268°, R.282°, G.-290°, W.-293°, R.-340°, G.-007°, W.011°, R.-056°, G.-122°, W.-124°, R.-146°.

C 5220.1

C 5217

C 5217.1

C 5216.4

C 5216.41

C 5216

C 5216.1

C 5214

HELSINKI (HELSINGFORS) APPROACH: 14396 -Koholmen, (Lehmasaari) N. point.

60° 09.4´ N Q.W.R.G. 25° 03.8´ E

8 2

14400 -Hastnas Channel, S. side. C 5210

60° 09.5´ N V.Q.(5)W. 25° 03.1´ E period 6s

14 4

14404 Bjorkholmen (Koivusaari), S. point.

60° 09.3´ N Q.W.R.G. 25° 01.7´ E

9 3

14406 -Soberudden Range, front.

60° 08.1´ N Q.Y. 25° 01.9´ E

30 9

4 Yellow rectangular daymark, red Visible 135°-143°. band.

60° 08.1´ N L.Fl.Y. 25° 01.9´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

46 14

5 Yellow rectangular daymark, red Visible 135°-143°. band.

60° 08.4´ N Q.Y. 25° 01.7´ E

20 6

4 Yellow rectangular daymark, red Visible 351°-359°. band.

60° 08.5´ N L.Fl.Y. 25° 01.7´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

33 10

5 Yellow rectangular daymark, red Visible 351°-359°. band.

60° 05.8´ N Q.Y. 24° 52.8´ E

14 4

7 Red rectangular board, yellow striped steel post.

60° 06.2´ N L.Fl.Y. 24° 55.2´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

79 24

5 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 071°-079°. stripe.

60° 06.1´ N V.Q.(3)Y. 24° 51.5´ E period 3s

33 10

2 Black steel pole, white bands.

60° 05.2´ N Q.W. 24° 51.0´ E

16 5

7 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 327°30′-331°30′. stripe.

60° 06.0´ N L.Fl.W. 24° 49.9´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

95 29

9 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 327°30′-331°30′. stripe.

C 5212

C 5208

C 5203

14406.1 - -Rear, 139° from front. C 5203.1

14407 -Notholmen Range, front. C 5203.4

14407.1 - -Rear, 355° from front. C 5203.41

14408 -Trutkobben Range, front. C 5154

14412 - -Hamngrund, 075° from front. C 5154.1

14416 -Trutkubbsklackarna Rysakivi. C 5154.4

14418 -Koirasaari Hudoren Range, front.

C 5155.4

14418.1 - -Rysakouri, rear, about 1300 meters 329°30′ from front.

C 5155.41


Visible 073°-077°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


14419 -Outer Melkohallen Range, front.

60° 07.7´ N Q.W. 24° 54.1´ E

18 5

5 Yellow rectangular daymark, red Visible 040°-044°. stripe.

14420 - -Lantinen Pihlajasaari, rear 042° from front.

60° 08.2´ N L.Fl.W. 24° 54.9´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

44 13

7 Yellow rectangular daymark, red Visible 038°-046°. stripe.

14428 -Koirakari (Hundskar),

60° 07.5´ N Fl.W.R.G. 24° 54.8´ E period 3s fl. 1s, ec. 2s

20 6

7 White tower, black band.

C 5157

60° 07.4´ N Iso.W. 24° 54.7´ E period 5s

13 4

11 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 002°-022°. stripes. F.W. by day.

14436 -Ronnskar, rear, 1400 meters 012° from front.

60° 08.2´ N Oc.W. 24° 55.1´ E period 10s

59 18

11 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 002°-022°. stripes. F.W. by day.

14440 -Tiirakari (Tirgrund).

60° 07.7´ N U.Q.(2)W.R.G. 24° 55.8´ E period 3s fl. 0.2s, ec. 0.3s fl. 0.2s, ec. 2.3s

20 6

7 White tower.

G.040°-070°30′, W.-073°30′, R.-114°, G.-183°, W.210°, R.-245°. In line 072° with Lukkiluoto light.

60° 08.3´ N Q.Y. 24° 55.5´ E

20 6

2 Yellow rectangular daymark, black top.

Visible 248°-256°.

60° 08.2´ N U.Q.(5)Y. 24° 55.1´ E period 6s

33 10

2 Yellow rectangular daymark, black top.

Visible 248°-256°.

60° 07.2´ N Q.W. 24° 57.9´ E

20 6

5 Red rectangular dayamrk, yellow Visible 266°36′-274°36′. stripe.

14456 - -Rear, on islet 880 meters 270°36′ from front.

60° 07.2´ N L.Fl.W. 24° 56.8´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

56 17

6 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 266°36′-274°36′. stripe.

14460 -Sarkka (Langorn).

60° 09.1´ N Fl.W.R.G. 24° 58.2´ E period 2s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s

C 5158

C 5158.1

C 5156

14432 Hundskar Range, front.

C 5157.1

C 5160

14444 -Ronnskar East Range, front. C 5175.5

14448 - -Rear, 280 meters 252° from front.

C 5175.51

G. 063°-166°, R.-198°, G.225°, W.-228°, R.-243°.

HELSINKI (HELSINGFORS) APPROACH: 14452 -Rantan Range, front. C 5162

C 5162.1

C 5168

14464 - -Harakka Range, front.

7 2

5 White structure, red band.

G. 175°-186°, W.-191°, R.280°.

60° 08.9´ N Q.W. 24° 57.9´ E

23 7

5 Yellow rectangular daymark, red Visible 042°30′-050°30′. stripe.

14468 - - -Rear, 330 meters 046°30′ from front.

60° 09.0´ N L.Fl.W. 24° 58.0´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

31 9

5 Yellow rectangular daymark, red Visible 042°30′-050°30′. stripe.

14472 -Mustassari (Vastra Svarto), W. side.

60° 08.8´ N Oc.W.R.G. 24° 58.6´ E period 2s lt. 1.5s, ec. 0.5s

16 5

7 White lantern, red band.

G. 327°-333°, W.-345°, R.048°30′, G.-066°, W.079°, R.-128°.

14476 -Blekholm Range, front.

60° 09.6´ N Q.R. 24° 58.2´ E

6 White lantern, red band; 7.

Visible 286°-018°.

C 5170

14480 - -Rear, 240 meters 356°30′ from front.

60° 09.7´ N Iso.W.R.G. 24° 58.1´ E period 4s

23 7

7 White lantern, red band.

W. 135°-213°, G.-237°, W.260°, R.-271°, G.-283°, W.-293°, R.-006°.

14488 -Korkeasaari.

60° 10.5´ N Q.W. 24° 58.9´ E

26 8

5 Red square daymark, white triangle; 12.

C 5173

60° 10.9´ N Iso.R. 24° 57.9´ E period 6s

23 7

2 White square daymark, red median stripe.

14496 - -Rear, 275 meters 326° from front.

60° 11.0´ N Iso.R. 24° 57.7´ E period 6s

36 11

2 White house, white square Visible 320°-332°. daymark, red median stripe.

14516 -Helsinki.

59° 56.9´ N L.Fl.W. 24° 55.6´ E period 12s fl. 3s, ec. 9s

82 25

C 5167

C 5167.1

C 5166

C 5170.1

C 5172

14492 -Sornamen Range, front.

C 5173.1

C 5184

-RACON 14518 -Ulkomatala. C 5185

7 2

T(–) period 90s

12 Red and white round tower; 82. Helicopter platform. 13

59° 59.5´ N V.Q.(3)W. 24° 53.6´ E period 5s

39 12


Visible 320°-332°.

4 E. CARDINAL BYB, beacon, topmark.

(3 & 10 cm)

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


14520 -Graskarsbadan, on Vostochnoi Rock.

60° 02.2´ N Fl.W.R.G. 24° 53.6´ E period 3s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2.5s

39 12

14528 - -Harmaja Range, front.

60° 06.3´ N Oc.W.R.G. 24° 58.7´ E period 6s lt. 4s, ec. 2s

78 24

C 5186

C 5190

- -RACON 14532 - - -Suomenlinna, rear, on church, 4.82 km. 007° from Harmaja.

C 5190.1

- - -RACON

NR(– •

• – •)

6 Red concrete column.

W. 14 Red round tower, white band, square base.


60° 08.9´ N Fl.(4)W. 24° 59.2´ E period 15s fl. 0.2s, ec. 2.3s fl. 0.2s, ec. 2.3s fl. 0.2s, ec. 2.3s fl. 0.2s, ec. 7.3s

177 54

M(– –)

G. 153°-175°12′, W.-180°, R.153°. W. 004°30′-010°30′, R.-168°, G.-187°, W.-193°, R.212°, W.-250°, R.-260°, W.-312°, G.-004°30′. Pilot station. (3 & 10 cm)

20 Cupola on church tower.


14536 -Uusimatala shoal, about 1296 meters 173° from Harmaja.

60° 05.5´ N V.Q.(9)W. 24° 58.9´ E period 10s

39 12

4 W. CARDINAL YBY, structure, topmark.

Radar reflector.

14540 -Flathallagrund Shoal, about 2.6 km. from Harmaja.

60° 05.0´ N V.Q.(3)W. 24° 58.1´ E period 5s

39 12

4 E. CARDINAL BYB, beacon, topmark.

Radar reflector.

14544 -Lokkiluoto Range, front.

60° 07.9´ N Q.W. 24° 56.8´ E

17 5

5 Black rectangular concrete structure, white stripe.

Visible 130°-158°, 068°-076°. In line 072° with Tiirakari Light.

14548 - -Abrahaminluoto, rear, 1,204 meters 142°30′ from front.

60° 07.3´ N Iso.W. 24° 57.6´ E period 3s

33 10

6 White lantern on red tower, red Visible 132°-159°. rectangular daymark, yellow stripe facing Lokkiluoto.

14552 -Husunkivi.

60° 08.4´ N V.Q.(5)R. 24° 57.8´ E period 6s

36 11

4 White and red steel mast, concrete base.

Radar reflector.

60° 08.9´ N Q.R. 24° 58.6´ E

37 11

3 Red board, white triangular daymark; 33.

Visible 147°-155°.

C 5171

14560 - -Rear, 107 meters 151° from front.

60° 08.9´ N Q.R. 24° 58.5´ E

49 15

3 Red board, white triangular daymark; 10.

Visible 147°-155°.

14564 - -Kustaanmiekka (Gustavssvard) Range, front.

60° 08.3´ N Q.W.R. 24° 59.6´ E

27 8

8 Red rectangular board, white stripe.

W. 191°-026°, R.-067°.

14568 - -Rear, 593 meters 010° from front.

60° 08.6´ N L.Fl.W. 24° 59.6´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

62 19

8 Work structure, red rectangular daymark, white stripe; 32.

Visible 006°-014°.

14572 - -Remmarholmen.

60° 07.9´ N Q.(2)W.R.G. 24° 59.7´ E period 4s fl. 0.5s, ec. 0.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2.5s

36 11

5 Red round concrete tower, white G. 328°-347°, W.-359°,; 7. 007°, G.-031°, W.-044°, R.-077°, G.-121°, W.141°, R.-198°.

14584 -Kuivassaari, N. part of Mjolokneckten.

60° 06.3´ N Q.(2)W.R.G. 25° 01.4´ E period 4s fl. 0.5s, ec. 0.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2.5s

20 6

7 White lantern, stone base.

W. 064°-089°, obsc.-141°, G.146°, W.-149°, R.-197°, G.-235°30′, W.-241°, R.268°.

14588 -Isosaari Range, front.

60° 06.3´ N F.R. 25° 03.8´ E

7 2

2 White rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 135°-143°. Fishing light.

60° 06.3´ N F.R. 25° 03.9´ E

23 7

2 White rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 135°-143°. Fishing light.

14596 -Vasikkasaari (Kalvholm), W. side.

60° 09.1´ N Fl.W.R.G. 25° 00.8´ E period 2s fl. 0.3s, ec. 1.7s

16 5

5 White hut; 5.

G. 108°-116°30′, W.-119°, R.126°, G.-136°30′, W.143°, R.-151°.

14598 - -Neljanviitankari.

60° 09.8´ N V.Q.(5)W. 24° 59.8´ E period 6s

39 12

1 Mast.

Radar reflector.

60° 05.2´ N Q.W. 24° 44.6´ E

13 4

3 Red rectangular steel mast, yellow stripe.

Visible 039°18′-047°18′.

C 5190.5

C 5190.4

C 5188.1

C 5188

C 5165

14556 -Lansi Mustasaari Range, front.

C 5171.1

-Gustafsund: C 5196

C 5196.1

C 5195

C 5200

C 5202

14592 - -Rear, 139° from front. C 5202.1

C 5206

C 5206.5

14600 Gasgrundet Range, front. C 5153.5


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


14604 -Rear, 043°18′ from front. C 5153.51

14608 Kyto, NW. point. C 5153

14612 -Kyto Range, front. C 5147

14616 - -Rear, 057°30′ from front. C 5147.1

14656 Porkkala Kallbada. C 5130

14657 -Inkoo No. 2. C 5129.5

RACON 14660 Makiluoto Range, front.

60° 05.6´ N L.Fl.W. 24° 45.4´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

42 13

4 Red rectangular steel mast, yellow stripe.

Visible 039°18′-047°18′.

60° 04.4´ N V.Q.(5)W. 24° 43.6´ E period 6s

29 9

4 White hut.

Visible 046°30′-253°30′.

60° 03.8´ N Q.W. 24° 42.9´ E

69 21

6 Red rectangular steel mast, yellow stripe.

Visible 055°30′-059°30′.

60° 03.9´ N L.Fl.W. 24° 03.9´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

102 31

7 Red rectangular steel mast, yellow stripe.

Visible 055°30′-059°30′.

59° 52.1´ N Q.(3)W.R.G. 24° 18.2´ E period 20s

70 21

59° 51.9´ N Fl.(2)W. 24° 11.1´ E period 20s

39 12

K(– • –)

12 Red four sided tower. 7 Red mast, white band.

R. 070°-120°, G.-195°, W.070°. Radar reflector.


59° 55.0´ N Q.W. 24° 20.0´ E

30 9

5 Red rectangular daymark, white Visible 029°-037°. stripe.

14664 -Rear, 1,482 meters 033° from front.

59° 55.0´ N L.Fl.W. 24° 21.0´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

66 20

6 White lantern, on red rectangular Visible 029°-037°. board, white stripe.

14712 Oxhornen Range, front.

59° 57.6´ N Fl.W. 24° 16.6´ E period 2s fl. 0.3s, ec. 1.7s

43 13

8 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 029°30′-033°30′. stripe.

C 5121

C 5121.1

C 5131.4

RACON 14716 -Rear, 031°30′ from front. C 5131.41

14892 Jussaro, Sundharvn islet. C 4980

T(-) period 90s


59° 59.1´ N L.Fl.W. 24° 18.4´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

92 28

12 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 029°30′-033°30′. stripe.

59° 47.0´ N Fl.W. 23° 33.0´ E period 12s fl. 1.2s, ec. 10.8s

98 30

12 White rectangular tower, red band; 79.

Radar reflector.

59° 46.6´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 23° 15.1´ E period 15s fl. 1.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 1.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 1.5s, ec. 7.5s

55 17

13 White masonry tower, two red bands.

G. 128°-200°, W.-206°, R.220°, G.-358°, W.-014°, R.-056°.

EKENAS (TAMMISAARI): 14944 -Langden. C 4991.6

-RACON 14946 Ajax. C 4991.7

15124 Kummelskar Range, front. C 4932

15128 -Rear, 055° from front. C 4932.1

M(– –) period 30s


59° 43.6´ N Q.(5)Y. 23° 12.8´ E period 6s

39 12

5 White mast, red band.

Radar reflector.

59° 49.0´ N Q.W. 23° 06.0´ E

30 9

6 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 053°-057°. stripe.

59° 49.0´ N L.Fl.W. 23° 07.0´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

62 19

6 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 053°-057°. stripe.

15142 Inre Vasterlandet, RACON.

59° 47.7´ N T(–) 23° 03.1´ E period 90s

15148 Norr Andalskar Range, front.

59° 48.7´ N Q.W. 23° 00.7´ E

30 9

3 Column, yellow rectangular daymark, red stripe.

59° 48.8´ N L.Fl.W. 23° 00.3´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

49 15

3 Yellow rectangular daymark, red Visible 302°-306°. stripe.

59° 48.0´ N Q.W. 22° 57.0´ E

69 21

6 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 264°-268°. stripe.

C 4916

15148.1 -Graskar, 400 meters 304° from C 4916.1 front. 15164 -Ryssokobb Range, front. C 4919



Visible 302°-306°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


15168 - -Rear, 490 meters 266° from front.

59° 47.6´ N L.Fl.W. 22° 56.1´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

104 32

15172 Gustavsvarn.

59° 48.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 22° 56.6´ E period 10s fl. 1s, ec. 2s fl. 1s, ec. 6s

59 18

12 Red round tower, red lantern, white top.

59° 47.0´ N Q.W. 22° 54.0´ E

16 5

11 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 271°-275°. stripe.

59° 46.9´ N L.Fl.W. 22° 53.4´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

56 17

12 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 271°-275°. stripes.

59° 47.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 22° 54.0´ E period 3s

36 11

4 Steel pole.

59° 49.0´ N Q.Y. 22° 55.0´ E

35 11

5 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 058°-062°. stripe. Pilot station.

59° 48.7´ N Q.Y. 22° 55.1´ E

56 17

5 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 058°-062°. stripe.

C 4892

15196 Hangoudd Range, front, about 686 meters 061° from breakwater, head.

59° 49.0´ N Q.W. 22° 55.0´ E

23 7

5 Yellow rectangular beacon, red stripe; 8.

15200 -Rear, 730 meters 274°30′ from front.

59° 48.8´ N L.Fl.W. 22° 54.0´ E period 6s

60 18

8 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 264°30′-283°30′. stripe.

15204 Norrkoben Range, front.

59° 47.0´ N Q.Y. 22° 55.0´ E

26 8

11 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 119°-123°. stripes.

59° 46.4´ N L.Fl.Y. 22° 56.0´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

62 19

11 Yellow rectangular daymark, red Visible 119°-123°. stripes.

59° 44.1´ N V.Q.(3)W. 23° 02.5´ E period 5s

39 12

6 E. CARDINAL BYB, beacon, topmark.

112 34

17 Red octagonal tower; 70.

C 4919.1

C 4918.4

15176 Abertsklackarna Range, front. C 4915.7

15180 -Rear, 273° from front. C 4915.71

15184 Albertsklackarna. C 4915.3

15188 Tulliniemi Range, front. C 4888

15192 -Rear, 060° from front. C 4888.1

C 4892.1

C 4915.6

15208 Russaro, rear, 121° from front. C 4915.61

15210 Hanko, No. 1. C 4919.4

15212 -Russaro. C 4912

15216 Lindskar Range, front. C 4915.8

15220 Vasterbadan, 235° from front. C 4915.81

15224 -Lilla Tarnskar. C 4910

-RACON 15228 -Masskar Range, front.

59° 46.0´ N Fl.(4)W. 22° 57.0´ E period 45s fl. 1.4s, ec. 6.1s fl. 1.4s, ec. 6.1s fl. 1.4s, ec. 6.1s fl. 1.4s, ec. 21.1s

7 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 264°-270°. stripe. G. 113°-154°, W.-167°, R.237°, G.-313°, W.-322°, R.-337°.

G. 130°-141°, W.-143°30′, R.160°.

Visible 270°30′-278°30′.

Visible 174°-115°. Reserve light range 16M.

59° 46.0´ N Q.W. 22° 58.0´ E

38 12

12 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 233°-237°. stripe.

59° 45.2´ N L.Fl.W. 22° 56.3´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

71 22

14 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 233°-237°. stripe.

59° 45.2´ N Fl.W. 22° 58.0´ E period 5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

34 10

T(–) period 30s

8 Black concrete structure; 10.


59° 48.0´ N Q.W. 22° 55.0´ E

31 9

9 Yellow rectangular structure, red Visible 357°-005°. stripe. Occasional.

15232 - -Rear, 463 meters 001° from front.

59° 47.8´ N L.Fl.W. 22° 55.0´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

58 18

9 White rectangular daymark, red stripe.

15236 -Granskarsgrund Range, front.

59° 48.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 22° 54.0´ E period 3s fl. 1s, ec. 2s

26 8

4 Lantern on roof of warehouse, G. 079°-092°, W.-096°30′, R.SE. side painted black, white 137°, W. 310°30′stripe. 314°30′. Occasional.

59° 48.2´ N Iso.W. 22° 52.9´ E period 4s

36 11

9 Black rectangular daymark, white stripe.

59° 48.4´ N Fl.W. 22° 58.1´ E period 3s

26 8

C 4914

C 4914.1

C 4915

15240 - -Kistskar, rear, 312° from front. C 4915.1

15244 -Djupkobben Range, front. C 4920.2


10 Mast, red rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

Visible 357°-005°. Occasional.

Visible 308°-316°. Occasional. Visible 324°30′-329°30′.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


15248 - -Rear, about 1.6 km. 327° from front.

59° 49.1´ N Iso.W. 22° 57.0´ E period 12s

72 22

15252 -Hogholm (Hanko), mole, head.

59° 49.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 22° 57.0´ E

23 7

5 White hut.

C 4924

59° 49.0´ N F.R. 22° 58.0´ E

19 6

6 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 240°-060°. stripe.

15260 - -Rear, 238 meters 330° from front.

59° 49.3´ N F.R. 22° 57.9´ E

39 12

6 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 240°-060°. stripe.

15264 -Hakoniemi Range, front.

59° 49.3´ N Q.Y. 22° 55.6´ E

56 17

6 Framework tower, red Visible 315°-323°. rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

59° 49.4´ N L.Fl.Y. 22° 55.2´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

85 26

9 Mast, red rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

C 4906

59° 43.0´ N Fl.(3)W. 22° 30.0´ E period 20s

167 51

15284 Lilla Grankskarsharun Range, front.

59° 48.0´ N Q.Y. 22° 52.0´ E

23 7

11 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 299°-303°. stripes.

15288 Grankskarsharun, rear 301° from front.

59° 47.8´ N L.Fl.Y. 22° 51.5´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

55 17

13 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 299°-303°. stripes.

15289 Granskar.

59° 47.3´ N V.Q.(3)W. 22° 52.9´ E period 5s

40 12

4 E. CARDINAL BYB, beacon, topmark.

59° 47.1´ N V.Q.(6)+L.Fl.W. 22° 53.9´ E period 10s

40 12

4 S. CARDINAL YB, beacon, topmark.

59° 47.8´ N Iso.W.R.G. 22° 51.9´ E period 2s

25 8

6 White concrete tower, red band. G. 137°-148°, W.-156°, R.210°, G.-239°, W.242°30′, R.-272°.

C 4920.21

C 4922

15256 -Hanko Range, front.

C 4924.1

C 4920.4

15264.1 - -Rear, 0.3km 319° from front. 4 920.4 1

15268 -Bengtskar.

C 4915.5

C 4915.51

C 4915.54

15290 Vasteristron. C 4915.57

15292 Granskarsharun. C 4884

RACON 15296 Utterklint.

T(–) period 90s

14 Mast, red rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

Visible 324°30′-329°30′. By day: range 8M, visible 321°30′-332°30′. G. 024°-037°, W.-049°, R.060°, G.-070°, W.-083°, R.-110°, W.-260°.

Visible 315°-323°.

10 Granite tower on house; 150.


59° 49.0´ N V.Q.(2)W. 22° 51.0´ E period 3s

33 10

4 Red wooden structure.

Visible 256°-191°.

59° 48.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 22° 54.0´ E period 3s fl. 1s, ec. 2s

16 5

5 White hut, red band.

G. 250°-270°, W.-274°, R.295°, G.-003°, W.-011°, R.-070°.

59° 49.0´ N Q.Y. 22° 50.0´ E

16 5

5 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 224°-228°. stripes.

15308 Stenskarskobben, rear, 1,667 meters 226° from front.

59° 48.2´ N L.Fl.Y. 22° 48.7´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

56 17

11 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 224°-228°. stripes.

15312 Norrgardskobben Range, front.

59° 49.0´ N Q.W. 22° 50.0´ E

16 5

5 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 319°-323°. stripes.

15316 Klockarlandet, rear, 1,741 meters 321° from front.

59° 50.2´ N L.Fl.W. 22° 48.4´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

56 17

6 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 319°-323°. stripes.

15320 Tullholm, N. point.

59° 48.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 22° 55.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s

26 8

6 Round daymark.

G. 063°-073°, W.-090°, R.194°, G.-263°30′, R.283°.

59° 50.0´ N Fl.G. 22° 51.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s

43 13

4 STARBOARD (A) G, beacon.

Radar reflector.

59° 50.0´ N Fl.R. 22° 51.0´ E period 3s 2.7 fl.

43 13

4 PORT (A) R, beacon.

Radar reflector.

C 4881

15300 Kajgrund. C 4885

15304 Dodoren Range, front. C 4915.2

C 4915.21

C 4915.4

C 4915.41

C 4886

15322 -Smorsten N. C 4876

15323 - -Smorsten S. C 4876.5


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


JUNGFRUSUND: 15324 -Lillklippingsgrund.

59° 50.0´ N L.Fl.W.R.G. 22° 52.0´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

17 5

7 Round tower on concrete base. Floodlit.

59° 51.0´ N Iso.Y. 22° 58.0´ E period 2s

56 17

Mast, red rectangular daymark; 55.

Visible 096°-104°.

15336 - -Rear, 330 meters 100°12′ from front.

59° 50.9´ N Iso.Y. 22° 58.4´ E period 2s

95 29

Mast, red rectangular daymark, white stripe; 66.

Visible 096°-104°. Synchronized with front.

15340 -Krakudden Fishing Range, front.

59° 50.0´ N F.R. 22° 56.0´ E

26 8

Gray round daymark on post.

Shown on request. Fishing light.

15344 - -Rear, 203° from front.

59° 50.1´ N F.R. 22° 55.5´ E

36 11

Gray round daymark on post.

Shown on request. Fishing light.

59° 50.0´ N Q.Y. 22° 56.0´ E

31 9

11 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 116°-133°. stripe.

15352 - -Rear, Kasberget, 457 meters 123°30' from front.

59° 50.2´ N L.Fl.Y. 22° 55.9´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

66 20

13 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 116°-133°. stripe.

15356 -Valnas Range, front.

59° 50.0´ N F.R. 22° 56.0´ E

23 7

Post, gray round daymark.

C 4874

Shown on request. Fishing light.

15360 - -Rear, about 57 meters 135° from front.

59° 50.3´ N F.R. 22° 56.0´ E

33 10

Post, gray round daymark.

Fishing light.

15364 -Flackgrund Range, front.

59° 52.0´ N Q.(2)W.R.G. 22° 50.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.5s, ec. 0.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s

20 6

9 Red rectangular daymark, yellow G. 270°-307°, W.-314°, R.stripe. 020°, G.-112°, W.-115°, R.-119°, G.-170°, R.270°.

15368 - -Rear, 114° from front, on islet.

59° 51.6´ N L.Fl.W. 22° 53.9´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

85 26

9 Red rectangular structure, white Visible 111°30′-115°30′. stripe.

15372 -Maltskar Range, front.

59° 51.4´ N Q.W. 22° 47.3´ E

26 8

4 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 200°-208°. stripe.

15376 - -Rear, about 1,426 meters 204° from front.

59° 50.8´ N L.Fl.W. 22° 46.7´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

69 21

5 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 200°-208°. stripe.

15384 -Stubbkal.

59° 57.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 22° 48.0´ E period 5s

42 13

7 White square hut, black borders; G. 166°30′-176°30′, W.13. 178°30′, R.-339°.

59° 55.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 22° 40.0´ E period 3s

39 12

7 Steel tower, red and white.

G. 256°-292°, W.-294°30′, R.006°, G.-100°30′ W.102°30′, R.-120°. Radar reflector.

59° 55.0´ N V.Q.(5)Y. 22° 37.0´ E period 6s

23 7

2 White shed on white concrete base.

Radar reflector.

C 4868

15396 -Matlosharun Range, common front.

59° 55.0´ N Q.Y. 22° 35.0´ E

40 12

4 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 063°-071°. stripe.


33 10


C 4878

15332 -Koppnas Range, front. C 4873.5

C 4873.51

C 4874.4

C 4874.5

15348 -Hamnholm Range, front. C 4873

C 4873.1

C 4874.1

C 4872

C 4872.1

C 4871

C 4871.1

C 4869

15388 -Lerharu. C 4868.5

15392 -Galtarna.

C 4866

G. 012°-047°30′, W.-051°, R.102°.

Visible 285°-293°.

15398 - -Rear, 067° from common front.

59° 56.0´ N L.Fl.Y. 22° 37.4´ E period 6s

105 32

5 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 063°-071°. stripe.

15400 - -Rear, 289° from common front.

59° 55.8´ N L.Fl.W. 22° 32.8´ E period 6s

110 34

7 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 287°-291°. stripe.

15404 -Flackskarsgrund Range, front.

59° 55.0´ N Q.W. 22° 38.0´ E

26 8

3 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 067°30′-097°30′. stripe.

59° 55.4´ N L.Fl.W. 22° 38.4´ E period 6s

58 18

3 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 067°30′-097°30′. stripe in center.

59° 55.0´ N V.Q.(5)R. 22° 32.0´ E period 6s

20 6

3 White hut.

C 4865.9

C 4866.1

C 4867

15408 - -Rear, 082°30′ from front. C 4867.1

15412 -Idskar. C 4861


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


15416 -Killingskar Range, common front.

59° 55.0´ N Q.W. 22° 32.0´ E

42 13

3 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 050°-058°, 258°30′stripe in center. 266°30′.

15418 - -Rear, 054° from common front.

59° 55.2´ N L.Fl.W. 22° 32.6´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

95 29

5 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 050°-058°. stripe.

15420 - -Rear, 262°30′ from common front.

59° 54.9´ N L.Fl.W. 22° 31.3´ E period 6s

72 22

5 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 259°-267°. stripe.

15432 -Batskar Range, front.

59° 54.0´ N Q.Y. 22° 30.0´ E

12 4

3 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 243°-251°. stripe in center.

59° 54.2´ N L.Fl.Y. 22° 29.1´ E period 6s

36 11

4 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 243°-251°. stripe in center.

59° 55.0´ N Q.(5)G. 22° 32.0´ E period 6s

20 6

2 White hut, black band.

Radar reflector.

59° 54.0´ N V.Q.(5)Y. 22° 28.0´ E period 6s

23 7

2 White concrete shed, red band.

Radar reflector.

59° 54.0´ N Q.W. 22° 26.0´ E

50 15

4 Steel mast, red rectangular daymark, yellow field.

Visible 144°-152°.

59° 53.7´ N L.Fl.W. 22° 25.9´ E period 6s

85 26

5 Steel mast, red rectangular daymark, yellow field.

Visible 144°-152°.

C 4856

15464 -Pervetsgrund (Pervittenskar) Range, front.

59° 54.0´ N Q.W. 22° 25.0´ E

20 6

3 Yellow rectangular daymark, red Visible 286°-318°. stripe.

15468 - -Aggaskar, rear, about 500 meters 302° from front.

59° 54.4´ N L.Fl.W. 22° 24.4´ E period 6s

34 10

3 Yellow rectangular daymark, red Visible 286°-318°. stripe.

15470 -Kalholm.

59° 55.0´ N Q.(2)W.R.G. 22° 24.0´ E period 3s

21 6

6 White steel mast, red band.

G. 092°-169°, W.-171°, R.272°, G.-314°.

59° 56.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 22° 23.0´ E period 2s

23 7

5 Steel mast.

G. 296°-326°30′, W.-238°30′, R.-340°30′.

59° 57.0´ N Q.(3)W.R.G. 22° 23.0´ E period 6s fl. 0.6s, ec. 0.6s fl. 0.6s, ec. 0.6s fl. 0.6s, ec. 3s

23 7

6 Red rectangular daymark.

G. 137°-184°, W.-185°30′, R.245°30′, G.-010°.

59° 58.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 22° 23.0´ E period 3s

10 3

7 White hut; 7.

G. 342°-352°, W.-356°, R.051°, G.-189°. Pilot station.

59° 53.0´ N U.Q.(2)W.R.G. 22° 25.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.2s, ec. 0.3s fl. 0.2s, ec. 2.3s

23 7

5 Lantern on red concrete shed.

R. 202°-236°, G.-027°, W.029°, R.-110°. Radar reflector.

C 4863

59° 53.0´ N Q.W. 22° 25.0´ E

25 8

3 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 244°30′-276°30′. stripe in center.

15488 - -Rear, about 926 meters 260°30′ from front.

59° 53.7´ N L.Fl.W. 22° 23.5´ E period 6s

49 15

3 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 244°30′-276°30′. stripe in center.

15492 -Kalvholm Range, front.

59° 52.0´ N Q.W. 22° 25.0´ E

24 7

4 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 230°-238°. stripe in center.

59° 52.2´ N L.Fl.W. 22° 24.1´ E period 6s

59 18

5 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 230°-238°. stripe in center.

59° 53.0´ N Fl.W. 22° 23.0´ E period 2s fl. 0.3s, ec. 1.7s

30 9

10 Red daymark, yellow stripe.

Visible 086°30′-090°30′.

59° 53.4´ N L.Fl.W. 22° 24.1´ E period 8s fl. 2s, ec. 6s

108 33

11 Red daymark, yellow stripe.

Visible 086°30′-090°30′.

59° 53.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 22° 24.0´ E period 3s fl. 1s, ec. 2s

17 5

C 4864

C 4863.9

C 4864.1

C 4865

15436 - -Rear, 247° from front. C 4865.1

15448 -Idskarskubb. C 4862

15452 -Jarngrynnan. C 4860

15456 -Fungskar Range, front. C 4858

15460 - -Rear, 148° from front. C 4858.1

C 4856.1

C 4855

15472 -Onholm, S. side. C 4854

15474 -Hogsara. C 4853

15476 -Kuggor, W. side. C 4852

15480 -Hallsten. C 4746.8

15484 -Hamnholmarna Range, front.

C 4863.1

C 4863.5

15496 - -Rear, 234° from front. C 4863.51

15500 Angskar Range, front. C 4746

15504 -Rear, 088°30′ from front. C 4746.1

15508 Fjardskar, bank S. of Fjardskar. C 4746.2




5 White lantern on white concrete G. 275°-288°, W.-295°, R.hut, red band. 013°, G.-096°, W.-105°, R.-122°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


15509 Hemoren. C 4745.74

15510 Tjuforn. C 4745.76

15512 Vitgrund Range, front. C 4745.8

15516 -Rear, 286° from front. C 4745.81

15520 Laderklobb Range, front. C 4746.6

15524 -Rear, 079° from front. C 4745.61

59° 53.0´ N Fl.G. 22° 13.4´ E period 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s

23 7

2 Green metal structure, triangular daymark.

59° 54.3´ N Fl.G. 22° 13.2´ E period 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s

23 7

2 Green metal structure, triangular daymark.

59° 54.0´ N Q.W. 22° 20.0´ E

16 5

4 Red daymark, yellow stripe.

Visible 282°-300°.

59° 53.8´ N L.Fl.W. 22° 19.0´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

52 16

5 Red daymark, yellow stripe.

Visible 282°-300°.

59° 54.0´ N Q.Y. 22° 10.0´ E

26 8

8 Red daymark, yellow stripe.

Visible 076°30′-080°30′.

59° 53.8´ N L.Fl.Y. 22° 11.4´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

96 29

9 Red daymark, yellow stripe.

Visible 076°30′-080°30′.


15780 Lillharun. C 4732

RACON 15800 Uto. C 4736

59° 43.6´ N Fl.W.R.G. 21° 24.2´ E period 7s

55 17

T(–) period 90s

G. 262°-340°, W.-045°, R.101°, G.-148°, W.-156°, R.-172°. Radar reflector.


59° 47.0´ N Fl.(2)W. 21° 22.0´ E period 12s fl. 0.3s, ec. 3.2s fl. 0.3s, ec. 8.2s F.W.

15804 Kokarsoren.

10 Black concrete tower; 31.

130 40

17 Square granite tower, red and white stripes; 78.

Visible 235°-100°. Pilot station.

125 38


Visible 163°-253°.

59° 46.0´ N Fl.W. 21° 01.0´ E period 5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

79 24

C 4734

59° 47.0´ N Q.W.R.G.Y. 21° 22.0´ E

43 13

14 Red rectangular board, yellow stripe, red lantern.

Y. 335°-000°, Y. (intensified)019°, Y.-090°, G.-156°, W.-165°30′, R.-176°, G.242°.

15812 - -Rear, 630 meters 009°30′ from front.

59° 47.3´ N Iso.Y. 21° 21.8´ E period 6s

85 26

15 Red rectangular board, yellow stripe.

Visible 000°-019°.

15852 Skataskar Range, front. C 4739

59° 51.0´ N Q.W. 21° 20.0´ E

46 14

7 Red rectangular daymark, white Visible 347°30′-355°30′. stripe.

15856 -Rear, 365 meters 351°30′ from front.

59° 51.3´ N L.Fl.W. 21° 19.5´ E period 8s

102 31

7 Red rectangular daymark, white Visible 347°30′-355°30′. stripe.

15860 Bokullankivi.

59° 50.8´ N Fl.W.R.G. 21° 25.4´ E period 5s

30 9

C 4725

8 Red metal framework structure; 36.

Visible 262°-217°.

UTO: 15808 -Approaching Range, front.

C 4734.1

C 4739.1

C 4743.2

RACON 16092 Bogskar, on W. rock. C 4486


T(–) period 90s

9 White structure with black center G. 009°-050°, W.-054°,; 28. 165°, G.-232°30′, W.236°30′, R.-009°. 10

59° 30.3´ N Fl.(2+1)W. 20° 21.0´ E period 20s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 8.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 8.5s

91 28

T(–) period 90s

9 White tower, blue stripe. Helicopter platform.



(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


16094 Suomen Leijona. C 4487

59° 28.4´ N Fl.(2)W. 20° 48.8´ E period 12s fl. 0.4s, ec. 1.6s fl. 0.4s, ec. 9.6s

RACON 16096 Lagskar, N. point. C 4480

16100 Flothan (Flotjan). C 4482

T(–) period 30s

16106 Salkobb.

16124 Nyhamn, Lilla Batskar. C 4530

16144 Ledskar, N. point. C 4542

16158 Fastorna. C 4546

16476 Kalkskarskobb.

16480 Kihti.

85 26

T(–) period 90s

Radar reflector.

11 Red tower. 10 Red tower, white band.


59° 54.2´ N Fl.W.R.G. 20° 05.0´ E period 5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

36 11

59° 58.0´ N Fl.(2)W. 19° 58.0´ E period 6s

140 43

4 Red lantern.

W. 003°-022°, R.-090°, G.166°, W.-178°, R.-270°, G.-320°, W.-328°, R.337°, G.-003°. Fishing light.

8 Round tower, white lantern; 113. Visible 235°-152°, Range lights in line 209°, both Q.R. visible 203°-215° located close by. Pilot station.

59° 58.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 20° 10.0´ E period 5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1s fl. 0.5s, ec. 3s

30 9

8 White octagonal hut; 5. Floodlit.

R. 068°-080°, G.-095°, W.105°30′, R.-120°, G.177°, R.-217° G.-254°, W.-260°, R.-275°.

59° 51.3´ N Fl.W.R.G. 20° 20.8´ E period 5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

62 19

7 Red truncated wooden tower.

G. 193°-234°, W.-244°, R.303°, G.-333°, W.-037°, R.-074°, G.-090°, W.103°, R.-120°, G.-164°, W.-180°, R.-193°. Fishing light.

T(–) period 90s


60° 00.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 21° 05.0´ E period 5s

RACON C 4630

138 42

59° 48.4´ N Fl.(2)W. 19° 47.4´ E period 20s fl. 0.9s, ec. 1.6s fl. 0.9s, ec. 16.6s


C 4626

9 White tower, orange band. Wind generator.


59° 50.5´ N Fl.W. 19° 55.1´ E period 12s


C 4485

44 13

23 7


G. 355°-043°, W.-048°, R.087°, G.-145°, W.-155°, R.-185°, G.-222°, W.227°, R.-289°, G.-306°, W.-309°, R.-355°.


60° 04.6´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 21° 08.5´ E period 10s fl. 0.3s, ec. 1.7s fl. 0.3s, ec. 1.7s fl. 0.3s, ec. 5.7s


9 Red lantern on white concrete base.

36 11

T(–) period 90s

8 Black concrete tower; 36.

G. 083°-092°, W.-095°, R.173°, G.-239°, W.-244°, R.-268°. Radar reflector.



16668 -N. of town, AVIATION LIGHT.

60° 08.0´ N Fl.W. 19° 56.0´ E period 4s fl. 0.1s, ec. 3.9s

16744 -Korso Range, SW. point of Yttre Korso, common front.

60° 02.0´ N Iso.W.R.G. 19° 54.0´ E period 2s

C 4496

-RACON 16748 - -Rear, 180 meters 066° from common front.

C 4496.1

266 81 23 7


28 Concrete structure; 49.

Shown on request.

8 Red rectangular daymark, yellow G. 318°-003°, W.-009°, R.stripe. 032°30′, G.-062°30′, W.075°, R.-179°30′. 9

60° 02.4´ N L.Fl.W. 19° 54.2´ E period 6s

56 17


15 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 062°-070°. stripe.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


16752 - -Rear, 100 meters 052° from front.

60° 02.4´ N L.Fl.G. 19° 54.1´ E period 6s

69 21

16756 Tvibenan, E. side.

60° 02.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 19° 53.0´ E

20 6

5 Post, white base.

G. 184°-210°, W.-213°, R.273°30′, G.-330°, W.341°30′, R.-070°, obscured-184°.

60° 01.9´ N Q.(3)W.R.G. 19° 52.5´ E period 6s

47 14

9 Round tower, black and red stripes; 36. Floodlit.

W. 007°-120°, R.-175°, G.219°, W.-244°, R.-333°, G.-007°.

60° 05.0´ N Fl.W. 19° 42.4´ E period 3s fl. 0.2s, ec. 2.8s

27 8

4 White beacon, orange band; 20. Radar reflector.

60° 11.2´ N V.Q.(4)W. 19° 10.2´ E period 8s fl. 0.3s, ec. 0.3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 0.3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 0.3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 5.9s

46 14

6 White mast, red bands.

Radar reflector.

60° 11.0´ N Q.(2)W.R.G. 19° 27.0´ E period 5s fl. 0.3s, ec. 0.7s fl. 0.3s, ec. 3.7s

26 8

6 Orange concrete shed; 15.

W. 320°-055°, R.-088°, G.106°, W.-109°, R.-140°, G.-179°, W.-182°30′, R.195°, G.-205°, W.-234°, R.-307°, G.-320°. Radar reflector.

60° 18.1´ N Fl.W. 19° 08.0´ E period 5s

55 17

7 Tower, white and red bands; 47.

60° 21.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 19° 31.0´ E period 3s

33 10

5 Lantern on red structure.

C 4468

16800 Sodra Salskar, W. side of S. islet.

60° 25.0´ N Fl.(2)W. 19° 36.0´ E period 12s

145 44

16808 Kallan.

60° 27.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 19° 44.0´ E

26 8

4 Hut, concrete base; 10.

60° 28.1´ N Fl.W. 19° 56.4´ E period 5s

69 21

5 Lattice mast, red and white lantern.

60° 31.7´ N Q.(2)W. 20° 12.0´ E period 5s

66 20

5 Wooden building.

C 4495.9

C 4494

16760 Marhallan. C 4490

16770 Utbadan. C 4479

16774 Solovjeva. C 4473.5

16788 Tollingbadan. C 4478

16792 Market. C 4472

16796 Adskar.

C 4466

C 4465.4

16812 Koksnan. C 4465

16814 Ranno. C 4464.4

RACON 16948 Inre Bredan. C 4462.6

16952 Sandbacks Sodra, on Sandbacks Norra.

C 4450.4


T(–) period 90s

11 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 046°-058°. stripe.

G. 090°-170°, W.-178°, R.270°, G.-005°, W.-009°, R.-090°. Occasional.

12 White round brick tower; 101. W. 117°30′-148°30′, R.178°30′, G.-199°, W.216°, R.-349°, G.117°30′. Occasional.

Fishing light.


60° 35.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 20° 43.0´ E period 3s fl. 1s, ec. 2s

31 9

5 Masonry tower; 15.

60° 45.9´ N Fl.(3)W. 20° 44.7´ E period 10s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1s fl. 0.5s, ec. 6.5s

42 13

8 Orange tower; 33.




W. 169°-179°, R.-256°, G.325°, W.-330°, R.-354°, G.-169°. Occasional.

Section 10 Gulf of Bothnia - West Coast of Finland

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


16956 Ljungbergsinkivi. C 4453.3

16960 Isokari W. C 4453.4

60° 43.0´ N V.Q.W. 20° 56.0´ E

41 12

3 N. CARDINAL BY, beacon, topmark.

Radar reflector.

60° 43.0´ N Q.(5)Y. 20° 59.0´ E period 6s

41 12

2 Steel mast, red and white.

Radar reflector.

162 49

19 White tower, red bands; 122.

16968 Isokari, rear, 370 meters 342° from front.

60° 43.2´ N F.L.Fl.W. 21° 00.8´ E period 20s fl. 2.3s, ec. 17.7s

16972 Keskikallio.

60° 42.0´ N Fl.(4)W.R.G. 21° 04.0´ E period 6s

70 21

60° 39.9´ N Fl.W. 21° 04.4´ E period 2s fl. 0.3s, ec. 1.7s

37 11

C 4450

C 4453

16984 Iso Hauteri Range, front. C 4454



Pilot station.

7 White octagonal concrete tower, G. 099°-117°, W.-119°, R.upper part black; 51. 292°, G.-300°, W.-302°, R.-311°. 10 Red rectangular daymark, white Visible 132°30′-136°30′. stripe.

T(–) period 90s


16988 -Vaha Hauteri, rear, about 1, 611 meters 134°30′ from front.

60° 39.4´ N L.Fl.W. 21° 05.6´ E period 8s fl. 2s, ec. 6s

60 18

17000 Katanpaa Range, front.

60° 36.8´ N Q.W. 21° 09.8´ E

34 10

5 Red rectanglular daymark, yellow stripe.

60° 36.6´ N L.Fl.W. 21° 09.8´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

67 20

6 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 181°-189°. stripe.

60° 50.0´ N Q.W. 21° 07.0´ E

11 3

5 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 341°30′-349°30′. stripe.

60° 51.1´ N L.Fl.W. 21° 06.0´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

59 18

6 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 341°30′-349°30′. stripe. Same structure as Sammo light.

60° 48.0´ N Q.W. 21° 23.0´ E

19 6

10 Yellow rectangular daymark, red Visible 049°-069°. stripe.

60° 47.7´ N L.Fl.W. 21° 23.7´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

49 15

13 Yellow rectangular daymark, red Visible 049°-069°. stripe.

60° 53.0´ N Q.W. 21° 10.0´ E

30 9

6 Yellow rectangular daymark, red Visible 172°-176°. stripe.

17228 -Rear, 1,111 meters 174°30' from front.

60° 52.2´ N L.Fl.W. 21° 10.0´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

52 16

7 Yellow rectangular daymark, red Visible 172°-176°. stripe.

17246 -Santakarinluoto Range, front.

60° 57.3´ N Q.Y. 21° 08.5´ E

10 3

4 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 194°-202°. stripe.

60° 56.6´ N L.Fl.Y. 21° 08.0´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

52 16

5 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 194°-202°. stripe.

60° 57.0´ N Q.(2)W.R.G. 21° 10.0´ E period 6s fl. 0.5s, ec. 0.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

26 8

C 4454.1

C 4680.6

17000.1 -Rear, 185° from front. C 4680.61

17192 Sammo Range, front. C 4447.6

17196 -Rear, 2,500 meters 345°30′ from front.

C 4447.61

11 Red rectangular daymark, white Visible 132°30′-136°30′. stripe. Visible 181°-189°.

UUSUIKAUPUNKI APPROACH: 17208 -Vilissalo Range, front. C 4457.7

17212 - -Rear, 059° from front. C 4457.71

17224 Nurminen Range, front. C 4445.5

C 4445.6

C 4444.3

17246.1 - -Rear, 198° from front. C 4444.31

17248 Hylkkari. C 4445



6 Red round concrete tower, white G. 305°-320°, W.-324°, 334°, G.-356°, W.-009°, R.-111°, G.-126°, W.143°, R.-173°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


17252 Kajakulma Range, front. C 4440


60° 59.9´ N Fl.W.R.G. 21° 11.0´ E period 2s fl. 0.3s, ec. 1.7s

39 12


T(–) period 90s

7 White round concrete tower, red R. 061°-097°, G.-125°, 137°, R.-178°, G.-191°, obsc.-242°, G.-280°, W.282°, R.-284°. Radar reflector. 12

17256 -Laitakari, rear, 2.2 kilometers 132° from front.

60° 59.1´ N L.Fl.W. 21° 12.6´ E period 6s

66 20

6 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 128°-136°. stripe.

17257 -Kajaniemi Range, front.

60° 59.6´ N Q.W. 21° 10.3´ E

23 7

5 Yellow rectangular daymark, red Visible 031°-039°. stripe.

60° 59.9´ N L.Fl.W. 21° 10.8´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

39 12

6 White round concrete tower, red Visible 031°-039°. rectangular daymark, yellow Same structure as Kajakulma stripe. light.

60° 51.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 21° 06.0´ E period 5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

66 20

61° 08.9´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 21° 09.8´ E period 10s fl. 1s, ec. 2s fl. 1s, ec. 6s

72 22

C 4440.1

C 4444.4

17257.1 - -Rear, 035° from front. C 4444.41

17260 Sammo. C 4447


8 Brown tower; 26.

G. 050°-102°, W.-105°, R.164°, G.-201°, W.-207°, R.-230°, G.-261°, W.272°, R.-305°.

RAUMA: 17268 -Main. C 4417


T(–) period 90s

11 White tower, red top. Helicopter platform.

R. 180°-243°, G.-317°, W.332°, R.-356°30′, G.065°, W.-180°. Reduced intensity 336°-345°.


-Nine Meter Channel: C 4418

17272 - -Rihtniemi Range, front.

61° 05.6´ N Iso.W. 21° 16.9´ E period 4s

45 14

9 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 115°-123°. stripe.

17276 - - -Rear, 1380 meters 119° from front.

61° 05.3´ N Iso.W. 21° 18.2´ E period 12s

85 26

9 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 115°-123°. stripe.

17280 - -Urmluoto Range, front.

61° 05.2´ N Iso.W. 21° 21.0´ E period 2s

58 18

8 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 106°30′-114°30′. field.

17284 - - -Rear, 1250 meters 110°30′ from front.

61° 05.0´ N Iso.W. 21° 22.3´ E period 6s

110 34

8 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 106°30′-114°30′. stripe.

17288 - -No. 1.

61° 06.0´ N Fl.R. 21° 16.0´ E period 3s

39 12

4 PORT (A) R, tower, topmark.

Radar reflector.

61° 06.1´ N Fl.G. 21° 15.8´ E period 3s

39 12

4 STARBOARD (A) G, tower, topmark.

Radar reflector.

61° 06.0´ N Fl.R. 21° 17.0´ E period 3s

39 12

2 PORT (A) R, tower, topmark.

Radar reflector.

61° 05.9´ N Fl.G. 21° 16.9´ E period 3s

39 12

2 STARBOARD (A) G, tower, topmark.

Radar reflector.

61° 06.0´ N Fl.R. 21° 18.0´ E period 3s

39 12

4 PORT (A) R, tower, topmark.

Radar reflector.

61° 07.1´ N Iso.G. 21° 25.8´ E period 2s

43 13

3 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 064°30′-072°30′. stripe. Range 10M in fog.

135 41

10 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 064°30′-072°30′. stripe.

C 4418.1

C 4418.3

C 4418.31

C 4418.5

17292 - -No. 2. C 4418.6

17296 - -No. 3. C 4418.7

17300 - -No. 4. C 4418.8

17304 - -No. 5. C 4418.9

17308 - -Iso Jarviluoto Range, front. C 4419

17312 - - -Rear, 1100 meters 068°30′ from front.

61° 07.3´ N Iso.G. 21° 27.1´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

17316 - -No. 6.

61° 06.0´ N Fl.G. 21° 20.0´ E period 3s

39 12

2 STARBOARD (A) G, tower, topmark.

Radar reflector.

61° 06.0´ N Fl.G. 21° 21.0´ E period 3s

39 12

3 STARBOARD (A) G, tower, topmark.

Radar reflector.

61° 07.6´ N Iso.W. 21° 25.8´ E period 2s

62 19

6 Gray pillar.

Visible 024°-054°. Range 11M in fog.

C 4419.1

C 4419.3

17320 - -No. 8. C 4419.4

17321 -Hakuni Range, front. C 4419.7


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


17321.1 - -Rear, about 600 meters 039° from front.

61° 07.9´ N Iso.W. 21° 26.2´ E period 6s

82 25

7 Gray beacon.

17321.5 -Metsa-Rauma Range, front.

61° 06.9´ N Q.R. 21° 27.3´ E

43 13

6 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 082°30′-090°30′. stripe.

61° 06.9´ N L.Fl.R. 21° 27.6´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

65 20

6 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 082°30′-090°30′. stripe.

61° 08.0´ N Q.(5)Y. 21° 16.0´ E period 6s

39 12

2 White steel mast, upper part red. Radar reflector.

C 4419.71

C 4419.2

17321.51 - -Rear, 230 meters 086°30′ C 4419.21 from front. 17324 -Kalapuda. C 4421.6

17328 -Kylmapihlaja. C 4421

17329 - -Range, front.

61° 09.0´ N Fl.(4)W. 21° 18.0´ E period 45s fl. 1s, ec. 3.5s fl. 1s, ec. 3.5s fl. 1s, ec. 3.5s fl. 1s, ec. 30.5s

118 36

17 White tower, red top; 105.

Visible 024°-054°. Synchronized with front. Range 11M in fog.

Radar reflector.

C 4421.4

61° 08.6´ N Q.W. 21° 18.4´ E

13 4

17329.1 - - -Rear, about about 100 meters 207° from front.

61° 08.5´ N Iso.W.R.G. 21° 18.4´ E period 3s

30 9

C 4421.5

61° 08.6´ N Q.W. 21° 18.1´ E

23 7

6 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 059°30′-067°30′. stripe.

17330.1 - -Rear, about 260 meters 063°30′ from front.

61° 08.7´ N Q.W. 21° 18.3´ E

46 14

6 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 059°30′-067°30′. stripe. Synchronized with front.

17332 -Kuuskajaskari Range, common front.

61° 08.0´ N F.W. 21° 22.0´ E

13 4


13 4

61° 08.2´ N F.W. 21° 22.0´ E

13 4

61° 08.3´ N F.R. 21° 22.0´ E

20 6

3 Red rectangular daymark.

61° 08.8´ N Fl.W.R.G. 21° 18.9´ E period 2s

26 8

5 On roof of storage shed; 10.

C 4421.8

61° 08.3´ N Q.W. 21° 19.5´ E

26 8

3 Yellow rectangular daymark, red Visible 091°30′-121°30′. stripe.

17346.1 - -Rear, about 170 meters 106°30′ from front.

61° 08.3´ N L.Fl.W. 21° 19.6´ E period 6s

46 14

3 Yellow rectangular daymark, red Visible 091°30′-121°30′. stripe.

61° 12.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 21° 20.0´ E period 6s fl. 0.6s, ec. 5.4s

62 19

9 Yellow rectangular daymark, red G. 331°-016°, R.-035°, 063°, W.-089°, R.-196°.

61° 10.5´ N Q.W. 21° 21.0´ E

27 8

2 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 317°-349°. stripe; 10.

61° 10.6´ N L.Fl.W. 21° 21.0´ E period 6s

49 15

3 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 317°-349°. stripe; 39.

61° 08.1´ N Q.W. 21° 23.5´ E

38 12


Visible 149°-157°.

61° 08.0´ N L.Fl.W. 21° 23.7´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

58 18


Visible 149°-157°.

61° 09.7´ N Q.Y. 21° 23.2´ E

27 8

8 Yellow rectangular daymark, red Visible 099°-107°. stripe.

61° 09.5´ N L.Fl.Y. 21° 24.8´ E period 8s fl. 2s, ec. 6s

70 21

8 Yellow rectangular daymark, red Visible 099°-107°. stripe.

C 4421.41

17330 - -Range, front.

C 4421.51

C 4437.11

17336 - -Rear, 265°30′ from front. C 4437.1

17340 - -Rear, 305°30′ from front. C 4438.1

17344 -Kloppi. C 4421.7

17346 -Katavalouttu Range, front.

C 4421.81

17348 -Nurmes. C 4422

17352 -Pihlus Range, front. C 4425

17356 - -Rear, 333° from front. C 4425.1

17358 -Pajukari Range, front. c 4437

17358.1 - -Rear, 280 meters 153° from front.

c 4437.01

17360 -Suokari Range, front. C 4424

17364 - -Rear, 1482 meters 103° from front.

C 4424.1


2 White rectangular daymark, red stripe. W.

3 Mast, red rectangular daymark, white stripe.

10 Red rectangular daymark.

3 10 Shed, red square wall; 8.

G. 028°-072°, W.-310°, R.028°

Visible 260°-271°. In range 265°30′ with F.W. rear light. In range 305°30′ with F.R. rear light. Visible 260°-271°.

G. 046°-007°, W.-015°, R.046°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


17368 -Valkeakari Range, front.

61° 09.5´ N Q.W. 21° 21.8´ E

16 5

3 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 294°-324°. stripe.

17372 - -Rear, on rock, 310° from front.

61° 09.6´ N L.Fl.W. 21° 21.7´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

33 10

3 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 294°-326°. stripe.

17392 -Petajas Range, front.

61° 08.0´ N Q.W. 21° 27.0´ E

19 6

8 Yellow rectangular daymark, red Visible 098°-106°. stripe.

61° 08.1´ N Fl.W. 21° 26.7´ E period 6s

46 14

8 Yellow rectangular daymark, red Visible 098°-106°. stripe.

61° 07.6´ N F.R. 21° 27.6´ E

62 19

1 Metal mast.

Visible 347°30′-157°30′.

61° 07.7´ N F.R. 21° 27.9´ E

98 30

1 Metal mast.

Visible 167°30′-337°30′.

61° 07.6´ N F.G. 21° 28.0´ E

16 5

1 Post, green triangular daymark, point up.

61° 07.6´ N F.R. 21° 28.6´ E

30 9

1 Mast.

Visible 001°30′-171°30′.

61° 07.6´ N F.R. 21° 28.8´ E

46 14

1 Mast.

Visible 001°30′-171°30′.

61° 08.0´ N Q.W. 21° 22.0´ E

20 6

3 Red rectangular daymark, white Visible 225°-257°. stripe; 12.

61° 07.6´ N L.Fl.W. 21° 21.1´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

33 10

3 Red rectangular daymark, white Visible 225°-257°. stripe.

61° 16.1´ N Fl.W.R.G. 21° 21.2´ E period 5s

34 10

61° 21.7´ N Q.W. 21° 25.2´ E

C 4430

C 4430.1

C 4432.3

17396 - -Rear, 102° from front. C 4432.31

17406 -Satama Range, front. C 4434

17406.1 - -Rear, about 210 meters C 4434.1 072°30′ from front. 17407 -Martinkarta. C 4435

17407.5 -Svoja Range, front. C 4435.3

17407.51 - -Rear, about 180 meters 086° C 4435.31 from front. 17408 -Rounakari Range, front. C 4436

17412 - -Rear, 241° from front. C 4436.1

17436 Kalla.

7 Grey tower.

R. 007°-036°, G.-093°, W.184°, R.-215°, G.-256°, W.-007°.

16 5

4 Mast, red rectangular daymark, white stripe.

Visible 057°-065°.

61° 22.0´ N L.Fl.W. 21° 25.8´ E period 6s

53 16

5 Mast, red rectangular daymark, white stripe.

Visible 057°-065°.

61° 27.8´ N F.W. 21° 34.1´ E

20 6

8 Post, white triangular daymark, point up.

Visible 095°30′-099°30′.

C 4399

17444 -Rear, 366 meters 096°30′ from front.

61° 27.8´ N F.W. 21° 34.6´ E

75 23

8 Post, white triangular daymark, point down.

Visible 095°30′-099°30′.

17448 Sappi.

61° 28.6´ N Fl.(2+1)W. 21° 20.8´ E period 30s fl. 0.4s, ec. 3.4s fl. 0.4s, ec. 12.7s fl. 0.4s, ec. 12.7s

C 4406

17438 Fransinkari Range, front. C 4404

17438.1 -Rear, 061° from front. C 4404.1

17440 Viasvesi Range, front.

C 4399.1

C 4398

17452 Kaijakari.

114 35


10 White round tower; 102.

61° 37.0´ N Fl.(2)W. 21° 22.0´ E period 20s

65 20

61° 35.7´ N Iso.W.R.G. 21° 28.0´ E period 2s

36 11

9 White tower.

G. 106°-123°, W.-128°, R.155°, G.-195°, W.-208°, R.-264°. Radiobeacon , about 183 meters SSW.

17460 -Uniluoto, Pori approach, rear, 792 meters 124°30′ from front.

61° 35.4´ N Iso.W. 21° 28.5´ E period 4s

85 26

5 Steel framework mast, yellow rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 108°30′-140°30′.

17462 Morris.

61° 34.8´ N Fl.(2)R. 21° 24.7´ E period 6s

43 13

4 PORT (A) R, mast, topmark.

C 4374

17456 Kallo Range, front. C 4376

C 4376.1

C 4382

RACON 17463 Levo Range, front.

T(–) period 30s

10 Metal framework tower, white lantern.

Intensified 350°-115°.


61° 35.3´ N Iso.W. 21° 30.1´ E period 4s

28 9


14 Steel mast.

Visible 070°30′-074°30′. By day: range 7M, visible 067°-077°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


17463.1 -Rear, 800 meters 072°30′ from front.

61° 35.4´ N Iso.W. 21° 31.0´ E period 12s

87 27

17464 Vassikkaniemi (Mantyluoto) Range, front.

61° 36.0´ N Q.Y. 21° 30.0´ E

47 14

8 White rectangular daymark, red field.

Visible 108°-145°.

17468 -Rear, about 305 meters 126°30′ from front.

61° 35.6´ N L.Fl.Y. 21° 29.6´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

77 23

8 White rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 108°-145°.

17472 -Kirrinsanta Range, front. C 4390

61° 36.0´ N F.R. 21° 30.0´ E

17476 - -Rear, 350 meters 090° from front.

61° 35.8´ N F.R. 21° 30.5´ E

61° 36.3´ N Q.(4)W.R.G. 21° 27.4´ E period 6s fl. 0.3s, ec. 0.5s fl. 0.3s, ec. 0.5s fl. 0.3s, ec. 0.5s fl. 0.3s, ec. 3.3s

32 10


G. 291°-085°30′, W.-091°, R.111°.

17484 -Commercial Harbor Range, front.

61° 37.0´ N F.R. 21° 27.0´ E

44 13

4 Steel structure, red stripe, white Visible 215°30′-035°30′. triangular daymark. The channel to Bjorneborg is marked by 3 F.R. lights on the N. and E. sides, and 3 F.W. lights on the S. and W. sides.

17488 - -Naval Harbor, rear, on quay, 685 meters 305°30′ from front.

61° 37.1´ N F.R. 21° 26.0´ E

77 23

4 Lantern on chimney.

Visible 215°30′-035°30′.

17492 Kupeli.

61° 38.1´ N Fl.W.R.G. 21° 20.2´ E period 5s

36 11

7 White mast, red stripe.

W. 000°-090°, R.-222°, G.247°, W.-253°, R.-324°, G.-000°. Radar reflector.

C 4388

C 4388.1

C 4390.1

14 Steel mast.

Visible 070°30′-074°30′. By day: range 8M, visible 067°-077°.

REPOSAARI: 17480 -Rafso. C 4378

C 4394

C 4394.1

C 4369

RACON 17496 Kallo-Tiepenger Range, front. C 4384

17500 -Rear, 051° from front. C 4384.1

17504 Kooshaka Range, front. C 4385

17508 -Rear, 033° from front. C 4385.1

17510 Tahkoluoto Range, front. C 4366

17510.1 -Rear, 133°30′ from front. C 4366.1

17534 Porin Majakka. C 4365

RACON 17544 Stakki Range, front. C 4356

T(–) period 90s

Metal framework structure, white lantern.


61° 36.0´ N Q.W. 21° 28.0´ E

32 10

9 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 047°-055°. stripe.

61° 36.9´ N L.Fl.W. 21° 30.4´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

94 29

12 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 049°-053°. stripe.

61° 37.0´ N Q.Y. 21° 29.0´ E

17 5

7 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 029°-039°. stripe.

61° 37.3´ N L.Fl.Y. 21° 29.4´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

43 13

7 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 016°-050°. stripe.

61° 38.3´ N Iso.W. 21° 24.0´ E period 2s

43 13

17 Steel framework mast, red Visible 129°-138°. rectangular daymarks, yellow stripes.

61° 38.0´ N L.Fl.W. 21° 24.5´ E period 6s

105 32

18 Steel framework mast, red Visible 129°-138°. rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

61° 42.4´ N Fl.W. 21° 13.9´ E period 12s fl. 0.5s, ec. 11.5s

60 18

T(–) period 90s

10 Steel caisson, yellow and black.


61° 51.0´ N Q.W. 21° 19.0´ E

35 11


5 White rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 076°30′-092°30′. Shown on request.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


17548 -Rear, 084°30′ from front.

61° 51.2´ N L.Fl.W. 21° 19.6´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

53 16

6 White rectangular daymark, red stripe.

61° 55.0´ N Q.W. 21° 21.0´ E

23 7

6 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 024°-032°. field. Radar reflector.

17604 -Rear, about 914 meters 028° from front.

61° 55.4´ N L.Fl.W. 21° 21.2´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

66 20

7 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 024°-032°. field.

17608 Kasala Range, front.

61° 56.5´ N Q.W. 21° 21.1´ E

49 15

8 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 086°-090°. stripe.

61° 56.6´ N L.Fl.W. 21° 21.6´ E period 6s

102 31

9 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 086°-090°. stripe.

61° 55.8´ N Fl.(2)W. 21° 16.8´ E period 20s

52 16

C 4356.1

17600 Malskeri Range, front. C 4352

C 4352.1

C 4350

17610 -Rear, 088° from front. C 4350.1

17612 -Merikarvia. C 4351

-RACON 17616 Yttergrund. C 4348

17628 Sandskar-Idgrund Range, front. C 4340

17632 -Rear, 090° from front. C 4340.1

T(–) period 30s

Visible 076°30′-092°30′. Shown on request.

7 Red steel mast, two white bands. Radar reflector. 10

61° 59.0´ N L.Fl.(3)W. 21° 18.0´ E period 30s fl. 2.5s, ec. 2.5s fl. 2.5s, ec. 2.5s fl. 2.5s, ec. 17.5s

143 44

16 White round tower, upper part red; 134.

Visible 336°-180°.

62° 08.0´ N Q.R. 21° 18.0´ E

31 9

9 Post.

Visible 083°-097°. Fishing light.

62° 08.0´ N L.Fl.R. 21° 17.7´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

44 13

9 Post.

Visible 083°-097°. Fishing light.

62° 11.5´ N Q.W. 21° 20.0´ E

56 17

7 White square concrete tower, red Visible 067°-075°. rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

62° 12.0´ N L.Fl.W. 21° 23.0´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

80 24

8 White square masonry tower, red Visible 067°-075°. rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

62° 13.3´ N Q.(5)W. 21° 15.3´ E period 6s

43 13

4 White steel mast, red band, on concrete base.

62° 12.2´ N Fl.(2)W. 21° 10.4´ E period 20s

75 23

KRISTINESTAD APPROACH: 17648 -Harkmeri Range, front. C 4330

17652 - -Rear, 071° from front. C 4330.1

17662 -Norra Storbadan. C 4328.3

17663 -Kristiiankaupunki. C 4328.2

-RACON 17680 -Batskar Range, front. C 4328

17684 - -Rear, 059° from front. C 4328.1

17704 Gasberget, S. point of islet. C 4326

17708 Salgrund. C 4318

17720 -Storremmargrund. C 4321.5


T(–) period 30s

12 Yellow steel mast, black top. 13

62° 14.7´ N Q.W. 21° 18.6´ E 62° 15.1´ N L.Fl.W. 21° 19.4´ E period 6s

47 14

10 Steel mast, red rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

Visible 056°-062°.

108 33

11 Steel mast, red rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

Visible 056°-062°.

62° 17.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 21° 18.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s

31 9

62° 20.0´ N L.Fl.W. 21° 12.0´ E period 30s fl. 3.2s, ec. 26.8s

99 30

62° 19.8´ N F.W. 21° 12.8´ E

24 7

T(–) period 30s

7 White octagonal hut, concrete base.

16 White round stone tower, red bands; 83. 2 White tower, red stripe. Floodlit. 10


W. 223°-013°, G.-045°, W.074°, R.-088°, W.-092°, R.-103°, W.-163°. Occasional. Storm signals. Pilot station. Radar reflector.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


17760 Rovargrund.

62° 28.1´ N Fl.W.R.G. 21° 08.1´ E period 5s

33 10

4 White tower, red base.

G. 010°-059°, W.-100°, R.145° Fishing light.

62° 35.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 21° 03.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s

39 12

4 Post; 8.

W. 009°-057°, R.-096°, G.128°, W.-133°, R.-230°, G.-311°, W.-317°, R.343°, G.-009°. Fishing light.

62° 40.1´ N Q.W. 21° 05.2´ E

18 5

6 Tripod, red rectangular daymark, Visible 128°30′-136°30′. yellow stripe.

62° 40.7´ N L.Fl.W. 21° 05.8´ E

66 20

7 Tripod, red rectangular daymark, Visible 128°30′-136°30′. yellow stripe.

62° 41.6´ N Q.Y. 21° 05.3´ E

24 7

4 Tripod, yellow rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 051°30′-063°30′.

62° 41.6´ N L.Fl.Y. 21° 05.5´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

46 14

5 Tripod, yellow rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 051°30′-063°30′.

62° 44.0´ N Q.Y. 21° 08.0´ E

12 4

6 Yellow rectangular beacon, red stripe.

Visible 125°-131°. Occasional.

62° 43.9´ N Fl.Y. 21° 09.2´ E period 6s

26 8

6 Yellow rectangular beacon, red stripe.

Visible 125°-131°. Occasional.

62° 45.0´ N Q.W. 21° 08.0´ E

13 4

6 Yellow rectangular beacon, red stripe.

Visible 098°-104°. Occasional.

62° 45.2´ N Fl.W. 21° 08.9´ E period 6s

26 8

7 Yellow rectangular beacon, red stripe.

Visible 098°-104°. Occasional.

62° 49.0´ N Q.W. 21° 05.0´ E

47 14

5 Structure; 40.

Fishing light.

62° 52.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 21° 04.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s

36 11

5 Pyramidal beacon; 24.

W. 200°-024°, R.-056°, G.084°, W.-097°, R.-200°.

62° 54.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 21° 06.0´ E period 3s

13 4

4 White shed.

G. 337°-007°, W.-010°, R.040°, G. 153°-183°, W.186°, R.-216°.

62° 55.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 21° 07.0´ E period 3s

13 4

4 White shed on rock.

G. 114°-144°, W.-147°, R.177°.

62° 56.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 21° 06.0´ E period 3s

16 5

5 White shed.

G. 152°-182°, W.-186°, R.216°.

62° 58.8´ N L.Fl.(4)W.R. 20° 44.3´ E period 20s fl. 2s, ec. 2s fl. 2s, ec. 2s fl. 2s, ec. 2s fl. 2s, ec. 6s

53 16

63° 26.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 21° 31.0´ E period 10s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2s fl. 0.5s, ec. 7s

82 25

9 Red conical tower; 60.

W. 004°-065°, G.-115°, W.180°, R.-245°, G.-004°.

63° 17.1´ N Q.W. 21° 32.0´ E

39 12

8 Red rectangular beacon, white stripe.

Visible 169°-173°.

17832 - -Grillskar, rear, 1.1 km. 171° from front.

63° 16.6´ N L.Fl.W. 21° 32.0´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

73 22

9 Red rectangular beacon, white stripe.

Visible 169°-173°.

17836 -Holmgrund Range, front.

63° 14.0´ N Q.W. 21° 27.9´ E

35 11

7 Yellow rectangular beacon, red stripe.

Visible 191°-199°.

C 4241

17840 - -Replot, rear, about 1,574 meters 195° from front.

63° 12.8´ N L.Fl.W. 21° 27.2´ E period 6s

63 19

8 Yellow rectangular beacon, red stripe.

Visible 191°-199°.

C 4316

17768 Gashallan. C 4312

17769 Ytterstgrund Range, front. C 4298.5

17769.1 -Rear, 132°30′ from front. C 4298.51

17770 Halgrund Range, front. C 4298.6

17770.1 -Rear, 057°30′ from front. C 4298.61

17772 Utstenarna Range, front. C 4299

17776 -Rear, 128° from front. C 4299.1

17780 Palnasgrynnan Range, front. C 4299.2

17784 -Rear, 101° from front. C 4299.21

17800 Lillgrund. C 4300

17804 Svettgrund. C 4302

17808 Norra Salhuvudet. C 4302.02

17812 Tredjedelssternarna. C 4302.4

17816 Moikipaagrund. C 4302.6

17820 Strommingbadan, on Norra Kallan.

C 4294

13 White round tower, upper part red; 45.

W. 000°-170°, R.-200°, W. (unintensified)-310°, R.000°.

VAASA-RITGRUND APPROACH: 17824 -Ritgrund Beacon. C 4224

17828 -Truthallan Range, front. C 4238

C 4238.1

C 4241.1


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


17844 -Storgrund-Skjutskar Range, front.

63° 13.0´ N Q.W. 21° 30.0´ E

19 6

4 Yellow rectangular beacon, red stripe.

Visible 149°-179°.

C 4242

17848 - -Fjallskar Norre, rear, 1,667 meters 164° from front.

63° 12.3´ N L.Fl.W. 21° 29.3´ E period 6s

39 12

4 Yellow rectangular beacon, red stripe.

Visible 149°-179°.

17852 -Ledsten Range, front.

63° 12.5´ N Q.W. 21° 28.9´ E

16 5

5 Yellow rectangle, red stripe.

Visible 172°-204°.

C 4243

17856 - -Margetor, rear, about 2.0 kilometers 188° from front.

63° 11.3´ N L.Fl.W. 21° 28.5´ E period 6s

35 11

6 Yellow rectangular daymark, red Visible 184°-192°. stripe.

17860 -Kuisa Range, front.

63° 09.7´ N Q.W. 21° 26.6´ E

25 8

4 Yellow rectangular beacon, red stripe.

Visible 183°30′-215°30′.

C 4244

17864 - -Harmi, rear, 3.7 kilometers 199°30′ from front light.

63° 07.8´ N L.Fl.W. 21° 25.2´ E period 6s

58 18

7 Yellow rectangular beacon, red stripe.

Visible 195°30′-203°30′.

17868 -Berggrund Range, front.

63° 12.0´ N Q.W. 21° 28.0´ E

15 5

5 Yellow rectangular beacon, red stripe.

Visible 020°-050°.

C 4245

17872 -Fjallskar, rear, about 1,574 meters 035° from front.

63° 12.3´ N L.Fl.W. 21° 29.6´ E period 6s

36 11

5 Yellow rectangular beacon, red stripe.

Visible 020°-050°.

17876 -Vintervagsgrund Range, front.

63° 10.2´ N Q.W. 21° 25.4´ E

13 4

5 Yellow rectangular beacon, red stripe.

Visible 344°-015°.

C 4246

17880 - -Rear, Espskar, about 2.6 kilometers 359° from front.

63° 11.6´ N L.Fl.W. 21° 25.3´ E period 6s

37 11

6 Yellow rectangular beacon, red stripe.

Visible 355°-003°.

17884 Stigelskar Range, front.

63° 09.0´ N Q.Y. 21° 25.0´ E

19 6

C 4242.1

C 4243.1

C 4244.1

C 4245.1

C 4246.1

C 4264.5

17888 -Rear, about 2,870 meters 074°30′ from front.

63° 09.1´ N L.Fl.Y. 21° 27.7´ E period 6s

17892 Furugrund Range, front.

10 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 070°30′-078°30′. stripe.

108 33

11 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 071°-078°. stripe.

63° 10.0´ N Q.Y. 21° 16.0´ E

13 4

3 Yellow triangular daymark, point Visible 009°-023°. up, red stripe.

63° 09.8´ N Q.Y. 21° 15.9´ E

21 6

3 Yellow triangular daymark, point Visible 009°-023°. down, red stripe.

63° 06.1´ N Fl.Y. 21° 17.0´ E period 2s

16 5

7 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 106°-114°. stripe.

17904 -Rear, about 1620 meters 110° from front.

63° 05.7´ N L.Fl.Y. 21° 18.8´ E period 8s

64 20

8 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 106°-114°. stripe.

17908 -Ostra Norrskar, S. side of NE. point of island.

63° 15.0´ N Fl.(4)W.R.G. 20° 42.0´ E period 15s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 8.5s

39 12

7 Square black concrete tower, G. 342°-004°, W.-014°, R.white octagonal lantern; 28. 110°, G.-139°, W.-206°, R.-218°, G.-233°, W.317°, R.-342°.

C 4264.51

C 4269.3

17896 -Rear, 016° from front. C 4269.31

17900 Storkobben Range, front. C 4264.3

C 4264.31

C 4252

VAASA-WEST APPROACH: 17912 -Norrskar. C 4250

17912.5 -Lotsgrund. 17913 - -Range, front. C 4250.5

17913.5 - - -Rear, 280°30′ from front. C 4250.51

17916 -Norkallan. C 4251

17920 -Fletagrund Range, front. C 4253

63° 14.0´ N L.Fl.(1+2)W. 20° 36.3´ E period 60s fl. 6s, ec. 21s fl. 3s, ec. 6s fl. 3s, ec. 21s

105 32

16 Black octagonal tower, white band.

63° 11.1´ N Q.W. 20° 43.0´ E

41 12

4 N. CARDINAL BY, beacon.

63° 13.7´ N Fl.W. 20° 40.5´ E period 2s

38 12

9 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 278°30′-282°30′. stripe.

63° 14.0´ N L.Fl.W. 20° 36.4´ E period 6s

105 32

9 Black octagonal tower, white stripe.

Visible 278°30′-282°30′.

63° 14.2´ N Fl.W.R.G. 20° 35.5´ E period 5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

30 9

7 Red, round concrete tower.

R. 215°-327°, G.-354°, W.215°. Radar reflector.

63° 14.0´ N Q.W. 20° 37.0´ E

19 6

6 White square daymark, red stripe.

Visible 166°-172°. Occasional.


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


17924 - -Rear, about 68 meters 169° from front.

63° 14.1´ N L.Fl.W.R.G. 20° 37.4´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

34 10

17928 -Vaasa.

63° 14.4´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 20° 55.7´ E period 10s

52 16

C 4253.1

C 4261

-RACON 17932 -Dersiskargrund. C 4253.8

17937 -Ronnskarbaden Range, front. C 4254

17937.1 - -Rear, 061°30′ from front. C 4254.1

- -Auxiliary light. 17940 -Tummelso Range, front.

T(–) period 90s

5 Yellow rectangular daymark, red G. 006°-025°, W.-035°, R.stripe. 059°30′, obsc.-079°30′, R.-111°, obsc.-134°, G.165°30′, W.-173°30′, R.182°, obsc.-339°, G.347°, W.-352°, R.-006°. 12 White round caisson, upper part R. 354°-055°, G.-061°,; 65. 065°, R.-105°, G.-116, W.-354°. 11

63° 04.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 20° 49.0´ E period 3s

20 6

5 White hut, red stripe; 12.

G. 356°-018°, W.-021°, R.030°.

63° 04.4´ N Q.W. 20° 49.3´ E

26 8

7 Steel mast, red rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

Visible 057°30′-065°30′.

63° 04.6´ N L.Fl.W. 20° 50.3´ E

33 10

7 Steel mast, red rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

Visible 057°30′-065°30′.

33 10

3 Same structure.

G.-002°-017°, W.-027°, R.044°.

Fl.W.R.G. period 3s 63° 04.0´ N Q.R. 20° 51.0´ E

11 3

2 Red rectangular shape, yellow stripe.

Visible 086°-117°.

C 4292

17944 - -Rear, 213 meters 101°30′ from front.

63° 04.1´ N Iso.R. 20° 51.0´ E period 4s

24 7

2 Red rectangular shape, yellow stripe.

Visible 086°-117°.

17946 -Medelbadan Range, front.

63° 05.7´ N Q.W. 20° 50.3´ E

20 6

7 Steel mast, red rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

Visible 258°30′-266°30.

63° 05.5´ N L.Fl.W. 20° 46.0´ E period 8s

92 28

9 Steel mast, red rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

Visible 258°-268°.

63° 06.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 20° 49.0´ E

7 2

5 White hut; 6.

C 4256

G. 290°30′-307°, W.-314°, R.332°, W.-044°.

17952 - -Rear, Lilla Svartbadan, 021° from front.

63° 06.9´ N L.Fl.W.R.G. 20° 49.9´ E period 6s

21 6

6 White octagonal hut; 19.

R. 317°30′-329°, G.-349°, W.045°, obsc.-178°30′, W.223°30′.

17964 -Veckargrund.

63° 06.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 20° 50.0´ E period 3s

23 7

4 White hut on concrete base, red W. 026°-059°, obsc.-065°, G.on E. side. 075°, W.-086°, R.-103°, G.-108°, W.-193°.

63° 06.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 20° 53.0´ E period 3s fl. 1s, ec. 2s

17 5

4 Red tower; 9.

C 4292.1

C 4258

17946.1 - -Rear, 262°30′ from front. C 4258.1

17948 -Djupskar Range, front.

C 4256.1

C 4259

17968 -Svartsen. C 4291

G. 071°-098°, W.-099°, R.133°30′, W.-161°30′.

17970 -Skvattan, RACON.

63° 07.8´ N T(–) 20° 49.8´ E period 90s

17972 - -Tjarnbadan.

63° 03.0´ N Fl.Y. 21° 18.0´ E period 3s

85 26

4 White square framework Fishing light. structure, upper part red; 78.

63° 06.5´ N Fl.W. 21° 10.7´ E period 2s

18 5

7 Concrete tower, red rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

C 4265

17976 -Gasgrund Range, front. C 4264

-RACON 17980 - -Rear, 4.1 km. 138° from front. C 4264.1

17984 -Malvetungsgrynnan. C 4268


T(–) period 90s

Visible 134°-142°.


63° 05.1´ N L.Fl.W. 21° 13.3´ E period 8s

106 32

Fl.Y. period 3s

39 12


19 6

4 Wooden framework tower, white G. 030°-119°, W.-125°, R.hut. 200°, G.-286°, W.-289°, R.-299°, G.-310°, W.317°, R.-030°.

63° 10.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 21° 11.0´ E


9 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 134°-142°. stripe in center. Visible 225°-090°. Fishing light.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


18012 -Sundbadan.

63° 10.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 21° 15.0´ E period 3s fl. 1s, ec. 2s

32 10

4 Mast; 15.

63° 08.0´ N Fl.G. 21° 20.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.2s, ec. 2.8s

39 12

3 Tower, green triangular daymark.

63° 08.6´ N V.Q.(5)W. 21° 20.5´ E period 6s

18 5

4 White lantern on roof of square concrete hut.

63° 07.0´ N Fl.R. 21° 21.0´ E period 3s

39 12

3 Tower, red rectangular daymark.

63° 08.0´ N Q.W. 21° 26.0´ E

57 17

11 Steel framework mast, yellow rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 077°-085°.

C 4275

18032 -Rear, 1,019 meters 081° from front.

63° 08.2´ N L.Fl.W. 21° 26.8´ E period 6s

114 35

12 Steel framework mast, yellow rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 077°-085°.

18036 -Norra Hasten.

63° 07.0´ N Fl.R. 21° 22.6´ E period 3s

19 6

4 Round red concrete tower.

63° 07.0´ N Q.Y. 21° 22.0´ E

21 6

5 Round concrete tower, red Visible 096°-128°. rectangular daymark, yellow field.

Fl.G. period 3s

28 9

2 Same structure.

18044 - -Rear, Nagelprick, on submerged rock, 111°30′ from front.

63° 06.0´ N L.Fl.W.Y. 21° 27.0´ E period 6s

85 26

9 Steel mast, round white concrete Y. 096°30′-126°30′, W.tower, red rectangular 096°30′. daymark, yellow field.

18045 -Storhasten Range, front. C 4275.2

63° 06.7´ N Q.W. 21° 22.0´ E

13 4

4 Red rectangular daymarks, yellow stripe.

18045.1 - -Rear, 510 meters 141° from C 4275.3 front.

63° 06.5´ N L.Fl.W. 21° 22.4´ E period 6s

36 11

5 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 125°-157°. stripe.

63° 04.9´ N Fl.(2)W.R. 21° 34.4´ E period 3s

25 8

5 Steel mast on concrete base.

W. 109°-113°, R.-118°.

63° 05.0´ N Q.W. 21° 33.0´ E

15 5

4 White hut.

Visible 128°-255°.

18056 - -Nikolai, N. side of Sundomland, rear, 366 meters 187°30′ from front.

63° 04.7´ N L.Fl.W. 21° 32.8´ E period 6s

19 6

4 White round beacon, red border, Visible 155°-255°. white lantern.

18060 -Vaasa Range, front.

63° 06.0´ N F.R. 21° 36.0´ E

36 11

Post, white triangular daymark.

Visible 100°-145°.

C 4284

18064 - -Rear, 76 meters 118° from front.

63° 05.9´ N F.R. 21° 36.3´ E

53 16

Post, white triangular daymark, point down.

Visible 100°-145°. Shown from Aug. 15 to close of navigation. F.R. lights are shown at Eklund and Ostman, in range, 155°.

18068 -Emilia Range, front.

63° 06.6´ N F.R. 21° 35.2´ E

20 6

7 Post, white triangular daymark, point down, red sides; 16.

Visible 040°-050°.

C 4282

18072 - -Bradpo, Kasten, rear, 122 meters 045° from front.

63° 07.0´ N F.R. 21° 35.0´ E

40 12

7 Post, white triangular daymark, red sides; 27.

Visible 040°-050°.

18076 -Norra Gloppsten.

63° 10.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 21° 03.0´ E period 2s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1.5s

52 16

7 White concrete tower, red band. R. 009°-117°, G.-143°, W.147°, R.-255°30′, G.316°, W.-319°30′, R.331°30′, G.-009°. Radar reflector.

C 4270

18016 Graskal. C 4272.5

18020 -fa*gelskar. C 4272

18024 Stengrund. C 4273

18028 Kopparfuruskar Range, front.

C 4275.1

C 4275.5

18040 -Nagelprick Range, front. C 4276


C 4276.1

18048 Jussi. C 4280.3

18052 -Edvard Range, front. C 4280

C 4280.1

C 4284.1

C 4282.1

C 4262


G. 170°-200°, W.-209°, R.230°, G.-304°, W.-307°, R.-323°, G.-338°, W.349°, R.-000°, G.-007°, W.-021°, R.-063°, G.072°, W.-080°, R.-170°. Fishing light.

Visible 272°30′-137°30′. Radar reflector.

Visible 128°-096°.

Visible 125°-157°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


18080 Korso.

63° 11.3´ N Fl.W.R.G. 21° 08.9´ E period 5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

85 26

63° 13.0´ N Oc.W. 21° 09.0´ E period 2s

58 18

6 Mast, yellow rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 026°-059°.

63° 12.7´ N L.Fl.W. 21° 08.9´ E period 6s

85 26

6 Mast, red rectangular daymark, yellow field.

Visible 026°-059°.

18092 Lustsiasema (pilot station), front.

63° 12.7´ N Q.Y. 21° 08.7´ E

17 5

3 Steel mast on concrete base.

Visible 006°-039°.

18096 -Rear, 022°30′ from front.

63° 12.7´ N Fl.Y. 21° 08.7´ E period 6s

30 9

4 Steel mast on concrete base.

Visible 006°-039°.

18100 Aallonmurtaja (jetty) Range, front.

63° 12.7´ N Q.W. 21° 08.6´ E

19 6

5 Mast, yellow rectangular daymark, red field.

Visible 112°30′-145°30′.

18104 -Rear, 129° from front.

63° 12.7´ N Fl.W. 21° 08.7´ E period 6s

36 11

6 Mast, yellow rectangular daymark, red field.

Visible 112°30′-145°30′.

63° 20.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 21° 01.0´ E period 3s fl. 1s, ec. 2s

29 9

4 Latticework structure.

C 4233

W. 001°-013°, R.-038°, G.074°, W.-142°, R.-282°, G.-312°, W.-322°, R.352°, G.-001°. Occasional.

18112 Klubbskat fishing harbor Range, front.

63° 18.0´ N F.R. 21° 06.0´ E

19 6

4 Yellow triangular daymark, point Visible 052°-232°. up, red stripe. Fishing light.

18116 -Rear, 73 meters 142° from front.

63° 18.3´ N F.R. 21° 06.1´ E

28 9

4 Yellow triangular daymark, point Visible 052°-232°. down, red stripe. Fishing light.

18120 Radskarsbadan Range, front.

63° 19.0´ N Q.W. 21° 06.0´ E

18 5

7 Yellow rectangular daymark, red Visible 044°-050°. stripe. Fishing light.

18124 -Rear, 1,259 meters 047° from front.

63° 19.8´ N Fl.W. 21° 07.6´ E period 6s

33 10

7 Yellow rectangular daymark, red Visible 044°-050°. field. Fishing light.

18128 Klubbskat.

63° 18.0´ N Q.W.R.G. 21° 05.0´ E

32 10

4 White hut; 22.

G. 013°-069°, W.-090°, R.193°. Fishing light.

63° 22.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 21° 18.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2.5s

19 6

4 Latticework structure.

G. 220°-238°, W.-242°, R.258°. Fishing light.

C 4230

63° 23.0´ N Q.W. 21° 17.0´ E

19 6

6 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 161°-167°. stripe.

18144 - -Rear, Svartbadan 1.6 km. 164° from front.

63° 21.7´ N Iso.W. 21° 17.7´ E period 4s

52 16

7 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 161°-167°. stripe.

18148 Valassaaret, W. side of Storskaret.

63° 25.0´ N Fl.(4)W. 21° 04.0´ E period 20s fl. 0.3s, ec. 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 9.8s

18152 Ebbskar Range, front. C 4227

63° 26.2´ N Q.W. 21° 04.1´ E

13 4

7 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 118°-126°. stripe.

18156 -Rear, 302 meters 122° from front.

63° 26.1´ N L.Fl.W. 21° 04.5´ E period 6s

36 11

6 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 118°-126°. stripe.

18160 Norra Storon Range, front. C 4228

63° 26.0´ N Q.W. 21° 04.0´ E

16 5

6 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 102°30′-108°30′. stripe.

18164 -Rear, 210 meters 102° from front.

63° 26.2´ N L.Fl.W. 21° 04.7´ E period 6s

29 9

7 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 102°30′-108°30′. stripe.

18168 Stora Nikersgrund.

63° 23.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 21° 10.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2.5s

16 5

4 Masonry structure.

C 4236

18084 Lillhamnen Range, front. C 4271

18088 -Rear, 042°30′ from front. C 4271.1

C 4271.3

C 4271.31

C 4271.4

C 4271.41

18108 Klubbhallan.

C 4235.5

C 4235.51

C 4234.5

C 4234.51

C 4235

12 White octagonal hut, black round R. 328°-035°, G.-098°, W.concrete tower, white base; 102°, R.-110°, G.-143°, 34. R.-178°.

BJORKOBY: 18136 -Lill Svartbadan. C 4231

18140 -Ytterstoren Range, front.

C 4230.1

C 4226

C 4227.1

C 4228.1

C 4229

124 38


10 Red conical framework tower; 118.

G. 093°-105°, W.-115°, R.093°. Fishing light.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


18172 Utgrynnan. C 4248

RACON 18174 Malon. C 4222

18176 Stubben, center of Lillskar Islet. C 4219

18180 Remsan. C 4220

18184 -Grisselo. C 4217

18188 Hallgrund. C 4218

63° 21.0´ N L.Fl.W.R.G. 20° 46.0´ E period 12s fl. 3s, ec. 9s

79 24

13 Round concrete tower, white and R. 029°-037°, G.-044°, bands. 056°, R.-063°, G.-069°, W.-158°, R.-338°, G.355°, W.-029°.

T(–) period 90s


63° 18.2´ N Fl.W.R. 21° 52.3´ E period 4s fl. 0.5s, ec. 3.5s

23 7

4 Column.

R. 157°-162°, W. 162°-157°. Fishing light.

63° 32.0´ N L.Fl.(3)W. 22° 10.0´ E period 30s fl. 2.5s, ec. 2.5s fl. 2.5s, ec. 2.5s fl. 2.5s, ec. 17.5s

70 21

63° 31.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 22° 17.0´ E period 4s fl. 0.5s, ec. 3.5s

25 8

4 Red metal framework structure.

R. 008°-029°, G.-149°, W.159°, R.-192°, G.-328°, W.-008°. Fishing light.

63° 37.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 22° 29.0´ E period 4s fl. 0.5s, ec. 3.5s

14 4

4 Red metal structure.

G. 055°-090°, W.-097°, R.104°, W.-169°, R.-177°, G.-185°, W.-055°. Occasional.

63° 38.7´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 22° 25.4´ E period 6s fl. 0.5s, ec. 1s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4s

45 14

63° 41.0´ N Q.W. 22° 34.0´ E

13 4

63° 45.1´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 22° 31.4´ E period 6s

75 23

10 Red concrete tower, white band; G. 342°-047°, W.-160°, R.62. 209°. Pilot station.

63° 44.6´ N Fl.W. 22° 31.8´ E period 12s

56 17

13 Yellow concrete tower, black top.

11 On roof of Pilot house, top black, Visible 346°-302°. bottom white.

W. R. G.

6 White metal framework structure. W. 119°-189°, R.-192°, G.4 196°, W.-203°, R.-312°, 4 G.-345°, W.-013°.

JAKOBSTAD APPROACH: 18192 -Nummersten. C 4216.7

18196 -Kallan. C 4214

18197 -Pietarsaari. C 4214.3

-RACON 18200 -Rummelgrund Range, front.

T(–) period 90s

4 Metal structure.



C 4212

63° 45.0´ N Q.W. 22° 35.0´ E

36 11

9 Metal skeleton structure, red Visible 085°-093°. rectangular daymark, yellow stripe; 10.

18204 - -Rear, Bredhallan, N. side, 089° from front.

63° 44.7´ N L.Fl.W. 22° 35.4´ E period 6s

72 22

10 Red tower, white lantern, red Visible 085°-093°. rectangular daymark, yellow stripe; 26.

18206 -Adon Range, front. C 4215

63° 43.0´ N Q.Y. 22° 37.0´ E

26 8

5 Red rectangular structure, yellow Visible 112°-128°. stripe.

18207 - -Rear 130 meters 120° from front.

63° 43.4´ N L.Fl.Y. 22° 37.4´ E period 6s

52 16

6 Red rectangular structure, yellow Visible 112°-128°. stripe.

18208 -Borgmastargrund, front.

63° 43.0´ N Q.R. 22° 42.0´ E

29 9

9 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 105°-109°. stripe.

18212 - -Rear, Halloren, N. extremity of Alholm, about 1.1 km. 107° from front.

63° 43.0´ N L.Fl.R. 22° 42.7´ E period 6s

66 20

10 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 105°-109°. stripe.

18216 -Alholm Range, front.

63° 42.0´ N F.R. 22° 41.0´ E

21 6

9 White triangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 156°-186°.

63° 42.4´ N F.R. 22° 41.4´ E

31 9

9 White triangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 156°-186°.

C 4212.1

C 4215.1

C 4216

C 4216.1

C 4216.4

18220 - -Rear, 171° from front. C 4216.5


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


YKSPIHLAJA: 18224 -Tankar. C 4200

18228 -Tankar, E. side of island. C 4201

18232 -Range, front. C 4202

18236 - -Rear, 153° from front. C 4202.1

18237 -Tankarin Range, front. C 4202.4

18237.1 - -Rear, 181° from front. C 4202.41

63° 57.0´ N Fl.W. 22° 51.0´ E period 3.5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 3s

8 White rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 282°-296°. Shown on request.

63° 57.0´ N Iso.W. 22° 51.0´ E period 2s

42 13

6 White hexagonal structure; 12.

Visible 108°-198°.

63° 57.0´ N Iso.W. 22° 51.0´ E period 6s

66 20

9 Located on lower window of tower of Tankar Light; 42.

Visible 147°-159°.

63° 57.0´ N Q.G. 22° 51.0´ E

23 7

5 Perch.

Visible 179°-183°.

63° 57.0´ N L.Fl.G. 22° 51.2´ E period 6s

33 10

5 Perch.

Visible 179°-183°.

18240 -Kokkola.

63° 59.8´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 22° 51.8´ E period 10s fl. 1s, ec. 1s fl. 1s, ec. 7s

18242 -Pietarinkanta. C 4203.2

18244 -Repskar Range, front.

Pilot station.

23 7

63° 57.8´ N T(–) 22° 53.7´ E period 90s


27 Red round metal tower, white band; 97.

63° 57.0´ N Iso.G. 22° 51.0´ E period 2s

18238 -Bergbadan, RACON.

C 4203

124 38

11 73 22

T(–) period 30s

12 Red and white tower; 75. Helicopter platform.

W. 065°-199°, R.-327°, G.065°. Channel to Kokkola marked by lighted beacons and buoys.


63° 59.2´ N V.Q.(5)W. 22° 51.4´ E period 6s


Radar reflector.

C 4205

63° 55.9´ N Q.W. 22° 56.7´ E

30 9

11 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 147°-167°. stripe.

18248 - -Rear, 1,500 meters 157° from front.

63° 55.2´ N L.Fl.W. 22° 57.5´ E period 8s

62 19

11 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 147°-167°. stripe.

18252 -Santapankki Range, front.

63° 56.9´ N Fl.Y. 22° 56.4´ E period 2s

16 5

8 Steel pillar, red rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

Visible 136°30′-144°30′.

18256 - -Rear, about 1,900 meters 140°30′ from front.

63° 56.1´ N L.Fl.Y. 22° 58.0´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

69 21

8 Steel pillar, red rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

Visible 136°30′-144°30′.

18258 -Trullevin Range, front.

63° 54.8´ N Q.W. 23° 04.5´ E

13 4

6 White triangular daymark, point up, on base.

Visible 141°30′-151°30′.

63° 54.7´ N L.Fl.W. 23° 04.7´ E period 6s

23 7

7 White triangular daymark, point down, on base.

Visible 141°30′-151°30′.

C 4206

63° 54.0´ N Iso.Y. 23° 01.1´ E period 2s

23 7

10 Steel framework mast, red Visible 132°30′-143°30′. rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

18264 - -Rear, 1111 meters 138° from front.

63° 53.6´ N L.Fl.Y. 23° 01.9´ E period 6s

62 19

16 Steel framework mast, red rectangular, yellow stripe.

Visible 132°30′-143°30′.

18268 -Taulukari Range, front.

63° 51.5´ N Iso.Y. 23° 01.0´ E period 2s

69 21

10 Steel mast on concrete tower, red rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

Visible 151°-171°.

C 4207

18272 - -Rear, 1,436 meters 161° from front.

63° 50.8´ N Iso.Y. 23° 01.6´ E period 6s

98 30

10 Steel framework mast, red Visible 151°-171°. rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

18274 Outokumpu Range, front.

63° 51.6´ N F.R. 23° 02.5´ E

37 11

5 Tripod, white rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 054°30′-184°30′.

63° 51.6´ N F.R. 23° 02.8´ E

58 18

5 Tripod, white rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 054°30′-184°30′.

63° 51.0´ N Q.W. 23° 00.0´ E

20 6

C 4205.1

C 4204

C 4204.1

C 4203.4

18258.1 - -Rear, 146°30′ from front. C 4203.41

18260 -Kladesklippan Range, front.

C 4206.1

C 4207.1

C 4211.5

18275 - -Rear, 119°30′ from front. C 4211.51

18276 -Krakholm Range, front. C 4208


12 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 193°30′-198°30′. stripe.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


18280 - -Rear, about 370 meters 196° from front.

63° 50.2´ N L.Fl.W. 22° 59.5´ E period 6s

49 15

8 Steel lattice mast, red Visible 192°30′-199°30′. rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

18292 -Private harbor Range, front. C 4211

63° 49.8´ N F.R. 23° 02.4´ E

26 8

3 White rectangular daymark, red stripe.

18296 - -Rear, about 229 meters 144° from front.

63° 49.7´ N F.R. 23° 02.5´ E

42 13

4 White rectangular daymark, red stripe.

18300 -Breakwater, head.

63° 51.2´ N F.Y. 23° 00.3´ E

17 5

3 White structure, black top. Floodlit.

63° 59.0´ N F.W. 23° 09.0´ E

39 12

64° 05.0´ N F.W. 23° 25.0´ E

59 18

64° 04.0´ N F.R. 23° 38.0´ E

13 4

White rectangular daymark; 10.

Visible 018°-198°.

64° 04.4´ N F.R. 23° 38.4´ E

22 7

White rectangular daymark; 15.

Visible 018°-198°.

64° 04.0´ N F.R. 23° 38.0´ E

20 6

4 White rectangular daymark.

Visible 031°-211°.


30 9

4 White rectangular daymark.

Visible 031°-211°.

64° 04.0´ N F.R. 23° 38.0´ E

10 3

64° 04.0´ N F.R. 23° 38.5´ E

20 6

1 White rectangular daymark; 16.

Visible 042°-222°.

64° 05.4´ N Q.W. 23° 35.4´ E

26 8

9 White column, red stripe.

Visible 111°-115°.

64° 05.3´ N Fl.W. 23° 35.6´ E period 3s

47 14

10 White column, red stripe.

Visible 111°-115°.

64° 13.0´ N Q.W. 23° 44.0´ E

23 7

8 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 159°-167°. stripe.

64° 13.3´ N L.Fl.W. 23° 43.9´ E period 6s

42 13

9 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 159°-167°. stripe.

C 4208.1

C 4211.1

C 4209

18304 Poroluodonkari. C 4199

18308 Ohtakari. C 4194

18312 Ruoppausvayla Range. C 4195

18316 -Rear, 108° from front. C 4195.1

18320 Akolanpera Range, front. C 4197

18324 -Rear, 123° from front. C 4197.1

18328 Jokivayla Range, front. C 4198

18332 -Rear, 133° from front. C 4198.1

18334 Mansikkakari Range, front. C 4196

18334.1 -Rear, 113° from front. C 4196.1

18336 Piekko Range, front. C 4193.2

18340 -Rear, 163° from front. C 4193.21

0° 00.0´ 0° 00.0´

Hut; 13. 4 Skeleton structure.

White rectangular daymark; 9.

Visible 320°-260°. Occasional. Occasional.

Visible 042°-222°.

18342 -Aijankallio RACON

64° 14.2´ N T(–) 23° 36.6´ E period 90s

18343 Lepanen Range, front.

64° 14.2´ N Q.W. 23° 38.9´ E

40 12

8 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 112°30′-116°30′. stripe.

64° 14.0´ N L.Fl.W. 23° 40.1´ E period 8s

85 26

8 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 112°30′-116°30′. stripe.

64° 14.0´ N Fl.W. 23° 42.0´ E period 2s

69 21

5 Metal mast.

Visible 196°-211°.

64° 13.2´ N L.Fl.W. 23° 42.8´ E period 6s

98 30

5 Metal mast.

Visible 196°-211°.

64° 14.0´ N Q.Y. 23° 47.0´ E

33 10

9 Steel mast, red and yellow rectangular daymark.

Visible 099°30′-107°30′.

64° 14.1´ N L.Fl.Y. 23° 48.2´ E period 6s

79 24

10 Steel mast, red and yellow rectangular daymark.

Visible 099°30′-107°30′.

64° 16.0´ N Q.W. 23° 50.0´ E

49 15

13 Steel mast, red and yellow Visible 078°30′-084°30′. striped rectangular daymark.

64° 14.8´ N Q.W. 23° 41.1´ E

41 12

C 4192.5

18343.1 -Rear, 114°30′ from front. C 4192.51

18345 Rahja Range, front. C 4193.3

18346 -Rear, 203°30′ from front. C 4193.31

18349 Keskuskari Range, front. C 4192.7

18350 - -Rear, 104° from front. C 4192.71

18356 Vihaspauha Range, front. C 4192.6

18358 Poima. RACON




4 N. CARDINAL BY, beacon.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


18360 - -Rear, 1,111 meters 081°30′ from front.

64° 16.0´ N L.Fl.W. 23° 51.0´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

18364 Kalajoki Range, front.

64° 17.0´ N F.W. 23° 55.0´ E

14 4

2 Post.

C 4191

Visible 092°-172°. Occasional.

18368 -Rear, 180 meters 138° from front.

64° 17.1´ N F.W. 23° 55.4´ E

33 10

2 Post.

Visible 092°-172°. Occasional.

18372 Maakalla.

64° 19.0´ N F.W. 23° 31.0´ E

43 13

4 Wooden structure.

Visible 083°-023°. Occasional.

64° 12.7´ N Q.W. 23° 39.7´ E

20 6

9 Red and white rectangular daymark.

Visible 153°30′-157°30′.

18380 -Rear, about 185 meters 155°30′ from front.

64° 12.6´ N Fl.W. 23° 39.8´ E period 3s

33 10

10 Red and white rectangular daymark.

Visible 153°30′-157°30′.

18384 Kuusimalla Range, front.

64° 12.4´ N Q.W. 23° 40.7´ E

23 7

9 Red and white rectangular daymark.

Visible 143°-147°.

18388 -Rear, about 700 meters 144°30′ from front.

64° 12.1´ N Fl.W. 23° 41.2´ E period 3s

39 12

10 Red and white rectangular daymark.

Visible 143°-147°.

18392 Ulkokalla.

64° 19.8´ N Fl.(3)W. 23° 27.0´ E period 20s

55 17

7 Black round tower, white band; 39.

64° 21.0´ N Fl.W. 23° 57.0´ E period 5s fl. 0.5s, ec. 4.5s

26 8

4 Lantern on 4 steel posts; 13.

64° 36.6´ N Fl.(4)W. 23° 54.0´ E period 20s fl. 0.3s, ec. 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 9.8s

92 28

16 Tower, red top and white base; 79. Helicopter landing platform.

C 4192.61

C 4191.1

C 4192.2

18376 Pirttikarvo Range, front. C 4193.6

C 4193.61

C 4193.7

C 4193.71

C 4192

18396 Iso Klippi. C 4190

18400 Nahkiainen. C 4188

RACON 18402 Lannennokka Range, front. C 4188.4

18402.1 -Rear, 138° from front. C 4188.41

18404 Raahe. C 4183

RACON 18408 -Virpipera Range, front. C 4184.4

18412 - -Rear, 062° from front. C 4184.5

18420 Heikinkari Range, front. C 4184

RACON 18424 -Elko, rear, 085°30′ from front. C 4184.1

18428 Haaga Range, front. C 4185

18432 -Rear, 080° from front. C 4185.1

18436 Rojuniemi Range, front. C 4186

108 33

T(–) period 90s

15 Steel mast, red and yellow Visible 078°30′-084°30′. striped rectangular daymark.



64° 34.0´ N Q.W. 24° 21.9´ E

10 3

7 Red rectangular daymark, white Visible 136°-140°. stripe.

64° 33.8´ N Fl.W. 24° 21.6´ E period 3s

20 6

8 Red rectangular daymark, white Visible 136°-140°. stripe.

64° 39.1´ N Fl.(2)Y. 24° 13.6´ E period 10s

72 22

7 White round masonry tower, red Radar reflector. band.

T(–) period 90s


64° 40.0´ N Q.Y. 24° 25.0´ E 64° 40.2´ N Iso.Y. 24° 25.4´ E period 6s 64° 39.1´ N Fl.W. 24° 21.2´ E period 3s fl. 1s, ec. 2s

59 18

12 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 059°30′-064°30′. band.

105 32

12 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 059°30′-064°30′. band.

23 7


10 White tower, red rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

Visible 081°-090°.


64° 39.2´ N Iso.W. 24° 23.9´ E period 4s

82 25

64° 40.0´ N F.G. 24° 25.0´ E

30 9

8 White rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 076°-084°.

64° 39.9´ N Q.G. 24° 25.0´ E

30 9

6 White rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 075°30′-088°30′.

64° 39.0´ N Fl.R. 24° 25.0´ E period 3s

79 24


22 Latticework mast, red Visible 081°-090°. rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

14 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 120°-131°. stripe.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


18440 -Rear, 125°30′ from front. C 4186.1

18442 Karjula. C 4180

18444 Tauvo (Haikaraki). C 4172

18444.5 -Fishing. C 4173

18444.7 Rautakallio. C 4174

18445 Varjakka Range, front. C 4170.6

18445.5 -Rear, 179° from front. C 4170.61

64° 39.3´ N Iso.R. 24° 25.3´ E period 3s

118 36

64° 46.3´ N Fl.W.(4) 24° 09.1´ E period 20s fl. 0.2s, ec. 1.8s fl. 0.2s, ec. 1.8s fl. 0.2s, ec. 1.8s fl. 0.2s, ec. 13.8s

40 12

64° 49.0´ N L.Fl.W. 24° 33.0´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

111 34

14 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 120°-131°. stripe. 4 Radar mark.

8 Framework tower, black rectangular daymark; 98.

Visible 011°-191°.

64° 48.3´ N Q.(5)W. 24° 32.9´ E period 6s

16 5

3 Mast.

Fishing light.

64° 53.8´ N Q.R. 24° 45.5´ E

20 6

6 Red framework tower.

Fishing light.

64° 55.2´ N Q.W. 25° 06.4´ E

10 3

7 Steel frame, red rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

Visible 177°-181°. Fishing light.

64° 55.1´ N Fl.W. 25° 06.4´ E period 3s

29 9

8 Steel frame, red rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

Visible 177°-181°. Fishing light.

65° 02.4´ N Fl.(2)W. 24° 33.9´ E period 20s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2.2s fl. 0.5s, ec. 16.8s

99 30

65° 02.4´ N Q.Y. 24° 33.8´ E

20 6

9 Concrete support, red Visible 084°-104°. rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

65° 02.4´ N Iso.Y. 24° 33.9´ E period 4s

49 15

10 Concrete support, red Visible 084°-104°. rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

65° 07.8´ N V.Q.W.(9) 24° 18.4´ E period 10s

40 12

4 W. CARDINAL YBY, beacon, topmark

65° 11.1´ N Fl.R. 24° 22.4´ E period 3s

39 12

4 PORT (A) R, pile, topmark.

65° 11.6´ N Fl.W.R.G. 24° 30.4´ E period 5s

72 22

OULU APPROACH: 18452 -Marjaniemi. C 4142.1

18456 -Marjaniemi Range, front. C 4143

18460 - -Rear, 094°30′ from front. C 4143.1

18464 -Holma. C 4145.8

18470 -Oulu Portti. C 4145.4

18472 -Oulu No. 1. C 4145

-RACON 18476 -Oulu No. 2.

T(–) period 90s

16 White round tower; 82.

11 Black round concrete tower, white band; 79.

Visible 022°-225°. Pilot station.

G. 041°-057°, W.-149°, R.190°, G.-288°, W.-290°, R.-041°.


65° 10.0´ N Fl.(2)W.R.G. 24° 36.0´ E period 6s fl. 1s, ec. 0.5s fl. 1s, ec. 3.5s

72 22

8 White masonry tower, black band; 79.

R. 005°-060°, G.-119°, W.125°, R.-185°, G.-314°, W.-319°, R.-333°, G.000° W.-005°.

65° 08.8´ N Fl.(4)Y. 24° 32.7´ E period 20s

39 12

1 White steel mast, red band.

Radar reflector.

65° 09.0´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 24° 40.0´ E period 10s

72 22

8 White round masonry tower, red G. 036°-135°, W.-136°,; 79. 216°, G.-296°, W.-298°, R.-036°.

65° 07.2´ N Q.W. 24° 47.2´ E

38 12

5 White steel mast, red rectangular Visible 233°30′-249°30′ and daymark, white stripe. 107°-123°.

18480.51 - -W. rear, 1.2 miles 241°30′ C 4147.11 from common front.

65° 06.6´ N L.Fl.W. 24° 44.6´ E period 6s

83 25

5 White steel mast, red rectangular Visible 237°30′-249°30′. daymark, white stripe.

18480.52 - -E., rear, 1.2 miles 115° from C 4147.09 common front.

65° 06.7´ N L.Fl.W. 24° 49.9´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

26 8

6 Steel mast, red rectangular daymark, white stripe.

65° 08.1´ N Fl.G. 24° 42.5´ E period 3s

39 12

4 STARBOARD (A) G, pile, topmark.

C 4146

18478 -Valitamala. C 4146.5

18480 -Oulu No. 3. C 4147

18480.5 -Kotalahti Range, common C 4147.1 front.

18481 -Liberta. C 4147.15


Visible 111°-119°. Radar reflector.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


18482 -Oulu No. 4. C 4147.2

18484 -Oulu No. 5. C 4147.3

18485 -Hammasmatala. C 4147.5

18488 -Hoikka Range, front. C 4148

18492 - -Rear, 149°30′ from front. C 4148.1

18496 -Luodematala Range, front. C 4150

-RACON 18496.1 - -Lansiletto, rear, about 2780 C 4150.1 meters 062° from front.

65° 08.0´ N Fl.R. 24° 47.0´ E period 3s

46 14

4 PORT (A) R, pile, topmark.

65° 08.0´ N Fl.G. 24° 51.0´ E period 3s

39 12

4 STARBOARD (A) G, topmark.

65° 08.5´ N Fl.G. 24° 53.3´ E period 3s

39 12

4 STARBOARD (A) G, pile, topmark.

65° 06.0´ N Q.W. 25° 01.9´ E

17 5

8 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 146°-153°. stripe.

65° 05.7´ N L.Fl.W. 25° 02.3´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

33 10

9 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 146°-153°. stripe.

65° 10.1´ N Q.W. 24° 59.7´ E

31 9

8 Red tower; 23.

T(–) period 90s

Visible 059°-065°.


65° 10.8´ N L.Fl.W. 25° 02.9´ E period 8s

63 19

9 Red square concrete tower; 49.

Visible 059°-065°.

65° 12.3´ N Q.W. 25° 02.1´ E

33 10

6 Mast, red rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

Visible 165°30′-169°30′.

C 4106

18499 - -Rear, about 1.5 miles 167°30′ from front.

65° 10.8´ N L.Fl.W. 25° 02.9´ E period 8s

18504 -Kattilankalla Range, front. C 4152

65° 08.3´ N Q.Y. 24° 59.6´ E

25 8

7 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 093°30′-097°30′. stripe.

18508 - -Rear, 2.6 kilometers 095°30′ from front.

65° 07.8´ N L.Fl.Y. 25° 03.2´ E period 8s

70 21

9 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 093°30′-097°30′. stripe.

18520 -Loyha Range, front.

65° 06.1´ N Q.W. 25° 08.3´ E

47 14

7 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 108°30′-112°30′. stripe.

18524 - -Rear, 305 meters 110°30′ from front.

65° 06.0´ N L.Fl.W. 25° 09.1´ E period 8s fl. 2s, ec. 6s

92 28

9 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 108°30′-112°30′. stripe.

18527 -Olli Range, front.

65° 07.2´ N Q.Y. 25° 05.9´ E

33 10

4 Mast, yellow rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 256°-286°.

65° 07.2´ N L.Fl.Y. 25° 04.8´ E period 8s fl. 2s, ec. 6s

63 19

6 Mast, yellow rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 256°-286°.

C 4154

65° 07.3´ N Q.G. 25° 05.1´ E

21 6

4 Round concrete tower, daymark Visible 321°-325°. white rectangular daymark, red stripe.

18532 - -Rear, 293 meters 323° from front.

65° 07.4´ N Fl.G. 25° 05.2´ E period 3s

46 14

5 White rectangular daymark, red stripe.

18533 Loyhanmutka.

65° 06.8´ N V.Q.(9)W. 25° 06.7´ E period 10s

39 12

3 W. CARDINAL YBY, mast, topmark.

65° 07.0´ N V.Q.W. 25° 07.1´ E

39 12

3 N. CARDINAL BY, pile, topmark.

C 4155.5

65° 07.9´ N Q.W. 25° 07.8´ E

20 6

6 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 033°-037°. stripe.

18536.1 - -Rear, 366 meters 035°30′ from front.

65° 08.1´ N Fl.W. 25° 08.4´ E period 3s

48 15

7 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 033°-037°. stripe.

65° 09.7´ N Q.W. 25° 09.1´ E

33 10

6 Mast, red rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

Visible 142°-146°.

65° 09.1´ N L.Fl.W. 25° 10.1´ E period 8s fl. 2s, ec. 6s

89 27

10 Mast, red rectangular daymark, with yellow stripe.

Visible 142°-146°.

18498 -Nimeton Range, front.

C 4106.1

C 4152.1

C 4153

C 4153.1

C 4109

18527.1 - -Rear, 270°30′ from front. C 4109.1

18528 -Hanhikari Range, front.

C 4154.1

C 4110.3

18533.5 Ollinmatala. C 4110

18536 -Hiuvet Range, front.

C 4155.51

18538 -Kajava Range, front. C 4107

18538.1 - -Rear, 144° from front. C 4107.1

116 35


8 Metal framework tower, red Visible 165°30′-169°30′. rectangular daymark, yellow Adjacent to Lansiletto rear. stripe.

Visible 321°-325°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


18539 Kriisinkivi.

65° 12.7´ N Fl.G. 25° 04.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s

39 12

2 STARBOARD (A) G, beacon.

65° 11.7´ N Fl.R. 25° 05.3´ E period 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s

39 12

4 PORT (A) R, beacon.

65° 11.8´ N Fl.G. 25° 05.7´ E period 3s fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7s

39 12

2 STARBOARD (A) G, beacon.

65° 07.3´ N Q.W. 25° 03.7´ E

30 9

6 Mast, yellow rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 306°-310°.

65° 07.8´ N L.Fl.W. 25° 02.4´ E period 8s

85 26

7 Mast, yellow rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 306°-310°.

65° 09.0´ N Q.W. 25° 11.6´ E

22 7

5 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 190°-194°. stripe.

65° 09.0´ N Fl.W. 25° 11.5´ E period 3s

42 13

6 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 190°-194°. stripe.

65° 07.2´ N Fl.R. 25° 11.3´ E period 3s

39 12

2 Metal structure, can topmark.

65° 06.7´ N Q.W. 25° 11.5´ E

33 10

6 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 152°-156°. stripe.

65° 06.1´ N L.Fl.W. 25° 12.2´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

82 25

7 Metal framework tower, red Visible 152°-156°. rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

65° 03.7´ N Fl.W. 25° 14.9´ E period 2s

33 10

6 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 125°-131°. stripe.

65° 03.2´ N L.Fl.W. 25° 16.2´ E period 8s

85 26

9 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 125°-131°. stripe.

65° 06.1´ N Q.W. 25° 09.0´ E

43 13

7 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 319°30′-323°30′. stripe.

18552 - -Rear, 926 meters 321°30′ from front.

65° 06.5´ N L.Fl.W. 25° 08.6´ E period 8s fl. 2s, ec. 6s

98 30

9 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 319°30′-323°30′. stripe.

18556 Hoikkahiuvet Range, front.

65° 08.5´ N Q.W. 25° 07.8´ E

16 5

5 White rectangular daymark, black stripe.

Visible 205°-209°.

65° 07.8´ N Fl.W. 25° 07.2´ E period 3s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2.5s

47 14

6 White rectangular daymark, black stripe.

Visible 205°-209°.

18569 -Johanssoninranta Range, front.

65° 00.9´ N F.R. 25° 26.4´ E

15 5

1 Column, white rectangular daymark, red stripe.

18569.1 - -Rear, 007°30′ from front.

65° 00.9´ N F.R. 25° 26.4´ E

33 10

1 Column, white rectangular daymark, red stripe.

65° 00.9´ N F.R. 25° 26.3´ E

18 5

1 Column, white rectangular daymark, red stripe.

65° 00.9´ N F.R. 25° 26.2´ E

26 8

1 Column, white rectangular daymark, red stripe.

65° 01.1´ N F.R. 25° 27.2´ E

16 5

1 Column, white rectangular daymark, red stripe.

65° 01.2´ N F.R. 25° 27.2´ E

27 8

1 Column, white rectangular daymark, red stripe.

65° 01.3´ N F.R. 25° 26.7´ E

12 4

1 Column, white rectangular daymark, red stripe.

65° 01.4´ N F.R. 25° 26.6´ E

20 6

1 Column, white rectangular daymark, red stripe.

C 4105.5

18540 Isomatala. C 4107.3

18540.5 -E. C 4107.4

18541 -Valikivikko Range, front. C 4156

18541.5 - -Rear, 308° from front. C 4156.1

18542 -Kropsu Range, front. C 4124

18542.1 - -Rear, 192° from front. C 4124.1

18544 -Hookana. C 4108.5

18546 -Hietakari. C 4108

18546.1 - -Rear, 154° from front. C 4108.1

18547 -Pensaskari Range, front. C 4156.4

18547.1 - -Rear, 128° from front. C 4156.41

18548 -Rautaletto Range, front. C 4157

C 4157.1

C 4107.5

18560 -Rear, 208°42′ from front. C 4107.51

C 4168

C 4168.1

18570 -Johteensalmi Range, front. C 4168.5

18570.1 - -Rear, 260°30′ from front. C 4168.51

18571 -Korkeasaari Range, front. C 4168.3

18571.1 - -Rear, 038° from front. C 4168.31

18571.5 -Pajusaari Range, front. C 4168.7

18571.51 - -Rear, 323°18′ from front. C 4168.71


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


65° 00.4´ N F.R. 25° 24.6´ E

19 6

4 Red triangular daymark, yellow stripe.

Visible 353°30′-173°30′.

C 4166.5

18573 -Vihreasaari Range, front. 18573.1 - -Rear, 283 meters 083°30′ from front.

65° 00.4´ N F.R. 25° 24.9´ E

26 8

2 Red triangular daymark, point down, yellow stripe.

Visible 353°30′-173°30′.

65° 01.0´ N Q.W. 25° 20.0´ E

15 5

5 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 209°30′-213°30′. field.

64° 59.9´ N Q.(5)W. 25° 19.3´ E period 6s

31 9

6 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 209°30′-213°30′. field.

C 4166

64° 59.9´ N Dir.Iso.W.R.G. 25° 24.6´ E period 4s

52 16

13 Cross structure, white rectangular daymark, red stripe.

G. 119°30′-124°, W.-125°, R.129°30′.

18588 - -Rear, 0.55 mile 124°30′ from front.

64° 59.6´ N Iso.W. 25° 26.0´ E period 6s

138 42

18 Cross structure, black rectangular daymark, red stripe; 131.

Visible 122°-127°. Aero. F.R. on top of structure.

18589 -Nuottasaari Range, front.

65° 00.2´ N F.G. 25° 25.6´ E

20 6

2 White rectangular daymark, black stripe.

Visible 334°-154°.

65° 00.2´ N F.G. 25° 25.7´ E

30 9

2 White triangular daymark, black stripe.

Visible 334°-154°.

65° 00.5´ N Q.W. 25° 11.7´ E

16 5

11 White rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 097°30′-117°30′.

65° 00.5´ N L.Fl.W. 25° 12.1´ E period 6s

41 12

11 White rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 097°30′-117°30′.

65° 02.2´ N Q.W. 25° 04.3´ E

18 5

11 White rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 292°30′-312°30′.

C 4170.4

18598.1 - -Rear, 160 meters 302° 302°30′ from front.

65° 02.5´ N L.Fl.W. 25° 03.5´ E period 6s

26 8

11 White rectangular daymark red stripe.

Visible 292°30′-312°30′.

65° 02.5´ N F.G. 25° 24.8´ E

13 4

2 Mast, green triangular daymark. 4 F.W. lights on piles are shown from Aug. 15 to close of navigation, in channel between Toppilasund and Uleaborg.

65° 02.7´ N Q.R. 25° 25.2´ E

18 5

4 Steel framework, concrete base, Visible 079°30′-094°30′. red rectangular daymark, white stripe.

18612 - - -Rear, 160 meters 087° from front.

65° 02.7´ N L.Fl.R. 25° 25.4´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

26 8

5 Steel framework, concrete base, Visible 079°30′-094°30′. red rectangular daymark, Synchronized with front. white stripe; 10.

18616 -Toppilansalmi Range, front. C 4161

65° 02.4´ N Iso.G. 25° 25.8´ E period 2s

41 12

4 Steel framework, concrete base, Visible 107°30′-122°30′. red rectangular daymark, white stripe; 6.

18620 - -Rear, 280 meters 115° from front.

65° 02.3´ N Iso.G. 25° 26.1´ E period 4s

69 21

5 Steel framework, concrete base, Visible 107°30′-122°30′. red rectangular daymark, Synchronized with front. white stripe; 10.

18630 Kraaselin Kaivanto Range

65° 06.1´ N Q.W. 25° 21.0´ E

21 6

5 White rectangular daymark red field.

Visible 110°-114°.

65° 06.1´ N Fl.W. 25° 21.5´ E period 3s

43 13

6 White rectangular daymark, red field.

Visible 110°114°.

65° 06.1´ N Q.W. 25° 21.4´ E

19 6

6 White rectangular daymark, black stripe.

Visible 352°-356°.

C 4166.51

18576 Kyronkari Range, front. C 4158

18580 -Rear, 211°30′ from front. C 4158.1

OULU: 18584 -Oritkari Range, front.

C 4166.1

C 4166.3

18589.1 - -Rear, 064° from front. C 4166.31

18597 -Pajuniemi Range, front. C 4170

18597.1 - -Rear, 340 meters 107°30′ C 4170.1 from front. 18598 -Huikku Range, front.

C 4170.41

OULU APPROACH: -Toppilansalmi: 18604 - -Toppilansalmi. C 4162

18608 - -Toppila Range, front. C 4160

C 4160.1

C 4161.1

C 4165.4

18630.1 -Rear, 112° from front. C 4165.41

18636 Rapankari Range, front. C 4164


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


18640 -Rear, Kalimenoja, 800 meters 354° from front.

65° 06.5´ N L.Fl.W. 25° 21.6´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

36 11

7 White rectangular daymark, black stripe.

Visible 352°-356°.

18650 Taskisenranta Range, front.

65° 05.8´ N F.Y. 25° 23.0´ E

20 6

1 Mast, yellow rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 053°-073°.

65° 05.9´ N F.Y. 25° 23.1´ E

36 11

1 Steel mast, yellow rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 053°-073°.

65° 07.0´ N Q.W. 25° 18.0´ E

33 10

9 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 087°30′-092°30′. stripe.

18656 -Rear, 740 meters 089°30′ from front.

65° 07.2´ N L.Fl.W. 25° 19.2´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

59 18

10 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 087°30′-092°30′. stripe.

18660 Virpiniemi Range, front.

65° 07.9´ N Q.W. 25° 13.7´ E

23 7

7 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 147°-151°. stripe.

18664 -Rear, 740 meters 149°30′ from front.

65° 07.6´ N L.Fl.W. 25° 14.4´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

43 13

8 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 147°-151°. stripe.

18668 Isoniemi Range, front.

65° 08.9´ N Q.W. 25° 13.9´ E

23 7

8 White rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 016°-020°.

18672 -Rear, 550 meters 018° from front.

65° 09.2´ N L.Fl.W. 25° 14.4´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

43 13

8 White rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 016°-020°.

18680 Rivinletto.

65° 12.0´ N Fl.W. 25° 15.0´ E period 3s

26 8

7 Black and white concrete tower; Visible 016°-284°. 26. Fishing light. In line 123° with beacon.

65° 11.8´ N Q.W. 25° 15.7´ E

52 16

8 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 105°30′-109°30′. stripe.

65° 11.8´ N Iso.W. 25° 16.2´ E period 6s

89 27

9 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 105°30′-109°30′. stripe.

65° 11.6´ N F.Y. 25° 18.0´ E

13 4

6 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 133°-137°. stripe.

65° 11.6´ N F.Y. 25° 18.1´ E

27 8

6 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 133°-137°. stripe.

65° 12.8´ N Q.W. 25° 17.1´ E

20 6

6 Mast, red rectangular daymark, white stripe.

Visible 066°30′-070°30′.

65° 12.8´ N L.Fl.W. 25° 17.6´ E period 8s

52 16

6 Mast, red rectangular daymark, white stripe.

Visible 066°30′-070°30′.

65° 14.5´ N Q.(2)W. 25° 11.5´ E period 6s fl. 0.3s, ec. 0.7s fl. 0.3s, ec. 4.7s

43 13

4 Black and yellow structure.

Visible 313°-175°. Fishing light.

65° 14.8´ N Q.W. 25° 12.8´ E

13 4

6 White rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 222°-226°.

65° 14.7´ N Fl.W. 25° 12.6´ E period 3s

33 10

7 White rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 222°-226°.

65° 16.0´ N Q.W. 25° 14.0´ E

13 4

11 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 359°30′-004°30′ stripe.

65° 16.6´ N Fl.W. 25° 13.6´ E period 3s

46 14

11 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 359°30′-004°30′. stripe.

65° 16.0´ N Q.W. 25° 16.0´ E

19 6

6 White rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 167°30′-171°30′.

C 4115

18716 -Rear, 110 meters 169° 30′ from front.

65° 16.4´ N Fl.W. 25° 16.4´ E period 3s

42 13

7 White rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 167°30′-171°30′.

18720 Sekaletto Range, front.

65° 17.4´ N Q.Y. 25° 16.4´ E

27 8

4 White rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 147°30′-150°30′.

C 4164.1

C 4165.2

18650.1 -Rear, 061° from front. C 4165.21

18652 Vehkapera Range, front. C 4130

C 4130.1

C 4126

C 4126.1

C 4128

C 4128.1

C 4122

18684 Rivinnokka Range, front. C 4123

18684.1 -Rear, 230 meters 107°30′ C 4123.1 from front. 18686 Halkorsnta Range, front. C 4120

18686.1 -Rear, 135° from front. C 4120.1

18692 Haukipudas Range, front. C 4121

18696 -Rear, 068°30′ from front. C 4121.1

18705 Kriisi. C 4118

18706 -E. Range, front. C 4119

18706.1 -Rear, 224° from front. C 4119.1

18708 Satakari Range, front. C 4116

18708.1 -Rear, 002° from front. C 4116.1

18712 Pitkaniemi, front.

C 4115.1

C 4114.5


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


18724 -Rear, 91 meters 149° from front.

65° 17.3´ N V.Q.(5)Y. 25° 16.7´ E period 6s

51 16

4 White rectangular daymark, red stripe.

18732 -Range, front.

65° 18.3´ N Q.G. 25° 14.5´ E

16 5

1 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 161°-191°. stripe.

65° 18.3´ N Fl.G. 25° 14.5´ E period 3s

30 9

2 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 161°-191°. stripe.

65° 19.0´ N Q.W. 25° 16.0´ E

22 7

7 White rectangualr daymark, red stripe.

Visible 004°-008°.

18744 -Rear, 550 meters 006° from front.

65° 19.0´ N L.Fl.W. 25° 16.1´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

49 15

8 White rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 004°-008°.

18747 Tupakkipera Range, front.

65° 19.0´ N Q.W. 25° 15.0´ E

16 5

7 White rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 145°-149°.

18748 -Rear, 550 meters 147° from front.

65° 19.0´ N L.Fl.W. 25° 15.0´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

30 9

8 White rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 145°-149°.

18752 Rontii W. Range, front.

65° 21.0´ N Q.W. 25° 15.0´ E

13 4

12 White rectangular daymark, black stripe.

Visible 147°30′-152°30′.

65° 20.3´ N Fl.W. 25° 15.3´ E period 3s

39 12

12 White rectangular daymark, black stripe.

Visible 147°30′-152°30′.

65° 22.0´ N V.Q.(5)W. 25° 15.0´ E period 6s

13 4

11 White rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 056°-060°.

65° 22.2´ N Fl.W. 25° 17.4´ E period 3s

46 14

12 White rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 056°-060°.

65° 22.0´ N Q.W. 25° 14.0´ E

28 9

11 Mast, yellow rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 168°30′-173°30′.

18768 -Rear, N. beach on Rontti, 2.3 miles 171° from front.

65° 20.7´ N L.Fl.W. 25° 15.0´ E period 6s

98 30

13 Mast, yellow rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 169°-173°.

18772 Kemi 1.

65° 23.1´ N Fl.W. 24° 06.0´ E period 4s fl. 1s, ec. 3s

82 25

10 Concrete tower, red and black bands; 75. Helicopter platform.

Radar reflector.

C 4114.51

C 4114.2

18736 - -Rear, 176° from front. C 4114.21

18740 Tangonsaari, front. C 4113

C 4113.1

C 4112.8

C 4112.81

C 4112.6

18756 -Rear, 150° from front. C 4112.61

18760 Kayranletto Range, front. C 4112.4

18760.1 -Hiuvet, Rear, 058° from front. C 4112.41

18764 Rontti Range, front. C 4112.3

C 4112.31

C 4082

RACON 18776 Ulkokrunni Range, front. C 4101

18780 - -Rear, 146° from front. C 4101.1

18784 Maakrunni Range, front. C 4102

18788 - -Rear, 111°30′ from front. C 4102.1

18788.5 Pohjanletto. C 4102.5

18789 Pohjanletto Range, front. C 4103

18789.1 -Rear, 333° from front. C 4103.1

18790 Tyni Range, front. C 4104

18790.1 -Rear, 172°30′ from front. C 4104.1

T(–) period 90s

Visible 147°30′-150°30′.


65° 24.0´ N Q.W. 24° 49.0´ E

33 10

8 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 143°-149°. stripe.

65° 23.4´ N L.Fl.W. 24° 50.5´ E period 8s fl. 2s, ec. 6s

89 27

9 Red truncated pyramid, white rectangular daymark.

65° 24.0´ N Q.W. 25° 00.0´ E

33 10

7 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 109°30′-113°30′. stripe.

100 30

13 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 109°30′-113°30′. stripe.

65° 24.2´ N L.Fl.W. 25° 01.4´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

Visible 143°-149°.

65° 25.4´ N V.Q.(3)W. 24° 51.5´ E period 5s

39 12

3 E. CARDINAL BYB, beacon, topmark.

65° 24.0´ N Q.W. 24° 52.1´ E

33 10

6 Mast, red rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

Visible 331°-335°.

102 31

9 Mast, red rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

Visible 331°-335°.

65° 21.5´ N Q.W. 24° 53.8´ E

33 10

6 Mast, red rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

Visible 170°30′-174°30′.

65° 20.9´ N L.Fl.W. 24° 54.0´ E period 8s fl. 2s, ec. 6s

72 22

7 Mast, red rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

Visible 170°30′-174°30′.

65° 25.0´ N L.Fl.W. 24° 50.9´ E period 8s


(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


18791 Kraasukka Range, front.

65° 19.4´ N Q.W. 24° 58.2´ E

33 10

6 Mast, red rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

65° 20.9´ N L.Fl.W. 24° 57.8´ E period 8s fl. 2s, ec. 6s

92 28

6 Metal framework tower, red Visible 345°30′-349°30′. rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

65° 30.0´ N Fl.W.R.G. 24° 51.0´ E period 3s fl. 1s, ec. 2s

48 15

65° 30.3´ N Fl.(2)W. 24° 22.5´ E period 6s fl. 0.3s, ec. 1.5s fl. 0.3s, ec. 3.9s

C 4112

C 4105

18791.1 -Rear, 347°30′ from front. C 4105.1

18792 Harkaletto.

9 Black triangular concrete tower, white lantern; 36.

G. 329°-348°, W.-353°, R.004°, G.-018°, W.-027°, R.-077°, G.-094°30′, W.097°30′, R.-122°30′, G.146°, obsc.-206°, G.235°, W.-243°, R.-272°, obsc.-329°.

53 16

7 White steel mast, red top.

Radar reflector.

65° 32.0´ N Q.W. 25° 02.0´ E

14 4

6 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 291°30′-295°30′. stripe.

18804 -Rear, 113 meters 293°30′ from front.

65° 32.1´ N Fl.W. 25° 02.0´ E period 3s

36 11

6 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 291°30′-295°30′. stripe.

18808 Tiuranen Range, front.

65° 36.0´ N Q.W. 24° 57.0´ E

30 9

6 White rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 092°-096°.

18812 -Rear, Korkeakari W. Beach, about 1200 meters 094° from front.

65° 35.9´ N V.Q.(5)W. 24° 59.0´ E period 6s

54 16

6 White rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 092°-096°.

18816 Mantaja Range, front.

65° 37.3´ N Q.W. 24° 52.8´ E

28 9

7 White rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 320°-324°.

C 4099

18820 -Rear, about 1850 meters 322° from front.

65° 38.0´ N V.Q.(5)W. 24° 51.4´ E period 6s

54 16

7 White rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 320°-324°.

18824 Ykskivi.

65° 36.1´ N Fl.W.R.G. 24° 42.3´ E period 4s fl. 0.5s, ec. 3.5s

30 9

6 Red and white tower; 15.

G. 106°-117°30′, W.-123°, R.137°.

65° 36.6´ N Fl.(3)W.R.G. 24° 33.8´ E period 12s fl. 0.4s, ec. 1.1s fl. 0.4s, ec. 1.1s fl. 0.4s, ec. 8.6s

82 25

7 White round concrete tower, upper part black; 78. Helicopter platform.

G. 246°-264°, W.-268°, R.279°30′, obsc.-334°, G.339°, W.-344°, R.-022°, G.-036°, W.-041°, R.076°, G.-135°30′, W.141°, R.-153°30′, obsc.246°. Radar reflector.

C 4100

18796 Kemi 2. C 4082.5

18800 Liippa Range, front.

C 4112.1

C 4099.4

C 4099.5

C 4099.1

C 4098.5

18828 Keminkraaseli. C 4083



Visible 345°30′-349°30′.

T(–) period 90s


18830 Pohjantahti Beacon, RACON.

65° 37.6´ N T(–) 24° 22.4´ E period 90s


18832 Valikivikko.

65° 30.3´ N U.Q.(5)W. 24° 37.5´ E period 6s

49 15

7 Black and white steel pole; 55.

65° 37.7´ N Q.W. 24° 35.7´ E

39 12

6 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 052°-056°. stripe.

18840 -Rear, about 275 meters 054° from front.

65° 37.8´ N L.Fl.W. 24° 35.7´ E period 8s fl. 2s, ec. 6s

79 24

6 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 052°-056°. stripe.

18844 Ruumiskari Range, front.

65° 39.1´ N Q.Y. 24° 39.7´ E

23 7

6 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 047°-051°. stripe.

65° 39.2´ N L.Fl.Y. 24° 39.6´ E period 8s fl. 2s, ec. 6s

43 13

6 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 047°-051°. stripe.

65° 40.0´ N Q.W. 24° 39.0´ E

18 5

8 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 128°-132°. stripe.

C 4083.7

18836 Ajoskrunni Range, front. C 4095

C 4095.1

C 4096.3

18848 -Rear, 049° from front. C 4096.31

18852 Satamaranta Range, front. C 4096.34


Radar reflector. Radar reflector.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


18856 -Rear, 130° from front.

65° 40.1´ N L.Fl.W. 24° 39.6´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

29 9

9 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 128°-132°. stripe.

65° 39.9´ N Iso.W. 24° 36.3´ E period 2s

23 7

10 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 018°-029°. stripe.

65° 40.3´ N L.Fl.W. 24° 36.5´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

49 15

13 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 018°-029°. stripe.

65° 40.8´ N Q.R. 24° 38.4´ E

36 11

10 Red rectangular daymark, white Visible 354°-359°. stripe.

65° 41.1´ N Iso.R. 24° 38.1´ E period 6s

65 20

10 Red rectangular daymark, white Visible 354°-359°. stripe.

65° 41.3´ N Q.W. 24° 36.0´ E

59 18

7 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 307°30′-311°30′. stripe.

65° 41.4´ N L.Fl.W. 24° 35.6´ E period 8s fl. 2s, ec. 6s

85 26

9 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 307°30′-311°30′. stripe.

65° 39.8´ N F.G. 24° 31.3´ E

33 10

1 Pole.

C 4084

65° 39.8´ N Iso.Y. 24° 31.1´ E period 2s

72 22

12 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 012°-017°. stripe. Pilot station.

18896 - -Rear, 1130 meters 014°30′ from front.

65° 40.5´ N Iso.Y. 24° 31.8´ E period 6s

121 37

12 Metal framework tower, red Visible 012°-017°. rectangular daymark, yellow stripe.

18898 -Ajos Murhanicmenkallio Range, front.

65° 39.6´ N Q.W. 24° 35.5´ E

16 5

6 White rectangular daymark, black stripe.

Visible 331°30′-336°30′.

65° 40.0´ N Fl.W. 24° 35.0´ E period 3s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2.5s

46 14

6 White rectangular daymark, black stripe.

Visible 331°30′-336°30′.

65° 36.1´ N V.Q.(3)W. 24° 28.0´ E period 5s

39 12

3 E. CARDINAL BYB, tower, topmark.

65° 41.5´ N Q.W. 24° 30.3´ E

16 5

5 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 343°-003°. stripe.

18912 - -Rear, 180 meters 352°30′ from front.

65° 41.6´ N L.Fl.W. 24° 30.1´ E period 6s fl. 2s, ec. 4s

30 9

6 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 343°-003°. stripe.

18916 -Tuomilahti Range, front.

65° 40.6´ N Q.W. 24° 32.0´ E

16 5

6 White rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 191°30′-195°30′.

65° 40.5´ N Iso.W. 24° 31.7´ E period 6s

30 9

7 White rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 191°30′-195°30′.

65° 43.0´ N Q.W. 24° 34.7´ E

17 5

6 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 036°-041°. stripe.

65° 43.4´ N Iso.W. 24° 35.1´ E period 6s

41 12

7 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 036°-041°. stripe.

65° 41.8´ N Q.W. 24° 34.0´ E

15 5

6 White rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 041°30′-046°30′.

65° 42.1´ N L.Fl.W. 24° 34.3´ E period 8s fl. 2s, ec. 6s

38 12

6 White rectangular daymark, red stripe.

Visible 041°30′-046°30′.

65° 44.0´ N F.R. 24° 34.0´ E

26 8

2 Red rectangular daymark, black Visible 311°-071°. stripe.

65° 43.9´ N F.R. 24° 33.8´ E

134 41

C 4096.35

18860 Pihlajakarilla Range, front. C 4097

18864 -Rear, 023°30′ from front. C 4097.1

18868 Rytikaripenger Range, front. C 4096.4

18872 -Rear, 356°30′ from front. C 4096.41

18880 Kannonnokka Range, front. C 4096.5

18884 -Rear, 309°30′ from front. C 4096.51

KEMI: 18888 -Ajos Laiturinpaa. C 4084.6

18892 -Ajos Range, front.

C 4084.1

C 4096.15

18898.1 - -Rear, about 890 meters 334° from front.

C 4096.16

18900 -Kemi 3, border marker. C 4083.5

18908 -Lehtikari Range, front. C 4085.4

C 4085.41

C 4085.7

18920 - -Rear, 193°30′ from front. C 4085.71

18924 -Laitakari Range, front. C 4085.8

18928 - -Rear 038°30′ from front. C 4085.81

18932 -Munakari Range, front. C 4085.6

18936 - -Rear, 044° from front. C 4085.61

18948 -Mansikkanokka Range, front. C 4086

18948.1 - -Rear, 630 meters 011° from C 4086.1 front.


4 Kemi church tower.

Visible 300°-180°.

Visible 354°-038°.

(1) No.

(2) Name and Location

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) Height

(6) Range

(7) Structure

(8) Remarks


18952 -Pajusaari Range, front, S. beach of Kukeli Island.

65° 44.5´ N F.R. 24° 32.6´ E

15 5

4 White rectangular daymark, black stripe.

Visible 260°-080°.

18956 - -Rear, 337° from front.

65° 44.5´ N F.R. 24° 32.5´ E

30 9

4 White rectangular daymark, black stripe.

Visible 260°-080°.

65° 39.6´ N Q.W. 24° 16.6´ E

20 6

7 Red rectangular reflective daymark, yellow stripe.

Visible 305°-309°.

18964 - -Rear, Mainua Island, SE. side, about 2.2 km. 307°30′ from front.

65° 40.3´ N L.Fl.W. 24° 14.3´ E period 8s

85 26

9 Red rectangular reflective daymark, yellow stripe.

Visible 305°-309°.

18965 -Hamnskar Range, front.

65° 41.3´ N Q.W. 24° 09.6´ E

39 12

6 Red rectangular daymark, white Visible 314°30′-318°30′. stripe. Shown April 1-June 1 and July 20 to close of navigation.

65° 42.4´ N L.Fl.W. 24° 06.7´ E period 8s

95 29

6 Red rectangular daymark, white Visible 314°30′-318°30′. stripe. Shown April 1-June 1 and July 20 to close of navigation.

C 5701

65° 46.0´ N Iso.Y. 24° 09.0´ E period 2s

20 6

10 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 337°-357°. stripe.

18972 - -Rear, 585 meters 347° from front.

65° 46.2´ N Iso.Y. 24° 08.8´ E period 6s

83 25

10 Red rectangular daymark, yellow Visible 337°-357°. stripe.

18976 Koivuluodonletto.

65° 46.0´ N Q.(3)W. 24° 14.0´ E period 5s

21 6

C 4090

C 4090.1

TORNIO: 18960 -Mainua Range, front. C 5694

C 5694.1

C 5700

18965.1 - -Rear, l.6 miles 316°30′ from C 5700.1 front.

KEMI: 18968 -Roytta Range, front, on wharf.

C 5701.1

C 5701.3


3 Mast.


Section 11 Radiobeacons

(1) No.

(2) Name

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) (6) Range Sequence

(7) Frequency

(8) Remarks



Kiel Light Station

54° 30.0´ N 10° 16.5´ E

KI (– • – • •).


Friedrichsort Light Station Calibration Radiobeacon

54° 23.5´ N 10° 11.7´ E

FB (• • – •


Travemunde Calibration Radiobeacon

53° 57.8´ N 10° 53.0´ E


Warnemunde Calibration Radiobeacon

Sassnitz Calibration Radiobeacon



310 A1A. 312.6, 2168 A2A.

Transmits on request to Wasser and Schiffahrtsamt, Lubeck through Revierzentrale Travemunde, telephone (04502) 71117, telex 261 419.

UB (• • – – • • •).

312.6, 2168 A2A.

Transmits on request to Wasser and Schiffahrtsamt, Lubeck through Revierzentrale Travemunde, telephone (04502) 84750, fax (04502) 8475527, telex 261 419.

54° 10.6´ N 12° 05.9´ E

LHD (• – • •

312, 2200 A1A, A2A.

Transmits on request to Warnemunde Pilot Station on VHF channel 12 or telephone (50-01) 539 1407. Iso.W. light shown from pilot station.

54° 30.7´ N 13° 38.7´ E

SAZ (• • • • – – – • •).

312, 2200 A1A, A2A.

Transmits on request to Sassnitz Harbor Master on VHF channel 14. 24 hour notice required.

– • • •).

• • • • – • •).





Swinoujscie Calibration Radiobeacon


Darlowo Calibration Radiobeacon

53° 55.0´ N 14° 17.2´ E

54° 26.5´ N 16° 22.9´ E

S (• • •).


296.5 A1A.

S (• • •).

296.5 A1A.

Transmits on request to Swinoujscie main light on VHF channels 12 and 16.

D (– • •).

309 A1A, A2A.

Transmits on request to Darlowo light on VHF channel 16.




54° 38.0´ N 19° 55.0´ E

BK (– • • •



299 A1A.



312.5 A1A.




Mys Taran (Brusterort) Light Station, Russia


Ventspils Calibration Radiobeacon


Irbenskiy Light Station

54° 57.7´ N 19° 59.0´ E

57° 45.1´ N 21° 44.1´ E

BT (– • • • –). period 360s tr (interrupted by a long dash) 60s si 300s P (• – – •).


300.5, 309.5 A1A.

YuH (• • – – • • • •). period 360s tr(6) 19.5s, si 1s (—) 25s, si 1s tr(2) 6.5s, si 307s


285.5 A1A.


Transmits on request to Port Captain, Ventspils through Ventspils (UNI) on VHF channel 16. Two hours prior notice required.

(1) No.

(2) Name

(3) Position

(4) Characteristic

(5) (6) Range Sequence

(7) Frequency


420 430

Mys Lounatrivi Light Station Kaybolovo Light Station

60° 00.7´ N 27° 00.5´ E

YuG (• • – –


59° 44.5´ N 28° 02.0´ E

KA (– • – • –). period 360s tr(4) 20s (—) 25s tr(2) 10s si 305s

294.5 A1A.

– – •). 70


294.5 A2A.


470 480

Porkkala Pilot Station Mantyluoto

59° 52.1´ N 24° 18.4´ E

PR (• – – •

61° 35.6´ N 21° 27.9´ E

MYa (– – • – • –).


284.5 A1A.


297.5 A1A.

• – •).


(8) Remarks

Section 12 Differential GPS Stations

(1) No.

(2) Name

(3) Position

(4) (5) Station ID Range

(6) Frequency

(7) Transfer Rate

(8) Remarks



Hammer Odde

55° 17.9´ N 14° 46.5´ E

T 451





Skagen, W.

57° 45.0´ N 10° 35.8´ E

T 453







54° 01.5´ N 14° 43.7´ E

T 481




Message Types: 1,3,7,16.



54° 49.8´ N 18° 20.2´ E

T 482




Message Types: 1,3,7,16.



Message Types: 3,6,7,9,16.



Message Types: 3,6,7,9,16.



Message Types: 3,6,7,9,16.



Message Types: 3,6,7,9,16.



Message Types: 3,6,7,9,16.




61° 36.0´ N 21° 28.0´ E

T 401 R 601




62° 41.0´ N 29° 01.0´ E

T 403 R 603




59° 58.0´ N 24° 23.0´ E

T 400 R 600




61° 24.0´ N 28° 14.0´ E

T 402 R 602




60° 26.0´ N 22° 13.0´ E

T 404 R 604





64° 29.0´ N 21° 34.0´ E

T 461




Message Types: 3,6,9,16.



63° 29.0´ N 19° 39.0´ E

T 462




Message Types: 3,6,9,16.



60° 32.0´ N 18° 22.0´ E

T 463




Message Types: 3,6,9,16.



59° 09.0´ N 19° 08.0´ E

T 464




Message Types: 3,6,9,16.



58° 56.0´ N 17° 57.0´ E

T 468



Message Types: 3,6,9,16.



56° 55.0´ N 18° 09.0´ E

T 65




Message Types: 3,6,9,16.



56° 18.0´ N 12° 27.0´ E

T 466




Message Types: 3,6,9,16.


Hjortens Udde

58° 38.0´ N 12° 40.0´ E

T 467




Message Types: 3,6,9,16.


INDEX – LIGHTS A AALBAEK HAVN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1572 Aalborg Havn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1884 Aallonmurtaja . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18100 AARHUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2272 Aaro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2628 Aarsdale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5760 Abbekas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5616 ABENERA HAVN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2656 Abertsklackarna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15176 Abordso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10840 Abrahaminluoto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14548 Abruka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12660 Adkobb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8452 Adkubben . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9124 Adskar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16796 Aebelo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2432 Aegna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12788 AERO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2792 Aeroskobing Havn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2808 AGERSO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4092 Agerso Sund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4040 Aggskar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14072 Ago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10624 AHUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7208 Ainazi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12448 Ajax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14946 Ajos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18892 Ajos Laiturinpaa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18888 Ajos Murhanicmenkallio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18898 Ajoskrunni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18836 Akmenrags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12120 Akolanpera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18320 Alabodarna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5268 Alandets Grund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9640 Alandskobb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9636 Albertsklackarna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15184 Albuen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4160 Alen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8328 Aleskar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8308 Alfredshem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10970 Algardsudde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8352 Algeroren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9320 Algersgrund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8692 Algsjo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10891 Alhallen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8196 Alholm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18216 ALLINGE HAVN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5836 Allirahu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12648 Alloviken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10940 Alno . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10778 Als Fjord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2688 Als Odde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1912 Aludden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9536 Alvasen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11800 Alvshorashamnen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1124.5 Alvsnabben . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9192 Alvviksgrundet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9520 AMAGER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4944 Andershof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6084 Andreyevskaya Gavan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12400 Angelholm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1492 ANGERMANALVEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10832 Angholmen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 668 Angskarsskaten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10284 Anholt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1976

Ansekula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12680 Argos Grund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10296 Arholma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10052 Arildslage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1512 Arkhipelag Bol shoy Fiskar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13296 Arkona . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5900 Armbagen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9972.6 Arnemar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8084 Asaa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1716 Asehorn Kalmarsud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8008 Askaret . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10912 ASKO HAVN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4264 Asla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7536 Asnaes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3596 Asnaesvaerket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3616 Aspeskar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7584 Aspholmen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 826 Asposkar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9232 ASSENS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2616 Astholmsudde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10804 Aston. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10805 Aurgrund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9868 Avedore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5030 Avernakke Pynt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3796 AVERNAKO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2784 Awanport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6724

B Baago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2600 Babina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6444 Backviken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5276 Badholmen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8100 Baekkehave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3924 Bagenkop Havn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4196 Baggahegna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7418 Baknahall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7388 Ballebro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2704 Ballen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3926 Ballen Havn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2348 Baloren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7208 Balso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10696 Baltiysk, Vislinskiy Zaliv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7056 Bandholm Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4248 BANDHOLM HAVN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4272 BAROSUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8432 Barren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1940 BARSEBACKSHAMN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5324 Barsebackverket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5332 Bashnya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13280 Baskemolla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7176 Bastad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1444 Batskar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15432, 17680 Batskarsnas Yttre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11928 Bedaro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9168 Bedragaren Rock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11076 Bellonagrundet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10256 Bengtskar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15268 Benskar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1012 Bergaholmen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7576 Bergbadan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18238 Berggrund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17868 Bergholmen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8420 Bergkvara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7808 Bergo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8784, 10704 Bergskaret . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11460 Bergudden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11272


Berlin Islet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 680 Bernati . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12056 Billingen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1144 Binnholmsskaten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11824 Bissen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Bjorkholmen (Koivusaari) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14404 Bjorko . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 928 BJORKOBY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18136 Bjorn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10300 Bjornhallan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11708 Bjorningarna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 828 Bjorno . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2748, 8574, 11100 Bjuroklubb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11356 Bla Junfrun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8048 Blackhall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376 Blackkallen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11352 Blasinge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7737 Blekholm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14476 Blockholmsundet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8284 Blockhusudden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9556 Bockholmen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8876 BOGENSE HAVN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2448 Bogesund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9504 Bogo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4176 Bogo Havn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4360 Bogskar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16092 Bojden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2640 Boko . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8884 Bokullankivi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15860 Bollo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7540 Bomlobet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4840 Bonan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10356 Bonassund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10968 Bonden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11056 Bondofjarden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11552 Bondon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11544 BONNERUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2000 Bonsacken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7324 Bootshaten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5884 Borgholmen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7960 Borgmastargrund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18208 Borgo (Torkelborgen) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8264 Borgsted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4480 Borstahusen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5292 Borstskar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11940 BORUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2540 Borussiagrund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11644 Boso Sten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8572 Bostrup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3956 Bottenholmen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9032 Botvaldavik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9900 Botveskar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9596 Boviken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9864 Bradpo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18072 Bramo Kalv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10740 Bramowe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6212 Bramskar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Brandalssund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8988 Brande Holmen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 Brandskar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10552 Brannfors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11468 Branten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9400 Brantevik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7144 Brato . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 592 Brattogrundet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 760 Bredhage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1828 Bredskar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11172

INDEX – LIGHTS Bredskarssund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11164 Breviksudde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356 Brodstycket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9460 Brofjorden Angoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428 Brunskar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14112 Brunsviksholmen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9180 Brzezno Gdanskie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6860 Buahamn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1288 Buk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3412 Bulk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3084 Bulkhamnen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5232 Bulli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12256 Bungeor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9852 Burea Hamn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11364 Burger See . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3200 Burgstaaken Hafen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3192 Burgsvik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9744 BURGSVIK HAMN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9756 Burnaset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11780 Bussgrund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8200 Bykowo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6448 Bylehamn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9984 Byviken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11268 Byxelkrok . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8116

C Chelminek (Leitholm) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6276 CHRISTIANSO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5852 Commercial Harbor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5412 Czotpino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6616

D Dagelokke Havn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3984 Dalaro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9268 Dalskar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7808 Damgaard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2552 Damman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7996 DAMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3060 Dane River . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12032 Danholm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6100 Dannekroken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 944 Danvikskanalen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9564 DARLOWO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6564 Daugavgriva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12280 Degerhamn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7792 Dejeudden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10048 Dejro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2818 Der Dornbusch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5864 Dersiskargrund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17932 Devin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6056 Dirhami range, front. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12753 Djupasund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7628 Djupbacksholmen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11804 Djupskar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160, 17948 Djursholmsudde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9532 Dlugi Ostrow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6388 Dodoren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15304 Domance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6384 Domiaza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6400 Domstens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5140 Donso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1152 Donsohuvud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1184 Dragor Faergehavn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5008 Dragor Havn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4992 Drejensodde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2572

Drigge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6064 Drogden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4940 Drottningskar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7624 Dubovyy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13180 Dueodde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5732 Dukarsund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10652 Dynabrott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320 Dynen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3796 Dyrasholmen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11908 Dyreborg Havn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2760

E Ebeltoft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2234 EBELTOFT VIG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2212 ECKERNFORDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3068 Edvard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18052 Ega . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2271 Egensekloster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1766, 1768 EGERNSUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2960 Eggegrund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10340 Eggskar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 664 Egholm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4072 Egholm Flak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4080 Einan Karinmatala . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13426 Ejby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2204 Ekenabbens Fiskehamn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7640 Ekenas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 EKENAS (TAMMISAARI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14944 Eknoudde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10076 Eko . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8152 Ekoren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9728 Eksi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12900.5 Eldena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6000 Elko . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18424 Elo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13561 Emilia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18068 Emmaste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12700 Emmyanpalu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13236 ENDELAVE HAVN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2364 Enebaerodde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2440 Engelska Grundet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10276 Engesberg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10360 Enghave Brygge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4860 Engholm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1836 Engure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12248 Entrance channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5248 Erskar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8340 Espergaerde Havn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4696 Espskarsgrund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8408 Espskarsklubb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8772 Ettersundet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8492

F FAABORG FJORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2752 Faaborg Havn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2776 Faeno . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2596 fa*gelon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8448 fa*gelskar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18020 fa*gelsundet Ostra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10304 fa*gelsundet Vastra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10292 fa*gerviken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10316 FAKSE (FAXE) HAVN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4524 Faldsled Havn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2648 FALKENBERGS HAMN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1368 Falkenhagen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6012


Falsterbo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5556 FALSTERBOKANALEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5520 Falsterborev . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5560 Faludden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9952 Farfarsgrund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9104 Farholmsrevet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9604 Farjestaden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7912 Faro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9844 Farohallan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10208 Farosund (Haurevlar) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9876 Farosund Norra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9860 Farosund Sodra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9856 Farstugrunden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11640 Fastorna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16158 FEHMARN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3168 Fehmarnsund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3228 FEJO HAVN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4256 FEMO HAVN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4228 Fifong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8952 Finngrundet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10312 Finnhallen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8244 Finnkarten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8240 Finnklipp*rna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11732 Finnklipp*rna Norra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11724 Finnrevet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8052 Fiskeback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1220 Fiskebacksvik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328 Fiskelbackskil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420 Fiskerihavn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2488 Fisketangen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308 FISTETAGEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340 FJALLBACKA APPROACH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 Fjallskar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17872 Fjallskar Norre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17848 Fjardgrund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11180 Fjardhallan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9284 Fjardskar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15508 Fjordskar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1244 Flackgrund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15364 Flackskarsgrund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15404 Fladehavn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1628 Flakfort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4932 Flasan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10900 Flasklosa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9004 Flaskogrund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8584 Flaskohallen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8596 Flaskosund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8588 Flathallagrund Shoal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14540 Flato . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476 Flattarna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348 FLENSBORG FJORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2876 Fletagrund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17920 Fliemstorf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3364 Flintrannan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5492, 5494 Flothan (Flotjan) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16100 Flotjen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7648 Flugge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3220 Flundereviken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9808 Flundrebaden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7652 Foren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8336 Forhavn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1548 Frankeklint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3968 Frano . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10884 Franska Stenarna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9300 Fredagsholmen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448 FREDERICIA HAVN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2480 FREDERIKSHAVN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1600

INDEX – LIGHTS Frederikshlom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5856 Frederikso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3884 Frederikssund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2096 Free Harbor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5396 Frieshaken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2966 Frihavn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4816 Frydenstrand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1788 Fungskar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15456 Furugrund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17892 Furuholmen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9476 Furuogrund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11480 Furuskar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10736 Furusund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9644 Furusund Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9608 Furusundsleden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9632, 9724 FYN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3926 Fynshavn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2728

G Gackero . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10676 Galgenborg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6252 Galo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9212 Galtaback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1348 Galtarna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15392 Galtbadan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8148 Galteron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 808 Gammel-Pol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2872 Gardskar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10328 Garpaviken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7552 Garpen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7776 Garpholmen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10564 Gasberget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17704 Gasfeten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7468 Gasfjarden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10656 Gasgrund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17976 Gasgrundet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14600 Gashallan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10464, 17768 Gaski . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6560 Gasoren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11384 Gasskvatt