User Guide — GroupCall (2024)


With GroupCall, your practice can run and manage automated messaging campaigns targeted to specific patient populations.

User access and permissions

To view and manage GroupCall campaigns, your practice must have the athenaCommunicator service and the GroupCall feature enabled, and you must have all the following roles:

  • Communicator
  • Communicator — Campaign Builder
  • Access to all Departments


GroupCall campaigns use the announcement settings in the Communicator Automated Messaging Preferences section of the Privacy Information page. You access the Privacy Information page by clicking the Manage Privacy link on the patient's Quickview page. Your patients can also change their contact preferences using the Patient Portal.

You can also request two additional manual campaigns and create your own custom campaigns, as well.

  • Notes on your athenaCommunicator Services Agreement:

    • We must comply with federal and industry rules regarding mass messaging. If we do not comply, we risk severe fines from the federal government, or having telecommunication carriers refuse to deliver our messages.

    • As a Communicator customer, you agreed not to use GroupCall campaigns for Marketing or Collection purposes per your Communicator Services Agreement.

    • Based on federal rules, we consider offers of elective services as Marketing (for example, a sale or reduced price on an elective procedure).

    • Based on federal rules, we consider offers of any kind of contest as Marketing.

    • Based on federal rules, we consider birthday messages as Marketing.

    • Based on federal rules, we consider collection or charge amount messages as Collections.

    • Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager directly with any questions.

Campaign update timelines

  • Automated GroupCall campaigns take at least 24 hours before anything is sent to the calling queue.

  • Immediate cancellation GroupCall campaigns launch the same day as the update, assuming it is launched before or during the message window.

GroupCall calling time restrictions

To prevent automated messaging at inconvenient times (for example, 3:00a.m.), GroupCall restricts calls and messages to these hours, local time:

  • Weather — 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
  • Cancellation — 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
  • No Show — 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
  • Ticklers — 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
  • Custom — 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Call and messaging holidays

athenaCommunicator services do not place phone calls of any kind on the following holidays. Calls scheduled for these holidays go out one calling day earlier, based on the practice settings for calling days:

  • New Year's Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Independence Day (July 4th)
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Christmas Eve
  • Christmas Day
  • New Year's Eve

For ReminderCall, GroupCall, ResultsCall, and Self-Pay reminders, the calling system adds a day to the calling window for the day before a holiday.

Email and text messages

For the holidays listed above, athenaCommunicator services send email and SMS text messages except for these GroupCall campaigns:

  • Immediate Cancellation
  • Weather
  • Same-day custom campaigns

If messages for these campaigns are configured to be sent on the holiday (or after the message window closes on the day before the holiday), email and text messages are not sent until the next (non-holiday) business day.

Note: For more information about message windows, see Message Windows for athenaCommunicator Automated Messages.

Self-Pay Reminders and Bank Holidays:

For Self-Pay reminders, athenaCommunicator observes bank holidays, and on the following days, we do not send any Self-Pay reminders (calls, emails, or text messages):

  • Martin Luther King Day

  • President's Day

  • Juneteenth

  • Columbus Day (Indigenous People's Day)

  • Veteran's Day

Messages scheduled for bank holidays go out one day earlier, based on the practice settings for message days.

Maximum number of GroupCall phone calls per day

For all campaigns that place phone calls, GroupCall attempts to call the patient up to three times for each campaign message on a given day until the patient answers the call or GroupCall can leave a voice mail message. GroupCall retries a call when there is no answer, the line is busy, or the system is unable to contact the phone number.

Note: GroupCall makes phone calls to 10-digit phone numbers that do not include extensions.

GroupCall standard campaigns

athenahealth creates standard campaigns for you, usually during athenaCommunicator implementation. You can view information about standard campaigns on the Campaign Library page. To change the settings for standard campaigns, please contact the CSC by selecting Support > Create Case or Call in the Main Menu.

Appointment No Shows campaign

The Appointment No Shows campaign automatically checks for appointments that are marked with an appointment cancellation reason of "Patient No Show" and sends a message informing patients that they missed their appointment. Appointment cancellation reasons appear in the Reason for cancellation menu on the Check-in page.

Note: Any appointment that is marked with a cancellation reason of "no show" will receive messages from the Appointment No Shows campaign.

You can view and edit the appointment cancellation reasons for your practice on the Appointment Cancellation Reasons page. On this page, the Patient No Show column must display "Yes" for the appointment cancellation reason in order for this reason to be recognized by the Appointment No Shows campaign.

Note: If you did not select the Patient no-show option for the cancellation reason on the Appointment Cancellation Reasons page, the Appointment No Shows campaign will not send messages for appointments that were cancelled with that cancellation reason.

athenahealth creates this standard campaign for your practice, usually during athenaCommunicator implementation.

Note: If you would like a manual version of the Appointment No Shows campaign to control when GroupCall sends No Show messages to your patients, please contact the CSC by selecting Support > Create Case or Call in the Main Menu. You should request a manual Appointment No Shows campaign only if you decide to delete or not use the automated Appointment No Shows campaign.

Appointment No Shows campaign phone message

Following is the default phone message for Appointment No Shows campaigns.


The following is an important message for [PATIENT NAME].

Appointment No Shows message

Our records indicate that you did not attend your appointment. Your health is very important to us and it is important that you keep your appointment with our office. Please contact our office to reschedule this appointment.

Instructional message

If you would like to be assisted by a staff member regarding this call, please press 1 now to be connected. [This sentence is played only if transfers to live operators or the practice are enabled.]

To replay these instructions, please press 9 on your telephone keypad.

Appointment Ticklers campaign

The Appointment Ticklers campaign automatically checks for ticklers and sends a message to patients reminding them to schedule an appointment. athenahealth creates this standard campaign for your practice, usually during athenaCommunicator implementation. For ticklers to be included in these campaigns, you must create ticklers with an approximate date in the future.

Note: If you would like a manual version of the Appointment Ticklers campaign to control when GroupCall sends appointment tickler messages to your patients, please contact the CSC by selecting Support > Create Case or Call in the Main Menu. You should request a manual Appointment Ticklers campaign only if you decide to delete or not use the automated Appointment Ticklers campaign.

Appointment Ticklers campaign phone message

Following is the default phone message for Appointment Ticklers campaigns.


The following is an important message for [PATIENT NAME].

Appointment Ticklers message

Our records indicate that it is time to schedule your appointment with our office. Please contact our office to schedule this appointment. As always, your health is important to us and we look forward to scheduling your appointment soon.

Instructional message

If you would like to be assisted by a staff member regarding this call, please press 1 now to be connected. [This sentence is played only if transfers to live operators or the practice are enabled.]

To replay these instructions, please press 9 on your telephone keypad.

Appointment Ticklers campaign text message

Following is a sample text message for Appointment Ticklers campaigns.

It's time to schedule an appointment with 7HILLSMEDICAL. Pls visit to schedule. Txt HELP for help. Txt 723STOP to end alerts.

Cancellation campaign

The Cancellation campaign automatically checks for appointments that require cancellation and sends a message to patients notifying them that the practice has cancelled their appointment and that they need to reschedule it. To include an appointment in a Cancellation campaign, you must mark the appointment as "requires cancellation" by deleting the appointment slot on the Manage Appointments page.

Note: The best practice for using this campaign is to mark appointments for cancellation at least oneweek before the scheduled appointments.

athenahealth creates this standard campaign for your practice, usually during athenaCommunicator implementation.

Cancellation campaign phone message

Following is the default phone message for Cancellation campaigns.


The following is an important message for [PATIENT NAME].

Cancellation message

Due to an unforeseen scheduling conflict we need to reschedule your appointment with us. Please contact our office. We apologize for any inconvenience that this has caused. As always, your health is very important to us and we look forward to rescheduling your appointment soon.

Instructional message

If you would like to be assisted by a staff member regarding this call, please press 1 now to be connected. [This sentence is played only if transfers to live operators or the practice are enabled.]

To replay these instructions, please press 9 on your telephone keypad.

Immediate Cancellation campaign

The Immediate Cancellation campaign does not run automatically (unlike the Cancellation campaign). Instead, you use this campaign when you must cancel same-day scheduled appointments using the Manage Appointments page.

Note: Use the Immediate Cancellation campaign to cancel appointments that are scheduled for the current week. When this campaign is run, appointments are not removed from providers' schedules.

Your patients receive a message on the same day that you run this campaign to notify them that their scheduled appointment needs to be rescheduled. By default, immediate cancellation messages are sent from 7:00a.m. to 8:00p.m. You can configure an Immediate Cancellation campaign to send messages as early as 6:00a.m., but athenaOne will not send these messages later than 8:00p.m.

Important: Use the standard Immediate Cancellation campaign to send urgent messages about cancelling appointments. If you instead create a manual custom campaign for this purpose, the campaign will not usually send messages the same day.

athenahealth creates this standard campaign for your practice, usually during athenaCommunicator implementation. If you do not find this campaign in the Campaign Library, you can contact the Client Support Center for assistance by selecting Support > Create Case or Call in the Main Menu.

Note: The phone message delivered by the Immediate Cancellation campaign is the same as the message delivered by the Cancellation campaign. However, Live Operator service is not available for Immediate Cancellation campaigns.

Weather campaign

The Weather campaign allows you to send messages to patients when you need to cancel appointments due to weather-related issues. GroupCall sends weather messages only when you manually select the appointments using the Manage Appointments page.

Note: When this campaign is run, appointments are not removed from providers' schedules.

Your patients receive a message on the same day that you run this campaign. Email and text messages are sent within an hour, and phone calls are sent within 2hours. By default, weather campaign messages are sent from 7:00a.m. to 8:00p.m., but these messages can be sent as early as 6:00a.m.

Important: Use the standard Weather campaign to send urgent messages about cancelling appointments due to weather conditions. If you instead create a manual custom campaign for this purpose, the campaign will not usually send messages the same day.

athenahealth creates this standard campaign for your practice, usually during athenaCommunicator implementation. If you do not find this campaign in your Campaign Library, you can contact the Client Support Center for assistance by selecting Support > Create Case or Call in the Main Menu.

Note: Live Operator service is not available for Weather campaigns.

Weather campaign phone message

Following is the default phone message for Weather campaigns.


The following is an important message for [PATIENT NAME].

Weather message

Due to inclement weather and for the safety of our patients and our employees, we have decided to close our office. Your appointment will need to be rescheduled. When our office reopens, we will be contacting you to reschedule your appointment. We apologize for the inconvenience and look forward to seeing you soon.

Instructional message

If you would like to be assisted by a staff member regarding this call, please press 1 now to be connected. [This sentence is played only if transfers to the practice are enabled.]

To replay these instructions, please press 9 on your telephone keypad.

Portal Adoption campaign

The goal of the Portal Adoption campaign is to promote the Patient Portal to your patients who have provided an email address but have not registered for the Patient Portal. The Portal Adoption campaign sends emails to patients on a weekly or monthly basis; it does not make phone calls or send text messages.

Note: An individual patient receives a maximum of six Portal Adoption campaign emails.

athenahealth creates this standard campaign for your practice, usually during athenaCommunicator implementation. After you go live with athenaCommunicator, we wait six months before sending the first Patient Portal adoption campaign emails. Also, we send these campaign emails only to active patients (patients who have had appointments in the last 18 months).

Note: To prevent the sending of Portal Adoption emails to a patient, display the Privacy Information page and select the Do not send Portal Adoption Emails option.

GroupCall administration tools

To view and edit GroupCall settings at the practice level, the department level, or the provider level, you can use the GroupCall Settings page.

GroupCall administration tools consist of two main pages: the Campaign Library and the Campaign Builder. Each page provides a series of tabs to guide you through the GroupCall campaign workflows.

Campaign Library

The Campaign Library is your central location for viewing and managing GroupCall campaigns. Each campaign listed on the Campaign Library page includes the name of the campaign (for example, Appointment No Shows or Adolescent Well-Care Visits) and a description of the campaign (either the default description or the description that you entered when you created a custom campaign).

At the top of the Campaign Library page, you can click Create new campaign. This link displays the Campaign Builder page, where you create the new GroupCall campaign.

A list of existing GroupCall campaigns appears on each tab of the Campaign Library page. The following links appear below the name of a campaign (some links appear only on the Custom tab).

  • Activate — Reactivate a deactivated automated campaign.
  • Audit history — Display an audit history of changes made to the campaign.
  • Continue campaign creation — Complete the creation of a custom campaign that you began previously.
  • Copy — Create a copy of an existing campaign to use as the starting point for a new campaign. This link displays the Campaign Builder page, where you can create the new campaign based on the one you copied.
  • Deactivate — Deactivate an automated campaign. Clicking Deactivate stops this campaign from producing messages the next time that it is scheduled to run. Deactivating a campaign does not stop messages that are currently queued up for patients. To stop campaign messages from going out to patients, please contact the CSC by selecting Support > Create Case or Call in the Main Menu.
  • Delete — Delete a campaign. You can restore a deleted campaign by selecting the Show deleted campaigns option at the bottom of the page, and then clicking Undelete below the name of the deleted campaign. Deleting a campaign does not stop it from making calls. To stop calls associated with a deleted campaign, you must deactivate the campaign or enter an expiration (end) date for the campaign.
  • Edit — You can edit the campaign's contact methods, instructional messages, and calling window. This link displays the Campaign Builder page, where you can edit the campaign.
  • Restart — Run a campaign again. This link is available for campaigns that have a status of Completed.
  • Run Activity Report — Run a report that shows the number of messages that the campaign has sent. This link displays the Patient Communication Activity report and preselects the campaign in the Campaigns filter.
  • Run Outcomes report — Run a report that shows the number of appointments and the amount of revenue generated from this population health campaign. This link appears for completed, single-instance population health campaigns.
  • View Details — Display information about the standard or custom campaign, including the departments configured to use the campaign; the phone, email, and text messages sent to patients; and the schedule for the campaign.

If you need to stop messages that are already going out to patients today, please call the Client Support Center by selecting Support > Create Case or Call in the Main Menu. The CSC can provide assistance to stop today's messages and all associated retries.

Campaigns sorted by tab

Campaigns on the Campaign Library page are listed on the following tabs:

  • Standard
  • Population Health
  • Health Awareness
  • Custom
  • Legacy (that is, campaigns created in

Click any tab to see the campaigns of that type.

Note: To view and run population health and health awareness campaigns, your practice must use the athenaClinicals service, as well as the athenaCommunicator service.

Campaign statuses

The Campaign Library page displays the status of each campaign. The campaign statuses are:

  • Active — The campaign is active and will send messages to your patients when they meet the campaign criteria (patient filters, patient list, start/end date, etc.).
  • Cancelled — The campaign was cancelled before it finished sending messages to all patients and is not actively sending messages. This campaign status is available only for custom single-instance campaigns.
  • Completed — The campaign has been completed. If the campaign has sent messages, you see the number of messages sent. If the campaign has never sent messages, you see this message: "This campaign has never sent scheduled messages."
  • Deactivated — The campaign has been deactivated and is not actively sending messages. You can reactivate a deactivated campaign by clicking Activate. This campaign status is available only for automated campaigns.
  • In progress — The campaign was saved as a draft ("work in progress") and is not actively sending messages (click Continue campaign creation to finish creating the campaign).

Campaign Builder

The Campaign Builder page walks you through the steps to create population health campaigns, health awareness campaigns, and new custom campaigns. (Previously created custom campaigns appear in the Campaign Library on the Custom tab.)

Note: To view and run population health and health awareness campaigns, your practice must use the athenaClinicals service, as well as the athenaCommunicator service.

After you create a campaign on the Campaign Builder page, you can run it again and edit it on the Campaign Library page. Click the tab on the Campaign Library page to find a campaign that you created. For example, click the Population Health tab to locate population health campaigns that you created, or click the Custom tab to locate custom campaigns.

Magic words

For a list of magic words for athenaCommunicator, including GroupCall, refer to the Magic Words User Guide.

Step-by-step instructions

To activate GroupCall for providers

If the Activate providers by default setting on the GroupCall Settings page is not selected, you can enable GroupCall for providers as follows:

  1. Display the GroupCall Settings page: On the Main Menu, click Settings User Guide — GroupCall (27) > Communicator. In the left menu, under Practice Links — GroupCall, click GroupCall Settings.
    The GroupCall Settings page opens, with the practice-wide settings displayed.
  2. Filter by — Select Settings from the menu, and then select the Inactive providers option from the list of settings.
  3. Click Filter. All providers for whom GroupCall is not activated are listed on the left side of the page.
    Note: A provider can be listed in more than one department.
  4. You can enable GroupCall for all providers in the list, or you can select one provider.
    • The first provider in the list appears in the View Settings for Provider area of the page. If you want to enable GroupCall for this provider only, click Activate.
    • If you want to enable GroupCall for a different provider in the list, click the provider name on the left side of the page. In the View Settings for Provider area of the page, click Activate.
    • To enable GroupCall for all inactive providers (shown on the left side of the page), click Bulk Edit. In the Edit Settings for Multiple Providers area of the page, click Activate.
  5. After you click the Activate button for a single provider, the View Settings for Provider view appears. These settings are the settings for the department to which this provider belongs.

To deactivate GroupCall for a provider

After you deactivate GroupCall messages for a provider, the provider still appears on the GroupCall Settings page.

  1. Display the GroupCall Settings page: On the Main Menu, click Settings User Guide — GroupCall (29) > Communicator. In the left menu, under Practice Links — GroupCall, click GroupCall Settings.
  2. Filter by — Select Provider from the menu.
    The list of providers appears on the right side of the page.
  3. Select the provider from the list, and then click Filter.
  4. Click Edit. If the provider appears in more than one department and you need to deactivate GroupCall for that provider in all departments, click Bulk Edit.
  5. Select Use custom settings.
  6. Message type — Disable the following options (remove the checkmarks from the boxes):
    • Enable phone calls
    • Enable emails
    • Enable text messages
  7. Click Save.

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© 2024 athenahealth, Inc. All rights reserved. These materials constitute Confidential Business Information of athenahealth, Inc. subject to the non-disclosure provisions of the athenahealth Services Agreement, and are provided for the internal use of athenahealth customers only.

User Guide — GroupCall (2024)


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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

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Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.