How to Take Progress Photos? - FotoProfy (2024)

If you’re anything like me, you love seeing physical progress. Whether it’s inches lost on the scale, clothes fitting better, or seeing muscles pop…progress photos are a great way to track your fitness journey and celebrate your successes! In this guide, we’ll answer some common questions about taking progress photos and give you some tips for capturing your own fitness journey. Let’s get started!

What is a Progress Photo?

A progress photo is a picture taken at different intervals to document your physical changes over time. They are most commonly used by people who are working on their fitness, but can be used for any sort of physical transformation.

Progress photos can be taken with any type of camera, but many people use their phones because it’s convenient. However, if you plan on taking progress photos regularly and post them online, you might want to invest in a better quality camera.

How to Take Progress Photos? - FotoProfy (1)

Still, what are the benefits of progress photos? Why should you take them and post them online? There are several reasons.

They help to keep you motivated

Seeing yourself change over time can be a great motivator to stick with your fitness journey. It can be easy to get discouraged when you don’t see results right away, but tracking your progress with photos also allows you to look back and see how far you’ve come. This can be especially helpful when you’re feeling discouraged. Seeing the physical changes that have occurred since you started can remind you of why you started in the first place and help keep you going.

Posting your progress photos online can also help to keep you accountable. When you know that others are following your journey, you’re more likely to stay on track because you don’t want to let them down. [1], [2]

They show more than your scales would

The number on the scale is not always an accurate representation of your progress. Your weight can fluctuate for a variety of reasons, such as water retention or different types of food. Progress photos, on the other hand, show a more accurate depiction of your physical changes.

For example, if you’ve lost fat and gained muscle, you might not see a change in your weight but you will see a difference in your appearance. Similarly, if you’ve gained muscle but haven’t lost fat, you might see a slight increase in weight but your body will look more toned. In short, progress photos are a more reliable way to track your physical changes than the number on the scale. [1], [2]

They let you track your progress

Keeping track of your progress is important for both motivation and evaluation purposes.By looking at your journey photos, you can see what’s working and what isn’t.

If you’re not seeing the results you want, you can make changes to your diet or workout routine. On the other hand, if you are seeing progress, you can continue doing what you’re doing.

Progress photos are indeed a great way to celebrate your accomplishments. When you look back at old progress photos, you’ll be able to see just how much you’ve changed and how much you’ve accomplished since you started. [1], [2]

How to Take Progress Photos? - FotoProfy (2)

How to Take a Progress Photo

Luckily, you don’t need to hire a professional photographer – anyone can take a great progress photo as long as you know a few basic tips. In this section, we’ll show you how to take progress photos that capture your unique progress.

Take a picture at the start of your journey

This is the most important photo because it shows your starting point. It can be hard to see your own progress if you don’t have a “before” photo to compare it to. You might be feeling a bit apprehensive about taking a photo of yourself at the start of your fitness journey. But it’s crucial to do so! This will be your “before” photo that you can look back on later to see just how far you’ve come. Plus, it can be really motivating to see the physical changes you make over time.

So don’t be shy – go ahead and snap a pic! Just make sure to take it from the same angle each time so you can really see the transformation.

And if you’re not ready to share your “before” photo with anyone just yet, that’s totally understandable. You can always keep it for yourself as a private reminder of where you started.

Wear the same clothes (or as similar as possible)

In order to get an accurate comparison, it’s best to wear the same clothes (or something similar) in each photo. This doesn’t mean you have to wear the same exact outfit – just make sure the clothing is tight-fitting so you can see your body shape. If you wear tight clothing in one photo and baggy clothing in another, it will be harder to see the changes.

Actually, we suggest you stick to well-fitting clothing either way. Wearing loose clothing can make it hard to see any changes, which can be frustrating if you’ve been working hard to lose weight or gain muscle. Tight clothing, on the other hand, will show off your hard work and physical changes. If you don’t have any tight clothing, try wearing a swimsuit or leggings. You should also avoid wearing baggy clothes in photos because they can hide your results.

And if you don’t have the same clothes, you can try to find something that’s a similar style and color. The goal is to create a consistent look so it’s easier to see your progress. Wearing the same clothes also can have the added benefit of making you feel more comfortable in front of the camera. [2], [3], [4]

Use a plain background

A busy or cluttered background can be distracting and make it harder to see your progress. Because of this, it’s best to use a plain background like a wall, door, or piece of fabric for your photoshoot. Avoid busy patterns or anything that might distract you and others from your progress. You should absolutely make sure the focus is on you and your body. And if you’re taking your photo outdoors, try to find an area that’s not too crowded or chaotic. Again, the goal is to keep the focus on you and your progress. [3], [4]

How to Take Progress Photos? - FotoProfy (3)

Take your photos at the same time every few week

It’s important to be consistent with your progress photos so you can see a true transformation. Setting a designated day to take your photos will help you to develop a schedule and stick to it. Consistency is truly a key when it comes to seeing results from your fitness journey.

To get the most accurate results, we recommend taking progress photos at the same time each week or month. This could be first thing in the morning on Saturdays, or right after your evening workout on Wednesdays – just pick a time that works for you and stick to it.

When deciding how often to take progress photos, it’s important to find a balance. If you take them too often, you might not see much of a difference from one photo to the next. For this reason, it’s best to either track your progress when you can see some real changes in your body, or the same day every two to four weeks.

If you miss it a day (or two), don’t stress! Just pick up where you left off and continue taking progress photos as usual. [4], [5]

Take pictures from all sides, front and back, as well as close-ups

To get a full picture of your progress, you’ll want to take pictures from all angles. This will give you a more complete view of your transformation and help you see changes that might be less obvious from one angle. This includes the front, back, and sides. Taking pictures from different angles will help you see progress that might not be as apparent from just one angle. It will also give you a more well-rounded view of your overall progress.

You may also want to take close-ups of any areas that have changed the most. For example, if you’ve lost a lot of weight in your face or arms, you’ll want to take a close-up of those areas so you can really see the changes. [3], [4]

Take full-length body shots

In addition to close-ups, you’ll also want to take full-length body shots. This will give you a better idea of how your body has changed as a whole. Plus, it can be really satisfying to see the progress you’ve made from head-to-toe!

How to Take Progress Photos? - FotoProfy (4)

To get a good full-length photo, we recommend using a tripod or setting your camera up on a timer. This will help you avoid any blurriness and ensure that you get a clear shot. You can also ask a friend or family member to take the photo for you.

A lot of people choose to use their bathroom mirror because it’s usually well-lit and provides a clear view of your body. If you use the mirror, make sure to clean it first so there aren’t any streaks or smudges! You can also use a full-length mirror that you lean against a wall. [3], [4], [5]

Take pictures in proper lighting

It’s no secret that lighting makes a big difference in photos. The same goes for progress pictures! Try to take your pictures in natural light or in a well-lit room.

Avoid direct sunlight whenever possible. The harshness of the sun can create unflattering shadows and highlights on your body that can distort your appearance. If you must take your photos in direct sunlight, try to do so early in the morning or late in the day when the sun is not as high in the sky.

Soft, natural light is always going to be more flattering than artificial light. If you’re indoors, open up all the blinds and curtains to let in as much natural light as possible.

Again, stay consistent with the lighting in your photos. Make sure to take each photo in the same type of lighting so you can more easily see your progress over time. [2], [3], [4], [5]

Order pictures from oldest to newest

Finally, as you start to accumulate progress photos, make sure to keep them organized. We recommend ordering them from oldest to newest so you can see the progression of your transformation over time. You can also create a separate album or folder for each month or week. This will help you stay organized and make it easier to find specific photos later on.


Should you flex in progress pictures?

The answer is… it depends! If you want to see changes in your muscle definition, then flexing in progress pictures can be helpful. However, if you’re more interested in seeing changes in your overall body composition (i.e., fat loss or gain), then avoiding flexing might be a better option since muscle definition can be masked by excess body fat.

Why are progress photos important?

Progress photos are important because they capture your physical changes over time. This can be motivating when you see yourself making progress and helpful for tracking your progress if you hit a plateau.

In addition, seeing visual documentation of the hard work you’ve put in can be a huge confidence booster–something we all could use more of!

How often should you take progress photos?

This is a difficult question to answer because it depends on your personal goals and how you are tracking your progress. If you are looking to see drastic changes week-to-week, then taking progress photos once a week is probably sufficient. However, if you are trying to track more subtle changes or simply want to keep a photo diary of your fitness journey, then taking progress photos more frequently may be necessary. A good rule of thumb is to take progress photos at least once every two weeks so that you can have a reliable reference point to look back on.

Useful Video: How to take progress pictures (and why they’re so important)

Final words

Progress photos are an excellent way to document and track your fitness journey. By taking pictures regularly, you can see the changes in your body over time and celebrate your successes along the way. What’s more, taking them properly is fairly easy! Always take a full-length shot of yourself from several different angles, and make sure the lighting is good. Use a timer or have someone else take the photo for you so that you can get a clear, unobstructed view. And most importantly, be consistent! Progress photos are most useful when you take them at regular intervals. With these tips in mind, go out and start documenting your fitness journey today! You’ll be glad you did. Thanks for reading!


How to Take Progress Photos? - FotoProfy (2024)


How to take consistent progress photos? ›

Take your pictures and measurements at the same time every week, from the front, sides, and back. You can also do every other week if you like too, just pick an interval and be consistent. Add a reminder to your calendar every 7-10 days or at your chosen interval so you can stay on top of it.

How to take progress pics with phone? ›

Our 8 tips for the best before & after fitness progress photos
  1. Tip 1: Show your shape. ...
  2. Tip 2: Wear the same clothes. ...
  3. Tip 3: Use a plain wall. ...
  4. Tip 4: Take a full-body photo at eye level. ...
  5. Tip 5: Shoot from 3 angles. ...
  6. Tip 6: Stand in natural light. ...
  7. Tip 7: Maintain good posture.

How often should you take progress pictures during weight loss? ›

Progress photos are pictures you take of yourself to accurately document any physical changes that may occur during your fitness journey. You'll take your first set of photos — from a few different angles — at the beginning of your fitness journey, and then repeat this process every four weeks.

Are you supposed to flex in progress pictures? ›

Tips for Capturing the Best Progress Photos

Front: stand relaxed, don't flex, and don't stick your belly out. Just be comfortable. Back: raise your camera at an angle so you can capture your entire head to toe from the back. Again, relax, and try not to flex your back!

What is the secret to VShred? ›

The diet is primarily constructed around one fundamental concept: That your body type should determine what you should eat. More specifically, VShred builds its meal plans around three body types: Endomorphs: People who naturally have higher amounts of fat and muscle.

Is the V-Shred program legit? ›

Over the past few years, we have successfully assisted millions of people worldwide, regardless of age or body type. V Shred prides itself on being a reputable entity in the online fitness and personal training realm.Typically, our Custom Diet Plans are non-refundable.

What program is better than V Shred? ›

Capsiplex Trim totally outperforms VShred as a way better option for shedding those extra pounds. Go to the official Capsiplex Trim website to get the best overall experience. Capsiplex Trim totally beats VShred when it comes to losing weight, thanks to its awesome and effective way of helping you reach your goals.

How to take progress photos with iPhone? ›

To take a Progress Photo, follow these steps:
  1. Navigate to the drawing on which you want to capture.
  2. At the bottom of your screen, select "Progress." Select the pin onto which you'd like to capture a Progress Photo. ...
  3. The type of pin selected determines which type of progress photo you will be taking.

What time should I take progress pictures? ›

Most of the time, it's most convenient to take progress photos first thing in the morning before you've had anything to eat or drink, so you won't be bloated from a recent meal, and you'll be at a consistent level of (de)hydration for all of your progress photos.

Is it good to take progress pictures? ›

If you scroll through any health and fitness professionals Instagram, you would be hard pressed not to find an abundance of gym selfies and progress pictures. These images are not only helping to motivate others on their fitness journeys but also offer validation to the individual of their own hard work.

How to take the best progress pictures? ›

How can I make my progress pictures look better?
  1. Choose a simple non distracting location like a plain wall. Make sure there is no clutter, patterns, bright colors or distracting objects in the background. ...
  2. Wear clothing that will reveal your conditioning. ...
  3. Take a full-body photo at eye level. ...
  4. Stand in natural light.
Nov 21, 2023

How to take progress pictures by yourself for weight loss? ›

How to take weight loss progress pictures
  1. Choose the same location every time. The location of your progress check-in photo is important. ...
  2. Use the light well. ...
  3. Use a tripod. ...
  4. Use a timer. ...
  5. Keep the same angle every time. ...
  6. Don't over-edit your photos. ...
  7. Time of day. ...
  8. Photos are great but also track other metrics.
May 15, 2023

What is a realistic timeline for losing body fat? ›

Set goals you can reach

Aim to lose 1 to 2 pounds (0.5 to 1 kilogram) a week over the long term. To do that, you'll need to burn about 500 to 750 calories more than you take in each day. Losing 5% of your current weight may be a good goal to start with.

How do you take consistent before and after photos? ›

The best way to capture consistent before and after photos is to pick an angle that works for your treatment area. For example, if you are taking a photo of the treatment zone for body contouring, you want to make sure your camera is parallel to the ground so that it remains consistent from photo to photo.

How far apart should progress pictures be? ›

Frequency is up to you but I would not wait to take progress pictures any longer than two weeks apart if you are serious about making change. A lot can happen in two weeks.

How do I take progress photos on my Iphone? ›

To take a Progress Photo, follow these steps:

At the bottom of your screen, select "Progress." Select the pin onto which you'd like to capture a Progress Photo. NOTE: Selecting "Standard" or "360" will trigger and place a new pin. 3. The type of pin selected determines which type of progress photo you will be taking.


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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.