Command Compendium - All Commands A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z '
ACCEPT Used when someone OFFERs you something.
ACCUSE USAGE: To accuse someone of theft you must go to the guard office in the city in which you caught a thief stealing from you. They do not need to be online for you to ACCUSE them. (Note: Names must be typed EXACTLY as they appear.) ACCUSE (name) (when in a guard house) | Just type ACCUSE and then the mean ol' person who stole from you! | ACCUSE (name) to CLERK | Trader only! Use this when you catch a Thief in your pockets outside the city walls and the Guild may send thugs out to beat them up! |
ACTION USAGE: ACT followed by what you want to act out AS IT WOULD LOOK TO THE ROOM ACTION is *not* a substitute for speech. Do not use it to get around situations where you are unable to speak except to use appropriate gestures that convey meaning. ACT (followed by what you want to act out AS IT WOULD LOOK TO THE ROOM) | ACT dances a wacky two-step. (Solomon dances a wacky two-step.) | ACT'S | ACT 's nose drips onto the floor. PLOP! PLOP! PLOP! (Solomon's nose drips onto the floor. PLOP! PLOP! PLOP!) | ACT, | ACT , his nose dripping onto the floor, sneezes mightily. (Solomon, his nose dripping onto the floor, sneezes mightily.) |
ADVANCE Used to ADVANCE toward a target, usually a creature or another player.
ADVICE ADVICE is a quickstart verb to help you learn your way around the game as fast as possible. It will teach you the basics, get you joined to a guild, equipped, and on your way to adventure. ADVICE GUILD (number) | This will give you guild-specific ADVICE.Your choices are:1: Skills needed to advance. 2: General advice. | ADVICE NEW | This restart the entire ADVICE sequence.Your ADVICE counter has been reset. Type ADVICE to start again. | ADVICE REPEAT | This will repeat only the last bit of ADVICE you receive. | ADVICE WELFARE | This will give only ADVICE about your well-being.You have a normal body. Your body feels at full strength. Your spirit feels full of life.You have no significant injuries. |
AFT Used for moving AFT on a ship (That's toward the back, landlubber!)
AGILITY Used to show your current Agility stat, how many TDPs it will cost to raise your Agility by 1 point, and to explain the benefits of Agility. Your base Agility is ten(10).It will cost you 30 TDPs to raise your Agility from 10 to 11. Agility helps you hit with weapons and targeted spells, improves manual tasks such as skinning or disarming, and is used in magical 'spell versus agility' contests, among other things. Use INFO to view all your statistics at once.
AGREE Used to indicate that you AGREE with the terms you are being offered. Utilized by several systems in the game.
AIM Used to AIM a ranged weapon (such as a bow) at a target.
ALIGN Moon Mage and Ranger only ALIGN is used by Moon Mages and Rangers to access certain special abilities. ALIGN <amount of spirit health> (Ranger) | Allows a Ranger to set the amount of spirit points he/she will use for a BESEECH. | ALIGN <skillset|skill> <curse> (Moon Mage) | Allows a Moon Mage to target a skill or skillset, as well as decide if he wishes to curse instead of enhance the target, when using tool-based skill predictions. | ALIGN MOON <moon|sever> (Moon Mage) | Allows a Moon Mage to set Grazhir, Katamba, Xibar, or Yavash as their default moon when using moon-specific spells and some enchantments. |
AMBUSH Used to initiate a sneak attack while in hiding. AMBUSH <target> | You leap out of hiding and ambush a goblin, completely surprising it. Moving like a striking snake, you step backward and then slice at a goblin. A goblin attempts to evade, moving directly into the blow. The broadsword lands an apocalyptic strike (So that's what it felt like when Grazhir shattered!) that explodes the heart and lungs with a bone-shattering blow to the chest. A goblin collapses to the ground, shuddering and moaning until it ceases all movement. |
ANALYZE Used to gather detailed information about a weapon or piece of armor. ANALYZE <item> | The broadsword is a forged heavy edged weapon. It was made by someone with an amount of skill far below notice compared to your own. It is in perfect condition. It is an extremely easy piece to make. It was pounded a couple times. It is an ancient heirloom.Roundtime: 20 seconds. |
ANSWER Used to ANSWER an NPC that has asked you a question, a Guild Liaison that has invited you to join a Guild Meeting, or to respond to an in-game survey.
APPLAUD USAGE: APPLAUD APPLAUD <ITEM/CREATURE> APPLAUD <PERSON> - Using this while holding a food in your right hand will result in pelting the miscreant with food. (Warning: The food being thrown is destroyed.) - Using this while holding a drink in your right hand will result in giving them a toast. - Using this while holding some types of real flowers in your right hand will result in throwing it at their feet appreciatively. APPLAUD <PERSON> <COPPER/BRONZE/SILVER/GOLD/PLATINUM> COIN - Using this option allows you to throw a single coin to someone who isn't visibly guarded or avoiding mischievous play. [Note: Your victim's demeanor may affect your attempts to throw various things.] APPLAUD (self) | You see: You strut around, preening and patting yourself on the back. Not shy, are we?Room sees: Solomon struts around, tooting his own horn. Call an Empath, he's going to hurt something trying to pat himself on the back like that! | APPLAUD <a dead creature> | You see:You solemnly applaud the fallen form of a goblin. Others see: Solomon solemnly applauds the fallen form of a goblin. | APPLAUD <a held item> | You see:You turn a greatsword in the light, admiring it. Others see: Solomon turns a greatsword in the light, looking at it admiringly. | APPLAUD <a living creature> | You applaud a goblin, cheering it on! | APPLAUD <an item on the ground> | You see:You step back and gaze at a barbed arrow admiringly. Others see: Solomon steps back and gazes at a barbed arrow admiringly. | APPLAUD <person> | You see:You gaze into Bubba's eyes and applaud him heartily. Target sees: Solomon looks at you and applauds!Others see: Solomon looks at Bubba and applauds! |
APPLY You can APPLY a salve on yourself or another person. Syntax: APPLY <salve> APPLY <salve> ON <self| someone else> or direct it to a body part. APPLY <salve> <head> APPLY <salve> ON <self | someone else> <head>.
APPRAISE Used to appraise creatures to determine their abilities when compared to yours. You can also APPRAISE items to determine their value and other important information. APPRAISE <creature> | You are certain that the goblin is healthy. You are certain that it is a great deal less agile than you are. You are certain that it is significantly less quick to react than you are. You are certain that it is significantly weaker than you are. Taking stock of its offensive abilities, and defending with no weapon, you are certain that the goblin is a mythical being of immense power and ability. Taking stock of its defensive abilities, and attacking with no weapon, you are certain that the goblin is a mythical being of immense power and ability.(Roundtime: 5 seconds) | APPRAISE <item> | A broadsword is a heavy edged melee-ranged weapon. You are certain that it could do: low puncture damage moderate slice damage fair impact damage You are certain that the broadsword is fairly balanced and is fairly suited to gaining extra attack power from your strength. You are certain that the broadsword is moderately strong, and is in pristine condition. The broadsword is made with metal. You are certain that the broadsword weighs exactly 35 stones. You are certain that the broadsword is worth exactly 287 kronars, 230 lirums, or 207 dokoras. Roundtime: 8 seconds. You can also APPRAISE <item> QUICK or CAREFUL and get more (or less) detailed information. |
ARRANGE Allows a Ranger to ARRANGE a creature for Skinning...thus making making it harder for them to skin, and giving them more experience. Can also be used to ARRANGE your (or another player's) hair.
ASK Usage: ASK <player> ABOUT/FOR <subject> or: ASK <creature> ABOUT/FOR <subject> ASK (self) ABOUT (anything) | You see: Questioning yourself? That's scary!Room sees: Solomon stops briefly and it looks as if he is holding a serious debate in his mind. Then goes about his way as if nothing happened. |
ASSESS On its own, used to ASSESS your combat situation. Usage: ASSESS - overview of the combat situation. ASSESS PROTECT - overview of combat protection. ASSESS GROUP - visible members of your group. ASSESS TEACHING - what's being taught & by whom. ASSESS RACE [silently] - race of people in room. ASSESS MY RACE [silently] - others of your race. ASSESS OTHER RACE [silently] - people not your race. ASSESS RACE <race> [silently] - first person of that race. The last 4 options can all be followed by SILENTLY to suppress messaging the room. ASSESS GROUP | Current members of your group include: Denwyn | ASSESS MY RACE | You study the area... There doesn't seem to be another Dwarf around. | ASSESS OTHER RACE | You study the area... Denwyn is a male S'Kra Mur. He is middle-aged for a S'Kra Mur. That's everyone! | ASSESS RACE | You study the area... Denwyn is a male S'Kra Mur. He is middle-aged for a S'Kra Mur. That's everyone! | ASSESS RACE (race) | >assess race s'kra You study the area... The first S'Kra Mur you see is Denwyn, a male. He is middle-aged for a S'Kra Mur. | ASSESS TEACHING | You assess the teaching environment... You are teaching a class on appraisal, and you have room for 4 more students. Your current students are: Denwyn |
ASSIST To get help from a GameHost and/or GameMaster, use ASSIST REQUEST and specify the reason why you need assistance. To do so, type ASSIST REQUEST <your reason for assisting goes here>
ATMOSPHERE ATMOSPHERE {lefthand|righthand} This verb allows you to turn on or off special atmospheric messaging for an item which was created with the item atmosphere messaging system. Simply hold the item in your left or right hand (and indicate which hand to check when using the verb.) If they item is currently inactive, it will be set active. If the item is active, it will be set inactive. Please note, activating the item does not mean it will immediately perform its function.
ATTACK ATTACK is a very basic way to fight creatures. Using the ATTACK verb loop through a very basic, balance-neutral combo based on the weapon you are currently using. It won't be the BEST combo for your weapon, but it will generally allow you to stay moderately balanced.
AVOID AVOID flag settings: (! means no.) Example; AVOID JOIN allows joining, AVOID !JOIN disables the ability of others to join you. AVOID !ALL sets them all to NO, AVOID ALL clears them all. JOINING DRAGGING HOLDING TEACHING WHISPERING DANCING
AWAKEN Used to AWAKEN after SLEEPing. You awaken from your reverie and begin to take in the world around you (You will now begin to gain new experience again).
BABBLE You babble unintelligibly for a while. BABBLE (ITEM) | You babble at an obsidian-bladed broadsword. | BABBLE (PERSON) | You babble something incoherent at Denwyn. | BABBLE (SELF) | You babble to yourself, and strangely enough, you understand every word of it! Other person sees: Sookie babbles to herself for a while. |
BACKSTAB A potentially devestating attack from hiding, only usable by Thieves. BACKSTAB (target)
BALANCE Used to check your BALANCE in combat. You are solidly balanced.BALANCE (while at a Bank Teller window) | This will check your available bank balance. |
BANDAGE You may tie bandages on yourself or others. After tying the bandage, you may: have failed to do anything, slowed the bleeding or even stopped it. Your skill in First Aid, the severity of the injury, and the quality of the bandage, greatly affects how long it takes for you to apply the bandage and how long that wound will stay tended before the bandages become useless. Format: BANDAGE {MY|<character>} {area} {area} may be one of: head chest abdomen back neck tail right arm left arm right hand left hand right leg left leg right eye left eye Examples: > BANDAGE MY HEAD > BANDAGE GREGORY RIGHT ARM
BARK You make a barking noise.
BARTER USAGE: BARTER {item} WITH {player} FOR {amount} {currency} -or- BARTER {item} WITH {player} FOR {item} Permits you to exchange an item with another player for a set price or another item. The items must be held in the hand by both players.
BASH This is a combat move that can be used to harm your opponent. For example: Moving as one fluid extension of power, Solomon bashes a silver etched war hammer at a goblin. A goblin fails to dodge, taking the full blow. The hammer lands an apocalyptic strike (So that's what it felt like when Grazhir shattered!) that knocks it down and out with a blow to the nether regions (Total loss of bowel control accompanies a twitching death!)!
BASK If not a S'Kra Mur: You tilt your head back in an attempt to imitate the languid movement of a S'Kra Mur, but your mouth accidentally falls open, rather ruining the effect. If a S'Kra Mur: You tilt your head back and close your eyes, basking luxuriously.
BAWL You break down and bawl your eyes out, tears flying everywhere.
BBS Used in StormFront (PC) and Avalon (Mac) to launch the Simutronics Forums.
BEAM You beam! BEAM (PERSON) | You beam at Solomon! | BEAM (SELF) | You see: Pleased with yourself, eh? Room sees: Solomon looks extremely pleased with himself. |
BEARD VERBS Verbs used to interact with beards: BRAID BRUSH: Person runs his comb through his beard, painfully working out all of the kinks and tangles. CLEAN: Person scrubs at his beard, attempting to dislodge stray remnants of food and drink, or any other bits of gore that may have found a home within it. CUT (when holding clippers): With your clippers in hand you carefully shorten your beard. EAT: Why would you try to chew on your beard? LICK: You wipe some stray dribble from your beard. KISS: The wind ruffles Person's beard and he reaches up to smooth it back down. PEER: Your eyes cross as you try to peer at your beard. PULL: Person reaches up and scratches fiercely at his beard for a moment. REMOVE (with a razor): You carefully shave your face. RUB: Person strokes his beard in thoughtful contemplation. SCRATCH: Person scratches distractedly at his beard. SHAPE (while holding clippers): You carefully trim and form your beard into a goatee. TAP: Person runs a hand over his beard, smoothing it down. TRIM (with clippers): Person carefully trims and forms his Facial Hair. TURN: Person reaches up suddenly and plucks a hair out of his beard in irritation. WAVE: Person furiously drags his fingers through his beard, leaving it sticking out wildly in all directions.
BECKON You beckon everyone to gather around. BECKON (CREATURE) | You see: You crook your finger at a goblin, an evil smile on your face. Room sees: Solomon crooks his finger at a goblin, an evil smile on his face. | BECKON (PLAYER) | You crook your finger, motioning for Denwyn to come closer. | BECKON (SELF) | You see: You wiggle your finger in front of your face. Fascinating! Room sees: Solomon wiggles his finger in front of his face in apparent fascination. |
BEFRIEND To add a new friend: BEFRIEND {NAME} {DEMEANOR} cold reserved neutral friendly warm To locate a friend: BEFRIEND FIND {NAME} To remove a friend: BEFRIEND CLEAR {NAME | NUMBER} To remove all friends: BEFRIEND CLEAR ALL To see your current friends: BEFRIEND LIST
BELCH Usable after guzzling a drink. You pick up a mug of frothy root beer.>drink beer You take a sip of the beer -- quite sweet and delicious! >belch You don't feel the need at the moment. >guzz beer You guzzle down the beer -- quite sweet and delicious! >belch You belch loudly. BARBARIAN ONLY: Barbarians can belch even if they have not just had a drink.
BERSERK BARBARIAN ONLY: You must specify the type of berserk frenzy you wish to enter. Usage: Blood | Stone | Nightmare | Flame | Cyclone | Steel | Grave | Kuniyo | Everild | Trothfang
BESEECH RANGER ONLY: Usage: ------ BESEECH THE <force of nature> TO <the task you need done> [target item | creature | player] BESEECH MINE - For a list of the beseeches you know.
BET In appropriate locations, this is used to place a BET.
BID In appropriate locations, used to BID on an item up for auction.
BITE An attack used when BRAWLING: You clamp your teeth on a goblin's abdomen savaging it with a beastly shredding of flesh that rips through muscle and organs, cutting the foe cleanly in half. A goblin is stunned senseless! A goblin collapses to the ground, shuddering and moaning until it ceases all movement.
BLAME BLAME (SELF) You blame yourself for all your problems. BLAME (TARGET) You point at Denwyn and blame him for all your problems.
BLANCH You blanch. BLANCH (PERSON) | You look at Denwyn and blanch. | BLANCH (SELF) | You see: Your skin takes on a pasty color. Room sees: Solomon's skin turns a pasty shade. |
BLAZE In appropriate spots, used to BLAZE a trail.
BLINK You blink. BLINK (SELF) | You cross your eyes. |
BLOCK Used in combat to defend against a specific target: >block denwyn You stop trying to defend against a dobek moruryn. You divert some of your attention to defending against Denwyn.
BLUFF Hah! As a Bard, you can BLUFF like so... BLUFF <player|item|critter> BLUFF <player|critter> <option> Options: emperor, sister, lanival, baron, merchant, sidhlot, priest, swallow, glythtide, penguin BLUFF <self> BLUFF DODGE to dodge in combat. BLUFF DISTRACT to gain a better chance at hiding. BLUFF AMAZE to put on a charismatic show. BLUFF DEAD to play dead. ** Be warned, this could get you killed! **
BLUSH You blush a bright red color. BLUSH (SELF) | You blush furiously! | BLUSH (TARGET) | You look at Denwyn and blush. |
BOB Used in combat while BRAWLING: You bob suddenly, lowering yourself into a smaller target.
BONDED VERBS Verbs for Bonded Couples: BEAM: Person beams in loving admiration at you! BLINK: Person blinks in amazement at you. Good heavens, dear! BOW: Person bows ceremoniously to you, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. CURTSY: Person curtsies demurely to you, a mischievious sparkle in her eyes. FLIRT: Person catches your eye, smiles slowly, and begins flirting with you. You smile slowly, giving her your full attention. Person catches your eye, smiles slowly, and begins flirting with you. You smile demurely, giving him your full attention. FOCUS: Person smiles foolishly at you. You feel a faint warmth, as though someone reached toward you with a loving hand. HOLD: Person clasps your hand tenderly and draws you into his arms. HUG: Person enfolds you in a warm embrace. JOIN: Person takes his rightful place beside you. KISS: Person kisses Spouse. And he doesn't seem to want to stop. LEAN: Person leans back against Spouse with a loving smile. LICK: Person grins mischievously before leaning over to lick Spouse. NUDGE: Person jabs an elbow into Spouse's ribs. The honeymoon must be over. POKE: Person gives you a gentle poke in the ribs. SLAP: (none?) SMOOCH: Person smooches you all over your face, finishing with a big warm *mmmmwaaaah*! SNUGGLE: Person snuggles up to Spouse and cradles him in his arms. STARE: Person stares deeply into your eyes. TICKLE: Person gives you a mischievous grin, then tickles your ribs, right where he knows you're most ticklish! WAVE: Person waves to you, seeming not to want to take his eyes from you. WINK: Person winks at you with a playful sparkle in his eyes.
BOO You let out a resounding "Boo!" BOO (SELF) | You see: You feel your face flush with irritation.Room sees: Solomon flushes slightly and looks highly irate. |
BOP You bop around like a silly teenager. BOP (OBJECT) | You thump a silver etched war hammer lightly with your fist. | BOP (PERSON) | You bop Denwyn over the head. | BOP (SELF) | You bop yourself over the head. |
BOUNCE You bounce around happily.
BOW You bow. BOW (PERSON|ITEM|CREATURE) | You bow to Denwyn. | BOW (SELF) | You bend over and touch your toes. |
BRAID Used to BRAID suitable material into ropes. Also can be used to BRAID your (or another player's) hair or beard
BRAWL Used to toggle BRAWLING mode for combat. BRAWLING COMMANDS Attacks: Many non-weapon items can be used as brawling weapons while many can't. You'll have to discover what you can and can't use. Most normal combat attacks can be used in brawling, especially when using an object suitable for brawling. There are specialized commands for hand to hand combat. These are: Slap, Punch, Kick, Knee, Elbow, Gouge, Claw, Bite and Butt. There are specialized maneuvers available while brawling. These are: Circle, Weave, Bob, Shove, Tackle and Grapple. Grapple is a new combat position indicating two combatants are locked in melee combat and grappled together. That is they are physically holding onto each other. Some commands require you to be in this position while others are limited in this position. Be sure to experiment.
BREAK Used to BREAK a substance into two smaller pieces. Useful for leaning the Mechanical Lore skill.
BREATHE You take a deep breath. BREATHE ANNOY | You sharply inhale and exhale a heavy breath in annoyance. | BREATHE ANTICIPATE | You watch in breathless anticipation. | BREATHE BLUE | You hold your breath until you nearly turn blue! | BREATHE BORED | You breathe heavily, bored. | BREATHE CATCH | You pant, trying to catch your breath. | BREATHE DRINK | You let out a long breath of alcohol-laden air. | BREATHE FAST | You breathe rapidly, your nostrils flaring. | BREATHE FEAR | You gasp a quick breath in fear and surprise! | BREATHE FIERCE | You inhale a deep breath through your teeth, snarling! | BREATHE HOLD | You hold your breath. | BREATHE LOUD | You snuffle and gasp, making an enormous production out of simply breathing. | BREATHE OUT | You let out a long, contemplative breath. | BREATHE PAIN | You rapidly suck in air through your teeth in pain. | BREATHE QUIET | You breathe as quietly as you can. | BREATHE SELF | You try desperately to catch your breath. | BREATHE SLIGHT | You breathe in slightly. | BREATHE SLOW | You breathe very slowly and deliberately, calming yourself. |
BRUSH If holding a comb or a brush, you can use this to BRUSH your hair (or someone else's).
BUNDLE To bundle raw skins: Have a skin, pelt, or other item from skinning in one hand and a rope (not a horse lead rope) in the other. To add a skin to a bundle, the bundle must either be in your hand or be worn. Then, with the skin in hand, type BUNDLE to add your skin to the bundle. If the bundle is tied, you can not add to it. Bundles can be sold just like single skins. Use UNBUNDLE to untie the bundle, but be careful because the UNBUNDLE command dumps all the items in the bundle on the ground. To bundle tanned and cut pieces of skins, hides, etc.: Have "some <item> pieces" in each hand (for example, "some rat-pelt pieces" or "some boa-skin pieces"). Type BUNDLE to combine the pieces. Note: you can only combine pieces of the same item -- rat-pelt pieces can only be combined with rat-pelt pieces -- and of the same color (if they have been dyed).
BUTT A combat move used in BRAWLING: You bash your forehead into a goblin's head, hammering it with a savage head-butt that vaporizes the skull into a fine scarlet mist (Mom would not be pleased!). A goblin is stunned senseless! A goblin collapses to the ground, shuddering and moaning until it ceases all movement.
BUY Used in some stores to BUY an item.
CACKLE Used to cackle (a variation of laugh). CACKLE | You see: You cackle!Others see: Ceosanna cackles! | CACKLE <player> | You see: You cackle at Bob!Bob sees: Ceosanna cackles at you! |
CANCEL Used to cancel outstanding offers from a BARTER or GIVE command. Use ASSIST CANCEL to cancel an assist. Use REFER CANCEL to cancel a referral.
CARDS Used in connection with collector's cards and cases. CARDS ADD | Add a card to a collection. | CARDS COMPLETE | Used to make a full set of cards, you must have one of each type of card in your collection. | CARDS COUNT | Used to count how many cards you have without listing them. | CARDS DUPLICATES | Lists any duplicate cards you have. | CARDS LIST | List what cards you have. | CARDS NEEDED | Lists all cards you need to complete your collection. | CARDS REMOVE | Remove a card from a collection. |
CARVE Used to CARVE branches, sticks, and talismans (Talismans are for Warrior Mages only.). CARVE (item) WITH my (knife, or other carving device)
CAST This verb is used for casting prepared spells on yourself (if no target it specified), items, critters, specific body parts, and other players. (See PREPARE on how to prepare a spell and TARGET on how to target an attack spell.) WARNING: Use caution when casting on another player without their consent. Doing so can violate policy and result in warnings and/or harsher penalties.
CENTER This verb is used to center telescopes on a target. You can then FOCUS it and PEER through it at the object specified. CENTER TELESCOPE ON <celestial body> | You see: You put your eye to the silverwillow telescope and attempt to center on the black moon Katamba.Others see: Ceosanna puts her eye to a basic silverwillow telescope. | CENTER TELESCOPE ON <player> | You see: You peer at Bob through a basic silverwillow telescope. Bob's magnified eye blinks back at you.Bob sees: Ceosanna peers at you through a basic silverwillow telescope.
| CENTER TELESCOPE ON <self> | You see: You peer into the wrong end of a basic silverwillow telescope.Others see: Ceosanna peers down the wrong end of a basic silverwillow telescope. |
CHALLENGE This command is provided as a way to settle PvP disputes when both parties agree. The default challenge usually (but not always) protects you from dying. However, you may die or be seriously injured during the duel and may later die of your wounds. Having an empath on hand or herbs would be a wise precaution. LOCAL LAWS AND RESTRICTIONS STILL APPLY. Fighting in town zones (including in and around the guilds and town gates), whether in an arena or not, may get you arrested, particularly if a death is a result of the challenge. Empaths may issue challenges but they will still go into shock if they attack someone. Paladins will not have their souls harmed but if clerics kill or spill blood on holy ground, their god will still be displeased. NOTE: You can also choose to ignore a challenge, rather than accepting or refusing it. BARBARIAN ONLY: CHALLENGE <CRITTER> also has RP messaging depending on what is in your hands (empty, weapon, shield, weapon and shield). CHALLENGE | You see: You puff out your chest and strut around!Others see: Ceosanna puffs out her chest and struts around!
| CHALLENGE <character> <type> <reason> <injured person> | Issues a challenge. TYPEs of challenges: Blood (The challenge ends at first blood.) Blow (The challenge ends when first blow that lands.) Death (The challenge ends when one is dead. Death may only be challenged under vengeance and then only for killing.) Pain (This is the DEFAULT. The challenge ends when one is knocked unconscious.) REASONs are: Contest (This is the DEFAULT. It is contest of skill versus skill.) Honor (Your honor was violated by opponent and you seek satisfaction.) Justice (You seek justice for crimes committed against yourself or others.) Restitution (You wish restitution for actions taken by another against you or another. This is restricted to the Arenas.) Theft (You are accusing person of theft against yourself but seek only satisfaction.) Vengeance (You or a relative were killed or stolen from recently. The injured person must be named after the reason.) Note: Injured Person is only used with a Vengeance challenge. | CHALLENGE <character> ACCEPT <reason> | Used to accept a challenge and begins the duel. REASONs are: Bow (This is the DEFAULT. It shows respect without admission or denial of guilt.) Mistake (This is a denial of guilt. You claim the challenge has been issued mistakenly.) Strike (This is an admission of guilt. You strike the challenger with hand or item in right hand.) | CHALLENGE <character> REFUSE <reason> | Used to refuse a challenge. Reasons are the same as CHALLENGE ACCEPT.
| CHALLENGE <character> STOP <reason> | Stops a challenge. REASONs are: Accept (You accept the surrender of your opponent.) Admit (You admit to your guilt. This automatically ends the challenge in favor of the challenger. This and Deny are not available for a Contest challenge). Deny (You want it to end but you deny the reason you were challenged. Requires opponent use ACCEPT.) Mercy (This is like a no-contest, but you accept guilt. This also requires that your opponent ACCEPT.) Refuse (You turn down the surrender of your opponent.) | CHALLENGE <character> SURRENDER <reason> | Ends a challenge. Reasons are the same as CHALLENGE STOP. | CHALLENGE <self> | You see: You raise your chin slightly, bolstering your courage.Others see: Ceosanna raises her chin slightly in a show of defiance. | CHALLENGE FULL | Displays all the information found here. | CHALLENGE HELP | Displays the basic information on how to accept, refuse, or stop a challenge. | CHALLENGE INFO | Displays the information listed under the main entry above.
CHANT Bards use this verb in connection with certain enchantes taught by their Guildleaders, but anyone can use this verb to chant multiple verses. Each verse line must be separated by a semicolon. WARNING: This command should not be used just to attract attention. An example of this would be to chant that you are selling a sword, or that you have injuries needing tending. Use of chant in this manner is considered disruptive to the DragonRealms RolePlaying environment. CHANT <as a bard> | An example of what you see as a bard: You take a deep breath, then begin to chant a mesmerizing cadence designed to improve the study skills of those around you. Others see: Ceosanna takes a deep breath, then begins to chant a mesmerizing cadence designed to improve the study skills of those around her.Ceosanna's voice takes on an almost lyrical quality as she launches into the chorus of "Faenella's Grace", each word flowing to the next with a seamless ease.
| CHANT <verse;verse;verse> | You see: You chant: "Zylna pon zylna dabra hulza! Ista reva don! Anaku dingir!" (Time to Next Chanting: 9 seconds.) Others see: Ceosanna chants: "Zylna pon zylna dabra hulza! Ista reva don! Anaku dingir!"
CHARGE Spellcasters use this verb for charging magical devices with energy (mana), not for combat. CHARGE <item> <amount>
CHARISMA This can be used to check how many TDPs (Time Development Points) it will take to raise your charisma statistic. Charisma helps you with Bardic songs, bargain with shopkeepers, extends your spirit health (and therefore the time it takes before you auto-depart after dying), and is used in various magical 'spell vs statistic' contests, among other things. Use INFO to view all your statistics at once.
CHAT Used in DragonRealms: The Fallen to CHAT with other clan members.
CHATTER NOTE: This verb is limited to Platinum and The Fallen. Similar to gweths, this allows you to chat with other players on a game-wide level. Use CHATTER /OFF and /CHATTER ON to toggle the messaging.
CHECK CHECK BALANCE when in a bank. CHECK IN REROLL when at an Inn Warning: REROLL will wipe your character completely without having to rename him/her. You will have to rechoose race and features and begin again at level 0 with no profession, experience, inventory and vault contents. Only do this if you want to reroll but keep your current name. CHECK IN RETIRE when at an Inn Warning: RETIRE will force you to rename your character and reset it completely. After picking a new name you will have to rechoose your race and features and begin the game at level 0 with no profession, experience, inventory and vault contents. Only do this if you want to rename your character as well as reroll your character.
CHEER Used to shout approval in general or for someone else. CHEER | You see: You just feel so pleased with yourself, you can't help letting out a hearty cheer.Others see: Ceosanna gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer. | CHEER <player> | You see: You let out a hearty cheer for Bob!Bob sees: Ceosanna looks at you and lets out a hearty cheer on your behalf! |
CHIRR Used by S'Kra Mur make a type of trilling sound. CHIRR | You see: You chirr contentedly.Others see: Ceosanna makes a chirring noise in the back of her throat. | CHIRR <player> | You see: You chirr contentedly at Bob.Bob sees: Ceosanna makes a chirring noise in your direction. | CHIRR <self> | You see: You chirr contentedly to yourself, your tail undulating gently back and forth.Others see: Ceosanna chirrs contentedly to herself, her tail undulating gently back and forth.
CHOKE Used when you need to choke. CHOKE | You see: You gag, desperate for air!Others see: Ceosanna gags horribly and gasps for air!
CHOOSE This enables spellcasters to choose a spell that they want their Guildleader to teach them. This is also used in the character manager, allowing you to choose one feature over another.
CHOP This is a combat move that can be used to harm your opponent. For example: Driving in like an adept combatant, you chop an etched bone-handled carving knife at a thug. A thug attempts to dodge, taking the full blow. The knife lands an extremely heavy hit that scratches the right bicep (But another battle scar for the thug's collection!).
CHORTLE Used when you find something funny and want to chortle. CHORTLE | You see: You chortle softly at some secret joke.Others see: Ceosanna chortles softly at some secret joke. | CHORTLE <player> | You see: You chortle at Bob.Bob sees: Ceosanna starts chortling at you!
CHORUS NOTE: This is a *Bard Only* ability You can cause other bards to sing with you by using the CHORUS command followed by your verses. Separate each verse line by a semicolon. For example: CHORUS And the highwayman came riding;Up to the old inn door... This only works if another player is singing chorus with you. To do this, they must type SING WITH Bob. To stop, they can either SING WITH Bob STOP or CHORUS STOP. Both chorus leader and chorus singer must be sufficiently skilled to sing chorus.
CHUCKLE Used when you find something funny and want to chuckle. CHUCKLE | You see: You chuckle.Others see: Ceosanna chuckles. | CHUCKLE <player> | You see: You chuckle at Bob.Bob sees: Ceosanna chuckles at you!
| CHUCKLE <self> | You see: You chuckle to yourself.Others see: Ceosanna chuckles to herself. |
CIRCLE This is a combat move that can be used while BRAWLing to circle around your opponent. For example: You fake a thug, first moving one way and then another, leaving it off balance.
CLAIM CLAIM <# or Name> This command is used to claim an object that is waiting for you in the game. Be sure to type in the claim number or name exactly as it was given to you. Also see HOME CLAIM to claim an available home in your current room.
CLAW This is a combat move that can be used while BRAWLing to claw at your opponent. CLAW | As a Prydaen: You rake your claws across a thug's left eye badly clawing it with a heavy slashings that rips away the eyebrow and surrounding tissue above the left eye.For other guilds: You rake your fingers across a thug's left hand badly clawing it with a heavy slashings that rips a small chunk of flesh from its left forearm. |
CLEAN This allows you to clean various items, such as altars and instruments. CLEAN <item> WITH <cloth, etc.> | Since there is no need to clean a whistle with a cloth, you see: With an expert's care, you carefully drain and clean your silver whistle until you're satisified that you've removed a good deal of dust and residue from it.Others see: With an expert's care, Ceosanna carefully drains and cleans her silver whistle.
| CLEAN <self> | You see: You dust yourself off.Others see: Ceosanna dusts herself off. |
CLENCH Used when you want to grasp something tightly. CLENCH <player> | You see: You reach your shaking hands out to Bob and imagine wadding him up into a little ball.Bob sees: Ceosanna reaches her shaking hands out toward you, face twisted in an odd grin. | CLENCH <self> | You see: You ball up your fists stiffly at your side.Others see: Ceosanna balls up her fists stiffly at her side. | CLENCH <weapon> | You see: You clench your carving knife tightly until your knuckles go white.Others see: Ceosanna clenches her carving knife tightly until her knuckles go white. | CLENCH FIST | You see: You clench your fist.Others see: Ceosanna clenches her fist. | CLENCH TEETH | You see: You grit your teeth.Others see: Ceosanna grits her teeth. |
CLIMB This allows you to climb various things found in the realms, such as hills and trees.
CLOSE This allows you to close various items found in the realms, such as containers and doors. For example: >close pack You close your leather pack.
CLUTCH Used when you want to clutch something or someone. CLUTCH | You see: You wring your hands.Others see: Ceosanna wrings her hands. | CLUTCH <item> | NOTE: The messaging differs depending on the item. You see: You clutch your silver whistle tightly. You clutch your carving knife, your palms sweating with fear.Others see: Ceosanna clutches her silver whistle tightly. Ceosanna looks nervous as she clutches her carving knife.
| CLUTCH <player> | You see: You make a grab for Bob's arm, missing by a mile.Bob sees: Ceosanna tries to grab your arm, but misses by a mile.
| CLUTCH <player> <bodypart> | Valid options are: ARM You see: You grab Bob by the arm and whimper softly.Bob sees: Ceosanna grabs you by the arm and whimpers softly.HAIR You see: You glare angrily at Bob. Ohh, if only you could just rip his hair out!If Bob has no hair, you see: You glare angrily at Bob. If only he had hair so you could tear it right out!Either way, Bob sees: Ceosanna glares angrily at you, her fingers twitching.HAND You see: You grab Bob's hand and whimper softly.Bob sees: Ceosanna grabs your hand and whimpers softly.NECK You see: Your fingers twitch as you look at Bob, tempted to wring his neck.Bob sees: Ceosanna's fingers twitch as she looks at you angrily. | CLUTCH <self> | You see: You clutch your chest in mock horror.Others see: Ceosanna clutches her chest in mock horror.
| CLUTCH <self> <bodypart> | Valid options are: ABDOMEN You see: You double over, clutching your belly and moaning.Others see: Ceosanna doubles over, clutching her belly and moaning.ARM You see: You grab at your arm. Oh, the pain!Others see: Ceosanna clutches her arm in obvious pain.BACK You see: You clutch the small of your back, grimacing with pain.Others see: Ceosanna grimaces with pain, pressing one hand against the small of her back.CHEST You see: You clutch your chest with an anguished expression.Others see: Ceosanna clutches her chest with an anguished expression.EYES You see: You clutch your eyes as tears stream down your cheeks.Others see: Tears stream down Ceosanna's cheeks as she clutches her eyes.HAIR You see: You tear at your hair with a frantic expression.If you are Prydaen, you see: You tear at your mane with a frantic expression.If you are bald, you see: You clutch at your scalp with a frantic expression.Others see: Ceosanna tears at her hair with a frantic expression.If Ceosanna is a Prydaen, others see: Ceosanna tears at her mane with a frantic expression.If Ceosanna is bald, others see: Ceosanna clutches at her scalp with a frantic expression.HAND You see: You rub your hand, trying to work the stiffness out.Others see: Ceosanna rubs her hand, flexing the fingers with a pained grimace.HEAD You see: You grab your head and moan softly.Others see: Ceosanna grabs her head and moans softly.LEG You see: You clutch at your leg, almost falling as you try to put your weight on it.Others see: Ceosanna clutches at her leg, almost falling.NECK You see: You grab at your throat with a piteous whimper.Others see: Ceosanna clutches her throat with a piteous whimper. |
COMBAT This toggle allows you to squelch other characters' combat messages, except for death hits and critical hits. For example: >combat Other characters' combat messages now turned OFF. >combat Other characters' combat messages now turned ON so you can see them.
COMBINE This allows you to combine like substances, as long as you are holding them. For example: You glance down to see some muljin sap in your right hand and some muljin sap in your left hand. >combine sap with sap You combine some muljin sap with some muljin sap.
COMMAND This allows you to command another player to do something. Moon mages also have a spell that allows them to use this to have brief control over a creature. COMMAND (ship pilot) | Used to issue commands to the NPC pilot of a ship. COMMAND PILOT TO SAIL FOR RATHA | COMMAND <target> TO <subject> | If your target is another player, you see: You command Bob to get to work!Bob sees: Ceosanna commands you to get to work!
COMMUNE This is used by clerics to check their devotion to their chosen god. COMMUNE (for other guilds) | You see: You begin to act like you are trying to commune with your god, but you have no idea if you are doing it correctly. Roundtime 3 sec.Others see: Ceosanna bows her head and grows still for a moment. |
COMPARE This can be used to compare weapons, ammunition, armor, and shields with others of the same type using the appraisal skill. You can even compare items that another character has shown to you. COMPARE <item 1> WITH <item 2> or COMPARE <player> <item 1> WITH <item 2>
CONSENT CONSENT <player> This gives permission to the person of your choice to help you. WARNING! This will allow them to affect you with substances and pick up your grave items. CONSENT CLEAR This removes your consent. CONSENT EMPATH WARNING! This will allow any Empath to affect you with substances. This does not allow an Empath to pick up your grave items. CONSENT EMPATH CLEAR This removes your consent for any Empath to affect you with substances.
CONTACT NOTE: This is *Thief Only*. Thieves use this verb when performing secret actions. Bad things have been known to happen to anyone who speaks of this out loud.
COUGH Used when you need to cough. COUGH | You see: You cough.Others see: Ceosanna coughs. | COUGH <player> | You see: You look at Bob and cough.Bob sees: Ceosanna looks at you and coughs. | COUGH <self> | You see: You clear your throat.Others see: Ceosanna clears her throat. |
COUNT Used to count everything in the area, visible critters, and objects. COUNT <object> | For alchemical substances: You count how much is there. For ammunition: You count how much is there. For containers: You count everything inside. For food and drink: You count how much is left.
| COUNT <player> | You see: There appears to be only one Bob, but you never know.Bob sees: Ceosanna is looking at you in the most suspicious manner. | COUNT <self> | You see: Perhaps fooled by a recent look in a mirror, you make sure there's just one of you.Others see: Ceosanna pats herself down. Whatever. | COUNT CRITTER | Count all the visible critters. You can also use CREATURE. | COUNT ROOM | Count everything in the area. You can also use AREA and ALL. |
COVER Used when you want to cover your ears, eyes, or mouth. You can also do the same to another player. COVER <bodypart> OF <player> | Valid options are: EARS You see: You cover Bob's ears with your hands.Bob sees: Ceosanna reaches over and covers your ears with her hands.EYES You see: You cover Bob's eyes with your hand.Bob sees: Ceosanna covers your eyes with her hand.MOUTH You see: You place your hand over Bob's mouth.Others see: Ceosanna places her hand over your mouth. | COVER <bodypart> OF <self> | Valid options are: EARS You see: You cover your ears with your hands.Others see: Ceosanna covers her ears with her hands.EYES You see: You cover your eyes.Others see: Ceosanna covers her eyes with her hand.MOUTH You see: You cover your mouth with your hand.Others see: Ceosanna covers her mouth with her hand. |
COWER Used to cower from someone or something. COWER | You see: You cower.Others see: Ceosanna cowers in fear. | COWER <critter> | You see: You cower away from a Maelshyvean cinder beast.Others see: Ceosanna cowers away from a Maelshyvean cinder beast. | COWER <player> | You see: You cower away from Bob.Bob sees: Ceosanna shrinks fearfully away from you! |
CRAWL This allows you to crawl through tight spaces that you normally cannot enter by walking upright.
CRINGE Used to cringe. CRINGE | You see: You cringe.Others see: Ceosanna cringes. |
CRUSH There is an abundance of items found in the realms that can be crushed, some of which can be used as ingredients for a variety of things like juice, tea, and healing potions. You use this verb in conjunction with a mortar and pestle. For example: You glance down to see a white ceramic pestle in your right hand and a clear glass mortar in your left hand. >look in my mort In the glass mortar you see some blocil berries and some blocil pulp. >crush berr with my pest You crush the blocil berries into some blocil pulp. Roundtime: 10 seconds.
CRY Used when you feel the need to cry. CRY | You see: You begin to weep softly.Others see: Ceosanna begins to weep softly. | CRY <player> | You see: You look at Bob and start to cry.Bob sees: Ceosanna looks at you and suddenly starts crying! |
CURSE This can be used when you want to curse, without using words that could violate policy. WARNING: Use caution when cursing another player as it can affect some of the functions that the other player is allowed to do. Be aware that doing so can cause retaliation by the cursed player. CURSE | You see: You mumble something unprintable. Others see: Ceosanna mumbles something unprintable.
| CURSE <critter> | You see: You mumble something unprintable at Maelshyvean cinder beast. Others see: Ceosanna mumbles something unprintable at Maelshyvean cinder beast.
| CURSE <player> | You see: You look at Bob and curse him. Bob sees: Ceosanna looks at you and raises her voice in a curse that sends a shiver through your body. | CURSE <self> | You see: You mumble something "colorful" to yourself.Others see: Ceosanna mumbles something.
CURTSY Used when you want to curtsy. You can curtsy using emotes, to another player, and to creatures/items. CURTSY | You see: You curtsy.Others see: Ceosanna curtsies.
| CURTSY <creature/item> | You see: You curtsy to a Maelshyvean cinder beast.Others see: Ceosanna curtsies to a Maelshyvean cinder beast.
| CURTSY <emote> | Valid emotes are: AWKWARD You see: You give an awkward curtsy, nearly falling!Others see: Ceosanna gives an awkward curtsy, nearly falling over!BOB You see: You bob a quick curtsy.Others see: Ceosanna bobs down and back up in a quick curtsy.DEEP You see: You sink into a deep curtsy.Others see: Ceosanna sinks into a deep curtsy.FLIRT You see: Lashes lowered in a pretense of modesty, you give a flirtatious smile as you sink into a graceful curtsy.Others see: Lashes lowered modestly, Ceosanna gives a flirtatious smile as she sinks into a graceful curtsy.FORMAL You see: Hands moving gracefully, you sink down in a formal curtsy.Others see: With a graceful flutter of her hands, Ceosanna sinks down in a formal curtsy.GRACEFUL You see: You curtsy gracefully.Others see: Ceosanna curtsies gracefully.SLIGHT You see: You give a slight curtsy, barely worth the name.Others see: Ceosanna gives a slight curtsy, barely worth the effort. | CURTSY <player> | You see: You curtsy to Bob.Bob sees: Ceosanna curtsies to you. | CURTSY <player> <emote> | Valid emotes are: AWKWARD You see: You curtsy awkwardly to Bob, your ankles wobbling as you try not to fall.Bob sees: Ceosanna curtsies awkwardly to you, nearly falling.BOB You see: You bob a quick curtsy to Bob.Bob sees: Ceosanna bobs a quick curtsy to you.DEEP You see: You sink down in a deep curtsy before Bob, your lashes lowered.Bob sees: Ceosanna sinks down in a deep curtsy to you, her lashes lowered.FLIRT You see: Your lashes lowered in a pretense of modesty, you give Bob a flirtatious smile before sinking into a graceful curtsy.Bob sees: Lashes lowered modestly, Ceosanna gives you a flirtatious smile before sinking into a graceful curtsy.FORMAL You see: Hands moving gracefully, you lower your head and sink into a formal curtsy before Bob.Bob sees: With a graceful movement of her hands, Ceosanna lowers her head and sinks into a formal curtsy to you.GRACEFUL You see: You curtsy gracefully to Bob.Bob sees: Ceosanna curtsies gracefully to you.SLIGHT You see: You give Bob a slight curtsy, barely more than a quick bob.Bob sees: Ceosanna gives you a slight curtsy, barely more than a quick bob. |
CUT This is used when you need to cut something. For example, when a flower is too tough to just GET: >get rose The rose's stem is mighty tough - you're going to need a knife. >get my knife You get an etched bone-handled carving knife from inside your leather pack. >cut rose You cut yourself a somber black rose with your knife.
DANCE Usage: DANCE (Graceful|Happy|Silly|Angry) or Usage: DANCE (<person>|<creature>|<item>) Note: DANCE works differently in ballrooms and other areas that are set up specifically for special DANCE functionality. For barbarians: Usage: DANCE (Swan|Cobra|Badger|Eagle|Bear|Wolverine|Panther|Dragon|Flounder|STOP) DANCE (creature) | In this case, an alabaster gargoyle:You dance mockingly about an alabaster gargoyle! | DANCE (item) | In this case, a broadsword:You dance about with your broadsword. | DANCE ANGRY | You stomp angrily about! | DANCE GRACEFUL | You dance gracefully, your head slowly rocking from side to side and your body swaying to an internal beat. | DANCE HAPPY | You do a happy little dance of joy! | DANCE SILLY | You dance a lively jig! | DANCE(person) | In this case, Bob:You sweep Bob into a dance with you. |
DANCE FLOOR VERBS BOP: You stomp about the dance floor, somehow missing Person's feet as you dance. Those dance lessons really paid off! BOUNCE: You bound across the dance floor with Person in your arms. DANCE: You sweep Person into a dance with you. DIP: You twirl Person around, suddenly pushing her down in a dramatic dip. In a combination of sweaty fingers and mistimed movements, you drop her on the floor. Uh oh! Think she will believe that's part of the dance step? FLIRT: You gaze soulfully into Person's eyes, drawing her a bit closer as you dance. HUG: You draw Person closer into your arms in a slow, romantic dance. KISS: You steal a kiss from Person as you sway with her across the dance floor. NUDGE: You swing Person out away from you and, holding her hand high, you twirl her gracefully. POKE: You dip Person dramatically then pull her back up into your arms. PULL: You lay your head on Person's shoulder as you dance. PUSH: You lift Person up high into the air and twirl with her! SHAKE: You hop around the floor in a spritely dance, twirling Person in your arms. TAP: You tap your fingers against Person's shoulders as you dance, keeping time with the music. TURN: You give a quick quarter turn, spinning Person around the dance floor. WINK: You swing Person out away from you then spin her back into your arms.
DAYDREAM This verb has special additional functionality for Premium Subscribers. For Premium Users, the DAYDREAM verb toggles you in and out of DAYDREAM mode.
DEAD VERBS Verbs that work when you're dead: DANCE: Person twitches feebly, the cold, claylike corpse apparently mimicking the undead before it decays. DEPART: Aww, where's the fun in that? LAUGH: The ghostly laughter of Person echoes through the room, sending a shiver down your spine. MOAN: A haunting moan permeates the area, causing your skin to crawl! SIGH: The spirit of Person sighs softly, raising the hairs on the back of your neck. WHISPER: The grating, wraithlike spirit of Person whispers, "..."
DECLINE Use DECLINE to turn down an OFFER from another player or NPC.
DEMEANOR Usage: DEMEANOR <demeanor> to change your attitude. DEMEANOR <demeanor> <race> to change your attitude towards a race. DEMEANOR <person> to check that person's current attitude. <demeanor> can be one of the following: cold, reserved, neutral, friendly, warm, clear. Use BEFRIEND to set your demeanor towards a specific person.
DEPART Used when your character is dead to leave your body and return to the nearest temple. It's not a good idea to DEPART when you are being healed or resurrected!
DEPOSIT Used inside a bank to DEPOSIT coins in your account. Inside a bank: The clerk raises an eyebrow and asks, "How much do you want to deposit?"You can DEPOSIT a specific number of coins, or ALL.
DESCRIBE Used to get a detailed description of a creature. DESCRIBE <creature> | In this example, a dryad:The greater dryad's skin is dark brownish-black, and patterned like bark. A mane of hair composed of blighted and decaying leaves cascades down her back and shoulders and her glowing saffron eyes glare hatefully at you, as if accusing you of wrongs done to her kind in the past. Her hands end in massive claws that resemble branches, and a sticky, reddish substance covers her skin, glistening slightly. |
DIG Used to DIG out your grave after you DEPART. It helps to have an item in your hand, preferably one that actually would be useful for digging. You fruitlessly dig at the ground with a shot of Iron Hill whiskey.
DIRECTIONS Directions are available in different locations. To get a list of the directions available in your area, type: DIR LIST {GUILDS|TRAINING|GATES|HUNTING|SHOPS|OTHER} DIR LIST - Lists all areas in the area for which directions are available. DIR LIST GUILDS - Lists all guilds in the area for which directions are available. DIR LIST TRAINING - Lists the area's training rooms for which directions are available. DIR LIST GATES - Lists all gates in the area for which directions are available. DIR LIST HUNTING - Lists the areas's hunting areas for which directions are available. DIR LIST SHOPS - Lists all shops in the area for which directions are available. DIR LIST OTHER - Lists all other areas in the area for which directions are available.
DIRECTIONS <location name> {<number of steps>} | This option is used to obtain a certain number of "steps" worth of directions to a specific location. For example: DIR BANK 5 -- This will show you the next 5 steps to take going to the bank. |
DISARM USAGE: DISARM HELP Displays this information. DISARM HELP <Option> Displays in depth information on the specified option. DISARM <Item> DISARM <Item> Option Maneuver Options: IDENTIFY MARK CAREFUL QUICK ALL RESTRICTED Options: BLIND ANALYZE HARVEST DISARMING EXPERIENCE: As a general statement, the more difficult the maneuver the more you can expect to learn from the risk you take. Likewise, a more difficult trap relative to your skill level will present a greater potential to learn from the risk. DISARM <item> IDENTIFY | Under normal circ*mstances, based solely on your skill, you expect you stand virtually no chance of failing to disarm the trap on the pine trunk. A glistening black square, surrounded by a tight ring of fibrous cord, catches your eye. Roundtime: 4 seconds. | DISARM <item> MARK | With a confident grin you grab a piece of rock from the ground to mark the pine trunk with a symbol representing the type of trap that protects it. Roundtime: 2 seconds. After you MARK the trunk, LOOKing at the trunk shows: Some thoughtful soul has marked the crude form of a stylized explosion on the front of the lock assembly. |
DISBAND Used to remove people from your group, or to get rid of the group entirely. You can... DISBAND <person> Disbands one single person from your group. DISBAND <person> BAN Disbands and prevents person from JOINing you for 1 hour. DISBAND STALKERS Disbands all KNOWN stalkers from your group. DISBAND GROUP Disbands known stalkers/followers. DISBAND GROUP BAN Disbands known stalkers/followers and sets your JOIN AVOID. DISBAND STALKERS EXCEPT Disbands all known stalkers but keeps the people you list. DISBAND GROUP EXCEPT Same as DISBAND GROUP but keeps the people you list. DISBAND GROUP BAN EXCEPT Same as DISBAND GROUP BAN but keeps the people you list.(Syntax: DISBAND <stalker/group> (BAN) EXCEPT <player1> <player2>... etc.) (Note 1: The EXCEPT clause will handle 5 players maximum.) (Note 2: BAN does not prevent stalking.) (Note 3: HOLD <person> will clear the BAN on that player.) DISBAND (self) | You see: Coming apart at the seams again?Room sees: Solomon gets a worried look on his face and quickly checks his arms and legs. With a relaxed sigh, he nods like all is right with the world for now. |
DISCIPLINE Used to show your current Discipline stat, how many TDPs it will cost to raise your Discipline by 1 point, and to explain the benefits of Discipline. Your base Discipline is forty-five(45).It will cost you 135 TDPs to raise your Discipline from 45 to 46. Discipline helps you resist fear effects, improves the size of your experience pools, and is used in various magical 'spell versus statistic' contests (particularly 'spell versus will' contests), among other things. Use INFO to view all your statistics at once.
DISMANTLE USAGE: DISMANTLE {object} {option} DISMANTLE allows you to get rid of a box you found on a creature after you have disarmed, opened and emptied it. Optional maneuvers may be available depending on your profession and race. They are considered to be "Easter eggs". Please let everyone enjoy the fun of discovering them and keep the one(s) you discover to yourself.
DISMOUNT Used to get off of a horse, unless you're not ON a horse, in which case: You see: You climb off your high horse and assume a more friendly demeanor.Others see: Solomon lowers his chin, assuming a more friendly demeanor.
DODGE Used in combat to position your character to DODGE an incoming attack. You move into a position to dodge. (You're solidly balanced with no advantage.) Roundtime: 3 sec.APPLAUD <self> | You strut around, preening and patting yourself on the back. Not shy, are we? |
DRAG Usage: DRAG <object | player> <direction>
DRAW Used in combat, DRAW is usually a very effective move when performed at the proper time. Moving in with powerful grace, you step backward and then slice at a goblin. A goblin fails to evade, failing miserably. The greatsword lands an extremely heavy hit that removes the goblin's right arm cleanly at the elbow, knocking it completely senseless.
DRINK Used to drink one of the hundreds of bevereges that are available. You take a sip of the ale. Aaaaah...warm and soothing.DRINK <person> | You see:Say what? Others see: Solomon glances thirstily at Bubba.Target sees: Solomon glances at you with a thirsty look in his eye |
DROOL For drooling. You see: You drool.Others see: Solomon drools.DROOL <person> | You see:You look at Bubba and drool. Target sees: Solomon looks at you and drools.Others see: Solomon looks at Bubba and drools. | DROOL <self> | You see:You loll your tongue. Others see: Solomon lolls his tongue. |
DROP Used to DROP something on the ground. You drop a flagon of death spirit grog.There is never a reason to put your items on the ground, even for a second, except to get rid of them (unless the item was designed to be used on the ground). All items on the ground are at risk of permanent loss, and cannot be authorized for replacement. In short, don't ever DROP anything you really want to keep!
DUCK You see: You duck your head.Others see: Solomon ducks his head.
DUMP The dump verb can be used to remove 'junk' items from your room or to dump items from a container in your right hand into one of the many 'trash cans' located across Elanthia. DUMP JUNK Summon the janitor to your current room. DUMP CHECK Display information regarding the janitor called by this command. DUMP MY [CONTAINER] INTO [RECEPTACLE] Dump all items in container into specified receptacle. Example: DUMP MY BACKPACK INTO TRASH BIN DUMP [SUBSTANCES|PAPER|SKINS] INTO [RECEPTACLE] Dump all items that match the type specified into receptacle. Example: DUMP PAPER INTO TRASH BIN DUMP [ADJECTIVE] [NOUN] INTO [RECEPTACLE] Dump all items that match what you specify into receptacle. Example: DUMP ROOT INTO TRASH BIN -- Dump all roots. DUMP YELITH ROOT INTO TRASH BIN -- Dump only yelith roots. Be aware that this verb works independently from the normal janitor mechanics. Drop or leave items on the ground *AT YOUR OWN RISK*. As always, if an item is valuable to you, do not drop or leave the item on the ground. Also, use caution when dumping the contents of a container into a trash bin. The items *CANNOT* be restored.
EAR A special verb, only usable by Prydaens. As the naturally superior race of Elanthia, you have a naturally superior set of ears with their own, subtle forms of expression...USAGE: EAR <option> (person|creature|object) EAR <action> (person) Options Include: ANGRY, ALARM, ALERT, ANNOYED, CONFUSED CURIOUS, HAPPY, IGNORE, NERVOUS, PLAYFUL PROUD, RELAXED, SAD, SLEEPY, SURPRISE, WARN Actions Include: FLICK, GROOM, SCRATCH (Note: actions are avoidable by the target.)
EAT Used to EAT (or try to eat) various items ( EAT <player> | You see:You bite Bubba! Target sees: Solomon bites you!Others see: Solomon bites Bubba! | EAT <self> | You see:You nibble on your lip. Others see: Solomon gnaws on his lip. |
ELBOW A combat move used while brawling. You elbow your plate clad elbow squarely at a goblin's right arm, hitting it with a sound strike that painfully mashes the right arm. (You're nimbly balanced and have slight advantage.) (Roundtime 1 sec.)
EMAIL This verb is a handy tool that provides you with a list of email addresses for various Customer Service Departments, URLs for various important DR web-pages, and the phone number for the Billing Department.
EMPTY This verb is used to emty your right or left hand. Like DROP, the item will fall on the ground. There is never a reason to put your items on the ground, even for a second, except to get rid of them (unless the item was designed to be used on the ground). All items on the ground are at risk of permanent loss, and cannot be authorized for replacement.
ENCUMBRANCE This is used to check your encumbrance, or burden, to see how much weight you are presently carrying. You may find that some activities become harder to accomplish depending on your encumbrance. >enc Encumbrance: None
EXCHANGE This allows you to exchange the listed amount of money to the other coin type when at an exchange booth. EXCHANGE <amount> <coin type> <currency> TO <currency> | You see:>exchange 4 gold dokora to kronar You hand your 4 gold Dokoras to the moneychanger. After collecting a modest fee, he hands you 5 gold, 2 silver, 6 bronze, and 6 copper Kronars. | EXCHANGE ALL <currency> TO <currency> | You see:>exchange all lirum to kronar You hand your money to the moneychanger. After collecting a modest fee, he hands you 8 silver, 3 bronze, and 1 copper Kronars. |
EXHALE This allows you to exhale (which is thankfully not required to stay alive), as well as create images after inhaling a smoke product. See SMOKE HELP for additional verbs. EXHALE | You see: You slowly and deliberately empty your filled lungs. Others see: Ceosanna slowly empties her lungs. | EXHALE <person> | You see: You blow Bob a kiss. Bob sees: Ceosanna just blew you a kiss. What a nice gesture. | EXHALE <when smoking> | EXHALE You exhale inhaled smoke.EXHALE <Rings|Balls|Lines> You exhale rings, balls or a line of smoke. EXHALE <player|creature|object> You exhale smoke at a player, creature or object. EXHALE LINE <image name> You create a smoke image from one of your known images. Note: Halflings, or Olvi, also have the ability to teach images to others. |
EXPERIENCE This displays your experience and current rate of learning in the skills you know. EXP <by itself> | This displays your experience and current rate of learning in all of your recently trained skills.
| EXP <specific skill> | This displays your experience in that skill. | EXP RP <amount> | This displays your experience in all skills higher than the specified amount. RP displays your experience in words that you can use to discuss your skills with others. | EXP RP <group> | This displays your experience of all skills in the skill group listed. Skill groups include: lore, weapons, armor, survival, and magic. | EXP RP <group> <amount> | This displays your experience of all skills in the skill group above the specified amount. |
EXPRESS This allows you to express a variety of different emotions. EXPRESS <emote> | Valid emotes are: ANGER You see: You let out a scream of rage, anguish, and frustration! Others see: Ceosanna lets out a scream of rage! CONCERN You see: You glance about with concern on your face. Others see: Ceosanna glances about with concern on her face. DISGUST You see: You glance about with a disgusted look on your face. Others see: Ceosanna glances about with a disgusted look on her face. FEAR You see: You shiver with fear. Others see: Ceosanna shivers with fear. INDECISION You see: You glance about, a look of indecision on your face. Others see: Ceosanna glances about with a blank look on her face. JOY You see: Your face lights up with joy. Others see: Ceosanna's face lights up with joy. LOSS You see: You glance about suddenly. Where has it gone? Others see: Ceosanna glances about suddenly, a desperate look of loss on her face. PUZZLEMENT You see: You look about with a puzzled expression on your face. Others see: Ceosanna looks about with a puzzled expression on her face. RELIEF You see: You let out a long sigh of relief. Others see: Ceosanna lets out a long sigh of relief. | EXPRESS <emote> <player> | Valid emotes are: CONCERN You see: You glance with concern at Bob. Bob sees: Ceosanna looks with concern at you. DISGUST You see: You glare with disgust at Bob. Bob sees: Ceosanna glares with disgust at you. FEAR You see: You shiver in fear of Bob. Bob sees: Ceosanna shivers in fear of you. INDECISION You see: You gaze at Bob with an expression of indecision. Bob sees: Ceosanna gazes at you with a look of indecision. JOY You see: Your face lights up with joy for Bob. Bob sees: Ceosanna's face lights up with joy for you. LOSS You see: You look with loss toward Bob. Bob see: Ceosanna looks with loss toward you. PUZZLEMENT You see: You blink in puzzlement at Bob. Bob sees: Ceosanna gives you a puzzled look. RELIEF You see: You let out a sigh of relief for Bob. Bob see: Ceosanna lets out a sigh of relief for you. Note: The anger option cannot currently be combined with a specific person. | EXPRESS <emote> <self> | You see: Feeling expressive today? Others see: Ceosanna gets an expressive look on her face.
FACE This is used to turn your face toward an enemy so that you are directly engaging the foe. This is important because you attack and defend best against those you are facing. This can also be used to spin around when you face yourself. FACE <in combat> | FACE <TARGET> You turn to face specified target.FACE NEXT You turn to face the creature closest to you. FACE NEXT <TARGET> You turn to face the closest specified creature. FACE <CRITERIA> Valid Criteria are as follows: WEBBED STUNNED UNCONSCIOUS IMMOBILE PASSIVE PRONE CURSED You turn to face the nearest creature that meets the specified criteria. | FACE <player> | You see: You turn to face Bob.Bob sees: Ceosanna turns to face you. | FACE <self> | While sitting or standing, you see: You spin around!Others see: Ceosanna spins around!While prone,you see: You flop over!Others see: Ceosanna flops over!While kneeling, you see: You bow your head. Others see: Ceosanna bows her head. |
FAINT This allows you to faint. Use caution not to confuse this with FEINT. FAINT | You see: Your eyes roll back in your head as your knees buckle. All goes dark until you open your eyes again to find yourself in a heap on the ground. Roundtime: 10 seconds.Others see: Ceosanna's eyes roll back in her head as her knees buckle causing her to collapse in a heap to the ground. |
FALL This allows you to fall to the ground and become prone. FALL | You see: You fall over. Oof!Others see: Ceosanna falls over.While already prone, you see: That would be a neat trick, falling over while you're lying down!Others see: Ceosanna twitches slightly. |
FATIGUE Shows how fatigued you currently are.
FEED This allows you to feed a domesticated creature, such as a familiar. This can also be used to feed herbs to a dead character. Note: The dead character has to first give you CONSENT before you can affect them with herbs. FEED <item> TO <player/critter>
FEMALE Used in the Character Manager (CM) to choose a FEMALE character.
FIDGET Used when you feel uneasy or restless. FIDGET | You see: You fidget nervously.Others see: Ceosanna fidgets nervously. |
FIGURE This verb requires a target. FIGURE (item) | You blink at a black razor in complete puzzlement. | FIGURE (person | creature) | You see: You co*ck your head and blink at Callave as you strain to figure out what he's doing.Target sees: Solomon co*cks his head and blinks at you in complete puzzlement. | FIGURE (self) | You see: You blink dazedly for a moment as you try to figure out what you were just doing.Room sees: Solomon blinks dazedly for a moment as though he'd forgotten what he was doing. | FIGURE BOOK | (Used with bankbooks) Usage: FIGURE BOOK EXCHANGE - Show current exchange rates FIGURE BOOK <amount> <cointype> - Amount value in other currencies |
FIND Shows if the character specified is in the game. FIND <player> | In this case, Bob:>find Bob Brave Adventurer In the Realms:Bob
| FIND <without a player specified> | There are no adventurers in the realms that match the names specified. The usage for this command is: find <player1> <player2> ... <player9> and will provide a list of those players present you wish to find provided they are in the realms. |
FIRE FIRES a bow, crossbow, or other missile weapon.
FIT FIT MY <PLATES/CHAIN> <HINDERANCE/WEIGHT/FINAL> This verb requires the item being fitted to be held in the right hand as you adjust the properties of it. When you are satisfied with the weight, hinderance and other attributes use the final option to finish your armor.
FLAGS This is a Stormfront setting. The settings formerly accessed via this command have been moved into StormFront's "Options" menu, under "Advanced." "Options" is located near the top right of the client window.
FLAIL Used when you need to flail about. FLAIL | You see: You flail your arms about.Others see: Ceosanna flails her arms about. | FLAIL <person> | You see: You wave a hand in front of Bob's face.Bob sees: Ceosanna waves a hand in front of your face.
| FLAIL <self> | You see: You wave your hands in front of your face.Others see: Ceosanna waves her hands in front of her face. | FLAIL <while prone> | You see: You thrash around on the ground.Others see: Ceosanna thrashes around on the ground. |
FLAP You see: You flap your arms around, but fail to get off the ground. Room sees: Solomon begins flapping his arms around wildly.
FLETCH Used in bow and arrow making.
FLINCH Used when you need to flinch, or shy away from something. FLINCH | You see: You flinch.Others see: Ceosanna flinches. | FLINCH <player> | You see: You edge away from Bob.Bob sees: Ceosanna edges away from you.
| FLINCH <self> | You see: Your body jerks briefly.Others see: Ceosanna's body jerks briefly. |
FLIRT Used when you want to flirt with someone or something. FLIRT <creature> | You see: Why in the world would you want to flirt with a Maelshyvean cinder beast!Others see: Ceosanna just tried to flirt with a Maelshyvean cinder beast!
| FLIRT <object> | In this case, some pulp. You see: Surely there are more interesting things to flirt with than the pulp!Others see: Ceosanna just flirted with the pulp! | FLIRT <player> | You see: You catch Bob's eye, smile slowly, and begin flirting with him.Bob sees: Ceosanna catches your eye, smiles slowly, and begins flirting with you. | FLIRT <self> | You see: You bat your eyelashes.Others see: Ceosanna bats her eyelashes. |
FLUSTER Used when you feel flustered. FLUSTER | You see: You blush and babble a few incoherent words, looking foolish but sincere.Others see: Ceosanna blushes and babbles a few incoherent words, looking sincerely flustered. |
FOCUS This verb requires a target. FOCUS (item) | Magic-user on a non-magical item: You focus your magical senses on a black razor. The black razor has no discernible magical pattern.Magic-user on a magical item (in this example, a runestone): You focus your magical senses on a shiny blue xibaryl runestone. The xibaryl runestone has a definite magical pattern, which is apparently a spell. You recognize the pattern as a manifestation of Moon magic. It seems to involve Psychic Projection. The pattern appears to be the Hypnotize spell. There is a weak point in one of the lines of energy, which will hold for 3 more uses. The lines are very thin, and glowing dimly. Non-magic-user on an item: You can't focus on the xibaryl runestone because you aren't trained in the ways of magic. | FOCUS (self) | My my, we're awfully self-centered, aren't we? |
FORAGE This will allow you to forage any number of things, ranging from sea shells and sticks to healing herbs. FORAGE <item> FORAGE <item> careful FORAGE <item> precise COLLECT <item> is also an available option. Note: Some of the above options are limited by guild.
FRET Used to fret. FRET | You see: You fret.Others see: Ceosanna frets.
FROWN Used when you want to frown at, or about, something. FROWN <help> | Usage: FROWN FROWN <player|critter|item> FROWN <option> <player|critter|item> FROWN <emote> Valid options are: angry, sad, forlorn, solemn, ferocious, stern, and petulant.
| FROWN <self> | You see: You frown at yourself.Others see: Ceosanna frowns at herself. |
FURROW Used when you want to furrow your brow. FURROW BROW | You see: You scrunch your eyebrows together and furrow your brow.Others see: Ceosanna furrows her brow.
GASP Used when you want to draw a sharp breath. GASP | You see: You gasp!Others see: Ceosanna gasps! | GASP <player> | You see: You gasp at Bob!Bob sees: Ceosanna gasps at you!
| GASP <self> | You see: You hold your breath.Others see: Ceosanna holds her breath. |
GAWK Used when you want to convey a look of amazement. GAWK | You see: Your jaw drops.Others see: Ceosanna's jaw drops. | GAWK <player> | You see: You gawk at Bob.Bob sees: Ceosanna gawks at you.
| GAWK <self> | You see: You gawk at yourself.Others do not see you do this. |
GAZE Used when you want to give something a steady look. Usage: GAZE <character|creature|item|direction> GAZE MY <feet|foot|fingers|hands|nose|arm|leg> GAZE AT <character> IN <type> Type can be; mournful, happy, sadly, grim, worship, dreamy, thought, timid, hope, sympathetic, silent, defiantly, awe, wonder, admiration, amazement, longingly and fondly.
GAZE (self) | You cross your eyes. |
GEM This verb will give you information about REAL GEMS, which are hidden all around the realms. These gems can be redeemed for real precious stones with the same name. NOTE: Free accounts, employees of Simutronics, and relatives of Simutronics employees are not eligible.
GET Used to get something in your inventory, on the ground, or elsewhere in the room you are in. This can cause problems if there is an item on the ground that is similar to one in your inventory. When specifically attempting to get something from your inventory, it is a good habit to use MY. For example: GET MY BOLT.
GIGGLE Used when you want to giggle. GIGGLE | You see: You giggle.Others see: Ceosanna giggles. | GIGGLE <player> | You see: You giggle at Bob.Bob sees: Ceosanna is giggling at you.
| GIGGLE <self> | You see: You giggle at some secret joke.Others see: Ceosanna giggles a little oddly. |
GLANCE Used to check what items you are holding in your hands. You glance down to see a black razor in your right hand and nothing in your left hand.GLANCE (person) | You glance at Callave. |
GLARE Used when you want to give something a fierce look. GLARE | You see: You glare.Others see: Ceosanna glares. | GLARE <creature> | You see: You glare at a Maelshyvean cinder beast.Others see: Ceosanna glares at a Maelshyvean cinder beast. | GLARE <item> | You see: You glare at a cluttered desk.Others see: Ceosanna glares at a cluttered desk.
| GLARE <player> | You see: You glare at Bob.Bob sees: Ceosanna glares at you. | GLARE <self> | You see: You bare your teeth.Others see: Ceosanna bares her teeth. |
GLOWER Used when you want to give something a sullen look. GLOWER | You see: You glower.Others see: Ceosanna glowers. | GLOWER <creature> | You see: You glower darkly at a Maelshyvean cinder beast.Others see: Ceosanna glowers darkly at a Maelshyvean cinder beast. | GLOWER <item> | You see: You glower at a cluttered desk.Others see: Ceosanna glowers at a cluttered desk.
| GLOWER <player> | You see: You glower darkly at Bob.Bob sees: Ceosanna glowers darkly at you. | GLOWER <self> | You see: You crouch down and sulk.Others see: Ceosanna crouches down and sulks. |
GNASH You gnash your teeth. GNASH (person | creature) | You gnash your teeth at Callave. You gnash your teeth at a scavenger troll. | GNASH (self) | You grind your teeth. |
GO Use this to GO into or through doors, windows, or other portals, or onto chairs, sofas, or other seating surfaces. GO <chair> | You sit on the chair. | GO <portal> | You go through the door. |
GOBBLE Gor'Tog only. Tog sees: Your mind drifts to thoughts of food and you begin to drool, thinking of all of the wonderful things to gobble. Room sees: Solomon's eyes go dreamy and he begins to drool. GOBBLE (non food item) | Not even your stomach is strong enough for that. | GOBBLE (person) | You see: You gaze hungrily at Callave, and for a brief moment, he seems to take on the image of a roasted haunch of savory, dripping meat.Person sees: Solomon looks at you, mouth parting slightly and a strand of saliva forming on his lip. Maybe you should be nervous? | GOBBLE( food item) | You messily gobble down all of the honey cake. |
GRIEVE This is used when you need to grieve in general or for another player or creature. GRIEVE | You see: You throw back your head and let out a loud keening cry of pure grief. Others see: Ceosanna lets out a loud keening cry of pure grief. | GRIEVE <critter> | You see: You grieve for a Maelshyvean cinder beast.Others see: Ceosanna grieves for a Maelshyvean cinder beast. | GRIEVE <player> | You see: You gaze at Bob with a look of utter sorrow in your eyes. Bob see: Ceosanna gazes at you with a look of utter sorrow in her eyes. | GRIEVE <self> | You see: You fall to the ground and let out a heart breaking cry of pure grief. Others see: Ceosanna falls to the ground and lets out a heart breaking cry of pure grief. |
GRIMACE This is used when you want to grimace. GRIMACE | You see: You grimace.Others see: A pained expression crosses Ceosanna's face. |
GRIN This is used when you want to grin at another player, an item, or even a creature. You can also use emotes to enhance your grin. GRIN | You see: You grin.Others see: Ceosanna grins. | GRIN <critter> | You see: You grin at a Maelshyvean cinder beast.Others see: Ceosanna grins at a Maelshyvean cinder beast. | GRIN <emote> | Valid emotes are: abash, cheer, cold, crooked, drunk, ear, evil, flash, half, happy, idiot, impish, insane, joy, maniac, mischief, nervous, not, pain, relief, rueful, sad, sheep, wicked, silly, slow, sly, stupid, smug, triumph, ugly, weak, weary, wide, wry When using an emote such as "triumph," you see: You break out in a triumphant grin.Others see: Ceosanna breaks out in a triumphant grin. | GRIN <item> | In this case a desk, you see: You glance at a cluttered desk and grin.Others see: Ceosanna glances at a cluttered desk and grins. | GRIN <player> | You see: You grin at Bob.Bob sees: Ceosanna grins at you. | GRIN <player> <emote> | When using an emote such as "pain," you see: You grin bravely at Bob, ignoring your pain.Bob sees: Ceosanna grins bravely at you, ignoring her obvious pain. |
GRIND This will only work with a working grindstone. To use one, you must turn it to get it up to a high rate of speed, and then push grindstone with <item>. This will prepare the <item> for grinding, but you will need to repeat as needed. Be aware that as you increase one category others will change also. Edge indicates how good an edge you want. Point indicates how sharp of a tip. Balance is how well it fits in your hand for parrying. Weight is, well, how heavy it is to wield. Power is how well you are able to apply its attributes. GRIND <item> <EDGE\POINT\WEIGHT\BALANCE\POWER>
GROAN This can be used in response to a really bad pun. >groan You groan.
GROVEL This can be used when you really need to apologize for some dastardly deed. GROVEL | You see: You begin to grovel desperately. Others see: Ceosanna begins to grovel with a desperate look on her face! | GROVEL <player> | You see: You grovel and tug on Bob as you beseech him to show mercy and kindness towards you! Others see: Ceosanna bows to you and begins groveling! With a quivering voice, Ceosanna begs you to show mercy and kindness for her inexcusable actions!
GROWL This can be used to growl generally, or at another player. Rakash in moonskin can also use this verb instead of SAY. Note: Using this to speak will eliminate any L's from a sentence and replace them with R's. Also, any R's will be exaggerated. GROWL | You see: You growl ferociously! Others see: Ceosanna growls ferociously! | GROWL <player> | You see: You growl at Bob. Others see: Ceosanna growls at you. | GROWL <self> | You see: You growl low in the back of your throat. Others see: Ceosanna growls low in the back of her throat. | GROWL <speech for Rakash> | You see: You growl, "I need to sell some rrrubies." Others see: Ceosanna growls, "I need to sell some rrrubies." If you use too many R's in a sentence, you see: All you can manage is a pitiful wheezing noise. Others see: Ceosanna makes a pitiful wheezing noise. |
GRUMBLE This is used when you want to grumble about something. GRUMBLE | You see: You grumble. Others see: Ceosanna grumbles. | GRUMBLE <player> | You see: You grumble at Bob. Bob sees: Ceosanna grumbles at you.
| GRUMBLE <self> | You see: You grumble to yourself. Others see: Ceosanna grumbles to herself. |
GRUNT This is used when you want to grunt at another player, a creature, or even an item. If you are a Dwarf, you may also add an emote. GRUNT | You see: You make a grunting noise.Others see: Ceosanna makes a grunting noise. | GRUNT <creature> | You see: You grunt at a Maelshyvean cinder beast.Others see: Ceosanna grunts at a Maelshyvean cinder beast.
| GRUNT <player> | You see: You grunt at Bob.Others see: Ceosanna grunts at you. | GRUNT <player> <emote> or GRUNT <emote> | Emotes for *Dwarves Only*: angrily, calmly, cautiously, cheerfully, coldly, confidently, coyly, curtly, darkly, dreamily, dryly, emphatically, enigmatically, excitedly, firmly, greedily, grumpily, guardedly, haggardly, happily, harshly, hauntingly, helplessly, hesitantly, hopefully, hopelessly, innocently, kindly, laughingly, longingly, loudly, lovingly, matter-of-factly, meekly, mischievously, mockingly, nervously, painfully, patiently, playfully, quietly, rancidly, regretfully, sadly, sarcastically, sheepishly, slowly, smugly, softly, sternly, sweetly, teasingly, tenderly, tiredly, weakly, wistfully, wryly | GRUNT <self> | You see: You grunt to yourself.Others see: Ceosanna grunts to herself. |
GUARD This is used when you want to guard another player or an item. If you are guarding another player in combat, creatures will engage you first. If you are guarding an item on the ground, keep in mind that all items on the ground are at risk of permanent loss, and cannot be authorized for replacement. GUARD <item> | You see: You move into position to guard a battered leather pack.Others see: Ceosanna moves over to guard a battered leather pack.
| GUARD <player> | You see: You move over to guard Bob.Bob sees: Ceosanna moves over to guard you.
| GUARD STOP | When guarding another player, you see: You stop guarding Bob.Bob sees: Absinthe stops guarding you.When guarding an item, you see: You stop guarding.Note: There is currently no room messaging when you stop guarding an item. |
GULP This is used when you feel the need to gulp, such as: >gulp You gulp.
GUZZLE Used to guzzle one of the hundreds of bevereges that are available. GUZZLE <beverage> | You see: You guzzle down the wine.Others see: Ceosanna guzzles down some of her wine and then smacks her lips and wipes them with her sleeve.
HACK Used to hack new trails in wilderness areas
HAIL Racial greeting intended for Kaldarian use.
HAIR VERBS Verbs for interacting with hair (yours or other's): ARRANGE BRAID: Person carefully braids his hair. BRUSH: Person runs his hair brush through his hair. while tousled: Person brushes his hair out. while unkempt: Person pulls his hair brush through his hair. MUSS: Person tousles his hair. while tousled: Person musses up his hair. while unkempt: Person plays futilely with his hair. TIE: Person pulls his hair back into a ponytail. while tied: Person pulls on his ponytail. UNBRAID: Person unravels his braid. while loose: Person runs his fingers through his hair. UNTIE: Person shakes his hair out. while loose: Person flips his hair over one shoulder.
HANGBACK A verb which allows players to attemt to keep from being engaged. Dependant on skill checks. | >hangback You start trying to hang back to avoid combat.>hangback You are already trying to hang back as much as you can. To stop, type HANGBACK STOP. >hangback stop You stop trying to hang back. |
HARNESS Display's for magic users their current attunement and harness status. harness You have a complete attunement to the mana flowing through this area. Attunement: [0%>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>50%>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>100%] You will not share harnessed mana with others in your group. You are receiving harness warnings (HARNESS WARN is set). HARNESS HELP >harness help Usage: HARNESS....................see your harness information HARNESS <amount>...........harness mana and hold it for later use HARNESS SHARE <ON / OFF>...set whether you share held mana with others HARNESS WARN...............warn when using up most of your harness and also displays an ASCII graph of current harness HARNESS VERBOSE............see harness messages (if PP skill allows) HARNESS harness messages (default) HARNESS INFORMATION........explains what all this means You can also use MANA to see your harness information while in roundtime.
HEALTH Returns status of your body/spirit/fatigue/injuries Actual Message Sample | You have a rather strong body. Your body feels at full strength. Your spirit feels full of life. You have no significant injuries.
HELLO Verb for newcomers Response to typing hello is: Hello to you, too! If you are trying to talk, put a ', a SAY, or a " in front of what you wish to say. For example: To say, "Hello!" you would type: 'Hello! or "Hello! or SAY Hello! Note: No need to use end quotes. If you need help, just type HELP or ADVICE for assistance.
HELP Help is available for the following subjects: Topic | #pages | Topic | #pages | Topic | #pages
| Starting | 8 | Commands | 4 | Verbs | 3
| Professions | 11 | Guilds | 2 | Experience | 2
| Skills | 6 | Stats | 3 | Training | 3
| Combat | 10 | Creatures | 4 | Death | 2
| Magic | 10 | Economy | 3 | Caravans | 1
| Roleplaying | 4 | Etiquette | 5 | Geography | 3
| Rerolling | 1 | Merchants | 2 | Time | 1 |
USAGE: HELP <subject>. To go to a specific page: HELP <subject> <page #> or HELP <subject> PAGE <#>. If you cannot find an answer for your question in HELP, you might try asking other players, or if your problem is of a technical nature, type ASSIST to get help from a GameMaster. Remember, DragonRealms is an adventure, many things are there for you to discover on your own. Particularly regarding puzzles and quests.
HICCUP Role play verb allows players to hiccup.
HIDE Allows players to hide from other players or creatures with skill checks involved.
HISS A racial ability of S'Kra Mur is to be able to Hiss A S'Kra Mur hisses: You hiss. Others see <name> hisses. Other Race hisses: Hisser sees: You hiss in a pretty good imitation of a S'Kra Mur. Others see: <name> makes a hissing noise that sounds almost like a S'Kra Mur.
HOLD Allows one player to form a group by holding another player's hand, subject to specific checks one of which are the avoid settings. Similar to the verb JOIN.
HOLD (worn item) | Removes item and puts it in your hands. |
HOME Usage: HOME HELP <#> GIVES YOU ONLINE HELP AND POLICY INFORMATION. HOME LOOK returns some general information about the area. HOME CLAIM <#> claims an available home in your current room. HOME CHANGE changes the way your room is described. HOME SWAP enables you to swap the position of your 'bed' and 'table' items. HOME GUEST <player> sets ONE guest who may enter the home at any time. HOME GUEST CLEAR clears your guest. HOME SCENT changes the scent of your home. HOME PRIVACY <FAMILIAR | LOCATE> turns privacy options on or off. HOME SAVE saves your room description, scent, privacy options and guest. HOME DEED turns your home and its contents into a deed.
HOOT Allows players to hoot, returns what they sound like depending on their guild and gender. Geared for Rangers to actually sound like an owl.
HOWL Used by general population to howl. Also some messaging is particular to Rangers and particular to RAKASH in Moonskin. Ordinary player types Howl You throw your head back and howl! Everyone sees Prae throws her head back and howls! Rakash out of moonskin howl: You throw your head back and howl! Not bad... but you sound much more impressive in moonskin. Others see: Anji throws her head back and howls! Rakash in moonskin type Howl and they see: Options: HOWL's a great day and you just couldn't help yourself. HOWL LONELY..........awwww. HOWL KATAMBA.........sing to the moon! HOWL <dead person>...for mourning a fallen comrade. HOWL WARNING.........looks like trouble. HOWL PAIN............let others know you hurt. HOWL HOME............send out a call to return home. HOWL VICTORY.........celebrate your success. HOWL HUNT............invite those who hear you to join the hunt. For the full grown: HOWL CHALLENGE.......establish your rank among those of your gender. HOWL off to the opposite sex. HOWL HITHER..........calls out to your bonded mate. All Non Rakash get the same message no matter which Howl a Rakash in moonskin uses and that is: Anji lifts her face to the sky and howls. The haunting song of a wolf resonates through the area.
Messaging when Rakash are in Moonskin as seen by other Rakash | Non-Rakash receive a standard message in all instances which is: Anji lifts her face to the sky and howls. The haunting song of a wolf resonates through the area. HOWL HAPPY...........You let out a bright joyous howl, full of life and vigor. Other Rakash see: Anji howls joyfully, head thrown back to the sky. HOWL LONELY..........You let out a mournful howl. Other Rakash see: Anji lets out a mournful lonely howl... does she know you're here? HOWL KATAMBA.........You howl melodiously, serenading the black moon. Other Rakash see: Anji howls melodiously, serenading the black moon. HOWL <dead person>...You howl in lamentation for the fallen Prae. Other Rakash see: Anji howls in lamentation for the fallen Prae. HOWL WARNING.........You howl sharply, warning the pack of danger! Other Rakash see: Anji howls to warn the pack of danger! HOWL PAIN............Your vocal cords vibrate with your pain, bristling your fur. Other Rakash see: Anji howls in pain causing your fur to bristle. HOWL HOME............You release a specifically pitched howl calling your family home. Other Rakash see: Anji releases a howl pitched to notify her family to return home. HOWL VICTORY.........You bellow a victorious howl that grows louder as it rips from your larynx. Other Rakash see: Anji lets rip a victory howl that sets your blood pounding. HOWL HUNT............You release a warrior's howl calling all who can hear it to join in the hunt. Other Rakash see: Anji howls an invitation to join her in the hunt. For the full grown: HOWL CHALLENGE.......You howl your challenge to the other (howler's gender) females of the pack! Female Rakash hears: Anji howls in challenge! Rakash Male and all non rakash hear: Anji lifts her face to the sky and howls. The haunting song of a wolf resonates through the area. HOWL COURTSHIP.......You let out a ululating howl, calling out to the (opposite gender) males of the pack. Rakash male sees:Anji lets out a beguiling, ululating howl. Rakash females and non-Rakash see standard message. HOWL HITHER..........calls out to your bonded mate.(Must be Rakash bonded to Rakash) If not bonded, Rakash see: You are not bonded to anyone and cannot call this way to someone other than your mate. If bonded to another Rakash who is ingame howler will see: You release a beckoning howl that calls to (mate). Otherwise "Your howl could not reach the one you seek. Other Rakash see: (Howler) howls in the distance, calling (mate) to come to (him/her). |
HUG Usage: HUG HUG [player|critter|item] HUG [player|critter|item] <emote> Valid emotes are: love, friend, tender, fierce, tight, bear, ginger, brother, formal, brief, aunt, half-hearted
HUM USAGE: hum <happy, sad, cheerful, mournful>
HUZZAH Role play verb that provides for self-sarcasm, or as an alternative to cheer verb. "You let out a loud Huzzah! "You let out a loud Huzzah! for <player>! If done to self "You mutter a sour Huzzah to yourself. If done over a dead critter You let out a triumphant Huzzah! over the body of <critter>!
IGNORE You ignore the world around you. IGNORE (ITEM) | You pretend the war hammer doesn't exist. | IGNORE (PERSON) | You pointedly ignore Denwyn. | IGNORE (SELF) | You see: You must really hate yourself.Room sees: Solomon takes on a haughty countenance. |
INFAMY *The INFAMY system is only available in DragonRealms: The Fallen.* Options: INFAMY -- Displays your current infamy score. INFAMY <name> -- Displays the target's infamy score. INFAMY ON -- Toggles your infamy option ON. INFAMY OFF -- Toggles your infamy option OFF. INFAMY <guild> -- Displays rankings for the specified guild. INFAMY ALL -- Displays global infamy rankings. Note: You will automatically be added to the rankings (if eligible) if you kill or are killed with INFAMY ON. You will not be added to the rankings if you kill or are killed with INFAMY OFF, but you will still accumulate infamy score, deaths, and kills. INFAMY OFF will not remove you from the rankings if you are already in them.
INFO Used to get INFO about your character: Name: GameMaster Solomon Smithson Race: Human Guild: Bard Gender: Male Age: 46 Circle: 106 You were born on the 2nd day of the 4th month of Shorka the Cobra in the year of the Silver Unicorn, 336 years after the victory of Lanival the Redeemer. Your birthday is over 7 months away. Strength : 50 Reflex : 58 Agility : 58 Charisma : 40 Discipline : 44 Wisdom : 42 Intelligence : 40 Stamina : 44 Favors: 9 Harness: 199 Max: 199 Concentration: 577 Max: 577 TDPs: 225 Encumbrance: It's amazing you aren't squashed! Coins: 100098 platinum, 17 gold, 16 silver, 14 bronze, and 13 copper Kronars. no Lirums. no Dokoras. You owe a debt valued at 1112 copper Kronars to the Principality of Zoluren.
INFUSE CLERIC ONLY: INFUSE is a Cleric ability allowing players to infuse portions of harnessed mana into the patterns of active held-mana spells. For certain spells, this will allow players to tap upon extra bonuses invoked at will for otherwise passive spells. For other spells, this ability will be used to gradually strengthen the pattern with large amounts of mana until it can complete its intended purpose.
INHALE You take in a great breath of air.
INSTRUCT You can instruct just like the RECITE verb. For example: INSTRUCT You all stink;Ha ha ha...!
INTELLIGENCE Used to show your current Intellignce stat, how many TDPs it will cost to raise your Intelligence by 1 point, and to explain the benefits of Intelligence. Your base Intelligence is sixty-one(61).It will cost you 153 TDPs to raise your Intelligence from 61 to 62. Intelligence improves the size of your experience pools, and is used in magical 'spell versus will' contests, among other things. Use INFO to view all your statistics at once.
INVENTORY Used to check your current INVENTORY. INVENTORY ARMOR | Lists the armor you are wearing. | INVENTORY CHECK | Help to avoid "Junk Room".You are carrying between 200 and 300 items on you. Having over 500 items in your inventory seriously increases your character's risk of being corrupted. A corrupted character loses everything, including all their experience, and may take several months to restore. To keep your character below 500 items, keep your mortar cleaned out, get rid of any excess herbs, and be sure to visit the pawnshop, gemshop, and furrier regularly. Characters who log in with more than 500 items are automatically sent to an area where they must throw away excess items before being able to play. | INVENTORY COMBAT | Lists armor/weapons. | INVENTORY FLUFF | Lists non-combat items. | INVENTORY HAND | Lists what's in your hands. | INVENTORY WEAPON | Lists out weapons only. |
INVFIX INVFIX is used to "fix" minor problems with your inventory, such as "wearable" items that you can't wear because the system says you're already wearing them, but they're in your hand.
INVOKE INVOKE is used to activate certain magical items, such as scrolls.
JAB A quick thrusting attack, used in combat. Moving like a striking snake and losing ground quickly, you jab a katar at a goblin. A goblin attempts to evade, mis-stepping and blundering into the blow. The katar lands a light hit to the goblin's left leg. A goblin collapses to the ground, shuddering and moaning until it ceases all movement.
JOIN Used to JOIN a person, or group.
JUGGLE Used to JUGGLE suitable items.
JUMP You bounce up and down like a little kid. JUMP (PERSON) | You jump back from Denwyn! | JUMP (SELF) | You do an incredible backflip with a beautiful twist rotation, gaining nearly five feet of air and landing neatly on your feet without so much as a wobble! The judges give you a 10.0! [Roundtime: 5 seconds] (NOTE: Your results may vary!) ;) |
KHRI Usage: KHRI (secret-word) Thieves use this verb when performing secret actions. Bad things have been known to happen to anyone who speaks of this out loud.
KICK Usage: KICK (<person>|<creature>|<item>) Used to KICK things. When used in BRAWL mode, this is an attack. KICK (creature) | In this case, a rat: That's generally not a good idea. Wouldn't you rather use a weapon? Someone else sees: Risek drew his foot back to kick the rat, but apparently thought better of it. | KICK (item) | In this case, a table: Now what did the table ever do to you? Someone else sees: Risek just tried to kick the table! | KICK (person) | In this case, Bob: You kick Bob! Bob sees: Risek walks over and kicks you in the shin! | KICK (while brawling) | Attacking Bob: < You kick your foot precisely at Bob's left leg, hitting him with a heavy strike that leaves him with a short bloody stump of a left leg. [You're solidly balanced with no advantage.] [Roundtime 3 sec.] |
KILL Useful information about combat!
KISS Usage: KISS <person> [hand|nose|forehead|neck|cheek] Usage: KISS <person> [slow|light|tender|playful|loving|gentle|air] Usage: KISS <creature>|<item> Send the love to someone special! Note: Many of the options are dependant upon DEMEANOR and BEFRIEND settings. KISS (item) | You kiss a sword! Someone else sees: Bob just kissed a sword! | KISS (person) | You kiss Suzzie. Suzzie sees: Bob just kissed you. | KISS (person) air | You lean forward, your lips not quite touching Suzzie's as you make little kissy noises. Suzzie sees: Bob leans forward, his lips not quite touching yours as he makes little kissy noises. | KISS (person) cheek | You gently kiss Suzzie on the cheek. Suzzie sees: Bob gently kisses you on the cheek. | KISS (person) forehead | You gently kiss Suzzie on the forehead. Suzzie sees: Bob gently kisses you on the forehead. | KISS (person) gentle | You give Suzzie a gentle kiss. Suzzie sees: Bob gives you a gentle kiss. | KISS (person) hand | You take the hand of Suzzie and kiss the back of it. Suzzie sees: Bob takes your hand and gently kisses the back of it. | KISS (person) light | You give Suzzie a light kiss. Suzzie sees: Bob gives you a light kiss. | KISS (person) loving | You brush your lips against Suzzie's in a loving kiss. Suzzie sees: Suzzie brushes your lips with a loving kiss. | KISS (person) neck | You gently kiss Suzzie on the neck. Suzzie sees: Bob gently kisses you on the neck. | KISS (person) nose | You kiss Suzzie on the nose. Suzzie sees: Bob kisses you on the nose. | KISS (person) playful | You grin at Suzzie, blowing her a playful kiss. Suzzie sees: Bob grins at you, blowing a playful kiss in your direction. | KISS (person) slow | You pull Suzzie close in a slow, lingering kiss. Suzzie sees: Bob pulls you close in a slow, lingering kiss. Oh my! | KISS (person) tender | You cradle Suzzie in your arms, your lips meeting hers in a tender kiss. Suzzie sees: Bob cradles you in his arms, his lips meeting yours in a tender kiss. |
KNEE KNEE (<person>|<creature>) A brawling attack. You must be in BRAWL mode to use this.
KNEEL Moves you to a kneeling position. See also: STAND, SIT, LIE
KNOCK USAGE: KNOCK <item> Knocks on an object. If the item is a door, people on the other side may hear you knocking.
LANGUAGE USAGE: LANGUAGE {TONGUE} If you do not specify what language you wish to speak, you will receive information about which ones you know. Example: >language You know that you speak Gamgweth and Common. You are currently speaking Common.
LATCH Used to latch (lock) a door.
LAUGH Usage: LAUGH <person> LAUGH <creature> LAUGH <object> LAUGH <emote> Valid emotes: happy, maniac, soft, loud, merry, pain, mocking, sad, evil, triumph, drunk, silly, insane, nervous, belly, roar, delight, donkey, snort, muffled, not. LAUGH BELLY | You hold your sides and let out a rumbling belly laugh. | LAUGH DELIGHT | You laugh with delight! | LAUGH DONKEY | You rear back your head and let out a guffaw that would inspire envy in a donkey. | LAUGH DRUNK | You hiccup and giggle with drunken laughter. | LAUGH EVIL | You cackle deep in your throat, your voice rising in chilling laughter. | LAUGH HAPPY | You laugh happily. | LAUGH INSANE | You burst into a fit of insane laughter! | LAUGH LOUD | You burst out in loud, raucous laughter. | LAUGH MANIAC | You laugh in maniacal glee! | LAUGH MERRY | You raise your voice in merry laughter. | LAUGH MOCKING | You snort a derisive laugh, sneering in mockery. | LAUGH MUFFLED | You give a muffled laugh. | LAUGH NERVOUS | You force a grin and laugh nervously. | LAUGH NOT | You hold your hand up before your lips, trying desperately not to laugh. Maybe your choking noises will be mistaken for a swallowed fishbone. | LAUGH PAIN | You force yourself to laugh through your pain. | LAUGH ROAR | You throw back your head and roar with laughter! | LAUGH SAD | You laugh, your eyes reflecting barely hidden sorrow. | LAUGH SILLY | You begin to giggle, then burst out in a silly laugh. | LAUGH SNORT | You burst out in a sudden snort of laughter. | LAUGH SOFT | You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusem*nt. | LAUGH TRIUMPH | You burst out in triumphant laughter! |
LEAD For Paladins, a powerful ability to inspire members of your group. Also can be used to LEAD a horse by using a lead rope. LEAD | As a Paladin: You see: Denwyn looks to you for guidance. You draw yourself to full height, rallying your comrades with righteous confidence as you charge into battle like a star blazing through a midnight sky! Group members see: Solomon draws himself to full height, rallying you with righteous confidence as he charges into battle like a star blazing through a midnight sky! You are roused by his fearless leadership! |
LEAN You shift your weight. LEAN (ITEM) | In this instance, a crate: You lean against a large weathered crate. | LEAN (PERSON) | You lean on Denwyn. | LEAN (SELF) | You fold your arms across your chest. |
LEAP You leap up into the air, your hand outstretched to the sun!
LEAVE Used to LEAVE a group.
LECTURE Used to LECTURE other players, particularly those in a class you happen to be teaching. USAGE: LECTURE (text) >lecture Listening in class is very important! You lecture, "Listening in class is very important!"
LICK Used to LICK things! LICK (Object in hand) | You lick the stick and discover that it's rather tasteless. | LICK (PERSON) | You lean over and lick Denwyn! | LICK (SELF) | You lick your lips. |
LIE You lie down.
LIGHT >light torch with my flint You strike a piece of black flint against a broadsword, causing a shower of sparks over the small torch which smolders, then bursts into flames. Roundtime: 5 seconds.
LINK An empath can initiate a LINK to another player to temporarily share some of the knowledge that player has in a skill. LINK options for empaths: LINK <target's name> <skill> - Issues a request to link LINK CHECK - Checks to see what links are in place LINK options for non-empaths: LINK <empath's name> - Accepts a request to link LINK <empath's name> REFUSE - Refuses a request to link LINK CANCEL - Breaks a link LINK options for all: LINK <name> CANCEL - Breaks a link with a specific person LINK ALL CANCEL - Breaks all links
LISTEN Used to LISTEN to a proffered class. Solomon begins to lecture you on the proper usage of the appraisal skill. To learn from him, you must LISTEN TO Solomon.
LOAD Used to LOAD ammo into a bow, crossbow, sling, or other ammo-requiring item.
LOAN Used to get some great advice!
LOCK Used to LOCK a lockable item, door, etc.
LOOK Used to LOOK at a person, place, or thing. LOOK (special features) | LOOK <person> FEATURES will show their bodily description only. LOOK <person> WOUNDS will show their injuries only. LOOK <person> ITEMS will show their inventory only. |
LOWER When holding a weapon: You lower your broadsword, relaxing your guard.When holding a not-weapon: There is no point in lowering a blackened torch, since it isn't very threatening.
LUNGE A thrusting attack, used in combat. Driving in like an unbeatable force, you lunge a rapier at a goblin. A goblin fails to dodge, mis-stepping and blundering into the blow. The rapier lands an apocalyptic strike (So that's what it felt like when Grazhir shattered!) that drives the rapier under the sternum to pierce the heart. A goblin collapses in a beaten and battered heap.
MAKE Currently only used on the Taisidon Quest to MAKE CAMP.
MALE Used in the Character Manager (CM) to choose a MALE character.
MANA The MANA verb allows you to check your current attunement while in roundtime. You have a complete attunement to the mana flowing through this area. Attunement: [0%>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>50%>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>100%]
MARCH For Paladins: You march back and forth, sharply turning at the end of each stride. MARCH (SELF) | You march back and forth a bit. | MARCH <at/behind> (Creature of Object) | >march at goblin You march up to a goblin and glare darkly.>march behind goblin You march up behind a goblin and give a mocking salute. | MARCH <at/left/right/behind> PERSON | >march at den You march up to Denwyn and give him a crisp salute.>march left den You stand sharply at attention next to Denwyn and march off to the left. >march right den You stand sharply at attention next to Denwyn and march off to the right. >march behind den You march up behind Denwyn and snap to attention. |
MARK You trace an X across your chest. (Also used by the Thief guild for other purposes.)
MEDITATE Used in some cleric rituals. BARBARIAN-ONLY: used to check level of Inner Fire, must be kneeling or sitting and meditate on a flame (torch or similar) or chakrel amulet.
MEETING Usage: MEETING <option> <value> Options: LIST - Lists out all current meetings INFO <#> - Gives the description of the specified meeting, and the requirements for submitting a question EX: meeting info 1 HELP - Displays this screen <#> <question> - Submits a question to the specified meeting EX: meeting 1 Why is the sky blue?
MENU Lists items available on a MENU in a shop.
MEOW If not a Prydaen: You meow in a bad imitation of a cat. If a Prydaen: You meow.
MESSAGE Used to retrieve a MESSAGE from the Billing Office.
MIND Used to check your mindstate. Overall state of mind: clear
MIX Used to MIX two substances in Alchemy.
MOAN You moan.
MOCK Usage: MOCK {target} You say to Denwyn, "You, sir, are a villainous, empty-hearted lewdster!" MOCK (SELF) | You say something insulting about your own mother! |
MOOR Used to MOOR your boat to a dock or pier.
MORE For use with multiple pages of text.
MOTION You wave your hand distractedly. MOTION (HELD ITEM) | You tinker with your broadsword. | MOTION (ITEM) | You motion toward a large weathered crate. | MOTION (PERSON) | You motion to Denwyn. | MOTION (SELF) | You twiddle your thumbs. |
MOUNT You look around for someone to give you a piggyback ride. MOUNT (ITEM) | You try to climb on top of a large weathered crate, but you slip and fall. How undignified! | MOUNT (PERSON) | You bounce up and down, pointing at Denwyn and chanting "I want a piggyback ride!" | MOUNT (SELF) | Taking a deep breath, you throw back your shoulders and harden your resolve. |
MUMBLE You mumble something under your breath.
MUTTER MUTTER (text) You mutter into the air something about verb databases.
NAG Don't you get enough of that from your mother? NAG (PERSON) | You nag Denwyn unmercifully. | NAG (self) | You see: Don't you get enough of that from your mother?Room sees: Solomon's shoulders bow as if under some great burden. |
NAME Used to get a potentially acceptable character name when in the Character Manager (CM).
NEWS Usage: NEWS - lists all news items NEWS <cat#> - lists items only from the indicated category NEWS <cat#> <item#> - displays the indicated item for the listed category NEWS NEXT - displays the next unread item NEWS IGNORE - marks all items as read NEWS HELP - brings up this dialogue NEWS NEW - lists items only if new to you NOTE: Items are *only* marked as read with the NEWS NEXT command, not by reading a specific article.
NIBBLE USAGE: NIBBLE <food|object> NIBBLE <person> <ear|neck|lips|nose|shoulder|arm|fingers>
NOD Usage: NOD <emote> NOD player <emote> NOD creature/item Valid emotes are: courteous, polite, friendly, emphatic, slight, gracious, meek, agree NOD (PERSON) | You nod to Denwyn. | NOD (SELF) | You study the ground for a moment. | NOD AGREE | You nod in agreement. | NOD COURTEOUS | You give a courteous nod, tipping your hat politely. | NOD EMPHATIC | You nod emphatically. | NOD FRIENDLY | You nod amiably. | NOD GRACIOUS | You give a gracious nod. | NOD MEEK | You nod meekly, not meeting anyone's eyes. | NOD POLITE | You nod politely. | NOD SLIGHT | You give a slight nod. |
NOTE How about B flat?
NUDGE Used to NUDGE someone... You elbow Denwyn in the ribs in a playful sort of way.
OBSERVE When used alone, OBSERVE works like the LOOK verb with additional messaging. You may use additional options to gain information about the weather and sky. While this verb is heavily used by Moon Mages, it can be used by any character. OBSERVE <celestial body> | Gives detailed information about a specific celestial body. | OBSERVE <celestial body> (Moon Mage) | As above, but Moon Mages can also gain insight into the future by observing celestial bodies, which is then used for skill predictions. Also, Moon Mages may see more information about the target than another character | OBSERVE <clouds|rain|snow|weather> | Shows what the current weather is. | OBSERVE <heavens|sky> | Gives an overview of all currently visible celestial objects and the moons. | OBSERVE MOONS | Gives an overview of the moons. This information is more detailed than what you get with OBSERVE SKY. |
OFFER Used in a shop to OFFER an amount of money to a shopkeeper for an item. OFFER (amount)
OOC USAGE: OOC (GROUP|PERSON) <message> The OOC verb is used to convey a message to another player that is meant to be taken as Out Of Character.
OPEN Used to OPEN things.
ORDER Used to ORDER items on a MENU. ORDER (item #)
PACE You pace back and forth.
PANIC You gasp in terrified panic, trembling and flailing your arms about! PANIC (PERSON) | You look at Denwyn and panic! | PANIC (SELF) | Your eyes widen as you tremble in quiet panic. |
PANT You pant.
PARRY Used in combat to attempt to PARRY the next attack and (hopefully) improve position. You move into a position to parry. You're nimbly balanced and in good position. Roundtime: 3 sec.
PAT Used to PAT someone or something... PAT (ITEM) | You pat a mug of frothy root beer. | PAT (PERSON) | You pat Denwyn on the back. | PAT (SELF) | You rub your tummy and pat your head. |
PATHWAY WARRIOR MAGE ONLY: PATHWAY Verb Syntax: PATHWAY [option] Options: LIST - Lists out which Aethereal Pathway abilities you know HELP - Gives you this help message STOP - Ends whichever Pathway ability you may be using. SENSE - Lets you sense your Manipulative Resolve status. CHECK - Let's you see which Pathway ability you have active. FOCUS [option] - Activates a specific pathway ability Options: DAMAGE, QUICK, EASE, POWER, ACCURACY, SECRECY, PRECISE DEFEND
PAY Used in Town Halls to PAY off a debt.
PEER Usage: PEER (direction|player|creature|object) PEER (DIRECTION) | While standing in Town Green North:
>peer s You peer south and see ...The Crossing, Town Green South A gap in the stand of lunat trees leads south into Lunat Shade Road. In that general direction lie Berolt's Dry Goods, the Town Hall, the soaring presence of the Temple, the Provincial Bank and other key structures. A few loafers loll on the grass, watching those entering and leaving the Green. Sparrows, jays and other birds call to one another from the treetops, flitting back and forth between their nests and roosts in the dense hedges bordering the park. Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, south, west, northwest. | PEER (PERSON|CREATURE|OBJECT) | You peer quizzically at Denwyn. | PEER (SELF) | You see:Peer at yourself? A little vain, no? Room sees: Solomon is admiring himself again. |
PERCEIVE Different Guilds will have differing options and results, but this verb allows you to PERCEIVE certain things which are integral to your Guild. PERCEIVE (As a Paladin) | USAGE: As a magic user, you can type PERCEIVE, CONCENTRATE or POWER to determine the mana available for your spells. As you get more skill, you'll also be able to sense mana in neighboring areas. Options Available (most are skill dependant): PERCEIVE AREA - Checks the room for spells in effect. PERCEIVE SELF - Checks the evasion penalty and spells in effect on you. PERCEIVE ALL - Checks everything you are able to sense. PERCEIVE <item> - Checks charges on a blessed weapon. | PERCEIVE (as a Bard or Ranger) | USAGE: As a magic user, you can type PERCEIVE, CONCENTRATE or POWER to determine the mana available for your spells. As you get more skill, you'll also be able to sense mana in neighboring areas. Options Available (most are skill dependant): PERCEIVE AREA - Checks the room for spells in effect. PERCEIVE SELF - Checks the evasion penalty and spells in effect on you. PERCEIVE ALL - Checks everything you are able to sense. | PERCEIVE (as a Cleric) | USAGE: As a magic user, you can type PERCEIVE, CONCENTRATE or POWER to determine the mana available for your spells. As you get more skill, you'll also be able to sense mana in neighboring areas. Options Available (most are skill dependant): PERCEIVE AREA - Checks the room for spells in effect. PERCEIVE SELF - Checks the evasion penalty and spells in effect on you. PERCEIVE ALL - Checks everything you are able to sense. PERCEIVE <person> - Lets you check favor and depart times. PERCEIVE <item> - Checks charges on a blessed weapon. | PERCEIVE (as a Moon Mage) | Since you're a Moon Mage, you can: PERCEIVE PERCEIVE <person|critter> PERCEIVE MOONBEAM PERCEIVE [XIBAR | KATAMBA | YAVASH] PERCEIVE [PERCEPTION | TRANSDUCTION | PSYCHIC PROJECTION | MOONLIGHT MANIPULATION | STELLAR MAGIC] PERCEIVE PLANETS PERCEIVE WATCHERS or PERCEIVE CLAIRVOYANCE | PERCEIVE (as a Warrior Mage) | USAGE: As a magic user, you can type PERCEIVE, CONCENTRATE or POWER to determine the mana available for your spells. As you get more skill, you'll also be able to sense mana in neighboring areas. Options Available (most are skill dependant): PERCEIVE AREA - Checks the room for spells in effect. PERCEIVE SELF - Checks the evasion penalty and spells in effect on you. PERCEIVE ALL - Checks everything you are able to sense. PERCEIVE <familiar> - Let's you identify familiars. | PERCEIVE (as an Empath) | USAGE: As a magic user, you can type PERCEIVE, CONCENTRATE or POWER to determine the mana available for your spells. As you get more skill, you'll also be able to sense mana in neighboring areas. Options Available (most are skill dependant): PERCEIVE AREA - Checks the room for spells in effect. PERCEIVE SELF - Checks the evasion penalty and spells in effect on you. PERCEIVE ALL - Checks everything you are able to sense. PERCEIVE HEALTH - Lets you check Life Essences around you. |
PICK When holding a suitable device, PICK allows an attempt to PICK A LOCK on a locked container. PICK (container) WITH MY (item)
PIN As a special service to our customers, Simutronics Corporation has installed a new feature that we are calling your Player Identification Number (PIN). The Player Identification Numbers are like a password that you can use to verify that a character belongs to you. Usually, when we get Email from a player about their character, we simply match the return Email address with the Email address that is recorded as part of the character record. However, as the online community grows and more and more people have more and more accounts on a variety of services, including the Internet, the Email we get about characters is not always from the account that the character is associated with. Using your PIN, you can identify a character as belonging to you, even when you are not Emailing us from that account. If you were to suddenly be called out of town and send Email to us from a remote Internet account, for example, asking that your character be protected from being purged, then you would be able to provide us with the PIN, and we would know the request really comes from you. WARNING: It is absolutely vital that you keep your Player Identification Number secret. Never tell another player what your PIN is. Your PIN is just like a password, KEEP IT SECRET. There are three things that you must know about your character in order to identify it. You must know the full, proper spelling of the character's first name. You must know the character index number(a reference number used in the game database), a number that is told to you when you get your PIN, and you must know the PIN. Next time you are in the game, use the PIN command and jot down those three things: Full name of the character. Character index. Player Identification Number. Example: ************************ WARNING: Do not give this number out to anyone! ************************Your Character Index Number is #####. Your Player Identification Number is PIN# ########-##### Please save this number in a secure place. ************************ WARNING: Do not give this number out to anyone! ************************ Note: PINs are mostly used these days for character transfers. While its certainly handy if you have your character's PIN handy, its not something you are absolutely required to have when writing the Billing Office or Feedback. As long as you can verify that you own your account, via your security question/answer, and or other billing information, you should be fine. However, if you want to be SURE, keep your PIN recorded somewhere safe. It can't hurt.
PINCH You crack your knuckles.
PLANT Used to PLANT appropriate items in appropriate places.
PLAY Used to PLAY instruments. PLAY MY (instrument) [WITH MY (item)] (manner) Where "manner" is: Gentle, rapid, fierce, playful, flashy, slow, or aimless
POACH When and if possible, POACH is a powerful missile attach, launched from hiding while stalking a suitable target. Driving in like an unbeatable force, you fire an arrow at a musk hog. A musk hog fails to evade, mis-stepping and blundering into the blow. The arrow lands an extremely heavy hit that removes the hog's right arm cleanly at the elbow, knocking it completely senseless. That would have stuck if there was anything left to stick to! The arrow falls to the ground!
POINT Syntax: POINT -- Point at all hidden creatures. POINT ALL -- Point at all hidden targets. POINT <DIR> -- Point in a specific direction. POINT <TARGET> -- Point at a specific target. POINT <ITEM> AT <TARGET> -- Point a specific item at a target.
POKE Used to POKE a person or object.
POLICY Usage: POLICY <page>DragonRealms Player Policy Topics--------------------Page--Topics--------------------Page ------------------------------ ------------------------------ Introduction.................1 Player v Player Conflicts...11 General......................2 Privacy.....................12 Miscellaneous................3 Quests/Special Events.......13 Abusive/Disruptive Behavior..4 Repair/Replacement of Items.14 Bug Abuse....................5 Score Lists.................15 Character Names..............6 Scripting Policy............16 Character Purges.............7 Solicitations...............17 Delays Or Slowdowns..........8 Transferring Characters.....18 Game Mechanics...............9 Unique Items................19 GameMasters.................10 Violations of Policy........20 To read the policy, type POLICY <page>.
PONDER You ponder. PONDER (self) | You see: You ponder the meaning of life.Room sees: Solomon gets an odd expression on his face. | PONDER (text) | >ponder why we have so many verbs. Solomon ponders why we have so many verbs. |
PORT PORT is used for Player-Owned Ships.
PORTRAIT Usage: PORTRAIT [ CHECK <#> | DISPLAY <#> | VIEW | CLEAR ] CHECK lets you review your available portraits. DISPLAY sets one of your portraits to be visible by other players. VIEW toggles your ability to see other's portraits when looked at. CLEAR hides any currently displayed portrait you have. Premium subscribers may have up to 10 available character portraits, while non-premium subscribers may only have 2.
POSE You strike a heroic pose. POSE (if a Gor'Tog) | In addition to POSE by itself, Gor'Togs can specify POSE STRONG, POSE HEAD, POSE BIG, POSE CUTE, POSE GENTLE, POSE SILLY, POSE SNAKE, POSE IMPORTANT, and POSE SORRY. | POSE (while kneeling) | You place your hands beneath your chin and turn your eyes up to the heavens. | POSE (while prone) | You stretch one arm along your side and prop up your head with the other hand. | POSE (while seated) | You lean forward and rest your chin in your hand, a thoughtful expression on your face. |
POUND For use with the Forging System: USAGE: POUND <item you are working on> INTO <item you wish to create> To make plate armor, you must start with a plate. To make a weapon, you must start with an ingot. To make chain armor, you must start with some wire. The following items are available to be created: Weapons: broadsword, rapier, maul, short sword, morning star, hand axe, carving knife, dagger, cutlass, scimitar, hunting sword, longsword, battle axe, greatsword, war hammer, war club, mace, flanged mace, flail, war mattock, foil, halberd, pike, kris, stiletto, falcata, baselard, sabre, bastard sword, claymore, two-handed sword, katar, misericorde, spear, javelin, lance, dart, throwing dagger. Armor: metal breastplate, half plate, field plate armor, full plate armor, bascinet helm, visored helm, armet helm, great helm, scale tasset, plate tasset, scale aventail, plate aventail, plate greaves, scale vambraces, plate vambraces, gauntlets, chain shirt, chain hauberk, double chain mail, full chain shirt, augmented hauberk, chain lorica, chain helm, full chain helm, chain tasset, chain aventail, chain greaves, chain vambraces, mail gloves.
POUR POUR [part|half|most|all] {container} POUR [part|half|most|all] {container} IN {container} [part|half|most|all] is optional and defaults to all PART equals one part HALF is half the contents MOST is three quarters the contents ALL if all of the contents
POUT You pout.
PRACTICE Syntax: PRACTICE <sing|stretch|area> PRACTICE AREA | You look around for a comfortable spot to settle in before practice. | PRACTICE PARCHED | BARD ONLY: You briefly run a few vocal scales to warm up -- feels like a good drink is in order! | PRACTICE SING | You clear your voice repeatedly. You think you sound pretty good. | PRACTICE SING | You clear your voice repeatedly. You think you sound pretty good. | PRACTICE STRETCH | You gently crack your knuckles while taking a deep breath, readying yourself. |
PRAISE You mumble a word of general praise. PRAISE (PERSON) | You praise Denwyn's efforts, supporting him with your approval. | PRAISE (SELF) | You give yourself a well deserved pat on the back. |
PRAY You kneel down and begin to pray. PRAY (as a Cleric) | Quietly touching your lips with the tips of your fingers as you kneel, you make the cleric's sign with your hand. NOTE: This may have different effects in different locations. ;) |
PREACH You can preach by using the PREACH command followed by your sermon. Separate each line with a semicolon. For example: PREACH Tamsine is the Goddess of Hearth;She is the sweet lady of blessings...
PREDICT Moon Mage only PREDICT allows a Moon Mage to access his basic prediction abilities once he has gathered portents through either OBSERVE (skill predictions) or STUDY (event predictions). Advanced, tool-based skill predictions rely on the ALIGN verb. PREDICT <emote> <text> | Allows a Moon Mage to craft his own words of prophecy, similar to the RECITE or SING verbs. Emotes are optional and include: /cheerfully /coldly /cryptically /darkly /dreamily /drunkenly /enigmatically /happily /harshly /hauntingly /hesitantly /hollowly /loudly /mockingly /morbidly /mysteriously /mystifyingly /rudely /softly /teasingly /vaguely /venomously /warmly /wonderingly | PREDICT EVENT <player> | Allows a Moon Mage to do an event prediction upon the target (if the target is omitted, the predictor will predict on himself). | PREDICT FUTURE <player> <offense|defense|magic|lore|survival> | Allows a Moon Mage to do a basic skill prediction upon the target (which may also be himself). Basic, vision-based predictions may only target whole skillsets rather than specific skills, but do not require the use of costly and fragile divination tools. | PREDICT WEATHER | Allows a Moon Mage to predict what the weather will be like in the near future. Does not require any observations to use. |
PREEN You preen!
PREMIUM PLAYER USAGE: FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: PREMIUM <number> - displays that option. Current options: 1 - Who do I contact for questions about Premium? 2 - What do I get as a Premium customer? 3 - Where are the meeting portals? 4 - What are the guidelines for Premium meetings? 5 - Where are the Premium Facilities? (Clubs, Banking, and Forge) 6 - Where are the Premium Hunting Areas? 7 - What are LTBs? 8 - Information about premium contests. 9 - What is the "Standard Merchant Contract"? 10 - How long have I been a Premium Customer?
PREPARE Prepare a spell by name or abbreviation followed by a numerical amount. For example, PREPARE FIRE SHARD 1, or PREP FI SHA 1, or PREP FS 1. Use the SPELLS verb to see what spells you know. You are also able to use different messaging when preparing a spell. PREPARE /CLEAR | Clears your currently set messaging. Note that you can not erase your default settings. Using this will *erase* your chosen special prep message. | PREPARE /DEFAULT | Toggles 'off' or 'on' your default prep messaging. | PREPARE /HIDE | Allows you to try and hide your preparing messaging from others. | PREPARE /LIST | Lists out all available messaging you can use. You can have up to three special preps, not counting your default. | PREPARE /SHIFT | Toggles through your available messaging. |
PROCRASTINATE You see: You realize there are some important matters you should tend to . . . later.Room sees: Solomon looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs.
PROD Used to PROD a person or item.
PROTECT PROTECT COIN [#] [TYPE] [KRONAR|LIRUM|DOKORA] PROTECT COIN 3 GOLD DOKORAS PROTECT COIN 1 PLATINUM KRONARS PROTECT COIN 1 SIL LIR PROTECT COIN Displays the maximum number of coins you can protect. PROTECT COIN STOP Stop protecting all coins and return them to your coin purse. ASSESS PROTECT Display Paladin protection status in current room.
PUCKER You pucker your lips.
PULL Used to PULL an item or person. PULL (SELF) | If you have hair:You pull your hair. If you have no hair: You rub your scalp in agitation. | PULL (person) | You pull Callave towards you! |
PUMMEL A powerful attack which uses the haft or pommel of a weapon to strike your target: Driving in like an adept combatant, you slam a hammer haft at a goblin. A goblin attempts to evade, failing miserably. The haft lands an apocalyptic strike (So that's what it felt like when Grazhir shattered!) that explodes the chest in a shower of blood and splintered ribs. A goblin collapses to the ground, shuddering and moaning until it ceases all movement.
PUNCH A combat move used while BRAWLING: You punch your fist at a goblin's abdomen, blasting it with an overwhelming strike that knocks it down and out with a blow to the nether regions (Total loss of bowel control accompanies a twitching death!). A goblin is stunned senseless! A goblin collapses to the ground, shuddering and moaning until it ceases all movement.
PUNISH Used to (safely and harmlessly) PUNISH a target: You thrash Denwyn soundly.
PURR Depending on your race, PURR allows you to express your contentment.
PUSH Allows you to PUSH a person or object. NOTE: PUSHing certain items may have special results in certain situations. PUSH (PERSON) | You push at Denwyn, to no avail. | PUSH (SELF) | You twitch. |
PUT Used to PUT an object on, under, in, or behind another object, if possible.
PUZZLE You act puzzled. PUZZLE (CREATURE) | You puzzle over the goblin's existence! | PUZZLE (ITEM) | You puzzle over a silver etched war hammer. | PUZZLE (PERSON) | You puzzle over Denwyn. | PUZZLE (SELF) | You feel rather puzzled at the moment. |
QUEST This verb gives a good deal of information that any quester will require.
QUEST FUTURE | A list of all scheduled future quests.
| QUEST INFO | Gives you information on the next quest for which you are currently signed up.
| QUEST INFO ALL | Gives you information on all quests for which you are currently signed up.
| QUEST INFO GROUP | Lists out those in your currently set quest group. | QUEST LIST | A list of all currently running quests. | QUEST POLICY | This contains important information about Quest Policy. Every quester should be familiar with it. Lists the policy under which you are allowed to participate in a quest. | QUEST TYPE | Describes different lengths of quests.
QUEUE Used to check your position in the Assist or Referral Queue.
QUIT This is used to quit the game.
RAISE Usage: RAISE HAND RAISE EYEBROW [player] RAISE VOICE [player] RAISE EYEBROW | You see: You arch your eyebrow. Others see: Sookie raises an eyebrow. | RAISE EYEBROW <person> | RAISE EYEBROW <yourname> You (only) see: That might appear a tad strange, no?RAISE EYEBROW <person> Others see: You raise an eyebrow in Sookie's direction. | RAISE VOICE <person> | You see: You raise your voice, trying to be heard over Sookie. Others see: Cori raises her voice, trying to drown you out. |
RASPBERRY The messaging for this verb changes according to your race. All races except S'kra: You stick your tongue out and let loose with a loud, "Thbtbtbt" from your lips! S'kra Mur: You flex the scales along your neck and let loose with a loud, mocking hiss. RASPBERRY <person> | You stick your tongue out at Sookie and let loose with a loud, "Thbtbtbt" from your lips! | RASPBERRY <yourself> | S'kra Mur: You let out an exasperated hiss. All other races: You let out an exasperated, "Pbpbpb. | RASPBERRY only | You stick your tongue out and let loose with a loud, "Thbtbtbt" from your lips!
READ READ <scenery object/item> Example: Read tag A tag reads: "Made my me."
RECALL RECALL RECALL <creature/npc/item/person> RECALL FAMOUS <name> | Tries to recall information about <name>.
| RECALL HELP | Displays all help information relevant to the Guild of the player.
| RECALL HISTORY | Attempts to recall what you know aout an area. | RECALL HOLIDAY {holiday name} (Bard, Cleric, Trader) | -- by itself, tries to recall the current and next holiday. -- if a specific holiday is named, it will give specific information on that day.
| RECALL IMMORTAL <name> (Bard, Cleric, Paladin) | Tries to recall information about <name>.
RECITE This verb acts in a similar manner to SING and CHANT. You can recite by using the RECITE command followed by your verses. Separate each verse line by a semicolon. For example: RECITE Come O human child;To the wood and waters wild... This would produce: You recite: "Come O human child To the wood and waters wild..." * NOTE: * This command should not be used to attract attention, and using it solely for that is considered abuse of it. An example of abuse is to RECITE that you are selling a sword, or that you have injuries needing tending. Use of RECITE in this manner is considered disruptive to the DragonRealms RolePlaying environment.
REFER If you are not referred you will receive the message: You are not in the referral queue. If you assist from a special room, such as a vault, you will be automatically referred, or if a GameHost is not able to help you e.g. an item replacement you will be referred by a GameHost. You can check your referral and will receive the message: Your referral is still pending. You are number <X> in the queue. If at any time you wish to withdraw your referral, you may do so by typing 'REFER CANCEL'. REFER Cancel | Referral request removed, you are no longer in the queue. |
REFLEX To check your reflex stat. reflex Your base Reflex is forty-one(41). It will cost you 103 TDPs to raise your Reflex from 41 to 42. Reflex improves your skill at evading, and is used in magical 'spell versus agility' contests, among other things. Use INFO to view all your statistics at once.
REFUSE Used while dealing with merchants. You can REFUSE the offer of a merchant.
RELEASE If a spell caster is holding mana they may wish to release it. If you are holding mana or preparing a spell you can RELEASE and it will stop preparing the spell or release any mana you are holding. Several magic guilds also have various release options pertaining to specific spells. RELEASE MANA or <#> MANA | Releases all held mana or releases a specific amount of held mana. | RELEASE (ALL) | Default -- releases held mana and spell being prepared
| RELEASE <spell name> | Releases a specific held-mana spell | RELEASE SPELL | Releases spell being prepared.
REMOVE To remove an object (usually when worn).
REPAIR This verb will allow you to repair certain items. REPAIR <item> with <kit> | The verb will allow you to repair an item that is damaged. The most common use is to fix an instrument but there are some other items e.g. chains which can be repaired depending on the player guild and circle/level. |
REPENT For Paladins who have learned stealing. Non-Paladin Example: repent How admirable of you. Paladin Example: repent Perhaps you should find someplace more appropriate?
REPORT REPORT <message> is used to notify on-duty GameMasters of a bug or other GAME-WIDE problem that needs an IMMEDIATE response. Use the ASSIST command (NOT REPORT) if you need help of any kind.
REROLL CHECK IN REROLL when at an Inn | Warning: REROLL will wipe your character completely without having to rename him/her. You will have to rechoose race and features and begin again at level 0 with no profession, experience, inventory and vault contents. Only do this if you want to reroll but keep your current name. |
RETREAT While engaged with an enemy will allow you to move away from your attacker. It is a combat command, and is not always successful.
RETURN Used inside a stable to have your horse returned to you.
RING RING <item> Will allow you to ring items.
ROAR Depending on your guild and race, it will message differently. Barbarians are prolific users of Roar. Example: Sookie is a Halfling Warrior Mage. Roar She sees "You throw your head back and let out your best roar." Others see "Sookie throws her head back and lets out a high-pitched, vicious roar of pride!" ROAR (Default) | Possible responses depending on your guild and/or race: You throw back your head and let out your best roar. You bare your teeth with fierce pride as a Barbarian's roar thunders from the depths of your spirit! You feel ready to defeat an army! A powerful roar sounds from the depths of your soul, your voice spanning the octaves in its pride! Sookie throws her head back and lets out a high-pitched, vicious roar of pride! Sookie throws her head back and lets out a deep, guttural roar of pride! | ROAR <name> (Barbarians only) | To use the roars, type ROAR <NAME> where <NAME> is the name of the roar, without the brackets. | ROAR LIST (Barbarians Only) | For a list of roars that you know.
| ROAR QUIET (Barbarians only) | To check your vocal damage quietly.
ROFL You fall to the ground laughing hysterically!
ROLL While lying down (prone) the verb will roll you around on the ground. If not prone it will expect roll an object. ROLL <scroll> | Used to roll up scrolls for storage. | ROLL EYES | You roll your eyes. | ROLL LAUGH | This has the same effect as ROFL. You fall to the ground laughing hysterically! If you repeat Roll laugh it will respond: You roll around on the ground laughing hysterically! | ROLL TONGUE | You do an impressive job of rolling your tongue. (Yes, all Elanthians are genetically predisposed to rolling their tongues) |
ROSHAMBO ROSHAMBO <player> [ROCK | PAPER | SCISSORS] Note on roshamboing with GM's: GameMasters tend to vaporize losers, and they somehow always seem to win. Sookie holds her hand out towards you, palm upward and holding her other hand which is balled into a fist, inviting you to roshambo. To accept, type "roshambo Sookie" followed by your choice of "rock", "paper", or "scissors".
ROW Used for rowing boats. ROW <destination>.
RPA A role-playing (or RP) award can boost your learning rate to varying degrees for one or more hours, allowing you to gain skills at a faster rate. The more you roleplay and the better you get at it, the more powerful the awards can be! RPA BESTOW <target> <number of points> | This is the command to use to bestow some of your points on another player. It will only work if you are eligible to be a part of the PIRP system. | RPA CHECK | Allows you to view information about your role-playing awards. | RPA GIVE <character> | This verb will give one of your stored role-playing awards to someone else. | RPA HELP | Gives detailed information about role-playing awards and this verb. | RPA PIRP | This command is used to check your status in the PIRP (Player Issued RP) award system. It will tell you how many points you have available to bestow on other players, when your available points will be reset, and how many points you will receive at that time.
| RPA START {#} | This will make a stored role-playing award active {of level #}. |
RUB This verb requires a target. RUB (when holding a substance) | Used like APPLY: RUB <substance> on <person> RUB <substance> on my <bodypart> RUB <substance> on <person> <bodypart> | RUB <item> | Although usually just an emote, this is also used to bond certain magical or divine items (e.g. talisman and orbs) to one's magical aura. It is also used with runestones. | RUB <person> | Usually a sign of empathy or sympathy. | RUB <self> | You rub your hands together. |
RUMMAGE Allows you to rummage rummage in, on, under or behind items. rummage behind workbench You rummage behind a long cedar workbench but there is nothing in there.
SALUTE You raise your hand in a quick salute. (Try it out with a weapon in your hand!) SALUTE (creature) | You salute the scavenger troll. | SALUTE (person) | You snap to attention and hail Callave with a crisp hand salute. |
SAY This command is used to speak with other players. Depending on the punctuation at the end of your message, your character may "say", "ask", or "exclaim." SAY /emote <MESSAGE> | > SAY /happily Hello! >'/happily Hello!You happily exclaim, "Hello!" NOTE: The forward slash "/" in front of the emote is required. Emotes: angrily calmly cautiously cheerfully coldly confidently coyly curtly darkly dreamily dryly emphatically enigmatically excitedly firmly greedily grumpily guardedly haggardly happily harshly hauntingly helplessly hesitantly hopefully hopelessly innocently kindly laughingly longingly loudly lovingly matter-of-factly meekly mischievously mockingly nervously painfully patiently playfully quietly rancidly regretfully sadly sarcastically sheepishly slowly smugly softly sternly sweetly teasingly tenderly tiredly weakly wistfully wryly | SAY <MESSAGE>! | Ending your message in an exclamation point will result in your character exclaiming your message. For example:>SAY Oh No! Solomon exclaims, "Oh No!" | SAY <MESSAGE>? | Ending your message in a question mark will result in your character asking your message. For example:>SAY What? Solomon asks, "What?" | SAY }person <MESSAGE> | To direct your message to someone, use "}" in front of their name.Examples: > SAY }Solomon Can I have 200 plats? > '}riel /happily Thank you for your help! |
SCOFF You scoff. SCOFF (person | creature | item) | You scoff at Callave. You scoff at a scavenger troll. You scoff at a heavy-duty moving dolly. | SCOFF (self) | You see: You make a huffy little snorting noise.Room sees: Solomon sniffs and looks huffy. |
SCOUT Ranger Only: SCOUT SYNTAX: ------------- scout area scout cover my tracks scout cover <player's> tracks scout cover my trail <direction> scout marker scout read learn scout read teach scout trailmarker -------------
SCOWL You scowl. SCOWL (person) | You scowl at Callave. | SCOWL (self) | You see: You scowl blackly.Room sees: Solomon scowls to himself. |
SCRAPE Used in Tanning or to simply attempt to increase a skin's value before selling to a Tannery. SCRAPE <PELT|HIDE|SKIN|SHEEPSKIN> WITH SCRAPER <CAREFUL|NORMAL|QUICK>
SCRATCH This verb requires a target. SCRATCH (person) | You lean over and scratch Callave's back. | SCRATCH (self) | You scratch your head. |
SCREAM You scream! SCREAM (person | creature | item) | You scream at Callave! You scream at a scavenger troll! You begin to scream at a heavy-duty moving dolly. Are you feeling okay? | SCREAM (self) | You see: You scream at yourself! Wow, are you nuts?Room sees: Solomon begins screaming at himself. |
SCRIBE Used by Moon Mage enchanters to scribe celestial sigils onto objects, a vital part of the enchanting process. SCRIBE (non-enchanter) | You scribble down some notes. | SCRIBE (person) | You look at Callave and jot down some notes. | SCRIBE <object> (enchanter) | You attempt to scribe a celestial sigil onto the subject. You must have previously used STUDY to memorize a sigil, have an Enchanter's Burin in your right hand, and the target object in your left hand. |
SEARCH You search around for a moment. Roundtime: 3 sec. You don't find anything of interest here. SEARCH (self) | You pat yourself down looking for something! | SEARCH (suspected graverobber) | This will allow a victim to search someone who they suspect of having graverobbed them. There's a chance they'll be able to recover one of their items from the thief! |
SELL Used to SELL items to certain merchants. For example, at the Pawnshop: >sell broadsword to cormyn You sell your broadsword to Cormyn. Cormyn takes your broadsword and gives it a quick but thorough examination. After pausing for a moment, he hands you 90 kronars for it.
SHAKE This verb must have a target. SHAKE (item being worn) | You adjust your leather quiver. Note: Belled items may have special messaging. | SHAKE (item) | You shake your blue towel. | SHAKE (person) | You grab Callave by the arm and shake him! | SHAKE (self) | You quiver. | SHAKE BOOT (if you're wearing boots) | You shake in your boots. |
SHAPE This verb is used to start the Fletching process. (It requires specific items to be in hand.)
SHARE Usage: SHARE <amount> <denomination> <currency> SHARE ALL <currency> SHARE VALUE SHARE HELP SHARE EXAMPLES >share examples Example: You are in a group of 3 people. You have 2 platinum and 92 copper Dokoras. SHARE 60 COPPER DOKORAS splits 60 coppers 3 ways. You would hand 20 coppers to each person, and keep 2 platinum and 52 copper. SHARE ALL DOKORAS can't divide your 2 platinum 3 ways, but would split the 92 coppers by giving each person 30. Your total value of Dokoras would be 20032, while the others would have a mere 30. SHARE VALUE divides your total value in Dokoras (20091) by three, and comes up with 6697, with a remainder of 1. Each member of your group would have an equal amount: 6 gold, 6 silver, 9 bronze, and 7 copper Dokoras, while the bank teller would keep 1 copper for her trouble.
SHIFT Empath only, used to SHIFT a player's features and appearance. SHIFT HELP - This help screen. SHIFT HELP GENERAL - General information on the SHIFT System. (IC) SHIFT HELP SPECIAL - General information on the SHIFT System. (OOC) SHIFT HELP ATTRIBUTE - Describes what body parts you are presently able to shift. SHIFT <player> <body area> <end result> - Sends a shift link invitation to another player. SHIFT <player> <body area> NORMAL - Causes the body part to return to its original form. SHIFT <player> - If a shift link has been accepted, initiates the shift process. SHIFT CANCEL - Prematurely ends a shift attempt. SHIFT EVALUATE - Evaluates a shift in progress.
SHIP For Traders Only - The proper syntax is SHIP CRATE TO <person> IN <destination>
SHIVER A shiver runs up your spine.
SHOVE A BRAWLING move, used in Combat, after you have GRAPPLEd you're opponent. You push a goblin away, breaking its grip on you! Roundtime: 3 sec.
SHOW Format: SHOW <object> TO <target>
SHRIEK You shriek!
SHRUG You shrug. SHRUG (player) | You look at Callave and shrug. |
SHUDDER You shudder.
SHUFFLE SHUFFLE is used on certain types of cards. SHUFFLE also works pretty well on rope bridges...
SHUN You stick your nose up in the air haughtily. SHUN (creature | item) | You shun a scavenger troll. You shun a blue towel. | SHUN (person) | You see: You look at Callave and shun him.Target sees: Solomon turns away, shunning you. (NOTE: This can potentially have a negative effect on your target, depending on your level and their level! Do not SHUN someone without reason!) | SHUN (self) | You see: You pointedly ignore your own concerns and move about seeking someone to help.Room sees: Solomon looks around seeking someone to help. |
SIGH You sigh. SIGH (emotion (usually ending in -ly)) | Example: >sigh happily You sigh happily. | SIGH (person | critter | item) | You look at Callave and sigh. You look at a scavenger troll and sigh. You sigh as you look at a blue towel. | SIGH (self) | You see: Depressing, isn't it?Room sees: Solomon sighs deeply, looking very depressed. | SIGH WITH (emotion) | Example: >sigh with sadness You give a sigh of sadness. |
SIGN A special silent form of communication for Thieves only. Example: >sign hello You sign, "hello"
SIGNAL This is the SIGNAL verb used to control certain aspects of the Ranger's companions. Usage: SIGNAL COMPANION TO . . . FIND <player> DROP <object> GET <object> UNHIDE HUNT STAY STOP HIDE (plus some others) Example: SIGNAL RACCOON TO FIND ANSON Also used by Horse owners/riders: SIGNAL HORSE TO JOUST <person>, SIGNAL HORSE to GALLOP, etc.
SIGNATURE Used to activate a SIGNATURE verb. USAGE signature {option} {target if required} {option} - one of the signature options available to your character {target} - target object or player's name, if the option allows for a target Valid Options for this character none
SING You can SING by using the SING command followed by your verses. Separate each verse line by a semicolon. For example: SING The wind was a torrent of darkness;Among the gusty trees... You can also add emotes to your singing: SING <emote> When the shower came a'calling;We were all a'stalling. Emotes: angrily calmly cautiously cheerfully coldly confidently coyly curtly darkly dreamily dryly emphatically enigmatically excitedly firmly greedily grumpily guardedly haggardly happily harshly hauntingly helplessly hesitantly hopefully hopelessly innocently kindly laughingly longingly loudly lovingly matter-of-factly meekly mischievously mockingly nervously painfully patiently playfully quietly rancidly regretfully sadly sarcastically sheepishly slowly smugly softly sternly sweetly teasingly tenderly tiredly weakly wistfully wryly
SIT You sit down. SIT (suitable object) | >sit recliner You settle yourself on the overstuffed recliner. |
SKATE Used for ice skating, in an appropriate area designated for skating. Otherwise... You can skate around the truth, but if you're looking to ice skate, you'll have to try somewhere else.
SKILLS Used to list out all your current skills. More importantly, it shows your current skill levels, as well as your skill levels with any active bonuses.
SKIN Used to SKIN a dead creature in an attempt to harvest the hide/pelt/skin or other body parts.
SLAP Use this to slap someone. SLAP <self> | >SLAP Solomon. You slap your forehead. |
SLEEP You relax and allow your mind to enter a state of rest. You will no longer gain new experience until you awaken! However you will continue to absorb experience into new ranks. If you become too active in your sleep, you will awaken automatically.
SLICE Performs a slicing attack in combat. SLICE <creature> | >slice goblinYou slice your broadsword squarely at a goblin's chest, blasting it with an overwhelming strike that explodes the heart and lungs with a bone-shattering blow to the chest. A goblin collapses to the ground, shuddering and moaning until it ceases all movement. |
SLINK If you are a Prydaen: You slink back and forth, like a restless predator on the prowl. SLINK HELP As the naturally superior race of Elanthia, you have a naturally superior way of moving around... USAGE: slink slink <at|left|right|behind> <person> slink <at|behind> <creature|object> slink <direction>
SLIP You see: You want to slip and fall? You think Empaths don't get enough work from you or something Room sees: Solomon looks at the ground with a very strange look in his eyes. Note: SLIP also has lots of special uses, but those are only for Thieves. SLIP (person) | Causes you to slip and fall against someone...but not GMs.... Versus a GM: Solomon could slip your arms and legs off and switch them without you feeling it. You might want to find a better target. Versus a player: You see: You slip and fall against Callave. Target sees: Solomon slips and lands right against you! You stumble some but maintain your balance. |
SMELL You sniff the air around you. SMELL (creature | player | item) | You sniff at a scavenger troll. He smells just like Callave. You sniff at the towel. | SMELL Options for Personal Scent | SMELL /LIST class-name SMELL /SET class-name scent# SMELL /CLEARValid class-names are: Unpleasant, animal, profession, food, floral, forest, spices, miscellaneous. |
SMILE You smile. SMILE (creature | item | player) | You smile at a scavenger troll. You smile at a blue towel. You smile at Callave. |
SMIRK You smirk.
SMOOCH Usage: SMOOCH <player> [showy | gentle | friend] SMOOCH [critter | item] SMOOCH (critter) | I don't think that would be wise. | SMOOCH (item) | You give a black razor a smooch. | SMOOCH (self) | You smack your lips. | SMOOCH <player> [showy | gentle | friend] | You give Callave a smooch. Mmmmmwa! With options: You try to pull Callave into your arms for a really showy smooch, but he is just too wary of you for that! You give Callave a gentle smooch on the cheek. You try to give Callave a friendly smooch, but his demeanor is somewhat remote for that. NOTE: Some SMOOCH messaging is dependent on the DEMEANOR of your target! |
SNAP You snap your fingers. Snapping fingers is a type of Human body language that is often used to accentuate a conversation. Options include: ponder, music, loud, command, curse and several others. Experiment at will!
SNARL If not a Ranger: You snarl. Rangers: You bare your teeth and let loose with a guttural snarl that sounds exactly like a mountain lion. SNARL (person) | Non-Ranger: You snarl at Callave.Ranger: You lower your head, bare your teeth and snarl at Callave like a mountain lion. |
SNEAK While hidden, SNEAK (direction) will allow you to attempt to remain hidden and move silently in that direction.
SNEER You sneer. SNEER (person | creature) | You sneer at Callave. You sneer at a scavenger troll. | SNEER (self) | You wrinkle your nose. |
SNEEZE You sneeze. SNEEZE (person) | You turn away from Callave and sneeze. | SNEEZE (self) | You see: You suppress a sneeze and your eyes nearly pop out!Room sees: Solomon's eyes bug out! |
SNICKER You snicker. SNICKER (person | creature) | You snicker at Callave. You snicker at a scavenger troll. | SNICKER (self) | You snicker to yourself. |
SNIFFLE You sniffle.
SNORE You snore. SNORE (person) | You snore lightly. | SNORE (self) | You make a loud snarfing noise. |
SNORT You snort, loudly. SNORT (person | creature | item) | You snort at Callave. You snort at a scavenger troll. You snort at the razor. | SNORT (self) | You snort derisively. |
SNUFF >get torch You pick up a burning small torch. >snuff torch You jam the small torch into the ground, snuffing it out. BARBARIAN ONLY: Barbarians can snuff cigars to extinguish them in several different ways.
SNUGGLE Usage: SNUGGLE [player|critter|item] SNUGGLE [player|item] <emote> Valid emotes are: love, friend, cheer, cold SNUGGLE (player | critter | item) | You snuggle up to Callave. I think you've been out hunting too long if a scavenger troll is starting to look like good snuggle material. You snuggle a black razor in your arms. | SNUGGLE (player | item) <emote> | Player: You try to snuggle lovingly up to Callave, but he doesn't seem amenable to your attentions.You snuggle companionably beside Callave. You snuggle beside Callave with a cheerful grin. You snuggle beside Callave, shivering as you try to keep warm. NOTE: Some SNUGGLE messaging is dependent on the DEMEANOR of your target! Item: You snuggle a black razor lovingly in your arms. You snuggle a black razor companionably in your arms. You snuggle a black razor cheerfully in your arms. You snuggle up to a black razor, clutching it for warmth. |
SOB You sob.
SONG Bards only: Shows what Enchante or song you are currently performing. SONG USAGE: SONG -- List Enchantes and songs you're currently performing. SONG ENCHANTE -- List Enchantes you know. SONG SCROLL -- List scroll songs you know. SONG ALL -- List everything! SONG <person> -- Find out what Enchantes or songs that person is performing. SONG AWARENESS -- Toggles messaging to track song parts as you play them. You can also use SONG NON-MAGIC for scrolls and SONG MAGIC for enchantes.
SORT Usage: SORT {object} - Move all items that match the name of {object} to the top of your inventory SORT {object} IN {container} - Move all items that match the name of {object} to the top of the {container} SORT UP {object} {IN container} - Move {object} one up in your inventory or container SORT DOWN {object} {IN container} - Move {object} one down your inventory or container SORT AUTOMATIC {type} - Perform an automatic sort of your inventory Where {type} is one of the following: HEADTOTOE - Sort in head-to-toe order REVERSE - Sort in reverse order NOTE: If you add the keyword, PRECISE, to your sort request, it will only move items that are precise matches (a purple velvet cloak) vs. general matches (a cloak). You may only sort items that are located somewhere in your inventory or in your Carousel vault.
SPECULATE Speculate is a trader verb. Usage is SPECULATE <ability> or SPECULATE <player>
SPELLS Typing Spell or Spells will give you the following message if you are a magic/spell user: You recall the spells you have learned from your training. Then all your spells that you have chosen will be listed according to your guild books.
SPIT USAGE: SPIT <disgusted> <glaringly> <angrily> Note: Spitting in town is considered a crime in many cities and towns! Be careful! SPIT ANGRILY | You see: You spit on the ground in an obvious display of anger.Room sees: Solomon spits on the ground, his anger very obvious. | SPIT DISGUSTED | You see: You spit on the ground, displaying your disgust.Room sees: Solomon spits on the ground disgustedly. | SPIT GLARINGLY | You see: You spit on the ground and raise your eyebrow in a glare.Room sees: Solomon spits on the ground and raises his eyebrow in a glare that would stop a charging rhino dead in its tracks. |
SPLASH Usage: Splash or splash <person>
SPLUTTER You splutter. Others see: <Name> splutters.
SPRINKLE USAGE: SPRINKLE (item) on (person|creature|item|ROOM)
SQUINT Usage: Squint <player> or <item> SQUINT (self) | You narrow your eyes. |
SQUIRM You squirm.
STABLE Usage: Stable horse
STALK Usage: Stalk <player> or <creature>
STAMINA This can be used to check how many TDPs (Time Development Points) it will take to raise your stamina statistic. Stamina increases the amount of damage your body can take, improves your capacity for carrying things, and is used in magical 'spell versus stamina' contests, among other things. Use INFO to view all your statistics at once.
STANCE Stance - You are currently using 100% of your evasion skill. You are currently using 80% of your weapon parry skill. You are currently using 0% of your shield block skill. You are attacking with 100% of your offensive skill. Stance <evasion>, <parry>, <attack>, <shield> - will switch stance to previously saved values. Stance <skill> <value> - assigns numerical value to that skill with all three defenses totally 180% or attack up to 100%.
STAND You stand up. (When in water) You stand up in the water.
STARBOARD STARBOARD is used for Player-Owned Ships.
STARE You stare blankly into the distance. stare <player> You fix <player> with a frank, even stare. stare <self> You stare meekly at the ground in a moment of embarrassment.
STATUS Active Players: Type STATUS FULL to get a list of active players Staff on duty:
STEAL Usage: Steal <player> or <item>
STOMP Stomp is a Barbarian specific verb for an ability.
STOP Stop can be used in many ways, some of which are listed below: brawl stop guard stop stop sing watch stop block stop stop teach stop listen protect coin stop speculate finesse stop dance stop
STOW STOW (<object>|RIGHT|LEFT) To set the container you want to STOW items in, simply specify it when you are STOWing. EXAMPLE: STOW SALMON IN MY BACKPACK STOW RIGHT (Stows the item in your right hand if your container is set.) STOW BROADSWORD (Stows item if you are holding it and your container is set.) NOTE: If you do not specify the container and your container is set to something that you are not wearing, the STOW verb will not be able to find it! Also keep in mind when using PUT, to specify "my" or risk losing items to a similar object that may be on the ground. (Example: PUT BROADSWORD IN MY BACKPACK) *
STRENGTH Usage: Your base Strength is <> It will cost you <> TDPs to raise your Strength from < to >. Strength affects your roundtimes with weapons, how hard you hit, how much you can carry, and is used in magical 'spell versus stamina' contests, among other things. Use INFO to view all your statistics at once.
STRETCH You stretch. STRETCH ITEM: You stretch a hand out to ITEM. STRETCH SELF: You give yourself a tight hug. STRETCH PERSON: You reach your hand imploringly to PERSON.
STRING A verb used in tanning: string set
STUBBLE VERBS Verbs used when you have stubble: BRUSH: Person rakes a comb over his stubbled cheeks, not really accomplishing much, but it seems to make him feel better. CLEAN: Person scrubs at his stubbled cheeks with an intense determination. EAT: Person tries to touch the tip of his nose with his tongue. LICK: Person wipes some stray dribble from his stubbled chin. KISS: Person reaches up to scrub at his stubbled cheeks. PEER: Person's eyes cross for some unexplained reason. PULL: Person reaches up and scratches fiercely at his stubble for a moment. REMOVE (requires a razor) RUB: Person strokes his stubble in thoughtful contemplation. SCRATCH: Person scratches distractedly at his stubble. TAP: Person runs a hand over his stubble, smoothing it down. TURN: Person reaches up suddenly and plucks a hair out of his stubble in irritation.
STUDY Allows Moon Mages to study the sky or specific celestial bodies for the purposes of enchanting or prediction. Allows Traders to STUDY their LEDGERs. Allows Bards to STUDY their Songbooks. Allows Spellbook owners to STUDY Spellbooks. Also used to STUDY a horse to examine its condition. STUDY (non-Moon Mage) | You take on a studious look. | STUDY (when in Stat Training areas) | Used to spend TDPs to increase stats.You consult with the teachers and together decide that it will take 90 moon cycles until you successfully gain a rank in charisma. There is also a fee of 180 Kronars to complete this training. That would leave you 163 time development points afterward. If this is OK, you will need to STUDY once again to get your new rank. | STUDY <object> (Moon Mage) | Allows a Moon Mage enchanter to study a celestial body or text to acquire a celestial sigil. | STUDY SKY (Moon Mage) | Allows a Moon Mage to study the entire sky for portents. Used in conjunction with PREDICT EVENT. |
SULK Usage: sulk
SUMMON Usage: Summon <familiar> for Warrior Mages
SURPRISE Use while hidden to startle someone.
SURRENDER USAGE: To SURRENDER to a town guard if wanted.
SURVEY Usage: To be used when Gamemasters really want to know your opinion!
SWAP Usage: To swap items from one hand to another swap sword - to swap 2 handed swords.
SWEAR You mumble something unprintable.
SWEAT Usage: sweat <player> or <item>
SWEEP Usage: a combat maneuver normally used in a combo.
SWIM Usage: swim <direction> while in water
SWIMMING VERBS Verbs that work while you're swimming or in water: CLEAN SELF: Person splashes water all over himself thoroughly. DANCE: Person splashes about in the water, moving with the currents in an attempt to dance. DIVE: Person gracefully dives into the water. Person plunges down from above, his arms waving around. He lands with a loud splash! Person jumps down from above, his arms somewhat poised over his head. He lands with a loud splash! Person gracefully dives down from above, his arms relaxed along his sides. He lands smoothly with barely a splash! Person leaps down from above, his arms poised over his head. He lands with a loud splash! Person dives down from above, his arms poised straight over his head. He lands with a loud splash! DUCK: Person ducks down under the water for a second and then resurfaces, thoroughly soaked. FALL: Person flops down into the water with a loud *SMACK*! FLAIL: Person flails about in the water. JUMP: Person jumps up in the air and lands with a colossal *WHOOOOSH*, spraying water all over you! KICK: Person churns up water with his feet, spraying you thoroughly. PACE: Person swims back and forth. PRAY: Person lies back against the water and shuts his eyes, offering up a silent prayer. PROTECT: (?) PUSH (person): Person tackles you and drags you down under the water. You quickly emerge, coughing water. Person tackles you and tries to drag you down under the water, but you manage to stay afloat. PUSH (self): You try to push yourself around, but just end up getting wet. (No external messaging) ROLL (while lying): Person rolls over in the water and puts his face in the water. SPIT: Person makes like a fountain and spits out a stream of water. SPLASH: Person splashes playfully about in the water. STAND: Person swims back up into a vertical position. SWIM: Person swims about in lazy circles.
SWING Usage: a combat maneuver in a combo sequence.
TACKLE A BRAWLING move, used in Combat.
TAG Usage: TAG is only used for "Sharks & Guppies." To join in the fun you will need to find a game object someplace.
TAIL USAGE (For Prydaen): TAIL {EMOTE} [PERSON | CREATURE | OBJECT | {none}] EMOTES include: LASH, CURL, SMACK, BRUSH, TICKLE, FLICK USAGE (For S'Kra): The TAIL verb can be used in conjunction with S'Kra speech. Use it by typing TAIL <term>. You need to spell out the entire term. For brief information on each term, type TAIL HELP. For an advanced description of S'Kra terms, type TAIL TERMS.
TAKE To be used to get something, interchangeable with the GET verb. Also used by Empaths to TAKE wounds. EMPATHS ONLY: Wound transfers - {TAKE/TRANSFER} {patient} {body part} [{PART|HALF|MOST}] [{CAREFUL|QUICK}] Poison & Disease transfers - {TAKE/TRANSFER} {patient} [{CAREFUL|QUICK}] [{body part}] {POISON|DISEASE} Shock transfers - {TAKE/TRANSFER} {patient} SHOCK [{PART|HALF|MOST}] indicate partial transfers. These transfers may be attempted by an Empath of sufficient experience and reduce the amount of wound transferred at a time. Please note that, for poison and disease transfers, any speed modification must be sent before the words POISON or DISEASE.
TALK Usage: To talk type a ' followed by what you want to say. Example: 'Hello!
TAP Tap - You tap your foot impatiently. Tap <player> or <noun>
TARGET To be used with certain spells after prep of spell - target <critter>
TEACH Usage: teach - What do you want to teach? Type TEACH OPTIONS for a list of teaching possibilities. To ignore all attempts to be taught, type: AVOID !TEACHING. To listen to all attempts to be taught, type: AVOID TEACHING. You may teach almost any skill that you know to another player who does not know it as well as you. In order to teach an armor skill, just TEACH ARMOR TO (player), and it will be assumed that you wish to teach the person how to wear the armor that you are currently wearing. To teach a weapon skill, just TEACH WEAPON TO (player), and it will be assumed that you wish to teach the person how to use the weapon you are currently wielding (or brawling if you are not wielding a weapon). To teach a THROWN weapon skill, just TEACH WEAPON TO (player) THROWN, and it will be assumed that you wish to teach the person how to use the weapon you are currently wielding (or brawling if you are not wielding a weapon) in a throwable fashion if it is a throwable weapon. To teach a magical skill, just TEACH MAGIC to (player), and it is assumed you wish to teach the realm of magic which you know. Otherwise, there is a list of possible skills for you to teach: SHIELDS HARNESSING POWER DEVICES EVASION CLIMBING PERCEPTION SCOUTING HIDING LOCKPICKING DISARMING STALKING STEALING FIRSTAID ESCAPING BACKSTABBING SCHOLARSHIP MECHANICS TEACHING ANIMALLORE Additional skills may be taught. Experiment.
TEASE Usage: Tease <player>
TELL Usage - Used by Warrior Mages to command familiar. Tell Familiar will give options. Also used by Traders to issue commands to a Caravan. TELL CARAVAN TO LEAD TO DIRGE, TELL CARAVAN TO GO FASTER, etc.
TEND Usage - You may tend bleeding wounds on yourself or others. For more information, please type: TEND HELP You may tend bleeding wounds on yourself or others. You may also use certain items to help you out, such as bandages, suturing kits, etc. After tending, you may: have failed to do anything, slowed the bleeding or even stopped it. Your skill in First Aid and the severity of the bleeding wound greatly affects how long it takes for you to tend a wound and how long that wound will stay tended before the bandages become useless. Format: TEND {MY|<character>} {area} {area} may be one of: head chest abdomen back neck tail right arm left arm right hand left hand right leg left leg right eye left eye Examples: TEND MY HEAD TEND GREGORY RIGHT ARM
THINK Usage - You pause a moment to ponder that blank part of your mind. Think <message> - to be used with gweths or other devices for thoughtcasting.
THROW Usage: To perform a combat maneuver with certain weapons or sometimes used to throw certain items. Throw or throw <weapon> while in combat at creature you are facing. Throw <item> at <noun> THROW LEFT | Used to THROW the weapon/item in your left hand. |
THRUST Usage: A combat maneuver that performs a thrusting attack.
THUMP Usage - You thump yourself on the head. Doh! (Type THUMP HELP for other usage.) THUMP <player> To see if you can THUMP another character without actually doing so, type: THUMP <name> TEST If you want to threaten to THUMP a character, type: THUMP <name> WARN THUMP (self) | The veins in your neck start to stand out and you feel your face grow flushed as you strive to control your anger. |
TICKLE Usage: Tickle <player> and sometimes <noun>
TIE Usages: Tie pouch - to lower item count, tie gem pouches. Tie <item> to <item> Tie caravan to <player> - to drag corpses.
TIME Usage: time It has been 383 years, 224 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer. It is the 6th month of Arhat the Fire Lion in the year of the Emerald Dolphin. It is currently summer and it is dawn. You're fairly certain it's just past the Anlas of Asketi's Hunt.
TIP Usage: TIP <player> <amount> <currency>
TITLE Syntax for the title system: TITLE PRE|AFFILIATION LIST {CATEGORY} - Lists the pertinent titles you are eligible for. TITLE PRE LIST - Lists the valid categories. TITLE LIST - Same as above. TITLE PRE|POST CHOOSE {CATEGORY} {NAME} - Chooses the appropriate name TITLE PRE|POST|AFFILIATION OFF - Clears the selected pre|post|affiliation title field TITLE AFFILIATION ON - Turns the affiliation title field back on TITLE AFFILIATION CHOOSE (1, 2, 3, 4) - Selects the appropriate affiliation post-title TITLE AFFILIATION CLEAR (1, 2, 3) - Clears the selected affiliation title slot
TOSS Usage: toss <item>
TOUCH Used to TOUCH someone, unless your an Empath, in which case this is a very important verb: You touch Denwyn.You sense a successful empathic link has been forged between you and Denwyn. You feel the burning fire of pain and suffering building slowly as you instinctively draw out the truth behind Denwyn's injuries. Denwyn's injuries include... Wounds to the NECK: Fresh External: light scratches -- insignificant Wounds to the RIGHT ARM: Fresh External: cuts and bruises about the right arm -- minor Wounds to the LEFT ARM: Fresh External: light scratches -- insignificant Wounds to the RIGHT LEG: Fresh External: light scratches -- insignificant Wounds to the CHEST: Fresh External: light scratches -- insignificant Wounds to the ABDOMEN: Fresh External: cuts and bruises about the abdomen -- more than minor TOUCH (self) | You tap the tip of your nose. |
TRACE Usage: Trace <player> unless you are a paladin with Glyphs and then you get to: <trace> <glyph> <item/person> TRACE (item) | You trace the outline of your jester's stick. |
TRACK Used by Rangers to track creatures that may have a tendancy to run. TRACK (creature) in the room will cause you to automatically follow that critter when it runs or moves away.
TRILL S'Kra and Prydaen: You utter a soft, rumbling trill from the back of your throat. Other races: You make a gurgling sound in the back of your throat. It's rather uncomfortable. TRILL (player | critter | item) (emote) | You trill softly at Callave. You trill at the troll. You trill at the towel. Valid emotes are: question, happy, content, war, worried, brief, love |
TUNE This verb needs a target. TUNE (Stringed Instrument) | You pluck experimentally at the strings of your ebonwood violin. After a moment, you think maybe that it is in perfect tune. [Roundtime: 4 seconds.] | TUNE (person) | You tweak Callave's nose! |
TURN Used to TURN specific items like jewelry and spellbooks (to TURN pages).
TYPO This verb's function has been moved into the BUG verb. Please use the BUG verb instead.
UNBRAID This allows you to UNBRAID hair that has been BRAIDed, either your own, or someone else's. Likewise, there are also messages for UNBRAIDing hair that is already unbraided, as well as hair that is in other states (tied, untied, etc.).
UNBUNDLE When holding a bundle of skins or furs: You untie your bundle, dumping its contents on the ground.
UNCOIL When holding a coiled rope: You uncoil your rope.
UNHIDE When hidden: You come out of hiding.
UNLATCH Used to UNLATCH a latched door.
UNLOAD If holding a loaded bow or crossbow: You unload the crossbow. Roundtime: 3 seconds.
UNLOCK Used to UNLOCK a locked door.
UNTIE Used by traders to split gem pouches that have been tied. It does not untie them but splits them into two pouches of approximately half value each of original pouch. Untie pouch -Holding tied pouch in right hand and empty pouch in left hand Also used to remove weapon straps from items. untie my strap from <item>
UNWRAP You may undo the affects of TENDing to an injured area by using the UNWRAP command to remove the bandages. Format: UNWRAP {MY|<character>} {area} {area} may be one of: head chest abdomen back neck tail right arm left arm right hand left hand right leg left leg right eye left eye Examples: UNWRAP MY HEAD UNWRAP RELINE RIGHT ARM
VOTE Vote what? Why express your mind if it's empty? Vote <Something> Apparently you've failed to grasp the finer details of the feudal system.
WAIL You begin an eerie, warbling wail of despair. WAIL (person) | You look at Callave and let out an eerie, warbling wail of despair. |
WAIT Time drags on by... WAIT (PERSON) | You see:Time drags on by... Target sees: Solomon seems to be waiting for you. | WAIT (SELF) | You see:Time drags on by... Room sees: Solomon seems to be waiting for inspiration. |
WAKE You rub your eyes.Also can be used in some cases to WAKE yourself if you've been put to sleep.
WARN Usage: WARN <player | object | creature> or WARN <player> [of <COMBAT | HARASSMENT | INTERACTION>] In the first case, the verb is simply messaging, with no functionality. When this method is employed, an OOC message will be sent to the player, privately letting them know your feelings, to clear up any possible doubt about where you both stand. Records are kept of all communications issued and received, as well as whether they were acknowledged or declined, as applicable. COMBAT Suitable for roleplayed conflicts where it is to the players' advantage to have consent on record. The receiving player will have an opportunity to acknowledge the warning so that any potential conflict can be settled to both parties' satisfaction. Note that the agreement terminates once either player dies or one hour has passed. HARASSMENT Suitable when someone's actions have transgressed beyond the boundaries of acceptable, normal roleplay and are disrupting your enjoyment of the game. This should not be used lightly. You will be expected to behave yourself as well as the person to whom you issued such a statement. INTERACTION Suitable for expressing to the other party that you wish to have NO INTERACTION WHATSOEVER with them. This option should not be used unless you are willing to remove yourself from the presence of the person to whom you issue it. Upon issuance, both players should immediately go their separate ways and cease all interaction with each other, including (but not limited to) conversations regarding the other player with third parties (besides staff members). Note that in all cases, this verb is simply for improved communication. Policy and handling of situations remains unchanged, and under no circ*mstances should the WARN verb be viewed as an excuse or license to take matters into your own hands, should the other party ignore your wishes. As always, your best course of action in such a situation is to place an ASSIST and speak with a GameHost. WARN (PLAYER) COMBAT | You see:You let Denwyn know that the two of you might engage in CvC combat soon. Although your warning has been logged, you should wait for his response before taking any action. Target sees: Solomon is letting you know that if your interaction continues in this manner, he considers it likely that the two of you will be engaging in CvC (Character vs Character) combat in the near future. If you are willing to enter CvC combat with Solomon, type: ACKNOWLEDGE WARNING. If you would rather keep it peaceful, type: DECLINE WARNING. YOUR RESPONSE WILL BE LOGGED. | WARN (PLAYER) HARASSMENT | You see:You inform Solomon that you consider his current actions to be harassment. Target sees: Denwyn is informing you that he considers your character's current behavior to be harassment. | WARN (PLAYER) INTERACTION | You see:You inform Solomon that you wish no further interaction with him. Having done this, you realize that the two of you should move to separate areas, so as not to escalate the conflict. Target sees: Denwyn is informing you that he wishes to have no further interaction with you OF ANY KIND! He desires that the two of you go your separate ways and have no further contact. |
WATCH This activates a character's ability to keep an eye on something for a period of time. WATCH (PERSON) | You see:You begin to watch Denwyn closely. Target sees: You notice Solomon carefully watching you. |
WAVE You wave. WAVE (item) | You wave your broadsword around. | WAVE (person) | You wave at Callave. | WAVE (self) | You fan yourself. |
WEALTH Used to get a listing of how much money you have, as well as how much debt you owe! You owe 1112 copper Kronars to the Principality of Zoluren. You have: 1 copper Kronars. 2 gold, 3 silver, 6 bronze, and 4 copper Lirums. 7 silver, 9 bronze, and 3 copper Dokoras. WEALTH (currency type) | You can also list ONLY how much of one currency type you have. >WEALTH KRONAR You owe 1112 copper Kronars to the Principality of Zoluren. You have: 1 copper Kronars. |
WEAR Used to WEAR an item! >wear quiver You attach a charred Halfling skin quiver to your belt.
WEAVE A Combat move, used while BRAWLing to improve position and balance. You weave back and forth in a dance-like motion, drawing your opponent's attention away from the fight. Roundtime: 3 sec.
WEDDING The WEDDING verb lists out important information about...WEDDINGS! USAGE: WEDDING LIST - Lists all upcoming weddings. WEDDING REGISTER #|HELP - Allows you to register for an available wedding. HELP displays instructions. WEDDING DATES - Lists available dates wedding dates. WEDDING INFO <#> - Displays information about a particular wedding. WEDDING NOTIFY - Select this option if you wish to be notified when new weddings are added to the list of available weddings (or to remove yourself from the notification list). WEDDING HELP - Provides help with the wedding system.
WEEP A tear runs down your face. WEEP (person) | You look at Callave and start to weep softly. |
WHEEZE You wheeze, trying to catch your breath.
WHIMPER You whimper.
WHINE You whine and complain, probably annoying anyone within earshot.
WHIRLWIND Whirlwind is a Barbarian-only attack that will attempt to strike everything within range of the attacker's weapon. Syntax: WHIRLWIND The ability is not circle based but skill and stat based. To perform this attack you must be holding a melee or pole weapon in your right hand, meet a minimum skill requirement (in the weapon type you're wielding), and also meet a minimum agility requirement. You may also utilize the RP aspect of this verb by typing 'WHIRLWIND SILLY'. You swing your scimitar with wild abandon, weaving it through the air in a flurry of blows that are nearly impossible to count. You channel the momentum with surreal skill and grace. Roundtime: 4 sec.
WHISPER USAGE: WHISPER (VISIBLE) (GROUP|PERSON|NPC) <message> Note: WHISPER VISIBLE will allow everyone in the room to see you WHISPER to someone, but they cannot hear what you are whispering.
WHISTLE You whistle a merry tune. WHISTLE (if you're a Bard) | Bards may whistle in unique ways! Usage: WHISTLE <EMOTE> Whistling with a variety of themes. WHISTLE <EMOTE> TO <PERSON> Whistling to fellow players with those same themes. Emotes: appreciative haunting mournful romantic cheerful longing nervous shrill coy loud nonchalant teasing excited meek off-key tuneless happily mischievous playful urgent halting mocking quiet wistful innocent WHISTLE TO <BARD> Special whistles to catch someone's attention. WHISTLE <SONG> Whistling for memorized non-magical songs. WHISTLE <PERSON> Whistling to another adventurer. | WHISTLE (person) | You whistle at Callave. | WHISTLE (self) | You whistle low. |
WHO Used to see how many people are online and WHO is on-duty. Active Players: 9427 Type WHO FULL to get a list of active players Staff on duty: Lyda
WIELD Syntax: WIELD [WEAPON] to default to an empty hand. WIELD (LEFT|RIGHT) [WEAPON] -- Specifies hand to draw to. If you're wearing the container the weapon is in, type: WIELD [WEAPON] -- To draw a weapon in your right hand by default. WIELD (LEFT|RIGHT) [WEAPON] -- To draw a weapon to the hand you specify. To specify a specific container to draw a weapon from, type: WIELD (LEFT|RIGHT) [WEAPON] IN (MY) [CONTAINER] Note: WIELD and SHEATHE verbs work in tandem to track the container the weapon was drawn from. For full SHEATHE functionability use WIELD to ready your weapon.
WINCE You wince.
WINK You wink. WINK (person) | You wink at Callave. | WINK (person) BEHIND ME | You look over your shoulder and wink at Callave. | WINK (self) | A nervous tic starts up around your eye. | WINK (self) BEHIND ME | You look nervously over your shoulder. |
WIPE WIPE USAGE: WIPE <eyes|nose|mouth|cheek|ears|forehead|hands|arms|feet> WIPE <instrument> with <cloth|towel> WIPE <location> | Valid Locations: <eyes> You wipe one of your eyes. <nose> You wipe your nose. <mouth> You wipe your mouth. <cheek> You rub your cheek <ears> You rub one of your ears. <forehead> You wipe your forehead. <hands> You scrub your hands together. <arms> You rub your arms. <feet> You scuff your feet against the ground. |
WISDOM Your base Wisdom is forty-three(43). It will cost you 129 TDPs to raise your Wisdom from 43 to 44. Wisdom increases the speed at which your experience turns into real ranks, among other things. Use INFO to view all your statistics at once.
WITHDRAW You must be at a bank teller's window to withdraw money. >withdraw 1 cop kro The clerk counts out 1 copper Kronars and hands them over, making a notation in her ledger.
WOBBLE You feel a bit weak in the knees and find yourself wobbling.
WRING Wring what? WRING (person) | Yeah, you just wanna wring their necks sometimes, doncha? | WRING HANDS | You wring your hands nervously | WRING TOWEL | You wring a fluffy blue towel, knotting it into a ball. |
WRITE When used on a suitable writing surface, the WRITE verb allows you to WRITE on something.
YANK Yank what? YANK (person) | You see: Possessive, aren't we?Target sees: Solomon just tried to yank you towards him! | YANK (self) | You tug on your ear. |
YAWN You yawn. Room sees: Solomon yawns expansively. YAWN (self) | You see: Yawn at yourself? You should get out and do more.Room sees: Solomon stifles a yawn. | YAWN (target) | You look at Callave and yawn. |
YELL Used to YELL something that can be heard in all connecting rooms. YELL (text) >Yell Hi! You belt out, "Hi!"
YELP You let out a high-pitched yelp!
YES A good positive attitude never hurts. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |